Mastering freelancing from scratch: where to start and in what direction to move. What to do on the Internet for a beginner: ideas for remote work Orders for freelance

Many residents of Moscow want to become freelancers (remote workers) so as not to depend on one employer and work for their own pleasure, receiving decent remuneration for this. Freelance work is ideal for people of creative professions:

  • writers;
  • copywriters;
  • journalists;
  • designers;
  • photographers;
  • translators.

To become a freelancer in Moscow, you must:

1. Have high-speed Internet at home. Having round-the-clock access to the network, you can always be in touch with employers and will quickly complete the tasks assigned to you.

2. Decide what services you will provide. Freelancing is multifaceted, and therefore there is no need to choose a profession based on the principle of its demand in Moscow. Stop the choice in a business that you love and are well versed in.

3. Find out your value in the Moscow labor market. Since freelance work involves fighting numerous competitors in one area or another, you must clearly define your price in the labor market. You don’t need to evaluate your services fabulously expensive, but you shouldn’t work for a penny either.

4. Prepare a portfolio. There are many freelancers working in Moscow, and therefore you will have to make a lot of efforts to attract the attention of employers. To do this, be sure to prepare a portfolio of your work and post it on the Internet, for example, on a page on a social network.

5. Find customers. You can do this, again, with the help of the network by posting your resume there. In addition, be sure to register on freelance exchanges to simplify the search for orders.

Qualities of a remote worker

Freelancing is not for everyone. Much here depends on the person - his ability to complete tasks on time, self-organization. A freelancer must be active and responsible, perform quality work. If he earns a negative reputation, he will not be able to find customers in the future. It is important for a remote worker to monitor their rating, constantly improve their skills and correct previously made mistakes.

It was said above that a freelancer should be active, but this does not mean that he needs to work around the clock, not knowing the rest. With such a schedule, you will quickly “burn out”, you will not be able to cope with the tasks and devote time to loved ones.

To work as efficiently as possible, a person working remotely needs to determine the most productive period of the day. At this time, he needs to give his full attention to work, leaving social networks, closing news sites, browser games, etc. You can entertain yourself by doing the necessary amount of work.

Briefly about the benefits of freelancing

Any freelancer in Moscow will tell you that remote work means absolute freedom of action. Becoming a freelancer, you can independently organize the workflow, choose the time of rest and the volume of orders. In addition, remote work can be successfully combined with the main one.

Good day to you, dear friends! Tell me a little secret and tell me your own fears get in the way? How many opportunities have you had to sacrifice because of an obsessive self-doubt? How often do you feel hurt and get mad at yourself for the fact that other people become successful and implement those ideas that you did not dare to implement? If you have never experienced such feelings, then I am amazed, because you are a real rock! If you are already accustomed to such sensations and resigned to their presence in your life, well, it's a pity, here I am powerless to change anything.

My article today is designed for those of you who, despite fear, are ready take risks and follow your dreams, desires and ideal life. In previous articles, I told you about the features of freelancing, showed you the strengths and weaknesses of the life of a freelance worker. Since you have a complete picture of the life of a remote worker, you have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat it consists of, it's time to figure out how to become a freelancer from scratch.

What is a freelancer?

I am sure that many of you would appreciate the opportunity to go in a dressing gown and slippers to your work office, located just a couple of meters from the bedroom and kitchen. To make this dream come true, it is enough just to change your stable job in the company to a remote one. Interested in such a prospect? Then let's figure out what is freelance work on the Internet, and who is a freelancer.

If we hit back a little in hoary antiquity and go back to the Middle Ages, it will become clear that in those days freelancers were called freelance knights. Today, this title is worn by people who work from home and work on individual projects for a fee. Freelancers can be involved simultaneously in several areas of activity and work with several customers at once.

By the way, work is far from always remote, free workers are also found among builders who make repairs in apartments and houses, and among plumbers who skillfully repair pipes. Nevertheless, in the vast majority of cases, employers and contractors find each other precisely in the Internet. They also carry their working relationships there. In general, it was the growth in the popularity of the Internet that provoked the freelance boom and made this type of employment in demand.

In some way, individual entrepreneurs can also be considered freelancers, however, in no case should these two concepts be equated. This is because a freelancer is usually one single person hired to do a specific amount of work. But an individual entrepreneur may well have a staff that he will manage.

Freelance work remotely is complete lack of leadership, weekdays from Monday to Friday and strict planning of the working day from 9 to 18.

Counting money: how much can you earn?

Well, let's move on to the most interesting - counting money? I am sure that many of you are eager to find out how much freelancers earn, and what you can count on if you change jobs. I must say right away that earnings on freelance will largely depend on the amount of time you devote to work, the field of activity, your qualifications and experience. In addition, in many ways, your success will also depend on the ability present your services. Based on my own experience, I can safely say that an experienced freelancer can earn 2 or even 3 times more than his office colleagues in similar positions.

Well, if you translate experience, skill, qualifications and hard work into numbers, it turns out that the average freelancer earns about $ 500 a month. Moreover, this amount can be earned both by a person without education, and by a highly qualified specialist with a higher education. In the case of freelancing, customers look directly at your skills and talents, and not at the color of the diploma. It is for this reason that such a profession ideal for students who are looking for work and are just gaining experience.

It is not at all rare that freelancers manage to get 2-3 thousand dollars per month. True, such amounts are most often earned professional designers, programmers and website optimizers. If you are not going to completely abandon your main job, continue your studies at the university or want to find a part-time job for the weekend, then the freelancing profitability for you will be about $ 150-200 per month. In general, not such bad money, is it?

Registration on the freelance exchange FL.RU

Who is freelance for?

If you don’t know where to start building your own freelance career, I suggest you first figure out what How close is this lifestyle to you?. To do this, it is enough to get answers to a few simple questions.

What personal qualities and skills should a good freelancer have?

Successful a remote worker is, first of all, a self-confident, resourceful, enterprising, active, flexible and, of course, organized person. In addition, you will need to learn how to work in the " multitasking". This skill is simply necessary in order to manage to carry out several projects at the same time and meet the deadlines agreed with the customer.

How to determine the amount of payment for services?

For beginner freelancers, this question often becomes a real stumbling block. To determine the amount of remuneration for your own work, I advise you explore websites and forums, which reveal the topic of the value of the profession in which you plan to earn remotely. In addition, a win-win way to find out the cost of working from home for newbies is to find out how much an hour of labor of a similar full-time specialist costs, and increase it by 25-50%(This amount includes additional expenses such as taxes, insurance, pension contributions, equipment and office supplies). Don't forget that at least a quarter of your work will consist of activities that you won't be able to pay for (this includes analytics, marketing, accounting, and the like).

If you get a chance, try to find out how much experienced freelancers who specialize in the same industry as you charge for their services. In order not to face the problem of how to make money on freelancing for a beginner, I advise you during the first working year to work at a slightly reduced rate. This will simplify the search for clients, allow you to quickly gain experience and declare yourself as a specialist.

Do your research

If you really want to learn freelancing for beginners and become a successful professional, you will have to careful analysis.

Try the work-zilla exchange with simple tasks

Step-by-step guide "How to become a successful freelancer"

Well, now let's figure out how to start working as a freelancer on the Internet, and what you need to have in order to succeed in this business.

Main list of professions and vacancies

So that you have an idea of ​​what a freelancer does and can find the most suitable type of activity for yourself, I decided to sketch out a short list of the most popular and in-demand specialties on the Internet services market. Here's what I got:

Completing tasks from 500 rubles on the Kwork exchange

Where to go in search of work?

It can be quite difficult for beginners at first - it is not clear where to look for customers, how to offer their services, which sites to monitor in order to find employment. To make this task a little easier, I will give you a few ideas, which will simplify the process of finding the first customers:

  1. Register on specialized freelance exchanges. There are many sites on the network that bring together free performers and customers. I will present the best exchanges for remote workers to you a little further, but for now I advise you to think over the structure of your own portfolio and decide what you will write in your work account.
  2. Browse vacancies on websites, portals and web projects that interest you. It is quite possible that your favorite online store is just looking for a remote operator to process orders, or perhaps the VKontakte group needs a new moderator.
  3. Submit job search ads on specialized sites, study the offers already available on them. For example on hh website
  4. Use your social media page as a platform for self-promotion. I talked about that in a separate article. Now we are talking about how to present your service by writing an appropriate advertising post and fixing it on your wall.
  5. Make a separate group on a social network, where you tell about your service, and promote it. Read about it in my article.
  6. Become a regular visitor to thematic forums for finding remote work. Forums like , seobuilding, , And .

The main freelance exchanges

As for specialized exchanges, for employment, I recommend that you use the following services:

  • . An excellent platform for finding customers and contractors in the field of IT technologies. Remote advertisers, programmers, webmasters and designers - the best labor force and interesting projects can be found here. Here you can create your own directory, as well as explore the ranking of the best freelancers. By the way, the same service also has a store where you can put up for sale the fruits of your intellectual labor (articles, translations, site templates, and others).

Registering an account on the exchange

  • weblancer . In my opinion, the most successful exchange for beginners who are just starting to surf the endless expanses of freelance. In addition to the fact that many diverse projects have been collected here, the site administration is quite strict in ensuring that scammers and swindlers do not appear on the service.

Registering an account on the Weblancer exchange

  • - the oldest and, perhaps, the best online freelance exchange in RuNet. Here you will have at your disposal a convenient mechanism for searching for projects of any level of complexity, and the opportunity to fully communicate with a potential customer. For a fee, you can raise your position in the freelancer rating.
  • Kwork . An innovative freelance exchange, which is famous for its non-standard approach to organizing labor relations between customers and contractors. This site is more like a store where all services are sold at a single price - 500 rubles.
  • - online store of freelance services at a fixed price. Here you can sell your work for no less than 100 rubles. This approach to registration of labor relations solves the problem of large volumes of work and low wages.
  • . A specialized copyright exchange where you can find writing jobs, sell ready-made articles, or order content for your own websites or groups on social networks.

Use the copywriting exchange

For a more detailed list of all the exchanges where you can find orders, I will present in the article "The best exchanges for remote workers." Here you will find sites with inexpensive, but at the same time quite simple projects, as well as with foreign, complex, interesting and quite generous orders in terms of payment.

First steps

Well, so that your job search is crowned with success in the shortest possible time, here's to you a little briefing how to act newbie on the exchange:

We do not make mistakes: what do novice freelancers “undermine” on?

To ensure your remote worker career doesn't go down the drain and end before it even starts, take a look at some of the most common mistakes almost all green freelancers make and try to avoid them.

Never take your workplace lightly.

Despite the fact that many remote workers start their careers at home, it makes sense to consider renting a separate office, workplace, or at least allocate a room in an apartment, equipping it as an office. Organization of the workspace is a must. Believe me, lying in bed with the TV on is extremely difficult to tune into a working mood.

Diversify your risks and never rely on a single customer

Even taking into account the fact that many companies treat freelancers with great respect, value their work and often pay more than their regular employees, you should not fall into complacency. No matter how valuable an employee you are, it is much easier to refuse your services than to fire an office employee.

Plan for periods of downtime and unemployment in your budget

Without a temporary absence of orders in freelancing, unfortunately, there is nowhere to go. That is why I advise you save a small amount every month as an emergency reserve in case one project is completed and another has not yet been found. Such financial protection for your home front will allow you to accept downtime as something integral and mundane. Oh yes, do not forget that you will need money for the holidays. Because the vacation pay in freelance is not expected, you will need to take care of the financial component yourself.

Don't let things go by themselves

Your professionalism in what you charge the customer for should be on par with your professionalism in the matter of doing business. try about a quarter of the working day to devote to administrative and marketing matters. In moments of blockage, when a lot of work accumulates, it is easy to lose vigilance, stop looking for new customers and decide that workload is a constant phenomenon. Without control of your own business, success is not possible. Difficult times and serious difficulties will arise literally out of nowhere if you do not learn business management, you cannot reduce debit to credit.

And finally, some useful tips that will help you at the start of your career as a remote worker:

Do not be afraid of difficulties at the beginning of the journey

The ability to go through thorns to the stars will be very useful to you in free swimming. The skills of self-motivation to work, planning working hours, the ability to find clients and arranging the workplace - all this will be simply necessary at first to lay a solid foundation for a freelance career.

Be careful and don't trust anyone

Make it your rule work only on prepaid. You don't have to be too gullible towards strangers if you don't want to be left with nothing. After the project is completed in full, do not rush to immediately transfer it to the customer. Submit a small portion for review, let the employer make sure the work is done and pay for it. Only after that you can safely send him work. If the person refuses to pay, say goodbye. You leave the advance payment to yourself in order to recoup the time and effort spent on the project.

Prepare terms of reference in advance and discuss the scope of upcoming work

Detailed TOR and specified scope of work is an integral part of your interaction with the customer. This will allow you to avoid misunderstandings with the employer about what you are taking money for and what you are obligated to do, it will insure you if you are required to implement more work than was agreed at the beginning.

Learn to say "No!"

Understand that You can't earn all the money in the world, and therefore it is necessary to learn to refuse people. Calculate your time so that it is enough to complete all orders within a predetermined time frame. Do not spray, because the quality of your work and, as a result, your reputation will suffer from this. Do not rush to load all your time with orders, because no one has canceled going to the movies, relaxing, implementing your own projects and just lying on the couch.

Open IP

The issue of paying taxes is a serious and, as a rule, unresolved problem by many freelancers. Register as an individual entrepreneur, regularly replenish the state treasury with taxes and sleep peacefully. The tax authorities will not break through your doors, and pension contributions will accumulate and work for the benefit of your old age.

Connect with like-minded people

It's not uncommon for freelancers to come together and work as a team to complete complex projects. You can find a vacancy for working in a group on one of the thematic forums. It is quite possible that such cooperation will develop into the opening of your own company, and you will be able to forget about work forever. In this case, you can search for customers through the same freelance exchanges.


In general, I can safely sum up and say that freelance is a great start for your own promotion, self-realization and earning really worthy money. In addition to the fact that you will have decent income, you will gain valuable experience, find new clients and be able to create an amazing portfolio, which, I want to say, will never be superfluous. The most important - never stop and never stop evolving. If you feel like it's time to grow up as a professional and go free-swimming - go for it! You will always have time to return to your old office life, so do not be afraid of change.

That's all for me, dear friends. I sincerely wish you success in such serious undertakings. See you soon!

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Freelancing - work from home. How to make money freelancing.

The topic of additional earnings in our time is very relevant, most people, to the extent of circumstances, cannot find a job in their specialty, and are forced to go to a low-paid job or stay at home. In this article I want to talk about the possibility of working remotely, that is, about freelancing.


Freelancing is a remote work that is provided and paid for by the customer using the freelance exchange, and the performer is also an employee, fulfills the order and receives payment.

All that is needed for remote work is knowledge and skills in a certain field, and a computer with access to the Internet.

Freelance work at home.

If you are a specialist in a certain field, for example, an accountant, programmer, photographer, seo-optimizer or you know how to draw drawings, do term papers, write articles or reviews, translate text from a foreign language, in general, you can and want to do something and get a normal pay for work try to work as a freelancer.

Let's see what benefits remote work will give you:

  • Free work schedule.
  • Work at home.
  • There is no need to waste time and money on travel to the place of work.
  • Ability to select tasks.
  • Completion of clearly defined tasks with guaranteed payment for the work performed.
  • The possibility of long-term cooperation with the customer and constant payment for your work.
  • The ability to combine remote work with the main one, where remote work will be like additional income.

What types of remote work are in demand?

Here are some types of jobs taken from the freelance exchange:

  • Translation of texts from foreign languages.
  • Article writing, copywriting.
  • Make a mailing list on e-mail databases.
  • Reprinting of texts from graphic format to text format.
  • Writing product reviews.
  • Site creation.
  • Providing advice.
  • Development of a mobile application.
  • Writing articles for the site.
  • Website promotion in search engines.
  • Website development on wordpress.
  • Develop a mobile application for iOS.
  • Flyer layout in Publisher.
  • Site managers needed.
  • Driving traffic to the site.
  • Need a sports coach to record video lessons in physical education.
  • Promotion, seo optimization of an online store, bringing it to the top 10.
  • Write a script for a New Year's party.
  • Placement of advertising text and links on the forums.
  • Site redesign.
  • Write reviews about the site.
  • Convert drawings to electronic form.
  • Writing an advertising script.
  • Write term paper.
  • Reprinting and proofreading of texts.
  • Edit pictures in png.
  • Translation of a fiction book into English.
  • Laboratory work on VBI.
  • Make gif from photo.
  • Production of a furniture project and technical documentation according to a 3D sketch.
  • Online office administrator.
  • Online - PC operator at home.
  • Internet shop consultant.
  • Write a program in Matlab.

And this is not a complete list of services that are required to be performed for customers.

To get started, you need to register on several freelance exchanges at once. Here are the most popular ones:


Exchanges for copywriters:


For programmers:


For accountants, lawyers, HR:

  • For designers:

For photographers, models, actors:

  • Photovideoapplication.rf

For engineers, builders, architects:

  • Designers. RU

For students, the implementation of coursework, control, essays:


For webmasters:


After a simple registration procedure on the selected freelance exchanges, you will be able to familiarize yourself with current applications for certain types of work and choose the work that you can do for yourself. If you are satisfied with the payment and deadlines for completing the assignment, confirm the application and get to work. You send the completed work to the customer, after which you receive payment. The entire payment process takes place through the freelance exchange, so you can be sure that you will be paid for your work.

How much can you earn working remotely?

Here are some examples of the cost of work taken from the Weblancer exchange:

  • Write 150 reviews + several rewrites of texts - $100.
  • Drawings "Development of a single-stage spur gearbox" - $ 200.
  • A simple turnkey website - $50.
  • Online store logo - $70.
  • Creating banners for the site - $ 10.
  • Refinement of PHP code - $100.
  • Many short texts - $100.
  • Program in c/c++/c# — $300.
  • You need to develop a business card website - $ 140.
  • Need comments on Instagram - $5.
  • Upload a new database to the store, finalize the output of goods (Opencart) - $50.
  • Make an avatar for social media networks - $ 6.

This is a list of only a small part of examples of tasks and payment, as you can see, you can earn $5 and $100 freelancing in a couple of hours, you can see more examples on any exchange.

As you can see, with the help of remote work, you can earn no worse than with a regular job.

Popular business ideas

Construction of houses from cargo containers.

Hello! In this article, we will talk about freelance exchanges.

Today you will learn:

  1. Freelance exchanges for beginners and experienced;
  2. How much can you earn on them;
  3. How to choose the most suitable sites for making money on the Internet.

Freelancing was created for people who can work without outside control, with a high level of self-discipline and self-organization. If you are already a freelancer, or just planning to join their ranks, this article is for you.

Today we will talk about exchanges for remote work and freelancing. We list the best ones, where there is work for both beginners and professionals, and only then we will compile the TOP of the most popular exchanges among performers, based on reviews.

Over 100 best freelancing exchanges for beginners

Before proceeding with the review, let's clarify that if you are a beginner, you can find exchanges for yourself that are high, if a professional - exchanges that place the most expensive orders.

For copywriters

  1. Etxt— The exchange is very powerful. You can work on it both as a performer and as a customer. You can sell articles, or you can buy content for your projects. There is always enough work and even a complete beginner can find an order for himself. Of course, not for a lot of money, but from 7 to 20 rubles per 1000 characters is quite possible. And then with experience you can raise prices. The advantage of working here is as follows: experience is gained, skills are acquired, and experience, as you know, is priceless.
  2. Advego- A major player in the market. Many call this exchange the leader among other exchanges working with copywriters and rewriters. Registration here is simple, there are always a lot of orders, work is in full swing.
  3. Сopylancer- This one is mainly used by those who create really high-quality content. The rules by which texts are written are strict here, but the price for 1000 characters is appropriate: 80 - 100 rubles. The point is different: this is a store that sells articles, but this does not mean that your articles will be bought quickly.
  4. Text.ruNot just an exchange, but also a service for checking the material for uniqueness. A distinctive feature of the exchange is that expensive orders for serious professionals are placed here. The price varies from 100 to 200 rubles per thousand characters.
  5. textbroker- Represents a community of copywriters - pros. If you grow to this level, you can sell your articles for very decent money. But the texts must be perfect. Working here, you can top notch.
  6. Turbotext- New resource. Placed orders for writing texts for various sites, you can place your own materials for sale.
  7. Textovik- New resource. There is a shop for selling written articles.
  8. contentmonster- Exchange with a wide range of tasks. To get started, you need to pass a test for knowledge of the Russian language.
  9. TextBroker- A popular resource where you can sell your article, and at a relatively high cost.
  10. Miratext- Payment for an article on this exchange reaches 150 rubles / 1000 characters. To confirm the level of qualification and start working here, they are tested.
  11. make-sale- Positions itself as an exchange, the main specialization of which is texts. Although orders in other directions also occur. Everything is free for performers, payments are made through the secure transaction system. The exchange is not yet the flagship of the market, but this only simplifies the work for beginners. There are practically no specialists who work for serious money, especially in the field of working with texts.
  12. My-publication- A resource for professional copywriters. Posted vacancies, various projects.
  13. A young project for working with texts. Suitable for beginners.
  14. Ankors- The exchange on which you need to compose texts for links. The work is relatively simple, although the exchange assures that about $ 100 per month can be done on this.
  15. QcommentA site where you can earn money by writing comments. It’s not particularly suitable for the main income, but as a part-time job, it’s quite good. Although, this is only the personal opinion of the author. Some performers say that you can earn about 300 rubles a day here.
  16. Votimeno— An exchange for those who know how to come up with names for companies or catchy slogans.
  17. SnipercontentNew resource. It cannot be said that there are a huge number of orders, but you can register for the future.
  18. smart copywriting- There are vacancies for the recruitment of assistants, journalists, proofreaders.
  19. Revolution— This is a free freelance exchange. It is difficult to single out other advantages, due to the fact that the exchange is not particularly popular. Analyzing user reviews on the network, you can see that negative ones predominate. Many people talk about a large number of orders from scammers who give a task to work, and when they receive it, they disappear. There is no secure transaction system on this exchange, the direct payment option is used. Users also note that new orders appear very rarely, at best once a week. Perhaps things will gradually change for the better, but today things are like this.

General exchanges - for everyone

  1. Work-zilla- The exchange, where you can find tasks that do not require serious time costs, a maximum of an hour and a half. To get started, you need to buy a subscription, which costs about 400 rubles. If this is not done, the contractor will only see orders, but will not be able to take them to work. Payment for work and communication with customers occurs through the site. For the withdrawal of funds, the exchange takes a commission from the contractor.
  2.— It is considered one of the major exchanges. It used to be a forum.
  3. The exchange is advanced, it started as a blog.
  4. Kadrof- It is an exchange for specialists working in different fields. Orders are of different types - from, to writing term papers or essays. Orders are updated quite often. Registration is free, you do not need to buy a paid account to start working. Contact details of customers are in the public domain, you can study the details of the project and answer the customer without even registering.
  5. Kwork- The exchange positions itself as a freelance services store. All services provided by the exchange cost the same. To date, the cost is 500 rubles. Customers themselves choose the kworks suitable for him. On the exchange, you can offer your services in a wide range: from writing various articles to professional photo editing. The exchange also has disadvantages: for example, a large commission for the performer, an average of 100 rubles. There is no direct transaction without a commission, it is possible to communicate with the customer only through the site.
  6. FL— There is a huge selection of orders on the exchange. Both writing reviews and developing software and applications are required. The site interface is accessible, it is easy to search for orders by your profile. All orders are divided into 2 types: those that are paid through a secure transaction and those with direct payment. To work fully, you need to purchase a Pro account, it costs about 1200 rubles. Customers leave feedback on the work of the performer, and he raises his rating.
  7. Moguza— An interesting project, a kind of exchange where microservices are provided. Everything is simple here: after registration, you can add services that the contractor can provide. Prices are also set by the performer himself. There are 12 thousand performers in the catalog of this exchange. The range of services provided is wide: programmers and artists, those who are engaged in rewriting and writing music offer their services.
  8. weblancer- A popular project, even for beginners. You can register for free, but to respond to a project, you need to activate the tariff plan. Its cost is calculated individually, it will depend on how many specializations the freelancer has chosen for work. On the site you can upload a portfolio, there is also a feedback and rating system. Cons: the customer can place the project for free, and scammers often use this. Payment for orders only directly.
  9. Allfreelsncers- The exchange is not bad, although customers are not very active. Orders appear approximately once every 30 minutes. There is a secure transaction system, as well as orders that are paid directly. The competition here is low, it is quite possible for a beginner to take an order.
  10. free-lance— An interesting project. You can post ads and respond to vacancies without registering. Here, projects are closely monitored and messages from scammers are deleted.
  11.— The exchange is new, but it is trying to intensify its development. The customer can receive a premium for placed orders at his own expense. Agree, the approach to work is unusual. Of the minuses, you can name a decent number of fraudulent ads, which are characterized by high cost and too simple work.
  12. freelancehunt— Excellent website design, more than 100 thousand freelancers. The exchange is young, but claims to be successful.
  13. Proffstore— The stock exchange placed orders in various areas of activity. Recently, the resource has focused more on Western countries, so translators can find orders here.
  14. super job“To a greater extent, this is a resource for finding a job. If you need a stable job, not a part-time job, this site is suitable.
  15. Ayak- Not an exchange in the full sense of the word, but rather a service for remote employees. You need to buy the PRO version to work fully. But before buying a paid account, you should think carefully, as the site does not work properly, and according to user reviews, it practically does not fulfill its obligations.
  16. question- The site is very interesting, it can also be considered a freelance exchange. The job is to answer questions. The customer lays out the task, the performers offer their ideas for its implementation. The author of the best idea gets paid. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the poor development of the site.

Sites with tenders and competitions of various nature

  1. E-generator- Contests are held, according to the terms of which you need to come up with names for companies, various slogans, and so on. Whoever wins gets a reward.
  2. city ​​celebrity- Competitions are often held by large companies. Great opportunity to showcase your skills.

For those who are into programming

  1. Devhuman The site is an exchange where different people place their orders. You can post your ideas and select a team of specialists to implement them.
  2. 1lancer- Exchange for programmers working with 1C. Every day there are about 20 new orders.
  3. Modber— A project for programmers involved in 1C. Here, not only vacancies are posted, but there is also a forum, materials are posted to help beginners, and so on. Among the advantages are: user-friendly interface, the presence of a separate block with orders for freelancers. Cons: moderators have little control over the content of projects, so there are a lot of fraudulent ads. When working with the exchange, you should act carefully.
  4. Workspace— Projects are placed for site developers, to support and optimize sites.

For those who are into photography

  1. Shutterstock— Exchange with photographs, which is considered the largest in the world. And this is its most important characteristic.
  2. Lori- Relatively new photo bank, which currently contains more than 17 million images, as well as 200,000 videos.
  3. Bank PressFoto- A bank with really high-quality images. And they are, by the way, not cheap.
  4. fotolia photo bank- Contains 76 million photos and images. There are a number of resources that are ready to cooperate with students in this direction and are happy to include them in the ranks of regular authors.
  5. Photovideoapplication.rf- A resource for those who consider photography not only a hobby, but also a job.
  6. Photo Store on Etxt— You can sell and buy photos. The cost is set by the author.
  7. Fotoimena— Vacancies for video operators and photographers.
  8. Weddywood— Vacancies for specialists in weddings, operators, photographers.
  9. Wedlife— Directory for wedding photographers and operators. There is a rating system.

For creative people

  1. Birza-truda- Information about various castings and filming is posted.
  2. Virtuzor- Exchange with vacancies for artists, musicians and other creative people. Projects are placed in the cultural and leisure sphere, in the field of entertainment and art.

For students

  1. Author24- The project is large, it is an exchange on which the customer selects the contractor. To take good orders, you need to earn a rating, without it you will not be able to work effectively. Registration is free, there is a service that sends notifications of new orders by e-mail.
  2. Student assistance service "Kursar" The company has been on the market since 2006. It is distinguished by clarity and honesty in fulfilling its obligations to the authors. If the work is done with dignity, you will receive your payment on time and in full. For each author, a personal account is provided, registration and all services on the site are free for the performer. Money can be withdrawn in all possible ways: to cards of Russian banks, Yandex.Money, WebMoney, and so on.
  3. Studlance- An exchange for students and those who are ready to fulfill their orders. Principle of operation: the more complex the order, the greater the amount of payment for it.
  4. Vsesdal- Helping students with their work and assignments.
  5. Resham- Ability to solve problems in different disciplines. To get started, just contact the site administration.
  6. Help-s– Vacancies for authors of essays, term papers, and so on;
  7. Jobs in tutoring, you can find job offers as domestic staff.
  8. Work for couriers. The resource operates in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

For design and drawing

  1. Dlance- Designed to sell ready-made website design. If you create templates for different engines, sell them here.
  2. Prohq- There are more than 75 thousand registered users on the exchange, including web designers, illustrators and just artists.
  3. illustrators- Projects appear daily, vacancies are mainly for those who are engaged in illustration.
  4. Topcreator— Service for posting portfolios of people involved in various creative activities.
  5. Russiancreators— Good projects for designers, many high budget projects.
  6. Logopod- You can sell logos on the stock exchange.

For lawyers, jurists, personnel officers

There are several services that allow lawyers, lawyers and personnel officers to earn money remotely.

  1. 9111 — A service where you can work as a lawyer remotely. In addition, here you can get a free consultation of a specialist.
  2. Pravoved— This is a resource for lawyers and lawyers. Users ask their questions, the specialist receives money for the answer. You can start working by going through the registration procedure.
  3. HRspace— Service for recruiters. Recruitment requests are posted here. If you fill this position, you will be paid.
  4. HRtime— Exchange for personnel officers, specialists in hiring personnel.
  5. JungleJobs— Thanks to this service, recruiters can remotely earn by recruiting. If a suitable candidate is selected, you will receive a reward.

There are also services for builders and people involved in architecture.

For builders, architects

  1. repairman ru— Orders relating to construction and repair have been placed on the stock exchange.
  2.— Tender exchange for engineers.
  3.— Exchange for those who are directly connected with the construction. You can find orders for the repair and decoration of apartments and office space. The exchange charges a service fee.
  4. City of masters- A kind of forum where they are looking for construction teams, craftsmen working in private.
  5. Profi- The resource brings together more than 200 thousand specialists, as well as about 500 types of construction and repair services. Customers and freelancers can register absolutely free.
  6. my home— There are vacancies for specialists in architecture, repair and finishing works.
  7. devil-master— Work for specialists with technical education
  8. forum house— Construction projects both small and large.
  9. Houzz— Work for specialists in design, architecture and landscaping.
  10. We're home— Work for those who are engaged in architecture, construction, engineering systems.

It is worth paying special attention to foreign exchanges, the clear advantage of which is a higher payment compared to domestic ones. Here you can find really high paying projects. Let's take a look at some of the most popular resources.


  1. Upwork— It is one of the largest foreign exchanges. At first it was American, then customers from a number of other states began to appear here. Orders are found very different, from cheap to expensive. Disadvantages: you need to know English. Although this is not a disadvantage, but rather a necessity if you want to work here. After all, there are translation apps.
  2. freelancer— The largest freelance resource. It has more users than in some countries of inhabitants, there are customers from the CIS countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan). In terms of payment, it surpasses domestic exchanges, and by a lot. But communication is provided in English. They pay for work through foreign payment systems, so you need to register in them.
  3. Guru- A site with 2 million registered customers and performers. There is work here even for the rarest specialties. The base of orders is replenished frequently, but the competition between the performers is high. In addition, a portfolio is required to get started. It is better if you know some foreign language, and not necessarily English, the customer can be from anywhere in the world.
  4. freelancewritinggigs- Specialization - copywriting. For performers, everything is free, the customer, in order to place the project, redeems a subscription for one month. Orders are placed from different countries. There is one but: in several countries, there were lawsuits accusing this exchange of fraudulent activities. But performers from the CIS countries most often show the necessary caution when working, so whether it is worth registering here is a personal matter for everyone.
  5. freelance info— French exchange. It is free for both the freelancer and the employer. There is no English version of the site. It turns out that you need to know French for normal and full-fledged work.
  6. Proz- The exchange is mainly for those who speak several foreign languages. Specializes in translations. New orders appear every 15 - 20 minutes.

Exchanges for freelancers also operate in the CIS countries. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Exchanges of the CIS countries

  1.— It is characterized by a variety of categories for work and low competition. Initially developed for Ukrainian freelancers. Even a beginner without experience can start earning here. The higher your qualification in any field becomes, the more you will earn.
  2. Proffstore- Ukrainian resource, began to operate recently. Catalogs of freelancers are available, a feed of offers is being formed.
  3. ITFreelance- The Belarusian resource of remote work, and very convenient. After registration, you can use the service both as a freelancer and as an employer.
  4. Kabanchik (Throw a boar)— A very popular Ukrainian stock exchange. There are vacancies for builders, for those who are engaged in repair work, small household services.

Projects that have appeared recently

  1. freelancerbay- The exchange is promising, for performers there is an opportunity to set up an account and portfolio. The price for a paid account is not gigantic. Many orders for translations, design, website development.
  2. golance— Exchange for team work.
  3. wowworks- Placed orders for couriers, for small household services.
  4. Vakvak— Vacancies for those who are engaged in translations. There is a free version and a paid version.
  5. 5bucks- An exchange for the provision of microservices, the cost of which is fixed.
  6. Webpersonal— Exchange for a wide range of specialists. The service is free, registration and any services of the service are available to any user.

As can be seen from our review, there are a huge number of exchanges for freelancers, both for narrow specialists and a wide range of remote workers.

Let's make a reservation right away that this work cannot be called simple: on each exchange there are experienced performers who have a lot of reviews and a high rating. You need to try to stand out from their background and at the same time not run into scammers who trade on the exchanges in large numbers.

Each exchange has its own characteristics, we will analyze a few.

Scheme of work:

  1. Publication of the project by the customer;
  2. Studying the task by freelancers and submitting applications for execution;
  3. Choice by the client of the contractor;
  4. The contractor does the work, the client pays for it.

Freelancers directory.

There are almost everywhere. It is formed according to the rating of performers. On the first pages are those who are the lucky owner of the highest rating. The customer often chooses the contractor from here and offers him a job directly.

To get into such directories, you need to earn a high rating.

Safe transaction.

A service through which transactions between the customer and the contractor pass. Freelancers with experience work just like that. This is a kind of guarantee, protection against fraudulent activities.

Paid accounts.

Usually found in large venues. Used by freelancers to attract the attention of serious customers.

In this case, we have characterized the features inherent in most exchanges. Each site has its own nuances, but you can familiarize yourself with them by registering on the resource you like. In the meantime, let's discuss how to choose it.

How to choose an exchange

  1. To get started, consider the list of exchanges;
  2. Follow the links and form your opinion and first impression according to the following criteria: is it convenient to use the site, do you like the design, pay attention to whether the secure transaction service works;
  3. Read reviews from other freelancers, especially those about scams;
  4. Find out if there is a commission, whether you need to pay for accounts, how funds are withdrawn.

For example: you can choose by a simple principle the largest exchange in Runet. But you won't be able to start working until you buy a Pro account. You need to find out such nuances in advance.

How much can you earn

The most common question. The level of income is directly dependent on how much tasks you complete. That is, the principle applies: the more you work, the more you earn.

But it is worth considering that at the beginning of a task with a high payment, it will be difficult to get. First of all, earn a name for yourself, gain experience. Only then will it become possible to take really high-paying projects to work.

Given these points, the average freelancer, working 7 to 8 hours a day with coffee breaks, will be able to earn about $600. Pretty good at the current rate.

Freelancers who have extensive experience and an impeccable reputation earn several thousand dollars a month. But to achieve this, you need to go all the way from beginner to pro.

How to withdraw money

The main problem for a freelancer is often the withdrawal of earned funds from the exchange. We list the main methods below.

Yandex money.

To use the wallet, it is enough to register in the system. It is simple, does not cause difficulties. On some exchanges, money for withdrawal must be ordered in advance, and the withdrawal itself is carried out once a week on a specific day.

When the money is credited to the electronic wallet, it will be possible to withdraw it to a bank card. The minimum withdrawal amount is 500 rubles + system commission.


In order to register, you will need a passport, phone number and email address. Registration is free. In order to withdraw funds from the wallet, you need to send a scan of your passport to the security service.

It is also a common option for withdrawing funds from the exchange. Registration is fast and free.

Bank cards.

Many exchanges have this method of withdrawing funds. Usually it should be a card of any Russian bank, Visa or Mastercard.

If the exchange is Ukrainian, withdrawal to hryvnia cards is possible.

How to avoid scammers

Deception on the Internet is widespread - this is already an axiom. But most often, newcomers fall for the hook of scammers, although the pros also encounter scammers in their work. How to reduce this risk, we will discuss further.

Signs that characterize fraud:

  • Negotiations are conducted in an inadequate style. The customer refers to "you", speaks in the tone of an old friend, or, conversely, too impudently. It often happens that the swindler is too kind, expresses admiration for your work;
  • The customer limits the ways of communication. For example, it leaves only an email address for communication, and it was created a few days ago;
  • The customer suppresses any talk about prepayment. In this case, they will refuse to cooperate with you, even if you are already a professional.

The most common freelancer scams.

Most often, novice freelancers and not only they are deceived with the help of the so-called “test task”. The scheme is simple: the performer is offered a task to complete - to write an article. He is immediately told that the test task will not be paid.

It is clear that as soon as a person sends the finished material, all contacts with him are stopped. Such deception has become simply global in the network. There are even companies that fill their sites with content in this way.

Similar manipulations are done with designers, translators and programmers. Nobody is safe.

The second step in popularity is occupied by gross fraud. Those. Initially, the freelancer is told that he will receive, for example, 1000 rubles for his work. As soon as the work is done, the performer is confronted with the fact that there will be no payment, the order is poorly executed.

It is very difficult to prove such actions, since most often there are no written contracts between the customer and the contractor. E-mail in this case is also not proof.

To avoid such situations, to protect yourself from the actions of scammers, freelancers with experience recommend:

  • Find out as much information as possible about the potential employer, ask for his phone numbers, address;
  • Try to find reviews about him on the Internet, for sure he has already collaborated with someone;
  • Look for information on freelance forums, ask colleagues.


So, let's sum up. Remote work provides many benefits. You can choose the schedule, the type of activity that you want to do. But all the benefits that freelancing provides must be used wisely.

Such a large level of freedom does not benefit everyone. You need strong self-discipline and responsibility. As for the exchanges, it’s real on them, the main thing is to have patience and not be lazy.

Freelance for free. On the My FreeLance website, you can place an ad for free in the headings: website development, rewriting / copyright, translations, management, web programming, turnkey websites, SEO optimization and others, find a freelancer for your orders. You can also participate in forums, communicate with freelancers and customers.
If you encounter fraud - write to the administrator indicating the ad, this ad will be removed. Also write to our forum - fraudulent customers, and before taking the project, read if your customer is there.

Dear freelancers, when placing ads, please put a rubric for them from the category FREELANCER SERVICES

Creation, promotion and support of sites

Creation of a turnkey website: Design, layout, integration to the required cms, refinement of existing sites, promotion, promotion to the top of search engines.

Development mobile version of the site from 5000r.
Registration of sites in Yandex and Google, SEO optimization and subsequent maintenance of the site.
My site: My Support
About Me:
Knowledge of cms: bitrix, opencart, webasist, netcat, modx, DLE, wordpress, etc.

Programming languages: Microsoft Visual C++, Delphi, HTML, CSS, PHP, MYSQL, JS.


Our team offers home work for young guys. Responsibilities - secretary

Our team offers home work for young guys. Responsibilities - secretary

Men from 22 to 35 years old.

Literacy, ability to learn, confident PC skills, creativity, sociability, friendliness, responsibility.


maintenance of the client base, processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence, communication with clients in correspondence.

work from home, flexible schedule.

Salary: salary 35-45 000, bonuses. Once a month advance.

If interested, please send a short resume to

18.06.2019 It will be possible to agree

Waterproofing materials

Element-Crimea is the official exclusive representative of the Element plant in the Crimea! We offer universal innovative waterproofing materials from the Element plant. The materials of the plant "Element" are easy to use, universal in use and unique in their composition. Waterproofing materials - "Element" is a professional waterproofing with your own hands. We have stepped far ahead, relative to our competitors, in the price segment, the material is available to a wide range of consumers, and also in terms of quality, the material is no worse than our competitors, even surpasses them in many respects. Plant materials - "Element" - this is an ideal ratio of price and quality !!! The line includes a universal (penetrating waterproofing material, suture material, material for stopping pressure leaks) product "Element", an additive in concrete, liquid rubber based on natural rubber, and a moisture-repellent water repellent. You can learn more about our materials on our website or by contacting us by phone. Our experts will be happy to help you. Our team consists exclusively of experienced professionals. Write, call, come, we will be happy to help you!

06/18/2019 negotiable


The publishing house is looking for employees for the position

Vacancy - Typewriter

White salary, official employment, employment from 3 hours a day

Requirements: PC knowledge at the user level, perseverance, desire to earn

Weekly payments, if you are interested, write to

06/18/2019 8 days

Translation of texts

I translate texts on various subjects (Russian-English, English-Russian).

Also writing articles on various topics in English and Russian.


Posting ads

Hello. I need 3 people to post ads on Avito. For placing 100 ads, payment is: 6000 rubles.

For 1 ad 60 rubles. If you are interested in my offer, please contact me by mail, I do not answer here

06/18/2019 2 days

Employee for remote work


Work for mums on maternity leave

We offer jobs for mothers. You can earn without leaving your home and without being separated from your children! You need a couple of hours a day. And, of course, Internet access. No additional gadgets needed. All details when communicating via Internet mail
Only for residents of Russia.


Operator remotely (Women required)

We are looking for sociable, friendly people who are ready to learn and earn. You work 2-3 hours at home - and we pay you for it. All you need is a device from which you can access the Internet.
Job responsibilities:
Your duties are to publish announcements on the Internet and respond to responses to these announcements.
Working conditions:
Salary depends on the work done.
We provide free training and support throughout the work.
Write to We will tell you everything about our work and the company.
Only for residents of Russia.


Online store administrator

Needed from you
1) desire to work and earn money, quick learner, ability to organize oneself,
2) the presence of a smartphone, tablet or computer with Internet access.
Employment 2-4 hours a day.
Job responsibilities:
You will have to engage in brand promotion and correspondence consulting via the Internet. As well as expanding the client base (We will teach everything, we have all the materials).
Working conditions:
Constant training, career growth, stable payments.
Details by email
Only for residents of Russia.


Work from home on the Internet (for women)


Operator Consultant (female required)

A large company is looking for a Customer Service Consultant. Work via the Internet by correspondence.
Competent speech, ability to use a computer is required.
Job responsibilities:
Responsibilities include advising on the company's products, responding to customer inquiries.
Working conditions:
We will provide free training, consulting throughout the work.
Remote work, free schedule.
Fixed payouts and bonuses. Send applications to the email address, I will tell you about the work in more detail.
Only for residents of Russia.


Distant work

Requirements: communication skills, the presence of a PC with Internet access, knowledge of office applications.

Responsibilities: Working with e-mail, processing applications, online consultations (without calls), forming and maintaining a client base.

Conditions: Flexible work schedule from 3-4 hours a day, free training, career growth.


Operator Consultant

Requirements: communication skills, the presence of a PC with Internet access, knowledge of office applications.

Responsibilities: Working with e-mail, processing applications, online consultations (without calls), forming and maintaining a client base.

Conditions: Flexible work schedule from 3-4 hours a day, free training, career growth.


Operator for remote work

Requirements: communication skills, the presence of a PC with Internet access, knowledge of office applications.

Responsibilities: Working with e-mail, processing applications, online consultations (without calls), forming and maintaining a client base.

Conditions: Flexible work schedule from 3-4 hours a day, free training, career growth.


Online store promoter

- availability of Internet access,
- purposefulness
- the desire to earn.
Job responsibilities:
— brand promotion on the Internet (we will teach you everything),
-making report.
Working conditions:
- the possibility of combining with the main work
- You are not tied to the office,
– employment from only 2 to 4 hours a day (depending on your desire to work and earn).
All details in e-mail
Only for residents of Russia.


Online store operator

Requirements: communication skills, the presence of a PC with Internet access, knowledge of office applications.

Responsibilities: Working with e-mail, processing applications, online consultations (without calls), forming and maintaining a client base.

Conditions: Flexible work schedule from 3-4 hours a day, free training, career growth.


Additional income at home

We offer work in the Internet space.
special skills are not needed, except for the possession of a PC at the user level.
You need a desire to earn and learn.
Job responsibilities:
Placement of free ads on the Internet, social networks.
Processing of incoming mail.
Working conditions:
Training is free, no investment required.
Payouts to a bank account or bank card.
If you are interested in our offer, we will send the details by e-mail. Write to
Only for residents of Russia.


Recruitment assistants

High-speed Internet, average level of PC user.
Responsibilities include recruiting staff on ads, responding to candidate responses.
We teach everything. Education is free.
The work is simple - at home, on the Internet.
Career growth.
Send applications to the email address (preliminary interview).
Only for residents of Russia.


Internet project manager

Requirements: communication skills, the presence of a PC with Internet access, knowledge of office applications.

Responsibilities: Working with e-mail, processing applications, online consultations (without calls), forming and maintaining a client base.

Conditions: Flexible work schedule from 3-4 hours a day, free training, career growth.


Online store employees

For remote work with a flexible schedule, at a convenient time for you, employees with an active lifestyle and positive thinking are required.
Possibility of combination.
Payouts to a bank account or bank card.
Education is free
Support throughout the entire work process.
Friendly young team.

2-4 hours and any device with Internet access.
Grammatically correct speech.
The rest we will teach, tell and show.

Expansion of the client base (we have all the necessary materials).
Placing ads on free boards on the Internet and social networks.
Processing of incoming mail.
Correspondence counseling.
All work in the format of correspondence.
Details during the interview by e-mail
Only for residents of Russia.


Remote work (part-time job)

We recruit girls, women, mothers to work with a flexible schedule, at a convenient time for you. The work is simple, comfortable, at home or another place convenient for you.
Requirements: Internet connection and a couple of hours a day is all you need to work. The rest we will teach, tell and show.

Training is free, no investment required. A great offer for those who are looking for additional income for a permanent job. An excellent offer for housewives and mothers on maternity leave. All details to the email address
Only for residents of Russia.



Required employee for remote work. No experience needed, we train everything.

Education is free. The most important thing is the desire to work, grow and develop further!



An employee is required for an online store, for 2-3 hours a day. Requirements: Processing incoming applications, assistance in obtaining a discount on the site.


Photo processing

I can edit your photos according to your wishes.
Apply filters, remove something superfluous from the photo, lighten / darken both individual objects and the photo as a whole. Also, the price depends on the complexity of the work, discussed when ordering.
The execution time also depends on the number of photos, their quality and complexity.

18.06.2019 1

Copyright services

Good afternoon.

I offer copywriting services. Articles on different themes.

Diligence, responsibility, literacy.

I accept long-term cooperation and one-time work.

I can provide a portfolio.