Methodology for calculating the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of an advertising campaign Advertising evaluation

Accurately calculating the cost-effectiveness of advertising is very difficult, since this marketing tool usually does not give its full effect immediately. In addition, the growth in trade turnover is often caused by non-advertising factors, for example, a change in the purchasing power of the population due to lower prices, the expansion of the distribution network, etc. Therefore, it is almost impossible to obtain accurate data on the economic effectiveness of advertising. However, both advertisers and advertisers want to have at their disposal a means of evaluation, even an approximate one.

To calculate economic efficiency, advertising specialists use the following methods:

1. The ratio between the profit received from additional turnover caused by advertising events and advertising costs is determined by the formula:

E = Td Ch Nt / 100 - (Zr + P) (1)

Тд - additional turnover under the influence of advertising, monetary units;

Нт - trade markup per unit of goods, % of the selling price;

P - additional costs for the increase in trade turnover, monetary units.

The result of advertising activities can be: positive - advertising costs are less than the effect achieved; negative - advertising costs are higher than the effect achieved; neutral - advertising costs are equal to the resulting effect.

R = P P 100 / W, (2)

3. The economic efficiency of advertising can be determined by the method of targeted alternatives, by comparing planned and actual indicators, assessed as a result of investing in an advertising campaign. Efficiency is determined by the formula:

E = (Pf - Z)/(Po - Z) H 100 (3)

Pf - actual change in the volume of profit during the advertising period, monetary units;

By - planned change in the volume of profit during the advertising period, monetary units;

The effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising means is characterized by the number of consumers reached, the brightness and depth of the impression that these means leave in a person’s memory, and the degree of attracting attention.

The effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising on consumers can be determined through observations, experiments, and surveys.

The observation method is used to study the impact of individual advertising media on consumers. This method is passive in nature, since the observer does not influence the buyer in any way, but, on the contrary, makes observations unnoticed by him. According to a pre-developed scheme, the observer records the received data, which is then comprehensively analyzed. An observer, for example, notes which stand of a fair or exhibition-sale attracts the most attention from buyers, how long pedestrians linger at a particular display window, how many people enter the store after looking at the display window, which product on the display is of greater interest and what demand it is in .

The observation method allows us to evaluate the psychological impact of advertising in natural conditions, in direct communication between the consumer and a certain advertising medium.

When assessing the effectiveness of individual advertising media, it is first determined whether this means achieves its intended purpose. So, to determine the degree to which customers are attracted to outdoor advertising (window display), you can use the following formula:

where B is the degree of attracting the attention of passers-by; O - the number of people who paid attention to outdoor advertising (showcase) during a certain period; P is the total number of people who passed by the window during the same period.

Such data can be obtained from the readings of receipts punched on summing cash registers, and by registering the facts of purchase of the advertised product by cashiers.

An indicator of the effectiveness of means advertising the retail trade enterprise itself is the ratio of the number of store visitors during the period of use of these means to the number of visitors on average per day. These data can be obtained by observers or using a photocell.

When using the observation method, in all cases it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions: observation should be carried out on weekdays that are not characterized by increased intensity of customer flows (preferably in the middle of the week); The duration of observations depends on the nature of the advertising medium whose effectiveness is to be established.

Along with the observation method, the experimental method is widely used. This method is active. The study of the psychological impact of advertising here takes place under conditions artificially created by the experimenter. If during observation they only record how the consumer feels, for example, about a certain display of goods, then the experimenter can rearrange the goods and then observe the change in the reaction of buyers.

In the same way, the experimenter can create a variety of combinations of advertising media and, by comparing the reactions of customers, select the most successful one.

The study of the effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising through experiments in foreign countries has received especially wide development. This method is used to determine the impact of display displays, packaging, press advertisements, radio or television advertising on customers. So, if you need to assess the psychological impact of product packaging on the buyer, then the same product (for example, washing powder) is placed in different packaging.

The psychological effectiveness of an advertising medium such as an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine is determined by the following experiment. The advertisement includes a coupon with the text of a request to send a prospectus, catalog or sample. The buyer must cut out this coupon and send it to the trading company whose address is indicated in the text of the advertisement. Based on the number of coupons received from readers, the advertiser judges whether his ad was noticed in periodicals and whether the text of this ad turned out to be sufficiently convincing and interesting. However, it should be noted that the small number of requests received may be a consequence not of the low quality of the advertisements, but of the fact that the advertised product itself, for some reason, was not needed by customers.

The survey method also refers to active methods for determining the psychological impact of advertising. This method is labor-intensive, but much more reliable than others, since it allows us to directly identify from the buyer his attitude not only to the advertising medium as a whole, but also to the individual components of this medium. Using the survey method, you can evaluate the impact of an advertising medium on customers and determine which elements of its design attract the most attention and are better remembered.

To determine the effectiveness of a particular advertising medium, questionnaires are compiled, which, according to a pre-developed program, are brought to the attention of consumers in writing, in personal conversations, on radio or television. Analysis of the responses received allows us to draw appropriate generalizations and conclusions.

Conducting surveys requires a significant investment of time and the involvement of a large number of people. However, the results obtained cannot be sufficiently complete. After all, sometimes it is not clear even to the buyer himself whether he bought a product under the influence of advertising or on the advice of a friend, or was guided by some other considerations. In addition, sometimes verbally interviewing customers can make them wary. Therefore, it is more appropriate to ask them to fill out a questionnaire, outlining the objectives of the survey, so that the buyer knows its purpose and tries to answer the questions more accurately.

The effectiveness of an advertising event or a separate advertising medium can be expressed by the number of consumers reached by advertising, as well as by the amount of costs per viewer, reader, etc. Thus, the feasibility of publishing a newspaper advertisement in a particular print media is determined by determining the total number of people who will be able to read it (this number depends mainly on the circulation of the newspaper), or the cost of the advertisement per reader.

Advertising is one of the most mysterious areas of business activity: no one doubts that it is necessary. But how can we evaluate whether it is really worth the money spent on it, whether it has solved the tasks assigned to it, and whether it has made a profit? Further planning of advertising activities and its control during activities depends on the answers to these questions.

It is impossible to answer them unambiguously with mathematical accuracy, but in business practice, approximate methods are used to determine the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, which help to clarify the picture with the greatest possible accuracy.

Efficiency is all you need from advertising

It seems that everything is simple: compare how much money is spent on advertising and how much is earned from the advertised product. But the connection between these factors is too indirect, because profit depends not only on advertising, and advertising, in turn, can influence differently and on different objects. That is why there is no unified theory for assessing the effectiveness of advertising.

NOTE! Evaluating advertising effectiveness is also quite a costly exercise, so many organizations neglect this difficult and time-consuming procedure. Meanwhile, it is certainly useful, especially during periods of market decline.

To comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness, you need to examine the advertising campaign at all its stages:

  • when developing a strategy, benchmarks are developed, with which the achieved ones will then be compared;
  • during the implementation process - it is better to conduct several “slices” of effectiveness, at least two, to clarify the dynamics;
  • final of the advertising campaign - analysis of the achieved results.

What does advertising effectiveness consist of?

  1. Communication effectiveness, otherwise called information. This indicator reflects the number of potential consumers who saw (heard, recognized, etc.) the advertising message. In addition to the quantity, it is also assessed how the opinion of those in contact with the advertisement changed. In this regard, it is assessed:
    • quality of advertising presentation - how suitable the content and presentation of the advertising “message” is for its audience, whether the message is successfully placed, whether the form is chosen correctly;
    • memorability of key information - it is important that during advertising the consumer remembers at least the name of the organization or the advertised product;
    • impact on the motivation of potential clients;
    • formation of stable associations;
    • creating an opinion and attitude towards the advertised product;
    • features of a sustainable image of the advertising object;
    • ability to attract attention, etc.
  2. Economic efficiency– financial result of an advertising campaign. It is the most difficult to evaluate because it requires a clear mathematical approach, which is not possible in the case of advertising. The effect of an advertising campaign may be extended over time, and profits may depend on other factors. Approximate calculations are based on data on sales dynamics: the relationship between the profit supposedly received from a given advertising campaign and the costs of it is determined.

Rules for assessing advertising performance

These requirements are caused by the peculiarity and ambiguity of the object of assessment itself. To get the most reliable result, you should follow 5 key rules for assessing the effect of advertising activities:

  1. Profitability rule: advertising must generate profits that exceed or at least equal the costs of advertising itself. All other results indicate ineffectiveness. In other words, the game should be worth the candle.
  2. Rules for selecting criteria: you need to track changes consistently, and to do this, select specific positions that will be studied. It can be:
    • sales volumes;
    • number of customer requests;
    • turnover of goods, etc.
  3. IMPORTANT! Even with a comprehensive assessment, each criterion must be able to be assessed separately.

  4. Conversion Rule: What is important is not the advertising itself, but how it is converted into real and measurable performance indicators - the number of hits (clicks, calls), as well as the number of conversions of these hits into real sales.
  5. Rule of extremes: It is necessary to evaluate both the best and worst results in order to maneuver in the future between the means that caused such responses, achieving a “golden mean”.
  6. Rule of objectivity: You should not embellish the results obtained, since only an honest result of the analysis will help improve the effectiveness of advertising. Recording the failed effect of an advertising campaign will also be effective; it will show gaps in market knowledge and weed out incorrect marketing moves.

Methods for assessing the economic effectiveness of advertising

This is the most objective indicator, calculated in specific figures, based on data from financial documents. Advertising does not always show an increase in profits; often it is enough that it prevents losses. Let's consider various ways to calculate the ratio of financial factors of advertising:

  1. Comparison of turnover before and after advertising:
    • turnover level above expectations;
    • comparison of profit for additional turnover and costs of advertising itself.
  2. Calculating advertising profitability(how the result of each advertising campaign relates to its cost).
  3. Analysis of target alternatives– to what extent the objectives of the advertising campaign were achieved. It is measured as a percentage:
    EE = (Pr fact – Z r / Pr. pl – Z r) x 100%, Where:
    • EE – economic efficiency;
    • Pr fact – profit based on the action of the advertising company (in rubles for the selected period);
    • Etc. pl – planned profit for the same period;
    • Zr – advertising costs.
  4. MethodROI(from the English “Return of Investment” - “return of investment”). To measure the investment component of advertising effectiveness, use the formula:
    E r = (B before x P – B after x P) / Z r., Where:
    • E r – advertising effectiveness;
    • In before – revenue indicators before the start of the campaign for a certain period;
    • In after - financial data on revenue for the same period after the advertising campaign;
    • P – profitability of sales of the advertised product (the ratio of the price per unit minus the cost to the net price);
    • Zr – advertising costs.
  5. I. Berezin's method– the difference is calculated between the planned indicator without taking into account the influence of advertising and the actually achieved figures (according to the selected criterion - sales or circulation).
  6. Comparison with competitors– a similar product and a comparable time period are taken into account. Based on the analysis of the sales level, a conclusion is drawn about the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

Methods for assessing communicative effectiveness

Here the numbers will not play a key role, because the object of assessment cannot be expressed in them with complete unambiguity. To analyze this advertising factor, the following methods are used:

  • interview;
  • survey;
  • observation;
  • experiment (focus group) - in approximately equal markets, advertising is used first in the same and then in different proportions;
  • testing – tests for the main indicators of the psychological impact of advertising: recognition, memorability, attitude, image, etc.

For more accurate results, the assessment of the communication component of advertising effectiveness should be done in 3 steps:

  1. Preliminary estimate– helps to avoid miscalculations at the advertising preparation stage, which is important, especially in expensive projects. It is mandatory to check the following criteria:
    • relevance and reach of the target audience;
    • adequate form and content;
    • channels for placing and transmitting advertising “messages”, etc.
  2. Current control– evaluates the reaction to advertising in dynamics, when it can be adjusted.
  3. Final analysis– carried out after the completion of the advertising campaign, its results will affect subsequent advertising activities.

Advertising is a term derived from the Latin word “reklamare” - “to shout or announce loudly” (in Ancient Greece and Rome, announcements were loudly shouted or read out in squares and other crowded places).

Advertising is interpreted, in accordance with the Federal Law on Advertising, as information disseminated in any form, by any means, about an individual or legal entity, goods, ideas and endeavors (advertising information), which is intended for an indefinite number of persons and is intended to generate or maintain interest to these individuals, legal entities, goods, ideas and initiatives and facilitate the sale of goods, ideas and initiatives.

Buying on the market is always a choice, and in order for buyers to make it in favor of your company, they should be told about the advantages of your product, convinced of the benefits of purchasing it, and reminded of this from time to time. Therefore, advertising should be planned as a continuous process. Advertising, as a rule, accompanies a product on the market throughout its life, and often precedes its appearance.

In recent years, corporate advertising (branded advertising) has been used, which currently refers to the entire range of advertising that is not related to a specific product, but is designed to improve the image of the company.

Branded, or corporate, advertising can be used to achieve many goals: to inform the public about the company and its activities, determine the competitive position of the company in the market, attract qualified specialists, reflect personnel changes, increase the value of shares, strengthen the moral principles of employees, and also to avoid problems in relations with agents, dealers and clients. Previously, such advertising was designed only to create a good name for the company.

Modern advertising is an integral part of marketing. However, it is difficult to count on success if the advertising is good, but the product does not stand up to competition, has an unacceptable price, the distribution system is weak, the staff of sellers or service personnel is small, people do not meet the requirements of the business in terms of quality, qualifications, and the management of the company is not interested in consumer satisfaction with the product and their attitude towards the company after the purchase.

There are two broad areas of advertising research:

Advertising media are studied from the point of view of their ability to convey advertising to the target group. The customers for such research are publishing houses, radio and television companies. They are interested, for example, in the number of readers or viewers, their demographic and social characteristics, the differences between their consumers and consumers of other media, etc. This information is then presented to the businesses placing the advertisements.

Preliminary forecast of success;

Success monitoring, designed to examine whether the advertisement achieved its objectives and what conclusions can be drawn from the advertising campaign.

Since the creation and distribution of advertising is an expensive undertaking, it is necessary to have information about the chances of success even before publication. The starting point is the created advertising medium - ad, billboard, poster, etc. Only the relative presence of benefits can be measured, since there are no normative data on the effect of advertising. The disadvantages of this method are that the effect of repeated exposure is not determined and the environment that will surround the advertisement in reality is not taken into account.

Subjective and objective methods of preliminary prediction of success are highlighted.

Subjective methods are divided into:

Survey of experts - the method is not representative of the target group. A consumer may, for example, not understand an ad that has been approved by experts at all;

Consumer survey - there is a danger that, due to adherence to familiar patterns, new ideas that could attract increased attention will be rejected.

Objective methods can be divided (according to the areas of information processing when consumers perceive advertising) into research:

1) the process of perceiving information;

2) activation of information;

3) the ability of information to inspire trust;

4) degree of understanding of texts.

Advertising will achieve success only if the peculiarities of the human psyche are taken into account when creating it. The generally accepted model of advertising perception is considered to be the AIDMA model, which implies the following chain “Attention-Interest-Desire-Motive-Action”.

First of all, advertising must attract the attention of a potential consumer, which can be either voluntary or involuntary. Next, advertising must awaken the consumer's interest by influencing his intellect or emotions. If advertising manages to attract attention with its emotional side, then it must interest him with its content, cause one or another reaction, and stimulate a certain emotional state.

The impact of advertising depends both on the assessment of the advertised product contained in it and on the argumentation in its favor. If the consumer does not find such an assessment and argumentation, then the influence of advertising is significantly weakened.

Arguments can be divided into objective ones, logically revealing the essence of the advertised product, its distinctive features, and into those that evoke certain emotions and associations.

1) Information that the consumer wants to receive and, moreover, even looks for it. It is easy to understand and quickly remembered.

2) Information that is random for a person at the moment. It is either not remembered at all, or with great difficulty.

3) Information that is generally unnecessary for a person. The consumer does not pay attention to such advertising, and in some cases it can irritate him, for example, when it interrupts the showing of a program he is interested in, etc.

Consequently, as soon as a person realizes that the advertised product or service is exactly what he needs, he makes a decision, which is followed by action.

Objective methods for preliminary prediction of advertising success

The very degree of readability of the text, as analysts note, depends on at least three points:

firstly, on the legibility and clarity of the printed text, which must meet the sum of the requirements for the external design of advertising (fonts, punctuation marks, illustrations, etc.);

secondly, on the degree of interest that arises in the reader during the reading process;

thirdly, on the degree of understanding and persuasiveness of the text.

Whatever the advertising text, long or short, it should most fully reflect all the advantages of the product. It should be taken into account that consumers are unlikely to read a series of advertisements for the same product in the hope of reading in them something not yet indicated in others. Therefore, one must always assume that the advertisement competes simultaneously with other similar ones.

1. Ability to attract attention. It is very important how much the attention of readers is attracted by the headline, TV viewers by the video, and whether advertising affects precisely those categories of potential consumers for which it is intended.

2. The power of influence on the emotions of consumers of advertising: what feelings arise in them under the influence of advertising, how successful is the advertising argument and whether it is presented correctly.

3. Power of influence: will the viewer, for example, run after watching the advertisement to buy this product or will he remain sitting in his chair, despite the fact that he liked the advertisement and there is a need to purchase this product.

The advertising development process usually includes two stages. First, a decision is made on the structure of the advertising message, a central thesis (advertising argument) is developed, informing about the most important properties and distinctive features of the product, and the form of its presentation. Then they begin to develop the advertising material itself: text and style are developed, suitable words, colors and design solutions are selected. It should also be borne in mind that, as a rule, advertising is more effective when demand for a product increases than when it decreases.

The above functions are mainly performed by advertising agencies. They work with the firm in developing its advertising plan, including the choice of theme, medium of distribution, timing of the advertising campaign, preparation of the advertising product itself, and other aspects.

The Compagon method is often used to analyze magazine advertising. It consists in inviting a group of people as if for a survey. They are asked to wait in a room where there are magazines with embedded advertisements that are subject to analysis. Concealed from people's knowledge, their behavior is filmed and then analyzed with their consent. This way you can find out how many readers and for how long looked at the advertisement, and how they behaved while doing so. Finally, a survey is conducted to check the extent to which the advertisement is remembered.

Another method of analyzing perception is to use special glasses to track a person’s gaze while viewing an advertisement. At the same time, gaze paths, points and fixation times are noted. Data about the fixed elements of advertising and their sequence are very important, since information is perceived only during fixation, and its memorization depends on the number of fixation points.

Perception can also be measured using a tachistoscope. If advertising elements, such as the name of a product, are recognized after a short, immediate display, then this is an indicator of their visibility. It is also possible to identify spontaneous impressions, the first phase of the perception process, during which positive and negative attitudes towards the subject of advertising are formed.

The study of activation is to determine the strength of the emotional impact. To do this, they measure changes in skin resistance under the influence of bioelectrical processes caused by various stimuli, which sufficiently reflect the magnitude of the emotional impact, but the type and direction of the emotion are inexplicable using this method. In addition, the results of such tests are greatly influenced by extraneous phenomena: time of day, room temperature, stress from long periods of waiting.

To determine the degree of credibility of an advertisement, you can conduct a survey using a rating scale with the statement: “This advertisement is believable” and with extreme positions: from “very” to “not at all.” Respondents must mark the position that corresponds to their opinion. Spontaneous agreement or rejection can be determined using a special analyzer that has two buttons “+” as a sign of agreement and “-” as a sign of rejection, and the respondent must express his attitude immediately after the advertisement is shown, without thinking about it.

The degree of understanding of the text is checked by eliminating, for example, every fifth word. The greater the number of respondents who correctly completed the text, the more understandable it is considered.

For printed products, reach includes two components - circulation and transmission rate (how many times each copy reaches a new reader). For example, one copy of the newspaper “X” is read by approximately 5 people. In addition, the transmission rate for magazines is much higher than that of daily newspapers.

Sincerely, Young Analyst

An advertising campaign of any type of product or service is multi-component and therefore its effectiveness depends on many factors: on the content and form of the message, on its compliance with the means of distribution (newspaper, magazine, television, radio, etc.), on its size, on time and number of publications or airings. Advertising generally achieves best results when:

There is a complex of positive solutions;

The optimal placement frequency was calculated.

Each unaccounted factor can affect efficiency in the most negative way. In principle, the better the advertising, the fewer placements in advertising media it requires to effectively influence potential consumers.

Assessing the ratio of sales volumes and profits before and after the campaign and the amount spent on it;

Assessing the change in the percentage of awareness of the target advertising audience about the advertiser, his trademark, products and services.

Indirect assessments of the effectiveness of ongoing advertising events are also used:

Systematization and analysis of information on the progress of product sales, as well as consumer responses containing a positive or negative reaction to the ongoing advertising campaign;

Organization of accounting of orders received during an advertising campaign for the supply of goods or requests for additional information (the number of requests, sources of advertising information are recorded - advertisements, exhibitions, oral communications, etc.);

Analysis of media publications containing information about consumer attitudes towards the advertiser, his product, as well as the market reaction to advertising and marketing events.

According to Antipov, three different approaches to assessing the effectiveness of advertising should be distinguished. These approaches evaluate different effects, different effectiveness of advertising exposure.

You can speak:

1) on mediametric assessment of advertising effectiveness;

2) econometric assessment of advertising effectiveness;

Mediametric assessment implies a numerical, quantitative assessment of advertising placement parameters: total rating, frequency of contacts and other indicators characterizing the effectiveness of media tactics of an advertising campaign. Such assessments are carried out both at the planning stage and during the implementation of the campaign and after its completion. The most effective campaign will be considered to be the one that has achieved the maximum possible mediametric indicators for a specific budget (cost of advertising).

Econometric evaluation of effectiveness involves determining the economic effect of an advertising campaign, namely, a comparison of funds spent on advertising and additional funds received as a result of the advertising campaign. This issue in the theory and practice of advertising is the least studied, since advertising, being a powerful sales catalyst, is not always aimed at a short-term, immediate economic effect. In addition, advertising is only one of the factors that has a serious impact on sales.

However, econometric estimates can provide a fairly accurate picture of advertising effectiveness when we measure the effectiveness of direct response advertising, i.e. certain tactical efforts in the advertising field aimed at immediate, short-term economic effect.

Most often, an advertiser wants to know what effect large-scale advertising campaigns bring, the budget of which is a significant cost part of his budget. In the vast majority of cases, we should talk about assessing the communicative effectiveness of advertising.

From the point of view of communication theory, the purpose of advertising is not so much to provoke direct changes in sales volumes, but to participate in the process of forming a “given” public opinion regarding a particular commercial idea, modeling the consumer’s attitude towards a brand, his behavior in the market, mythologizing the properties of the promoted product, forming positive stereotypes, working on product or brand recognition, building brands, developing a favorable image, etc.

In his presentation of methods for determining the communicative effectiveness of advertising, Antipov relies on the work of Joel Jay Davis with some reference to Russian practice.

Generally speaking, most of the existing methods for assessing or testing the communicative effectiveness of advertising can be divided into two categories.

Pretesting, or research done to determine the most effective creative strategy, occurs before the campaign begins. The strengths and weaknesses of the advertising plan are determined.

Post-testing, or research designed to determine the effectiveness of implemented advertising activities. Carried out during or after the end of the campaign.

In the most general case, pretest and posttest surveys answer the following questions:

Do you like or dislike the material?

Has the audience understood the key message contained in the ad?

Do the creative decisions made contribute to the perception of the message? If not, what was accepted and what was not?

What was the audience missing from the message or misunderstood?

Bernadskaya examines economic efficiency in more detail.

To calculate economic efficiency, advertising specialists use the following formulas:

1) Calculation of additional turnover under the influence of advertising (see formula 1):

Td = Tc * P * D / 100, (1)

where Td is the additional turnover caused by advertising events, rub.;

Tc - average daily turnover before the start of the advertising period, rub.;

D - the number of days of accounting for turnover in the advertising process;

P - relative increase in average daily turnover during the advertising period compared to the pre-advertising period, %.

E = Td * Nt / 100 - (3p + Rd), (2)

Тд - additional turnover under the influence of advertising, rub.;

Нт - trade markup per unit of goods, as a percentage of the selling price;

Рд - additional expenses for the increase in trade turnover, rub.

The economic effect of longer promotional activities should be determined using formula 3.

E = T (Ip - I) * V * N/100 - Zr, (3)

T - turnover, rub;

(Ip - I) - increase in the average annual turnover index due to the advertising event;

Er = Pr - Zr, (4)

where Pr is the increase from the sale of goods during the period of the advertising campaign, rub.

The economic effect of advertising events can be: positive - advertising costs are less than additional profit; negative - advertising costs are higher than additional profit; neutral - advertising costs are equal to additional profit.

P = (P/Z)*100%, (5)

P - additional profit received from advertising the product, rub.;

K = (Pf / Po) * 100%, (6)

where K is the level of achievement of the planned level of profit (%);

Pf - the actual amount of profit for the period of advertising (RUB);

By - the planned amount of profit for the advertising period (RUB).

In the work of Vasiliev and Polyakov, evaluative and analytical methods for the numerical assessment of communication advertising are separately distinguished.

Evaluation methods of advertising research aim to measure the effectiveness of completed or nearly completed advertising. Based on them, decisions are made about whether or not to run advertising further. Experts classify them as follows:

1. Direct, based on determining the direct impact of advertising on buyers, suppliers, experts, company employees, random persons, government officials. In this case, the significance of advertising is revealed through surveys or testing of consumers, establishing its rating in the eyes of the consumer, scoring or evaluation by analogues;

2. Indirect, based on survey methods, comparative methods and calculation methods.

In survey methods, a survey is carried out and counts those who called by phone, fax, E-mail, as well as customers and visitors to the company. Advertising effectiveness (Er) is determined by the number of contacts - consumers over a certain period of time (see formula 7).

Er(t) = Ncr(t) - Nк(t), (7)

where Ncr is the number of consumer contacts after advertising;

Nk - number of contacts;

t is a period of time understood as the period for assessing the effectiveness of advertising.

dt=Er(t)/Z, (8)

To avoid losses, it is necessary to rethink advertising, consider the seasonality factor or pause it. It should be borne in mind that the period for evaluating efficiency should not be shorter in time than the period of recognition and formation of the company's image.

Comparative methods are based on comparison: sales effectiveness depending on types of advertising at various intervals; advertising and the number of new clients; advertising costs and the number of buyers; advertising volume, advertising costs and sales volume.

Calculation methods are based on the addition of efficiency components determined by direct or comparative methods. So, to determine the degree to which customers are attracted to outdoor advertising (window display), you can use formula 9.

where B is the degree of attracting the attention of passersby;

P is the total number of people who passed by the storefront in the same period.

D = K/S, (10)

C is the total number of customers who made a purchase in the store.

The more readers are reached by advertising, the lower the cost per person will be. Advertising implementation (B) is the ratio of persons (PR) who remembered your advertisement to the number of persons who did not remember it CN (see formula 11).

B = CZ/CH = CZ/(CZ+CHN), (11)

Such data can be obtained from the readings of receipts punched on summing cash registers and by registering facts of purchase of the advertised product by cashiers.

Analytical methods represent a multi-parameter system. Parameters expressing the effectiveness of an advertising campaign can be the following:

Acquiring image, reputation, loyalty;

Additional involvement of customers in consumption (the stability of regular customers indicates the ineffectiveness of advertising);

Increasing repeat purchases by regular customers;

Correct perception of the “delayed survey effect” after an advertising campaign;

A large number of methods for assessing the effectiveness of an advertising campaign are considered in the work of Kutaliev and Popov. It is noted that researchers now have a fair number of methods at their disposal to study these issues, both qualitative and quantitative. On the one hand, the qualitative approach allows us to evaluate a wide range of statements, and the quantitative approach allows us to obtain numerical estimates. But the inquisitive human mind is less and less ready to put up with such an inevitable dilemma. There is nothing to be done, a person will always want both at the same time. Therefore, it was quite logical for the so-called hybrid methods to appear in research practice, combining the advantages of both the first and second approaches. The most interesting here is the Q-method - a rather fresh solution to the problem, not without originality. It is qualitative in the sense that it uses small samples and tests a wide range of opinions, and quantitative in that the data is analyzed using sophisticated statistical procedures.

Research into advertising effectiveness is one of the important and promising areas of modern marketing research. The main objective of advertising effectiveness research is to try to predict its impact on a firm's business activities. The need to conduct advertising research is also due primarily to the fact that decisions in the field of advertising activities are made under conditions of certain risk and uncertainty.

When studying the effectiveness of advertising, the communicative (psychological) and economic effectiveness of an advertising campaign are distinguished. The psychological impact of advertising should ideally lead potential consumers to purchase this product. This is why advertising is created, which is distinguished by its brightness, originality, euphony, which is easy to remember and does not cause irritation. How strong and positive the psychological impact of advertising on a person’s consciousness is, the more cost-effective it is. Therefore, economic efficiency usually depends on communication efficiency; in other words, the level of sales of goods depends on the degree of psychological impact of advertising on the consumer.

Monitoring the results of an advertising campaign is an integral part of marketing control. The control process provides for periodic comprehensive or in certain areas objective verification of the company’s advertising activities, that is, a comparison of planned and actually obtained indicators. The main task of control is to check the correctness and effectiveness of the marketing concept itself and the product distribution strategy, including advertising activities.

> determining the difference between planned and actual expenses for an advertising campaign?;

1. Conducting an audit, i.e. a situational analysis, which should provide “photos” of the company’s activities, including advertising. As a result, it becomes possible to have a point for calculation or a basis for comparison. At this stage, the real values ​​of the indicators at the time of the analysis are determined.

2. Establishment of planned values ​​and standards (goals and norms). The rationalization of goals must be carried out, that is, the determination of what advertising action, for what product, in which target group and when needs to be done. Norms must have quantitative meaning. For example, increase sales volume by 10%, increase target audience awareness of the company’s product from 40% to 55%.

3. Determination of actually achieved results for a certain period (day, week, month, quarter, year).

4. Comparison of actual values ​​with planned and standard values.

5. Analysis of comparison results, which makes it possible to make changes to planned values ​​and standards or during an advertising campaign.

The purposes of monitoring the company's performance are:

> monitoring the impact on the sale of goods of those advertising events that were planned during the development of the company’s advertising campaign;

> control of communicative indicators of consumer attitudes towards the company, its products, advertising messages and the media that are used during the advertising campaign;

> control of budget expenses for an advertising campaign;

> control of presentations, fairs, exhibitions, etc. and the expenditure of funds for these events.

Department store owner John Wanamaker famously said, “I know that half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, but I never know for sure which of the two halves is wasted.” Therefore, constant analysis of the effectiveness of promotional activities should be carried out.

Analysis of the effectiveness of advertising events can be carried out in several directions: determining the feasibility of advertising as a whole, calculating the effectiveness of its individual means, determining the conditions for the optimal impact of advertising on potential buyers.

The effectiveness of advertising by commercial companies is determined through research. They include a survey of the most typical representatives of the advertising audience. In particular, it is worth finding out what exactly they know about this company; what they see as the advantages and benefits of purchasing a product or using services, how they learned about the existence of the company; how they understand advertising; what they like about it and what they don’t; What should be changed or added to it?

It is only possible to estimate the economic efficiency of individual advertising activities or campaigns as a whole. It is impossible, for example, to distinguish between the effectiveness of advertising and the results of consumer contacts with other people, the influence of seasonal sales or random circumstances, such as price changes or the disappearance of a competitor. Relative economic assessment of advertising effectiveness consists of comparing:

1) sales volumes or income received before and after the advertising campaign;

2) the ratio of income received to allocations for advertising.

In practice, the economic efficiency of advertising is most often determined by determining its impact on changes in turnover. To identify the extent to which advertising influenced the growth of trade turnover, operational and accounting data are analyzed. It should be borne in mind that in addition to advertising, the sale of a product may be affected by its quality and consumer properties, price, appearance, location of the trading enterprise, level of customer service culture, and the availability of similar products for sale.

Additional turnover under the influence of advertising is determined by the formula:

where Td is additional turnover under the influence of advertising, UAH; Tc - average daily turnover before the advertising period, UAH; P - increase

where E is the economic effect of advertising, UAH; Тд - additional turnover under the influence of advertising, UAH; Нт - trade markup on goods, % of the selling price; Ш - advertising costs, UAH; S/d - additional expenses caused by an increase in trade turnover, UAH.

In this case, the resulting effect from the promotional event is compared with the costs of its implementation. The results of such a comparison may be as follows:

However, the data obtained is not enough to determine the economic feasibility of spending on various promotional activities. More precisely, the feasibility of advertising costs characterizes its profitability.

The use of the proposed indicators has certain limitations: firstly, it is impossible to isolate the impact of advertising events on increasing turnover; secondly, it is incorrect to reduce the objectives of advertising only to increasing trade turnover.

The following indicators allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising placement activities, as well as make a comparative analysis of the activities of competitors.

The basic indicator that is used to calculate others is the rating. The rating reflects the popularity of a particular TV channel over a certain period of time. Taking into account the specifics of conducting research on the TV audience in Ukraine, this is the ratio of the number of viewers (channel or program) to the entire population of regional centers of Ukraine:

When calculating indicators characterizing an advertising campaign, the following are calculated:

GRP (Gross Rating Points - the total rating value) - characterizes the intensity of the advertising campaign that took place over a certain time. This indicator is a universal equivalent that is used to compare advertising campaigns that occurred at different periods of time and were carried out by different advertisers. Formally, GRP is the sum of ratings for the most general target audience (the population of regional centers) for all outputs of a particular advertisement during a specified period of time:

where n is the number of outputs.

Note that a certain group of people can be included in several ratings simultaneously, so the sum can exceed 100%. In advertising practice, a prominent television advertising campaign gains more than 100 GRP. An advertising campaign is considered powerful if the GRP value exceeds 1000 GRP.

TRP (Target Rating Points - rating value for the target audience) like GRP, however, characterizes the intensity of the impact of a certain advertising campaign on the specified target audience. TRP is the sum of the ratings for a given target audience for all exposures of a particular advertisement during a certain period of time.

Most often, TRP is compared to GRP. The higher the TRP/GRP ratio, the more effective the advertising will be or was on the selected TV channels. A higher TRP value in relation to GRP indicates greater popularity of the media for a given target audience compared to the overall value.

Most advertisers strive to convey their advertising message specifically to a specific target audience, which is a potential consumer of the product being advertised. Therefore, to analyze the effectiveness of selected TV channels in terms of reaching a specific target group, it is important to compare TRP with GRP.

In addition to this comparison from GRP TRP, it is important to determine the price for advertising. When purchasing advertising time at the cost of 1 GRP, with skillful planning, you can achieve much better results for the target audience than for the entire population, which means reaching 1% of the target audience will cost less.

The number of exits is also one of the characteristics of the intensity of an advertising campaign. Number of outputs - the number of submissions of a specific advertising message during a specified period of time. This indicator does not take into account spending or popularity characteristics, but is the basis for other calculations.

Reach characterizes the number of people who watched a particular advertisement during a specified period. In other words, reach is the percentage of the number of people who have seen a particular advertisement or promotional campaign over a given time and who belong to a particular target audience, to the total size of the target audience.

Reach makes it possible to estimate how many people received the information contained in the advertisement. This figure cannot exceed 100%.

CPP (Cost Per Point - the cost of 1 rating point) is an indicator characterizing the effectiveness of advertising on television in terms of cost - this is the cost of reaching one percent of the target audience. In other words, CPP reflects the amount of money that should be spent on television advertising in order to familiarize one percent of the target audience with the advertising message.

On television, the most commonly used indicator is 60" (or 30") CRR, since the cost of advertising is affected by the duration of the advertising message.

CPP is one of the most important criteria by which the media in which advertising is planned are selected.

CPT (Cost Per Thousand - cost of a thousand contacts) is an indicator similar to CPP. Like CPP, CPT characterizes the effectiveness of advertising on a particular TV channel, but the unit of comparison is not the percentage, but the population in thousands of people. Consequently, CPT is calculated as the cost of one output with certain temporal, spatial and other characteristics to the average population in thousands:

The use of CRT is advisable when the researcher is not interested in the percentage of a given target audience, but in the number of people who watch the advertisement. This need arises when comparing SRT of different target audiences.

We should not forget that advertising is only one of the marketing tools that influences the sales of goods. That is why, when assessing the effectiveness of advertising, a set of conditions and factors are taken into account that contribute to or hinder the achievement of marketing goals.