Crayfish cultivation technology. Crayfish farming as a business

  • Catch in the natural environment
  • wholesale resale
  • Which taxation system to choose for business registration
  • Do I need permission to open

If you begin to study ways to build a business on crayfish, you will notice one interesting feature. Unlike many other products, the demand for cancer exceeds the supply. In other words, in principle, there are no problems with the sale of cancer and there should not be. This is due to the fact that, as a delicacy, crayfish is highly valued, but its cultivation under artificial conditions is very expensive, and the catch in the natural environment is limited.

Today we will talk about the five most famous ways to make money on crayfish.

Catch in the natural environment

The fastest and most affordable way to make money on crayfish is to catch them in their natural environment. Crayfish are caught on so-called crayfish traps or crayfish traps. Fresh chopped fish or mussels are used as bait. The shell is lowered to the bottom of the reservoir and checked every 3 hours.

This activity has its own challenges. First, the habitat of cancer is sharply limited. In large quantities, cancer is present only in fresh water with an oxygen content of 5 mg / l of water (as for salmon fish). The bottom of the reservoir should be low-silt, with a large number of holes or stones. The second important point is the fishing license. Without obtaining a license for the industrial catch of crayfish, its production will be considered poaching. The official trapping of crayfish lasts approximately 3 months from July to August and from September to November. There are restrictions on the size of the fishing gear. The size of the cells of the crayfish net must be at least 22 mm, and its diameter should not exceed 80 cm. In addition, each licensee is set a quota - the maximum allowable amount of crayfish caught per season. As a rule, this figure ranges from 5 to 10 tons. Finally, the third difficulty is the cost of starting. Only to the inexperienced it may seem that the business of extracting cancer does not require costs. The main difficulties, according to experienced entrepreneurs, are related to the transportation and storage of the catch. Crayfish, lined with ice (as is done with fish), live for an hour or two, which is not acceptable. Therefore, refrigerators are used for transportation. After delivery to the warehouse, the crayfish are placed in pools to wash off the dirt from them and sort them into aquariums. In such conditions, they will live up to 2 weeks. Subsequently, the cancer is sold to shops, supermarkets or is recycled. The average wholesale price for an individual is 30 - 45 gr. is 450 rubles / kg, and for an individual 65 -110 g - 900 rubles / kg. You cannot build a big business on this, however, individual entrepreneurs manage to earn several million rubles per season.

Crayfish cultivation technology in pond farming

A little more complicated, but at the same time a completely legal way to make money on cancer is to grow it in pond farming. This method is common only in the southern regions, since appropriate climatic conditions are required. Growth pools can be built along the shoreline of the reservoir.

If the pond for cultivation was natural, then it is pre-cleaned from weed fish, predators, pests and pathogens (beetles, dragonfly larvae). The bottom of the reservoir is sown with agricultural crops, such as oats, wikis or legumes. Crayfish females are populated at the rate of 2 individuals for every 3 meters of the coastline. Or 600 females per hectare. One female gives approximately 1000 eggs from which only 60 crustaceans hatch. A rough calculation shows that in order to obtain 5 tons of commercial crayfish per year, it will be necessary to populate at least 900 females. To do this, you can use a pond with an area of ​​​​1.5 - 2 hectares. Crayfish for reproduction are caught in natural conditions or purchased from third parties. The largest cancer farms buy breeding stock abroad. So the most unpretentious and rapidly growing Australian freshwater crayfish is considered. In just a year of life, an individual gains weight up to 100 grams, which is considered the most profitable commercial mass.

Year-round cultivation in recirculating water systems (RAS)

Climatic conditions in many regions of the Russian Federation do not allow growing crayfish in an artificial reservoir. And the catch of cancer, as noted above, is far from being carried out everywhere. As a result, given delivery in some cities, cancer is obscenely expensive. However, there is a way to grow cancer even in the conditions of the northern strip - this is the use of recirculating water supply units (RAS), which are installed in a closed, heated room. For more than a decade, fish have been grown with such installations, including sturgeon and carp species. RAS is a system of small pools installed both on one plane and in several tiers (to save space). Pools are equipped with circulation pumps, air compressors, digital thermometers and biofilters. With a single control module, you can set the desired temperature and oxygen levels with a simple push of a button. Module for 6 sq. m. is able to accommodate up to 220 kg of crayfish. To grow 5 tons of crayfish per year, about 20 mini-pools will be required. Be that as it may, there are a number of reasons why the cultivation of crayfish in RAS has not become widespread (not yet)

Step-by-step plan to start building a business on crayfish

  1. Big investment. The acquisition of installations will require investments at the rate of 700 thousand rubles. for 1 ton. That is, to create a cancer mini-farm for 5 tons per year, you will need to invest 3.5 million rubles. only for equipment. Do not forget that there are still costs for arranging the premises and purchasing fry.
  2. Fixed expenses. The cost of keeping the heat in the room from the installation can "eat" all the profits. That is why many experts are unanimous in their opinion that the cultivation of crayfish in a RAS is beneficial only if there is gratuitous or subsidized heat (for example, from thermal power plants).
  3. Keeping in artificial pools will not allow you to get juveniles from crayfish. That is, female crayfish will not breed in such conditions. From here we get fixed costs for the purchase of juveniles.

wholesale resale

With a capital of several hundred thousand dollars, you can start a cancer reselling business. The fact is that many people know how to get cancer, but only a few know how to sell it profitably. As a rule, freshly caught cancer is sold for 30 - 50% cheaper than the price that we see on the store counter. So, if a kilogram of cancer is sold in bulk to stores for 600 rubles, it means that wholesale organizations buy it for a maximum of 400-450 rubles, or even less. Income from one kilogram is on average 150 rubles, per ton, respectively, 150 thousand rubles, and from 10 tons - 1.5 million rubles. An example of such a farm for keeping crayfish for sale can be seen in the following video:

What are the main funds spent on when creating a wholesale business. The first thing you need is a spacious room with an area of ​​​​at least 300 square meters. m. The room is equipped with pools for storing catch, sorting tables and refrigeration units. It is also mandatory to have refrigerated vehicles for transporting cancer. For these purposes alone, at least 1.5-2 million rubles will be spent, not counting the cost of purchasing the catch.

Another business idea in this industry is the production of boiled-frozen crayfish for beer. This product is in good demand in cafes, restaurants, pubs and private baths.

How does this process look like in most enterprises. To begin with, the caught crayfish is immersed in pools, where it is initially washed from dirt and impurities. Then it enters the sorting table, where specimens of the required size are manually selected. Then, along the conveyor, the crayfish enters the oven, where it is boiled and acquires a reddish-orange color. Then the crayfish are again immersed in the bath, where they are finally washed and cooled. After that, the crayfish are manually sorted into baskets according to a single size range (45-55 gr., 55-70 gr., etc.). At the final stage, packaging takes place in plastic containers of 1 kg. In this form, the product is delivered to the final consumer. This business is profitable to open in places of increased catching of crayfish or at large crayfish farms.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

In the case of opening a business for growing crayfish at home, it is necessary to indicate the OKVED code 01.21 - breeding of domestic animals. If you plan to engage in the retail trade of crayfish in the future, then you must additionally indicate the OKVED code 52.23 - trade in fish, mollusks and crustaceans.

What documents are needed to open

Registering your own business related to cultivation and further sale is not difficult. To do this, you need to prepare documents such as.

Incredibly tasty and tender crayfish meat is a favorite delicacy of many people. Despite this, today its production is far from being developed everywhere. Due to the high demand for the product, it is worth considering the artificial breeding of these animals. Depending on your approach to growing crayfish in the basement, this activity can become your hobby or source of income.

Basement preparation and crayfish purchase

Growing crayfish in the basement has one important plus - underground conditions are perfect for their successful growth. Therefore, to begin with, you will need to carry out a minimum preparation of your basement and purchase crayfish.

Basement and aquariums

The basement chosen for the farm device must be clean and dry. It should be free of fungus and pests. If during the inspection you find them, be sure to solve the problem. Use a smoke bomb, a trap system and insecticides to completely eliminate rats and insects. Make light repairs as needed to avoid reoccurrence. Keep in mind that you can start growing crayfish only 2 weeks after the completion of any chemical treatment.

The good news is that in most cases, the basement does not require additional insulation. In winter, crayfish live perfectly at a temperature of + 5-7 ° C. In summer, it should be at 20 ° C. If the temperature often drops below these marks, cover the walls and floor with insulating materials.

Crayfish do not need a lot of light to grow successfully. For additional lighting of the room, only 1 light bulb with a power of 200 watts is needed. Place it in the center of the ceiling.

When all the necessary conditions are created, install a multi-tiered shelving system in the basement. You will place aquariums on them. The volume of each aquarium must be at least 250 liters. Put a little sandy soil on the bottom, and then lay out the snags and stones. Crayfish will hide in them during sleep.

If the basement area allows, then instead of aquariums, you can use the pool. Please note that you will need 2 pools to grow crayfish. One will contain adults, and the other teenagers. If they live in the same pool, the probability of death of the young is high. Adult animals can behave aggressively and eat smaller relatives even in the absence of a lack of food.

Now your mini-farm is ready to start. It remains only to purchase crayfish and transport them to aquariums.

Buying and transporting crayfish

It is ideal to acquire crayfish larvae, but most likely you will not succeed. Buy adults, and grow their offspring yourself. You can buy crayfish anywhere, the main thing is that there are 2 females for 1 male. The best time to buy is autumn, when the mating season begins. At this time, crayfish are easy to distinguish - females will have caviar under the tail.

A kilogram of crayfish will cost from 500 to 750 rubles. The exact cost depends on their size and variety. You can avoid these costs by catching animals in the pond.

Transportation home is best done at night, when it is cooler. Particular attention should be paid to the transportation of those crayfish that have caviar. Use wooden crates for transportation. In them, crayfish are laid on the back in several rows. It is important that their number does not exceed 20 pieces per 1 decimeter.

Young offspring.

Fry can be carried in large and dense plastic bags. The volume of water should be about 2/3 of the bag. There should not be too many fry. They quickly consume oxygen, so transfer them to the aquarium during the day.

Breeding principles

In order to successfully breed crayfish, you need to know all the necessary information about their lifestyle.


Most crayfish feed on food of plant origin. Basically, plants that are next to their reservoir become it. But under natural conditions, they often eat carrion, insect larvae, and even small snails.

At home, animals receive all the nutrients from special feed. Also, crayfish can be fed with soaked grains, boiled and grated vegetables (carrots, potatoes and cabbage). The source of protein for them will be raw fish and meat. Calculate the required amount of food based on the fact that its volume should be 2% of the animal's body volume.


In the first year of life, molting occurs 6-8 times. In the second year, the number of molts is 4 or 5, and in the third, only 3. Older individuals molt 1-2 times a year.

Shedding means the growth of the animal. It throws off the old shell, which becomes small for it, and builds up a new one. At this time, cancer is very vulnerable and can become prey for its relatives. For this reason, it is important to give all crayfish adequate nutrition and care for them properly.


Mating usually occurs in early autumn - in September or early October. The male fertilizes two females at once, if he comes across a third, he will eat it. This fact should be taken into account when purchasing crayfish. Stick to the recommended proportion: 2 females to 1 male.

First, the eggs are located in the female under the tail. Later, it moves to the shell and attaches next to the legs. For the development of embryos, the female regularly rinses the eggs with water, so filter it at least several times a week.

Female with eggs under the abdomen.

The larvae will emerge from the eggs in 2 months. For the next 2 weeks, the female shelters them from all sorts of dangers until they grow up and become independent. On average, about 12-15 ratchets are born at a time in a female. More than 20 is extremely rare. At home, up to 60 crayfish can be obtained from one female per year.

The young are very sensitive to the quality of the water and, in particular, to how much oxygen it contains. If in natural reservoirs filtration and gas exchange occur independently, then additional aeration is necessary in a home aquarium.

After the emergence of larvae, crayfish need more food than before. Be sure to diversify their diet with feed or zooplankton. It will ensure accelerated growth and development of the larvae.

Growing crayfish in artificial conditions allows you to speed up the process of their reproduction. To do this, you need to prevent them from hibernating. Organize intensive renewal and saturation of the liquid with oxygen through the use of special equipment. Also increase the density of crayfish to 350 individuals per 1 sq. m. Give them enough food so that they quickly gain weight and grow.

Possible diseases

In addition to diseases, temperature extremes, improper or excessive nutrition, and dirty water can be responsible for the massive decline in the number of crayfish.

Business Planning Basics

To turn crayfish breeding from a hobby into a business, you will need a large facility and 2 swimming pools, each of which is at least 25 square meters. m.

About 200 crayfish should be populated on such a space. Their total weight will be 30 kg. In a year and a half, each individual will grow up and double its weight. In addition, they will have offspring, which you will transfer to the second pool.

Study the product market in advance.

If you plan to sell meat, arrange in advance with cafes, restaurants and shops about its supply. It is believed that such a business will begin to bring big profits only after 5-6 years of its existence. But given the small investment and time costs, such a duration of the project cannot be considered a serious drawback.

Pros and cons of home breeding crayfish

The unequivocal advantages of home breeding crayfish are:

  • fast results;
  • suitable basement conditions;
  • ease of care.

The only real disadvantage is the limited space due to the relatively small area of ​​the aquariums. In an ordinary basement, it will not be possible to organize industrial production. But your family and friends will always have organic and tasty meat.

Thus, from a technical point of view, breeding crayfish at home is not difficult. If you do everything right, then the first generation of cancers will have healthy offspring. In about a year, their cultivation will begin to bring real income.

Of course, everyone has heard about crayfish living in rivers around the world in Russia, Germany and other countries. Moreover, everyone knows not only what an ordinary live crayfish looks like, but also ate it. But not many people know that cancers in all countries are different. This is due to the conditions of their existence and from what they have to eat.

Our crayfish living in the waters of the Don, Volga or Dnieper, even the largest, are considered relatively small, but the largest crayfish are the inhabitants of the rivers of Tasmania. It's hard to imagine, but the weight of some of the largest individuals exceeds 5 kilograms, and they grow up to 0.8m in length! See what the cancer of this breed looks like in the photo.

But, unfortunately, now such individuals are rare even in those parts. This is due to the fact that their living conditions have significantly deteriorated. But the existing individuals are quite huge by our standards, neither in the rivers of the Don, Volga, Dnieper or abroad in France or Germany, you will never meet specimens weighing about two kilograms.

Crayfish that live in our rivers are typical representatives of crustaceans. They are very demanding on the quality of water, so they can be a kind of living indicator of the purity of the reservoir. Simply put, if there are crayfish in a river, stream, lake or headquarters, then you can swim and fish in such a place.

The basis of the diet of crayfish is vegetation, and not only living plants, but even fallen leaves. With great pleasure they eat dead fish, and if you're lucky, then live.

Active at night, they prefer to spend daylight hours hiding in holes (which they can dig on their own) or in other shelters.

They search for food mainly by smell, the corresponding organs of touch are well developed in them. They can find the corpses of fish or other living creatures at a fairly large distance.

General information

During the Jurassic period (about 130 million years ago), many animals appeared on Earth, including crayfish, which subsequently quickly settled water bodies around the globe. They feel most comfortable in reservoirs, the depth of which is at least three meters with ten-meter depressions. The best water temperature in summer is about twenty degrees.

Crayfish is not an entirely accurate name, since they live not only in rivers, but also in other bodies of fresh water, hence the more accurate name suggests itself - freshwater crayfish.


Crayfish, as we have already said, are very whimsical to their habitat. The first condition is that the water should not be salty, otherwise their reproduction becomes impossible for a number of reasons.

For these crustaceans, a sufficient oxygen content in the water, at least 5 mg / liter, is of great importance. Also important is the acidity, which should not be too high. The water must be clean. Crayfish can live in almost any body of fresh water, but rivers are a favorite habitat.

The bottom in the habitat of crayfish should be solid and not silty, only under these circumstances can they organize the necessary shelter for themselves.

A rocky bottom may also be suitable, since they can safely settle under stones, without even digging holes, which they prefer to make near coastal holes or on coastal slopes. As a rule, at the turn between hard and soft bottom. Smart crayfish try to make the passage into the hole as long as possible, very often about a meter or more, and the hole itself can be under a fallen tree, tree rhizomes or under stones.

Crayfish burrows are never large and dig based on the size of the cancer itself, which greatly simplifies their defense against attacks by large brothers.

Cancer is hard enough to pull out of his shelter, he clings very tightly to its walls with his claws. You can determine that there is cancer in the hole by fresh soil near the entrance.

Crayfish live at a depth of 50 cm to 3 meters. The best burrow sites tend to be taken by large males, the worst by small males and females. Young individuals usually try to stick to shallow water, often near the shore, under pebbles, leaves and twigs.

As everyone knows, crayfish are inveterate hermits and everyone has some kind of shelter that he has to protect first of all from his own relatives. During the day, crayfish hide in shelters, closing the entrance to them with claws. With any threat, they quickly back away deep into the hole.

To search for food, crayfish are selected from the onset of twilight, and if the sky is cloudy, they can go out earlier. Usually crayfish move in the water at night with claws extended forward. In case of danger, it swims back very quickly, strongly striking with its tail.

It is generally accepted that crayfish stick to one place. But this is an erroneous opinion. An experiment was conducted and tagged individuals ended up in tackles one hundred or even two hundred meters from the place where they were released. This suggests that these are quite mobile smart creatures.

crayfish breeds

The success of the crayfish breeding business, especially at the initial stage, will depend on the competent selection of the breed of females. each has its own characteristics. The most interesting of which are:

Crayfish are different and for breeding the desired breed can be bought in special farms. They are usually sold by weight, but in some cases by the piece. The price for one female can range from 5 to 100 dollars, depending on the breed. $5 for a female.

Video "Crayfish Behavior"

This video shows different breeds of crayfish that are bred in home aquariums. See how these smart creatures behave.

For breeding, crayfish are sometimes caught in local reservoirs, but in this case, their puberty has to wait a long time.

The size of the crayfish and how much they grow

The speed with which crayfish grow depends on the temperature and composition of the water, as well as on the feed and the number of individuals per 1 sq.m. reservoir. The growth rate in different water bodies can be different. However, in the same reservoir, growth rates may vary. In this case, much depends not only on water and feeding, but on the age of the crayfish. In the 1st and 2nd summer of life, females and males grow almost the same. However, already from the end of the 3rd summer, males are larger than females. Experiments were carried out in southern Finland and the following facts were established. The length of crayfish by the end of the 1st summer reached 1.4-2.2 cm, by the end of the 2nd from 2.5 to 4 centimeters and by the end of the 3rd from 4.5 to 6 centimeters. It is worth knowing that according to the legislation in force in Finland, Germany, Russia and other countries, the minimum size allowed for catching must be at least 10 centimeters, i.e. males are six to seven years old, females are one to eight years old. Under favorable conditions (suitable temperature, sufficient food) they can grow to the permitted 10 centimeters a few years earlier, and in case of unfavorable conditions, a year or two later.

The world of crayfish is quite interesting and attracted the attention of scientists in past centuries.

The question is often asked, to what size crayfish can grow, i.e. how many centimeters is the maximum length of their torso? Here it is appropriate to go back a hundred years and refer to the research of German fish farming adviser Brofeldt, according to which the following facts are given. For example, in the town of Kangasala, individuals over 16 centimeters long were not uncommon, but after a few years they began to come across much less frequently. It is also known that specimens of twelve to thirteen centimeters caught in the last century were considered average. Such facts may make us distrustful, but crayfish do not have to be large.

In the fifties of the last century, the Seura magazine organized competitions - who could catch the biggest cancer in three summer months. The winner was the participant who was able to catch the cancer with a body length of 17.5 centimeters, and if you measure to the end of the claw - 28.3 centimeters, the weight of the champion is 165 grams. Some more facts concerning the winner are also given. First, he had only one claw, and second, it was a female!

The next largest was the male, 16.5 centimeters long, but the length of his claws was 29.9 centimeters, and the weight was 225 grams.

Other facts of caught crayfish were also confirmed, the length of which exceeded 17 centimeters. But this is a rarity. It should be noted that, according to the data of the Estonian researcher Järvekulgin, males are more than sixteen centimeters and weighing 150 grams, and females more than twelve weighing about eighty grams are a rarity. Undoubtedly, the female caught in Finland can be attributed to the giants.

It is difficult to answer the question about the age of crayfish or how long crayfish live. there is no exact method for determining their age. The life span of some cancers have to be determined by comparing age categories or categories of cancers of similar length. As a result, it is unrealistic to determine the age of individual large specimens with great accuracy. However, there is evidence that some individuals lived to the age of twenty years or even more.

Perhaps in the future a method will be discovered and we will accurately determine how many years this or that cancer has lived.

Cancers in Germany

The successful breeding of crayfish in Lake Rottach-Speicher (Germany), the water surface of which is about 300 hectares, is indicative. It is worth noting that it was filled only in 1990, when 10 thousand underyearlings of crayfish were released along with various types of fish. The entrepreneur who rented this lake already two years later began to harvest a large crop of large males and now has a solid business with volumes of about 50 tons. Some individuals from those that were launched in 1990 were caught only ten years later, some weighed up to 250 grams.

It was in Germany that significant success was achieved in the field of breeding crayfish. The foundation was laid in 1985 at one of the Bavarian enterprises specializing in breeding crayfish. A special installation with a closed water supply was created and is successfully used. Its capabilities are not limited only to the breeding of crayfish, it is successfully used for breeding underyearlings. This installation allows you to hatch more than 150 thousand fry and 35 thousand underyearlings during the year. And although at this enterprise eggs of crayfish are fertilized in a natural way, artificial insemination is equally used at other enterprises in Germany.

In this regard, great success was achieved by specialists from one of the companies in Everzee. Initially, they borrowed the experience of crayfish growers in Finland in the field of artificial insemination. Subsequently, a special installation was created that fertilizes the eggs. It works according to the following scheme. Eggs are scraped from females and planted in baskets, in which they are continuously washed with water, simulating the process of natural fertilization under the female's tail. This made it possible to almost double the level of egg fertility compared to the natural one. It was also noted that the larvae obtained in this way are more viable than after hatching in females.

Almost all crayfish growers in Germany are united in an alliance promoting the protection of crayfish in Europe. The Union often holds various forums and conferences where important issues are discussed and cancer growers exchange experiences. In 2007, the 3rd crayfish protection forum was held in Austria and a special booklet was published, in which not only the most interesting materials were published, but also important and useful recommendations on crayfish breeding were given.

Why are there so few crayfish in our country?

To answer this question, you need to know that live crayfish are a natural indicator of water pollution. Crayfish often die from discharges that can only be detected in the laboratory. There are many false versions that have no basis, since in this case not only crayfish would die, but also fish, and in some cases people. In order to determine why living crayfish die, you first need to know exactly where it happened. For example, it was the Don, the Seversky Donets or another river, and what enterprises are located there. You can also set the source in this way.

However, crayfish can die not only from chemical pollution. For example, ships are sailing along the Don, which could well have brought microorganisms that caused the death of crayfish. There are a lot of factors that can lead to the death of cancers. It is also very bad that it takes at least 5 years to restore the population under favorable conditions. We already had a similar precedent in the nineties. At that time, crayfish in the Don River almost completely disappeared and then appeared only ten years later. In recent years, the situation on the Don has been more or less stable.

This video shows how blue and common crayfish that live in the waters of the Don or another river can be successfully grown in a small farm.

Such a business idea does not require large expenses and can bring a stable income for six months - from May to October. The seasonal form of this income is perhaps the only drawback of such a business. Before you do this business, you need to determine the demand in the market - whether it exists in principle, and if so, how big. Of course, you can breed crayfish only for your own consumption, but it is much more pleasant not only to enjoy the final product, but also to have a stable income for a long time.

What is the market demand?

To start breeding crayfish as a business, it is advisable to call restaurants and supermarkets with a proposal to sell crayfish through constant supplies from your farm. Large supermarkets in the country have fish departments that sell not only fish, but also crayfish. However, in many wholesale hypermarkets (which, by the way, restaurants and cafes buy products from), there is no such product. Therefore, it's up to you - by calling all the major points of sale, you will surely find customers for yourself. And this is a sure signal that the crayfish breeding business plan of this way of trading will pay off in the future.

Another way to create a customer base is to simply sell the product through 2-3 acquaintances or friends. They, in turn, will tell their friends. In other words, word of mouth will start working. But in order to ensure a constant influx of customers, it is necessary to adhere to several basic conditions: high quality goods, prices that are lower than in supermarkets and other sellers, and, as an option, service improvement - home delivery of crayfish. Thus, in one season it is possible to form a permanent customer base.

Selecting the type of cancer farm

Everything has been decided with the client base, the most important part of the business plan remains - the direct organization of a cancer farm at home. Artificial breeding of crayfish is divided into two types, depending on the form of farming: breeding of crayfish in ponds and factory type of breeding. The first type is considered the most profitable, since the process is laborious and significant capital investments are required for the industrial scale of doing business.

At home, lake and river crayfish are bred. Raising crayfish as a business in our climate is considered impractical, since temperatures that are low for reproduction prevail most of the year. The exception is the southern regions of the country. It is very difficult to grow crayfish to a marketable appearance - they quickly hibernate at low water temperatures below 17 degrees and their development stops indefinitely. Therefore, the most optimal and best technology for breeding crayfish for our latitudes involves the creation of closed-type artificial reservoirs. Therefore, it is necessary to breed lake crayfish, because we need to get the finished product in the shortest possible time.

The technology of building reservoirs for breeding

The ideal option is a reservoir (or preferably several reservoirs) within your land plot. Breeding crayfish at home is beneficial due to the close placement of water bodies, you can always control the entire breeding process. In addition, it will significantly secure the business - there will be no danger that someone will want to collect your entire source of income.

So, on the territory of your site, several reservoirs have been dug. Their depth can be 1-3 meters (in some cases it can be 6 meters), the area of ​​​​one artificial pond is from 30 to 60 square meters. The bottom should be rocky and covered with sand, and the banks should be clay (so that crayfish can burrow into them). Running water, as noted above, is not necessary for breeding crayfish. The main thing is to have a source of water nearby so that you can fill the reservoirs with water and periodically change it.

Drainage pipes are also needed, which will carry out the function of draining and pipes through which water will flow into the ponds. The drain must be covered with a wooden net. Metal mesh is harmful to crayfish, and they will easily bite into an ordinary fishing net. When all the plums are ready, you can start filling the reservoir with water and launch crayfish there. It is necessary to renew the water once every 2-3 weeks, while replacing no more than 30% of the water, so as not to disturb the formed microclimate.

Home breeding of crayfish is also possible in aquariums, and this is one of the most profitable ways. Firstly, this is a much more convenient catch, secondly, constant maintenance of the optimum temperature, and thirdly, there is no need to constantly replace the water, it is enough to install cleaning filters. In addition, crayfish molt in an aquarium more often - up to 3 times a year, while in reservoirs they molt 1 time. Molting is a direct evidence of the growth of crayfish (the shell becomes tighter), which means that the product will be ready for sale faster.

The only drawback of aquariums is the limitation on the area of ​​placement. It is impossible to install more aquariums than the room allows. In addition, the cost of electricity and space heating increases. But at the same time, the volume of production also increases. But if you already have customers who are willing to constantly buy crayfish, you don't have to worry about profitability. The cost of crayfish will pay off the cost of the money spent.

You have a client base, you know which crayfish to breed, where to grow them and in what conditions. The only thing left is to decide where to buy crayfish for breeding and how to keep them correctly? If you live near a river or any other body of water in which these invertebrates are found, you can catch them yourself using special fishing rods, strings (cylindrical mesh) or hemstitches. Catching can take place from mid-summer to the end of November. In dark waters, the best catch will be in the evening, in transparent waters - during the onset of twilight. It is also desirable to catch crayfish in rainy weather and a warm night.

If for you this is a rather complicated process that takes a lot of time, there is another option. Selling crayfish for breeding is one of the ways to earn money for local residents who live near water bodies and are engaged in fishing. Usually a kilogram of crayfish costs 100 rubles, so you can buy a large number. It is best to buy underyearlings - crayfish that appeared this year, it is from them that you can get a good profit in the future.

  • Regularly monitor the renewal of water so that it does not stagnate;
  • Maintain the optimum temperature for the full nutrition of adult crayfish - it is 17-21 degrees, for larvae - a few degrees higher;
  • Cancers, like all other representatives of the animal world, can get sick. Industrial crayfish farming involves maintaining optimal conditions, and in each country it is different. But everywhere the requirements are the same: standard hydrochemical and temperature conditions;
  • You can feed crayfish with larvae, insects, fish, crustaceans, worms. But before direct capture for sale, it is necessary to put them on a special "diet": feed them only with nettles, potatoes and other vegetation. It is not recommended to give fresh fish, because crayfish will fight while eating, losing their claws and legs, and, as a result, their presentation. These are the basic conditions for breeding crayfish.

Costs, input quantity and liquidity

Of great importance is the acquisition of females with live eggs on pleopods (legs under the tail) and their transportation to crayfish farms. In order to grow a ton of crayfish, it is necessary to purchase about 450-600 fertilized females, which are caught from the natural habitat. With an average female weight of about 160 grams, about 80,000 grams of live weight comes out, which is 80 kg. crayfish, which must be purchased for breeding.

Thus, it is possible to calculate the profitability of breeding crayfish: 80 kilograms of crayfish at a purchase price of 100 rubles will cost 8,000 rubles. Let's add to this the single costs for the organization and creation of artificial reservoirs - about 180,000 rubles. It turns out 188 thousand rubles of starting capital for conducting such a business. Now you can calculate how much profit these funds will bring. At the same time, we take into account that you have drawn up a sales plan and the customer base is already ready.

Suppose that in one season 500 female crayfish give birth to 13,000 live offspring (under optimal conditions). The market value of 1 kilogram of crayfish is about 200-250 rubles. Adult crayfish weigh up to 300 grams, which in total will be about 3.5-3.9 tons of ready-to-sell goods. In total, subject to the full sale of crayfish and their sale at wholesale cost, 500-700 thousand rubles of income is obtained, of which 312-512 thousand rubles are net profit for the season. As you can see, such a way of doing business as breeding crayfish at home is a cost-effective way to make a profit.

These conclusions were given after conducting experiments on breeding and growing crayfish by one of the domestic scientists. It is possible that they will be useful in the future to you:

After 1,400 fertilized females gave birth, young crayfish were removed from the cells from the females. Instead, 600 males were placed there, and despite the fact that fertilization took place on time - in early November, this did not give any positive results. From this it was concluded that older females should not be kept in the pool for more than 3-4 months.

It is also impossible to keep old females for the reason that during breeding it was noticed that they eat their own cubs. This means that after the females lay eggs, it is necessary to move them to another pool, and leave the eggs separately for a year - until crayfish appear and acquire hard shells.

Crayfish are very sensitive to changes in external conditions, therefore, immediately after being caught from their natural habitats and moving to a reservoir, they can crawl out of the water. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the crayfish in a basket for several weeks, and feed them there. After that, you can safely release crayfish into the pond - they will no longer climb to the surface.

Transportation is preferably carried out in containers covered from the inside with smooth straw or moss. Before releasing into the pond, pre-pour the crayfish from the watering can with warm water.

If you like this type of business, then you can additionally watch videos and educational materials about breeding crayfish, which clearly describes and tells each stage. It is worth noting that the process of breeding and growing is quite interesting, and with due effort, it can grow from an ordinary hobby into a source of permanent income.

Crayfish breeding as a business is a new type of farming activity that has become popular a few years ago. This niche is not yet occupied by large companies, and the goods are in demand. For most entrepreneurs, such a business will seem exotic, but with the right organization of labor, a small crayfish breeding enterprise will allow you to make high profits. Is crayfish breeding profitable or not? How much money will you need to invest? How to find distribution channels?

Business registration

If an entrepreneur decides to sell arthropods on an industrial scale, it is necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first option is more popular with small businesses. In the future, a certificate of conformity for products will be required. As part of the IP, it is much easier to get it.

Cultivation and sale of crayfish belongs to the field of fish farming. Therefore, in the process of registration, companies indicate OKVED with the code 05.02.01 (“Reproduction of fish and aquatic biological resources by agricultural producers”). Of the taxation systems available to individual entrepreneurs, the unified agricultural tax (UAT) is optimal for breeding crayfish.

It is better to organize a farm on the land. Ideally, it should be owned by a businessman. According to Article No. 40 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the owner has the right to build a pond and use it for his own purposes. That is, the reservoir, by law, automatically becomes the property of an individual.

Land for an artificial reservoir can be rented. At the same time, a number of permits are issued in state authorities.

Where to breed crayfish?

Choosing a breeding site is a key task at the initial stage of such a business. This question depends on the desired volume of production, financial capabilities and climatic features of the region. There are 3 methods:
  • Aquarium (at home);
  • Artificial (pond);
  • Closed (indoors).

In aquarium

Aquariums should be made of acrylic, plastic and glass using frameless technology. The use of metal structures is prohibited: crayfish die in water with a high content of copper or iron.

It is impossible to grow crayfish in an aquarium on an industrial scale. Therefore, entrepreneurs prefer to breed fry in aquariums until they reach a length of 5 centimeters, and then move them to other containers or release them into a special pond.

In an artificial pond

An artificial pond is a worthy alternative to the natural habitat of crayfish. You can create it on a personal land plot. The organization of the reservoir is based on the standards:

  • Rectangular shape;
  • Smooth walls of the pond, located at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the earth's surface;
  • Depth from 3 to 5 meters;
  • Sheathing the walls with polypropylene sheets (thickness - from 9 mm).

Sheathing the pond with iron and wood leads to rapid pollution of the water and the death of its inhabitants. After preparatory work, the pond is filled with water. To ensure its quality, equipment is purchased: an aerator, an oxidizer, flow filters and measuring instruments.


The cold climate does not allow to breed crayfish in an open way. To facilitate the task, installations of recirculating water supply (RAS) have been developed. With their help, farms and large companies selling arthropods and fish are actively developing. In RAS, the survival rate of fry is 95%, and the period of caviar gestation is reduced to 2-3 months.

To accommodate RAS, a large heated room will be required. its Volume of one installation is 700-1500 liters. They start, as a rule, with one piece and gradually increase production volumes. The advantages of RAS are the possibility of continuous cultivation of crayfish, without reference to seasonality. Of the shortcomings, the high cost and the cost of utilities are distinguished.

Features of breeding crayfish

Crayfish is a specific product and requires compliance with certain conditions in the growing process. The main goal of the entrepreneur is to prevent seasonal hibernation of arthropods. Proper care ensures profit all year round.

Selection of individuals

The broodstock is purchased in a ratio of 1:2 (one male to two females). To do this, they turn to a specialized company, where they will additionally give valuable recommendations on care and maintenance.

Good offspring are given by such types of crayfish as narrow-toed river crayfish, Cuban blue, Australian red claw, marble. Each of them has a breeding season in nature in October, and ends in spring. To speed up this process, it is better to breed crayfish in closed reservoirs.

Under artificial conditions, the female regularly brings offspring. When the fry grow up, they are transplanted into a separate aquarium so that they undergo molting. Grown up crustaceans 5-7 centimeters long are released to adults.

Trapping in natural ponds for the purpose of reproduction does not guarantee high quality products. Cancers can be unhealthy. In addition, it is difficult to determine the sex of arthropods on your own.

Create an environment

Before launching crayfish into the water area, it is prepared. There are a number of criteria for water for breeding crayfish:

  • Water must be clean, saturated with minerals and oxygen;
  • Temperature - not less than 21 degrees;
  • Water (20-30%) is renewed 2-3 times a week;
  • Permissible salt content in water - from 0.01 to 0.03 mg per liter;
  • Water hardness is 6-7 meq per liter;
  • The content of phosphates is in the range of 0.27-0.6 mg per liter.

If these conditions are violated, fertility decreases, growth slows down, and crayfish fall into hibernation. This naturally affects the profitability of the company and leads to additional financial costs.


The diet of crayfish in a natural reservoir includes 80% algae, rotted leaves and 20% carrion (dead larvae, fish, snails, frogs). It is problematic to provide such a “menu” all year round. Therefore, boiled barley groats, vegetables, and the remains of processed meat and fish products are used as top dressing.

It is useful to give crayfish special compound feed. It contains everything necessary for the development of fry. Compound feed is made on the basis of vegetable oil and milk powder, meat and bone meal, soybean meal, crushed grain, bran and vitamins are added to it.

The daily dose of food for cancer depends on its age. 2-3% of the total body weight is eaten by a 3-5 year old individual, 4-6% by newly born crustaceans, 7-9% falls on the broodstock during spawning. Meals are taken in the morning and evening at the same time.

Act on the principle: it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. Overfed cancer spends a lot of energy on digestion and is not able to reproduce normally.

Crayfish Farm

If there is a plot of land, the implementation of a business idea for organizing a crayfish farm includes three stages:

  • creation of reservoirs;
  • development of an intensive method of growing arthropods;
  • setting up a marketing system.

Each of the steps is associated with financial investments. Their size may differ several times, depending on the individual plan of the entrepreneur.

An example of calculating the cost of breeding crayfish

Consider an example of a farm project designed for a land plot of 600 square meters. It will have 10 artificial ponds equipped with equipment.

The average farm cost calculation is as follows:

In addition to the standard investment, the budget of the crayfish farm includes 20% for contingencies and additional costs. These include: utilities (indoor heating), employee salaries, seasonal pond cleaning, land lease.

Marketing channels for crayfish

Selling crustaceans without issuing permits is prohibited. Before selling products, receive:

  • declaration of conformity;
  • veterinary certificate (form No. 2);
  • certificate according to GOST 50380-2005;
  • sanitary passport for a vehicle for the transportation of crayfish.

Documents are received at local veterinary stations and the department of Rosselkhoznadzor. Employees are notified of the issuance.

The next step is to search for potential customers on the Internet and around the city. The spread is wide, ranging from private breweries to firms that make bulk purchases. The greatest demand for crayfish is observed in restaurants, bars, fish shops.

Profitability of the crayfish breeding business

The activity brings the first serious income in a couple of years, when the individuals grow up and regularly give birth. The calculation of net profit for the year is based on the difference between the initial investment and net earnings for a certain period of time.

In an artificial pond with an area of ​​120 square meters, an average of 200 kilograms of products are brought out per year. The cost in the retail market of live cancer is from 800 to 1300 rubles. That is, from one pond, the increase in the main revenue will be from 160,000 to 260,000 rubles. The farm makes several ponds, which leads to an increase in income.

In general, the crayfish breeding business is profitable and pays off after 2-3 years. But it also has pros and cons.

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