We open a profitable cheburek. How to open a cheburek: a ready-made business plan with calculations

Chebureks have been and remain a favorite fast food for everyone who lives in the post-Soviet space. The appetizing smell works flawlessly, lovers of pasties cannot pass by the ingeniously simple “meat pies”. You can trade pasties in a cafe or from a cart - the choice is yours.

Chebureks are an excellent confirmation of the truth that everything ingenious is simple. Even realizing that the dish is not very healthy: fried, fatty, and even proteins with carbohydrates together .. - we are often unable to refuse fresh pasties.

Big grandmother's pies with meat for some, for others - fast food of the Soviet era, for others - delicious lamb in dough with a glass of beer. Chebureks have a lot of admirers, which means that the opening of a cheburek shop should be profitable. Opening a catering company selling pasties is a quite feasible task. If you are interested in this idea, let's figure out how best to start a business on pasties.

Cheburek business options:

1. Mobile vending cart

The cheapest and easiest option. Money is needed only to buy a cart, worth 15,000-30,000 rubles, and inexpensive equipment. The difficulty lies in the delivery of ready-made chebureks to the place of trade. This problem can be solved by buying finished products in mini-bakeries or frying pasties on your own, according to your own recipe, in an equipped room.

2. Trading from wheels is the next evolutionary step in this business

This is a pavilion or kiosk. A more profitable business will require more serious investments. To organize such trade, you need from 300,000 to 600,000 rubles. Such a difference in price is due to the location and equipment.

Selling chebureks in a kiosk, you can expand the range, thereby increasing income. In addition to pasties, you can sell soft drinks, shawarma, grilled poultry and other fast food. A mobile kiosk can be equipped with equipment for roasting chebureks on the spot and refuse a separate room for their preparation. The convenience of this form of trading lies in mobility - with insufficiently active sales, you can relocate to another at any time.

3. Cafe, snack bar, restaurant

At the same time, the most expensive and most profitable version of cheburechnaya. In such an institution, it is possible and necessary to expand the assortment by including first and second courses, desserts, and, upon obtaining a license, alcohol. Banquets can be held in a cafe, holidays can be organized, etc. Taking into account the rent for the premises, investments will amount to from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 rubles.

The choice of the form of cheburechnaya depends on financial capabilities. It seems to us that the most promising is the opening of a cafe (restaurant) with its own cuisine and interesting design. The potential of such a public catering enterprise is very large. Actually, only a cafe can be considered a serious business on pasties.


  • Development of a cafe project - 50,000 rubles;
  • Repair of the premises -300,000 rubles;
  • Kitchen equipment, refrigerators, etc. - 250,000 rubles;
  • Hall equipment (furniture) -100,000 rubles;
  • Dishes - 50,000 rubles;
  • Communications, ventilation system - 100,000 rubles;
  • Rent - 50,000 rubles;
  • Advertising -30,000 rubles;
  • Other expenses - 100,000–300,000 rubles.

Total: 1,230,000 rubles


Even a small cafe requires a room of at least 200 sq. m. Although the legislation does not make any special claims to the area of ​​​​such catering establishments, it must be borne in mind that there is a prerequisite - the ratio of the size of the kitchen and the hall should be in a ratio of 1: 2.

If the hall is 100 sq. m, the kitchen should not be less than 50 sq. m. In the cafe you need to provide a wardrobe, a lobby, a toilet, a smoking area and a warehouse. The project of the cheburechnaya must be coordinated with the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire supervision.

The SES requires the following documents:

  • EGRIP (copy);
  • certificate of registration with the tax office;
  • notification of the opening of the cafe.

Cheburechnaya should be equipped with refrigerators, ventilation, sewerage and containers for collecting garbage.


To ensure the full-fledged work of the cafe-cheburechka, the staff should consist of: a technologist, a chef and kitchen workers, bartenders-waiters, security guards, and an administrator. On average, about 20 people usually work in a cafe.

Company registration

A cheburek cafe can only be registered as an LLC (legal entity) (see ""). With another form of organization, the sale of alcohol is prohibited, which will significantly reduce your income.

When choosing a taxation system, you can choose between a simplified system and a special regime in the form of imputed income (UTII).

Income and payback

The main buyers of chebureks from carts or kiosks are students, office workers - everyone who needs a quick bite to eat. Therefore, it is better to locate a cheburechnaya not far from office buildings, educational institutions, train stations, student campuses, etc. Good incomes are received by cheburechnye, located near busy highways, at railway stations and near shopping centers.

The cost of a cheburek is about 8 rubles. The selling price is not less than 30 rubles. The revenue of a well-located outlet reaches 30,000 rubles. daily, per month - 450,000 rubles. When calculating profits, subtract the cost of rent, utility bills, staff salaries, taxes, and other expenses. According to reviews, cheburechnaya pays off for a year or two.

You can open a cheburek business by first presenting it in two forms: as a small kiosk with client tables and boxes for wrappers, or as a restaurant, cafe. Of course, you can open a restaurant, a cafe only in cities with at least half a million inhabitants. Otherwise, profits can not wait.

It is no secret that many owners of elite restaurants once started with cheburechnaya. Indeed, with very little investment, this business is very profitable - both adults and children love chebureks. When thinking about where to start, it is important to choose a good place for locating a cheburek stall or cafe. You should also decide on the initial costs. After all, if you sell pasties as semi-finished products or cook this product yourself, then you will need completely different costs and different areas of activity.

The business of selling semi-finished products can be unprofitable - it is difficult to be sure of their high quality. It is practically impossible to know under what conditions the manufacturer stored the products, how fresh the original products were. We will have to constantly take into account that expensive food products may turn out to be unclaimed by customers, just like cheap ones, but of poor quality.

Our business valuation:

Starting investment 500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The complexity of starting a business is 6/10.

Entrepreneurship business plan - to reality

A business plan must be submitted to the bank in order to receive a loan. It should also contain detailed material with answers to the main question: what is needed to open a cheburek? The plan will also serve as a guide to action at the initial stage of work.

A properly designed business plan should be the entrepreneur's first aid in resolving any unexpected circumstances that arise in the first stage. If all the necessary actions are coordinated in advance and competently, such unforeseen situations should not arise.

The business plan for opening a cheburek shop should include sections such as a description of the very idea of ​​​​entrepreneurship, the intended staff and the volume of manufactured products per day and per month. An analysis of the food market with the intended range of products, the main concept of the institution and the pricing policy will come in handy here. In the plan, you need to think in detail about the marketing strategy and advertising activities. It will not be superfluous to have sections on sales promotion of the finished product and an analysis of the existing sales market itself.

It will be very useful to take a ready-made business plan for a cheburechny, already operating somewhere in a small town, as well as any food-oriented enterprise, and understand it well. There is plenty of such information on websites. If you do not make serious mistakes and miscalculations in your work, then pretty soon a large establishment with a high income level will grow from a small cheburek.

Having wondered how to open a cheburek from scratch, you need to decide on the initial financing. You can try to borrow money from relatives and friends, you can apply to a bank for a loan or start looking for an investor. Of these options, you also have to choose the least risky.

If you have your own cheburek as a business, then you need to cook it very tasty, while selling only fresh products at prices that will suit customers. Focusing on the seasonal characteristics of this business, it is necessary to know that chebureks disperse better in winter, and in summer more emphasis should be placed on various soft drinks and ice cream.

Having managed to find funds and open a cheburek cafe, you will have to think about a good atmosphere in it, which will contribute to the influx of customers and give them pleasure.

Registration of private enterprise

The real first order steps in opening a cheburek business will be obtaining permits for activities of this nature from all relevant supervisory organizations. Only after this is it possible to register an emergency.

The legal form of cheburechnaya will have to be chosen from two options: individual entrepreneurship or a limited liability company. And only having decided on the form, you can start preparing documents. If the cheburek is small and it is not planned to sell alcohol in it, then you should definitely choose an individual entrepreneur. Both various state duties and possible fines will be smaller.

The list of documentation for opening a cheburechnaya:

  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • registration certificate;
  • lease agreement for the premises;
  • completed sanitary books of employees.

In addition, more documents will be needed to open a cheburechnaya. This is the permission of firefighters to commission a new building (if one has been built) and coordination with the Department of Internal Affairs for the placement of a cafe in this place. For legal work, you also need a trade license and a trade patent from the local authority. Any sound accompaniment, various broadcasts and playback of recordings should be coordinated with the department of culture.

The selected or constructed premises must fully comply with all the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the district, and the supply of meat raw materials must be regularly checked by the veterinary service. There must be technological maps for the preparation of products, the personnel must be trained and have the necessary qualifications.

Equipment for a cafe-cheburechnaya

The next step after preparing a business plan and starting to obtain permits for a business in the field of catering is to buy equipment for a cheburek. What types of equipment and inventory should the full set of equipment of an institution consist of? In the modern market, you can literally buy everything, but you can decide on the necessary equipment only by knowing the specific features of the technology for preparing fast food (fast food). Namely, such products include the main dish of a cheburek cafe - chebureks.

The range of mini-cheburek dishes and their specificity will determine the necessary equipment for a fast food kitchen. Literally “on the run”, customers must choose from the offered dishes what suits them in a particular situation. The menu should include a sufficient number of deep-fried dishes, quick drinks and light flour products.

It is logical to start with the main kitchen equipment - equipment for frying chebureks and heating semi-finished products that come to the cafe in the form of frost. It includes: a convection oven, a pizza oven, an electric stove, a microwave oven. The price of equipment in this group will not exceed 100,000 rubles in total.

The second row equipment are waffle makers, donut makers, toasters and pancake machines. These devices will cost much less.

This is what is needed for the complete equipment of the kitchen of the cafe-cheburechnaya. It is not at all necessary to start work by purchasing all these types of equipment at once. Some of them you can not buy at the initial stage, but first of all it all depends on the planned cheburechka menu.

Additional kitchen equipment includes: a production table, an exhaust hood, a washing tub and a hand dryer.

Do not forget about additional equipment, which includes all kitchen utensils and dining room equipment. These are client tables, chairs and upholstered furniture. The cheburechnaya franchise is one of the modern finds, consisting of a successful combination of dishes, service, interior of the cheburek shop, furniture and the exterior design of the mini-cafe. Convenience, benefits for customers can decide a lot in the success of a business. We should not forget about the internal design of the cheburechnaya. Original finds, unusual developments in this regard will also provide comfort to customers and contribute to successful trading.

Modern fast food technology has come a long way. Just look at the EXTRO machine for baking chebureks.

This is some kind of miracle device, just a magic oven, at the entrance to which the initial components are laid, and at the exit finished products are obtained.

Such a device, not even the main thing, how much it costs, will pay off very quickly - after all, it will replace real kitchen workers and reduce the staff of the establishment. The cost of a dumpling machine with an attachment for frying chebureks currently does not exceed 130,000 rubles.

Marketing and profit of the cheburek business

When planning production, it is important not to forget that pasties can only be consumed freshly prepared. Only with a large influx of buyers can this business be successfully run. It is known that the main customers of the cheburek kiosk are always office workers and students. Here, next to office complexes, with large educational institutions, it makes sense to have a mini-cafe.

Advertising cheburechnaya is a special conversation. Of course, the best advertisement of any catering point is the quality and low price of the dishes offered. But you also need to advertise your services. Noisy promotions and constant advertising in the form of visibility in the adjacent quarters of the town should be considered in advance. After all, information now rules the whole world!

On average, one cheburek costs about 8 rubles, and pastries in the price reach up to 30 rubles. Even a cheburek on wheels in the form of a trailer is capable of bringing profit in the amount of 25,000 rubles per shift. Here is the answer to doubts - is it profitable to do this. For a month of successful work, you can already earn up to 400,000 rubles. Even when the cost of semi-finished products, the rent of a mini-cafe, taxes and staff salaries are deducted from this amount, all costs are paid off in one and a half to two years of work.

Catering is an industry that gives businesses “real money”. Indeed, in this case, you do not need to wait for a bank transfer from the customer, which may be delayed, or may not be sent on time. The client of the cheburechnaya pays for the services here, on the spot. And the cashier counts the proceeds at the end of each shift. And this means that money for new purchases of semi-finished products, for the implementation of any current plans, is not long in coming. Under these conditions, it is easier for an entrepreneur to plan profits - after all, everything is in his hands.

Chebureks are everyone's favorite dish. Back in Soviet times, they were in every district, at railway stations and bus stations. Today, this fast food is gaining popularity again. The population was satisfied with "overseas" hamburgers and french fries. Most people prefer to snack on familiar, tasty and fresh baked goods. The technology for the production of such "patties" is simple, but in order to optimize the manufacturing process, it is better to buy equipment for the production of pasties. What it happens, and what is better to choose, let's look at it today.

Chebureks can be sold in several ways. The cheapest way is to offer them to customers with a mobile mobile, even a used cart. The pastries prepared in the kitchen are simply taken out for sale at any trading place. The disadvantage of this way of trading is the "mistrust" of the consumer. But you can open a business by investing no more than $ 1,000.

A more expensive way is to rent a stationary trailer, tent or kiosk. Here you can already open production and cook a dish in front of customers. In addition, it is possible to expand the range: add drinks, snacks, hot dogs. Such a cheburek will cost the entrepreneur in the amount of 10 thousand dollars.

The last option is to open a full-fledged cafe with a kitchen, a ton of sales and a hall for visitors. The main dish of such an institution is pasties. They can be with different fillings: from traditional minced meat to sweet fruits. Investments in the business will depend on the cost of rent and the selected range of dishes that will be offered to customers. Depending on this, you will need to buy additional equipment.

Equipment list

Below is the equipment for a stationary cheburechnaya, without which you can not do:

Cheburechnitsa This is the main equipment, which is similar to a deep fryer. Its main part is the frying bath. It has built in heating elements. The manual thermostat can be used to change the temperature of the oil. Normally the heating range starts at 50°C. The volume of the oil tank, depending on the model, can be up to 25 liters. The process of frying pies cannot be fully automated. Turn products by hand. Some models are equipped with a top cover. It prevents oil from splashing out of the container. Inside the bath there are stainless steel gratings. They heat up quickly and provide uniform heating of the product and a golden crust. Price - from 8 thousand rubles
dough mixer This equipment is designed for kneading yeast or hard dough. Distinguish between continuous and batch kneading machines. You can open a cheburek with the second type of equipment. It, in turn, is divided into devices with stationary and rolling bowls.

The main parts of the dough mixer are the drive, the kneading body and the bowl. When choosing, pay attention to the volume of the bowl and the number of speeds of the apparatus. Almost every device today is designed for a certain type of test. In our case, you need to select a machine for kneading steep dough. The cost is from 30 thousand rubles.

dough sheeter This is a machine that is designed to roll out a layer of dough of the same thickness over the entire area. In this case, the thickness of the dough can be set and adjusted. It consists of two stainless steel cylinders. They are equipped with thickness controllers and self-lubricating gearboxes. There are floor and desktop machines. For a small cheburechnaya, the second option is suitable. The cost is from 35 thousand rubles.
Professional meat grinder The main filler of chebureks is minced meat. To prepare it, you need a meat grinder. Without it, it is also impossible to open a cheburek. The power of the model is the main characteristic that you need to pay attention to. Performance directly depends on it. Any device is characterized by two types of power - nominal and maximum. The first parameter characterizes the normal operation of the meat grinder. The maximum load is applied when it is necessary to grind the tough parts of the meat. In this mode, a long operation of the device is not recommended. For example, a meat grinder with a power of 1400 watts can process 2.5 kilograms of meat in 1 minute. The cost is from 10 thousand rubles.

In addition to the basic equipment in the kitchen, it is imperative to install racks, sinks, carts and refrigerators. To open your own cheburek from scratch, you will need at least 250 thousand rubles.

The "cheburechny" business, namely the opening of a point for the sale of this dish, originates in the distant past. The sale of hot chebureks began in the USSR. To this day, this direction of trade in the food industry is not only popular, but also profitable. In this article, we will talk about the profitability of opening a cheburechnaya. How and where to open it, what options exist and how much it will cost.

In the USSR, there was a playful riddle - hot, juicy, crispy with meat? The correct answer is cheburek, everyone knew!

Cheburek (çiğbörek - from Turkish literally "raw pie") - a pie made from unleavened dough with meat filling. The traditional cheburek is stuffed with minced meat (lamb, rarely beef) with spices, all wrapped in unleavened flatbread and fried in animal fat at 200°C. In the modern (post-Soviet) recipe, you can use minced beef with pork, and animal fat is replaced by vegetable fat.

Also, as a substitute for meat filling, you can use rice or an egg with onions, cheese, potatoes, mushrooms and cabbage. But, traditionally, the most popular pasties among buyers are pasties with meat.

Why exactly chebureks as a line of business?

Firstly, it should be noted that despite the great competition, there is a great demand for chebureks among the population of different age groups. Cheburek is popular both among young people and among the older generation.

Definitely, if you decide to open a food-related business, but are limited in finances, then cheburek is one of the suitable options. Cooking pasties does not require special ingredients and a set of complex professional equipment.

Consider the options for "cheburek" business.
Mobile cart, street vending

This option is one of the easiest, at the same time and less expensive. Suitable for those regions where street trading from mobile points is allowed. What will be needed for this? We buy a trolley (30,000 - 75,000 rubles + additional costs). We cook chebureks at home (according to our own recipe, or according to one found on the Internet or cookbooks). We deliver a trolley with ready-made pasties to the place of trade (although some, more expensive, models of trolleys require built-in equipment, that is, cooking takes place directly in the trolley itself).

It is desirable that your point is located next to some educational institution or university, not far from the metro. From a large stream of people there are many who want to have a bite to eat.

The disadvantage of this approach depends on the region. Each region has its own rules for street vending and in some, street vending of ready meals is severely restricted. Therefore, before buying equipment and planning a business, check with the local administration about the possibility of such trade.

Kiosk selling pasties

A more expensive option (200 - 300 thousand rubles + additional expenses, including rent), involves opening a kiosk.

Advantages: having purchased equipment, pasties will be cooked right at the point of sale, which will have a positive effect on buyers (the smell will be the best marketing method to attract).

In addition to chebureks, kiosks offer a wide range of cooked dishes (samsa, shawarma, tandoor flatbreads, pizza, hamburgers, etc.), as well as various carbonated drinks and juices that are perfect for hot chebureks.

You can also consider the option of a mobile kiosk on wheels. In the case of the possibility of movement, we choose the place in the same way as in the option of trading from the tray. Again, this type of trade may be subject to restrictions set in each region by the local administration.

Small cafe (bistro), diner

Perhaps the most expensive, but at the same time (subject to good administration of all processes related to advertising, customer acquisition and pricing) the most profitable. Advantages: when creating an original design and attracting customers through various promotions, discounts, bonus cards, etc., you can create a very serious business.

Of course, in such cafes dedicated to a particular dish (in this case, cheburek), the main focus is on this product, but the menu should not be monotonous. So where, if not in a cafe to do it? Only in a stationary kitchen can you cook a lot of pasties with a variety of fillings.

Therefore, in a cafe - the assortment should be large, the dishes more varied. Only in this way you will be able to attract more and more new customers. It should be added that in the case of a cafe (bistro), one of the most important components of a successful business is the place.

Choose a place that is more or less easy to get to. In addition, each cafe-bistro should have its own feature, something that will distinguish the establishment from the rest and put it out of competition.

Wholesale production of chebureks for sale

Suitable for workshops producing semi-finished products. Pretty big and expensive business. At the same time, with the right choice of assortment and the right equipment, the profit of this business is the highest. All that is required is to produce pasties with a variety of fillings. And either freeze them or fry them.

In the first case, a semi-finished product with a long shelf life is obtained, in the second, a ready-made dish with a shelf life of 1 day.

All this is supposed to be delivered to catering points for sale or wholesale. Frozen products will be happy to be purchased by culinary specialists, cafes, bistros and other catering outlets capable of frying pasties. Ready-made pasties, for example, can be ordered by catering services or fast food retail outlets. True, the parties will, in this case, be small.

Self-employed business on cheburek

In regions where the experiment on self-employed taxation is in place, cheburek can become the basis for a good home cooking business. For the most part, all culinary bloggers, social media accounts, and other culinary specialists offer consumers a standard set - cakes, pies, bread and other simple homemade pastries.

Chebureks are also artless. But for the right cheburek, a queue will surely line up, and the self-employed will quickly “acquire” regular customers. It's like "khinkali" or "manti". It looks like big dumplings, but try to cook it correctly and authentically. It is not for nothing that khinkali are extremely popular directions in public catering today. Yes, and home delivery of ready-made khinkali and manti is ordered very often. Why is a juicy cheburek worse?!

What will you have to spend when opening a cafe?

In the case of re-equipment of the premises, the most expensive will be: repairs, purchase of equipment, purchase of furniture, dishes, installation of a ventilation system. Then you have to spend on advertising, and staff salaries in the first months of work. An amount in the range of 2 - 2.5 million at the initial stage of equipping the cafe will be sufficient. As for the area of ​​​​the room, it is highly desirable that it should not be less than 50 - 100 m². The areas can be different, but there is a limitation - the ratio of the kitchen to the hall should be 1 to 2. That is, with a hall of 100 "squares", the kitchen should be at least 50.

Personnel: Chef, ordinary kitchen workers, technical process specialist. At the first stage, this is enough. In the future, if you expand and your establishment gains a positive reputation, you can think about a bar with your own bartender.

Organizational and legal form

If you are not going to sell alcohol in your cheburechnaya, then you can choose an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) as the legal form. But what is a cafe without alcohol? Legislation prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages in catering facilities unless the business is registered as an LLC.

In other cases, registration of a simple IP is sufficient. As an OKVED code for a trading kiosk selling chebureks, you can use: 52.24.21 "Retail trade in flour confectionery", and for a cheburek cafe: 55.30 "Activity of restaurants and cafes".

As for the payback, the money you invested will return to you in the form of profit within 1-2 years, perhaps less with a competent marketing policy.

In this article, we tell you how to open a cheburek from scratch: step-by-step instructions, choosing the format of the institution, preparing the premises and other nuances that are useful for a beginner. The fashion for fast food and "street food" slightly reduced the popularity of chebureks. However, such cafes remain in demand among buyers of different ages and are able to bring a stable profit.

Cheburechnaya format selection

Cheburechnye - a cafe where the menu is based on a variety of pasties - is not at the peak of popularity now. In the market, they are significantly crowded by sellers of shawarma, burgers, pies and other “fast” food. Nevertheless, some buyers remain faithful to this dish and choose large fried meat pies from the abundance of fast food. This makes opening your own institution a very promising business.

Cheburechnaya as a business is possible in several formats:

  • sale of chebureks with you;
  • a small cafe for 10-15 seats;
  • a full-fledged institution with more than 15 seats.

Options differ from each other in complexity and cost of implementation. Opening a kiosk with pasties is much faster, easier and cheaper. Accordingly, it will pay off faster. But the popularity of shopping at kiosks is constantly declining, so a small cafe is more profitable and reliable in the long run. When choosing a format, it is worth proceeding from the available capital, the needs of the market and the personal wishes of the entrepreneur.

Cheburek remains a popular dish, despite the fashion for shawarma and burgers

Requirements for the premises

The sphere of public catering is very strictly controlled by the sanitary and epidemiological service, Rospotrebnadzor and other government agencies. Therefore, the opening of a cheburechnaya will be preceded by serious preparation, including bringing the premises in line with legally established standards.

Consider the requirements for cheburechny on the example of a cafe for 15 seats. The first thing an entrepreneur should do is to zone the premises. The kitchen should be isolated from the hall for visitors. It is desirable that air flows from the room where they cook do not get to the guests of the establishment. The kitchen is finished with tiles or similar material that is easy to disinfect. If paint is used in the finish (for example, on the top of the walls and ceiling), only non-toxic safe compounds are allowed.

Of course, the cafe should be located indoors with all communications- plumbing, gas, electricity. This is an obvious requirement to which there are no exceptions. For visitors, it is necessary to equip a separate sanitary unit (common or 2 separate). A separate room for staff will be required, where employees can change clothes, relax, and have lunch. Disinfectants for cleaning, mops and rags are stored in a separate small room, 1 sq.m is enough.

As for the hall for visitors, the entrepreneur is completely free in its design. A minimalistic modern design, good lighting and comfortable furniture will be preferred. Interiors in the Soviet retro style enjoy a certain popularity. This is suitable for cheburechs, the main part of whose visitors will be the older generation.

The minimum kitchen area is 20 sq.m. When choosing the area of ​​the hall, proceed from the norm of 2.5 sq.m per person. 15 people - 37.5 sq.m.

Registration and permissions

The business plan for a cheburechny should include the time and costs for state registration and issuance of permits. It is impossible to work without such documents. It is allowed to register a cafe in the form IP or LLC, the choice depends on the number of participants and the planned scale of the activity. Registration of an individual entrepreneur will take 5 days, an LLC - at least 10 days, including the preparation of a charter, minutes of the meeting of founders, a visit to a notary.

The list of permits for cheburechnaya does not differ from the documents for any other cafe:

  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor to open a catering establishment in a specific place (you can only get it when the kitchen is fully ready for work, there are documents for equipment for frying pasties);
  • permission from the fire department;
  • permission of the sanitary and epidemiological service (after checking the cafe by an inspector);
  • retail trade license (issued by the municipal administration).

If you plan to sell alcohol in a cheburechnaya, you will have to issue an appropriate license - for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages. It costs 65,000 rubles and is valid for 1 year. The execution of this document will take 1.5 months, will significantly increase the budget for registration, but will help the institution attract more customers and increase the average check (alcohol is sold with a large trade margin).

Chebureks are cooked not only with minced meat, but with ham, cheese and other fillings.

Equipment and raw materials

Cheburek is a relatively simple dish to prepare. But the cafe will produce products in huge quantities, so you can’t do without professional equipment. It can be used for whites, pies and similar products. This will expand the range of cafes, attract more customers.

Equipment for chebureks:

  • table cheburechnik, from 14,000 rubles;
  • professional mixer for pies and pasties, from 20,000 rubles;
  • rolling machine (equipment for rolling dough), from 20,000 rubles;
  • meat grinder, from 10,000 rubles;
  • refrigerator, from 10,000 rubles;
  • stainless steel tables, from 5,000 rubles;
  • kitchen utensils (knives, containers, dishes), from 15,000 rubles.

Save all documents for the equipment - Rospotrebnadzor and the sanitary and epidemiological service may be interested in them.

How much does the equipment for making chebureks cost? The purchase of everything must be quite realistically laid in 100 thousand rubles. For a catering establishment, this is a small amount that promises a quick payback.

As for raw materials, you need to find regular suppliers of flour, butter, salt, spices and, of course, meat. Meat suppliers must present certificates for their products. There are several dough recipes, so it is possible that the establishment will need to buy kefir and other ingredients. As a filling, not only different types of meat are used, but also cheese.


Cheburechnaya staff will be based on chefs and bartenders (staff who work at the counter and issue orders). Cooks require secondary vocational education, experience in a similar institution is desirable. Bartenders don't need any special education, just quickness and kindness are enough. Cheburechnye almost always work without waiters.

The easiest way to find employees is through websites with vacancies, as well as among students of specialized educational institutions.

Few management personnel are required. In small establishments, the entrepreneur himself will be able to do all the paperwork and accounting.

Instead of a special cheburechnik, a large frying pan is often used.

Financial calculations

Opening a cheburechnaya will cost the entrepreneur at least 300 thousand rubles. We found out that the purchase of equipment fits only 100 thousand rubles. But do not forget about the need to renovate the premises, buy furniture for visitors, an online cash desk (at least 17 thousand rubles or 2 thousand per month for rent) and raw materials. Renting an area in a place with high traffic will also significantly increase the cost of opening.

The total price of equipment for the production of chebureks can pay off already in 2-3 months of work.

The advantage of this business is that the product is in demand and is sold at a high trade margin. The cost of a cheburek is on average 10 rubles, and the selling price is at least 30 rubles. A markup of 200% helps to return all investments and reach net profit for 6 months of work.


Chebureks as a business are a profitable line of work. You can open your own cheburek for 300 thousand rubles, which will pay off in six months of work. A small cafe needs 6-8 employees with a secondary vocational education. They are easy to find through job portals. The product is in stable demand, does not need advertising. This is an ideal option for a novice businessman who wants to develop in the field of catering.