How to open a pharmacy from scratch: algorithm for organizing a business, business plan and approximate calculations. What is needed to open a pharmacy from scratch and how to do it Costs of opening a pharmacy

Your own pharmacy: registration, what documents are needed, requirements for premises and personnel, how to obtain a pharmaceutical license without education, assortment policy.

Particular attention is paid to the subtleties associated with registering a pharmacy and organizational issues. Links to all related regulations are provided.

— Organizational and legal form, OKVED codes

An individual entrepreneur, LLC, OJSC or CJSC can open a pharmacy from scratch. In Art. 52 Federal Law “On the treatment of medications. funds" states that an individual entrepreneur who decides to register a pharmacy in his own name must have a diploma of a pharmacist or pharmacist. If we are talking about opening an LLC, OJSC or CJSC, then this can be done by a person without special pharmaceutical education. However, he must hire a manager with a pharmacist diploma.

At the same time, you should select the type of pharmacy. In the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development “On approval. types of pharmacy organizations" the following types are designated:

1. Directly pharmacy, which could be:

  • 1.1. Production (implies manufacturing of medicines);
  • 1.2. Production where it is allowed prepare aseptic medicinal products.
  • These types of pharmacies must be registered with the tax office with the OKVED code from group 24.42.1 - Medicine production.
  • 1.3. Ready-made dosage forms.

2. Pharmacy kiosk (shop)
3. Pharmacy

The following OKVED codes are suitable for them:

  • 52.3 Retail trade of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetics and perfumes
  • 52.31 Retail trade of pharmaceutical products
  • 52.32 Retail trade of medical goods and orthopedic products
  • 52.33 Retail trade of cosmetics and perfumes

A classic pharmacy, point and kiosk differ from each other primarily in the number and content of functions that are listed in the industry standard. The most functions can be implemented in a pharmacy, and the least in a pharmacy kitty (store).

For example, The kiosk does not allow the sale of prescription drugs. In addition, more requirements are placed on a classic pharmacy. Initially, it is necessary to open a pharmacy, and only after that it is possible to organize kiosks and points, since they are its structural division, but not an independent link.

Preparing the premises

When all registration documents are ready, it’s time to move on to the selection, repair and equipment of the premises. Requirements for pharmacy premises are given in the industry standard mentioned above.


It will largely depend on the pharmacy’s business model. There is a so-called premium model, which is distinguished by the widest possible range, the availability of expensive goods, qualified consultants and a high level of service. The costs of opening it will be maximum. Premises should be selected in the central, business part of the city, where people come to be sure to buy all the necessary medicines, mostly expensive ones, counting on a wide range of central pharmacies.

There are also discount pharmacies, characterized by a narrow range, low prices and a minimum range of services. They should be placed in residential areas, near the metro and in other places where large flows of people pass daily. They focused on the urgent needs of citizens. Start-up costs are usually relatively small.

Area and purpose of pharmacy premises

In order to open a pharmacy in accordance with regulatory requirements, the minimum total area must be 75 square meters. m, on which will be located:

  • production rooms (60 m) - the sales floor itself, the reception room, unpacking the goods, the storage room;
  • manager and accountant's room (13 m2), closet and dressing room, staff quarters,
  • sanitary facilities (2 sq. m), archive.

Repairs and equipment for premises

For finishing ceilings and walls it is necessary to use materials confirmed by hygienic certificates. Moreover, buy only those that can be subjected to wet cleaning using disinfectant solutions.

It is necessary to have a sewerage system, supply and exhaust ventilation, centralized water and electricity supply systems, and heating. All rooms where medications will be stored should be equipped with instruments for recording temperature and air humidity. It will also be necessary to purchase cabinets, shelving, safes for storing narcotic and poisonous drugs, and refrigerators. Light and sound, security and fire protection are also required. signaling. The pharmacy premises need to be combined into one block and isolated from other organizations. All equipment must be registered with the Ministry of Health, as stated in the instructions for dignity. regime.

Example of a pharmacy organized in the form of a supermarket

Decoration of the trading floor depending on the form of trade. A pharmacy can be closed (products are located behind the counter) or open (working like a supermarket, when products are laid out on shelves). An open one, in which the sales volume is usually 30% higher, makes sense to organize if we are talking about significant traffic - from 10,000 people daily.

Personnel requirements

Requirements for pharmacy personnel are given in the industry standard.

The head of a pharmacy registered as a legal entity must have:

  • higher pharmaceutical education(pharmacist diploma),
  • At least 3 years of experience in this field, as well as a specialist certificate.
  • An individual entrepreneur must have a diploma as a pharmacist (and 3 years of experience) or a pharmacist (and 5 years of experience).

The same applies to all employees working with the reception, dispensing, storage, production, and destruction of medicines.

How to open a pharmacy from scratch?

In addition, every 5 years they must take refresher courses.

Obtaining opinions from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor

Let's consider the documents for opening a pharmacy. The need for these conclusions is stated in the “regulations on pharmaceutical licensing. activities"

To obtain conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor(SES) you need to provide the following documents to this organization:

  • Statement
  • Passport, power of attorney (if necessary)
  • TIN certificate.
  • Certificate of registration as a legal entity. or physical face and its copy.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate
  • Explication
  • BTI plan
  • Agreements on garbage removal, laundry, disinfection, and destruction of fluorescent lamps
  • Contract for medical examination of employees.
  • Honey. employee records with required vaccinations
  • Microclimate and illumination measurements
  • PPK (production control plan)

It is also necessary obtain a sanitary passport to open a new pharmacy and a permit to locate the facility, which confirms the compliance of the premises with the type of activity.

Approximate list of documents upon receipt conclusions of the State Fire Inspectorate:

  • Constituent documents
  • Papers confirming the availability of fire protection and fire alarm systems and their good condition
  • Fire safety declaration
  • Protocol for measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wires

Obtaining a pharmaceutical license from Roszdravnadzor

Obtaining a license for a pharmacy is the most difficult stage, regulated by the Federal Law “On Licensing of the Department.”

types of activities" and "Regulations on pharmaceutical licensing. activities." It can take up to 45 days.

List of documents:

  • Statement
  • All copies of constituent documents
  • A copy of the supporting document for making a legal entry. person in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. persons;
  • A copy of the certificate confirming registration with the tax authorities;
  • Confirming document confirming payment of the license fee
  • A copy of the specialist certificate of the manager(s)
  • Lease agreement for premises or certificate confirming ownership
  • Copies of documents on education of pharmacy employees, copies of work records
  • Copies of supporting documents on the right to use the equipment
  • A copy of the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the State Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Service and the conclusion of the State Fire Inspectorate
  • Layout diagram, characteristics of the licensing object

Copies of all documents must be notarized. You can submit them along with the originals.

Assortment and optimization of work

Medicines will have to be purchased from several distributors. The wider the network of pharmacies, the greater the discounts and other privileges provided by suppliers. At the initial stage, when opening from scratch, you can try to cooperate with single pharmacies and create a purchasing cooperative to ensure privileged supply conditions.

In addition to medicines, it is advisable to introduce cosmetics, hygiene products, dietary foods, nutritional supplements, etc. This will increase profits. After all, the markup for most medicines is limited by the state, and any prices can be set for related products.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of an electronic goods accounting system that helps optimize the operation of the pharmacy. You can purchase ready-made, standard modules from special software development companies, or you can place an order to develop a program according to your wishes. The main thing is to decide what functions the electronic system should perform: ensure the creation of electronic orders for suppliers, perform economic analytics, track the expiration dates of goods, their balances, etc.

Peter Stolypin, 2012-10-15

Pharmacy license, pharmaceutical license

A pharmaceutical license (also known as a pharmacy license) is required for entrepreneurs who plan to organize trade in medical drugs. Trade can be carried out both wholesale and retail.

How to open your own pharmacy from scratch

This area of ​​activity must be subject to licensing in accordance with Law of the Russian Federation No. 416.

Types of pharmacies

A license is required to operate a pharmacy, pharmacy kiosk, pharmacy point, or pharmacy base.

Cost of a pharmacy license (pharmaceutical license):

Not urgent (60 days) - from 25,000 rubles

Urgent (21 days) - from 120,000 rubles

A pharmacy is an integral institution related to the healthcare system that provides the population and medical institutions (as well as any other organizations) with medicines and drugs.

A pharmacy kiosk is a small division of a pharmacy that retails ready-made medications that can be sold without presenting a prescription.

A pharmacy is a small division of a pharmacy located on the basis of medical or preventive institutions.

A pharmacy, pharmacy kiosk or point receives licenses that indicate the exact address (at which they will operate), full name, serial number of the license and the date of making the corresponding entry in the register.

Documents for a pharmacy license

To obtain a license, you will need constituent documents and documents that confirm the right to use the premises for the purposes of the entrepreneur.

The constituent documents include:

— Charter and memorandum of association of the company;

— minutes of the meeting of founders on the appointment of the general director;

— a copy of the civil passport of the general director or owner of the company;

— Certificate of state registration;

— Certificate of changes (if any);

— extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

— Certificate of registration with the tax authority;

— order on the appointment of the chief accountant and the head of the pharmacy;

All documents, excluding the protocol and a copy of the passport, must be notarized.

Documents that will confirm the right to use the premises for a pharmacy:

— lease or sublease agreement;

— act of acceptance and transfer;

— Certificate of state registration of property rights;

- plan from BTI.

All of the above documents must indicate the number and purpose of rooms; all of them must be notarized.

Additionally, it is necessary to provide a full description of the object that receives the license: type of lighting, presence and method of heating, characteristics of the floor and ceiling, presence of refrigerators, special cabinets, shelving, metering and measuring instruments, layout of the pharmacy organization.

An opinion from the State Fire Inspectorate and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service will also be required. In some cases, an optional copy of the contract with the security company may be required.

All pharmacy employees must have diplomas or certificates - these documents are also notarized and submitted to the licensing authority along with their work records.

A license for a pharmacy is issued for an indefinite period by Roszdravnadzor, which also monitors and supervises the activities of pharmacies and compliance with established rules and requirements.


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Presentation of the company

The pharmacy business is thriving, pharmacy chains are developing rapidly and widely. It’s not surprising if you can see 5-6 of them at once near a metro station, and each open point has a certain demand. In this review, together we will draw up a ready-made pharmacy business plan “from A to Z” (calculations for 2018).

The pharmacy now is not that old establishment where there is a strong smell of medicine, and there is nothing to be found there except solutions. Now you can go there for cosmetics, hygiene products, and even organic food.

Market analysis

Of course, when opening your own pharmacy and drawing up a business plan, we do not recommend choosing a location between many competitors already standing nearby. That is, first you need to try to place the point not in busy places, such as the metro, where there are already plenty of them, but it is better to place it in a residential area.

The assortment is quite huge: 5-7 thousand items. As a rule, it is the same for everyone, so it is quite difficult to offer customers something completely new.

There are different types of pharmacy business:

  • production of medicines and sale of finished medicines;
  • pharmacies;
  • pharmacy points;
  • kiosks;
  • the shops;

The smallest market share is occupied by industrial pharmacies, since it is quite difficult to maintain it. The list of drugs that production can prepare has now become very small, because everything is already made in factories and sold in ready-made forms.

Only industrial homeopathic pharmacies can develop, of which there are not many in Russia at the moment. This is a more expensive option, which will affect the business plan and start-up investments. Such a production will be able to operate if there are 2 departments functioning there - the production of homeopathic remedies and the department of finished medicines.

It should also contain prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs, cosmetics, dietary supplements and other related products. Opening such a business will undoubtedly be profitable.

Distinction between categories and profit

The pharmacy has the right to dispense medications according to a doctor’s prescription. Kiosks and stores sell goods without a doctor's prescription. There is a strict list of medications, which clearly states which medications can be dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Basically, these are some simple things: painkillers, brilliant green, iodine and other simple medications.

It is worth taking into account in the business plan that on average one Moscow outlet sells goods worth $1,400,000 per year. Gross margin is approximately 37 percent, with 8-9 percent rental costs and 11 percent selling, maintenance and production costs.

The profit margin when opening a pharmacy in Moscow is now approximately 15%, but for a new business this figure can reach only 10% within a year. The share of Moscow business in the Russian market is 25%. In total, there are approximately 3,700 pharmacies of various formats in the capital. The annual revenue of one Moscow pharmacy is $600,000 per year. Chain stores earn more due to the large number of outlets.

If a pharmacy sells exclusively medications without additional assortment, this will bring it a loss of 15%. Keep in mind even at the stage of drawing up a business plan that for successful sales you need a parapharmaceutical assortment.

Is it profitable to work 24 hours? Experts believe that such a pharmacy will have more expenses than income. However, if there are no such competitive 24-hour competitors nearby, we certainly recommend giving it a try.

Risks in the pharmacy business

Opening an online pharmacy is a bad idea because... Outlaw format. This is a convenient sales channel, but completely illegal. Nowadays, no drug supplier will dispense drugs without the appropriate license. According to Russian law, the delivery of medicines is prohibited. However, such virtual stores are not regulated by anyone.

There are very frequent cases of fines in the pharmacy business; it is reasonable to include them in the “safety cushion” of the business plan. Fines can be received for many reasons due to the fact that it is very difficult to comply with absolutely all requirements when selling medicines.

Network format or narrow niche

Which is better to open a pharmacy at first - a large one or a medium one?

Undoubtedly, it is better to open a chain of stores, albeit small ones, but the main thing is that there are enough of them.

One open pharmacy will not have the necessary competitiveness. The greater the number of stores, the greater discounts distributors will provide you.

If there is no money for a chain of stores, then you can open a specialized pharmacy, for example, oncology, homeopathic, pharmacies for mothers and children, and others.

Pharmacy license

This procedure is quite complicated and bureaucratic.

How to open a pharmacy, where to start a medical, pharmacological business?

In the near future, experts expect the abolition of compulsory retail licensing. The pharmacies themselves will act as regulators.

The license is issued by the Health Department of the city in which you plan to establish a business. It is wise to use the help of specialists from law firms; of course, it is not free.

Hiring employees

What salary should pharmacy employees have?

  1. A director can receive about 40,000 rubles monthly;
  2. Pharmacist - up to 30,000;
  3. Pharmacist - 28,000.

In the pharmaceutical business, in 99% of cases, people work who have a Russian diploma.

Starting capital and turnover

The main thing that should be present in a pharmacy and must be spelled out in the business plan is quality service. Sales will depend on it. The pharmacist must be not only qualified, but also friendly. He should be able to provide additional free services, for example, measuring blood pressure at the client’s request.

Initial investments for a business plan to open a small outlet in Moscow:

  1. Rent - 200,000 rubles;
  2. Repair - 900,000;
  3. Purchase of equipment - 400,000;
  4. Obtaining permits - 100,000 through consulting firms or 3,000 if you do it yourself;
  5. Cash register equipment - 40,000;
  6. Software - 52,000;
  7. Advertising (sign) - 100,000.

Total - 1,794,600 rubles.

The turnover of such a pharmacy will be 1 million rubles per month.

Average monthly expenses

Monthly costs and staff:

  1. Rent of premises 100 sq. m. - 200,000 rubles;
  2. Personnel costs - 150,000;
  3. Advertising - 10,000;
  4. Taxes - 15,000.

Total - about 340,000 rubles monthly.

So, opening a pharmacy is quite difficult and expensive; besides, it is better to open an entire network of pharmacies. But if opportunities allow you, this business will be very successful and profitable.

Roman Agarkov specially for

How to open a pharmacy kiosk from scratch?

Not everyone knows, but the pharmacy business is quite accessible to anyone, even without a pharmaceutical education - these specialists will only be hired workers. If a future entrepreneur is wondering how to open a pharmacy kiosk from scratch, he needs the help of more experienced colleagues.

Registration of permits for a pharmacy in 2015-2018

If the length of the list of normative documents for opening a pharmacy terrifies you and you don’t want to waste time and effort on the necessary routine, contact the SES-DOC service.

How to open your own pharmacy step by step

Highly qualified specialists, together with a sanitary doctor, will prepare a package of documents for the SES pharmacy quickly and taking into account all the standards established by Rospotrebnadzor.

We provide document preparation services for pharmacies:

  • preparation of documents: filling in gaps, completing missing ones, analyzing documentation in general
  • assistance in obtaining a sanitary passport for opening, permission to locate a pharmacy
  • support of the organization in the process of undergoing scheduled and unscheduled inspections of SES, consultations for staff and managers on passing the inspection
  • carrying out sanitary measures (disinfestation, etc.) with the conclusion of an agreement

Opening a pharmacy in Moscow– an interesting and difficult enterprise from the point of view of preparation. You can register as an LLC or as an individual entrepreneur (in the second case, you must have a pharmaceutical education).

The main questions when opening a pharmacy: selection of premises according to the type of pharmacy (there is a set list of rooms that should be available), equipment, selection of personnel, etc. But the very first question is the package of SES documents for the pharmacy.

Types of pharmacies:

  • industrial pharmacy (with the manufacture of medicines)
  • a pharmacy where only medicines are sold
  • pharmacy kiosk
  • Pharmacy

Usually they open a pharmacy first, then, perhaps, kiosks and points as divisions. In any case, you must first prepare sanitary documents for a pharmacy. Most of it is needed immediately, but some documents can be completed during the work process.

Sanitary documents needed:

  • opening a pharmacy
  • Rospotrebnadzor (SES) inspections according to schedule
  • unscheduled inspections of SES

Defects in the documentation of a pharmacy may result in the imposition of fines and other obstacles to activity. Carefully study the list of documents below for opening a pharmacy and try to enlist the help of a specialist when collecting papers.

The pharmacy business in our country is growing rapidly, and the turnover in this business is measured in billions of dollars. For many entrepreneurs, opening a pharmacy seems like an opportunity to get a quick start and earn high income.

However, everything is not so simple. Pharmaceutical activities in our country are associated with the need to obtain a license. Only individual entrepreneurs with a special pharmaceutical education can obtain a license. Therefore, the question often arises, how to open a pharmacy without pharmaceutical education.

Firstly, it should be noted that the pharmacy business can be implemented in various forms. You can open a pharmacy in the form of a pharmacy itself, or a pharmacy, a pharmacy kiosk or a pharmacy store. The pharmacy and pharmacy forms are the most difficult to implement, since they involve the manufacture of medications according to a doctor’s prescription. This work can only be performed by pharmacists with special education and at least 5 years of experience.

However, the profitability of the pharmacy business forces one to look for options on how to open a pharmacy without having a pharmaceutical education. The answer to this question can be found by using a form of legal entity such as a limited liability company. Since an individual entrepreneur is usually also the head of a pharmacy, pharmaceutical education is mandatory for him.

The founder and owner of a legal entity in the form of an LLC can be a person without special education. The founder of an LLC can appoint a person with a pharmaceutical education as the head of the pharmacy, thereby fulfilling the legal requirements for obtaining a license. In this case, the founder actually controls the legal entity and has the right to distribute the profit of the enterprise, if this is stated in the Charter.

Thus, it is possible to open a pharmacy without pharmaceutical education, however, in order to obtain a license, in any case, it will be necessary to meet the legal requirements for the availability of pharmaceutical education for the manager and pharmacy specialists.

Educational requirements for opening a pharmacy

To obtain a license, you need to study Resolution No. 1081 “On licensing of pharmaceutical activities”. It, in particular, specifies the educational requirements for pharmacy staff, regardless of who the owner is. In any case, the head of the organization must have a higher or secondary pharmaceutical education. In the first case, work experience in the specialty must be at least 3 years, in the second - at least 5 years.

Employees, except for the manager, must also have a specialist certificate, higher or secondary pharmaceutical education, but with less stringent requirements for experience in the specialty. Employment contracts must be concluded with them, otherwise it will be difficult to prove that they are truly employees.

It must be said that such educational requirements are mandatory when opening the first pharmacy or pharmacy. When creating a network, separate divisions of the main organization will be opened, and in them the requirements for employees are somewhat softer: only documents on additional professional education in pharmaceuticals are required.

But in any case, it is impossible to do without professionals in this business, so you will have to select personnel that meet the requirements.

Once upon a time, the pharmacy business was a family business, passed down from generation to generation, and becoming a participant in the pharmacy market was quite problematic. Today, this type of income remains one of the most profitable after the sale of alcohol and tobacco products, and starting your own business in the field of selling medicines has become much easier. Having enough funds to start and skills in organizing work processes, you can begin to collect information about what is needed to open a pharmacy from scratch. Like any other type of business, pharmacy requires the development of a certain algorithm of actions, following which will allow rational organization of business processes.

Features of the pharmacy business

From the point of view of versatility and the ability to expand the business in the future, you should open a pharmacy of ready-made drugs. This way you can sell prescription medications, and in the future make the pharmacy the main office of a network of pharmacy points and kiosks. To carry out such activities during registration, you must select OKVED code 52 (52.3, 52.31–33).

Step-by-step instructions on how to open a pharmacy necessarily contain a list of permits, the collection of which may take 1–1.5 months. What documents are needed to open a pharmacy:

  • License for retail trade of medical products;
  • Permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service to use the selected premises;
  • Pharmacy sanitary passport;
  • Fire department permit.
Many entrepreneurs are interested in the question: “Is it possible to open a pharmacy without pharmaceutical education?” Answer: “You can,” but in this case it is necessary to create a legal entity. But businessmen who have a license to carry out medical or veterinary practice can conduct business by registering an individual entrepreneurship.

Another feature of the pharmacy business is that prices for goods are regulated by the state, and not by consumer demand, and the trade margin is no more than 30%. In this regard, entering the market as a single player is very difficult; due to high competition, it is necessary to initially target a network business.

Some seasonality of the pharmacy business should also be taken into account. During the warm season, drug sales usually decrease by 20–25%, and from October to April, the demand for medications increases. In this regard, it is better to prepare in the summer and start in September-October.

Experienced pharmacists advise, before opening a pharmacy, to carefully select a product range that should contain parapharmaceutical products along with medications. The latter brings more income, and its markups are not regulated by the state. In addition to medicines and medical devices (thermometers, heating pads and tonometers), customers should be offered natural cosmetics, hygiene products, nutritional supplements, baby and diet food.

The sale of low-quality and expired products in the pharmacy business is strictly prohibited. Therefore, a novice entrepreneur who is considering how to open a pharmacy from scratch must take a responsible approach to building contractual relationships with suppliers. At the initial stage, you can team up with nearby pharmacies to collectively order goods from reliable wholesalers with the possibility of getting good discounts.

Advantages and disadvantages of a business selling medicines

The disadvantages of starting your own business selling medicines include a large number of complex organizational issues. In addition to the bureaucratic obstacles in obtaining permits, difficulties also include choosing a suitable isolated or free-standing premises and bringing it into compliance with the requirements. The area of ​​the premises must be at least 80 sq. m., 2/3 of which will be occupied by the sales area, 12-15 sq. m. – office, the remaining area is divided into utility room and utility block (at least 2 sq. m.). The room must be connected to water supply, flow-exhaust ventilation, equipped with security and fire alarms, and the warehouse for medical supplies must have sensors to monitor air parameters. To meet all the requirements for the premises, you will need to invest a considerable amount of money, and this does not take into account the cost of equipment for the pharmacy. Another disadvantage of the pharmacy business is the rather low profitability rate. However, this disadvantage is leveled out if the network is opened.

The next disadvantage of opening a pharmacy business is the inability to independently set prices for goods, because they are subject to regulation by the state.

Despite such an extensive list of difficulties in organizing a business, it has a significant advantage - stable demand for medical goods and, accordingly, a stable, although not very high, income.

It will not be possible to open a pharmacy as a franchise without investment. To purchase a franchise you need at least 1,200,000 rubles. The advantage of opening a franchise business is that the risks in this case are reduced significantly. The royalty amount varies depending on the prospects of the region and ranges from 3–6%. The payback period for a pharmacy opened under a franchise is 6 months.

Taking into account the fact that online shopping has become an integral part of the life of a modern person, it is worth thinking about how to open an online pharmacy from scratch. An online store can be part of your pharmacy business. If you sell medicines only on the Internet, you will still have to rent a specially equipped warehouse to obtain a license, hire transport to deliver orders, and develop a website convenient for customers. The disadvantage of opening an online pharmacy is that people do not have a very high level of trust in the quality of the medicines sold in this way. In order for the sale of medicines online to be successful, you should offer round-the-clock delivery of goods and affordable, but not low, prices.

Business plan

Having decided to start a pharmacy business, you should first of all start developing a business plan for opening a pharmacy. Items that must be present in it:
  1. Analysis of the target audience and competitors;
  2. Institution format;
  3. Location;
  4. Selection and arrangement of premises;
  5. Obtaining permits;
  6. Selection, motivation, retraining of personnel;
  7. Advertising campaign;
  8. Financial investments;
  9. Risk analysis and projected profit.

A thorough study of the needs and purchasing power of potential customers will allow you to choose the right establishment format and assortment. An analysis of the activities of your closest competitors will tell you which approaches to doing business are successful.

In order to open a pharmacy, you must begin collecting documents long before the expected start date, since the implementation of this activity requires compliance with a number of requirements and standards.

List of documents for obtaining a license:

  • Application for opening a pharmacy;
  • Certificate of registration of activity;
  • A copy of the document confirming the entry of registration of a legal entity into the Unified State Register;
  • Original or notarized copy of the document confirming registration with the tax service;
  • Confirmation of payment of the license fee;
  • Original or notarized copy of the manager's specialist certificate;
  • Lease agreement or confirmation of ownership of the premises;
  • Originals or notarized copies of educational documents of all pharmacy employees;
  • Originals or notarized copies of personnel work records;
  • Originals or notarized copies of the conclusions of the State Potrebnadzor and the fire service;
  • Layout and characteristics of the licensed object.

Requirements for pharmacy employees: a pharmacist must have at least 3 years of work experience, a pharmacist must have at least 5 years of experience. Each employee is required to have a health certificate. Personnel must be fully aware of and strictly comply with the requirements when working with medicinal products. Every 5 years, employees undergo mandatory retraining. Employees should be motivated in a timely manner to maintain a high level of sales. The clause on retraining and incentives for personnel must be included in the pharmacy business plan in a sample with calculations. Recently, pharmacies where you can get a short consultation and measure your blood pressure are in demand. This “enticement maneuver” should be used to attract customers. High-quality service and competent advice will significantly increase the chances of turning a casual visitor into a regular customer. Another important question: is it possible to open a pharmacy without a medical education? – It is possible, but the head of the pharmacy must be a pharmacist with at least 5 years of experience.

A rather costly item in the example of a pharmacy business plan with calculations for 2019 will be advertising. A well-thought-out name, a prominent sign, banners, leaflets, promotions - this is not a complete list of what needs to be used at the stage of opening a pharmacy. It would be a good idea to launch a cumulative discount system for regular customers. In general, advertising costs will be about 100,000 rubles, which should be indicated in the example of a pharmacy business plan with calculations.

Financial investments will greatly depend on the region in which the project is planned to be launched, since the cost of renting premises can vary greatly. How much does it cost to open a pharmacy in Moscow? - no less than 2,000,000 rubles, and in a small town some distance from the capital you can spend 1,400,000 rubles.

To predict risks, you should analyze how open the niche is and whether the new pharmacy will be able to gain a foothold in it. The estimated profit according to ready-made examples of pharmacy business plans is 100,000-150,000 rubles.

Institution format

Deciding on the format of the establishment is what you need to open a pharmacy. Today, there are two main models in the pharmacy business: discounter and premium pharmacy. The first option is designed for the average buyer in a residential area, the second one sells expensive medications and is located in the city center.

There are also several forms of trade: closed and open. You can combine these forms. For example, place medicines behind the counter, and medical products in the sales area. Experts say that the format of a pharmacy supermarket increases sales by 20–25%, however, in this case, more funds will need to be allocated to ensure safety.

Pharmacies are of the following types:

  • Manufacturing (manufacture of prescription drugs);
  • Finished dosage forms (sale of drugs by prescription is permitted);
  • Pharmacy kiosk;
  • Pharmacy.

The last two types of pharmacies have a limited set of functions. They should be opened as structural divisions of a pharmacy of finished dosage forms.

Selecting a location

If you want to open a pharmacy and are wondering what is needed for this, it is to have a good location. When searching for a suitable premises, you should pay attention to such an indicator as traffic - the number of people passing near the entrance to the pharmacy per unit of time. The more traffic, the better the location. Optimal traffic – 200-300 people per hour – is observed in shopping centers, near intersections, and metro stations.

Is it possible to open a pharmacy in a residential area? For such a location, other methods are used to calculate the feasibility of locating an establishment. The number of people living within a radius of 500 meters is taken into account. The optimal figure is 2000 people.

Today in large cities of Russia, and especially in the capital, competition in the pharmacy market is very tough, so when deciding where to open a pharmacy, you should think about starting a business in remote regions of the country.


A certain combination of light, color and sound impressions that surround a person and set him in a certain mood is called an interior. This is an important point that you should pay attention to at the stage of repair and arrangement of the premises. Despite the fact that, as a rule, people enter a pharmacy out of necessity to buy medications to eliminate health problems, customers should still feel comfortable. This can make the customer make more purchases. This behavior is facilitated by soft light, pleasant color of walls and furniture, and comfortable room temperature.

In order to use the retail space as efficiently as possible and attract customers with an interesting interior and pleasant atmosphere, you should entrust the interior design to professionals and make the furniture to order.

  • Blue and white – coolness and cleanliness;
  • Yellow and bluish-green - coolness and peace;
  • Green and white – coolness, restraint, purity.

Pharmacy equipment

Purchasing the necessary set of equipment that is needed to open a pharmacy will cost an entrepreneur approximately 300,000 rubles. List of required items:

  • Cash machine;
  • Showcases;
  • Counters;
  • Shelving;
  • Closed cabinets;
  • Safes for storing narcotic drugs;
  • Refrigerators;
  • Computer and office equipment;
  • Furniture for the hall and office.

Financial investments

Already at the stage of drawing up a business plan, you can preliminarily say how much money it costs to open a pharmacy from scratch. The amount of financial investment depends on the region where the business will be opened and on the format of the pharmacy. The amount required to start a business is RUB 1,400,000–2,000,000. includes costs for:

  • Rent (from RUB 300,000);
  • Equipment (RUB 300,000);
  • Purchase of products (RUB 600,000);
  • Repair of the premises, installation of security and fire alarms (RUB 120,000);
  • Advertising (RUB 80,000-100,000).


A small pharmacy can generate a profit of 120,000–150,000 rubles. per month, in the autumn-winter period. In summer the figure decreases by 20%. Business payback period is 1–2 years. The stability of income from the sale of medicines makes the pharmacy business quite attractive.


Due to a number of features, the pharmacy business has a very low profitability rate compared to other types of activities - only 10%. But experienced entrepreneurs answer the question in the affirmative: “Is it profitable to open a pharmacy?” Implementing advice from those who have been involved in the pharmacy business for a long time in your own business will allow you not only to successfully develop your business, but also to make it a network one.

Here we will look at an article about how to open a pharmacy, what is needed for this, how much it costs to open and an example of a business plan for this business.

The pharmacy business is growing every year and gaining more and more momentum. People continue to get sick as before, the cost of foreign and domestic medicines is increasing, people take care of their health and use preventive medications, and all kinds of advertising campaigns play a big role. The average pharmacy receipt contains quite impressive sums; medications have an average shelf life of two years. These factors influence whether pharmacies can be called a profitable business.

The modern market is widely filled with pharmacies, but if you approach it constructively, you can open a pharmacy from scratch near a shopping center, metro stations, medical institutions and other buildings with a large population concentration. Take care of the design of the premises, beautiful glass showcases, professional workers, and do not forget about feasible advertising, signage, name and reasonable prices.

Business plan - ready-made example

We present to you a free, ready-made example of a pharmacy business plan that will help you get started. The price range for opening this business varies between 20 thousand dollars for a pharmacy and 1 million dollars. - network of pharmacies.

Very often the price is too high, the seller wants to recoup all his investments and receive income. A profitable purchase comes down to finding a reliable consultant who knows the business. When buying a pharmacy, you must first of all choose a favorable location so that there are valid connections with suppliers. Indoor renovations, advertising, and personnel are also important. As you can see, buying a good business resource is quite difficult. Is it easier to organize a pharmacy business from scratch? This will also be quite problematic if you do not know all the pitfalls of this business, and you also need knowledge in the field of taxation, registration issues, etc.

If you properly organize your pharmacy business and plan, your estimated income will be $3,000-$15,000 per month.

How to open from scratch

So, let's look at information on how to open a pharmacy from scratch.

Planning future activities

To operate profitably, you need to have a good understanding of the specifics of the pharmacy business. So, there are pharmacy kiosks, regular points, pharmacies in the form of mini-markets or a chain. There are also differences in the assortment, so it is possible to sell only medicines, but you can sell medicinal and children's cosmetics, healthy food, diagnostic products, etc. Only pharmacies and points of sale are legally allowed to sell prescription drugs, so it is necessary to initially decide on the form of the establishment and the range of drugs. Also, a working pharmacist must be experienced in pharmacy activities.

Opening a pharmacy as soon as possible

The choice of premises, repairs, equipment, personnel - these components depend on you and, if desired, everything can be organized in a month. But the longest period at the beginning of activity is obtaining a license for a pharmacy. The chain is long and tedious: the local licensing commission, Moscow, federal, plus the conclusions of the SES and firefighters. It can take approximately two months to obtain all notifications, permits and licenses, and up to six months for an inexperienced person.

Advantageous location is the key to success

As already mentioned, for high customer traffic, it is necessary to successfully choose the location of the pharmacy, i.e. a place of large crowds of people. These could be metro stations, large residential areas, shopping and medical centers, bus stops, etc.

Please note that the success of this business depends 50% on the location of the pharmacy, 30% on the employees of your establishment, 10% on competition, the rest - advertising and pricing policy - is on you or the head of the pharmacy.


It is impossible to have good money without a well-coordinated team. Everyone should have the same goal. You need to create favorable conditions for work from the pharmacist to the cleaner. Let people go to work at the pharmacy with pleasure. Organize corporate parties, bonuses, employees should have good pay. Compared to 2001, pharmacists' salaries increased by 80%. The personnel must have appropriate education and work experience is desirable.

A wide range of

Constantly expand the range of products offered in the pharmacy you have opened. Let you have foreign and proven domestic analogues on your shelves. Also enter cosmetics, healthy and baby food, mineral water, herbal teas, etc.

Computer equipment and other things for the pharmacy business

To quickly and efficiently serve your pharmacy's customers, you need to optimize your workplace with computer programs. Thanks to which, you will quickly track your order, its availability, apply discount programs, see the release of funds for new purchases, etc.

Don't forget about refrigerators, appropriate furniture, air conditioners and other amenities for customers.

Price question - how much does it cost to open?

If you rent a pharmacy, the lion's share of the costs will be rent, the next item will be the cost of equipment. When renting, be sure to draw up a lease agreement for at least 4-5 years, because the payback of the project is 2-3 years.

Break-even activity is sales at the level of 20-25 thousand rubles per day, the rest is your profit. If you are successful in business, your monthly turnover should be one million rubles.

A pharmacy with renovation of the premises will cost approximately 45-50 thousand dollars.

  • Rent – ​​from 5000 dollars
  • Repair – 20000
  • Trade and cash register equipment – ​​12000
  • Refrigeration equipment – ​​1000
  • Software support – 3000
  • Additional costs – 3000
  • Permits – 5500
  • External signs and other – 3000

How much does it cost to open a pharmacy? Total: $52,500.

You can also order recruitment services and business consulting.

Our interlocutor today is Anna Sogomanyan. She is 39 years old, a year and a half ago she opened her pharmacy in a small town in Kabardino-Balkaria. In this interview, Anna shared how she started her business and what difficulties she had to overcome. Just a year and a half ago she was an ordinary nurse, and today she is the owner of a pharmacy.


Main points of the interview

  • Type of activity: retail trade in medicines (pharmacy)
  • Occupation before starting a business: nurse
  • Date of start of business activity: 2012
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: limited liability company
  • Amount of initial investment: about 3 million rubles.
  • Source of initial capital: Sberbank loan, own savings
  • Planned payback period 4 years (2016)
  • Formula for success from Anna Sogomanyan: “Work, work and once again work and success will pass away

Hello Anna. Tell our readers about what you do?

I own a small pharmacy in the city of Prokhladny in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

Tell me, why did you choose the pharmacy business?

The fact is that by profession and education I am a nurse. For a long time I worked in a regional hospital in a urology office and witnessed how the doctor daily prescribed effective, but very expensive drugs to patients. Many medications had to be brought to order; only one pharmacy in our city provided such a service. Seeing such a flow of patients and the high need for expensive drugs, I thought - this must be a very profitable business, and I decided to try my hand at it. And, as it turned out, I was right.

It’s hard to imagine myself as the owner of, for example, a shoe store. It seems to me that you need to do what you really understand. Medicine is closer to me, so I opened a pharmacy.

Anna, you have been in business for 2 years already, we can say that you are already an experienced entrepreneur, but what was the most difficult thing when you started working?

I’ll probably name three problems: the first is finding money, the second is finding suitable premises, and the third is completing the necessary documents. The first point, I think, is clear to everyone - the opening required an impressive amount, which I did not have.

The second problem is closely related to the first. In addition to this, there are many legal requirements for the premises in which a pharmacy can be located. Renting a suitable space was problematic - I couldn’t find anything that satisfied all the rules and regulations, and where is the guarantee that in six months or a year we won’t be asked to leave our place? The city is small, and there are also very few rental retail spaces.

Therefore, I almost immediately decided to buy premises for a pharmacy. As a result, I completely accidentally found a wonderful option - an apartment on the first floor of a multi-storey building. Its façade looked directly onto the central street of the city. The house is located very close to the hospital and public transport stop, and opposite the Sberbank building is located, so the flow of people promised to be very good. But not everything was so rosy - we had a lot of work ahead of us to bring this apartment to perfection. The supervisory authorities had many requirements for the internal structure of the pharmacy - ceiling height, lighting, area, display cases - everything was strictly regulated. Then the bureaucratic trials began - it took six months to obtain a business license and other necessary documents.

Do you remember your first working day as an entrepreneur? What was he like?

Very exciting. But already in the first days of work we had clients, and our hearts became calmer. It was also physically difficult - to be honest, I don’t know how I survived six months of working alone from eight in the morning until midnight, while I also ordered goods, received them, dealt with documents and other necessary matters.

Sorry for the indiscreet question, but this is what most of our readers are very interested in: how much money is needed to open a small pharmacy?

It all depends on the availability of premises. If you can rent, everything will be much cheaper. Although, if you buy space, it is more reliable and will still pay off in the long run. If we talk about buying premises and judging by the prices of our small provincial town, then I would say the price is about one and a half million rubles, for which you can buy a one-room apartment on the ground floor in the center. The remaining opening costs will also be approximately 1,500,000 rubles: this is the purchase of goods, equipment, furniture, repairs, staff salaries and other necessary expenses. The total is three million rubles. Moreover, I would like to emphasize that my pharmacy is relatively small.

How did you find the required amount to open your business? How long did it take for the investment to pay off?

I took out a loan from a bank - this was the bulk of the amount. We are still paying it off (for a year and a half now). I hope to be done with it in six months. Of course, I added all the savings I had. The amount needed to open is more than two million, so there’s no way to do it without a loan.

The investment has not yet paid off. Before opening my own business, I talked a lot with knowledgeable people, they described to me the following scheme of the pharmacy, which I adhere to (in fact, this is what happens): for the first two years, the pharmacy works “for itself”, that is, there is no profit ; the next two years - 50/50%, and only after four years the owner receives a net profit, having fully recouped all investments. Yes, it's long! But a pharmacy is not a store, it is a stable and profitable business, as they say, “for the rest of your life.” Therefore, now all my enthusiasm rests on the belief in a bright, calm future.

Now the pharmacy is a year and a half old, and we manage to allocate funds from the proceeds to purchase goods. I talk to other pharmacy owners in our city, they say that we are moving at a very good pace. To summarize all that has been said, for the first few years you will invest, invest, and invest again... You need to be prepared for this.

How long did it take for the pharmacy to start generating projected revenue?

In about a year. The problem was that at first we did not have the necessary range. Within six months, we reached the point that we have almost all the medicines that a person needs - and things went much faster.

Are you registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC?

Since the activities of a pharmacy are associated with obtaining various types of permits and licenses, therefore, when registering, I chose the form of a limited liability company.

What taxes do you pay?

What is the current relationship with fire and sanitary supervision?

The relationship is normal. Once a year there are checks, about which we are not particularly worried - everything is fine with us.

How strong is the competition in the pharmaceutical business in the city? Are there federal networks and is it difficult to compete with them?

The competition is very strong. Only in the area of ​​the hospital and clinic, where we are located, there are about fifteen pharmacy points, and throughout the city there are five times more of them - both small and large. There are three municipal pharmacies that provide strong competition to private ones - for some reason many people think that medicines there are much cheaper. In fact, this is not always the case.

And this often happens - a person goes to the hospital, they give him a prescription for medicine, he leaves the clinic building and goes to the point that is closer, there he buys the drugs prescribed by the doctor. Medicines are not potatoes - people don’t go to pharmacies looking for cheaper and fresher aspirin. They simply hand the pharmacist a piece of paper and hear only the total amount for all prescribed drugs. There are a lot of pharmacies around the hospital (and we have only one) in our city, and we are located a little further than them.

But we have our own contingent of customers - there are many grocery and non-food stores around us, offices of various companies, a school, a bank. Visitors to these places and those who work there have become our clients. You went to the supermarket to buy groceries, you picked up your child from school or returned from work - you remembered that you needed medicine, and then our pharmacy is nearby. Pensioners receive a pension and come to us to get the medications they need. Many people come to us because they know that we take goods not from local suppliers, but from Stavropol ones - we have 100% quality medicines, there are definitely no fakes.

Another advantage of our location is our operating hours - we work until 12 at night, and 90% of pharmacies in the city are already closed at 19.00. It is in the evening that we often have good revenue - illnesses do not appear on schedule, a tooth can hurt even at 11 o’clock in the evening. In addition, many people work late and do not have time to buy medications in large pharmacies, and we are happy to serve them.

Our prices are low, the range is extensive, and the pharmacists are friendly. Thanks to all this, we can withstand competition with large pharmacies.

The pharmacy offers a wide range of products - not everything is on display

What, in your opinion, are the specifics and complexity of the pharmacy business? Do you need a medical education to practice it?

Medical education is not required, but personally, it helps me a lot in my work when working with suppliers, for example. I understand all the drugs I sell.

The specificity, I think, is in finding suitable personnel. 90% of success depends on it. People come to the pharmacy not just to buy pills, but to seek advice, receive sympathy, consultation or simple communication, etc. It is very difficult to find a suitable person for the position of pharmacist. Firstly, he must have a medical or pharmaceutical education, secondly, the ability to communicate with people, and thirdly, sales skills. For the first six months after opening, I stood behind the counter myself, I think that’s why things took off right away. Then the moment came when I realized that I could no longer stand to pull everything on my own. Thus began the search for pharmacists. Only a year later I found candidates who satisfied me on all counts - there were no shortages, the goods were in place, the clients were happy, I had the necessary professional knowledge.

Visitors can not only see the product, but also pick it up

It's no secret that there are a lot of counterfeits on the medicine market now. How do you select suppliers?

I work only with large suppliers who have been on the market for a long time and have a good reputation. They must have certificates for all products. I prefer to pay more for medicines, but not risk their quality. I don’t really trust local regional suppliers.

What is your personal formula for success? Why do some succeed and others don’t?

Work, work and more work - this is my formula for success. For the first year I simply lived in my pharmacy. When you put all your heart and effort into creating an enterprise, it will definitely be successful. Plus, you need to have knowledge in your chosen field, consult with knowledgeable people - this way you will know what to expect and be prepared for it.

How do you feel about franchising business? Why did you decide to work independently?

For me, the question of buying a franchise was not even a question, I’ll explain why. Our town is small, only 60,000 residents, and here the issue of a franchise business is not entirely appropriate - it is too expensive for our entrepreneurs, at least I don’t know of a single pharmacy opened in this way. And the people who live here are not very aware that a pharmacy can be “branded” and in some way radically different from the one whose sign simply says “pharmacy.”

For certain types of activities (for example, clothing trade), running a business using a ready-made business model can be very promising, including for residents of small towns. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the catalog of franchises presented on our portal; perhaps you will find a suitable option for starting a business.

If you were given a time machine to go back in time to when you were just starting out, what would you change about starting a business?

Maybe I would have opened it even earlier... I don’t even know.

What are the positive and negative aspects of entrepreneurial activity for you personally?

Pros: good and now stable income, which I would never have been able to get working in a hospital or at some enterprise; self-confidence, I am “my own boss.” Cons: the risk I took at the very beginning - I lost a lot of nerve cells; Absolutely irregular working hours. Since the pharmacy is small, I don’t have a deputy to whom I could hand over everything and go on vacation for two weeks.

In your opinion, is it difficult to run a small business in Russia? Does the state help private entrepreneurs?

I think it's hard. I didn’t look for help from the state, and I don’t know what it could be in the form of... I would like a reduced rate on loans for small businesses - after all, I pay taxes and create jobs. There are many bureaucratic obstacles, due to which a lot of time and money are lost.

Is it difficult to be a businesswoman in the Caucasus? Or does it not matter?

Here, in Kabardino-Balkaria, I don’t feel any special treatment towards myself as a woman. In our region, women occupy key positions in government, and there are many of them in business as well. I have a strong character, so I never even thought about this question.

What are your plans for the future?

So far, to be honest, none. We will work as before, perhaps in five years I will think about expanding. I plan to repay the loan in the near future. I would like to rest a little, but I can’t do it yet.

Your wishes and advice to those who want to start their own business.

Be prepared for a lot of work, especially when opening. Weigh the pros and cons. Get to know people who can give you sound advice in the area where you want to work. And, most importantly, believe in yourself and your future, don’t give up!