Basic production assets. The formula for the average annual cost of fixed assets How to calculate the average annual opf

Fixed assets are means of labor that repeatedly participate in the production process, while maintaining their natural form, gradually wearing out, transferring their value in parts to newly created products. These include funds with a service life of more than one year and a cost of more than 100 minimum monthly wages. Fixed assets are divided into production and non-production assets.

Production assets are involved in the process of manufacturing products or providing services (machines, machines, devices, transmission devices, etc.).

Non-productive fixed assets do not participate in the process of creating products (residential buildings, kindergartens, clubs, stadiums, clinics, sanatoriums, etc.).

The following groups and subgroups of fixed production assets are distinguished:

  1. Buildings (architectural and construction objects for industrial purposes: workshop buildings, warehouses, production laboratories, etc.).
  2. Structures (engineering and construction facilities that create conditions for the implementation of the production process: tunnels, flyovers, roads, chimneys on a separate foundation, etc.).
  3. Transmission devices (devices for the transmission of electricity, liquid and gaseous substances: electrical networks, heating networks, gas networks, transmissions, etc.).
  4. Machinery and equipment (power machines and equipment, working machines and equipment, measuring and control instruments and devices, computer technology, automatic machines, other machines and equipment, etc.).
  5. Vehicles (diesel locomotives, wagons, cars, motorcycles, carts, carts, etc., except for conveyors and conveyors included in the production equipment).
  6. Tools (cutting, impact, pressing, sealing, as well as various devices for fastening, mounting, etc.), except for special tools and special equipment.
  7. Production equipment and accessories (items to facilitate the performance of production operations: work tables, workbenches, fences, fans, containers, racks, etc.).
  8. Household inventory (office and household items: tables, cabinets, hangers, typewriters, safes, copying machines, etc.).
  9. .Other fixed assets. This group includes library collections, museum valuables, etc.

The share (in percent) of various groups of fixed assets in their total value at the enterprise represents the structure of fixed assets. At the enterprises of mechanical engineering in the structure of fixed assets, the largest share is occupied by: machinery and equipment - an average of about 50%; buildings about 37%.

Depending on the degree of direct impact on the objects of labor and the production capacity of the enterprise, the main production assets are divided into active and passive. The active part of fixed assets includes machinery and equipment, vehicles, tools. The passive part of fixed assets includes all other groups of fixed assets. They create conditions for the normal operation of the enterprise.

Accounting and valuation of fixed assets

Fixed assets are accounted for in kind and value terms. Accounting for fixed assets in kind is necessary to determine the technical composition and balance of equipment; to calculate the production capacity of the enterprise and its production units; to determine the degree of its wear, use and timing of renewal.

The initial documents for accounting for fixed assets in physical terms are passports of equipment, jobs, and enterprises. The passports provide a detailed technical description of all fixed assets: the year of commissioning, capacity, degree of deterioration, etc. The enterprise passport contains information about the enterprise (production profile, material and technical characteristics, technical and economic indicators, equipment composition, etc.) necessary for calculating production capacity.

A cost (monetary) valuation of fixed assets is necessary to determine their total value, composition and structure, dynamics, depreciation charges, and also to assess the economic efficiency of their use.

There are the following types of monetary value of fixed assets:

  1. Valuation at historical cost, i.e. at actual costs incurred at the time of creation or acquisition (including delivery and installation), at the prices of the year in which they were manufactured or purchased.
  2. Valuation at replacement cost, i.e. at the cost of reproduction of fixed assets at the time of revaluation. This value shows how much it would cost to create or acquire at a given time previously created or acquired fixed assets.
  3. Estimate at the original or restoration, taking into account depreciation (residual value), i.e. at a cost that has not yet been transferred to the finished product.

The residual value of fixed assets Fost is determined by the formula:

Fost \u003d Fnach * (1-On * Tn),

where Fnach - the initial or replacement cost of fixed assets, rubles; Na - depreciation rate,%; Tn - the period of use of fixed assets.

When assessing fixed assets, the value at the beginning of the year and the average annual value are distinguished. The average annual value of Fsg fixed assets is determined by the formula:

Fsrg \u003d Fng + Fvv * n1 / 12 - Fvyb * n2 / 12,

where Fng - the cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the year, rubles; Fvv - the cost of introduced fixed assets, rub.; Fvyb - the cost of retired fixed assets, rub.; n1 and n2 - the number of months of functioning of the commissioned and retired fixed assets, respectively.

To assess the condition of fixed assets, such indicators are used as the depreciation coefficient of fixed assets, which is defined as the ratio of the depreciation cost of fixed assets to their full value; the coefficient of renewal of fixed assets, calculated as the cost of commissioned fixed assets during the year attributable to the value of fixed assets at the end of the year; the coefficient of disposal of fixed assets, which is equal to the value of retired fixed assets divided by the value of fixed assets at the beginning of the year.

In the process of functioning, fixed assets are subject to physical and moral wear and tear. Physical depreciation refers to the loss of fixed assets of their technical parameters. Physical wear can be operational and natural. Operational wear is a consequence of production consumption. Natural wear occurs under the influence of natural factors (temperature, humidity, etc.).

Obsolescence of fixed assets is a consequence of scientific and technological progress. There are two forms of obsolescence:

A form of obsolescence associated with a reduction in the cost of reproduction of fixed assets as a result of improving equipment and technology, the introduction of advanced materials, and an increase in labor productivity.

A form of obsolescence associated with the creation of more advanced and economical fixed assets (machinery, equipment, buildings, structures, etc.).

Obsolescence assessment of the first form can be defined as the difference between the original and replacement cost of fixed assets. Obsolescence assessment of the second form is carried out by comparing the reduced costs when using obsolete and new fixed assets.

Depreciation of fixed assets

Depreciation is understood as the process of transferring the value of fixed assets to created products. This process is carried out by including a part of the cost of fixed assets in the cost of manufactured products (work). After the sale of products, the company receives this amount of funds, which it uses in the future to purchase or build new fixed assets. The procedure for calculating and using depreciation deductions in the national economy is established by the government.

Distinguish between depreciation amount and depreciation rate. The amount of depreciation for a certain period of time (year, quarter, month) is the monetary amount of depreciation of fixed assets. The amount of depreciation accrued by the end of the life of fixed assets should be sufficient for their complete restoration (acquisition or construction).

The amount of depreciation deductions is determined on the basis of depreciation rates. The depreciation rate is the established amount of depreciation deductions for full restoration over a certain period of time for a specific type of fixed assets, expressed as a percentage of their book value.

The depreciation rate is differentiated by individual types and groups of fixed assets. For metal-cutting equipment weighing over 10 tons. a coefficient of 0.8 is applied, and with a mass of more than 100 tons. - coefficient 0.6. For metal-cutting machines with manual control, the following coefficients are applied: for machine tools of accuracy classes N, P - 1.3; for precision machine tools of accuracy class A, B, C - 2.0; for metal-cutting machines with CNC, including machining centers, automatic and semi-automatic machines without CNC - 1.5. The main indicator that determines the depreciation rate is the life of fixed assets. It depends on the period of physical durability of fixed assets, on the obsolescence of existing fixed assets, on the ability of the national economy to ensure the replacement of obsolete equipment.

The depreciation rate is determined by the formula:

On \u003d (Fp - Fl) / (Tsl * Fp),

where Na is the annual depreciation rate, %;
Фп - initial (book) value of fixed assets, rub.;
Fl - liquidation value of fixed assets, rub.;
Тsl is the standard service life of fixed assets, years.

Not only the means of labor (fixed assets) are depreciated, but also intangible assets. These include: rights to use land plots, natural resources, patents, licenses, know-how, software products, monopoly rights and privileges, trademarks, trademarks, etc. Depreciation on intangible assets is calculated monthly according to the norms established by the enterprise itself.

The property of enterprises subject to depreciation is grouped into four categories:

  1. Buildings, structures and their structural components.
  2. Passenger vehicles, light commercial vehicles, office equipment and furniture, computer equipment, information systems and data processing systems.
  3. Technological, energy, transport and other equipment and tangible assets not included in the first and second categories.
  4. Intangible assets.

The annual depreciation rates are: for the first category - 5%, for the second category - 25%, for the third category - 15%, and for the fourth category depreciation deductions are made in equal shares during the life of the relevant intangible assets. If it is impossible to determine the period of use of an intangible asset, then the amortization period is set at 10 years.

In order to create economic conditions for the active renewal of fixed assets and the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, it was recognized as expedient to use accelerated depreciation of the active part (machines, equipment and vehicles), i.e. full transfer of the balance sheet value of these funds to the created products in a shorter time than is provided for in the depreciation rates. Accelerated depreciation can be carried out in relation to fixed assets used to increase the output of computer equipment, new progressive types of materials, instruments and equipment, and to expand exports of products.

In the event of a write-off of fixed assets before the full transfer of their balance sheet value to the cost of manufactured products, the undercharged depreciation charges are reimbursed from the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise. These funds are used in the same manner as depreciation charges.

Use of fixed assets

The main indicators reflecting the final result of the use of fixed assets are: return on assets, capital intensity and the utilization rate of production capacity.

The return on assets is determined by the ratio of the volume of output to the value of fixed production assets:

Cf.o. = N/Fs.p.f.,

where Kf.o. - return on assets; N - the volume of released (sold) products, rub.;
Fs.p.f. - average annual cost of fixed production assets, rub.

Capital intensity is the reciprocal of capital productivity. The capacity utilization factor is defined as the ratio of the volume of output to the maximum possible output for the year.

The main directions for improving the use of fixed assets are:

  • technical improvement and modernization of equipment;
  • improving the structure of fixed assets by increasing the share of machinery and equipment;
  • increasing the intensity of the equipment;
  • optimization of operational planning;
  • advanced training of employees of the enterprise.

The cost of the OPF is usually carried over to finished products over a fairly long period. In some cases, it may cover several cycles. In this regard, the organization of accounting is carried out in such a way that it is possible to simultaneously reflect both the preservation of the original form and the loss of price over time. In this case, the key indicator is average annual cost of OPF. In the article, we will consider how it is determined and what indicators are used in this case.

general characteristics

Means (structures, buildings, equipment, etc.), as well as objects of labor (fuel, raw materials, and so on) participate in the output of products. Together they form production assets. A certain group partially or completely retains its natural-material form over many cycles. Their cost is transferred to finished products as they wear out in the form of depreciation. The specified group is formed by production. They are directly involved in the production of goods. Non-production funds ensure the formation of social infrastructure.


The main production assets include:

  1. Buildings are architectural objects designed to create working conditions. These include garages, workshop buildings, warehouses, etc.
  2. Structures - objects of engineering and construction type used for the implementation of the transportation process. This group includes tunnels, bridges, track arrangements, water supply systems, and so on.
  3. Transmission devices - gas and oil pipelines, power lines, etc.
  4. Equipment and machines 0 presses, machine tools, generators, engines, etc.
  5. Measuring devices.
  6. computers and other equipment.
  7. Transport - locomotives, cars, cranes, loaders, etc.
  8. Tools and inventory.

Key quantities

The cost of the OPF can be replacement, residual and initial. The latter reflects the costs of obtaining fixed assets. This value is unchanged. The initial cost of funds that come from the capital investments of certain companies can be established by adding up all the costs. These include, among other things, the cost of transportation, the price of equipment and installation, etc. The replacement cost is the cost of purchasing fixed assets in the current conditions. To determine it, revaluation of funds is carried out using indexation or the direct recalculation method based on current market prices, documented. equal to the recovery, reduced by the amount of wear. There are also private indicators of OS usage. These include, in particular, the coefficients of intensive, integral, extensive operation of equipment and shifts.

Loss of original properties

Average annual cost of OPF determined taking into account depreciation and amortization. This is due to the fact that with prolonged use of funds in the process, they quickly lose their original properties. The degree of wear can be different - it depends on various factors. These, in particular, include the level of operation of funds, the qualifications of personnel, the aggressiveness of the environment, etc. These factors affect different indicators. So, to determine the return on assets, an equation is first compiled, according to which the average annual cost of the OPF is established (formula). The capital-labor ratio and profitability depend on the revenue and the number of employees.


It means the depreciation of funds even before the physical loss of properties. can appear in two forms. The first is due to the fact that the production process reduces the cost of funds in the areas in which they are produced. This phenomenon does not lead to losses, as it acts as a result of an increase in savings. The second form of obsolescence arises as a result of the appearance of such OPF, which are distinguished by high productivity. Another indicator that is taken into account is depreciation (the process of transferring the cost of funds to manufactured products). It is necessary for the formation of a special monetary reserve for the complete renovation of facilities.

Average annual cost of OPF: formula for calculating the balance sheet

To determine the indicator, it is necessary to use the data that are present in They should cover transactions not only as a whole for the period, but also separately for each month. How is determined average annual cost of OPF? Balance Formula the following is used:

X = R + (A × M) / 12 - / 12, where:

  • R - initial cost;
  • A - st-st introduced funds;
  • M - the number of months of operation of the introduced BPF;
  • D - the value of the liquidation value;
  • L is the number of months of operation of retired funds.

OS put into operation

As can be seen from the above information, the equation by which is determined average annual cost of OPF (formula), includes indicators that require separate analysis. First of all, the initial price of the funds is set. To do this, take the amount of the balance at the beginning of the reporting period according to the account. 01 balance sheet. After that, it should be analyzed whether any OS were put into operation during the period. If it was, you need to set a specific month. To do this, you should look at the revolutions in dB ch. 01 and set the value of the funds put into action. After that, the number of months in which these operating systems were operated is calculated and multiplied by the cost. Next is determined average annual cost of OPF. Formula allows you to set the value of the funds put into use. To do this, the indicator obtained by multiplying the number of months of use by the original price of the OS is divided by 12.

Average annual cost of OPF: formula for calculating the balance sheet (example)

Let's say the OS at the beginning of the period was 3670 thousand rubles. During the year, funds were introduced:

  • on March 1 - 70 thousand rubles;
  • on the 1st of August - 120 thousand rubles.

Also taken into account is the disposal of:

  • on February 1st - 10 thousand rubles;
  • on June 1st - 80 thousand rubles.
  • X \u003d 3670 + (120 × 5: 12 + 70 × 10: 12) - (80 × 6: 12 + 10 × 11: 12);
  • X \u003d 3670 + (50.0 + 58.3) - (40.0 + 9.2) \u003d 3729.1 thousand rubles.


In the analysis, in addition to the funds put into operation, written-off funds are determined. It is necessary to establish in which month they dropped out. For this, the turnovers are analyzed according to Kd sch. 01. After that, the cost of retired funds is determined. When writing off fixed assets during the entire reporting period, the number of months in which they were operated is established. Next, you need to determine the average annual cost of retired funds. To do this, their price is multiplied by the difference between the total number of months in the entire reporting period and the number of months of operation. The resulting value is divided by 12. The result is the average annual value of the OPF that left the enterprise.

Final operations

At the end of the analysis, the total average annual cost of the FTF is determined. To do this, you need to add up their initial cost at the beginning of the reporting period and the indicator for the funds put into operation. From the obtained value, the average annual cost of fixed assets that have retired from the enterprise is subtracted. In general, the calculations do not differ in complexity and laboriousness. When calculating, the main task is to correctly analyze the statement. Accordingly, it must be compiled without errors.

The cost of fixed assets of an enterprise is a very significant value in economic analysis. It testifies to many economic factors, as well as to the financial documents of the organization.

All calculation processes are guided by the average value of the cost of production fixed assets (FA) during the year: both accounting for the property tax base and income tax, and calculating the performance indicators for the use of fixed assets.

Let us highlight the main goals pursued by the accounting of fixed assets of an enterprise, and also show how exactly the average annual value of the main property assets is calculated.

Legislative regulation

The accounting process for the main business production assets is prescribed in various regulatory documents. They not only clarify the calculation procedure itself, but also indicate the tasks of tracking these indicators, the conditions for recognizing funds as the main ones, the way the value is formed, etc. The main documents that the taxpayer (entrepreneur, accountant) focuses on are:

  • PBU 6/01 "Accounting for fixed assets" dated March 30, 2001 No. 26n;
  • Methodology for accounting of fixed assets dated October 13, 2003 No. 91n.

When calculating property tax, one should rely on the following provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and information from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation regarding the average annual accounting of the value of assets:

  • paragraph 4 of Art. 376 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation dated August 05, 2000 No. 117-FZ .;
  • Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 15, 2011 No. No. 03-05-05-01/55.

Why you need to consider the value of fixed assets

This is not only about the fact that the accounting of fixed assets is required by the current legislation and the bodies controlling the entrepreneur. Constant monitoring of the cost of fixed assets helps to solve many urgent problems:

  • clarifying the costs associated with the acquisition of assets, as well as bringing this information into the system;
  • accurate tracking of operations on the dynamics of the main assets, since all changes are reflected in the documentation;
  • evaluation of the performance of each group of fixed assets;
  • financial results of the loss of fixed assets (sales, disposals, write-offs, etc.);
  • obtaining all sorts of information about fixed assets, which is necessary not only for reporting, but also for internal awareness and analysis.

What types of cost of fixed assets are subject to accounting

The same fixed asset may have a different value at one time or another of acquisition and at different periods of operation. Other production factors may also affect the cost. To achieve the above goals, the value of one of the 4 types of value of the firm's fixed assets is used.

  1. Initial cost- the one for which this tool is put on the balance sheet. It consists of:
    • expenses incurred by the entrepreneur for the acquisition of the asset, its transportation to the place of operation, if necessary - and installation work, configuration, adjustment, etc.;
    • those costs incurred by the entrepreneur if the asset was created by his own efforts;
    • monetary value approved by all participants, if the main asset is the authorized capital or part thereof;
    • the value of the values ​​that made up the exchange fund - with barter;
    • valuation of the asset at market prices, relevant on the day of transfer - when donating a fixed asset.

    The initial cost of fixed assets is taken into account when calculating property tax and when accounting for depreciation.

    NOTE! The initial cost can be changed if the reason for the revaluation was a global change in the fixed asset (reconstruction, upgrade, completion, alteration, partial liquidation, etc.), and also if the process of accounting revaluation is officially initiated.

  2. replacement cost OS is a number reflecting how much the asset was worth at the time of its last revaluation. This may happen:
    • if the property fund was reconstructed or changed in any other way, which affected the change in its primary value;
    • property subjected to revaluation;
    • a depreciation of the asset was necessary.
  3. residual value shows how much of the value of the underlying asset has not yet been transferred to products. In fact, this is the difference between the initial (replacement) cost of an asset and the amount of depreciation. This indicator helps to understand how much the asset has already served its purpose, which directly affects the planning of renewals in fixed assets, and hence the financial indicators of costs.
  4. Liquidation value reflects the financial "balance" that remains inherent in the fixed asset after its useful life has come to an end. It is not always that an asset that has exhausted its depreciation loses its value to 0, most often there remains an amount for which it is quite possible to sell it (for example, the useful life of a computer is 5 years, but even after this period it may well work properly and be sold for appropriate amount).

How to calculate the average OS cost

Mathematically, the average annual value is the arithmetic average of the desired type of value of property funds. But sometimes you need accounting that will take into account not a fixed indicator for a certain period, but the moments of introduction and departure from the balance of fixed assets. Depending on this, the method of calculation and the formula for determining the average annual cost of fixed assets are selected.

1 way (not taking into account the time of the dynamics of funds)

It provides an average calculation accuracy, but in many cases it is quite enough.

To calculate the average annual cost of fixed assets, it is enough to know its value at the beginning and end of the annual period, that is, on January 1 and December 31 of the reporting year. These data are shown in the balance sheet. For the calculation, the residual value of the funds is used, based on the balance sheet.

If the residual value of fixed assets at the end of the year has not yet been derived, it can be determined using the formula:

CT2 = CT1 + CTconst. - STlist.

  • ST2 - residual value of fixed assets at the end of the year;
  • ST1 - the same indicator at the beginning of the year;
  • STpost. - the cost of received fixed assets;
  • STlist. - the cost of written-off fixed assets (retired from the balance sheet).

Then you need to find the arithmetic mean of two indicators: CT1 and CT2, that is, the book value of fixed assets at the beginning and end of the year. This will be the approximate value of the average annual cost of fixed assets.

STav.-year. = (CT1+CT2) / 2

Method 2 (taking into account the month of putting on the balance and leaving the balance)

This is a more accurate method, one of its varieties is used to calculate the tax base for paying property tax.

IMPORTANT! It is not permitted by law to use any other calculation method for this purpose.

With this method of calculation, the number of months that have passed since the balance sheet was changed (acceptance of a new operating system or disposal of the old one) is taken into account. Depending on the purpose, one of the following varieties of such a calculus can be used

The formula for the average annual cost of fixed assets to assess the effectiveness of their use

To calculate the return on assets, capital intensity, profitability and other important indicators of the effectiveness of the company's fixed assets, you need to know exactly how many full months have passed since the statement or removal from the balance sheet of the fixed asset. And, of course, you will need an initial cost indicator (as of January 1 of the reporting year) - ST1.

STav.-year.= ST1 + FMpost. / 12 x STcont. - Chemistry. / 12 x STspis

  • Chmpost. - the full number of months from the date of setting the fixed asset on the balance sheet until the end of the current year;
  • ChMspis. - the total number of months from the date of write-off of fixed assets from the balance sheet until the end of the year.

The formula for the average annual cost of fixed assets according to the average chronological

It is considered the most accurate of the methods, which takes into account the input and output of the OS. It searches for the arithmetic average of the value of funds for each month, of course, taking into account the input and write-off, if any. The results are then added up and divided by 12.

ST mid-year = ((ST1NM + ST1KM) / 2 + (ST2NM + ST2KM) / 2 ... + (ST12NM + ST12KM) / 2) / 12

  • ST1NM - the cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the first month of the year;
  • ST1KM - the cost of fixed assets at the end of the first month, and so on.

The formula for determining the average annual cost of fixed assets for calculating corporate property tax

It is specially provided exclusively for determining the base of property tax. It uses the residual value at the beginning of each month that makes up the tax period. You will also need the final indicator of the residual value at the end of the entire tax period. When we divide the amount received by the number of months, we will need to add 1 to the number that makes up the reporting period. That is, if you need to calculate the amount for the annual payment, you will need to divide by 13, and for quarterly payments, respectively, by 4, 7 , 10.

ST mid-year = (ST1NM + ST2NM + ... + ST12NM + STKNP) / 13

  • ST1NM - an indicator of the residual value of assets on the 1st day of the 1st month of the tax period;
  • ST2NM - an indicator of the residual value of assets on the 1st day of the 2nd month of the tax period;
  • ST12NM - an indicator of the residual value of assets on the 1st day of the last month of the tax period;
  • STKNP - the final residual value at the end of the tax period (its last date is December 31 of the reporting year).

In recent years, due to the steady growth in the range of products and the pace of its renewal, the nature of industrial enterprises has changed. Enterprise management has become impossible without effective planning of its activities and control over the implementation of plans. Satisfying the needs of consumers required the acceleration of the organization of the release of new products, i.e. flexible development of enterprises. The elements of the flexible development of the enterprise should also include the process of manufacturing competitive products in conditions of limited financial opportunities using all available resources.

In market conditions, when developing new areas of activity, the ideology of budgeting as an element of strategic control becomes the main instrument of corporate governance.

The formation of the company's budget - the basis of financial management and the economic regulator of relations between its structural divisions and the external environment - is one of the main factors in ensuring competitiveness.

The means of production at the disposal of factories are divided into means of labor (buildings, machines, machine tools) and objects of labor (materials, semi-finished products, fuel, locomotives and wagons).

The means of production form production assets, which are divided into fixed and circulating.

Fixed production assets (OPF) are means of labor that fully or partially retain their natural-material form for many production cycles (usually years) and transfer their value to finished products in parts, as they wear out.

The results of modern production are increasingly determined by the renewal and improvement of production assets and depend on the degree of their use.

According to the composition, purpose, functions performed in the production process, fixed assets are usually divided into the following groups that characterize their structure: buildings, structures, transmission devices, machinery and equipment, vehicles, tools, production and household equipment.

According to the role in the production process, the active and passive parts of fixed assets are distinguished.

Active fixed assets are tools of labor that directly affect output, i.e. involved in the transformation of objects of labor into finished products. These are machines and equipment installed in the main workshops of enterprises, adjustable instruments and devices, tools.

Passive fixed assets are those that ensure the normal functioning of the active part of the funds. These are buildings, roads, power plants that supply working machines with electricity, transmission devices that deliver this energy, and vehicles.

The initial cost of fixed assets is expressed in the prices of their acquisition or commissioning. At these prices, fixed assets are taken into account in the balance sheet of the enterprise and depreciation is charged. The initial cost of equipment included in fixed assets consists of the purchase price, transportation costs for delivery and costs for construction and installation works (construction of the foundation, installation and debugging).

Replacement cost is the cost of reproduction of fixed assets. It takes into account the same costs as the initial cost, but in modern conditions, and allows you to compare the volume of fixed assets across enterprises. For these purposes, an inventory and revaluation of fixed assets is periodically carried out.

The full (original and replacement) cost is the cost of fixed assets in a new, unworn condition. At full cost, the funds are accounted for on the balance sheet of the plant during the entire period of their operation.

The residual value is calculated as the difference between the full original cost and the amount of depreciation. It expresses that part of the value of fixed assets that has not yet been transferred to the cost of products manufactured with their help, and is determined by the formula:

F srg = F ng + (F cc* p) / 12 - F select * (12 - p) / 12, ( 1.1)

where f srg - average annual cost of fixed assets;

F ng - initial (book) cost of fixed assets;

F centuries - the cost of fixed assets introduced;

n - the number of months of operation of the commissioned / retired fixed assets;

F sb - liquidation value;

The return on assets is determined by the ratio of the volume of output to the value of fixed production assets, calculated by the formula:

F otd = V vp / F srg , ( 1.2)

where f otd - capital productivity;

V vp - volume of output;

F srg - average annual cost of fixed assets.

Capital intensity - is an inverse indicator of capital productivity and shows the number of fixed assets required for the production of products per 1 ruble. Determined by the formula:

F capacity = F srg /V vp , (1.3)

where f capacity - capital intensity.

The capital-labor ratio shows the share of fixed production assets per worker, that is, it characterizes the level of provision of production personnel with the means of production. Calculated according to the formula:

F voor = F srg / h cn , (1.4)

where f voor - capital-labor ratio;

H cn - headcount.

Profitability of sales - an indicator of the financial performance of the organization, showing what part of the organization's revenue is profit. In this case, various profit indicators can be used as a financial result in the calculation. Determined by the formula:

R=P/S*100%, (1.5)

where R - profitability of sales;

P - profit from sales;

C - cost.

Calculations of the average annual cost of fixed assets are made according to the balance sheet. In turn, this indicator serves as the basis for calculating the performance indicators for the use of fixed assets and studying the dynamics of changes in their value.

In the system of indicators for assessing the movement of fixed assets, the characteristic of the intensity of their renewal is also important.

To do this, calculate the coefficient of renewal of fixed assets for a certain period:

TO update = F input / F con. G , . ( 1.6)

where K o6n - update factor;

F input - the cost of newly introduced (arrived) fixed assets for a certain period;

F con. G. - the value of fixed assets at the end of the year (period) for which the fixed assets are analyzed.

The process of updating fixed assets involves studying the nature of their disposal. The assessment of this process is carried out according to the retirement rate of fixed assets for a certain period:

TO select = F select / F early , ( 1.7)

where K you6 - retirement rate;

F select - the cost of retiring fixed assets for a certain period;

F early - the value of fixed assets at the beginning of the same period.

The processes of renewal and disposal of fixed assets should be mutually evaluated. To do this, study the growth rate of fixed assets:

TO nature = (F input - F select ) /F ng , ( 1.8)

where K nature - coefficient of growth of fixed assets;

F ng - the value of fixed assets at the beginning of the period.

The concept of the average annual price (hereinafter - SP) in the economy is interpreted as a value that reflects the change in the price of fixed production assets (OPF) throughout the year as a result of their introduction and liquidation. The calculation of the average annual cost is necessary for the analysis of the economic efficiency of production, it is made taking into account the initial cost of funds. We will tell in the article how the average annual cost of fixed assets is calculated, by what formula and indicators.

Characteristics of the average annual price of fixed production assets

When making calculations, the accountant must be guided by the following documents in force in the Russian Federation.

Title of the document What does it include?
PBU 6/01 No. 26nOPF accounting
Guidelines for accounting of fixed assets No. 91n dated 10/13/2003Rules for organizing accounting of OPF
Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-05-05-01/55 dated 07/15/2011On the average value of property on which property tax is calculated
Tax Code of the Russian Federation, art. 376Determining the tax base

Calculation of the average annual cost of fixed assets

There are several options for calculating the average annual cost of fixed assets. The accountant has the right to choose one or even a number of calculation methods, depending on the goals pursued.

SP calculation method Formula for calculating SP Characteristic
The month of input (output) of fixed assets is not countedSP = (OPF price at the beginning of the year (January 1) + OPF price at the end of the year (December 31)) / 2;

price of OPF at the beginning of the year + price of introduced OPF - price of written off

The book price of the OPF is involved in the calculation;

this option is recognized as less accurate, since the month when the deposit and withdrawal of the OPF took place is not counted

The month of input (output) of the main assets is countedFormula 1 (for economic indicators of capital productivity, etc.):

SP = price at the beginning of the year + the number of months from the date of the assets input - the number of months from the moment the assets were withdrawn until the end of the year;

Formula 2 (Intermediate):

SP = (price at the beginning of the first month

Price at the end of the first month

Price at the beginning of the second month

Price by the end of the second month, etc...

Price at the beginning of the last month

Price by the end of the last month) / 12;

Formula 3 (definition of SP for taxation in the tax period):

SP = (residual price at the beginning of the first month

Residual price at the beginning of the second month, etc.

Residual price at the beginning of the last month

when calculating the advance for half a year, 3, 9 months, a denominator is taken equal to the sum of months and one

A reliable method, since all the proposed formulas take into account the month of withdrawal (input) of assets, in addition, the method makes it possible to use several calculation options

The data for the calculation is taken from the available documents:

  • balance sheet (value of assets);
  • turnover balance sheet for account. "Main assets" (the value of the introduced assets);
  • credit turnover on account. "Main Assets".

Of the described calculation options, taking into account the month of input (output) of funds, the formula for calculating the average level is recognized as the most accurate. This formula 2, by which the chronological average is calculated, is also recognized as the most reliable. As for the SP calculation for property tax calculations, formula 3 is considered the only one acceptable for this kind of calculation. Other calculation options do not apply to property tax calculation.

Example 1. Calculation of the average annual cost of fixed assets, taking into account the month of their commissioning (write-off)

The results of this calculation option look more convincing, because the month of input (output) of assets is taken into account in the calculations. The following values ​​are used for calculations:

  • price at the beginning of the year (10 thousand rubles);
  • the price of the introduced OPF (150 thousand rubles - March, 100 thousand rubles - June and 200 thousand rubles - August);
  • the prices of written-off OPF are 50 rubles (250 thousand for February, October).

So, the calculation is carried out according to the formula: price at the beginning of the year + (number of months from the time of entry / 12 * price of entered OPF) - (number from the time of withdrawal / 12 * price of written off OPF).

According to the SP calculation, it turns out: 10,000 + (9/12 * 150 + 6 / 12 * 100 + 4 / 12 * 200) - (10 / 12 * 50 + 2 / 12 * 250) = 10,000 + (112 + 50 + 66) - (41 + 41) = 10,146 rubles. This is the value of the SP of the main assets.

Example 2. Calculation of the average annual cost of fixed assets without taking into account the month of their entry (write-off)

This is a simplified calculation method, less accurate than the one used in the previous example. The SP is calculated according to the formula: (OPF price at the beginning of the year (January 1) + OPF price at the end of the year (December 31)) / 2.

The cost at the end of the year is calculated as follows: the price of OPF at the beginning of the year + the price of introduced OPF - the price of written-off OPF. For calculations, the numerical data given in example 1 are used.

Analysis of the values ​​obtained when calculating the average annual value of fixed assets in examples 1 and 2 So, in the two examples given, the same numerical values ​​were used. These data show that the commissioning and write-off of assets were uneven throughout the year. Thus, OPF were introduced in March, June and August, and write-offs were made in February, October.

The calculation of the SP was carried out in two different ways: without taking into account the month of commissioning (writing off) assets and taking into account it. The SP calculation option described in example 1 takes into account the month of commissioning (writing off) of fixed assets. It is complex, but more reliable. In example 2, a simplified method of calculation was used for the calculation (without taking into account the month of entry and write-off of assets). But it was he who gave the wrong result.

The difference in the obtained digital totals for the SP in the calculations in the two examples is obvious. The value of the SP in one and the second examples is somewhat different (10,145 rubles and 10,075 rubles). The difference is 70 rubles. Thus, if the input (output) of fixed assets is uneven, the calculation of SP can be carried out in any way, but the one that takes into account the month of input and write-off of assets will be more accurate.

Common mistakes related to calculating the average annual value of fixed assets

A fairly common mistake is to include the value of land plots on the balance sheet in property tax calculations. First, property tax is not calculated from land plots. Secondly, only those lands that are the property of the organization are included in the OPF.

Another error is observed in the calculation of SP. When calculating property tax calculations, the cost indicator of fixed assets is taken, the tax base of which is determined as the cadastral value. At the same time, the price of such funds for calculating the residual value of assets when calculating the SP does not need to be taken.

Economic indicators characterizing the efficiency of using fixed assets

The degree of effectiveness of the application of the OPF is determined by the core economic indicators - capital productivity, capital intensity, capital-labor ratio. So, the return on assets reflects the ratio of finished products per ruble of OPF. Capital intensity is the amount of funds for each ruble of finished products. Fund arming testifies to the degree of provision of working organizations with assets.

The analysis of the considered economic indicators is aimed at finding, eliminating and preventing problem situations in relation to the profitability of enterprises. To carry out calculation operations on these indicators, the SP of the main assets is used. Calculations are carried out according to different formulas:

  1. For return on assets: the volume of output / SP of the main assets.
  2. For capital intensity: SP of fixed assets / volume of output.
  3. For capital arming: SP of main assets / average number of employees.

The dynamics of these economic indicators throughout the year characterizes the consistency of the use of funds from different sides. Thus, the positive development of the return on assets indicator, that is, its increase, indicates the effectiveness of the use of the OPF. Low capital intensity indicates sufficient efficiency of the equipment. In interrelation, both indicators manifest themselves as follows.

The capital intensity is growing, but the return on assets is decreasing, which means that there is an irrational use of funds by the organization. Accordingly, urgent action should be taken.

For studies on the use of fixed assets, the dynamics of changes in each indicator separately is taken into consideration. Thus, the inconsistency in the use of resources is also indicated by an increase in the capital-labor ratio with a low growth in labor productivity in comparison with the indicator.

Since the technical condition of funds depends on the degree of their wear and tear, the relative wear rate is also of no small importance for characterizing fixed production assets. The depreciation coefficient is calculated as follows: the credited amount of depreciation for the period of use (end, beginning of the year) / initial price of the OPF (beginning, end of the year). If, during the calculation, it turns out that the depreciation coefficient at the end of the year is less than at the beginning of the year, then the condition of the assets has improved.

Answers to questions on the calculation of the average annual cost of fixed assets

Question number 1. How do return on assets and average annual cost relate to each other?

The return on assets is considered by economists as a general economic indicator that shows the effectiveness of the application of the OPF. A high rate of return on assets that is above the industry average indicates that the organization is highly competitive, and vice versa. The level of capital productivity below the average value in the industry indicates the non-competitiveness of the organization.

Question number 2. How does capital productivity (fixed assets) affect profit?

When OPF and capital productivity exceed the value of production and sales expenses, profit will also grow. The return on assets is increasing - economic stability is also growing, as well as the efficiency of the use of funds. With a fall in the level of capital productivity, these characteristics are reduced.

All calculations for the average annual price are carried out according to the above standard formulas. However, it is more appropriate to use the exact calculation method shown in example 1. If a number of OPFs were introduced and written off in a year, then the SP is calculated for each asset, taking into account the period of use. Finally, the results are summed up.

Question number 4. How to correct accounting errors made in the last year (period) in the data that was used to calculate property tax?

Standard calculation options:

  1. OPF input coefficient = price of entered OPF for the period / OPF price according to the balance sheet at the end of the year.
  2. OPF write-off ratio = prices of written-off OPF for the period / OPF price for the balance sheet at the beginning of the year.