Committee for Culture. The State Duma Committee on Culture will prepare a statement on the situation with "Matilda"

After the death of Stanislav Govorukhin, he will head the Duma Committee on Culture. This was told to by a source familiar with the situation.

At the end of June, the media wrote that there would be no hurry with the official announcement of the new head of the committee on culture in the lower house of the Russian parliament. In any case, this will not happen until 40 days have passed since Govorukhin's death.

In addition to Yampolskaya , the first deputy of Govorukhin and his other deputy in the committee , the writer 's grandson , were named candidates for the post of chairman of the culture committee .

Currently, United Russia Yampolskaya is the deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Nationalities, and also heads the newspaper Kultura. In addition, she is a member of the Presidium of the Council for Culture under the President of the Russian Federation, the Patriarchal Council for Culture, and the Society of Russian Literature. She is also a laureate of the Pushkin Gold Medal, a commemorative name medal, the Seagull and Iskra awards.

Yampolskaya is considered a figure ideologically close to.

She formulated her position on what is happening now in the Russian cultural sphere on the air of the Agora program on the Kultura TV channel as follows: “What we have catastrophically lost over the past 20-25 years is in taste, of course. Moreover, a lot of the product is designed specifically for bad taste, brings it up.

“We need to educate long people. There is a concept of long and short money. When there is a lot of short money in the economy, this is an indicator of a crisis. Crisis - when a lot of "short" people imprisoned for a year, two - now snatch, run away. We need to think further, ”Yampolskaya believes.

In her opinion, Russian society now he is waiting for the culture to turn to face him.

“These books and films can be digitized, you can’t translate a person into a figure. His soul hurts, and he expects culture to respond to this pain. Our problem is that now there are practically no artists who are able to feel someone else's pain as their own. There are those who comb the pain points so that they look spectacular like ulcers. There are those who blunt them with the most primitive means, ”she noted.

As for the most massive of all types of art - cinematography, then, according to Yampolskaya, in this area it is not at all important financial indicators. “It's not about the number of films and box offices. It doesn't matter how many people came to see the movie. What matters is how they left the room. They got better in these two hours or got worse - that's what really matters, ”she says.

Yampolskaya has repeatedly become the object of criticism from liberals.

For example, in a 2013 publication dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the death of Joseph Stalin, Chief Editor Kultura stated that he "was sent to keep Russia on the world stage."

In addition, Yampolskaya noted that, in her opinion, “the depreciation of life in Stalin’s times, alas, is no longer a strong argument, because we did not know such an inflation of being and non-being as in the post-Soviet period.”

In the same 2013, Yampolskaya spoke about the need to change the "cultural elite of the country."

“We must announce a new cultural appeal. I realized this when some of the cultural figures supported Pussy Riot,” she stressed. “We need to call people from the regions and orient them correctly, and then make new stars out of them.”

On October 7, 2016, the first meeting of the Committee for Culture in the seventh convocation was held under the chairmanship of Stanislav Sergeevich Govorukhin . He introduced the members of the Committee and offered to discuss in the form of a free and frank conversation the pressing problems of legislative support for the sphere of culture.

The members of the Committee also discussed the list of bills planned for consideration by the State Duma during the autumn session of 2016, and the main areas of work of the Committee on Culture of the new convocation. The deputies of the Committee decided to recommend that the State Duma hear the annual State report on the state of culture in the Russian Federation during the autumn session.

The Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation took part in the first meeting of the Committee Alexander Vladimirovich Zhuravsky .

In a TASS commentary, the head of the State Duma Committee on Culture, S. S. Govorukhin, stated that d The development and adoption of a new draft law "On Culture" should become priorities for the work of the profile committee of the State Duma of the 7th convocation. “First of all, it is necessary to finalize and adopt a new law “On Culture”. New law should become a comprehensive full-fledged legislative act, which will not only spell out basic concepts and provisions, but also consolidated the results of the development of legislation in the field of culture in general,” he said.

According to him, the current law was created in the early 90s and is outdated.

The head of the committee also noted that new edition also requires the draft law "On the Import and Export of Cultural Property", which has been in force since 1993 and does not correspond to today's realities, primarily in connection with the development of cooperation within the Eurasian economic union: “New modern norms are required, corresponding international law and making it easier for conscientious citizens to overcome the "draconian measures" on the import and export of cultural property.

MOSCOW, 14 September. /TASS/. The State Duma Committee on Culture will prepare a statement on the situation around the film directed by Alexei Uchitel "Matilda". This was announced to journalists on Thursday by the first deputy chairman of the committee, Elena Drapeko (Fair Russia).

“We will prepare the text of a statement on behalf of the Committee on Culture on the situation around the film Matilda,” she said. “The voice of threats comes from the State Duma, and this is very dangerous. We all condemn our colleague Poklonskaya," the deputy continued.

When asked by journalists whether a statement would be prepared after viewing the film, Drapeko replied that the quality of the film had nothing to do with the statement. "Why after viewing? It has nothing to do with the quality of the film. Since the film has received a rental certificate, it means that it has the right to be in the box office by law," Drapeko emphasized.

She said that in the next three days, the committee will watch "Matilda" as soon as it agrees with the producers of the film and "receives a flash drive." "They [producers] are not afraid of us, they are afraid that copies will be made, there will be piracy," the deputy specified.

Official position of the committee

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture, director Stanislav Govorukhin believes that around new painting"all the dark forces revived."

"My personal opinion: it seems to me that all the dark forces have revived: all the whores, the madmen, the vandals, the anti-Semites, the obscurantists. They set fire to the cars of innocent citizens, the truck broke through the wall of the cinema," he said on Thursday at a meeting of the committee on culture , inviting other members to express their position on the current situation.

The first deputy chairman of the committee, director Vladimir Bortko, stressed that there can be only one official position of the committee regarding the release of "Matilda" - supported by the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code. "There can be one position here - a formal one, which is provided by two documents: the first is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which says that we have no censorship. And if there is no censorship, this film can be viewed in any way. Another [document] is the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and not a single article refers to the Matilda film, so we simply don’t have and can’t have formal reasons not to show it,” he said, noting that radical actions taken against showing the film should be investigated by law enforcement agencies.

"We do not have a single law that would prohibit the screening of the film" Matilda ". This is nothing more than a frenzy of people who are not clear on what they are based on," the first deputy chairman of the committee on culture concluded.

Dialogue between Bortko and Poklonskaya

During a meeting of the lower house committee on culture, Bortko said that he had talked with Poklonskaya about the reasons for her actions against Matilda.

“I approached Mrs. Poklonskaya, asked her to come out on the sidelines and said: “Why are you doing this?” Bortko said.

According to Bortko, he expressed the opinion to Poklonskaya that her actions worsen the image of the State Duma, to which the deputy replied that she would act as she considered right.


The scandal surrounding the film "Matilda" arose in connection with an earlier dispute between the film's director Alexei Uchitel and State Duma deputy Natalia Poklonskaya. The parliamentarian believes that the film offends the memory of Tsar Nicholas II and the feelings of believers. The director calls Poklonskaya's attempts to influence the creative process and the fate of the film unacceptable.

On Tuesday, the Formula Kino and Cinema Park networks decided not to show Matilda due to the threat to the safety of viewers. Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky called on Wednesday any attempts to put pressure on cinemas in connection with the screening of this film as censorship and lawlessness.

He noted that the Ministry of Culture issues distribution certificates to films strictly according to legal procedure, and the law clearly describes the grounds for refusal, but in the case of Matilda there are none. Medinsky stressed that a federal-style rental certificate is an exhaustive document that allows rental throughout the Russian Federation. The film "Matilda", according to him, has been assigned the category "16+", and this is the only restriction on the conditions of its distribution provided by law.

At the same time, on Wednesday, the State Duma refused to issue an official instruction to speed up the special screening of "Matilda" scheduled for October 26 to deputies within the framework of the parliamentary club of the lower house. The corresponding initiative was taken by the first deputy chairman of the Committee on Culture, Elena Drapeko, arguing her proposal by "the public significance of the discussion that unfolded not only in society, but also between State Duma deputies around the content of the film," as well as the need to comment on her position for the media, but against accepting such an order The committee of the chamber on regulations came forward, which recognized it as inappropriate to the Duma norms.

Meanwhile, on September 13, State Duma deputies Oksana Pushkina and Irina Rodnina turned to the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, and the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, with a request to check the unregistered religious association "Christian State - Holy Russia" in connection with threats to director Alexei Uchitel and a campaign against his film "Matilda" ".