How can you make money on youtube. Earn money by watching videos on youtube

Do you want to make money on YouTube, but don't know how? Come visit us - we'll help you!

Everyone knows what YouTube is (Youtube) is the largest free video hosting service that allows its users to watch, download and comment on various videos.

But how can make money on youtube, make a source out of it, and without leaving home - not many people know!

This is a great example of making money on the Internet, without any material investments - you just need to turn on your brains and sweat a little!

If you are a fan of creating various interesting videos - you shoot videos about animals, about nature, about extreme sports, create short films that make you think about being - you have a great chance make money on youtube with Google Adsense!

But I immediately warn you that a decent income will come to you only when your video is viewed by hundreds of thousands of users, or even better, millions.

When your channel gains such wild popularity, advertisers themselves will find you, who, in addition, will offer you money for inserting their ad for a couple of seconds at the beginning of your own video.

Well, if you are determined to seriously promote your channel, and you already see how your video will very easily surpass the sensational Gangnam Style video, then there is no point in reading this article further, it simply will not be useful to you! 🙂

We mentally pat you on the shoulder and say “Keep it up! May God bless you and your YouTube channel prosper!”

How to turn YouTube video views into money?

Follow these tips.

How to make money on YouTube?

    Initially, you need to shoot your own video (the main thing is that it be interesting, exciting, useful - put yourself in the place of the viewer and think carefully about what can surprise you and cause stunning emotions.

    The video can be filmed both on a professional camera and on a mobile phone.

    Then you register on YouTube, create a personal channel and upload your fresh video there.

    The video will be available in a few minutes.

    Want make money on youtube?

    Then you need to place ads from Google on the page along with your video, which will generate income - this is Google Adsense. If this is the first time you hear about it and you don’t even have a clue what kind of miracle it is and what it is eaten with, then stomp on the Google home page and get acquainted with its rules.

    What did you want?

    At first, not everything is so easy, but then you will reap the rewards while sitting on the couch! 😉

    If you also have a great desire to earn income for watching a video, you will need to place links of your own video on special exchanges for videos: or - you will be charged money for every thousand views.

    A huge plus of the first exchange ( it is Russian-speaking, you can easily withdraw electronic money starting from one dollar.

    A huge plus of the second exchange ( this exchange pays $5 for 1000 impressions.

  1. But you can withdraw money only when your video is viewed by 20,000 people, and you also need to understand at least a little English.

To make money on YouTube, you need to properly place ads on your personal video!

    Initially, create your own Google Adsense account.

    This is the simplest task.

    You will only need to CORRECTLY enter your coordinates in English letters (checks are already in the past, now payments are already going to the linked card).

    When you start registering yourself with Google Adsense, you will be asked for a personal website!

    No panic!

    If you don't have your own website, it's even easier!

    You are boldly redirected to the website: register your Google account there and open your personal blog on

    When you are on Blogger - don't panic!

    You can immediately put aside your fears in the sense that you understand nothing about all this and have not done anything similar - Google will help you.

    It will offer you templates for your blog, as well as useful books on managing them.

  • When you create a personal blog, you will still need to upload 2-3 unique articles to it and you can immediately go and register yourself in Google Adsense.
  • Now you can safely connect to Adsense for videos (video).

    Then you register your personal channel on YouTube, enter it through your Google account.

    And now - start catching your first money.

The interesting thing is that everything I wrote about for you will take no more than 30 minutes.

I warn you right away - you will get access to Google Adsense starting from two days to two weeks - so you will have to wait a bit!

But only later, as soon as you upload a personal video on Youtube and check the box with the request: "Allow Adsense ads for this video" - you will automatically have Google ads placed at the beginning of your video and it will make a profit.

My advice - do not postpone the idea for later!

After all, if you do not start doing it today, then tomorrow your friend will do it for you, and you will remain sitting with nothing.

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How to earn money from YouTube views? In just 1 day, more than 4 billion videos are viewed on the site. Last year, the media holding earned about $12 billion from advertising. And every year the profit only grows. Why don't we try to pinch off a small piece of the multi-billion dollar money circulating there. Create a channel, upload videos and earn money. Moreover, the income is almost constant - they posted a video and forgot. The money will continue to drip into the account without your further participation. Some have more, some have less.

How much do you earn on YouTube channel?

The top videos with hundreds of millions of views bring their owners hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is usually a professionally filmed commercial video. But this is not our level.

Top video bloggers earn tens of thousands of dollars a month. We are still far from this, too. So we will consider the usual prospects for earning a regular channel.

Classification of channels according to their profitability.

1. altruists. They run their own channel and upload videos solely as a hobby. You can draw a parallel with social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook). People just like it and therefore do not bring any income.

2. minimalists. Earnings are not their main goal (see paragraph 1), but they do not mind earning a small penny. Average income 10-50$ per month.

3. Hard workers. They try to earn as much as possible. They shoot videos, maybe even upload someone else's to their channel. But there is no mass popularity. Average income 100 — 300$.

4. Average. They do the same thing as people from the 3rd group, but more successfully. They have more interesting (and popular) videos, a lot of subscribers. Seriously engaged in the promotion of their channel. As a result, the level of income is already an order of magnitude higher - about 500 — 1000$ and even higher.

5. Famous video bloggers. They are engaged in channel promotion more professionally, regularly upload new interesting videos. The number of subscribers starts from the amount with five zeros and is constantly growing. Their income is also growing. Income starts from several thousand dollars.

6. Elite. Multi-million views and fame in your country (or even around the world). Even simple videos are gaining huge popularity due to the name. Add to this advertising contracts and invitations to various shows. Money flows into their pocket like a river, the flow begins from 50 thousand dollars per month.

Of course, it is very difficult to reach the last 2 stages of popularity (and, accordingly, the level of income) (but still possible). But let's face it, all this will require you to make a significant return on both time and money.

Your aim: go from the first level (or even zero if you don't have a channel yet) to 3-4.

It is quite possible for everyone to reach an income of 50-100 dollars a month. There is nothing difficult in this. It will take you 2-3 months to reach this level.

To estimate how much profit your channel can make, you need to understand

what makes money on youtube

  • viewing ads. Money is credited only if the user has watched the advertisement to the end. The ad display is usually placed at the beginning of the video (rarely in the middle). Ads can be skipped by clicking the appropriate link, or you can force them to watch to the end. I advise you to be careful using the second method. So you may not get many views, some (including me) leave immediately.
  • pay per click. If the user clicks on the advertisement, then you are rewarded. As a rule, if certain conditions are met. Suppose the user clicked on the link and immediately left, do not wait for the money. Particularly "meticulous" advertisers set a number of strict conditions: spend at least 30 seconds on the advertised site, view at least 3-4 pages of the site, etc. CPC can also vary. It all depends on the topic and competition. Suppose advertising in the field of finance and real estate is very high, there are many advertisers, and in order to place their ads they are ready to pay at the highest “tariff”. On the other hand, take for example toys for children. There are not so many advertisers in this area, so there is practically no competition among them. And the cost per click will be minimal.

All these actions together determine your earnings.

For those who want to hear more concrete numbers, there is simplified formula to estimate your YouTube income.

On average, the error of this formula is plus or minus 20%. But nevertheless, it shows the approximate income.

So anyway,

How much can you earn watching videos on YouTube?

If you take an ordinary person who created a channel and does not have any special skills in the field of creating special effects, editing voice acting, etc. the minimum income level is about 80 - 100 dollars and higher. You can try to make money on other people's videos. Of course, this is not entirely legal from the point of view of copyright, but everyone does this, and more than one year. And no one was punished. In extreme cases, I will block your channel for six months - this is the maximum punishment.

Let's use an example to calculate how much you can earn

Let's say you posted 30 videos, on average each of them is viewed by 30 people a day (not that many, actually). We get 30 videos x 30 views x 30 days in a month = 27,000 views per month.

Approximately this $30. It seems to be a little. But ... ... for a year it is already 360 dollars. Work done in one go. And if there are 10 times more views, or you post not 30, but 100 videos. Your income will immediately increase many times (at least 5-10 times). And these are completely different numbers.

To earn monthly 100 dollars enough to collect 100,000 views in total for all your videos. If you actively communicate in social networks for you in general it will be a couple of trifles. Like your videos, and then a chain reaction will begin, some of your friends will watch (some of them will also like), then friends of friends, and so on. Yes, one interesting video can collect so many views, not to mention several dozen.

Do you like making videos, and maybe about how to make money on YouTube on your channel? Then pay attention to one of the world's most popular video hosting - YouTube.

The video posted on it can bring real income.

True, to get really tangible profits, you will have to make some efforts.

Since January 2018, new Youtube monetization rules have been in effect, which are published on the official website. Below is a quote from these rules:

A channel must now have 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months and 1,000 subscribers to qualify for the program.

On February 20, 2018, the new requirements will also take effect for existing YouTube channels. Thus, preferential rules will be valid for a month. However, after this time, channel owners with less than 4,000 watch hours or 1,000 subscribers will no longer be able to generate revenue from their videos. When the number of subscribers and hours watched on the channel reaches the threshold minimum, the application for participation in the affiliate program will be automatically submitted and considered subject to strict rules.

What makes money on YouTube

You should not immediately rush to shoot a video, hoping to conquer YouTube with the amount of material shot. It is very important to think about quality. So, first of all, you should understand exactly what factors affect the amount of income.

Here are some of them:

1) Theme

In principle, the video can be of any topic. The main thing is that it should be interesting and / or useful. That is, the video should be able to attract the maximum attention of users.

2) Promotion

Even the most interesting video can remain “in the shadows” if the Youtube channel is not promoted. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to engage in its advertising, leaving links on thematic forums or social networks. Collaboration with other YouTube channels is also effective.

3) Language used on the channel

It has been noticed that content written in English is able to attract more users. This is due to the fact that there are much more English-speaking Internet users than Russian-speaking ones.

4) Number of rollers

Obviously, the more videos there are on the channel, the more profit you can get. The number of interesting videos affects the quality of the channel.

5) Monetization

There are several options for earning income from videos. If possible, it is better to use them all, below we will talk about one of these options.

On the way to earning

Now it's time to consider the necessary preliminary steps that you will have to go through before making money on YouTube on your channel.

1. Create a channel

All YouTube videos are posted by the user on his personal channel. Therefore, you should take care of creating your channel and its beautiful, competent design. Fortunately, YouTube provides a lot of opportunities for this. If you plan to go beyond the "amateur" level, you can hire professional designers.

But at the initial stage, for the “test of the pen”, the amateur level of your channel is quite suitable just to understand whether you like making videos and whether you will abandon it at the first difficulty.

2. Choosing a theme

The main thing here is to find a compromise. For example, commercials bring in more money but are less popular. And funny amateur “sketches” are very popular with users, but they “cost” less. Trying to find a "golden mean", some users remove, for example, a review of technical innovations, presenting it in a playful comic form. But, again, it is important to be well versed in the topic that you want to present to the audience.

3. Create a video

You can create videos

  • using the camera
  • or simply "photographing" the image of the monitor.

For the second method, there are special programs, for example, Camtasia Studio Studio - a program for recording video from a computer (or laptop) screen. You will need to master the work with a similar program in order to record video lessons. Then you can create, for example, a manual for working in any service or program.

An example of a video recorded using Camtasia Studio:

If you plan to shoot video yourself (using a camera), be sure to pay attention to the background, lighting and design.

And only when you are 100% satisfied with your work, post the video on Youtube. In general, there is a lot of work to be done.

4. Promotion

The easiest and most effective way is to promote your videos for key queries. Let me remind you that the key query (key) of the video is the query that the user enters in the YouTube search box.

YouTube searches for a video by the specified key. Then an advertisement is placed on top (1 in Fig. 1), and after it, videos are displayed at the user's request (2 in Fig. 1):

Rice. 1 User's request in the search bar on youtube and the search results issued for this request

Before uploading your video to Youtube, it is worth picking up a key for it. To do this, you can use any statistical resource, for example, Yandex. True, you will need your account (your mail) in Yandex in order to use the Yandex service.

Let's go to the given link. If the video tells, for example, about the features of caring for an apple tree, you should enter the query "how to care for an apple tree." From the resulting variety of options, you can choose any key and use it in the title of the video on YouTube, in the video itself, in its description or comments to the video.

Another option for promoting your videos is to cooperate with the owners of other advanced YouTube channels.

And finally, for the sake of video promotion, you can do self-promotion.

5. Partner with Google

When the channel gains a sufficient number of subscribers and views, then you can apply for a partnership with the Google advertising network called Google Adsense. After it is approved, enable monetization by selecting all types. Then for a large number of views of your videos, you will start to make a profit.

As you can see, it is difficult to make money on YouTube, you need to study and master a lot of new things, but it is quite possible.

Hello beginner youtubers! I am glad to welcome you to the site "Lessons for all occasions" and today I will try to answer your questions in detail - how to get money from YouTube for views, how to enable monetization on YouTube.

To receive money from your youtube channel, you need to enable monetization.

I recently added my channel to YUDK media network(yudk). The media network was opened in January 2016, and in June 2016 it became the official division of the ScaleLab media network in Russia.

TOP -10 reasons to join ScaleLab Russia:

  • The progressive distribution of income means that your rate can be increased from 70 to 95 percent. The better your channel develops, the more views, the faster the income rate grows. All partners are assisted in the promotion and optimization of your channel.
  • Administration ScaleLab media networks manuals are provided, consultations and webinars are provided, assistance is provided in the purchase of advertising, effective training of authors is provided, it is possible to order an audit of the channel, the opportunity to cooperate with other channels. There is an open database of channels where you can add your channel and be available for cooperation with the authors of other channels of similar topics. You can always use the recommendations for effective video promotion through traffic exchange and mutual PR. You will be assisted in finding an advertiser for your youtube channel.
  • Payments can be ordered on Webmoney, Yandex-Money, PayPal, Payoneer, Qiwi. This list will expand. The minimum withdrawal amount is $1.
  • All partners are provided with assistance in case of copyright infringement, advice and assistance with strikes.
  • There is an opportunity to be trained in the most effective, and most importantly, in Free Youtube School.
  • Answers to questions can be obtained at webinars that are regularly held for partners of the media network. Focus groups are also held on channel themes.
  • Competent specialists in tech. support will respond promptly.
  • The media network has a service of additional services for channel design, for creating a corporate identity. For a certain fee, they will create a trailer for you, close the windows, do voice acting, and help you choose a channel manager.
  • Provides additional income.
  • Minimum channel requirements: 10 subscribers, 1000 views per month, channel age at least 30 days, no violations of YouTube rules, at least 10 videos per channel.

I'm ready to connect to the YUDK media network!

Methods of monetization

You all probably know that after monetization is enabled, ads begin to appear in your videos. YouTube receives money from advertisers for these ads, and part of the money pays us to display ads in our videos.

We only get paid for commercial views, which are between 20 and 50 percent of total views. CPM is the cost per 1000 commercial views in your niche. CPM depends on age, gender, the solvency of our viewers, the location of playback, the season, the economic situation, and exchange rates. If, for example, you are watched from America, the CPM is higher there, advertising is cheaper in Russia.

Types of YouTube Partner Program:

  • straight line is the famous google adsense;
  • media networks.

In the direct affiliate program, only TOP channels receive any support, the rest of the channel owners solve their problems on their own. There are good and bad media networks that really help and contribute to the development of our channel.

You can join a direct affiliate program from scratch, but remember that you will not receive support from YouTube until you promote the channel until it becomes mega-popular.

Which is better: a good media network or a direct affiliate program?

Media networks act as an intermediary between YouTube and our channel. The main advantage of a direct affiliate program is that no commission is charged from us. The entire amount displayed in the YouTube Analytics section will be collected by us. Another plus is that the channel can be connected from scratch.

  • there is no training for beginner youtubers;
  • there is no way to contact support;
  • payments are made only by check to a bank account;
  • the minimum payout is $100;
  • difficulty in connecting Content ID.

A good media network has the opportunity to get free training; You can monetize all videos if there are no identified violations; it is possible to get a personal manager, channel verification is easier, you have your own music library, etc.

How did I enable monetization on my channel and what difficulties did I encounter?

I got interested ScaleLab media network and I literally a month after graduation Free Youtube School I decided to apply for connection of my brand new channel. At that time, I had only 38 subscribers and 9300 views.

In response, I receive this letter.

It says that my application has been received and my channel will be verified within two business days. I received the letter on September 15, 2016. I waited a day, two, three, but no response to my application was received.

On September 19, when my patience snapped, I sent an email to the support service with the following content.

The invitation was displayed in the creative studio of my channel, and without hesitation, I clicked on the "Details" button.

I had three more steps to go:

  • get to know general information;

  • accept the terms of the affiliate program;

  • read the good news that my channel is online Scale Lab Affillate.

I was very pleased with the result, but I was tormented by the question: “I didn’t indicate my payment details anywhere! How will I receive my earned money? Before I had time to think about it, a letter came to my postal address, in which there was a link to my personal account.

I indicated the payment details and, after a while, I saw the amount of my first earnings in the “Income” section. I made this screen in my personal account on September 27th.

Now you know how to start getting paid for YouTube views. I will continue to tell you about my victories and failures on the pages of my blog.

Leave your feedback, share the results.

Sincerely, Natalya Krasnova.

Recently, it has become popular not only to maintain your own written blog, but also to be blogger on youtube. Despite such popularity of making money on YouTube, there are still enough users who post their videos just for the sake of a hobby and do not know that you can make good money on them.

Before creating a channel on the most popular YouTube video hosting, you need to carefully consider its original concept and style in order to stand out from the mainstream. Uploaded videos should force users to subscribe to the channel, so before posting it is worth evaluating their usefulness and interest. It is unlikely that anyone will be interested in boring videos that do not carry any meaning.

You can not upload someone else's video to the channel, you need to take your own. As a last resort, the video downloaded on the Internet should be subjected to high-quality processing using special software.

As for audio tracks, only the music that is in the video hosting's music library is allowed. Otherwise, the channel may not pass moderation for the right to place ads or be completely banned by the YouTube administration.

Audio tracks are not the only criteria a channel must meet in order to successfully qualify for monetization. There are certain requirements for receiving the first earnings.

YouTube channel requirements

Below are the requirements for YouTube channels, compliance with which makes it possible to place ads:

  • The channel must be More than a month;
  • Monthly views at least 5000;
  • At the time of applying for monetization, the number of subscribers to the channel - over 300 users;
  • posted at least 10 high quality original videos.

How to quickly gain subscribers to the channel?

Sometimes it happens that the channel has existed for more than a month, high-quality content is with high-definition video and excellent sound, and there are not enough subscribers and views to apply. In this case, one can artificially wind up counters, the main thing is to do it gradually, so as not to arouse YouTube's suspicions. To get the missing views and subscriptions, you can use special services:

Channel monetization and earnings on it

After the basic requirements for the channel are met, you can apply for monetization. After receiving the approval of the administration, it is necessary to conclude a partnership agreement with YouTube, connect the Google Adsense contextual advertising service, and earn money on ads placed before the videos, in the videos themselves and on the side of it.

You can also create video reviews of partner products and get paid for it (this type of income is very relevant for promoted video blogs).

Without a doubt, these are not all ways to make money on your YouTube channel, everyone can be smart and organize their own way of income, the main thing is that it did not violate the rules of the system.

It will also be useful to know how to properly promote a video on YouTube and promote your channel.

How to make money on YouTube without running your own channel

You can make money on the video hosting in question without your own channel - by watching other people's videos. The amount of income directly depends on number of completed orders. To work, you must have a YouTube account and register on the project - an intermediary between the employee and the advertiser.

Platforms where you can earn money by watching videos

With the help of YouTube video hosting, you can earn money both on your own channel management and on watching other videos, income is available to absolutely everyone.