How to become State Duma deputies. How to become State Duma deputies What needs to be done to become a deputy

I am starting to receive questions on the topic “how to become a municipal deputy” on the eve of the elections that will take place in September 2017. It's time to think - maybe you should also become a deputy? I warmly welcome Muscovites who wish to become municipal deputies. Moreover, I want to encourage you to become a municipal deputy. To do this, I decided to write a series of articles about our work.

The closer the elections are, the more questions will come from potential candidates. In order not to repeat myself every time, I’d rather write articles. Muscovites will read them, and I hope these articles will encourage many to participate in the elections. Let this be my small contribution to increasing civic activity in the capital’s districts.

I am planning 6 articles:

1. Why should you become a municipal deputy?
2. What do municipal deputies do?
(Authorities. Work without authority. Dealing with residents’ complaints.)
3. How local government is structured.
(Council of Deputies. Apparatus of the Council of Deputies. Government. Prefecture. Budget, money in the region.)
4. Participation in meetings of the Council of Deputies.
(Regulations. Agenda. Voting. Protocol. Deputy request.)
5. How to become a municipal deputy.
(Nomination. Expenses. Campaign strategy and tactics)
6. Answers to questions.

Now, before I start the first part, I want to address the current municipal deputies. Colleagues! Join us! Let's start agitating people together to become municipal deputies. Look, real local self-government, independent of the authorities, will appear in many areas.

What we can:

  • Gather in each district a group of candidates independent from the authorities - people who are alive, active, and interested in resolving the issues of their district.

  • Help voters learn about these people.

  • Prepare future deputies by sharing your 5-year experience.

If you support my idea, post similar calls on your blogs and social networks with a proposal to run for municipal deputies. (You can take my articles or use fragments from them).

For my part, I promise information support for the candidates of three Izmailovo districts and Golyanov. I hope that current municipal deputies in other areas will do the same. All this will help increase interest in municipal elections.

So, let's get to the first article.

Part 1. Why should you become a municipal deputy?

Those who want to directly participate in resolving issues of local importance in their area become municipal deputies. If you like social activities and are not indifferent to what happens outside your home, then becoming a municipal deputy is for you.

Yes, we, municipal deputies, have very little power today (that’s how local government works in Moscow). All powers and finances are concentrated in the councils. But this should not stop you if your goal is to participate in the life of your area. The main thing here is activity. To be honest, even the status of a deputy is not the most important thing in solving problems. However, in the status of a deputy, you will have a completely different attitude towards what is happening around you, and responsibility will appear. And the range of issues being addressed becomes much wider.

What will this give you personally? Let's talk about “gingerbreads”:
- Free single pass for public transport;
- Cash compensation on average 17,500 rubles per month (may vary depending on the principles of distribution of funds between deputies);
- “Crust” and the proud status of a deputy (boo-ha-ha);

As you can see, the carrots are small, but the main thing is the moral satisfaction from socially useful work, isn’t it? Plus an excellent school of life. You have to learn a lot: communicate with people, defend your point of view, fight careless officials, speak in public, write appeals, study legislation, etc. and so on. Such self-development.

- You spend your personal time not on yourself and your family or your business, but on public issues and the problems of other people;
- You constantly come across the fact that your powers are not enough to solve problems. Even any minor issue, such as the color of the curb outside your house and the removal of leaves, is not your responsibility under the law;
- Huge indifference and passivity of people (this is why we need activists and I write these articles);

Local parliament is not politics. She's not here. There are benches and cleaning, major renovations of houses and barriers. Perhaps once every five years, candidates for mayor of Moscow will come for your signature for nomination. If your goal is to get involved in politics, do not become a municipal deputy, do not waste your time.

If you want to run just for the sake of the title “deputy” and at the same time not deal with the problems of the region (and there are plenty of such deputies in Moscow), then this is simply ridiculous.

Local parliament is not the management of the district (the council manages it). You are just a public controller who pulls officials from the executive branch of government so that they better resolve the issues of the area.

Local government is not the distribution of the district budget; the main money passes through the government past the deputies. The maximum that is required of you is to agree on what the council's money is used for.

Let's imagine that you are the only deputy in the area independent of the authorities. How much can you do as a deputy when United Russia members can easily outvote you on any issue? A little.

But let’s imagine that there are more of you independents. Now you are the power! Let’s imagine that you have become more than half of the deputies in the region. Oh, life will become better, life will become more fun!

Powerful levers emerge:

1. The head of the council is accountable to the council of deputies; he can be removed in case of problems. And if you have such influence on the executive branch, think for yourself how much easier it becomes to resolve regional issues.
2. Indirect control over the “Zhilishchnik” appears - and the work of the “Zhilishchnik” is 50% of residents’ complaints.
3. Never again will the authorities push through an independent council of deputies an issue that residents oppose: for example, construction in a park or paid parking.
4. The Council of Deputies has the right of legislative initiative: the Council of Deputies can send its bills to the Moscow City Duma. And the Moscow City Duma is obliged to consider them. Thus, you will be able to formulate an agenda on many citywide issues. And even if the members of the Moscow City Duma are against your initiatives, the very fact of the discussion is very important.

At the next elections, candidates independent of the authorities should strive to take a majority in every district of Moscow. Then changes will begin from where they were not expected - from below.

And of course, don’t forget that there will be mayoral elections in 2018. It will be very difficult for an opposition candidate to collect more than 100 signatures of municipal deputies (and one signature in each district) to pass the filter. Elections of municipal deputies in 2017 will determine whether a candidate from outside the government can be nominated.

Now you understand how important it is to become a municipal deputy - both for your district and for Moscow as a whole. I hope I managed to interest you at least a little. Think about it. Maybe this kind of social work is just for you!

Have questions? Write in the comments. I will answer in the following articles.

Next article "


There are positions or entire areas that attract more with privileges than with ideas about something lofty. Therefore, at least once in their life, without even really wanting it and without seriously thinking about it, everyone asked the question: “How to become a deputy in your city?”

We showed you how you can do this and gave you some tips on how to get closer to your goal.

Who is a deputy?


You need to start by generally understanding who this deputy is: are you sure that you really understand?

A deputy is a person who is in a representative or legislative branch. We need to be aware of what both of these types of power represent.

Representative is public power, the one that allows the people to exercise their personal rights, and its implementation is carried out by representative authorities - both state and municipal. You most likely understand even intuitively what the legislative body is: a body that develops legislation.

Deputies, in essence, are engaged in representing the interests of voters and protecting their rights (which are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation).


You must be prepared for the fact that this activity implies publicity, and your every step will, one way or another, be monitored by both the media and ordinary citizens. So, the inclinations of an introvert and the traits of a shy person will have to be hidden away and revealed to the whole world. More precisely, the country.

Moreover, from the moment you become a deputy, all your financial activity is monitored, so any unclean nuances can float to the surface and significantly undermine not only your new status, but also your entire life and the lives of your loved ones.

Who cannot become a deputy?

- A citizen who has not yet turned 21 years old;

- A citizen who has a criminal record and is wanted;

- Incapacitated citizen with mental disabilities (this must be confirmed by a document).

In addition, those who are inhibited, who cannot stand publicity, who are uncomfortable being among people, who are afraid to speak in front of the public, who are lazy, without firm life positions, principles, who are not straightforward and indecisive, are also incapable of becoming a deputy.

Who can be a deputy of the Russian Federation and local authorities?

If we say that anyone, then it will be more true than a lie. The formal side of the question is as follows. A deputy can become:

- A citizen who is already 21 years old and has the right to participate in elections;

- A citizen of the country in whose parliament he plans to be elected;

- The same citizen cannot be a deputy of the State Duma and a member of the Federation Council;

A citizen whose positive state of mental health is documented (but if you rush at people while having a certificate stating that you are healthy, then be prepared to be exposed);

- A citizen who has never been prosecuted;

- A citizen who has completed higher or secondary education.

The formal side, among those who seriously want to build, is practically no obstacle for anyone, and few people do not meet these conditions. But the personal qualities that a deputy should have are a completely different story. You must understand that you are plunging into a cruel world where a person without a core simply cannot survive.

The desire to serve for the good of your country is also very important, but only because without being at least some percentage of a patriot, it is quite difficult to be surrounded by issues related to the state 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Sometimes, the presence of charisma, charm and a loud, convincing voice for a deputy are decisive and more important than education, erudition and plans to open a charitable foundation. So, do not be upset if you do not meet some formal points - if you have a bright personality, then your chances do not decrease by a percentage.

Finally, what are the responsibilities?

The most important responsibility of deputies is to maintain contact with voters.

More specifically, the deputy participates in the consideration of absolutely any issues related to the interests of voters in the local government bodies of the municipality.

He also has the right to check information about violations of citizens' rights, involving employees of the relevant bodies, and to hold meetings and gatherings with public organizations and voters of the region (circle). The deputy, of course, monitors the implementation of regulations of local governments.

Each deputy is obliged to provide the tax authorities with information about manipulations with his property and data on his income. It will no longer be possible to sell an apartment or a car and forget about it - millions of papers and declarations will follow you.

3 life hacks on how to become a deputy in your city

1. Be a businessman

“So-so” - most likely, you will think, and in vain! You've probably noticed that businessmen very often become deputies (and Donald Trump, for example, after earning his billions, went further and became president).

If you are a big businessman, then you have money, and this is your trump card. You simply choose the party that is closest to you and ask to be included in the list, offering financial support, as they say.

The condition is simple: if the party needs money (and the percentage that it is needed is always very high), then you will be gladly accepted. The chances increase if you choose the least popular game, but if you are not satisfied with it, then you will have a rather difficult time. Is the game worth the candle then?

Each party puts forward its own monetary conditions, so it is impossible to say how much you will need in order to achieve your goal, but you can always find out this information from the party itself.

What if you weren't accepted into the party?

For example, there was not enough money or the party simply does not need you at all - such options are very likely. No problem - there is one more move. You can nominate yourself, a process called self-nomination.

The requirements for a self-nominated candidate are the same as for any person who wants to become a deputy. The disadvantage of this procedure is that it is much more complicated and many times more expensive. You will have to engage in high-quality self-promotion to get the required number of signatures in favor of your candidacy.

Now about something more pleasant. What could motivate you to retrain from a businessman to a deputy?

Firstly, another tick on the list of life goals. Thus, you can satisfy your ambitions: you have succeeded in business, now you are also a master in politics and influence the fate of your hometown/district/district;

The desire to receive immunity, which any member of the Parliament of the Russian Federation receives;

The desire to protect one’s property and activities from tax attacks in a certain way;

A desire to change some area of ​​one’s state and make the lives of citizens better (nothing funny, we believe that such enthusiasts exist!).

2. The party is synonymous with your life

If you want to climb to the parliamentary Olympus, as they say, from the very bottom, without money or millionaire status, then know that this is also possible.

You need to join some (preferably pleasant to your soul) party, and from that moment the prospects for future parliamentary office will open up for you. The algorithm for joining is, in principle, the same for any party, but you need to keep in mind that each has its own nuances.

As a rule, before becoming a member of a party, you need to be a supporter for some time - a kind of probationary period lasting up to six months. To do this, you need to submit documents and undergo an interview. You can join some parties right away, and even online.

The party is paving the way to the position of deputy - this is the initial step in your career ladder. In addition, you can enjoy some privileges in the form of a full-time lawyer and other employees. From the party you have the opportunity to run for the city and regional Duma, but we won’t tell you about bright prospects - there really aren’t many of them.

Despite the fact that only the most active and strong-character party supporters begin to build a real career, only a rare few achieve what they want.

3. A social activist is almost a deputy


Although it is dangerous at times to be a social activist, it will bring you closer to being a deputy.

In fact, all this activity rests on public activists, therefore, being one, there is every chance of becoming a deputy of the regional council, and therefore the Russian Parliament. Many have already proven this by their own example.

A social activist is not only someone who conscientiously goes to all rallies and calls for some kind of action (although that too). Many public activists, for example, are journalists who organize large-scale journalistic investigations and expose fraudsters, swindlers and criminals, telling people about fraud and theft and other hidden facts of the life of the state.

These are also people who are involved in ecology, create public organizations, meetings, thereby helping to improve the life of the city and region, those who create organizations to help the victims, missing, insulted and victims.

Simply put, social activists are people who fight injustice for a cause. If you are like that, then you have every chance from this stage to make your way to the position of deputy.

You are an ordinary person, without millions in your account, without connections in the government apparatus, you are not a star in sports, culture, art, but you sincerely want to become a deputy. Among all the people listed, you will have a hard time, and your prospects, we admit, do not look very rosy, but there is always a chance. The following will help you:

1. Decide on your positions

First of all, in your head, your thoughts and life views should look like an ideal diagram. When you sort everything out, it will be easier for you to move in the chosen political direction, you will clearly understand what to do next and what you can offer from your future position, what you want to speak for or against.

2. Write a program

Even if you are still very far from becoming a deputy, still sketch out what you want to change in your city or region, what you can bring, what you can get rid of, how to improve the lives of citizens, what you like and what you don’t like. You'll need this anyway.

3. Learn to convey these positions to others

Yes, you have already done the main thing - you have decided where to go. But everything can collapse overnight if you do not know how to competently, clearly and “close to the text” convey your plans and thoughts. It is enough once to use a word incorrectly, to put emphasis in the wrong place - and that’s it, you are no longer the same in the eyes of the people, on whom your future position depends.

4. Create an image of yourself as a brave social activist

No matter how cynical it may sound, this also takes a very large percentage of success. Do as many good things as possible for the residents of your city and region, but do not forget that this should be recorded in some way - for example, (the best way) in the media.

5. Create an ideal image for yourself

Perfect in every way, this time it's not just about the image of an activist. Be (and don’t just pretend to be) an impeccable husband, brother, matchmaker, father, friend, grandson, just a passerby and a dream driver, literally, a messiah who periodically catches the eye of city residents. A harried celestial. Citizens naturally develop trust in such a person, but remember that if you really are not one, this, again, will quickly be revealed

6. Cherish your reputation

Don’t break laws and rules, don’t be rude, don’t get involved in conflicts, be decent and restrained with everyone.

7. Don't speak out against your opponents

Well, or within reasonable limits. You shouldn't show how bad everyone around you is. Leave these energies to demonstrating how wonderful you are and how everyone needs you.

8. Develop

This, of course, looks a little ironic, but it is true. Your voters should see that you are a smart, intellectually savvy, erudite and well-developed person, because all these qualities combine into one thing that is most important for people - reliability.

9. Start a blog

In terms of the degree of need, this item is roughly on a par with “join a party” and “become a social activist.” A blog will help you spread your political agenda and good thoughts throughout the Internet and reach hundreds and thousands of people. Be brave and active, because the more subscribers and reactions you have to your posts, the easier it will be for you at the election stage.

Think about compromising evidence.

We have already said several times that everything will come out as soon as you become a public person. Make sure that at least in open sources (social networks) there is no compromising information about you.

A high-ranking deputy has many advantages. From free travel to immunity. But to successfully pursue a political career, desire alone is not enough. We need to act!

Who is a deputy

A deputy (from Latin “messenger”) is a representative person of citizens, chosen by them, before the authorities. The winner of the elections becomes a deputy. This position should be given to a person who is ready to represent the interests of people before the authorities. However, many build a political career for their own benefit.

What is the work of a deputy, rights and responsibilities

Deputies of local government have less power than representatives of the State Duma. But even such a “little man” solves many issues. For example, they approve the budget, report to the population for the use of funds, make changes to the Charter of the municipality, manage state property, deal with issues of trusteeship, etc.

Local deputies can create laws to change the lives of the people of the district for the better. Deputies must listen to the population to resolve local issues. For this purpose, hearings and referendums are organized. They also monitor the activities of municipal officials and solve socio-economic problems, for example, collecting statistical data for government agencies.

Privileges include free travel on public transport and priority resolution of your issues with local authorities. Each deputy receives an appropriate certificate for the entire term of his election.

What does being a deputy give: pros and cons, benefits and privileges of people's deputies

The powers of deputies in each region are different. But they all resemble volunteer work. In the capital, representatives of the people are involved in organizing leisure time, major repairs of premises, landscaping courtyards, and guardianship. Municipalities must respond to all requests from the population within a month. This is the main measure of influence for them.

By law, deputies are required to receive voters monthly and annually inform them about the results of their work through the media. For the same purpose, lower-ranking deputies can meet with voters without notifying the authorities.

Deputies of all levels (both municipal and state) report on their income and have the right to immunity. They do not receive a salary and can use transport for free.

Of all municipal representatives, only 10% work on a permanent basis. The rest have only part-time employment. The duration of deputy powers is determined by the charter of the municipal partnership, however, it cannot last less than 2 years or more than 5 years. It is possible to terminate powers early if a municipal employee is declared incompetent, is drafted into the army, or is recalled by voters. The minimum number of deputies belonging to one party differs in each region.

Where to start your political career

You can start a political career in the State Duma or local government. In both cases, the first steps towards the goal do not change.

To start a political career:

  • familiarize yourself with local laws;
  • gather an initiative group from the district that will nominate you as a deputy;
  • win the elections.

The first stage of selection is the nomination of a candidate for election. It is best to act from a block. Self-nominated politicians have to independently collect votes or pay a deposit for their candidacy. Next, submit a statement of desire to become a deputy to the State Duma and fulfill all the requirements for candidates.

The most difficult stage is voter campaigning. You need to convince people that you should become a deputy. Candidates have enough time to do this: from the start of registration until election day.

After the elections, the counting of votes begins. The candidate who receives the most votes is elected. However, there is an exception: if there are fewer “Yes” voters than “No” voters, the results are canceled and a new election is held.

To begin with, you can become an assistant to a deputy, and after learning the intricacies you can move on.

You can evaluate your strengths and appreciate the subtleties of the matter by becoming an assistant, your right hand. Moreover, today there are special schools for training such specialists. Experienced express program teachers will get students up to speed within 72 hours. Document flow, office work, legal framework and even psychological training are all part of the training program. The issue price is from 1 to 35 thousand rubles. Participation in such courses does not guarantee employment in the State Duma. Assistants are hired based on recommendations from senators. The only requirement is a higher education. You can forget about high incomes. A total of 165 thousand rubles will be allocated for the salaries of State Duma staff assistants.

What is required from assistants is not so much theoretical knowledge, but rather “knowledge of offices” (who to contact and on what issue) and the ability to solve everyday issues (quickly order a car, arrange a business trip, etc.). The most important thing is that the knowledge gained at school can be applied not only in a political career.

Read all the necessary information:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Laws relating to the electoral system in the Russian Federation (No. 19, 51, 67,138);
  • local regulations in all areas of activity.

The candidate must be familiar with political science, know the history of the Russian Federation and interstate relations, and understand the basics of economics. He must communicate beautifully and clearly with people, so that not only specialists understand the meaning of the term “arbitration lawyer,” but also those who are not strong in jurisprudence.

At what age can you become a deputy?

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached 21 years of age can become a deputy. The future candidate must have the right to participate in the elections.

It is important for such a candidate, even before the election commission, to pay attention to:

  • Your appearance. Photos of candidates are placed on billboards. Therefore, you should think about a neat and beautiful appearance in advance.
  • Eloquence. A political person will have to communicate a lot, beautifully and convincingly with a large number of people.
  • Last name.“Building an image” will cost Pyotr Petrovich much more than Shmurdyakin (they are very fond of such “tricks” in Russia). To achieve greater results, you can change the name to any Slavic one - Alexander, Nikolai, Vladimir, Sergey, Andrey, Svetlana, Elena, etc. It is advisable to choose a surname in line with the given name. Sergei Knyazev will be remembered faster than Andrei Konovalov. For the services of a naming agency you will have to pay 300 - 400 thousand rubles.

Who cannot be elected to parliament (age restrictions, nationality, criminal record, citizenship, etc.)

Incapacitated people and those who have served a prison sentence cannot run for parliament. Also, a candidate who works full-time must refuse other paid work, unless it is teaching, creative or scientific work. It is also prohibited by law to occupy the seat of a State Duma deputy and be a member of the Federation Council or engage in public service.

How much money will you need

The cost of the campaign is calculated based on the number of votes. On average it's $20 per unit. In the Duma campaign, the average number of voters in the district is 500 thousand people, the turnout is 50% of the population. To win the race you need to earn more than 50% of the votes among those who voted (125 thousand people). At the rate of 60 rubles. For a dollar, such a campaign will cost 50 million rubles. According to experts, this is the lowest bar. Participants in the race form a budget 1.5 times the planned amount. People with a name have a certain head start.

The services of just one political strategist amount to 5 million rubles. If the terms of the contract provide for final payment after victory in the elections, then this figure is even higher. The rest is headquarters expenses and payment for campaign materials. The salary of one agitator is 25-30 thousand rubles. To win in a large district you must have at least 100 people. You will also have to pay rent, legal services, a campaign to collect signatures, and finance the publication of your newspaper with the results of the work done.

Show interest in politics and elections

According to FOM statistics, 44% of Russians are interested in the political life of the country. These are mainly people with higher education whose income exceeds 30 thousand rubles. per month. The future candidate must be aware of current political events and know the opinions of those around him about them. Moreover, according to statistics, Russians more often discuss political issues with family members (45%) and friends (33%) than with work colleagues (22%).

Where and what kind of elections are held?

The next election race will begin in a few months. The first round of the Presidential elections is scheduled for March 11, 2018. To date, representatives of the 8 largest political parties in Russia have expressed their desire to participate in the elections. For future deputies, this is an excellent chance to gain practical experience in organizing and implementing an election campaign.

Which parties are leading and why?

A candidate for deputy must constantly monitor the political situation and know who is leading and why. For example, changing the voting system to a mixed one allowed United Russia to gain a majority of votes in the parliamentary elections. The party opened the primaries in advance to all interested citizens. Thus, in single-mandate constituencies, active persons were attracted whom the population wants to see as their deputies. The remaining number of seats in the State Duma was shared by current party members.

Where is it easier to win elections?

Russia has a mixed system. Half of the deputies are elected from parties, and the other half are elected from single-mandate constituencies. In the second case, winning elections is much more difficult. You need to know the representatives of the elite well, negotiate with the heads of strategic enterprises and speak publicly in front of the audience.

Engage in campaigning and participate in the political life of your district

You need to be interested in political life and campaign not only after registration, but also before it.

  • The people should know the candidate by sight. To do this, you should hold as many meetings as possible with the population of the elected district.
  • People must believe the candidate. To do this, do not stop communicating with the population and do it convincingly. This responsibility most often falls on the candidate’s team, which thinks through every step and negotiates with the right people.

Complete the procedure for registering a candidate for deputy

A maximum of 30 days before the elections, the following is provided to the election commission:

  • signature sheets of voters in support of the candidate;
  • candidate's statement about running for the district;
  • personal data of the candidate: full name, date of birth, place of residence, place of work, position held, type of activity.

Within three days, the commission verifies the compliance of the nomination procedure, carries out registration by listing the candidate on the signature sheet, and issues a corresponding certificate. Then information about registered candidates goes to the media.

Conduct an election campaign

Captivate your audience. The older generation is ready to believe in “increased pensions” and “increased benefits.” Entrepreneurs will be interested in tax reduction issues. For the younger generation, which “sits” on social networks, it will be necessary to develop a unique program, for example, “Punishment for trolling on the Internet!”

Falsification and the most common mistakes of beginners

Perform all operations only within the law. Campaigning should begin at a strictly agreed time and end one day before the elections. Propaganda material should be distributed only in places permitted by law. Violation of these requirements may result in a person being disqualified from being considered a candidate. Election fraud (changes in the procedure for filling out ballots) is more difficult to prove, but still possible. For this violation of the Criminal Code, a fine of 5-200 thousand rubles is provided. or two years of probation.

What is easier, to become a deputy from a party or a self-nominated candidate?

Most often, candidates for deputies are nominated from parties, blocs and electoral associations. Then it is not individuals who fight for a place in the municipal organization, but entire parties. If none of the above cells wants to nominate such a self-sufficient and ambitious person as you, then you can become a self-nominated person. In this case, you will have to independently collect 10% of the votes or pay a deposit for the candidacy.

How long does it take to become a state-level deputy?

Registration of candidates begins 2 months before the elections. How much time a person will need for preliminary training at school and work as an assistant depends on the desire and skills of the candidate. On average, it takes 1.5-2 years to train a deputy of a local government body, and 6 years for the State Duma. And this is with intense work.

I In what cases is this instruction needed?

1. You want to become a municipal deputy in your area.
2. You want to be useful now and support the independent members of your municipal assembly.

II How to become a municipal deputy?

1. Consciously decide that you need it. Answer the question: “Why do I want to become a municipal deputy? Am I willing to spend my time on community service?”

2. Prepare documents for submission to the TEC.
It is better to consult with those who have already undergone this procedure. It is impossible to fill out all the documents correctly on your own, since the TECs will specifically “tell you” how to fill them out incorrectly in order to later remove you from the elections. You can also use brochures that, on the eve of elections, are usually published by Yabloko, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and the Our City initiative.

3. Draw up an election program. Understand the problems of the area. Ask residents what problems they have. You should not rely only on your opinion.

4. Prepare and conduct an election campaign: draw up a program of pain points in the area, print leaflets and posters, personally visit area residents (arrange meetings with voters, go door to door). The surest way is personal communication. Get around 20% of the residents of the constituency, and in a week, thanks to word of mouth, almost everyone will know about you.

5. Organize the work of observers at polling stations and thus ensure an honest vote count. The observers can be your friends. You can also contact the organizations “Voice”, “League of Voters” and others.

The next elections to municipal assemblies will take place in 2016. So for now, you can help the already elected independent candidates in your area get their work done.

How can I help a municipal deputy in his work?

1. Find deputies who are truly interested in the development of the region.
Partial information about them is presented on the website (at the moment the site is temporarily under reconstruction). Also, lists of deputies are published on the websites of municipal assemblies. You should not pay attention to the party from which a person was nominated, since many candidates came from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, SR or Yabloko in order to have a greater chance of winning.

2. Understand what area you understand (or are ready to understand), and offer the deputy assistance in solving a specific problem. Perhaps the deputy himself will suggest a topic to you.

3. Lead your topic, become an expert on this issue. Help the deputy and neighbors in solving common problems related to your topic.

4. If you know about a specific problem in the area and understand that solving it requires the intervention of a municipal deputy, describe the problematic situation in detail, if possible, take a photograph of the object with which the problem is associated.
An approximate list of problems: illegal construction, inconvenient playground, technological violations in the construction of playgrounds, illegal trade in tents, lack of lighting on the street, and so on.
Send this information to your municipal deputy.

5. Join the Youth Public Chamber at your municipal meeting. This will allow you to take part in community projects in the area and attend municipal meetings.
To do this, you need to contact the municipal assembly of the area and find out the conditions for participation in the work of the chamber. An interview and filling out an application form is usually sufficient.

III Possible risks

1. You overestimated your strength. For example, you change jobs and you can no longer devote so much time to social work.

2. You will be disappointed that your endeavors are not realized as quickly as you had hoped.

3. You will lose the election.

IV Successful examples

Numerous independent candidates who managed to become municipal deputies following the elections in March 2012:
1. Vladimir Garnachuk, Troparevo-Nikulino
2. Maxim Motin, Printers
3. Natalya Chernysheva, Zyuzino
4. Maxim Kats, Shchukino
5. Vera Kichanova, South Tushino

The right to be elected as a deputy of the Duma of the Revda urban district belongs to a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached 18 years of age on voting day. If you want to nominate your candidacy for the upcoming elections, which will take place on September 18, you need to comply with a number of requirements, which are described by the chairman of the Revdinsky district territorial election commission, Olga Barbachkova.

Who can NOT be nominated as a candidate for the Duma of the Revda urban district

- persons under the age of 18 on voting day,

— foreign citizens or stateless persons,

— citizens of the Russian Federation who have citizenship of a foreign state or a residence permit on the territory of a foreign state,

- citizens recognized by the court as legally incompetent;

- citizens who are in prison by court verdict;

- those sentenced to imprisonment for committing grave and (or) especially grave crimes and having an unexpunged and outstanding conviction for these crimes on the day of voting in the elections.

What documents are needed when nominating candidates by self-nomination?

statement of consent to run for office with the obligation, if elected, to stop activities that are incompatible with the status of a deputy;

- attached to the application documents confirming the information specified in the application(copies);

- if the citizen indicated his belonging to any political party or public association, it is necessary to attach a certificate from the authorized body of the given political party or public association confirming the specified information;

- if the citizen is deputy of the legislative (representative) body and exercises its powers on a non-permanent basis, a certificate from the relevant legislative (representative) body is attached to the application.

If the future candidate changed the last name, or first name, or patronymic Copies of relevant documents must be attached.

If had or has a criminal record, information about the criminal record is indicated, and if it is removed or expunged, information about the date of removal or expungement. At the same time, there is no need to submit any certificates from the internal affairs bodies to the election commission - the commission independently and without fail verifies this information.

— 2 photographs (3 x 4 cm) are attached to the application and copies of documents.

Deadlines for submitting documents

All documents are submitted by the citizen to the Revda district territorial election commission in person, upon presentation of a passport, before 18:00 local time on July 29.

Collecting signatures

The law establishes that in support of his nomination, a self-nominated candidate is required to collect a certain number of voter signatures.

Basic rules for collecting signatures:

— collection of signatures is carried out only among voters whose place of residence is located in the electoral district in which the candidate is running. This does not mean the actual residence of the voter, but his address according to the registration mark in the passport;

— the collector of signatures can be either the candidate himself or the “person collecting signatures.” The collector must be a capable citizen of Russia and be 18 years of age at the time of collecting signatures. The collector can work either free of charge or for a fee, which is paid under a contract from the candidate’s election fund. Voting members of election commissions cannot and should not work as signature collectors, otherwise all signatures collected by them will be declared invalid;

- the person collecting signatures can personally enter data about the voter into the signature sheet, and it is necessary to ensure that the entries in the voter’s passport are correct, but signature and date of signature are carried out only by the voter himself;

— signature sheets are prepared at the expense of the election fund;

— participation in the process of collecting signatures of state authorities, local government bodies, governing bodies of any organizations and institutions, coercion of voters in the process of collecting signatures and their reward for submitting a signature is not allowed. Collecting signatures at workplaces, in the process and at places of payment of wages, pensions, benefits, scholarships, other social benefits, as well as when providing charitable assistance is prohibited. Signatures collected with these violations will be considered invalid.

The Election Commission conducts a thorough check of all information about voters who added signatures to signature sheets, and about signature collectors - through its own database and with the help of the migration service. The slightest inaccuracies serve as grounds for invalidating a signature, and sometimes entire signature sheets, if the necessary information is incorrectly or incompletely indicated.

How many valid and reliable signatures must be submitted?

By law, this is 0.5% of the number of voters registered in the corresponding district, divided by the number of deputy mandates. Thus, candidates for the Duma of the Revda city district need to collect and submit to the commission no less than 13 and no more than 17 signatures voters in support of their nomination.

Opening a special election account

Immediately after submitting the nomination documents, the candidate receives permission from the election commission to open special electoral account, on which funds will be accumulated for expenses during the election campaign, and from which they will be paid by bank transfer and in cash.

Such accounts for the elections of deputies to the Duma of the Revda city district will be opened only in one additional office of Sberbank of Russia - on the street. Mira, 38a.

A self-nominated candidate can form his own election fund through:

1) own funds - no more than 800 rubles;

2) donations from citizens - no more than 400 rubles. from one citizen;

3) donations from legal entities - no more than 40 thousand rubles. from one legal entity entitled to make such a donation. The total amount of the election fund should not exceed 400 thousand rubles.

Registration decision

Documents for registration of a self-nominated candidate- signature sheets, a protocol on the results of collecting signatures in the prescribed form and the first financial report - are submitted to the Revdinsky district territorial election commission no later than 18:00 local time on August 3.

After receiving documents for registration, the commission carries out verification procedures within 10 days and no later than this period makes a decision on registration or refusal to register the candidate.

On the website of the Revdinsky district territorial election commission http:// ikso. org/ tik/ site/ revda in the section “Elections of deputies of the Duma of the city district of Revda”, in the subsection “Nomination and registration of candidates” You can familiarize yourself with the procedure for nomination and registration, lists and forms of documents required for this, as well as download document forms for their execution.

Advice on issues of nomination and registration will be available at the Revdinsky District Territorial Election Commission after June 27.

Information on the amount and terms of payment for printed space provided to registered candidates, political parties and electoral associations at the elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region on September 18, 2016 by the editors of the newspaper “Information Week”


(sq. cm.)

width height, cm.

Price per 1 sq. see p/c

Cost of color stripes

Price per 1 sq. see b/w

Cost of black and white stripes