Opening a kebab from scratch is what you need. We open a barbecue

Spring has come, which means that summer with its holidays is just around the corner. At this time, tens of thousands of Russians will rush from stuffy cities to country cottages. And what could be more pleasant than stopping in the middle of the road and relaxing in a roadside cafe, where juicy shish kebab sticks are so captivatingly attracted to you!

Many entrepreneurs make good money on it. If you have a desire to start your own business, and you have at least 300-400 thousand in your pocket for it, then we will be happy to tell you how to open a barbecue. We hope that this will allow you not only to earn your first money, but also to do it easily and with pleasure.

What is the most beneficial?

Experts and experienced entrepreneurs note that among small businesses, which, by the way, include roadside cafes, barbecue cafes are considered especially profitable. They are also opened due to the fact that they do not require serious investments in equipment, premises and personnel. In addition, the entrepreneur does not require special skills and knowledge, as, for example, in the restaurant business.

In the case of a barbecue, everything is much simpler. In addition, unlike pretentious restaurants, barbecue is a more democratic institution. Any person can come here and taste the meat, regardless of status, costume and wealth. Due to this, a constant influx of albeit small, but still more or less stable money is ensured.

How to open a barbecue? What documents are needed?

Before starting a business, be sure to think through all your actions, but rather write everything down on paper. A barbecue, the business plan of which is drawn up correctly (taking into account possible negative events), will certainly bring success to its owner. What should this document include? You should consider a place for building or renting your cafe.

Next, you need to register with the tax office (IFTS), pay state duties in it, purchase a minimum set of equipment and other necessary funds. It is best to issue an emergency. To do this, you must provide a tax application, a copy of your passport, pay the state duty. Its size should be specified in the tax office. Depending on the region, it ranges from 800 rubles to 1500.

At the second stage, it is necessary to equip the establishment well, organize uninterrupted supplies of raw materials (to do this, conclude the relevant contracts), recruit staff, set the cafe's working hours and, finally, determine the prices for finished products. Now let's talk about all this in more detail.

Where to stay?

First of all, you need to determine a place for a barbecue. The best thing is to build it on the side of the central highway. Thus, you will be able to provide your institution with a constant flow of customers. If finances do not allow you to build, look for a suitable roadside premises that you could rent for a long time.

If you are on the side of the road, be sure to consider parking spaces. It is desirable that they are enough for everyone: for cars of summer residents, and for heavy trucks of truckers passing by. According to entrepreneurs, a no less profitable place is not far from the bus station or a large shopping center.

We collect papers

When you decide on a place and understand that the business promises good profits, it's time to take care of the documents. First of all, you need to register with the tax office. There you will be prompted to choose the form of ownership. You can open LLC, LLC or IP. It all depends on how big your business is.

In the event that you want to run a small roadside cafe with a few tables and a small staff, experienced accountants recommend limiting yourself to an emergency. If you are planning a luxurious establishment on several levels, with parking and a number of entertainment and entertainment bonuses for your customers, then choose LLC.

Start Small

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the calculation of taxes directly depends on the choice of the type of commercial activity. It is best for a novice entrepreneur to register an IP. In this case, you will only need an application, a passport and a receipt stating that you have paid a state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.

By the way, in order to register an LLC, you will need to pay a tax of 4,000 rubles and collect a whole list of additional papers. In addition to tax, you will need to get approval from Rospotrebnadzor. This state organization will have to give permission to engage in entrepreneurial activities. To obtain it, you must submit quality certificates to the relevant authority.

Keep everything clean

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service draws up a special conclusion after examining the finished product of your company, and then issues a permit to operate a barbecue. This document is issued for a period of 1 to 5 years and is issued within 2 months. When checking your cafe, officials pay attention to the sanitary condition of the establishment.

In particular, they will be interested in the availability of individual medical books for the working staff. Further, the check will concern the availability of a sanitary facility in the building, cooking techniques and storage conditions for raw materials. In the event that everything is in order, no additional questions will arise for you. Violations may result in administrative liability.

Minimum set

How to open a barbecue without equipment? It's just not possible. Therefore, you will need to purchase freezing equipment for storing meat. Also buy skewers and barbecue. In addition to them, there must be an oven, a microwave oven, several tables and chairs, and a distribution rack.

Experienced entrepreneurs have calculated that the cost of the listed inventory and equipment is approximately 150,000 rubles. If your plans include providing barbecue to order, then you can cut costs, because you simply won’t need tables and chairs.

In this business, the most important thing is to properly organize the process of preparing dishes and selling them. It is very important to find a reliable supplier of meat. Its role can be played by the same PE as you (for example, a farmer), or a solid structure with a developed network for the production and sale of meat products. The first option is better. It will be easier for you to negotiate the price.

The barbecue menu will play a significant role in the success of this business. It should have enough variety of dishes so that the client can find exactly what he wants at the moment. By the way, in addition to selling fried meat directly in a cafe, do not exclude the possibility of selling barbecue to order.

Perhaps for many motorists who are in a hurry to get back behind the wheel as soon as possible, this option will be the most preferable. At first, you can offer your customers pork or beef. And then, as your point is promoted, you can make a variety in the form of lamb, poultry and fish.

Try to ensure that due to the rich assortment and helpful staff, your barbeque cafe has gained regular customers. To increase turnover, it would be nice to also sell first courses, second courses and soft drinks. If your establishment is located near the road, do not spend money on building castles, set up a simple tent, and cook meat dishes on the street. The enticing smell will attract new visitors.


Currently, pizza on call has become very popular throughout the country. You call, order, they deliver. Everything is convenient and simple. So why don't you organize a barbecue on call? Surely there will be no end to those who wish. And in order for things to go by leaps and bounds, invite an experienced barbecue man to work.

A person should know absolutely everything about meat, and even a little more. In this case, it is even important what coals are used for barbecue. They say they have special requirements. On the one hand, they must keep a uniform heat, on the other hand, they must not dry out tender pieces of lamb or young pork. It is important to select coals for barbecue as reverently as meat.

How much money do you need to have to get started?

Let's estimate how much money it will take to open your own business. Equipment and furnishings for a cafe will cost you 150 thousand rubles. You will have to allocate 3,000 monthly for utility costs. Salaries of employees (depending on the city) - from 15 thousand, rent of a cafe - from 50 thousand. Still it will be necessary to spend money on the purchase of meat and other raw materials. But do not worry, experienced entrepreneurs say that you can recoup all investments in a maximum of 2 years.

We hope that we have sufficiently fully answered your question about how to open a barbecue, and now you, armed with knowledge, can start your own business.

Barbecue - a small specialized cafe, the menu of which is dominated by grilled meat (shish kebab). The main attraction of this business is the minimum costs required for its organization, which is especially important at the initial stage.

Stage 1: Registration procedures

Naturally, the organization of the enterprise involves registration with the tax authority. It doesn’t matter what form of ownership is eventually chosen, in the list of OKVED codes you need to indicate 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes”. A barbecue also fits the description of this category.

It is optimal to issue an IP, especially if it is supposed to open 1-2 points. Here, firstly, there is less red tape with documents - basically a passport with a copy and an application for registration are required. For an LLC, the list is much longer. Secondly, the pleasure will cost only 800 rubles. - that's how much you have to pay as a state duty. For an LLC, the amount is 4 thousand rubles. True, it will take 2 days longer to wait for a decision, but this is hardly so important.

Immediately you need to choose the form of taxation, and notify the tax office of your decision. If this is not done in a timely manner, then OSNO is activated by default, a mode that is unprofitable for small catering establishments. Among the remaining forms of taxation, preference should be given to a simplified 15%. In this case, the tax base will be the difference between income and expenses. If you choose 6%, you can stay in the red. The fact is that at 6%, expenses are in principle not taken into account, and only income is taxed.

Stage 2: Required Documents

When opening a barbecue, it is not enough to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you must also take care of permits. To work legally, you must prepare the following.

  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, otherwise called a hygiene certificate - is issued at Rospotrebnadzor for a period of 1 to 5 years based on the results of an examination of products and the place of production. Individual entrepreneurs are issued free of charge ( within 60 days. Naturally, you will have to pay for mediation. Also, research is carried out for money, on the basis of which an expert opinion is issued. How much you will have to spend in the end is determined by the contract with the company providing such a service.
  • Placement Permit must also be obtained from Rospotrebnadzor. It confirms that a barbecue can be equipped in a particular place.
  • Medical books are issued for each employee of the catering enterprise, which is directly related to the production, supply of raw materials, waste disposal. And they should come first. The cost of the main tests, which must be affixed without fail (there are only 2 of them), together with the form of the book, starts from 600 rubles - this is if the employees hand them over to the SES on their own. Calling experts to the barbecue area will cost more.

It is expedient to attribute all expenses for registration of the necessary documentation in accounting to expenses of future periods.

Stage 3: Selection of premises and equipment

A barbeque house most often works in the format of a summer cafe: a tent is set up on the land plot, under which all production is organized. Sometimes the barbecue is put outside. Such establishments are also common along the roadway. In any case, the main requirement for a place for a barbecue is that it must be passable. The best option is close to markets or at the exit from the village.

It is also necessary to provide a toilet. You can get by with a bio-booth, which, by the way, is the cheapest to buy by sharing with other entrepreneurs. And the first time is best to rent. Some firms rent for 2-3 thousand rubles. along with service.

Initially you will need:

  • barbecue and skewers - nowhere without it;
  • refrigerator - it is necessary for storing marinated meat;
  • rack-distribution - it separates the production room from the main hall;
  • tables and chairs - but you can do without them if you are preparing a takeaway barbecue.

Stage 4: Organization of the production process

In addition to equipment, you will need raw materials, which, in fact, will be prepared in a barbecue, as well as coal. Where is the best place to buy meat? The best thing is to find a supplier from among the farmers who will provide you with a sufficient amount of meat. It is necessary to conclude an agreement with him.

How and where to pickle raw materials? If you buy already soaked meat, it will be more expensive, you can save a lot on the marinade. For its manufacture, it is better to contract some canteen, for example, to perform these works. But you can pickle on your own, but under the control of the shop.

When setting prices, it should be borne in mind that during frying, the weight of meat decreases. You also need to think about related products - drinks, dishes, pastries.

Stage 5: Calculation of economic feasibility

In conclusion, an approximate calculation of the economic efficiency of the event. Since seasonal fluctuations for this type of activity are noticeable, it is reasonable to break the year into 2 parts: May-September, October-April.

So, the initial parameters:

  • base - the opening of a new enterprise;
  • opening hours - from 10:00 to 22:00;
  • total area - 100 sq. m;
  • number of tables - 7 pcs. places - 28;
  • approximate cost of equipment (dishes, stove, grill, refrigerator, microwave oven, oven, coffee machine, cash register, etc.) - 100 thousand rubles;
  • other one-time expenses (furniture made from cheap materials, cosmetic repairs, dishes, overalls) - 160 thousand rubles;
  • utilities - 3 thousand / month;
  • the number of employees is 6 people (cashiers, cooks, cleaners), not counting the administrative staff and the technologist, the average salary is 15 thousand rubles / month. with personal income tax.

Fixed costs:

  • for wages - 90 thousand rubles / month. + UST (35%) - 31.5 thousand rubles;
  • for rent - 50 thousand rubles / month.

1 shish kebab for a 12-hour working day on 2 barbecues can fry 50 kg of raw meat, the output will be about 170 servings. For a barbecue with 7 tables, this is quite adequate performance during the peak season of trade - from April to September. In other months, the figure is half as much. Taking into account the average cost of barbecue 150 rubles. per portion revenue per month 990 thousand rubles. (30% for the purchase of related products - drinks, etc.). Costs per day for meat and marinade - 240 thousand rubles. + expenses for finished products - 208 thousand rubles.

Taking into account seasonality in the projection for the year, it turns out:

  • trade turnover - 11,880 thousand rubles;
  • gross income (value added) - 6,504 thousand rubles;
  • net profit - 1,935 thousand rubles (peak) + 552 thousand rubles. (decline), total - 2,487 thousand rubles;
  • profitability of the enterprise - 21%;
  • payback period - 2 years.

Thus, a barbecue is a worthwhile enterprise, because it can be organized at minimal cost and recouped in a couple of years.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

Objective of the project– opening of a barbecue house in Rostov-on-Don, operating in the format of a mini-cafe and takeaway. Barbecue is a small establishment with an area of ​​30 square meters. meters offering barbecue as the main dish. The target audience of the institution are residents of the Aleksandrovka microdistrict and the city of Rostov-on-Don, as well as guests of the city. The main services of the kebab shop are: takeaway kebab, mini-cafe and summer cafe services, delivery services. Menu establishments include:

1. Pork skewers;

2. Lamb shish kebab;

3. Beef shish kebab;

4. Chicken barbecue;

5. Salads;

6. Snacks;

7. Drinks;

The cost of opening a barbecue will amount to 1,101,700 rubles. The main investments will require the construction of a barbecue building and the purchase of equipment - 811,700 rubles. The launch of the project is planned to be carried out at the expense of own funds. The payback period of the project from the start of sales will be 14 months.

*during peak months

It is planned to complete the construction and decoration of the premises, as well as the design of the necessary institutions within 5 months. The opening of the barbecue is scheduled for June 2016.

2. Description of the industry and company

The goal of the project is to open a barbecue house in the city of Rostov-on-Don. At its core, a kebab house will represent a “one-dish establishment” - a kebab. As a format of work, it was decided to choose two directions - the format of a self-service mini-cafe for 12 seats and the "takeaway" format. In the period from April to early October, it is planned to double the number of seats by adding summer tables. Thanks to this, it is supposed to use the facilities of the institution to the fullest extent in the warm season, when shish kebab is in the greatest demand among Rostovites and guests of the city.

Barbecue is located on one of the busiest streets of the city - the prospect of the 40th anniversary of the Victory (microdistrict Aleksandrovka), on the first line of houses. The distance from the city center (Teatralnaya Square) is 5 km, the distance from the federal highway M-4 Don is 3 km.

An individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system (6% of income received) was chosen as the form of ownership. The management structure of the institution is extremely simple. The project is managed by an individual entrepreneur, the functions of receiving clients and fulfilling orders are performed by two full-time employees working in shifts. In the warm season, due to the growth in sales and the opening of a summer cafe, it is possible to attract hired personnel. Hired employees are also involved in the provision of delivery services.

3.Description of goods and services

The main dish of the kebab house is kebab from various types of meat: pork, beef, lamb, poultry. A detailed price list for barbecue products can be seen in Table. 1 of this business plan. The main advantage of the barbecue will be the quality of meat, which is purchased from a local peasant farm, and the individual entrepreneur himself, who has many years of experience in cooking barbecue and grilled dishes, as well as two full-time employees, is directly involved in cooking. The quality of the barbecue will also contribute to the timely delivery of meat and compliance with storage conditions, methods of marinating and roasting worked out from personal experience. Barbecue and other dishes for it can be ordered without visiting the barbecue: the institution provides delivery services. At the time of writing this business plan, the project is at the initial stage: the site has been transferred from the status of individual housing construction to commercial real estate, design estimates have been developed, and a preliminary agreement has been concluded for the supply of meat with one of the peasant farms.

Table 1. Price for products sold

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To provide the services described above, registration as an individual entrepreneur (IP) with the OKVED code 55.30 “Restaurant and cafe activities” is required. The activity of a barbecue house will require a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, registration of medical books, permission to locate a catering establishment, confirming that a barbecue house can be equipped in this place. The following is a complete list of documents that will need to be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor:

1. Evidence of the rights to the property of the premises;

2. Design conclusion for the catering facility (or the project itself, if the conclusion was not issued);

3. Calculation of the amount of food waste depending on the capacity of the enterprise;

4. Permission on the possibility of accommodation;

5. A copy of the BTI plan with an explication for the catering enterprise;

6. Copy of the general plan of the territory;

7. Scheme of communications (ventilation, water supply, sewerage);

8. Scheme of arrangement of technological equipment;

9. A copy of the current agreement with Vodokanal;

10. Passports for existing ventilation units and air conditioning systems;

11. Act of revision, cleaning and disinfection of ventilation, sewerage systems, checks of thermal and refrigeration equipment in the catering department;

12. Contract for the maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems, incl. disinfection;

13. Copy of bacteriological and chemical analysis of drinking water;

14. A copy of the certificate of state registration of a barbecue.

15. Copy of certificate of tax registration;

16. Bank details (in full), certified by the director's signature and seal;

17. Copies of orders on the appointment of responsible persons for the PC (production control);

assortment list of products;

18. Copies of contracts for the disposal of waste: solid waste, food, mercury-containing and fluorescent lamps;

19. Copies of contracts for the supply of food and food raw materials;

20. A copy of the contract for deratization, pest control and disinfection work (+license);

21. A copy of the contract for periodic medical examinations (+ license);

sanitary passport for the object (issued in the disinfection service);

22. Decorated corner of the consumer;

23. Journal of accounting and expenditure of disinfectants with an approved calculation;

issued medical books of employees.

Almost all categories of the population who love this dish and are not indifferent to meat are buyers of the barbecue. It should be noted that in recent years, meat consumption in Russia has begun to grow. The decline of the early 1990s, which lasted until the early 2000s, when meat consumption per capita fell by a third, has passed. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, according to the results of 2014, meat consumption in Russia amounted to 74 kg per capita. At the same time, meat consumption in the Southern Federal District is traditionally higher than the average for Russia and today is about 78 kg.

The main requirements of barbecue buyers are the taste of meat. The kebab should be soft, juicy and it is desirable to get on the table "piping hot". An almost obligatory attribute of barbecue is sauce, fried vegetables, snacks, salads. In the south of Russia, shish kebab is most often served with lavash.

In general, in Rostov you can count about a hundred establishments where you can find barbecue as one of the dishes. At the same time, the barbecue format is less common - about 20-30 barbecue units operate in the city. Basically, such establishments offer takeaway services, including hot second courses of Caucasian cuisine and salads. Less common are establishments operating in the format of a mini-cafe or restaurant. Despite the abundance of barbecue places, there are not so many really popular establishments. Only 5-6 institutions of the city can boast of "people's love" and a large proportion of regular customers. As an additional service, most establishments include free barbecue delivery. Among the direct competitors, located close to the barbecue, we can distinguish two establishments that cook barbecue to go and have positive customer reviews. One of the most common remarks about barbecue, in addition to complaints about the quality of barbecue, is the low speed of service and cooking, low level of service, "body kit" of customers.

Barbecue is sold directly at the establishment (takeaway) and via delivery. In the warm season (from April to early October), the barbecue works in the format of a summer cafe. Barbecue and salads are served to cafe clients on disposable tableware. Ready-to-go barbecue is packed in special disposable containers. The client can order salads, drinks and snacks from the menu. The barbecue is open daily from 10.00 to 23.00.

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To attract customers, an outdoor sign with three-dimensional letters glowing at night is used. The distribution of business cards, leaflets with menus, contacts and a barbecue delivery phone number is also used. Barbecue prices are set based on the average prices in the city, as well as taking into account the cost of production.

5.Production plan

It was decided to locate the barbecue house in the Proletarsky district of the city of Rostov-on-Don, on the street of the 40th anniversary of the Victory in the Aleksandrovka microdistrict, in close proximity to the owner's house. The population of the Proletarsky district, according to data for 2015, is 119 thousand people. At least half of this population lives in the Aleksandrovka microdistrict, and there are many high-rise residential buildings in the area. Since the barbecue is located near the roadway, this location is the best in terms of the visibility of the establishment for those passing by. The avenue is the key artery of the city, connecting the federal highway M-4 "Don" with the center of Rostov-on-Don. In this regard, potential customers can be not only residents of this microdistrict and the city, but also guests of the city.

The cost of building a barbeque area of ​​30 sq. turnkey meters will require 540,000 thousand rubles at the rate of 18,000 rubles. per sq. area meter. The equipment of the premises will require the attraction of another 311,700 rubles. In total, 851,700 thousand rubles will be invested in real estate.

Table 2 Equipment Costs

The main duties for taking orders and cooking are carried out by two employees of the barbecue house, working in shifts (see Table 3). Hired personnel are mainly involved in the organization of delivery, as well as in the warm season for auxiliary work with an increase in the flow of customers.

Table 3. Staffing and payroll

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For 1 working day, a mini-cafe barbecue can fry up to 50 kg of raw meat, that is, the output will be about 37.5 kg. Accordingly, the maximum volume of finished products per month will be 1140 kg. Taking into account sales of other products, the monthly revenue of a barbecue house can reach 1.2 million rubles. The main costs of the main period are the purchase of meat and other products. Meat for barbecue is purchased from one of the peasant farms. The cost of a kilogram of pork is 190 rubles, beef - 210 rubles, lamb - 230 rubles. Chicken wings are purchased at a price of 90 rubles. per kg, chicken fillet for barbecue - for 175 rubles. The production consumables are charcoal and disposable tableware. Among other expenses, we can mention the services of hired personnel (mainly delivery) - 7,000 rubles, the cost of utilities and electricity - 5 thousand rubles, printing business cards and leaflets - 5 thousand rubles, as well as depreciation of fixed assets - 2.6 thousand rubles taking into account the useful life - 10 years.

6. Organizational plan

The project implementation period, taking into account the construction, equipment and execution of the necessary documents, will be 5 months. Responsibilities for the general management of the barbecue remain with the owner. Staff and hired employees are directly subordinated to him. The process of receiving and serving customers is carried out by two employees of the barbecue house, working in shifts. There are no strict requirements for the qualifications and education of staff. Training in the technology of work and cooking is undertaken by an individual entrepreneur.

Many people associate shish kebab with rest in a friendly company, fun pastime and comfort. Thanks to such an association and a huge number of meat lovers, opening a barbecue can be a great way to earn money.

Shashlik is a meat dish cooked on the grill. Although this delicacy is not considered a dietary food, there are a lot of meat lovers with smoke. The customers of the barbecue are people of different ages and social status. This democratic institution can be visited by both students and businessmen. Thanks to such an alternative concept, a barbecue is a very profitable type of business that is guaranteed to bring you income and, with a competent approach, will pay back all investments in one season. Therefore, I will undoubtedly recommend to people who are looking for to take a closer look at the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bopening their own barbecue.

Features and business format

Barbecue is a one-dish themed establishment. This cafe prepares and serves exclusively grilled dishes. Basically, this is meat of various types and methods of preparation, from traditional barbecue to steak with blood. In addition, smoky sausages and sausages, as well as seasonal grilled vegetables, are often on the barbecue menu.

Before you open such an institution, you need to decide on the format. Traditionally, barbecue houses are divided into two types: open-type establishments and closed ones.

Summer barbecue on the track

This place is usually a small portable tent with an outdoor kitchen and outdoor tables for visitors. Here everyone can fully enjoy the atmosphere, feel all the delights of outdoor recreation. As a rule, barbecue and other dishes are cooked right on the street, and each visitor can watch the process of cooking.

Most of these establishments are located along the highway, outside the city. Most often, visitors to roadside barbecues are motorists passing by, truckers, as well as people who decide to relax in nature. As a rule, these cafes provide customers not only with the opportunity to buy takeaway barbecue, but also relax in comfortable gazebos or summer tents.

The only disadvantage of the summer barbecue is the seasonality of this type of income.

Stationary barbecue indoors

The second option for opening this thematic catering establishment involves renting a room with a specially equipped kitchen for cooking, as well as a place of rest for visitors to the barbecue cafe. This option is more profitable, because it is possible to sell grilled meat dishes all year round. But as a rule, the demand for such food in winter drops significantly, and not every novice entrepreneur can afford the opening of a stationary establishment. Therefore, for beginners on a limited budget, I recommend opening a summer barbecue on the street.

Business registration

Before you start implementing the idea of ​​​​opening a catering establishment, you should deal with organizational issues. First of all, it is necessary to submit the relevant documents for registration of activities. You have the opportunity to choose the form of activity: IP or LLC. Naturally, the procedure for registering individual entrepreneurship is much simpler, faster and less costly in material terms. But it is only suitable for establishments that do not plan to sell alcoholic beverages. It is worth noting that a license is not needed for beer, and these are the most popular drinks in the warm season. Therefore, you can safely limit yourself to selling exclusively non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks in your establishment.

In the case when, you initially plan an extensive menu for your catering establishment, which involves the sale of alcohol, then you should register a legal entity (LLC).

Necessary documents for the legal activity of a barbecue

  • Coordination of the location of the barbecue with Rospotrebnadzor. You do not have the right to place a catering establishment or a retail outlet in any place convenient for you. It is necessary to coordinate this with the local authorities, which will issue the appropriate permission to open an institution.
  • The conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service on the compliance of food products, food preparation technology, norms and quality standards.
  • Fire department permits. This is another instance, on the conclusion of which the possibility of opening and operating a retail outlet depends. The premises of a barbecue, coffee shop, pizzeria or any other catering establishment must comply with fire safety standards. Namely, a fire alarm system should be installed on the territory of the institution, there should be both a main and an emergency exit in case of need to evacuate people.
  • The availability of health books for employees of the institution. Catering employees are required to have proof of their health status. To do this, they must provide a sanitary book, which indicates the passage of a scheduled medical examination.

Barbecue Equipment

Depending on the chosen format of the institution, you will need to purchase the appropriate equipment for cooking barbecue and other dishes presented on the menu of your cafe.

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Necessary equipment for a summer barbecue on the street

  • Barbecue and skewers for cooking meat and vegetables on the fire;
  • Microwave oven for heating food;
  • Refrigerator and freezer;
  • Cutting table;
  • Washbasin, dishwasher, plumbing and sewerage, in case you do not use disposable dishes for serving ready meals. But as a rule, roadside barbecues use disposable utensils and cutlery, so there is no need for extra waste;
  • Kitchen utensils (knives, plates, glasses, cutting boards, dishes, etc.);
  • Furniture for the rest of visitors. As an option, most often, roadside cafes use plastic chairs and tables with sun umbrellas. Sometimes barbecue houses equip pavilions for guests of the establishment. You can choose any option that is more affordable for you financially.

Menu and food delivery

The main feature of any barbecue is high-quality grilled meat. Consider the preferences of customers and try to diversify the menu as much as possible. For example, some religions forbid the consumption of pork, so in order not to lose customers, you can offer them tender chicken skewers.

In the menu of the establishment, there should be types of barbecue from meat of different varieties. For example, you can offer visitors a traditional pork or lamb shish kebab, tender grilled beef, baked chicken drumsticks, and even an exclusive sea composition of salmon, shrimp or snail meat. Meat is also served with vegetables. You can cook them very tasty on the grill and serve as a side dish for barbecue.

Dessert. In any institution, even in a barbecue, you can offer visitors the opportunity to taste something sweet. Traditional desserts in the warm season are ice cream with various fillings and syrups, fruit salad and chocolate-covered fruit cuts.

Don't forget about drinks too. It is advisable to sell both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, so that each visitor can choose the one that suits his taste. The menu should contain juices, fruit drinks, coffee, tea, as well as alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, for example,.

I recommend that you don't get too carried away and create an extensive menu. The fact is that meat and vegetables in the warm season deteriorate very quickly. And the use of frozen foods significantly affects the taste and appearance of food. Therefore, it is better to have main dishes on the menu, but always from fresh products, which will be delivered several times a week.

Delivery of products

Opening a kebab house involves selling home-made dishes, for which you need to purchase the appropriate ingredients.

It is quite possible to conclude profitable contracts with vegetable and meat shops. The only recommendation, do not see the low cost of meat, always ask for certificates confirming its quality. Otherwise, you risk the lives of your visitors, because meat poisoning is very easy.

Want to save? Look for farmers and buy goods directly without intermediaries. With the same success, you can open a home, pigs, sheep, and then the problem with the supply of products will be solved.

Search for personnel to work in a barbecue

It should be understood that the attendance of the institution, and, accordingly, its profitability, depends on the qualifications of the staff and the quality of service. Therefore, take the selection of staff with all responsibility.

To work in a barbecue you will need:

  1. Cook. If the institution is small, then at the initial stage, one person is quite enough;
  2. Assistant cook - 1-2 people to work in shifts;
  3. Waiters. Depending on the area and attendance of the institution, recruit qualified waiters. A minimum of 4 people will be required to work in shifts. There are no special requirements for the position, the main thing is that the person be attentive, friendly to the visitor, punctual, honest and responsible. It is desirable to have work experience, but it is quite possible to accept a person without experience with a probationary period.
  4. Cleaning woman. It doesn’t matter what kind of catering establishment you open, whether it’s an elite coffee shop or a roadside barbecue, cleanliness in the premises is the key to success. Agree that few people will visit an institution that smells dirty and tasteless. Hire someone to clean and keep things clean.

Barbecue business plan

To avoid mistakes and distribute the available start-up capital efficiently, I recommend that you draw up and stick to a clear business plan.

A business plan for a barbecue should consist of the following steps:

  1. Choosing the format of the institution (stationary cafe or mobile tent);
  2. Business registration, obtaining permits and licenses;
  3. Rent a place for a barbecue;
  4. Purchase of equipment;
  5. Recruitment;
  6. Calculation of costs for the implementation of the idea, assessment of profit and payback period of the project;

Barbecue business: pros and cons

It is worth noting that opening a food business is always a profitable business, despite serious competition. As for the barbecue specifically, here, like in any other field of activity, there are advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the seasonality of the business, in the case of opening a summer barbecue. As for the pluses, there are many more: the theme of the institution, small investments, high demand and the possibility of further development in the chosen direction.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

450 000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

20 %


From 12 months


From 650 000 ₽

Net profit

Barbecue houses are becoming very popular - public catering establishments, in the menu of which the leading place is occupied by grilled meat (shish kebab). Such specialized cafes are most relevant in big cities, where multi-storey buildings predominate and where many people do not have the opportunity to cook barbecue on their own. This business is highly profitable and does not require large expenses for organization.

How to register a barbecue and issue permits

As in the case of any other catering establishment, a number of documents must be issued to open a barbecue. To begin with, you need to choose the appropriate legal form for running such a business. In this case, there are only two options - register as an individual entrepreneur or open a limited liability company. The form of IP is considered the most preferable, even if you think big and plan to eventually create a whole network of barbecues in your city (or even beyond).

In the future, you can always open an LLC if necessary, and starting your business as an individual entrepreneur will save time and money. The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur is several times lower than the cost of organizing an LLC. When registering with the tax authorities, in the list of OKVED codes, indicate code 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes”. Decide in advance on the form of taxation and notify the tax office about it. The simplified form with a rate of 15% is considered optimal.

Among other necessary documents for conducting such activities, you will need a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion (or a hygiene certificate) and a placement permit, which are issued by Rospotrebnadzor after checking your establishment. The validity of the sanitary-epidemiological conclusion can be from 1 to 5 years, depending on the location of the barbecue and the result of the checks.

In principle, you can deal with obtaining a certificate and permit (collection and preparation of all necessary documents) on your own. All this will take about two months. If you do not have experience in preparing documents and working with the relevant authorities, then it is better to seek help from intermediaries. The costs in this case will be higher, but you will save a lot of your own time and effort. In addition, each of your employees who is related to the supply of raw materials, disposal of production waste or directly to the production process must have a medical book.

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The procedure for issuing a personal medical book, undergoing hygiene training, certification and medical examinations are regulated by the following documents: Federal Law No. 52 "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", Federal Law No. 29 "On the quality and safety of food products", Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 229 dated 06/29/00 "On professional hygienic training and certification of officials and employees of organizations", Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 122 of 04/14/00 "On a personal medical book and a sanitary passport for vehicles for transporting food products", as well as regional regulations.

You can apply for a medical book on your own. In this case the cost of issuing a medical book will not exceed 700 rubles. You can also use the services of intermediaries or issue medical books through the organization, calling all the specialists to undergo a medical examination on the territory of the employer.

How to choose a format for a barbecue

Before you start writing a business plan and, moreover, organizing a cafe, you should decide on the format of your barbecue. Until recently, such establishments worked mainly in the format of a seasonal cafe. Like other similar catering establishments, barbecue houses worked only in summer. Moreover, they did not need a stationary room to open them. The principle of organizing such a barbecue is similar to the principle of opening an ordinary cafe. It is usually located in a tent, next to which a barbecue is installed. However, now the most popular are "stationary" kebab houses that work throughout the year. Previously, such establishments were located mainly on highways, along the roadway. Now they have begun to open in cities, mainly in residential areas.

The format of a stationary cafe has undoubted advantages: its work does not depend on the season. Moreover, with year-round work, the seasonal factor is partially leveled, which makes it difficult for summer cafes to work. Summer kebab houses are suitable for working as a cafe, but takeaway orders are rarely made in them.

In addition, when working in this format, you need to take care of the availability of a toilet or open your own cafe close to others with all the amenities. Renting a toilet will cost from 5 thousand rubles a month. For any format of work you choose, the barbecue should be located in a place with high traffic. It is best if it is a residential area, close to shopping centers and markets or at the entrance / exit to the city.

What equipment is needed for a barbecue

To operate a barbecue, you will need certain equipment. The main one is a brazier with a large number of skewers, a showcase plus a counter, which on the one hand divides the room into two parts - for taking orders and the kitchen, on the other hand, allows you to put up for sale related products, a refrigerator for storing meat, as well as chairs. The latter are needed not only if you work as a cafe, but also when you cook takeaway barbecue. Your customers can safely wait until their order is ready. Grilled meat is one of those dishes that should be eaten immediately after preparation.

During cooling and subsequent heating, it loses a number of its taste qualities, so experts recommend considering the packaging for the finished dish. As a rule, disposable containers are used to transport barbecue, but they do not retain heat well and require additional wrapping (for example, in paper). You will also need the products themselves for making kebabs - meat, spices, onions, as well as charcoal for the grill. Meat is best purchased in small wholesale in retail chains or bases. Ideally, of course, it would be desirable to establish supplies directly from the farm.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In addition to meat itself, include a number of additional products in your assortment. In the hot season, you can sell soft drinks and light snacks, and in the cold season (if you have a stationary barbecue, and not a summer cafe) - hot tea, coffee, pastries, etc. In addition to barbecue, you can also make other dishes with meat content, such as shawarma. But such an expansion of the range is associated with additional costs.

What you need to open a barbecue

To open a barbecue number 1, you will need an area of ​​60 sq. meters (when working to take away) or from 100 sq. meters, if seating is provided. From the equipment you will need a barbecue, a refrigerator, a microwave oven, an oven, inventory, dishes, etc. The total cost of all this will be about 150 thousand rubles.. Furniture can be made independently or purchased second-hand. In addition, you will need to purchase disposable tableware, order packaging, overalls for grillers and sellers, etc.