Look like a million: how to make money renting dresses. How to successfully rent out your favorite wedding dress

Evening dresses for rent

For the holidays, everyone wants to be beautiful and at the same time dress up, firstly, in something new, secondly, in something far from everyday clothes, and thirdly, it is desirable that it does not hit the pocket too much. For these three reasons business idea for women renting clothes for festive events will always be cost-effective. I myself had to rent an evening dress for my teenage daughter for the New Year and I still remember with pleasure that for a very small fee (about 200 rubles) we received a wonderful dress for the evening. He was immediately adjusted to his height, and according to the daughter’s choice, they added trim to the corset, a necklace on his neck and a tiara on his head.

Fortunately, after the publication of this material, a specialist in this field, Natalia Ionova (DressRent), responded to it. She commented on the main points. I added these comments, without changes, in red font.

Evening dresses rental

For implementation business ideas for renting evening dresses It is enough to purchase 30-50 evening dresses and gradually increase their number.

Natalia's comment: “Initially there should be at least 200 dresses, 50% of them should be black or dark, 30% short and at least 30 with sleeves. This is the minimum you should start with, a smaller number of dresses does not make sense, the promotion costs will not pay off. Clients will leave with nothing.”

While trading women's clothing, I noticed that if you have 7-9 women's dresses of each size, you can be sure that in 95 out of 100 cases the buyer will choose something for himself. We count - 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, - 10 most popular sizes for 7 dresses = 70 pieces. This is what we must strive for in order for the business to generate stable profits.

Natalia's comment: The very popular size 40 is not taken into account; these are usually young, slim girls who are extremely interested in beautiful dresses, but without the funds to buy them. Sizes 50-60 are a failure, buy only if you really love people, it’s a dead-end branch, such ladies simply don’t bother to rent, they usually have some kind of set for going out, but they no longer believe that they can find something new and not expensive .

My comment: Apparently different sizes are popular in different places. Where I had stores, high school girls, that is, girls from the 8th grade already have at least sizes 42-44. I can count all the size 40 dresses and suits sold in three years on the fingers of one hand :).It seems that before purchasing dresses for rental, you need to find out more precisely about the most popular sizes at the location of the point.

Gradually you need to add smaller and larger sizes, clothes for children and men, etc.

Natalia's comment: “There is no point in expanding the line to include children and men, it greatly smears the audience of possible customers, but does not generate profit, the demand is minimal, among children prices are minimal."

What other things can be rented besides evening dresses? While collecting material for this article on the Internet, I discovered that there are a lot of options and therefore, quite often, salons start a business with one thing, gradually expanding the range.

Wedding dress rental

There was a previous one on this topic, I just want to add that, of course, it is not necessary to specialize only in them. It would be reasonable to offer outfits for bridesmaids, relatives of the bride and groom, girls participating in the wedding ceremony, etc.

Rental of children's carnival costumes

Rental of carnival costumes

Of course, carnival costumes are most in demand for the New Year, but do not forget that matinees, concerts and other costumed events are not uncommon in kindergartens. Therefore, try to establish constant contact with children's institutions, make friends with companies that organize children's parties and children's creativity centers.

Rental of masquerade costumes

This type of clothing brings the greatest profit during the New Year. But little by little, fancy dress costumes are always ordered. After all, schools and universities host KVNs, discos and theme nights, and nightclubs organize costume parties. Don’t forget that Halloween is gaining popularity every year, which means costumes of zombies, skeletons, witches and other evil spirits are needed not only for the New Year’s carnival.

Rental of theatrical and historical costumes

They are in demand for school performances, KVNs and amateur troupes that cannot afford to sew or buy new costumes. In general, this is rather an opportunity to expand the range and range of consumers of your services by purchasing cheap costumes left over from some performance or filming.

Costume rental for role-playing games

The role-playing movement is quite popular in our country and is often carried away by young people who cannot afford to often buy or sew the necessary clothes to order. Moreover, not only clothing is required, but also shoes, hats, weapons, armor, jewelry, etc. What should a student do, who in this game portrays an orc in skins, a horned helmet and an ax, in two months intends to turn into an elf with an elegant sword, in chain mail and high boots, and in six months he will depict a Polish gentleman in a caftan with fur trim and red boots? Don’t doubt that when he sees your ad, he will come running :)!

Rental of erotic costumes

Role-playing games happen not only in the forest, but also in bed, and rental of such outfits, as well as accessories for them, can, with good advertising and a regular clientele, bring a stable income. After all, such things are very expensive.

Rental of erotic costumes

SHOW costume rental

Such clothing is needed for exhibitions, fairs, presentations, professional events and cooperatives; these are costumes for sailors, builders, medical workers, etc. Let these outfits be ordered from catalogs first, then you will gradually increase your assortment without incurring unnecessary expenses.

Accessories for rent

In addition to renting clothes, you need to gradually acquire a fairly large variety of accessories for them. This could be shoes, belts, hats, fake weapons, jewelry, wigs, face painting, etc.

The price range in this business is quite large. After looking through a bunch of advertisements, I saw that the minimum was 350 rubles (for a children’s carnival costume), the maximum was 12,000 rubles (for a branded evening dress). Make sure to cooperate with manufacturers of evening dresses and carnival costumes, even if you sew the outfits yourself. The client, having looked through their catalogs, may well choose something interesting for him, and you, having received money from him for rental, will recoup the costs and the next rental of this outfit will already bring net profit. By the way, you shouldn’t focus only on rentals; if a client wants to buy a dress, let him buy it, the main thing is that it also makes a profit.

Natalia's comment: “The cleaning aspect is also not taken into account, and the connection with this is the purchase of a quality dress, an increase in the price of the deposit, but the ability to clean it at least 10 times before writing it off. It’s also better to include the cost of cleaning directly into the rental price, otherwise clients tend to return the dress “very clean” and don’t do the cleaning themselves.”

Read about how to register payment for services in the picture; in my opinion, it’s a very good option:

Rules and rental prices. Example from the site secret-agent.ru

Seasonal variations

The peak of work is the New Year - about ten days, starting from December 27. Although they start booking suits much earlier. You will need everything here - evening dresses and carnival costumes, both for children and adults.

Natalia's comment: « On December 27th it is almost the low season, the maximum peak is the beginning of December until the 22nd.”

The number of people wanting to rent clothes in June, before school graduations, also increases greatly. Moreover, evening dresses are needed not only by graduates, but also by their mothers, so you need to take care of updating the range of clothes of all sizes. In general, customer activity increases before most holidays, so you should try to have some updates for any of them.

The success of this business ideas for women largely depends on advertising. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to acquire your own website, establish partnerships with those involved in organizing holidays and other events where your services may be needed, as well as with schools, kindergartens, theater studios, creative groups, etc. Advertising in the media will also not hurt, at least at first, when there is still a catastrophic lack of regular customers.

Natalia's comment: “Advertising in the media will eat up all the income, it is very expensive and practically does not generate target customers. It makes sense to collaborate with magazines, TV and Internet projects, only on the basis - you have material about us - we will give you a free dress for your event, but there is a bottleneck here, if it’s free, then the dresses are often spoiled, a deposit is usually very disciplined for clients.”

My comment:“Actually, when I mentioned advertising in the media, I was thinking rather not about business in Moscow, but about . I myself have more than once had to place advertisements in local newspapers and on the radio like “A new batch of goods has arrived at such and such a salon...”, it was very inexpensive and brought good results.”

Also, don't forget to groom and nurture regular customers once you have them. Give them discounts, inform them about new products, offer bonuses, etc.

Natalia's comment: “Everything is correct here. Our clients are everything, mostly very nice ladies. And how nice it is to see how their eyes light up (both times), the first when they take the dress, the second when the deposit is returned.”

Thanks again to Natalia for the useful advice, I hope they will really help someone avoid mistakes when organizing such a business.

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    Dmitry at 22:51

    The idea is really good, a year ago my wife and I decided to start renting carnival costumes, made a website: costume-rental.rf, and also created a group in contact: vk.com/kostum063. And they made the first purchase of suits for about 70 thousand rubles, they sold them in the first year. The main demand is at the end of the year, i.e. New Year and Halloween holidays, then all the money was also used to purchase the next batch. I can tell you there is demand, even taking into account the competition...


    Rudana at 17:43

    How can I contact you?


    Julia at 14:57

    But I don’t agree about the sizes. Somehow it turned out that sedentary work + taking hormonal medications, and I, from a slender girl of size 36, grew into a woman of size 52-54. Stress! Shock!!! But, just now I’m old enough to attend all sorts of events in my position, where my colleagues and partners go to in designer outfits... And here’s the opochka... It’s not fun for me to buy a dress and wear it once. This is not why I went on business trips for 10 years. And I rushed to look for rentals (the company is 10 years old, a cool event for the TOP, in a cool place with a cool program) - it’s very difficult to find sizes 52. Are there really not enough young ladies like this? Yes, that's enough! I'll tell you. We’ll just rummage through rental sites, look at M-glasses with S-glasses... And we wander off spending money on purchases, piling up mountains of unnecessary rags in our wardrobe... And just like that, we waste heaps of money... There are a lot of events, but we can’t afford to dress You can wear an evening dress - only once...

    So, if I were the entrepreneurs, I would look at us, women, dragging our bodies out of offices and putting them in cars... What should we do? And we, by the way, are quite a financial audience...


    Alexandra at 22:38

    Great article. I came across this business myself a couple of days ago, my daughter was wearing a dress for a competition for March 8th. We are a province, that’s why we have 2 unfortunate salons, and complete monopolists are their owners. Many girls there also took dresses - all with one voice: they took dresses from that evil aunt. The attitude towards clients is disgusting, they say, you can’t go anywhere, you’ll still come to us. So I think it will not be easy to oust such “evil women”. In addition, significant start-up capital is required.

The site has been in the works for several months, and work on it is still ongoing. We would like the client to visit our website and spend a minimum amount of effort to order. It is known that Russian users do not like to register on websites, so we made registration quick and as simple as possible. As soon as we opened, clients started calling us, and the first question they asked was “Where can I try on a dress?” We are also constantly asked whether our dresses are as beautiful as in the photographs. This is an amazing question for us. What does “just as beautiful” mean? It turns out that many people had previously looked for the opportunity to rent a dress via the Internet, but often there was one thing in the photo, but in reality it was completely different. And we decided to open a fitting room.

The premises where we are now are temporary. We rent a small room in a beauty salon on Mayakovskaya from our friends. Here clients can try on the dresses they have chosen. For now, this is quite enough, and the advantage is the convenient location in the city center. We also store our dresses here, but their number is increasing every week - soon we will still have to expand.


Initially we had 25 dresses. Now there are more than 50 of them, and new models arrive every week or two. All our dresses are classic, we don’t have anything outrageous. They are rented a limited number of times: each has its own “lifespan”, after which we replace it.

Prices are standard. Almost all cocktail dresses cost 5,000 rubles, and floor-length dresses cost 6,000 rubles, this is the maximum price. Moreover, their market price varies from 25,000 to 85,000 rubles. Now we buy dresses ourselves or through intermediaries in Europe and the USA.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 8 minutes


When an idea to organize your own business arises, it means that it’s time to start implementing it. Renting elegant and carnival clothing will bring good profits if you organize your business correctly. A novice entrepreneur must understand all the intricacies of the enterprise in advance. Decide how best to organize a clothing rental service. Prepare the necessary documents...

Features of the business of renting carnival costumes and evening dresses from scratch

The main feature of the business is its seasonality. The maximum workload for rental employees occurs, of course, during the New Year holidays. Back in November, queues of people wishing to celebrate the New Year in an atmosphere of fun and happiness form. By the end of December, carnival costumes are no longer available.

  • Mandatory attribute of the New Year are the costumes of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Therefore, there should be a lot of them and preferably of different sizes. It is also necessary to include in the assortment costumes of snowflakes, bunnies, bears, the Snow Queen and other entertaining characters. They will definitely be sorted out. Additional profit will come from the sale of body paints, masks, and wigs.
  • For Halloween Suitable costumes for werewolves, vampires, and zombies. On Last Bell Day, Soviet-era school uniforms with white bows and aprons are popular. These are practically all significant holidays when costumes are rented en masse. From time to time, clients may come in looking for outfits for photo shoots, matinees and theme parties.
  • To earn money all year round , experienced businessmen add evening dresses to the store’s assortment. Not every woman will risk spending money on buying an expensive dress and wearing it once. Most often it then collects dust in the closet. But the idea of ​​saving money and using rental services will appeal to many.

I would like to note one more feature of the business of renting carnival costumes and evening dresses. Clothes rental outlets are most in demand in megacities and regional centers. In small towns, such enterprises close quite often.

Advice : If you use imagination and invention to help, then you can do business under any conditions.

How to organize a rental point from scratch: where to start?

Organizing the activities of rental points from scratch includes several stages.

Registration of a business for rental of fancy and carnival clothing

When starting your own business of renting fancy and carnival clothing, the first step is to legalize it.

To do this, an entrepreneur needs to visit the tax office and submit documents for:

  1. If cooperation with other companies is envisaged, then LLC will be the best choice. Moreover, legal entities operate under a simplified tax system.
  2. If there are no plans to expand the enterprise and attract new employees, then it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. In this case, the entrepreneur can work under a patent.

Reference: When registering an individual entrepreneur and filling out form P21001, a beginning businessman should indicate OKVED code 71.40.9, which provides, in addition to household products, rental of clothing, textiles and shoes.

After visiting the tax office and completing legal documents, you still need to contact the pension fund, order a stamp and contract forms for working with clients. At this point, the process of registering a business can be considered complete.

Clothes rental location

When choosing the future location of a clothing rental store, a novice entrepreneur should know that in high-traffic areas and shopping centers you can attract more customers. It is advisable to open rental points in the central part of the city, where it is always busy and full of people: in areas of pedestrian zones and shopping arcades, next to expensive boutiques, metro stations, near public transport stops, etc. In residential areas, residents of nearby neighborhoods can use the rental service.

Advice: A successful location of a retail outlet is an important component of successful business development.

Rent of premises for rental of carnival costumes and evening dresses

For a store renting carnival costumes and evening dresses, a premises of up to 50 sq.m. will be sufficient. with front entrance and large window. Naturally, on central streets the rent for such space will be high. However, the costs will pay off in a few months if the business is run correctly.

To equip the store you will need:

  • Racks for storing carnival costumes and accessories.
  • Equipped area for trying on clothes with a large mirror.
  • Hangers for things.
  • Mannequins.
  • Exhibition showcases.

The premises must be equipped with utilities and fire-fighting equipment in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Inspectorate and SES.

Necessary equipment for setting up rental:

  1. Several large mirrors (in the hall and fitting room).
  2. Comfortable furniture (sofa or armchairs) for customers waiting in line or order fulfillment.
  3. Racks on which costumes and outfits are placed. Usually they are installed along the walls of the room - along its perimeter.
  4. Special shoe racks.
  5. You can't do without glass display cases with locks. They are filled with accessories.
  6. Rental of suits is always accompanied by their fitting to the customer’s figure. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a sewing machine, overlocker, iron and ironing board.

Attention . You can entrust the washing of clothes to an outsourcing company by concluding an appropriate agreement with it. You should choose a company that does not only dry cleaning, but also hand washes (often expensive items cannot be machine washed).

Selection of an assortment of carnival costumes and evening dresses

The assortment is selected mainly based on the seasons. For example, when opening a business in the spring, the main emphasis is on evening dresses - the time for proms is approaching. When starting work in the autumn, it is necessary to take into account the New Year holidays (not forgetting about Halloween), when, along with evening dresses, there is an incredible demand for carnival clothing.

They are expanding the line of offers with children's outfits for performances. The clothes of various animals and heroes of popular fairy tales are in demand throughout the school year.

Note . The collection is filled mainly with popular sizes designed for standard figures. Popular models should be available in several sizes.

Several ways to save money in the process of forming an assortment - where to look for outfits at a good price:

  • Studying online catalogs to purchase illiquid models from manufacturers. Save up to 60% on similar sales.
  • Discounts in fashion boutiques or offers from stock stores.
  • Individuals are keen to get rid of chic outfits that have been worn no more than twice, for only half the price. This is why it is important to view classified ads.
  • In clothing markets, outfits with minor defects are sold without any extra charges - at the purchase price. For an experienced seamstress, it is not difficult to turn an illicit item into a chic evening dress.
  • Cooperation with young fashion designers is a partnership on mutually beneficial terms. A businessman buys designer clothes at reasonable prices, providing the author with advertising for his creations.

Attention . Saving on fabric quality is unacceptable. Poor material accelerates the wear of products and contributes to the loss of their appearance. On average, a suit should last at least three years, a dress - up to two years.

How to promote a business for renting fancy and carnival clothing from scratch?

Conventional advertising in the media is an expensive pleasure with low effectiveness. However, free advertising on the Internet will not hurt. In addition, in the promotion process, an important role is played by the website, which contains photos of the entire model range, information about new products and provides the opportunity to place an order online.

An effective way is to distribute business cards and flyers to the target audience, including posting advertisements. It is important to understand where to distribute and paste, as well as who will distribute.

What promotion methods should you use:

  1. Stay up to date with city costume events . It is appropriate to place an advertisement near the relevant poster containing the coordinates of the salon that provides suits for rental. This advertising method of conveying information to the client ensures a significant influx of clientele.
  2. Strong contacts with educational institutions (Universities, schools) also contribute to business promotion. If any event (concert, play, etc.) is planned that requires special costumes, the administration recommends to participants a company that provides rental services.
  3. We should not forget about photographers and event organizers and numerous entertainment venues. Having partnership agreements with entertainment professionals significantly speeds up business promotion.
  4. Regular private clients, mini-theatres, photo studios and other organizations are usually offered a system of discounts.

Ready-made business plan for rental of carnival costumes and evening dresses: calculation of costs and payback periods


Monthly costs:

The idea of ​​creating a rental service for evening and cocktail dresses in Moscow came to my mind when I gave birth to my 3rd child. I shared it with my sister, also a stay-at-home mom, and found a strong response from her. Indeed, the life of a modern girl is so full of various events (dates, prom, business cocktail, friend’s wedding, all kinds of parties, visiting nightclubs, various exhibitions, corporate events at work) that sometimes there is not enough time to go shopping, but you want to look good Always.

How often, while looking through glossy magazines, we want a designer dress, although we realize that its cost is unreasonably high, and wearing it a second time for an event is already bad form. We quickly came up with the name of the service - dress rental.

We tried to operate with simple, well-known words: Dress (dress) and Rent (rent), it turned out Dressrent.ru, and in the Ru zone: prokatdressa.rf. Main business concept is an online service, where using the size table and various filters (color, body type, desired length, brand, neckline, sleeve length) you can choose the best option, which will be delivered directly to your home.

Why renting dresses is so much more convenient than buying them

When renting a dress, you do not have the headache of storing and dry cleaning an already used item. Your closet is not replenished with unnecessary items of clothing. We have set the rental price from 1500 to 2000 rubles. for a dress for 3 days and 2 nights. The bottleneck of our business has become the “collateral”. We thought for a long time what to do, to make renting a dress more affordable for the client. All collaterals were divided into 3 groups: up to 5 thousand, 5-10 thousand, 10-15 thousand rubles. We chose budget brands with an optimal price-quality ratio (1st group of collateral), and well-known designer brands (2-3rd group of collateral). In addition, we have reduced the collateral value of each item by 2 thousand rubles.

We are now launching the program DressRent Club (or as we call it "100 Friends of DressRent"), which allows you to buy a dress with a deposit of more than 6,000 thousand rubles, while paying only 6,000 rubles. A participant in the program receives a card for temporary use (there are 100 such cards issued in total) and can use our service without thinking about a deposit, choosing the model he likes from the entire assortment. Almost immediately the question of additional options arose. We have provided for this too, and now you can rent a clutch and evening outerwear: a bolero, jacket, cardigan or cape, which is important when it comes to a cool evening.

Where to buy dresses for later rental?

The second important question that we had to solve: "Where to buy dresses?" The dresses presented in Moscow rental stores were not pleasing, either self-tailored by an unknown designer, or models that were strange in configuration and quality of material. We decided to study this issue thoroughly and came to the conclusion that there is nothing better than buying dresses in the USA. Why? Each dress there is a work of sewing art, many are equipped with silicone tapes for better fastening, hooks, zippers hidden from view, padded bodices and other pleasant little things that allow the dress to fit perfectly on the figure.

Hire (rent) of dresses - what sizes are relevant

Initially, we did not plan to have large sizes (50-56), but then we revised our policy, as it turned out that plus sizes were also quite in demand. Now we have a fairly wide product line from the smallest to the largest sizes. There are dresses, trousers, skirts and evening blouses, assortment for pregnant women (future mothers). Almost every dress is in one copy, which means you have no chance of meeting your friend or work colleague in the same one. We are still improving our service and are happy to consider suggestions and suggestions for improving it.

We have ensured that each client receives maximum information on the chosen model of dress or jacket: composition, sizes available for rental, read about the designer, and even reviews of other clients about this item. The site maintains a social blog, in which we post weekly articles about dresses, evening fashion and related areas: choosing evening makeup, shoes, handbags, current trends, as well as wedding and prom topics.

Let your business bring you aesthetic pleasure and make your customers happy :)

If a client has difficulty choosing a dress and size based on a photo, what is the best thing to do?

You can always call and consult with our manager, who can explain step by step how to measure yourself using a centimeter tape, and how to use the filter on the website.

Have there been cases when a client ruined a dress or did not return it, what do you do in this situation?

Yes, such cases have happened, we understand that we are all human and there are different situations and circumstances. A deposit system helps partially compensate for non-returns, and if a dress is damaged, a fine will be charged equal to the cost of restoring the item to its original condition, if possible.

We tried to provide for all force majeure situations in the contract and its annex. When deciding to buy a dress from our service, the client has the opportunity to review these documents, weigh everything and assess the possible risks.

Does the client have the opportunity to come and choose dresses himself or do you only offer him delivery by courier of several options?

The courier system is designed primarily for the convenience of the client himself. But, if it is difficult for you to decide on the model and size online, we are always happy to see you in our office at Milashenkova 1 on Yablochkova St. 21 A. You can try on whatever you want and choose the best option. Fitting is carried out by appointment. In addition, in our office there is always about 10% in excess of the assortment that is presented on the website.

How long has your business been in business?

Our business is relatively young, we have been in business since November 2013.

What are your goals for its development, what do you plan your business to be like in a few years?

Plans for the near future include opening DressRent service points in all districts of Moscow. In the future, we are planning to conquer other large cities, and then regions.

How did you solve the issue with start-up capital? Maybe they took out a loan or subsidy from the state...

The starting capital in our business amounted to 600,000 rubles, we shared these costs equally with my sister. This amount was enough to have an assortment of about 200 dresses, software modified for a rental service and a website on the Internet. Of course, it is hardly possible to start in this business with less money. At this stage, we invest all funds received from renting into expanding the range.

Today DressRent is preparing a franchise for those who would like to start such a business in the regions. See the catalog of franchises for women's businesses on BizMama.

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In the life of every girl there are special days, festive events, and important events. At this moment you need to look beautiful and elegant. Fashion trends change with each season, so it is not always possible to purchase a dress from the latest fashion collection for a particular event; in this case, renting a fashionable look can be a solution. Organizing a dress rental salon is an interesting and fairly new direction in the field of fashion services.


In the USA and Europe, this type of service is in great demand, as evidenced by the millions in profits of rental salons. In the Russian service market, dress rental is only gaining momentum and popularity. Therefore, at present it is quite possible to occupy your niche, since the market is not yet completely saturated.

The most relevant area is the rental of wedding and carnival dresses, prom dresses and related accessories.

It is advisable to open a rental salon in large cities with a population of at least 500 thousand people.

Registration and organization of business

The first step when opening a dress rental salon is to register with the tax authority and obtain the appropriate certificate. Individual entrepreneurship is an ideal option in case of independent organization of a business; if several founders are planned, then it is necessary to register a limited liability company.

For the provision of each service it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the client.

Therefore, you should seek advice from an experienced lawyer and professionally draw up the contract form, taking into account the rights and obligations of the parties. Another important step is to open a bank account and order a seal for drawing up contracts and the necessary reporting documentation. The final step will be registration with state social funds.

Location and premises

The attendance of the establishment and its prestige depend on the correct location of the dress rental salon.

It is worth placing a boutique:

  • in shopping and entertainment centers;
  • near clothing stores;
  • close to brand stores;
  • near beauty salons.

The required room area must be at least 20 square meters. m, otherwise it will not be possible to properly equip the sales area and place the goods, and customers will become uncomfortable.

In addition to the exhibition hall, additional areas should also be located:

  1. Several fitting rooms.
  2. Mini studio.
  3. Small storage room for dresses.
  4. Bathroom.
  5. Staff room.

Interior and equipment

In order to make it comfortable and pleasant for clients to be in the room, as well as to create a feeling of celebration, it is recommended to plan the interior of the salon in advance. It is necessary to develop the basic concept of the establishment and, following it, think through every detail of the interior.

The room should not be very large, but with high ceilings and windows so that daylight conveys the beauty of the dress. In order for the client to be able to admire himself in full growth, it is advisable to equip the sales area with large mirrors and lighting fixtures.

Necessary equipment:

  • comfortable furniture for waiting for visitors;
  • mannequins for displaying the best specimens;
  • racks for accessories;
  • hangers;
  • steamer;
  • computer or laptop, router for Wi-Fi connection;
  • plasma TV;
  • sewing machines.

Purchase of dresses

In order for a collection of dresses to be relevant and in demand, it is necessary to have knowledge in the field of fashion, as well as to understand the quality of fabrics, styles, sizes, and have impeccable taste and sense of style. Purchasing the first batch of dresses is a very important moment.

You should analyze fashion trends and watch shows of famous designers in the media.

Next, following fashion trends, purchase the necessary goods in accordance with the season. For example, from June to September wedding dresses will be in great demand, in May – prom dresses, and before the New Year holidays, evening and carnival dresses.

The salon range should include:

  1. Wedding Dresses.
  2. Evening.
  3. Cocktails
  4. Carnival.
  5. Accessories - jewelry, gloves, hats, clutches, handbags, scarves.
  6. Shoes.

It is important that dresses and accessories look harmonious and match each other in color and texture.

All dresses must be new or dry cleaned.

If the initial capital is small and does not allow you to purchase the entire required range of goods at once, then it is better to purchase several dresses from a well-known brand and of good quality.

Possible procurement channels:

  • from catalogs of famous designers;
  • through online stores;
  • boutiques and clothing stores;
  • concluding supply contracts with factories.


After decorating the salon and purchasing dresses, the next important step is the selection of personnel, as they play a key role in the success of the business. In the process of expanding the business, it will be impossible to cope with the work process on your own, so qualified specialists will help make the establishment more popular and visited.

For a dress rental store you will need the following staff:

  1. Stylist-consultant - to work with clients.
  2. Administrator – to resolve organizational issues.
  3. Seamstress - can work part-time as orders are completed for adjusting dresses to size.
  4. Accountant – for maintaining documentation and reporting.
  5. Bayer is a purchasing specialist who focuses on fashion trends and replenishes the product range.


To increase the prestige of the establishment, it is worth participating in fashion exhibitions, holding shows in the salon and presentations of new collections, as well as developing a system of discounts for regular customers.

Pros and cons of business

The main disadvantage of this business is seasonality.

The most popular periods will be the wedding season, New Year's holidays, and graduation parties.

Another negative point in this area of ​​business is that this type of service requires a relatively long time to gain the trust of customers, so only an impeccable level of service will bring popularity to the establishment.

Advantages of opening a dress rental salon:

  1. Small initial investment.
  2. Low level of competition.
  3. A new direction in the provision of fashion services.
  4. There is no need for a large number of employees.
  5. A promising line of business.

Financial component of business

To organize the work of the salon, minor investment injections will be required, the profitability of the business is 30-45%. The main share of the costly part of the investment will be the purchase of dresses and accessories for them, so this issue must be approached as responsibly and professionally as possible.

Cost of opening and maintaining

The costs of opening a salon depend on the region, quality of materials and level of service.

The average initial investment ranges from 600,000 – 1,000,000 rubles.

This amount includes costs for:

  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of the first collection of dresses;
  • renovation of the premises.

Business maintenance costs:

  1. Rent.
  2. Communal payments.
  3. Staff salaries.
  4. Payment of tax contributions.
  5. Mobile communications and Internet.
  6. Promotional events.

Amount of future income

The profit of the salon will depend on the segment of customers for which the establishment is designed. Luxury collections have the largest profit margin and quick payback.

On average, the cost of one dress rental service is 25-35% for the middle segment and 40-50% for expensive and branded items.

In order to increase income, it is advisable, in addition to renting dresses, to sell the necessary accessories to complete the look. A properly planned and wide range of products, as well as effective marketing, will bring success to your business. The money invested in the purchase of one dress pays off in three to four rentals. The amount of income per month ranges from 60,000 rubles – 80,000 rubles at the initial stage.

Payback period

The initial investment pays off within 9 – 18 months.

It all depends on the correct and professional approach to organizing a business. Opening a dress rental salon is not only a new and interesting niche in the service sector, but also very promising. If fashion is your calling, then the business will bring, in addition to stable profits, great pleasure from the work done.