How much does a manager earn? How much does a sales manager earn?

The manager profession is one of the most common. Without exaggeration, we can say that no company can or cannot exist without managers. You can work as a manager both in lower positions and in senior positions. One of the main advantages of this profession is the absence of the so-called “ceiling”.

A professional manager has the opportunity to constantly improve his skills, develop professionally and count on salary growth. Many people wonder how much a manager earns. There is no definite answer, since much depends on the field of activity and professional qualities of the employee himself. Let’s try to figure out how much managers earn on average, depending on their field of activity and position.

Manager Responsibilities

First, let’s define who managers are, in what areas they can work, what is included in their responsibilities, and what influences the final salary. The profession itself implies the presence of management functions, a penchant for logical thinking, making forecasts, and working with people. In most cases, the employee is responsible for managing and distributing current tasks among other employees.

However, not all managers are managers. For example, the position of sales manager does not imply managerial functions. The job responsibilities of such an employee include working with clients: both with existing ones and searching for new ones.

A tourism manager is a consultant who works for a travel company. Responsibilities include selecting and arranging tours for clients, consulting on the country, hotels, existing excursion programs, and so on.

A hotel manager is a hotel or hostel employee who is responsible for accommodating guests.

A car sales manager is an employee who advises clients of car dealerships. He helps you choose a car, prepares documents, accepts payments, advises on various loan products, and so on.

HR Manager - recruits new employees for existing vacancies. Posts vacancies on various websites and in recruitment agencies, conducts interviews and surveys of applicants.

A bank manager is a bank employee who advises clients on various banking products. Can process deposits, accept documents for processing loans, issue credit cards, make bank transfers and payments.

Content manager is a new specialty that very often involves remote work. The employee’s responsibilities include working with content for websites or public pages on social networks. Experienced content managers can collaborate directly with copywriters and freelancers on various exchanges, place orders for the creation of texts, check and accept the work done.

A financial manager is an employee of the accounting or financial department of an organization.

A project manager is an employee who is responsible for one or more projects in an organization, distributes tasks, and monitors their implementation.

How much do managers in Russia earn?

All young professionals go through approximately the same path. On average, beginning specialists can expect a salary of 10-20 thousand rubles per month. With increasing experience and skills, over time you can begin to receive a salary of more than 40,000 rubles per month. Experienced sales managers can earn from 100,000 rubles per month or more.

The above salary amounts apply to ordinary employees. If we talk about Top Managers of various companies, they receive salaries of a completely different order. Top managers are usually classified as management personnel. They are directly involved in managing other people, setting and distributing current tasks, monitoring their implementation, and are responsible for the efficiency of the entire organization as a whole.

Therefore, the salaries of Top Managers differ sharply from the salaries of ordinary employees. In large Russian companies, in addition to regular salaries, managers also receive annual bonuses, the size of which directly depends on the effectiveness of their work. A top manager of a large company can receive more than 1 million rubles.

How much do sales managers earn?

The vacancy “sales manager” is one of the most common on job search sites. In most cases, you can get a job as a sales manager without any special education or work experience. However, the main part of the salary is accrued depending on the results of work.

Sales managers, as a rule, receive a very small fixed salary and bonuses from sales. Bonuses can reach 40% of sales volume, but not everyone can organize a large volume. Therefore, organizations are constantly recruiting new employees, as staff turnover remains at a high level. At the end of the probationary period, not all employees remain employed.

A new salesperson's career often begins with cold calling. Many cannot withstand constant refusals and leave disappointed, never achieving great heights in their careers and salaries.

Experienced sales people who are truly experts in their field can earn from 100,000 rubles per month or more. It all depends on the personal qualities of the employee himself, on what services or goods he has to sell, whether he works in the retail or wholesale market, and so on.

What does the salary depend on?

How much a manager earns depends on many different factors. However, as mentioned above, in most cases, the salary paid out consists of two parts: the basic salary and bonuses (or a percentage of sales).

Unlike other specialties, sales managers have a fixed salary that is very small. On average, it can range from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles per month. Most of the salary comes from sales bonuses. Their size directly depends on the employee’s performance and the sales volume that he was able to organize over the past month. In this way, the employer encourages employees to work harder and work more efficiently, because the size of the final salary depends on the result of work.

In the end, how much a sales manager earns per month will depend on factors such as:

  • type of product or service,
  • seasonality,
  • the quality of the products or services offered,
  • price, industry affiliation,
  • wholesale or retail.

All these factors together have a significant impact on sales volume and, accordingly, on the final salary. In reality, even those employees who work in the same positions in the same company can receive completely different salaries. How much a manager receives per month largely depends on the qualities of the employee himself: his experience and skills, dedication and activity.

Average salary of a sales manager

The average salary of an employee depends on the city of residence and the company’s field of activity. In general, in the market, salaries in large cities are 30-70% higher than in the regions. How much do sales managers earn in various cities of Russia, according to the portal

Moscow 40-140
Saint Petersburg 50-140
Vladivostok 30-110
Volgograd 20-80
Ekaterinburg 30-80
Kazan 25-80
Krasnodar 35-80
Krasnoyarsk 30-90
Novosibirsk 30-100
Rostov-on-Don 35-80
Sochi 40-80

How much do tourism managers earn?

With the remuneration of tourism managers, a similar trend has developed. Salaries in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities significantly exceed salaries in the regions. The average salary is 20-30 thousand rubles per month, but the seasonal factor plays a huge role here. In the high season, the salary can reach 50,000-70,000 rubles per month or more, and in the low season it can be as low as 10,000 rubles.

City Salary in thousands of rubles per month
Moscow 40-80
Saint Petersburg 30-90
Ekaterinburg 25-60
Kazan 15-50
Krasnodar 20-40
Krasnoyarsk 20-50
Nizhny Novgorod 15-45
Novosibirsk 20-40
Rostov-on-Don 15-50

It is quite difficult to say unambiguously in which area it is best to work as a manager. A lot depends on the personal qualities and preferences of each employee. Some will find themselves in sales, while others are more comfortable getting a job in a bank. According to statistics, the largest number of people work in the field of wholesale and retail trade. If you have certain personal qualities and work experience, you can count on a salary much above average.

Who becomes a sales manager? People from a wide variety of specialties are involved in this field. There are lawyers and teachers, technicians and engineers, drivers and absolute humanitarians. In fact, education is not that important for a new manager. The main thing is determination and communication skills. Of course, basic psychologist skills will not be superfluous.

How much does a sales manager earn? There is no clear answer to this question - the amount of remuneration for work, perseverance and perseverance varies greatly. It's time to figure out what makes up the average agent's salary.

Classic formula

It is not difficult to guess the average agent salary. To answer the question of how much a sales manager receives, it is enough to use the following formula: a fixed part (essentially a salary) + a percentage of the volume of goods or services sold. As a rule, the fixed part is deliberately made minimal in order to spur agents to fruitful activity. Modern companies call this employee motivation. Most often, this principle works, since the employee understands that he gets exactly as much as he puts in during his work.

The salary of a sales manager depends on many factors, including the competitiveness of the product, its demand and seasonality, the number of employees in the department, the influence of economic and even political situations.

Specifics of professional activity

Before answering the question “How much does a sales manager earn?”, you should get acquainted with the professional features of this specialization. So, for example, depending on the season it can be “sometimes thick, sometimes empty.” This most often concerns a travel agent who finds it difficult to sell tours in winter. An employee can receive one large order or complete 15 small ones, and the amount of remuneration will not be much different.

Before taking a job as an agent, it is important to understand how much a sales manager should receive and what factors determine the size of the remuneration. It is worth finding out in advance whether the employee will have to look for clients on his own. For example, there are active and passive sales, the specifics of which determine the average agent’s salary.

How much does a sales manager earn?

On average, a manager's salary can be represented as follows:

  • The average fixed salary in Moscow is from 400 to 800 dollars per month.
  • In St. Petersburg, the salary ranges from 400 to 600 conventional units.
  • The general salary in Moscow is approximately 800-2500 dollars.
  • In St. Petersburg - from 700 to 2000 USD.

The answer to the question of how much a sales manager in Moscow earns depends on the specifics of the activity.

Wholesale trade is the most common field of activity of agents. Managers are required in companies that are engaged in the wholesale sale of food, alcoholic beverages, plumbing fixtures and other consumer goods.

Retail trade is an equally common area of ​​activity for sales managers. However, this is where highly qualified employees with extensive experience are required. The main goal of the agent is to sell an exclusive product (real estate, car, luxury furniture, etc.).

According to reviews, selling specialized services is the most difficult professional activity, since the manager is essentially selling air. Marketing research, advertising, outsourcing, consulting and recruiting - all this should be sold by an agent. The peculiarity of this area is the inability to calculate income and your salary.

Sales manager at a car dealership

This specialization deserves special attention, because this particular person gets a unique opportunity to become not only the owner of a substantial remuneration, but also to work in a prestigious place where wealthy clients often come.

It’s easy to guess that a sales manager is an official at a car dealership. It is this person who meets the client at the door, accompanies him at all stages of the purchase, and also often becomes a consultant throughout the entire warranty period of the purchase.

Based on all this, we can put together a so-called “psychological portrait” of a successful sales manager at a car dealership. First of all, he is an attractive young man of neat appearance, with a loose tongue and the proper level of charm. Of course, relevant knowledge and skills are important that will allow you to sell a particular car model. It is unlikely that a girl who has completed a manicure course will be able to quickly sell a car to a wealthy businessman. How much interest a sales manager receives depends on professional skills.

The mathematical side of the coin

The Russian car market is in second place in Europe. This means that there is always a demand for a good manager. A professional specialist must have psychological skills and also be stress-resistant.

At one time (approximately 2006-2008), the Russian car market experienced the so-called “golden” season, when queues lined up for certain brands of cars, and on weekends one could meet much more people at car dealerships than at the grocery market. At that time, the question of how much a car sales manager earns did not particularly worry applicants - it was clear that a qualified specialist would be able to earn enough not only for bread and butter, but also for a loaf of caviar. For example, the average salary of just yesterday’s graduate of a capital university could easily exceed the 100,000 mark. This “holiday” ended as quickly as it began - a financial crisis broke out, which led to the dominance of the Russian car market.

The profitability of an enterprise largely depends on the work of a sales manager. The ability to negotiate, establish connections and present the best properties of the product being sold are the main qualities of a successful specialist.

Revenue in Russia

The salary of a sales manager depends on the region in which he works and the product sold. Experience work plays a very important role - each new deal becomes easier and profits increase.

Average income by region of the country (in rubles):

  • Oryol region – 72500 ($1182);
  • Republic of Ingushetia – 70,000 ($1,142);
  • Chuvash Republic – 68,500 ($1,117);
  • Republic of Tyva – 60,000 ($978);
  • Kamchatka Territory – 55,450 ($904);
  • Tomsk region – 50,000 ($815);
  • Primorsky Krai – 45,000 ($734).

Remuneration for salespeople consists of a fixed base and a percentage of sales of goods or services.

In many cities of the Moscow region, the average income level of specialists is 50000 rub. ($815). Those engaged in wholesale sales of equipment and services are paid 40000 ($652), equipment – 35000 ($571), advertising – 30,000 rub. ($489).

Minimum income level - for those involved in the sale of household goods, communication services, food products, household appliances and furniture. Their starting bid is from 30,000 to 35,000 rub. ($489 – 571).

Middle managers at the initial stage earn from 50,000 to 70,000 rub.($815 – 1142). They work in the fields of construction, advertising, legal consulting, insurance, technology and transport.

Top managers are engaged in sales elite real estate, businesses and equipment. Their starting salary in Moscow is 100 – 150 thousand rubles.($1631 – 2446) per month.

The table shows the profits of professionals depending on their field of activity and place of residence and work:

Place of work salary in RUB salary in USD City
Post office 15000 245 Arkhangelsk
Bank 28000 457 Belgorod
Retail network 50000 815 Bryansk
Construction materials sales company 58000 946 Vladivostok
car showroom 55000 897 Volgograd
Svyaznoy company 46700 762 — / —
Insurance Company 50000 815 Kazan
Computer store 20000 326 Kovrov
IT sales 100000 1631 Moscow
Rostelecom 70000 1142 — / —
Real estate sales company 40000 652 — / —
Transport company 53000 864 Novosibirsk
"Eurasia" for car sales 35000 571 Omsk
Factory 30000 489 Rostov-on-Don
Sale of plumbing 55000 897 Saint Petersburg
Miratorg company 21000 342 — / —
Advertising agency 50000 815 Stavropol
Wholesale organization 100000 1631 Khimki
Sberbank of Russia 26473 432 Krasnoyarsk

Working in popular Russian companies, specialists earn:

  • Euroset – 34158 ($557);
  • ER-Telecom Holding – 22466 ($366);
  • MTS retail network – 30971 ($505).

By selling cars, the manager earns from 59,000 rub.($962), in Moscow his income level exceeds 80000 ($1305). Sales of auto parts brings 50 – 55 thousand($815 – 897) salary, rolled metal – 64 – 66 thousand($1044 – 1076), real estate – 58 – 75 thousand($946 – 1223), and fuels and lubricants – 100,000 rub. ($1631).

Fixed salary in Moscow – from $400 to $800 per month, in St. Petersburg – $400 – 600 . Total income in the capital – from $800 to $2500, and in the city on the Neva - from $700 to $2000.

Calculation of specialist's profit

Managers' income depends on many factors:

  • product competitiveness;
  • consumer demand for it;
  • seasonality (for example, summer shoes are sold only in summer);
  • number of employees in the department, their activity;
  • influence of the economic situation in the country.

Profit consists of the following parts:

  1. Salary is the main stabilizer of managers’ work. Determined through employee testing.
  2. Bonus – 30–50% of salary, awarded for intensity of work. It is enough to hold 2–3 meetings and 10–15 productive calls to potential buyers.
  3. Employees can calculate the bonus themselves. It depends on the profitability of the transaction.
  4. Planned indicators are an increasing coefficient when the sales plan is exceeded and a decreasing coefficient when it is not met.

Many enterprises have developed a system in which sales employees receive income depending on efficiency the work of the entire team.

A close-knit team of professionals usually achieves great success.

Income in CIS countries


The minimum wage for sales agents in Ukraine is 200 – 400 dollars. Average level - from 400 to 1000 USD, and the maximum – up to 1500 bucks.

  • Odessa region – 15,000 ($573);
  • Ternopil - 12,000 ($458);
  • Transcarpathian – 11,000 ($420);
  • Kyiv – 10,000 ($382);
  • Vinnitskaya – 8000 ($306).

Average earnings in Kyiv – 10250 UAH($392), and in Ukraine – 10000 ($382).

The table shows the income of specialists depending on their field of activity:

Mid-level employees receive 8 – 10 thousand UAH($306 – 382). Top managers – from 20 to 30 thousand($764 – 1146), sometimes – up to 45000 ($1719).

Regional representatives earn (in UAH):

  • Kharkov region. – 20,000 ($704);
  • Kyiv – 12500 ($478);
  • Nikolaevskaya – 12,000 ($458);
  • Zhytomyr - 10,000 ($382).

Depending on the position held, professionals receive (in UAH):

  • sales department assistant – 80,000 ($3,056);
  • sales specialist – 17,250 ($659);
  • import manager – 15,000 ($573);
  • distributor – 14250 ($544).


According to statistics, the salaries of sales managers in this country are at a very low level.

Depending on the field of activity, they receive a salary in the amount (in Belarusian rubles):

  • commercial company – 242 ($121);
  • JV Genty-Spedition – 303 ($151);
  • wholesale company – 152 ($76);
  • Baviservis – 61 ($30);
  • retail chain – 152;
  • Akvatekhnika-M LLC - 121 ($60);
  • Expert Center – 182 ($91).


The average income of professionals in the country corresponds to 133800 tenge($410). In Astana - 201800 ($619). Maximum profit – 308 thousand($944). In the oil and gas sector they receive 197930 tenge($207). The most successful managers earn up to 3281645 tenge($10061) per month.

Profits of foreign colleagues

Work in the sales department in USA estimated at $21/hour. The income of American professionals varies between $31,120 and $106,385 per year. Wholesale sales specialists earn $31/hour or $5480 per month.

Average salary for professionals in Germany2500 euros. By selling cars, they get up to 2000 euros. Remote work for a sales agent assistant is estimated at 1500 USD The same amount is paid as a fixed minimum and an additional percentage of successful sales is paid.

International Transactions Manager at Amsterdam, receives income 92370 euros in year.


To get such a job, you do not need to have a higher education.

Many companies themselves train newcomers, providing them with free courses and training.

Employers prefer young and promising people with a pleasant appearance, competent speech and communication skills.

  1. Companies « Stroygarantservice", Moscow, requires a specialist in the field of wholesale sales. Responsibilities: cold calling, visiting offices and construction sites, concluding contracts. Education – higher, or secondary, with experience in active sales. Salary – 100,000 rubles. ($1631).
  2. A printing salon in Moscow invites an experienced employee to promote printed products. Salary – 50,000 ($815).
  3. Company GC ROLF, St. Petersburg, is looking for an agent to sell cars to VIP persons. Experience from 1 year. The bet is 70,000 ($1,142).

How much does a sales manager earn for cars and other goods?

5 (100%) voted 1

In modern dynamic life, managers are found in almost every sphere of society. Moreover, they can work at any level of the company, from its lower employees to management. The peculiarity of the profession is that it is almost impossible to achieve a professional maximum - there is always room to grow.

Managers may be assigned various management tasks, including developing a strategy for the company as a whole. In the current conditions, the need for qualified employees in this category not only does not decrease, but is also constantly growing. People who are just about to enter the profession are especially interested in the question, how much do managers earn? The answer to this may vary.

What do managers do?

Based on the characteristics of the company, managers can work in almost any position. Traditionally, they are assigned managerial functions. There are also options for remote work for such employees.

First of all, the manager is required to have the ability to think logically and objectively assess the situation, as well as to make forecasts. It is he who distributes current affairs among lower-level employees of the company, and subsequently monitors the correctness and quality of the assigned work. In many cases, managers think through exactly how to achieve a particular goal for the company. Knowledge of the basics of office work is a necessary quality for a professional employee.

What does income depend on?

The answer to the question of how much a manager earns depends on many factors. But the total amount is made up of classic components, for example, salary, that is, a fixed payment amount combined with interest and bonuses for completing assigned tasks.

What are the nuances? The peculiarity of managers at any level is that the smallest part falls on a fixed amount. This is the main incentive for active work in the future.

This type of motivation on the part of the employer is very effective. Employees receive the amount they actually earned.

How much a sales manager earns is also influenced by other factors. To the greatest extent, it depends on the demand for the products offered and its seasonal fluctuations, along with competitiveness indicators. Important factors in the work of a manager are the effect of political and economic components and the number of employees in a particular department.

How much does a manager earn on average?

How much managers earn is primarily determined by:

  • characteristics of the company's industry;
  • region of work.

In practice, even in companies with similar work, employee incomes may vary. They depend on the activity of the employee himself, the fruitfulness of his work and work experience.

So how much does a manager earn? At the initial stage of his working life, his salary is about 20-40 thousand rubles. Experienced specialists receive 80-100 thousand rubles monthly, and in some structures even more.

Top managers of leading companies have millions in income.

Sales manager income

How much sales managers earn always consists of a fixed component and a certain percentage of sales. A person should receive as much as he works. Moreover, it also depends on the quality of the work performed, along with such specific parameters as the nature of sales and their average cost, and the scope of activity.

On average, sales managers can work in areas such as:

  1. Retail trade. Usually concerns expensive goods like cars. Therefore, highly qualified specialists are required here.
  2. Wholesale trade. It is relevant for food products, construction and packaging materials, and other areas.
  3. Sales of services. Managers specializing in this area have special specifics of work. It is difficult to calculate the final benefit here. We are talking about working with recruiting, advertising, outsourcing, consulting, etc.

Income of managers in the Moscow region

The average salary of specialists in Russia differs significantly from its value by region. The highest wages are typical for Moscow. So, when answering the question of how much managers earn in Moscow, the amount will most likely range from 50-100 thousand rubles and more. Lower rates are set for those who work in the insurance and construction industries. The highest incomes come from employees specializing in the sale of luxury real estate, advertising, and equipment.

In many ways, the final amount of earnings of Moscow managers depends on the specific company and its level, the specifics of the work, as well as the experience and position of the employees.

Income of tourism managers

Many people are concerned about the question, how much do tourism managers earn? Their work is interesting, although not easy. According to recent studies, employees in this field receive from 30 thousand rubles monthly. But the amount has a regional reference, as well as pronounced seasonality.

Employees of large travel companies with extensive work experience have higher incomes. They have sufficient experience to work with the most demanding clients and maintain sales at a high level.

The greatest income in this area is typical for those who specialize in organizing so-called VIP tours, as well as business tourism, which has become popular in recent years. A good knowledge of foreign languages ​​and a ready-made client base are welcome here.

Income of car sales managers

There is a common belief among people that people who work in car dealerships receive huge salaries. How much do car sales managers actually earn?

The specificity of this area is such that cars are not purchased every day. Moreover, sales volumes have declined significantly in recent years due to the economic crisis. This is reflected in the profitability of specialists. What does it mean?

Managers specializing in car sales have a small fixed income, but the main benefit is received as a percentage of sales. Its value will depend on what category the car was sold (for cars that are difficult to sell over a long period of time, the management of car dealerships assigns additional bonuses).

People working in this area need to skillfully talk about the advantages and disadvantages of models, while at the same time being able to convince the buyer to purchase a product with certain characteristics that are most beneficial to the salon in a particular situation. In many cases, it is necessary to actually reorient people to other models. They may be representatives of a completely different class than the buyer originally wanted.

Which area is more profitable for a manager to work in?

It is impossible to clearly name the most profitable area of ​​activity for managers. Each direction has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

The largest number of people are involved in the wholesale trade, especially in relation to high demand. The same applies to retail. But here, in most cases, we are talking about special goods such as real estate, luxury items, and so on.

If you have certain skills and experience in any field, a manager can receive high incomes. Everything depends only on him. But in the capital, wages will still be higher than in the provinces.

Such positions as manager and top manager are always in great demand. It is impossible to imagine any serious company without these people; they are also the face of the organization and this profession is relevant in any field of activity. Managers in Russia earn quite well, especially in Moscow, but we’ll look at how much exactly in detail.

The average earnings of managers, as well as top managers, depend on various factors, in particular on the region of residence. In Moscow, manager salaries are higher than in other regions. Also important is the manager’s area of ​​employment, the terms of the employment contract, the budget set by the employer and what tasks are assigned to him.

Top managers' salaries

The salaries of top managers in Russia largely depend on the company they work for, how developed it is and how much growth it has achieved. These managers typically work in the following positions:

  • General Directors;
  • Executive Directors;
  • Sales managers;
  • Marketing managers;
  • HR managers;
  • Development Managers;
  • Technical Directors;
  • Operations Directors;
  • Financial Directors.

To achieve great success and become a highly paid top manager, you need to be a true professional not only in a narrow specialization. Such people must be able to negotiate, understand sociology, business planning, know market economics, understand psychology, and also be a specialist in other fields of activity. Top managers of the largest Russian state organizations have very impressive income:

  • VTB -144.9 million rubles/month;
  • Rosneft – 99.0 million rubles/month;
  • Bank of Moscow – 66.6 million rubles/month;
  • Sberbank of Russia – 62.7 million rubles/month;
  • Gazprom – 48.3 million rubles/month;
  • Russian Railways – 28.6 million rubles/month.

Salaries of managers and top managers in Moscow

The salary of a manager working in Moscow largely depends on his skills, dedication and leadership qualities. In addition, such a specialist must have nerves of iron. In Moscow, one of the most popular professions is a sales manager.

Such managers earn from 40,000 thousand rubles a month, but finding a job is not so difficult. If the applicant has a higher education, attractive appearance and the ability to communicate with people, then he can quickly find a job. Having work experience of at least 4 years, a good reference and positive reviews from previous employers, an applicant can get a job in a developed company and, having proven himself in the role of a manager, receive a salary of up to 150,000 thousand.

A top manager in Moscow, for example, a development director for a construction company with 4 years of experience, receives on average 800 thousand rubles. per month, and his maximum income can be 1.5 million. The chief specialist of the financial and economic department has a more modest salary - 150,000 rubles. per month. The salary of a top rental housing manager is the same. These specialists must be able to manage a large number of employees, have a higher legal or financial and economic education, and also have a good command of English.

Managers' salaries by industry

Today, wage growth is no longer as dynamic as 5-10 years ago and the average salary, for example, for industry managers in the Moscow region looks like this:

  • Managers working in the oil and gas sector – 80,000-120,000 rubles;
  • Managers in the IT industry - 75,000 rubles, and in some cases - 200,000 rubles;
  • Finance and accounting – 68,000 rubles;
  • Managers working in the field of mechanical engineering – 65,000 rubles;
  • Managers in pharmacology, healthcare, construction and the real estate market - 60,000 rubles;
  • Managers in business promotion, logistics, and car sales earn 55,000 rubles;
  • Metallurgical production – 45,000 rub.

In the Russian Federation today, the situation is such that only a specialist who has a highly specialized focus and extensive work experience can apply for a salary of 100,000 rubles or more per month.

Salaries of managers in Russian regions

When a company operating in the capital gains momentum and develops successfully, it usually opens its representative office in various regions of Russia. Compared to Moscow, in the regions managers receive significantly lower salaries. Working in areas remote from the capital, such specialists spend a lot of time traveling.

They constantly have to change their location. For this reason, men are mainly hired as managers in the regions. The whole point is that women cannot withstand such a rhythm of life. Sometimes you have to travel on business 10-12 times in just one month.

Working at such a crazy pace, the regional manager, despite all his efforts, does not receive a salary of more than 60,000 rubles. And the average salary depends on the specific region and can start from 20,000 rubles. Also, how much managers earn largely depends on the development of the company. A manager working in the regions receives his main income as a percentage of the volume of goods sold or the number of contracts successfully concluded.

What does the salary amount consist of?

The manager's final salary depends on various factors. What matters is how profitable the company the specialist works for is. The final amount of a manager’s salary consists of a salary, a fixed amount of cash payments along with interest for sales volumes, as well as bonuses for work performed. There is an important feature here.

Regardless of what level the manager is, the smallest part of the income comes from a fixed amount. This stimulates workers, because they understand that income depends on labor efficiency. The more sales a manager makes or contracts, the higher his earnings, regardless of the region of activity.

What are the requirements for candidates for the position of sales manager?

To get a job as a sales manager, a candidate must have the following qualities: communication skills, knowledge of sales theory and be goal-oriented. In addition, you must have good self-organization, be able to listen and know a particular market. You are also required to have an attractive, neat appearance and a pleasant voice.

Different companies sometimes use their own methods for assessing candidates - these are special test methods and analytical tasks. They differ for each organization and it is impossible to know in advance what the test will be like. Often, a candidate for a manager position is not suitable for the company with the wording “inconsistency with the corporate culture.” For these companies, it is important that the candidate has an understanding of their company's values.

It is considered ideal if a candidate for the position of sales manager has his own client base. Of course, precisely in the field of activity in which he will work. And if he still has commercial connections, then that’s great. Since there was no “sales manager” diploma in Russia until recently, it is also appreciated that he has an education from some technical higher educational institution. It is advisable that the candidate have 2 years of experience in this field.

Most often, it happens that if an applicant for the position of sales manager has enthusiasm and “burning eyes”, and also passes the test for a predisposition to sales, he is hired and other requirements become not so important. The salary level of a person wishing to become a manager will depend on himself.