Manager of NL International, unlike the client. The first steps of a manager in NL International

Each network company, including NL International, operates according to its own specific marketing rules. Based on these rules, the company has a precise division into: client and manager. Accordingly, each of them has its own specific requirements.

I will try to tell you the main differences: in which case to conclude a contract as a Manager, and in which it is enough to remain an NL Client.

What are the advantages of the Client?

1. The client only needs to buy the company's products and not comply with any marketing conditions in order to maintain a contract with the company (for example, monthly activity on 35PV near 4000 rubles).2. If the Client is a regular, i.e. he liked the product and wants to purchase it in the future, then he can become a member of the Client Club program, by registering in which he will automatically receive 3% from the purchase price to your savings (gift) account. For purchases over 10000 rubles- the discount will already be 5%, more than 25,000 rubles - 7%, from 50,00010% . The money from the gift account can be spent by the Client on the purchase of any NL International product.
3. Every year, expensive prizes are raffled off for Client Club members, there is an opportunity to participate in various promotions held by the company, etc.

Bottom line: If you do not want to build a business, but you like the company's products, then the option of concluding a client contract is the best.

What are the benefits of a Manager?

  1. In the Manager status, you have the opportunity to earn money not only from cashbacks of personal purchases, but also from purchases of customers you have attracted. It's approximately 25 % from total customer turnover + 25% from personal purchases. All this is credited to the delta account, from which you can withdraw money or spend it on the purchase of products.
  2. The most important advantage is that the NL International Manager can attract (register under himself) not only the Clients who will make purchases, but also other such Managers. From each attracted Manager you will receive income depending on the amount of his purchases. With the sum of his purchases in 35PV- Your income will be 490 rubles, with 70 PV - 980 rubles.
    It is not difficult to calculate that if you register about ten Managers in your team, who will 70PV, then the monthly income will be 10 * 980 rubles \u003d 9800 rubles + a percentage of sales.

Take a look at your NL Income Calculator

Your income in the presence of 15 managers, provided that each performs activity on 33 PV. The calculator is available here.

Do not forget that each of your managers is interested in inviting people, and if he invites about 10-15 people, then the income will increase and increase. The larger the structure, the greater the income.

To maintain the status of a Manager, you must make monthly activity (make purchases) in the amount of 70 PV (about 8,000 rubles), otherwise the contract expires in half a year from the moment of the last activity. This is what the entire marketing plan of NL International is built on, you do it, the structure does it, so passive income is provided.

Regardless of whether you decide to become a client or manager of NL International, the company and its products will leave only pleasant impressions.

After watching YouTube videos or Instagram posts with a beautiful lifestyle and big checks, the thought begins to creep into your head: “If everything is so simple, then why don’t I try it?” Indeed, there are no risks. Registration is free, contract activation is not money for air, but the purchase of the same daily use goods that we already buy. Money is depreciating, one salary is not enough for a decent life, and it is unlikely that anything will improve in the near future. Decided! You need to figure out how everything works and start! Something will work!

Did you recognize yourself? Then this article is for you 🙂 Here I will describe step by step what needs to be done to make it work.

Step one. Choose a Mentor

The network business is arranged in such a way that you can get into it only by joining someone's team (structure). This person becomes your Mentor. The more you earn, the more the Mentor earns, so he is interested in you progressing as quickly as possible. It turns out that you work with him together, but at the same time, each of you - for your own result.

More than a million IDs have already been registered in the NL system. Not all of them are active now, but still, the choice is huge. To whom to go? I recommend considering the following points:

  • You must feel that the Mentor is clear to you, and you to him. You must be on the same page. Then it will be possible to build the right ones - friendly, but at the same time productive relationships
  • It is best when the Mentor is ready to work with you personally. It happens that leaders, referring to being busy, transfer you to another manager that you didn’t need initially, or very rarely can quickly help
  • You must feel that the Mentor can teach you what you do not yet know.

Step two. Take personal responsibility for your success

This step sounds a little abstract, but it is very important. A mentor, of course, means a lot, but he will not do for you what you have to do yourself. Network business is entrepreneurship, not hired labor. There are no bosses and strict control. But there is freedom of action (within the ethical standards of the company) and mutual support. Don't go to a Mentor for motivation, go with constructive questions and a willingness to do business. Do not build illusions: you will need to work regularly, otherwise nothing will work. On the other hand, the cost of working time in the network, with the right actions, is constantly increasing.

Step three. Get a personal manager ID and activate the contract

Register through Mentor (). Now you have an ID, an entrance to your Personal Internet Office, access to the first blocks of the training system, the ability to place orders and register people in your team.

To activate the contract, you need to make a Personal Volume of 70 PV. This means - through your new ID orders with a total amount of about 8,000 rubles. I recommend buying in the NL Store what you use regularly, and definitely Energy Diet / Smart.

Why buy all this? (Everyone asks)

  • These are truly first-class things that improve the quality of life.
  • You, as a network businessman, need the turnover of your structure. So far, only you are in your structure - so start with yourself!
  • You will receive an accrual of about 1000 rubles to your internal account, and make sure that the system works
  • You will open new blocks of the training system
  • You will have access to Mentor bonus accruals
  • You will have access to accruals according to the Marketing plan
  • The most important: You will get personal experience of using the products and the opportunity to recommend them. Networking is personal recommendations and work with people, and they will definitely feel if you start recommending something that you yourself have not tried

Of course, you can make Personal Volume with the help of Clients' purchases, but it is extremely important to buy yourself and get a "result". The result can be anything - fast / tasty / convenient / useful, etc. Yes, it will most likely not be original, but it will be your personal result, which will give you confidence that you are really promoting cool products.

Step four. Get familiar with the system

Complete all available blocks of the NBS training system (you can find it in the Personal Office). Understand what is Personal and Group volume, Delta account, Gift account, how the IDC system works, Marketing plan, how to withdraw money from the system. This is where a mentor can be of great help.

Step five. Start building a team

In NL, you can work alone - find clients and make personal turnover. But you can't make millions from it.

For serious earnings you need a team. A team can have 100, 1000 or 10,000 people. All real networkers tend to self-reproduce their team. This means that such people come to it who bring other people and so on.

You need to become such a networker. Create a constant influx of people you select for your team. Not everyone who comes to you will become real networkers and leaders, the majority will start “for health”, but over time they will merge. Be prepared for this and constantly work with new people. This is the key to success.

The larger the incoming flow, the faster the turnover of the structure will grow.

More than 16 years ago, girls and women learned about a Russian company that produces and sells Energy Diet - delicious and healthy cocktails that replace a complete and balanced diet. Many of them, having tried the novelty on themselves, having learned how to become a manager, decided to become partners of the company and distributors of products. Many have opened their own business and successfully earn money.

About how to work in nl international, start your own business, I, your future mentor, will explain to everyone in an easy and accessible way. You will learn how to attract buyers and partners, study in detail the sales market and possible turnover, and earn the first capital.

The main thing is that the work in the NL reviews indicate that everything that any entrepreneur faces at the initial stage of development is laid out on the shelves. That is, this is a ready-made model for introducing it into business, creating a turnover, and there is no need to invent anything new. And the reviews about the company are only positive, because it is a certified high quality product.

To get started, just send me an application to register you as a manager at NL International and you will learn how to start working at NLInt.

Become a manager of NL International

Know that working at nl is not an 8-hour day. It can be called a home business. The opening of new prospects will directly depend on your efficiency, self-improvement and the desire to create your own business.

NL International pays for the job! The first thing that is offered is free registration as a work partner. Second, free education! After all, it is not easy to raise a business from scratch without knowledge. And I will teach you how to work productively in nl international. You have to offer people good products for good money, that's all. And the financial model and loyal pricing policy will allow you to adequately compete in the sales market, developing and receiving passive income.

With the company it is easy to earn initial capital for further development.

Why do we increasingly prefer nl international? The answer is simple. Everything is that:

  1. There is no risk of losing the invested capital.
  2. There is no need to purchase goods, then store them for a long time.
  3. You can start developing with a small amount, gradually increasing your turnover.
  4. Work in nl does not imply full employment, it can be done in parallel with a permanent activity, according to the work book.
  5. There is a real opportunity to earn additional income.
  6. Nl international work does not start alone, there is always a mentor next to you who will help you understand all the nuances of a new business for you.

And most importantly, working from home is the dream of every person. And nl international gives this opportunity to everyone, regardless of age and gender. This is evidenced by numerous reviews of both experienced managers and just beginners.

Hello everyone, I would like to tell you honestly who I am and why you should register under me in business.

About me

My name is Ekaterina Ilyina, I have 2 red diplomas of higher education and I am a networker. Why, you ask? Because network marketing is a magical business and for some it is the only way to make big money, .

Why should you register with me

Like all people, I had stereotypes about network marketing, until I had to take responsibility for organizing the work of the DENAS-center, a Russian network company with an international presence. Therefore, I know firsthand what network marketing is, how everything works and where the money comes from (in the Denas MS corporation I have a large structure, leadership qualifications and my own warehouse).

I have experience in network marketing

And having such experience, I can note that partnership with NL international is fundamentally different from partnership with any other network company:

  • free office - by registering in the system, you can come to the office, hold meetings, buy products. It is free for you, you do not need to bear any costs for its rent, storage and transportation of products, monthly reporting, etc. I know what I'm talking about, because in my second network company I pay for my own office, and it costs a lot.
  • convenient online store - with the registration of the contract, you get access to your personal account on the site and the online store with referral links for your future clients and managers. All this appears automatically and again - absolutely free, you do not need to hire a person or contact a company to create an online store, fill it, promote it. No need to set up a payment system, delivery. Pay annually for domain and hosting. No matter how funny it sounds, but I know what I'm talking about, because. she herself created her own online store for her warehouse (, promoted it, optimized it and to this day bear certain costs for its successful functioning.

Adequate Mentor

I have no task to encourage you to buy on my id and so on. My goal, like any mentor / leader, is to develop and help each manager: with advice, answers, materials, etc. By registering under me, you will not be left floating with a bunch of questions in your head. For this reason, this site was created to sort through all the company's products, its competitive advantages, to tell in detail about the business and the meaning of cooperation with NL.

But also, as an annoying networker, I will not sit on your head shouting to quickly make a turnover in PV stops, register 100 people a day, pound with calls and letters, as some managers do, losing both their people and potential buyers and partners .

How to become an NL international manager without a mentor

If you are looking for an answer to the question: “How to register in nl international without a manager”, then register using the referral link below, I will send you all the materials for self-study to the specified mail, if it’s easier for you. Next, the choice is yours. When you understand that the mentor does not bite and is quite adequate, then the interaction will take place in a completely different way.

Powerful Structure

Having registered under me, you need to understand what structure you fall into - Network Monsters. My mentors are Oleg and Anna Chernyakhovsky DT 5 - maximum qualification. Above them is only space. Therefore, you will have the most up-to-date information, the coolest materials for building a business, which you will receive from me in stages after registration.

The choice is yours. Stop waiting. Go ahead, it's not scary.