Where showrooms get clothes. How to open a profitable clothing showroom? Premises and equipment

The first showrooms appeared in the west and served as a place for meetings and negotiations between clothing designers and sales managers. The main distinguishing feature of showrooms is a place for concluding contracts.. In Russia in Lately this phenomenon also got a place for development. First of all, clothes of branded brands are exhibited here, and trade, as a rule, is in the duty-free format, that is, the purchase is not subject to additional tax. Getting into the showroom is not so easy, as a rule, either by acquaintance or by special invitation.

According to our estimates, in order to open your own clothing showroom, you will need at least 300-400 thousand rubles while taking into account the high competition in this market segment. If you plan to sell designer clothes, then this amount may even increase.
In addition to clothing, showrooms can exhibit other types of products, from electronics to cars, but this article will focus primarily on the clothing showroom.

Distinctive features of the business

Where to start - you ask. First of all, you need to choose the format of the institution. This may be a wholesale warehouse for displaying clothes, a boutique offering branded clothing at relatively low prices, or an atelier shop.

In addition, there is the option of a home showroom. At the same time, the business, as a rule, is not officially registered, which, however, does not greatly affect sales. The reason is the uniqueness of the items sold and the prices, which are much lower than the market ones.

Showroom at home

When drawing up a business plan for a showroom, it must be taken into account that this business can be run at home until the flow of customers becomes too large. From this point on, you will have to draw up an LLC or IP. We advise you to open an IP, which will be more profitable.

How to register a business

If you are planning not only a demonstration, but also the sale of exhibited samples, you will definitely have to register entity. First of all, it will depend on the scale of activity: if it is retail, then IP will be enough, if you plan wholesale trade, a limited liability company. The type of accounting of the enterprise and invoices will also depend on this. Again, opening an IP is easier in terms of bookkeeping and cheaper.

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In addition, in case you plan to sell samples, you will need to make product quality certificates confirmed by state standards. It is also important to remember that if the submitted products are purchased abroad, you must obtain customs declarations.

Where to buy items for display

There are many places where you can buy fashion items for showrooms. We list them below.

  1. outlets, an analogue of shopping centers selling branded clothes at below market prices. Here you can buy clothes wholesale and retail.
  2. Factories who sew ready-made clothes. Here you can order a whole batch of designer clothes in advance. As a rule, they sell only in large volumes.
  3. Online shopping. Here you can also find clothes of fashion brands and in large quantities, however, often it can be of low quality.

Promotion tools

You can create a profile in in social networks, given the low cost of promotion and advertising. In addition, this is an opportunity to quickly attract the required number of subscribers. Also in this area of ​​business, the so-called "word of mouth" is well suited.
One of highlights is a competent development of the concept. First of all, you need to decide on the format, target audience and price segment. At the exit, you can go from a casual clothing store to a boutique selling high-end designer items. Accordingly, the advertising company, depending on the option chosen, can vary greatly in terms of budget.

Where to organize

To open your clothing showroom from scratch, a large space is first of all important. This may be the building of already inactive factories, factories. Here, in terms of the interior, you can turn around to the fullest.

The showroom needs a large space.

But the most popular showroom location is shopping centers. First of all, this is due to their patency. In addition, it can encourage occasional purchases as well as building a loyal customer base.

It is important to know that the premises must comply with a number of standards, namely:

  • area from 50 to 150 square meters;
  • the presence of a certain amount of energy capacity;
  • ventilation and air conditioning systems.

In addition, there are other criteria for choosing a location:

  • the level of competition with similar stores in your chosen territory;
  • patency and nature of movement;
  • income level, gender and age of the population in the selected area;
  • the prospect of development of the area in the future, there may be a large housing development.

After choosing the location of the store, you can proceed to its interior. First of all, attention should be paid to the location of the product. The client should not have problems with the opportunity to get acquainted with the products closer. Therefore, it is necessary to properly arrange the racks on which the products will look advantageous. Remember that the atmosphere you choose can make all the difference.

It is important to properly furnish the room in which the negotiations will take place. The room should be furnished with the greatest possible comfort, so that lengthy negotiations do not cause inconvenience to customers.

And how are they

Now Russian market clothing for more than half consists of products from neighboring countries, including from Central Asia and China. A fifth of the clothes are produced in Russia, and these are simple brands, and less than 15 percent are branded Russian and foreign clothes.

Showroom of brand clothes

Recently, more and more fashion manufacturers are turning their attention to China. This is due, as you might guess, with the relative cheapness of their products, as well as with a large number of industries. To cooperate with Chinese manufacturers, it is enough to conclude a dealer agreement with a Chinese company that has representative offices in major cities.

In many countries of the world, a "showroom" is a room at the place where a fashion show is held, for designers to communicate with potential buyers. Nothing is sold in such rooms, but the most profitable deals are concluded there. In the "showrooms" of such a plan, you can examine and feel the models from the collection in detail and agree on the supply of the clothes you like.

In our country, a "showroom" is understood as a place of tax-free trade in things, usually luxury clothing. Typically, such places have a certain touch of mystery and mystery, because you can get into one or another showroom only by acquaintance or by appointment. You can earn quite a lot on such a business project: from 1000 USD. per month, although profits can be unstable. For many, opening a "showroom" is only the first step towards the development of a legal business.

Business features

A showroom can be both an object for demonstrating clothes to wholesalers, and a kind of boutique for those who want to acquire stylish and exclusive clothes without visiting a foreign country. For those who wish quick money, it is not worth organizing a showroom, since this business does not bring quick profits. In addition, there is always a risk that the purchased clothes will not be in demand.

As a rule, the owners of such private boutiques do not see the point in registering and formalizing, and the customers who buy high-quality designer clothes at half the price do not see the point either.

This form of doing business is justified if the customer base of the showroom does not exceed 150-200 people, and the owner himself will carry the goods. If the object is planned to work with wholesale buyers, and the business will expand, then you should think about official registration, for example, of an individual entrepreneur. Registration of an IP is cheaper, but it is worth remembering that an entrepreneur is liable in the amount of all his property, and when organizing an LLC, he risks only the authorized capital.

Illegal activity has other disadvantages:

  • In the absence of contracts with suppliers, there is no protection and no official guarantees in cooperation with them.
  • The goods will not be shipped to an individual wholesale prices, and therefore prices in the boutique will be at least 20% higher.
  • If employees work in the showroom, then with illegal work, there are no guarantees that, with possible dissatisfaction on their part, they will not try to destroy the business by contacting the tax office.
  • The same can be done by dissatisfied customers, who can also apply to the consumer protection committee.


Under the future salon, you need to choose a room and make repairs in it. A boutique should have a cozy atmosphere with maximum comfort for customers, so you should not save on decoration and interior. A significant amount should be allocated for repairs (from 10 thousand USD). If at first there are no funds for rent, you can try to open a showroom at home by allocating one of the rooms for this.


If at first you can do it on your own when selling clothes, then with an increase in the number of customers, you will need at least one more assistant. In addition, the business owner is unlikely to be able to be constantly in place. It is desirable that the seller in the showroom has the skills of a stylist or knowledge of modeling and tailoring. Only professionals should work with fashionable, beautiful and expensive clothes sold in showrooms.


A feature of such outlets for the sale of clothes is that buyers can not only buy any thing they like, but also dress from head to toe, that is, the assortment of things should be the most diverse: from outerwear and accessories and jewelry.

Many novice showroom owners choose things themselves by purchasing them abroad. For this, there are outlets - entire villages of boutiques from various manufacturers that sell items from past collections. This is a great option for those who do not strive to strictly adhere to fashion trends, but want to dress in beautiful and high-quality clothes from world-famous manufacturers.

With a larger business project, the supply of clothing can be negotiated with large wholesale firms for the purchase of clothing that work with many manufacturers, but. as practice shows, these suppliers often include moles from old collections in the list of their products.

The best option is when the owner himself is engaged in the selection of things for the showroom, attending fashion shows. True, this may cause difficulties - for example, fashion designers often offer the entire collection as a whole, but do not sell items individually. Since, in addition to things, you still need to purchase accessories and shoes, this option is very expensive.

In short, the list of places to buy things can be as follows:

  • Outlets. Items are sold from past collections with 30-70% discounts. You can buy any number of clothes and different sizes. There are no minimum lots, but it is often difficult to find the right sizes and colors.
  • Clothing factories. The minimum purchase is from 500 euros, and the cost of such things is very profitable. It is also attractive that many factories work with customers remotely, using catalogs.
  • Factory on preorder. Many tailoring factories prepare products on pre-orders, that is, in order to purchase a winter collection, it is necessary to agree in the spring.
  • Wholesale warehouses. In such places they sell things of the last season - clothes, shoes, accessories - with a 60-70% discount. The minimum lot costs from 1000 euros.


The best way to advertise is personal recommendations, that is, word of mouth. A well-served client will definitely tell his friends and acquaintances. Typically, one regular customer can bring up to ten new customers.
Visitors to showrooms can spend up to 1500 USD on upgrades every month. Having gained a base of regular customers, you can count on solid, and most importantly, permanent profits.

The concept of "showroom" came to us from the West, translated from English it means "room for display" or "room for demonstration". As a rule, samples of products are exhibited in such rooms, for example, branded clothing or shoes. Representatives of clothing stores and retail chains can study samples and order some copies for their enterprises at wholesale prices.

Showrooms in Russia are also used to sell appliances, furniture, building and finishing materials. As a rule, both large brands and start-up manufacturers have such showrooms. In the first case, they work mainly for dealers and wholesale buyers. In the second case, they are an alternative to rent commercial premises for beginner designers and fashion designers who produce things by the piece.

If it is planned to sell items on display in the windows, the registration takes place according to the same principle as the design of a small retail store. commercial enterprise. The organizer needs to choose the reporting format and the type of enterprise -:

  • A limited liability company is suitable if you plan to trade in small and large wholesale.
  • An enterprise in the IP format is more profitable for those who rely only on working with retail customers.

Depending on the choice of the type of enterprise, a document flow policy will be built in relations with suppliers. An accountant or lawyer will be able to advise on which forms of waybills will be required in each case.

Copies of certificates of conformity of quality will be required for the products sold. state standards. If the store exhibits products of imported manufacturers, you will also have to obtain customs declarations for each group of goods. Many bureaucratic problems can be avoided if the product is only displayed and not sold.

What can be traded?

  • Most Russians associate showrooms with sales clothes or shoes.
  • Showrooms are also a popular format, where samples can be examined. kitchen and garniture furniture. Such furniture can be produced on an individual order with a choice of color of wooden panels, type and color of upholstery. For this reason, its sale through such points is very profitable business. After all, put in shopping room all variations of the design of the headset alone is not possible.
  • Exhibition halls have also begun to open in many cities of the country. perfumery, household appliances, motorcycles or bicycles. It is more profitable for buyers of large goods to study the assortment of goods in such an institution, and then order it through an online store with home delivery.

Many online stores organize their own showrooms or enter into partnership agreements with existing ones, where some of their products can be displayed.

About whether it is profitable to do this and what difficulties may arise - in the following video:

Location selection

The choice of a place for organizing a point depends on the tasks. In some cases, your own or rented apartment is suitable for this. If the goal of the project is to sell quality clothing from foreign online stores, this format of the premises is quite suitable.

For larger tasks or for large goods, it is worth choosing a place in accordance with the business plan.

For example, a plumbing or kitchen furniture showroom will be more efficient if it is located in a new microdistrict, where there are many new buildings. Car and motorcycle showrooms should be located in areas accessible to private vehicles, as many buyers come there to change their old "iron horse" for a new one.

Showrooms of perfumery, shoe or cosmetic stores should be placed in walk-through places, since often such halls are at the same time a pickup point for goods for buyers of online boutiques. The premises can be chosen more modest than for an office or shop. Even rooms on the upper floors and in the basement will do, because such points at an online store process only a small part of their orders. And buyers come there, having already decided on the choice of goods.

Room decoration

Premises for showrooms are divided into two classes, almost opposite to each other:

  • One option is practically storage room or small room, in which buyers of online stores can pick up the goods after trying them on. For example, dresses of three sizes are delivered to such points, the client has the opportunity to choose the size that suits him on the spot.
  • Another variant - author's design of premises in the style of the brand that is sold there. Sports bikes may require a glass-and-concrete space associated with something modern, modernized. And for knitted clothes a hall stylized as a grandmother's apartment or an exhibition of folk crafts is suitable for an author's work.

As for the documents, it all depends on the form of enterprise chosen in order to manage the exhibition hall. Both a limited liability company and individual entrepreneur can arrange with the owner of the premises. If a room in an apartment is used for the point, then registration may not be required, but then the sale of things will be considered unofficial.


  • The showroom of a furniture company or a car dealership requires a large number of staff to maintain it. Among employees may be sales managers, couriers, perhaps technicians or consultants. In fact, this is a version of a retail store.
  • The showroom at an online store can be staffed by one or more administrators, depending on the turnover of the enterprise.
  • Fashion room for wholesale may require a purchasing manager or merchandiser.
  • A similar hall of an individual author, where all goods are sold only at retail, can be staffed by a seller who will acquaint visitors with the assortment.
  • The trendy showrooms for selling home theater systems or music centers may require a technician to tell you the difference between one model and another.

To summarize, sales personnel are always needed, and consultants, merchandisers, couriers and other specialists may be required for certain tasks.

Supplier search

The very concept of showrooms implies the presence special conditions for the sale of goods. wholesale companies this issue at the time of organizing the work of the exhibition hall often seems to be resolved. But based on the results of communication with customers, an idea begins to emerge about which product models are sold better after viewing, and which ones are the same or even worse.

The owner of the hall in this case must decide whether he wants to focus on the fastest selling items or, on the contrary, put in the hall something that does not sell well through other distribution channels.

In matters of clothing trade, private entrepreneurs usually look for suppliers of cheap clothes and shoes from Europe or China themselves, start buying goods there in bulk, and then offer them to their customers. In Russia, there are many low-quality and expensive goods on the clothing and footwear market.

So selling clothes from a trusted supplier through your distribution channels is a very profitable business. And a good supplier here is the basis of success, which becomes especially obvious after the emergence of a loyal customer base.

Restaurant advertising

Large retail chains, furniture stores and motorcycle exhibitions can even be advertised on television. Sometimes such companies indicate the address of the point in all their advertising.

As for clothing sellers, it all depends on the class of brands represented. Exclusive items handmade you need to advertise among fashionistas, people who appreciate a unique and inimitable style. And cheap, but high-quality goods from Western online stores, ordered by showroom owners almost in a single copy, are usually promoted on social networks and by word of mouth methods.

If beautiful and high-quality things are also cheaper than in retail chains city, then there are no interruptions with customers. They themselves are waiting for new deliveries and are interested in updating the assortment.

Total cost and profit

The organization of such an institution is profitable business especially in the clothing market. Private halls selling shoes and clothes can count on turnover 30-70 thousand rubles almost from the first months. Their clients are people who are ready to give an average of 5-6 thousand rubles for one thing.

If these items are of high quality or made by well-known brands, but are sold at huge discounts, the customer base is built up through recommendations and word-of-mouth methods rather quickly.

The method of earning in the showroom can be different. Some organizers of such halls choose excellent premises in the entrance and central areas of the city, then rent the shelves to online stores and various companies. The cost of renting a hall is divided into several companies, they can range from several tens to several hundred thousand per month.

Entrepreneurs who start selling clothes of foreign manufacturers in their establishment can manage at first with a personal apartment. Then their expenses for the purchase and delivery of things can range from several thousand to several tens of thousands of rubles a month, incomes also fluctuate in this range.

However, classic showrooms, where there are no retail sales, but only samples of clothes that can be bought in bulk, are most profitable view business. With well-established supply channels, they can bring in hundreds of thousands of rubles a month at ten times less costs.

The desire to open your own business certainly arises in every person at least once in a lifetime. But how to choose a good type of income, in which niche to organize a business? This question is asked by many beginners.

In the previous article, we discussed, in today's publication, let's talk about how to open a clothing showroom and make it popular. The desire to plunge into the world of fashion and start creating clothing collections arises, as a rule, among people who have already done something similar before. There is an opinion that creating a showroom is no more difficult than tailoring and repairing clothes. But this is deeply misleading. To make it more clear to you, you need to clearly answer the question of what a showroom is and what are its features.

What is a showroom?

The concept of "Show-room" came to us from abroad. In Europe and the USA, a showroom is called a room where a fashion show takes place. It is in such an institution that you can see the models that were present at the show, feel the fabric and agree on ordering goods directly with the designer.

In Russia and the CIS countries, a showroom means designer clothes and accessories stores where you can see and choose your favorite things. The advantage of these places is that here you can buy exclusive items from the designer in a single copy.

The popularity of showrooms gives rise to their rapid emergence. But, despite this, this niche is still relatively free, so if you have the ability to tailor clothes, then you can safely take this business idea into service.

Showroom opening

How to open a clothing showroom? We will try to answer this question.

First you need to decide on a direction. There are several options, let's take a closer look at each of them.

Tailoring and sale of clothes. If you are looking for, then this way of earning may be of interest to you. This option assumes that you have the ability to sew clothes. If you are a talented young fashion designer, then God himself told you to organize a showroom. On the initial stage, you can offer clothes from your collection to friends and acquaintances, and in the future, to everyone. It is not worth registering a business at first, it is better to do this when regular orders and customers appear.

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Realization of exclusive clothes, like. This option requires only the availability of free time and the possession of minimal entrepreneurial qualities. There are no special financial investments here. This way of making money involves selling clothes over the Internet. You need to create a group on a social network and advertise the product there. Opening a showroom for clothes from China is not difficult at all, almost everyone can handle it. The point of making money is that you find clothing suppliers abroad, place an order for things that customers have purchased from you and receive your percentage of each transaction.

Premises for rent

To open your showroom you will need a room. It is necessary to calculate the attendance of the institution and the approximate area. It is also very important to determine its location. Particular attention should be paid to the interior. Buyers should be comfortable and comfortable, the obligatory presence of large mirrors, comfortable sofas and comfortable fitting rooms.

How to open a showroom at home?

As a rule, all novice fashion designers opened their first showrooms right at home, thus, significantly saving on renting premises, and rapidly developing in the chosen direction. I recommend that you do the same, and after the base of regular customers is formed, it will be possible to rent a place in the city center.

We form an assortment

The difference between showrooms and shops is that in the first establishments, exclusive clothes are presented, sewn by a designer, and not purchased at a factory. Thus, showroom buyers can be sure of the uniqueness of the item. And for fashionistas and secular ladies, this is very important.

When opening your showroom, be sure to decide on the format of the institution, and also come up with your own chip.

Brand showroom. In this case, you buy famous brands abroad and sell them in your store. Naturally, it is cheaper to purchase models from previous collections, which are sold in special foreign stores (outlets).

Showrooms always offer exclusive items good quality and most often famous brands. Accordingly, the price of such clothing and accessories is quite high. Therefore, your clients will be wealthy people.


How to attract clients?

"Showroom" in Russia is most often in demand exclusively among its contingent: acquaintances, relatives, close friends and celebrities. But there are also shops that almost everyone can visit. You choose in which direction to work. If, for example, you are a designer, then the organization of a fashion show will become an advertisement for you, where famous people which will later become yours. regular customers.

In order to create a showroom, or atelier, a lot of effort and diligence is required. But the most important thing is to make this institution in demand, to attract people there, to acquire regular customers. To do this, a person who wants to open a business in the service sector must have entrepreneurial qualities and talent.

I wish you creative success and achievement of all your goals.