Presentation and project of the lesson on history "uprising of Spartacus". Presentation on the theme "uprising of Spartacus" History of the 5th class presentation uprising of Spartacus

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Revolt of Spartacus 74 - 71 y. BC Lecturer of history and social studies MBOU "Secondary school number 48", Vladivostok Shabalina Svetlana Nikolaevna

PLAN Gladiators Causes of the uprising The course of the uprising Causes of defeat The heroic personality of Spartacus

The name "gladiators" comes from the word "gladius" (sword) or the one who uses swords, the sword. Gladiators were professional fighters in ancient Rome who fought against each other, wild animals and convicted criminals, sometimes to death for the entertainment of spectators. These battles originated in many cities of the Roman Republic before the formation of the Roman Empire. Gladiators

Murmillion (myrmillion) - The owner of a large shield. It is not known exactly what its name means. In addition to a shield, he wore a helmet with brim and visor and a kind of cock's comb, a short protective greave over a thick pad on his left leg, and a short sword with a straight blade. VARIETIES OF GLADIATORS

Hoplomachus. The shield was not square, but round and convex, and used a spear and a straight sword as a weapon. VARIETIES OF GLADIATORS

The Retiarius is the most lightly armed fighter. Apart from a bandage on his left arm and a metal plate on his left shoulder, he had no protective equipment. For the attack, he used a net, a trident and a dagger. The trident was held with two hands and was actually a terrible weapon, of all weapons, it had the greatest impact force. VARIETIES OF GLADIATORS

Sector. The Sector's armament is similar in many ways to that of the Murmillion. except for the helmet. It was closed, ovoid, with small openings for sight and a rounded ridge. shell. VARIETIES OF GLADIATORS

Provocateurs. They wore a helmet with a brimless visor, a metal breastplate, a medium rectangular shield and a greave on the left leg and a sword, of course. VARIETIES OF GLADIATORS

Trax wore a brim and visor with a curved griffin crest, a small curved square shield, a thick bandage tights, and two high greaves. At the beginning he fought with a round curved sword, and from the 1st century AD. e. the blades are bent at an angle. VARIETIES OF GLADIATORS

Scissor. He wore a carapace, two short greaves, and instead of a shield he had a metal cuff with a sickle blade. VARIETIES OF GLADIATORS

GLADIATORS ekita (riders)

GLADIATORS track (left) and murmillion

GLADIATORS secutor and retiarius

GLADIATORS retiarius - scissor

Rudis is a wooden sword that served as a symbol of liberation and, at the same time, confirmation of high gladiatorial skill. RUDIS


the accumulation of a large mass of slaves; cruel treatment of slaves (plight). REASONS OF THE REBELLION

SPARTAK Spartak was born in Thrace. During one of the wars of conquest, he was wounded, taken prisoner and sold to one of the owners of gladiatorial schools. As a gladiator of the highest class, he was transferred to the number of teachers at the school. Here preparations for the uprising began.

Spartacus the leader of the rebels; chose for the camp the top of the extinct volcano Vesuvius. The goal of the rebels is to become free. The forces of Spartacus grew at the expense of slaves who escaped from estates, slaves-shepherds who grazed cattle in the mountains. CONSPIRACY IN GLADIATOR SCHOOL IN CAPUA

ORGANIZATION OF THE SPARTAK TROOPS fortified camp, heavily armed infantry, reconnaissance, cavalry. The army of Spartacus becomes a great and formidable force.


Poor weaponry of the rebels; Spartak did not have a clear plan of action; The rebels were deceived by the pirates; Rome had an enormous military superiority over the rebellious slaves; Among the rebels, disagreements constantly arose about further actions. REASONS OF THE DEATH OF THE RISE

CHECK YOURSELF Task number 1. Choose the correct answer. The reasons for the uprising: a) the accumulation of a mass of slaves; b) the Roman legions supported the slaves; c) cruel treatment of slaves.

CHECK YOURSELF Task number 2. Write in the missing words. ______________ originally from Thrace, the leader of the rebels. Camp ___ was set up at the top of the _____________ volcano. The purpose of the uprising _________________.

CHECK YOURSELF Task number 3. What are the most important reasons. The uprising of Spartacus was defeated, because: a) Rome had a huge military superiority over the rebellious slaves; b) among the rebels, disagreements constantly arose about further actions; c) Spartacus failed to attract a large number of slaves to his side; d) the rebels did not have a clear plan, their goals changed more than once.

Homework check
- Why did enmity break out in the Roman state between various groups of its population? - Who initiated the new land law? - How did the senators react to the new law? Why? - Were the Gracchi brothers able to achieve their goals?

Revolt of Spartacus
The history of ancient Rome in the first centuries BC full of events related to class enmity. Today we will get acquainted with the events of the largest slave uprising of antiquity - the uprising of Spartacus. (We will write the topic of the lesson in notebooks)

Sources of slavery in ancient Rome
Capture of prisoners in wars
How did people fall into slavery?
Capture of people by pirates and their sale into slavery
Provincial slavery for tax evasion
Children of slaves became slaves

In ancient Rome, every self-respecting Roman had slaves. They were called "talking tools." Gladiators held a special place among slaves. Who knows who were called gladiators? (Make guesses)

Note in the notebook Gladiators - slave-fighters participating in battles-performances

Gladiator fights became a vivid spectacle in which gladiators fought for life and death. Here's how Byron describes gladiatorial combat:
The circus floats around the soldier, he dies. And in honor of the murderer the animal cry does not cease He hears, but does not heed, his gaze hovers with his soul together above the earth. What is life to him, and a prize, and a triumph? Before him is a hut on the banks of the Danube. And his children are playing a flock, And there is their mother ... And now, the Father was stabbed to death ... Amusing the Romans ...

The life of gladiators was unenviable, and in 74 BC. the largest slave uprising in antiquity took place, led by one of the gladiators - Spartacus

Biography of Spartacus
Spartacus was born in Thrace (the student's story is accompanied by the display of objects on the map). He fought against the Romans, was captured and for his bravery was enlisted in the legion, where he showed courage. For his distinctions in the war against Mithridates, he was appointed dean - head of a detachment of ten people and earned an honorary award - a civil wreath. When the Romans started the war against the Thracians again, Spartacus fled and began to fight in the ranks of his compatriots against the Romans. Wounded, he was again captured by his enemies; the death penalty prescribed by law was replaced by the service of a gladiator. Spartak surpassed his rivals in strength and dexterity, participated in more than a hundred battles and was never seriously wounded. Spartak has earned himself great fame in all the amphitheatres of Italy.

Questions to the document: - What is the name of the document, and what kind of sources does it refer to? - Name the author of the document - In which city was the gladiatorial school that the author talks about? - Who owned this school? - Suppose the owner of the gladiatorial school was rich, why? - Gladiators from which countries were in the gladiator school? - How did the master treat his slaves?

Working with a historical document
- Were the slaves happy with their position? What did they do? - Did the owner of the school keep many gladiators? - Why did not all gladiators manage to escape? - How many slaves fled? - What were the fugitives armed with? Imagine why they could not take the weapons with which they went into battle? - Is it possible to say that the Capua school was not the only one in Italy? Why? - As the author of the document refers to Spartacus, but as a master of slaves. Answer with the words from the document. - And what do you think, did the slaves do the right thing? Why? - What do you think is more valuable for the author of the document - slavery and cruelty or courage, physical strength, intelligence and kindness? Why? - Does the author condemn the act of slaves? Why? - What new did this document help you to learn? - Find in the text of the document the reasons why the slaves escaped?

Recording the reasons for the uprising
Forced keeping of slaves in the school of gladiators. Unjust and cruel treatment of slaves by the master.

The course of the uprising
The fugitives left Capua in stasis. They set up a camp on the summit of the Vesuvius volcano, where slaves from the surrounding estates began to run. Spartacus's army grew rapidly.

Working with the tutorial
Questions to read (pp. 247-250): - How did the Romans manage to trap the army of Spartacus? Answer with the words from the text of the textbook. - Why was Spartak unable to cross over to Sicily? - What did Spartak offer to his comrades? - What do you think prevented Spartak's army from crossing the fortifications of Crassus?

Working with illustration

Working with illustration
- What event is depicted? What does it refer to: a political event, a historical figure, a military operation, everyday life? - What is the scene of the picture? - Who is depicted in the picture? Is it easy to determine the social status of those depicted? By what criteria did you define their social status? - Are everything shown in the illustration shown equally? - How are slaves shown as soldiers from the Roman army? - Is it possible to determine their relationship to each other by the faces of those depicted? - What colors did the artist use when depicting this event? - Try to guess the outcome of the battle from the picture. Why did you decide so? Why do you think Spartak's army was defeated?

Biography Spartacus (120 BC 71 BC), leader of the largest slave uprising in ancient Rome. Comes from the honey tribe in Thrace. Was in the service of King Mithridates. He was captured by the Romans and was sold to the gladiators. Thanks to his high valor, he achieved personal freedom. As an implacable enemy of Rome and a sincere fighter for human freedom, in 74 BC. e. led the uprising of slaves, which soon engulfed all of Italy. Spartacus was one of the greatest generals of his time. At the head of the army of the rebels, he inflicted many defeats on the Roman troops. Only through the combined efforts of their three largest generals, the Romans were able in 71 BC. e. defeat Spartacus. The commander of the rebels himself fell in the battle, but the fear that he instilled in the Romans during his lifetime did not disappear even after his death. The revolt of Spartacus echoed throughout the ancient world.

102 BC e. the beginning of military service as a soldier in the auxiliary Thracian troops in the Roman province of Macedonia. 100 BC e. in connection with the resumption of the struggle of the honeys against the Romans, he deserted from the Roman army with many other Thracians. 98 BC e. after an unsuccessful two-year struggle with the Romans, he went with a detachment of like-minded people to Pontus to the king Mithridates as a political emigrant. 98–90 biennium BC e. military service at Mithridates. 89 BC e. participates in the First Mithridates War and is captured by the Romans. 89 BC e. brought to Rome and sold in the slave market as a slave. Serves as a shepherd in southern Italy.

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REBELLION OF SPARTAK 74 - 71 years. BC e.

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Reasons for the uprising. Campaigns of the rebels Results of the uprising

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The name "gladiators" comes from the word "gladius" (sword) or the one who uses swords, the sword. Gladiators were professional fighters in ancient Rome who fought against each other,
wild animals and convicted criminals, sometimes to death for the entertainment of spectators. These battles originate in many cities of the Roman Republic before the formation of the Roman Empire.

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Spartacus was born in Thrace. During one of the wars of conquest, he was wounded, taken prisoner and sold to one of the owners of gladiatorial schools. As a gladiator of the highest class, he was transferred to the number of teachers at the school. Here preparations for the uprising began.

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In 74 BC. e. in one of the gladiatorial schools in the city of Capua, a conspiracy of a group of gladiators led by the teachers of this school, the Thracian Spartacus and the Gaul Crixus, arose.
The conspiracy was uncovered, but a group of conspirators managed to escape to Mount Vesuvius, where they set up their camp. Other fugitive slaves began to gather here.

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The accumulation of a large mass of slaves. Slave abuse

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A detachment of 3,000 was sent against them under the command of Clodius, who took the approach to Vesuvius. Spartacus warriors weaved from vines
the ropes and along them unexpectedly descended from an impregnable steep into the rear of Clodius, inflicting a crushing blow on the latter. The new army, led by the praetor Varinius, was also defeated, and the praetor escaped captivity with great difficulty.

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The uprising grew, it covered not only Campania, but also other regions of southern Italy. In Lucania and Apulia, Spartacus was joined by numerous shepherd slaves, from whom a strong cavalry was organized. Spartacus managed to create a strong army (of the Roman type), well armed and trained in the art of war; in its ranks there were about 70 thousand people. To fight it, the Roman Senate sent a very large military force headed by the consuls G. Lentulus and L. Helly. Spartacus made an attempt to go along the Adriatic coast to Northern Italy. He probably sought to lead the rebellious slaves from Italy to Germany, Gaul, Thrace and other countries where they were from. The consular armies blocked the path of the rebels. But Spartacus, unexpectedly attacking one by one on both consular armies, defeated them.

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Having defeated the troops of the governor of Northern Italy, the governor of Cassius, Spartacus unexpectedly turned back south. The Roman Senate formed a new army led by Marcus Crassus. In 71 BC. e. the rebels along the Adriatic coast marched into southern Italy. Spartacus decided to cross to Sicily; there were many rebellious slaves who would have replenished the dwindling forces of the rebels. However, the crossing to Sicily failed, as the pirates violated the agreement and deceived Spartacus. Crassus decided to take advantage of the fact that the Spartak army was gathered in the narrowest place in southern Italy.

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He ordered to dig a ditch from sea to sea about 55 km long, 5 m wide and 5 m deep, in order to cut off the slaves from the rest of Italy. Having made a breakthrough, Spartak led the main forces of his army to the port of Brundisium, apparently intending to leave Italy. In the decisive battle with Crassus, who received reinforcements from Gnaeus Pompey and Mark Lucullus, in the fall of 71 BC. e. in Lucania, on the river Silarius, the army of Spartacus was defeated. Spartacus himself, who fought as a simple legionnaire, fell on the battlefield. By 63, the last centers of the uprising were suppressed.

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Poor weaponry of the rebels; Spartak did not have a clear plan of action; The rebels were deceived by the pirates; Rome had an enormous military superiority over the rebellious slaves; Among the rebels, disagreements constantly arose about further actions.

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The meaning of the uprisings
The uprising of Spartacus deeply shook Ancient Rome and its slave system. It went down in world history as the largest slave uprising of all time. This uprising hastened the transition of state power in Rome from the republican form of government to the imperial one. The military organization created by Spartacus turned out to be so strong that for a long time it could successfully withstand the elite Roman army. The image of Spartacus is widely reflected in world fiction and art.