How to make money writing articles online? Making money writing articles How to make money writing articles.

You will learn how to write a good article and sell it profitably, how rewriting differs from copywriting, and on which exchanges you can earn money by preparing content for websites.

28.02.2018 Alexandra Kadyntseva

Good day! This is Alexandra Kadyntseva, a professional copywriter.

Today I will tell you about how to make money writing articles and make this activity your main source of income. You will learn how rewriting differs from copywriting, why 90% of beginners start with exchanges, and where to look for expensive orders for an author who has already outgrown the entry level.

Earnings on articles - copywriting as the main source of income

Earnings on writing articles is one of the types of work on the Internet that does not require investments. To start earning, all you need is desire, time, and the ability to correctly express your thoughts. Therefore, for many, such work seems simple. But not everyone succeeds in turning the creation of content for websites into a permanent source of income.

Those who have succeeded are not in a hurry to part with copywriting, but, on the contrary, discover new horizons for themselves, develop their skills and abilities, increasing their income.

To make content creation for websites the main type of income, a beginner needs to:

  1. Understanding that this is a full-fledged job that requires an appropriate amount of time and a responsible approach. At first, writing articles takes a lot of time. Even if you have a good typing speed, it will take some time for the search for information, the formation of thoughts and printing to become "one". Gradually, this process will take less time and bring more money.
  2. Find a customer. Looking for employers in different places. These are content exchanges, groups of freelancers in social networks, ads, personal acquaintances.
  3. Be ready for serious competition.
  4. Prepare for the fact that the first earnings will not be fabulously high. For the first month, you can earn less than 5,000 rubles, depending on how much time you spent working and looking for orders.
  5. Realize that there is always a risk of running into unscrupulous employers online.
  6. Understanding that your income is in your hands. The more and better you write, the more customers you will have and the higher your salary.
  7. Determine the optimal time and amount of work that can be done without loss of quality.

And you also need to equip a comfortable workplace. A good laptop or desktop PC with a computer desk and chair is a must if you're in the mood to turn copywriting into a permanent way to earn money. A tablet and a sofa are not suitable for this purpose.

What is rewriting and copywriting?

Earnings on writing articles on the Internet is closely related to these concepts.

Rewriting- processing or retelling of an existing text. This is one of the areas of copywriting. The task of the person making the rewrite is to change the material so that the new article retains its original meaning, and its publication does not violate copyright, that is, it is unique.

Rewriting takes less time because it does not require searching for additional sources of information. It is considered one of the simplest types of work with textual material, therefore it is paid lower than copywriting.

Copywriting— writing new unique content using multiple sources of information. Copywriting is a broad concept that includes writing sales texts with key queries, movie reviews, advertising slogans, informational articles, technical product descriptions.

The task of a copywriter is to prepare a unique, new material based on existing sources on the network, as well as their own experience and knowledge. Writing such articles requires more time, the ability to quickly process information from different sources, and analyze it.

Copywriting combines different areas: SEO -copywriting(writing content with key queries, links to affiliate programs), selling and image copywriting, drafting commercial offers.

A blogger is another type of copywriting profession. The difference between a blogger who earns money by writing texts or creating an author's video and a copywriter is that he does not focus on stating facts, but expresses his personal vision of these facts, his attitude towards them.

Bloggers' magazines are more interesting to readers than informational sites because they contain the personal experience and vision of the author.

What are the ways to make money on articles?

The most common ways to make money writing articles are selling them in content stores, or fulfilling orders received on the stock exchange or directly from the customer.

Let's explore the methods in more detail.

Selling Articles

Articles are sold on stock exchanges or content stores. Many site owners find it more convenient to buy ready-made articles than to write them themselves or pay for the work of a hired copywriter. This applies to sites that fill their pages with content based on rewriting of other sources. The main requirement for such articles is a coherent logical presentation, literacy and uniqueness.

Some exchanges (, check the material for uniqueness, which guarantees the originality of the text material to buyers visiting the content market. The resale of ready-made texts is beneficial in its own way to sellers, exchanges, and buyers, but it does not bring money on a daily basis; rather, it is passive income.

The demand for articles depends on the content of the material, its quality, price, relevance of the topic. Some texts are bought within a few days or a week, while others “hang” on the exchange for a long time.

Before writing a text for sale, you need to review materials, already placed on the content market by other authors. This will help you choose a topic and evaluate your professional level.

Work on orders

This type of earnings on articles is more stable. There are several ways to get orders: a copywriter exchange where customers place their requests and a direct search for those who are willing to pay for writing articles.

It is difficult for a newbie on the stock exchange to compete with "experienced" copywriters, at least in terms of the speed and volume of articles that he is ready to offer. Most often, you have to rely on the cheapest applications or offer the minimum rates yourself, which discourages those who are not so quick, as more experienced competitors.

By responding to an application with a small payment, you get a chance to establish cooperation with a regular customer directly. Many employers raise the level of payment in response to the quality of work, efficiency and responsibility of the performer.

You can directly search for customers in social network groups dedicated to working from home, earning money by writing texts. You should not count on the fact that you will be instantly noticed or you will immediately get a high-paying job. Searching for employers directly is fraught with a higher likelihood that the copywriter will not be paid for his work.

The exchanges have a rating of customers and copywriters, blacklists of unscrupulous participants, giving little information about their honesty. In social networks, it is more difficult to find reviews about the customer, which means that the likelihood that you will be “thrown” without paying for the prepared material is higher than on the stock exchange.

How to make money on articles on the Internet - step by step instructions

Let's study the algorithm of work on the example of exchanges.

The instruction will help to avoid typical mistakes and speed up the process.

Step 1. Choose an exchange and register

Choosing a job is an important step for a novice copywriter. Content resources offer different working conditions. On some, testing for “professional suitability” is mandatory, on others, simple registration is enough. To compare the rules and working conditions, register and start writing on several exchanges. From the first orders it will become clear which conditions are more acceptable for you.

When choosing a place of work, pay attention to the level of payment set by the exchange. A higher level is set by resources that have strict requirements for the selection of authors.

Step 2. Filling out a portfolio and submitting applications

A portfolio is a visiting card of a copywriter. It indicates examples of written articles, according to which the customer will be able to assess the professional level of the author. It is advisable to present several examples in the portfolio, of different topics, complexity and volume, in order to demonstrate your strengths.

Try to accompany them with the terms of reference of your own authorship (indicate the purpose of writing, volume, highlight key queries on the topic, tasks solved by the prepared material). This will attract the attention of potential employers.

With a completed portfolio, feel free to respond to employer's announcements or submit your own application for finding an order. It indicates the direction (copywriting, rewriting, translation of texts) in which the applicant works, length of service, portfolio, desired level of payment.

Step 3. We complete the task and receive income

After receiving the assignment from the customer, you need to read it carefully. If you have any questions about the terms of the assignment received and the timing of its execution, do not hesitate to ask them. The finished work must be checked against the terms of the assignment. Hand it over, making sure that all requirements are met.

Exchanges set the minimum amount available for withdrawal. Earned funds are withdrawn when their amount is equal to or exceeds the limit set by the resource.

Overview of the TOP-3 copywriting exchanges

Three of the most popular Runet resources.

The first two are massive, with tens of thousands of users, the third is a more "chamber", semi-professional platform.

Ready-made articles are sold here and copywriting is done to order. To get started, just go through a simple registration, fill out your profile and start searching for applications from customers. If you want to increase the rating of a beginner, sell several articles.

If you plan to make money on this resource, it is better to act in both directions: sell articles and take orders. All materials placed for sale are moderated, so before publishing, you need to make sure that they are unique, do not have stylistic and spelling errors, otherwise everything will have to be redone.


Beginners and professionals earn here. It is easy for beginners to “get involved” and start earning, since this resource has a relatively loyal moderation of articles. It is better to start by selling rewrites in order to gain speed, experience and rating.

With the advent of experience, take orders for writing texts. Under his account, the user can give work to other beginners (for example, acquaintances who want to try their hand at working on the Internet) in order to increase their rating. Raising the status, you get more highly paid orders.


A feature of the service is a careful selection of authors. There is no article store here, only orders. Before starting work, you need to pass a test on knowledge of the grammar of the Russian language and write a short essay. Selected authors are offered a higher level of payment compared to many other resources for selling content and the opportunity to improve their skills.

The resource offers favorable conditions to customers, offering the services of good authors. In turn, the authors receive decent pay and a high rating. All articles are checked for uniqueness and moderated.

Water is a part of the text that it can do without without losing its meaning. These are spatial sayings that do not carry the meaning of the construction, increasing the volume. They don't add anything to the content.

Water is a sign that the author does not own the material, does not know the essence, trying to fill in its absence with general phrases. Try to write to the point, avoid complex turns and constructions. Reread what you have written to highlight the main thing and remove the superfluous, look for more information on the topic.

Even the most “stuffed” text with key queries, focused on the algorithms of search engines, should be interesting and useful to the reader. In the process of working on the text, you need to imagine for what purpose the reader visited the page on which your text is placed.

If this is a page that describes a product, then its visitor already has a need to purchase. It is better to describe the benefits of buying this particular item or the benefits of buying from this particular store in a non-intrusive and persuasive way.

An informational text that is not aimed at selling anything also needs to be “decorated” and made useful. It is easy to do this by finding interesting facts on the topic, real reviews of people. Share your own experience or the experience of your friends by attaching a photo or video to the text.

Structure the information you present so that it is interesting and convenient for the reader to read, and if necessary, he can quickly find the thought that “hooked” him in your text, and reread it or quote it. Use subheadings, lists, tables, diagrams.

In colloquial speech, we often use "as if", "in short", "in general". In the preparation of content for sites - other words: "may", "is", "is carried out" and other template phrases. By avoiding them, you make your content diverse, easy to read, and unique.

Do not try to give complex definitions of concepts, setting them out in a dry "clerical" language. It is better to give a few live examples that will quickly explain to the reader what is at stake. This way you will impress both readers and your employer as a competent and interesting author.

When rewriting the most complex legal or technical material, it is desirable to simplify it for the reader. Even if you are an expert in the topic and easily operate with terms, write in a simpler way. Try to submit scientific articles in such a way that the essence is clear even to a person who is ignorant of the topic.

Hi all! Most recently, I wandered around the Internet and found 2 interesting video courses “Copywriting Career” and “Copywriting Workshop”, looked, read and thought, “Why not write an article yourself and sell it on the stock exchange.” People don't make bad money there, we should check...

I tried... I quickly wrote an article in 15-20 minutes (just on the fly, what came to my mind) for 3000 characters and placed it on the ADVEGO exchange. The next day I go to the exchange and see the notice “Your article No. xxxx, paid by the buyer, funds received 6.30 c.u.” Cool...

Well, of course, I am not writing this article to brag, in this article I will tell beginners about how to make money on articles, how to write an article and submit it for sale on the exchange, which exchange, and how to make it so that your article is sold PAY ATTENTION buyers and BUY IT...

To start, a little introduction. Basically, the guys and girls who read my blog are bloggers. These are the people who run their blog, promote it and earn accordingly (maybe). Someone has money for promotion, somewhere to buy a link, somewhere to make a run through article directories, somewhere to buy banners to catch up with traffic to the blog, etc...

There is money, and you can invest in promotion. But someone doesn’t have money for promotion at all, or they have it, but they don’t want to spend it ...

So, how and where can you earn a good amount of money to then invest in blog promotion? I believe, and I think that many will agree with me, making money writing articles and selling them on the stock exchange is the best way.

And what does it have to do with investing money in blog promotion, here you can just make good money and create for yourself a good additional income from scratch without any investment. I registered on the stock exchange, wrote an article for several thousand characters and submitted it for sale. All. Wait until they buy it... Better not one article, but several articles a day...

Agree! Many may say, “Here you need to write articles on the blog, you don’t always have time, but also write for sale ... How to do everything?”. Yes, it's difficult! But if there is a strong desire, everything is possible! As they say, “There are no things that you can’t do overnight” ... =) If you write a blog every three days, then in the interval of two days you can close up a couple of articles for sale ...

On the one hand, everything is easy, but in fact, not everything is as simple as it seems. Eh, if everything were so elementary, now everyone would write articles all day long. I wrote 5 articles a day, submitted them to the stock exchange for 200 rubles apiece, and wait until tomorrow the mower falls into your pocket... Of course not... As the saying goes, "If the activity you are engaged in is simple, then there is no big money in it" . Exactly!

Well, about easy money, this is a completely different topic. Let's return to the ADVEGO exchange. At the end of the article, I will give you a few more links to exchanges where you can earn money by writing articles, and now we will deal with one exchange, the Advego exchange, since it is the most popular and well-known in Runet.

Before I explain all the technical details to you, I would like to ask you a couple of questions:

1. Who do you think buys articles on exchanges?
2. How to make sure that your article is bought?

I would answer these questions like this. I believe that people buy articles on stock exchanges to fill their sites and blogs in order to earn money on them! BUT! Any person who has his own website or blog understands that posting other people's (purchased) articles on his website will not lead to anything good, agree?

If you, for example, maintain your blog, write about your life on it, you write for people, you aim to increase traffic to your resource by filling the blog with useful and interesting content, you aim to increase the number of subscribers, target audience, etc. ., then posting purchased (not your own) articles on your resource is categorically not recommended.

Tomorrow I will post the left article from the stock exchange on my blog and you will immediately notice it, because it will not be written by me, it will not have the energy that I put into each of my articles, it will not be of interest to you and other readers. ..

Bottom line: attendance will decrease, the number of subscribers will decrease, in short, everything will definitely go down! Yes, there are cool articles on exchanges, I don’t argue, but how to buy an interesting article? When you buy an article, you don't see its content, you only see it after the purchase...

Why am I doing this? And to the fact that people buy articles on stock exchanges, mostly not to fill their copyright sites and blogs, they buy articles for resources that are designed specifically for making money. Look how many sites and blogs on the Internet are filled with purchased articles.

The scheme is simple, a person makes a website or a blog for himself, fills it with purchased articles, raises the TIC and PR indicators for the site, and then earns more on this site than he gives money for buying articles.

How does he earn? Very simple. Selling links from the site, paid posting of articles, banner advertising, teaser, contextual, affiliate programs, etc... Content is needed for such a site or blog only to keep it alive. Search engines see that the resource is constantly updated (filled with content) lives accordingly. Every day this resource is found by people for some search queries ...

The conclusion from all of the above is that people buy articles in 60-70% of cases not for people, but for search engines (to keep their resources alive) or at the very least, when there is nothing to write, you can go and buy on the stock exchange. When buying articles on the exchange, such people choose them by titles and description + price, so you need to make sure that your article is noticed and bought...

2. How to make sure that your article is bought?

Here is the key point! Thousands of articles are sold on the exchange, but how to make sure that your article is bought? Right! Give it a powerful catchy title + compose a powerful and interesting description.

Why was my article bought immediately? I would not say that the article itself is great, I just gave it a cool catchy title + made an interesting description! What is the title you ask? I will not say! =) You see, such a headline that you don’t even want to announce it publicly... The main thing that worked, the article was grabbed twice...

The conclusion from all of the above - 90% success rate when selling an article on the stock exchange - is its title and description ... Keep this in mind!

Well, now let's move on to the technical points. Earnings on the advego exchange consist of 5 points:

1. Registration on the exchange
2. Writing an article + adding it for sale
3. Article sale
4. Withdrawal of funds to wmz wallet (webmoney)
5. Withdrawal of funds from the webmoney wallet to your hands

With registration I think you will understand. After registration, be sure to specify your wmz wallet in the settings. Well, if you don’t know what webmoney and wmz are, then you need to find out about it in google or yandex, then install Webmoney Keeper Classic on your computer and then create a wallet. In short, there is nothing complicated. Learn if you don't know!

Next, you write an article on your computer, it is better to write in word so that you can immediately see possible errors in the text. Advego is seriously following this, if there are errors in your articles, the admins will return the article back to you for rework.

After the article is written and checked for errors, then you can add an article for sale. To do this, go to the section - "To the Author" - "Sell an article" and fill in all the fields. As I wrote above, make a high-quality, catchy title for the article + a cool description. Paste the article into the text field.

Select “category”, select “text type”, if you wrote an article from scratch, then this is “copywriting”, if you redid some article (I do not recommend), then this is “rewriting”, if you translated an article from English into Russian, then it is a "translation".

Ready! The article has been sent for moderation. If everything is fine, then you will receive a notification that your article has been moderated and put up for sale. If something is wrong with the article, then you will also receive a notification. Nothing terrible, redo what you need and submit again for moderation.

After the article is bought (hopefully), you will again receive a notice - "Article No. xxxx paid by the buyer ...".

The minimum withdrawal of funds to the webmoney wallet is $5. After you withdraw funds to your wallet, you can withdraw them to your hands ... How? Very simple, the webmoney website has all the withdrawal instructions. You can also use my two articles with recommendations for withdrawing WMR.

Just keep in mind that you can withdraw WMR, not WMZ. You can exchange WMZ for WMR in the same Webmoney Keeper Classic. Right-click on the wallet in the program - "Exchange WM * for WM * ..."

Money exchange is instant! So, in principle, that's all about earning money on advego. The principle of earning on other similar exchanges is the same. Write an article - sell it - get money for webmoney - withdraw money into your hands.

In addition to earning on the sale of articles, you can also participate in affiliate programs of the exchange by inviting other users there using your affiliate links and receiving additional income from their sales of articles. In all exchanges, the percentage of income from the affiliate program is different, someone has 25%, someone has 30%, and someone has as much as 50%. Not bad!

The earning scheme is simple. Register on the exchange, you are given an affiliate link, you give this link to other users, they register using it, sell articles, earning income, and you, in turn, receive % of the system commission.

And yet, in addition to making money on these exchanges, you can also buy content for yourself on them, so keep in mind. I often buy content for some of my projects and I advise you!

Well, I will finish the article! I think this post will be very useful for those people who are just starting their first steps in making money on the Internet. To be honest, I didn’t think before that you can make good money on articles, it seemed to me that in this way you can only earn a sandwich with butter ...

It turns out not only ... I'm sure that among you there are talented people who can write cool and interesting articles, why not use this talent to your advantage ...

So, that's it ... I'm finishing my writing, it was just not a lot of information on making money on writing articles. You can learn all the nuances, subtleties and professional tricks from experienced copywriters... Courses "Copywriting Career" and "Copywriting Workshop" will help you! Bye bye!!!

P.S. How do you like the article? I advise you not to miss information about new free video courses and blog contests!

Sincerely, Alexander Borisov

Hello, readers of the site about additional earnings in the network. I provide you with a lot of different information about popular methods of part-time work on the Internet. One of the most profitable for today is copywriting. In this article, I will describe in detail what such an activity is. You will learn about how you can earn good money writing articles. In addition, you will be provided with a list of reliable and trusted sites that offer the opportunity to write articles and get paid for it. You can choose this option as an additional part-time job, or you can devote more time to this topic and get a good main source of income. In any case, it is necessary to study in detail this way of earning and find out all its features.

The essence of making money on writing articles

As you already understood, the activity that consists in writing articles for various sites is called copywriting. Accordingly, the person who creates unique content is a copywriter.

Since an increasing number of various resources appear on the network every day, they all need high-quality and competent promotion, the basis of which is precisely the text content. Website owners are looking for copywriters on their own or entrust it to specialized companies.

If you know how to correctly and clearly state information in writing, then feel free to try your hand at this area. You will need to find a conscientious customer, receive requirements from him and fulfill them.

TO standard requirements that are put forward to the author usually include:

  • literacy (the need to write clearly, without errors);
  • uniqueness (checked using various resources);
  • volume of text (number of characters, it is for the number of characters without spaces or with them that payment is usually charged);
  • the need to enter (often customers provide a small list of words or phrases that need to be entered in the text).

Once your work is accepted by a customer, you will lose all rights to it and will not be able to resell it to anyone.

It should be noted that there are several subspecies of this activity, each of which has its own characteristics and is evaluated differently. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with these species in more detail.

  1. . This is the simplest option, which requires you a little effort and the ability to retell the information in other words. Here you need to take the original article and rewrite it, keeping the general meaning and structure. That is, it is necessary to rephrase all the sentences so that the result is a completely new and unique text.

Making money online today is not at all difficult. To do this, you just need to write articles on topics that are interesting to you and sell them through services. eTXT, Advego, NEOtext and TextSale. This is the perfect way to make money from the comfort of your home. Writing articles to order or for sale is not such a difficult thing. Although it raises a lot of questions for beginners: “Where to start?”, “What is needed for this?”, “Where to find clients or customers”, etc. We will try to answer these and other questions.

Article Writing - What do you need?

To be able to competently and, preferably without errors, write articles on topics that interest you is all that is needed to make money on articles on the Internet. For this, it is not necessary to have a special education.

Article Writing - Who needs your articles?

Your articles are needed for site creators, webmasters, or simply for people who fill their sites with interesting and useful information. The most important thing is that your article is unique. Once you sell your article, all rights to it will be lost, so don't try to sell it again.

Article Writing - How Much Can You Earn Writing Articles?

The cost of one article on the Internet can vary from 3 to 20 $. The average size of an article becomes from 1000 to 2500 characters, maybe more - from 3000 to 5000 characters. On average, for 1000 characters of a written article, you can get from 15 to 30 rubles. and higher. This, of course, is not very much, but if you write 10-15 articles a day, you can get quite a decent income.

Article Writing - Where to start?

First you need to register on one of the sites, the so-called exchanges of texts or articles, which sell and buy articles on various topics. If you are well versed in any one area, for example, fashion, cooking, technology, etc., then you can do copywriting - this is a type of writing texts that advertise a product, service, company, idea, or just a person. If you are not well versed in any field of knowledge, then you can do rewriting - this is a simple rewriting of the text in your own words.

On any exchange of articles, you definitely need to earn a rating. The more you write, earn the trust of customers, the higher your rating will be. At first it will be very low. With each new article, your rating will increase. Then it will be possible to choose orders with a higher price, and for your unique article it will be possible to gradually raise prices. To get started, list your articles for sale at no more than 50 cents per 1,000 characters. An article is considered unique at the level of 97 - 100%. It is very difficult to achieve uniqueness when writing recipes, because the same words are very often found in the texts: 1 tablespoon, 1 teaspoon, 1 glass, etc.

On the exchange of articles, carefully read all the offers of customers, conditions and order fulfillment lines. First, choose simple topics, with a low price, write an article, correct errors, check it for uniqueness and send it to the customer or put it on the exchange for sale.

You can always find the currently popular topics of articles on the main page of text exchanges.

Article Writing - The main flaws that scare article buyers

  1. Small size of the article. Do not write lengthy articles less than 2000 signs!!! There are a lot of such articles on the Internet and, as a rule, they are sold very poorly. The most in demand, in our time, are articles with a volume of 3000-4500 and more characters.
  2. Not an interesting and not attractive title of the articles. When writing articles, try to come up with a creative, attention-grabbing headline instead of a banal one.
  3. Articles in the first person. If you want your articles to sell well, never write them in the first person. The most sold are articles from a third party.
  4. No paragraphs or subheadings. In the article, the text should be divided into paragraphs. One paragraph should usually contain 3-5 sentences. Indent one line between paragraphs. If the article is large, then you need to make subheadings.

Article writing - The benefits of this type of income

This type of earnings can be done at any time convenient for you. You work from home, you plan your working day on your own. Article writing may be your main activity. You can also choose this type of activity as an additional type of income that suits everyone: men, women, teenagers, and people of retirement age. It is especially suitable for women who are on maternity leave and young mothers. To do this, you just need a computer and connected traffic.

Writing articles - How to cash out earned money?

You can cash out your "hard earned funds" through the system WebMoney. For more information about cashing out funds, please visit

Therefore, it is up to you to write or not to write articles for order or for sale! In order to receive new articles, subscribe to the site's newsletter (below). In any case - good luck!

I propose to fix what you read with the help of a video

Earnings on writing articles on the Internet are now quite popular. Many users have realized that it is possible to earn income without visiting the main place of work. This has led to the emergence of freelancers - people who work from home. By the way, not everyone will be able to organize their time, knowing that he has no bosses behind his back. What can be earnings on the Internet? Writing articles, reviews, advertising posts, attracting new customers - all this can make a profit. The article will focus specifically on writing and selling your articles, as well as performing paid tasks on content exchanges.

Why do we need articles for the Internet?

Is it possible to make money writing articles? Yes. You can really make money this way. The fact is that every day there are many new sites that need to be filled. Old ones will also perish without regular refilling.

Not every website creator is a good writer. Not everyone can have so much free time. In addition, one person cannot be well versed in all topics. Therefore, the creators of blogs and websites often turn to third-party authors for help.

Where to find a customer? Basic ways

Making money writing articles for websites is a tempting thing. However, you need to find someone who wants to pay money for the work done. That is, a conscientious customer. The easiest option for beginners is content exchanges. After registration, the user gets access to orders. Here you can test your strength, learn the intricacies and nuances of the work of a copywriter, get acquainted with the requirements of customers.

The second option is direct customers. However, in order to interest the representative of the site, you need to have a portfolio - written articles already posted on other resources, preferably on the subject of the site.

Search for a direct customer: basic steps

  • Transition from the stock exchange. This option is relevant when the author works with a customer and decides to go “free floating” so as not to pay a commission to intermediaries. In this case, the author no longer needs a portfolio.
  • Search through specialized sites or forums. You can find a customer on the website, as well as on other sites offering vacancies. You can also browse specialized forums of copywriters - this is what the authors of articles on the Internet are called.
  • Sending letters to site owners. The most costly method in terms of time. You should make a competent resume, select examples of work and write feedback to the site for which you would like to write articles. There is no guarantee that a response will come. However, if the site is interested in new authors, and the portfolio is of high quality, it is likely to get a good customer for a long time.

Earnings on the Internet: writing articles. Benefits of working with a direct customer

Why is it necessary to search for direct customers if there are exchanges where many site owners are gathered? It's all about payment. There are often so-called resellers on the stock exchange. Therefore, the cost of the article that the author is trying to sell can be significantly lower. So, according to users of some exchanges, an article for which 40 rubles for 1000 characters on a certain site will be paid for, when ordered by the direct creator of the site, can cost 200 rubles for the same number of characters. Earnings on writing articles in newspapers and magazines are also possible, and the payment is likely to be higher, but for working with sites these are the maximum possible amounts.

However, there are also disadvantages. It's about fraud. Not every customer agrees to work on an advance payment, so there is a risk of giving away your article for free. In this regard, the exchange helps to get your money. It also protects the rights of customers.

Content exchanges: main options

Do content exchanges help you earn money by writing articles on the Internet? Reviews say yes. There are several similar sites where orders and ready-made articles are placed. The most popular include:

  • "Advego". One of the first exchanges of its kind. It contains orders not only for articles of a different plan, but also for invitations to groups in social networks, registration of subscribers, leaving reviews about products. Payment in e. Withdrawal only to the "WebMoney" wallet.
  • Etxt. Currently the most popular content exchange. It attracts with a large number of orders that help to have a good income by writing articles. There is also a store of ready-made texts and photos. It is possible to withdraw funds to different wallets. Payment is made in rubles.
  • TextSale is a veteran among such sites. Offers many orders on various topics, and also allows the posting of articles for sale.

Earnings on writing articles: copywriting, rewriting and SEO

After a novice copywriter has chosen an exchange and registered on it, it is necessary to deal with the types of articles. There are several variants of texts for websites. The customer can create an order for:

  • rewrite;
  • copyright;
  • SEO text;
  • translation.

The latter is less in demand, but the payment for such services is higher. However, native speakers of not as popular languages ​​as English or German are often required, but people who can beautifully and correctly translate texts from Italian, Chinese or Hungarian. You need to translate both into the language that the customer needs, and vice versa - from a foreign language into Russian.

Rewrite: features

Rewriting is writing an article based on existing texts or works. Roughly speaking, this is a retelling. The author selects several articles on the necessary topics and composes them into one, fully revealing the topic. This excludes copying of material.

That is, you can’t just copy the sentences from each article and swap them. It is necessary to write a new, unique article, but containing information that is already on the Web.

Most copywriters work this way. Deep and high-quality rewriting is difficult to distinguish from copyright, since any information has already been published or heard somewhere. Earnings on writing articles involves the ability to find and process information, presenting it as new.

Copyright - everything is new

Copyright is texts that are taken "from the head". Suitable for craftsmen, professionals. So, an accountant can write about taxes or vacation calculations without internet prompts. At the moment, earnings on writing articles, reviews of which are mostly positive, are built precisely on copyright, since this is the most popular text format.

SEO texts. Work for search engines

What is the peculiarity of texts with the prefix "SEO"? In fact, these are the same articles, both rewriting and copyright. The main thing in them is the keys. These are requests by which the user is looking for some information. It is these keywords or phrases that need to be inserted into the text, preferably beautifully and organically.

Key queries can be changed or diluted with punctuation marks, but this point is best checked with the direct customer so as not to redo the finished work. It is quite possible to make good money writing articles or rewriting them, especially if you have no problems with grammar and you can express your thoughts clearly and coherently (or at least paraphrase the text you read). Reviews of experienced copywriters say that the payment for an article written with the addition of keywords increases.

Examples of work on the Etxt exchange. Step one

First of all, you need to register on the exchange. The form is standard. You must provide your email address and phone number. Having thought up a password and having received confirmation on a mail box, it is possible to get to work.

First of all, you need to fill out your application form. Many beginners neglect this, which is a mistake. If the author is a beginner, then he does not yet have a high rating or reviews. Therefore, it will be selected based on personal data. It is better to indicate in which topics you are strong. If you have experience working outside the exchange or on other sites, it is better to indicate this. However, you can not enter links to third-party resources.

What else needs to be done for those who are aimed at making money on the Internet? Writing articles for money suggests that these funds need to be withdrawn from the exchange somewhere. This site has three options:

  • Yandex Wallet.
  • "WebMoney".
  • "Kiwi".

Each of them has its own advantages. It is better to choose a wallet based on where you plan to withdraw funds.

step two

Now you can start looking for a job. It is worth noting that now users who have not passed the literacy test are allowed only for those orders, the cost of which is up to 20 rubles per 1000 characters. This is a small price, but beginners can often count on such orders, especially if they do not have a portfolio. However, it is better to pass this test to prove your literacy.

The order feed is a list of ads from customers. Here you can see the cost per 1000 characters, the amount of work, the final price, the amount of the commission, the deadlines for the completion of the work, as well as the conditions of the order. The latter include the presence of keywords, the desire to check the article for anti-plagiarism from other exchanges, the structure of the article, and much more. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the conditions as carefully as possible so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

You can apply for an order by going to the tab of the same name. It is advisable to provide it with a comment why this particular author should be entrusted with the work on the text. When choosing a contractor, the customer can focus on:

  • Rating. It is charged for each completed order and is removed if the author refused or failed the work.
  • Stars. Given for writing free articles from a special section. They are checked by exchange moderators, so getting the highest score is difficult.