The most successful traders. Traders millionaires from Russia Top richest traders

Throughout history, who are they? In this article, I will briefly review the success stories of real stock trading gurus who have been able to earn millions and even billions of dollars in this business, many of them even took their positions in. The stories of these people are direct confirmation of what is not only possible, but also very promising, if you approach it wisely. So the most
successful traders.

George Soros. World-famous American trader and investor, also known for his charitable activities through the Soros Foundation he created. He was engaged in speculation on, founded a new trading method called “internal arbitrage”. Soros always used insider information as the basis for making trading decisions: thanks to his connections, he tried to learn earlier about the most important events that affect the market and use them to make a profit. Also, George Soros himself often spread rumors in order to turn the market in the direction he needed and make money on it. Among other things, he often relied on his trading intuition. George Soros is also known for the fact that he always sensitively felt the approach of the crisis, at that moment he sold his assets and made good money on it.

Ingeborg Mootz. A female trader originally from Germany, which the media dubbed the "old woman in a million." The fact is that Mootz received her first experience of trading on the stock exchange, attention when she was already over 70! Ingeborga Mootz traded only shares of the banking sector, relying on her intuition, while the period for which she acquired securities with a speculative purpose was always strictly from one to two years.

Richard Dennis. One of the most successful traders in the US and around the world. Moreover, colleagues in exchange trading always spoke of him as the most professional. Dennis entered the stock exchange with only $400, traded, and gradually became a multimillionaire. Richard Dennis is also known by the nickname "Teacher of Turtles", because he once organized a training in stock trading on a bet, gathering a group of students, which he called "Turtles". At the end of the training, he gave each student $ 1 million of his own funds, for which they began to trade, giving part of the profits to their teacher. Over the next 5 years, Dennis earned $175 million from his Turtles.

Larry Williams. A trader originally from the United States, who was called the “king of futures” in stock exchange circles. He is also known for starting to trade making decisions based on , but then he revised his strategies and stopped using them at all, which led to a significant increase in profits. And already on the basis of his new strategies, new indicators were created, named after him. And once Larry Williams participated in an exchange trading tournament, where he showed a phenomenal result, surpassing all his rivals: he increased his trading capital by 11,000% in a year!

Warren Buffett. One of the most successful traders and investors in the world, holding top positions in the rankings of the richest people on the planet. Buffett made his fortune on long-term investing in the stock market, and also repeatedly accurately predicted global changes in and made good money on it. You can get acquainted with the biography and success story of this person in a separate article:.

Paul Tudor Jones. One of the largest US brokers, founder of an investment fund, who began his career trading on the cotton exchange. Paul Tudor Jones is known for ignoring the main golden rule of stock trading trend is your friend and constantly trying to trade against the trend in order to “catch” the reversal points. In this strategy, 75% of his trades were closed with a loss, and only 15% with a profit, but it was so colossal that over the years Jones became a dollar billionaire.

George Lane. A person who has devoted more than 60 years to stock trading. He is known primarily for the fact that he is the developer of the now famous Stochastic technical indicator, which is used by traders all over the world in their trading strategies. Well, George Lane himself used his invention throughout his trading career, which brought excellent results: today he is no longer alive, but he is still considered one of the most successful traders in the world.

Stephen Coen. An American trader who started stock trading with $1,000 of capital, which was set aside for training. Now Cohen is one of the second hundred richest people in the world. He made his fortune by doing: Stephen Cohen opened several hundred (!) Short-term transactions daily, and at the same time did not follow economic and financial news at all.

Ed Seykota. A trader originally from the Netherlands, who later moved to the United States. Known for being one of the first developers that he successfully used in trading on financial markets. In 15 years, he managed to turn his initial capital from 5 thousand dollars to 15 million dollars, and all trading was carried out automatically.

Philip Fisher. An American trader and investor of world renown, who created a whole philosophy of investing in stock trading, which is now very popular in trading circles. He devoted the whole 70 years of his life to studying the stock market and trading on it. For example, Fisher is known for developing the famous 50 qualities that must be met in order to be an attractive investment.

These are the most successful traders in the world. I specifically cited as an example traders who have gone through different paths in exchange trading, using different strategies and different principles of exchange earnings. All of them have one thing in common: great success and good financial condition, created with the help of stock market speculation.

All this suggests that it is indeed very promising and, with a competent approach, can, if not even make a person a multimillionaire, then at least provide him with a decent, comfortable life.

Stay on and explore promising options for earning and investing, as well as learn how to properly manage personal finances. See you in new posts!

Although every investor must trade and therefore may be called a trader, traders themselves, technically speaking, do not invest. In the words of Benjamin Graham, the founding father of the concept of value investing, an investment must provide "the security of the underlying capital and an adequate return." Investors make informed decisions after carefully analyzing fundamental information about a company's business. On the other hand, traders use technical analysis to make trades that are designed to profit from short-term market volatility.

In the early 2000s, a lot of people aspired to the financial market. They collected all their available funds to open and start actively trading, earning a living right from home. During this period of the stock market craze and the real estate bubble, it was hard to lose money. But this "golden age" has both come and gone. 2007 brought a global recession and, as a result, increased regulation of financial markets. High-frequency trading, implemented by computers using incredibly complex algorithms, currently accounts for 50% to 70% of trading volume on any given day.

Traders can lose large sums in one day, hoping that their profits will compensate for losses over time. In addition, they face increased operating costs and fierce competition from supercomputers. While the odds are generally against them, some traders have the intelligence, courage, and capital to take advantage of their chance.

Paul Tudor Jones

Paul Tudor Jones, founder of Tudor Investment Corporation, a $12 billion hedge fund, made his fortune short trading during the 1987 stock market crash. He was able to predict the multiplier effect that portfolio insurance would have in a bear market. Portfolio insurance is a popular risk management tool that involves buying Put options on indices to reduce portfolio risk. Thus, in a bear market, more and more investors begin to use put options, which further collapses the market. Jones made good money on Black Monday in 1987, when he tripled his capital by shorting. He is now worth an estimated $3.6 billion and continues to manage his hedge fund.

George Soros

George Soros is considered by many to be the most famous trader in the history of this business. He was nicknamed "the man who beat the Bank of England". In 1992, Soros made about $1 billion by betting that the British pound would depreciate. At that time, the pound was part of the ERM, the European exchange rate mechanism, which was designed to keep the rates of its constituent currencies within given parameters in order to increase systemic financial stability. With the help of his partners from the hedge fund Quantum Investment Fund, Soros noticed that the pound was not fundamentally strong enough to remain in the ERM, and opened a corresponding $10 billion short position. At the moment, Soros is worth approximately $19 billion

John Paulson

Many consider John Paulson to have made the best trade of all time when he made his fortune selling short the real estate market through the covered bond market in 2007. In 1994 he founded Paulson & Co. and was relatively unknown on Wall Street until the financial crisis hit in 2007. By predicting a real estate bubble, Paulson's fund raised $15 billion in 2007, and he himself pocketed $3.7 billion. Such a huge profit in difficult times for the world economy brought Paulson to the attention of the US federal government at that time. Today, Paulson continues to manage his company, Paulson & Co., and is worth an estimated $11 billion.


Jones, Soros, and Paulson all have one thing in common: they made their most profitable trades short and leveraged. The conflict of interest is obvious. Traders have every incentive to make money on the imbalance of financial markets, often at the expense of all other players. In addition, their actions are aimed at continuing and exacerbating the initial imbalance, sometimes up to a complete and general collapse of the market. Should traders have such opportunities? This is a question for regulators and legislatures.

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This article will tell you about those famous people who have rightfully earned their title - the most successful traders. These people gained worldwide fame due to the fact that they turned their first investments, which ranged from 100 to 10,000 dollars, into millions in profits. Every successful trader, whether he comes from Russia or any other country, has his own biography and his own history of success in trading. Let's get acquainted with the most successful and famous traders in the world. Here is a list that includes the best Forex traders.

List of the best traders in the world

- A native of America. He is the CEO of Centaurus Energy Advisors. The company he founded generates and distributes electricity to customers. Even at the time when John studied at Vanderbilt University, many of his teachers noticed that he had well-developed entrepreneurial abilities.

During his first job as a trader, John made $1 million in 2001. After the collapse of the company due to the fault of the management, he decided that the time had come to create his own personal business. As a result of this decision, the Centaurus company, created by him, began work. At the moment, this organization includes a number of the largest electricity producers.

The popular Forbes magazine in 2007 included him in its ranking of the richest US citizens at 317th place.
By the end of 2008, John Arnold's company was worth more than $1.5 billion. Due to his tenacity and professional ambitions, such a successful trader can become an idol for many.

- set a standard for himself, which he later adhered to, namely, to earn 70 thousand dollars a day through trading activities.
After graduating from college, university and serving in the US Army, Schwartz worked as a financial analyst. Having earned about 100 thousand dollars in this way, he decided to immediately leave his job in order to engage in independent trading on the American Stock Exchange.

Schwartz worked for almost whole days to earn the required amounts, which he himself had outlined. He labored, expecting to get a result, which he set for himself as the only main goal. Independent work immediately made Martin Schwartz successful in the market. Dealing with options, stocks and futures, he already had a profit of 600 thousand dollars in a year of trading. Revenue doubled the following year.

According to those who worked with him, Schwartz was trading aggressively and did not use the same financial instruments for a long time. He did intraday trading. This trading model is used by many: both beginners in the Forex market and mature traders.

To start trading and earning like these outstanding people, you need initial capital with which you will begin to make your first transactions with currencies or securities. Where to get initial capital? The answer is simple - save yourself. The very first rule of a trader and investor is not to use borrowed money! Do not know how to accumulate our article "" will help you with this.

- in 1982 held the first auction. Prefers to work with the market of stock indices, is engaged in intraday trading.
Having a technical education, he easily learned all the features of a trader's work. Then he began to study moving averages, which in the future helped him create his own unique method, which was called the predictive oscillator. Evaluating and putting into practice the merits of Fibonacci numbers in relation to the price axis, he created his own method, which helped him become a real respected expert in the currency trading market.

In addition, Dinapoli is lecturing for many financial institutions. Every year he holds about 25 such lectures, which are a resounding success and collect a full house at each performance. He lectures in various countries around the world. He also publishes his books, which are very popular among traders and are published in translation into many languages. His books are in high demand and have not lost their relevance for many years.

Currently, Joe Dinapoli is not only a world-famous trader with vast professional experience, but also the head of Coast Investment Software. His organization develops trading software.

- combines the two most important qualities for a trader and investor: courage and intelligence. It was the combination of this combination that led him to success. Lynch began his work at a golf club, where he often heard conversations from wealthy visitors about stocks and quotes. money and markets. Such topics of conversation engendered in young Peter the desire to be a millionaire. However, the lack of money was the reason why he could not trade stocks.

To enter the university, funds were also needed. In order to earn money for his training, he bought shares in a company that was little known at the time, being sure that these shares would rise in price in a short time. And he was not wrong. Shares quickly and significantly rose in price. In this way, he earned the amount needed to pay for his education.
Lynch began his real professional trading career in 1996. He had to go through a big competition to be hired. Long-standing connections helped here - the director of the company often played in the golf club where the young trader worked and knew him.

Having started his work, he masterfully came out with the construction of new strategies, he could avoid sharp corners without losses and get out of the most crisis situations better than anyone else. A profit of 17 thousand dollars in those years seemed huge. Within three years, Peter was able to increase the organization's capital to $20 million. For all the time of work in the company, he raised capital by 2.7 thousand percent.

Currently, Peter Lynch is the owner of a chain of restaurants and an auctioneer for a large automotive holding. He also writes books, the profits from the sale of which he donates to charity.

Michael Marcus- the first income of $ 700 received from the purchased securities. Then, due to a jump in commodity prices, the value of the purchased securities almost doubled and he had already earned $12,000. He came up with his own strategy, which helped him earn $640,000 the next year. The strategy is based on a fundamental analysis of the exchange trading market.

His career began as a commodity analyst. His notes, covering large amounts of information, were very popular in the exchange trading environment, which made it possible to make the necessary decisions. At a certain point, the desire to independently trade on the stock exchange outweighed and he left work and began independent active trading.

Then he was invited to the position of a trader in a large corporation, where he managed the monetary assets of private and commercial persons. He was able to meet all expectations. The capital of the company increased by 2.5 thousand times only thanks to the strategies of Michael Marcus. For 10 years, this result has exceeded the total result of all colleagues in the company. Even the failures of his youth, in the form of a loss of 30 thousand dollars, did not diminish the pressure of Marcus and he became a truly professional trader.

Our list of the best traders includes only the most successful traders. If you have not read our first article about it, we recommend that you do it slowly 😉

With the help of playing on exchange rates, you can make a rather big fortune. A successful strategy, perseverance, and unwavering self-confidence help to achieve incredible heights in the art of stock trading.

Today we present the Top 5, which included the best traders in Russia 2015, which showed the best results in the Forex market. Perhaps the example of these outstanding traders will inspire someone to start their career on the currency exchange and make sure that they are suckers for money.

Alexey's personal record is $30,000 daily income on the stock exchange. Martyanov is a trader for United Traders, he is also widely known for his hooligan blog and special trading philosophy.

Martyanov trades from anywhere in the world, proving by his own example that it is possible to earn money while lying on the beach, with access to the trading platform via high-speed Internet.

Roman started his trading career in 2007. And already in 2009, he earned his first exchange million dollars and founded, together with partners, the United Traders company, which manages about $30 million.

Roman's record daily trading income is $198,713, and a record break-even trading streak was 33 months.

Naiman was born in Kazakhstan, but for many years he lived in Russia. One of the best Forex traders is the author of a number of books on stock trading, analysis, risk management and investments.

Today, Eric works with several large financial companies as an investment advisor.

Elder was born in Leningrad, but today he lives and works in the USA. Leading financial institutions turn to Alexander for advice, and his book “Trading for a Living” has been translated into 12 languages ​​and is now a hit with traders around the world.

Heads Forex traders rating a trader who started with regular exchange trading courses. The initial goal of the newcomer was a stable increase in investments by 2-3% per month. Having chosen the right strategy, having "felt" the rules of the market, in 2007 Alexander managed to increase the balance of his trading account by 1426%.

Today Rezvyakov deals with exchange futures, and also conducts author's courses for everyone who wants to start earning on Forex.

Below you can find a list of the 16 largest commodity traders in the world, whose total revenue in 2010 exceeded $1 trillion. These unobtrusive giants of the global economy control international commodity flows and have recently played an increasing role in the extraction and distribution of raw materials.

Each company on this list has a unique and interesting history, full of action in the style of adventure novels. Some of them were created in the century before last and still belong to the same family. Others have emerged quite recently, and their shares are traded on the stock exchange. Most traders are led by charismatic leaders who have achieved success with their talent.

But do not forget that almost every name on this list hides deals and events that they do not really like to talk about. In today's world, commodity traders don't have to choose who to work with: if this or that African or Asian dictator doesn't sell oil, copper or sugar to you, he will sell it to your competitor. And yet, without a worldwide trading network created by the largest traders, the life of mankind would be much more difficult.


Dutch company founded in 1966 in Rotterdam by Henk Vietor and Jacques Detiger. Offices are located in Geneva and Rotterdam, the number of employees is 2700, the executive director is Ian Taylor. Trades in oil, gas, electricity, coal, industrial metals, sugar. Turnover in 2010 was $195 billion.

2 Glencore

Swiss trader founded in 1974 by Marc Rich and at the time called Marc Rich and Co. In 1994 the company was renamed Glencore. The office is located in Baar, the executive director is Ivan Glasenberg. Glencore's trading business employs 2,800 people around the world, and another 55,000 employees at the company's factories and terminals. Glencore trades in metals, minerals, energy, food. Revenue in 2010 was $145 billion.

3. Cargill

One of the oldest traders in the world: the company was founded in 1865, at the very end of the American Civil War. Founder - William Wallis Cargill, the company is registered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, trades in grain, raw materials for the production of oil, salt, metals, fertilizers, energy. Turnover in 2010 amounted to $ 108 billion Executive Director - Greg Page. The number of employees at all enterprises is 130 thousand people.

4. Koch Industries

Founded in the 1920s by Fred Koch, registered in Wichita, Kansas, trading primarily in oil. Annual turnover in 2010 - $ 100 billion. Executive director - Charles Koch, number of employees - 70 thousand.

Formerly Archer Daniels Midland and now ADM, the company is informally referred to in the market as the "kings of corn". The firm was founded in 1902 by John Daniels and George Archer and is headquartered in Decatur, Illinois, a provincial town known as the "soybean capital." Trades in grain, oil crops, cocoa beans. The annual turnover in 2010 amounted to $81 billion. The number of employees is 30 thousand people, the executive director is Patricia Wortz.

6. Gunvor

Founded in 1997 by Swedish oil trader Thornbjorn Tornkvist and his Russian-Finnish partner Gennady Timchenko. Trades in oil, coal, liquefied gas. Annual turnover in 2011, according to the company's own estimates, could reach $80 billion ($65 billion in 2010). The office is located in Geneva, the number of employees is less than 500 people, the chairman of the board of directors is Thornbjorn Tornkvist.

7. Trafigura

Founded in 1993 by Claude Dauphine, Eric de Turkheim and Graham Sharp, former traders from Mark Rich's nest. The office is located in Geneva, Switzerland. The company trades in oil and metals. Turnover in 2010 - $ 79 billion. The number of employees - 6 thousand people, the chairman of the board of directors - Claude Dauphin.

8. Mercury

The Swiss-registered company, named after the ancient Roman god of trading, is one of the newcomers to the commodities trading market, having been founded just seven years ago. However, Mercuria's trade turnover in 2010 reached $47 billion, and in 2011 it could grow to $75 billion. The company mainly trades in coal and oil. Mercuria's CEO is Marco Danand.

9 Noble Group

The company, known in the market as "The British in Hong Kong", was founded in 1986 by scrap metal dealer Richard Elman, who is still the chief executive. Noble's turnover in 2010 amounted to $57 billion; the company trades in sugar, coal, and oil. The headquarters is located in Hong Kong, the company employs 11 thousand people.

10. Louis Dreyfus

Founded in 1851 by Leopold Louis-Dreyfus. Trades in cotton, rice, grain, orange juice. Trade turnover in 2010 amounted to $46 billion. The company employs 34 thousand people, the executive director is Serge Shon.

11. Bunge

Founded in Amsterdam by Johann Peter Gottlieb Bunge in 1818, at various times located in Belgium, Argentina, Brazil, at the moment the head office is located near New York. Trades in grain products, oilseeds, sugar. Turnover - $ 46 billion. Number of employees - 32 thousand people, chairman of the board of directors and executive director - Alberto Weissner.

Founded in 1991 and headquartered in Singapore. Trades in palm oil, cereals, sugar. Trade turnover in 2010 - $ 30.4 billion. Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Director - Kuok Khun Hong. The number of employees is 88 thousand people.