Breeding chinchillas for fur. Chinchilla breeding: business organization To breed chinchillas, you need a farm or individual entrepreneur

As a business at home, it is an interesting and profitable business. Payback can reach up to 500%, you can start with minimal finances, there are no difficulties in business, little competition.

Growing chinchillas is a good start for making money at home.

In today's market, it is important to find your place, as competition is growing, but you want to realize a successful business. One of these cases can be considered breeding chinchillas as a business at home. The animals are famous for their soft fur. A fur coat made from their wool is recognized as the highest paid and in demand in the world. The owner of such a fur product will become the owner of a luxurious look. Benefits to be highlighted:

  • There is no stench and unpleasant discharge.
  • Excellent condition, no shedding.
  • Fur is expensive. The skins have no analogues in terms of softness and density. One hair follicle means 60 hairs, so the wind and cold are not terrible, the fur coat will warm even at minimum temperatures. Treasure seekers claim that these animals bring good luck. Low costs and high profits are quite possible with such a business.
  • Growing such animals does not imply a big start-up, because animals eat grass. There is little money for food.
  • The female is prepared for offspring at the 6th month of life. Pregnancy in chinchillas goes up to 120 days, then up to 6-7 cubs are born. When the chinchilla grows up, she is given her own cage, and she is well looked after. The admission of closely related ties is not allowed.
  • Growing animals allows you to make good money on meat. Dishes containing such a product are considered dietary, and they are actively eaten in many regions. The meat is valued for its medicinal properties.
  • These little animals are cute and gentle, so many people want to buy such an animal to their home as a pet.
  • Based on the variety, the pricing policy ranges from 5 to 40 thousand rubles. The cost of exotic species can reach up to one hundred thousand rubles.

The profitability of breeding chinchillas is high, since you can earn about 25 thousand rubles for two animals. This business involves a whole livestock, since the more chinchillas, the higher the profit. You can start a business right in the apartment. Seeing the scale of profit, many make their own farm.

Features of breeding animals

The demand for fur is high, and there are practically no offers. What is the most profitable business plan for breeding chinchillas? Food, treats and sand will be required as food. Animals also love toys. No more than 2 thousand rubles will be spent on commercial costs per year, if desired, they can be reduced to 1,500 rubles.

Such a business can bring about 25 thousand "unclean" income. The female on average gives 10-20 children per year. Babies can be handed over to the farm and get about 3 thousand. Therefore, the net profit will be approximately 20 thousand rubles. The profitability of the business on the animals is about 14 months. The payback from only a pair of chinchillas will be up to 26 thousand per year. By increasing the number of animals, incomes increase, so you can soon become an oligarch in such a business.

A business plan is a conditional concept, since it depends on the place - is it an apartment or a farm. One person can take care of two thousand animals. Another thing, if hired force is used, then the number increases many times. The price per individual depends on the color, age, and breed. You can save money by buying a captive herd.

A pair of rodents will cost at the regular price, and by purchasing a lot you can get a discount and free shipping. The selection work and the sale of fur on the market will give the greatest profit.

The business of growing such animals has a number of features, namely:

  • Long term effect.
  • Regular breeding.
  • High demand for skins and dietary meat on the market.
  • High profit with minimal initial finance.

If there is no experience in breeding such, then, first of all, you need to visit this farm and get acquainted with the intricacies of doing business.

Chinchillas should be kept indoors without drafts and with low humidity. These animals are not as picky as, but improper care can lead to death. 20 families means 60-80 individuals, the total cost per year will be a maximum of 8 thousand dollars. And by handing over 80 individuals for skins and meat, you can get at least 18 thousand dollars. That is, the profitability comes out to about 10 thousand dollars.

You can get more profit by organizing your own farm, which will be designed to support from 20 families. Properly caring for chinchillas, the skins will be of excellent quality, and the meat will be delicious.

Breeding chinchillas in a country house - on video:

  • Keeping rabbits like a business: costs pay off in ...

The natural habitat of chinchillas is the highlands of the Andes, Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina. Because of their valuable fur, they became the object of constant hunting, which significantly reduced their numbers. For this reason, they are listed in the international Red Book. However, this does not prevent turning chinchilla breeding into a successful business.

These fluffies are raised for fur in many countries. And in our country this type of activity has not yet gained wide popularity, which, in turn, provides little competition. This article will tell you how to make a business growing chinchillas.

Chinchilla breeding business - is it really possible to make money on it?

Earnings on chinchillas primarily consist in the production of valuable fur. In terms of cost, it is several times higher than other types of furs that are popular with us. Due to the fact that the cultivation of these babies as a branch of industrial production has just begun active development in our country, the demand for them significantly exceeds supply.

High demand along with the lack of competition ensures the success of any enterprise. So, chinchilla breeding can be safely called a super-profitable business.

A familiar farmer indirectly confirmed the relevance of chinchilla breeding.

According to his observations, 90% of Russian fur ateliers and specialized stores sell imported products. This dictates the broad prospects for marketing.

Each fashion fur salon considers it its duty to offer a chinchilla fur coat to the buyer. And high profitability, expressed in low cost and high income from its implementation, will make you a permanent and reliable partner of such stores.

It will take only a couple of hundred rubles to grow one male, and the selling price of a 2-month-old animal varies from 3 to 15 thousand rubles.

Why breed chinchillas

For many ladies and their gentlemen, the word "chinchilla" is associated with the word "fur coat". Of course, in most cases, representatives of this species are kept for skins, but there are other areas of this business.

Among them are:

  • tribal breeding;
  • meat production;
  • as pets.

Breeding stock

Offspring with favorable and pronounced signs primarily affect the success of the entire enterprise. Therefore, the reproduction of the breed with the proper characteristics also becomes one of the sources of income.

When grading (assessment by a set of basic features), the following are taken into account:

  • constitution;
  • body type;
  • state of the art;
  • fur quality.

After the evaluation, the “successful” animal receives a pedigree. And animals with poor hereditary traits are culled, since it is not necessary to expect good and productive offspring from them. On the contrary, participating in mating, they will provoke the deterioration of the subsequent livestock.

Meat and fur production

The main income items of any chinchilla farm are meat and fur.

This product has a number of special advantages:

  1. Unlike other valuable rodents (arctic fox, sable, etc.), whose diet includes meat, chinchilla fur has no smell.
  2. Individuals do not require increased attention to themselves. Experienced farmers even say: "You keep a rabbit, but you sell a sable."
  3. Meat is dietary. According to doctors, it helps in the treatment of sclerosis, tuberculosis and cancer.
  4. The skin at its cost is at least 250 times more valuable than rabbit fur. Due to the lack of molting, she looks great at any time of the year.

For keeping as pets

Thanks to its aesthetic appearance, short six and good tolerance for allergy sufferers, keeping chinchillas as a pet is becoming a kind of trend.

On average, a chinchilla lives for about 15 years. Therefore, unlike cases with parrots or ferrets, your child will not have to cry for a pet who has died of old age.

Chinchilla is a popular pet

Why this idea has a future

Owners of fur farms have long appreciated all the benefits of growing chinchillas.

Let's name the main advantages of the business:

  1. Relatively little competition in Russia.
  2. Constant growth in demand for products.
  3. High profitability and fast payback.
  4. The ability to start almost from scratch, while spending a minimum of effort and money.
  5. Year round production.

The livestock is fluffy and increase relatively slowly - about 6 babies from a female per year. The reproductive age is about 10 years, however, if we take into account the rejection and decline for natural reasons, then the net gain is small.

Based on the foregoing, even according to the most optimistic estimates, our country will need more than 40 years to achieve the world average for the sale of fur. And this means that there will be no overproduction on the Russian fur market for a long time. That is, the chinchilla breeding business will be in trend for another 10-20 years for sure.

Paradox! One of the main reasons for the high profitability of such a business is the slow reproduction of animals.

How to breed chinchillas for sale - detailed instructions

Everyone can organize their own profitable business on chinchillas. It does not require any serious equipment costs or special education. It will take only a small ventilated and warm room for a nursery (the first generations can really be brought out even in an apartment), farm cages and a good tribe.

breeding chinchilla

For your information! Breeding is usually considered individuals with 12 or more points according to the Royal system.

Where to start, and what steps to take on the way to your success?

Step 1. We draw up a business plan

To open your first farm, you will need a relatively small room, about 1 square meter per 10 individuals (cells are placed in several tiers on top of each other). We also need a utility room for storing food and care equipment. Do not despair: utility bills will be minimal, because heating and lighting need to be weak. Our wards eat dry food (it is advisable to purchase a special one) and good quality hay. And let's not forget about good bedding and staff. We disinfect twice a year.

For those who do not want to delve into mathematical calculations, but want to find out how much they can earn and understand whether it will be profitable for them to breed chinchillas, we offer
finished business plan.

Step 2. We equip a place for breeding animals

Before you start buying individuals, you need to properly prepare and equip a place for their maintenance.

Advice! In order not to run randomly around the farm, immediately think about how best (more ergonomic) to arrange the cages.

This video will help you understand the device of the cell:

The premises in which it is planned to keep pets must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have sufficient lighting, but without direct sunlight (lamp) rays.
  2. Receive a constant supply of fresh air, but without drafts.
  3. Have humidity in the range of 50-70%.
  4. The internal temperature should be 8-18°C.
  5. Have good sound insulation.

Special conditions are created for growing chinchillas indoors

Step 3. We buy animals and food

For successful breeding, and subsequently quick sale, experienced farmers acquire breeding animals.

Visually, they should be:

  • healthy;
  • active;
  • young;
  • with thick fur with the desired color (on the international market, fur of dark tones is especially valued).

The nutrition of our wards deserves special attention. In the wild, the diet of rodents is not very diverse. They eat cereals and legumes, young shoots, moss and bark.

Important! Chinchillas have a very demanding digestive system. Therefore, unfamiliar foods can harm their health.

If you are afraid to make a diet with your own hands, buy ready-made industrial feeds. They are designed to meet all the needs of fluffy and contain key ingredients and trace elements.

Step 4. Registering a business

In order for our business to be legal, it must be registered. Beginners can arrange a personal subsidiary plot and thus avoid tax deductions (except for land tax). Gradually increasing sales, move to the status of an individual entrepreneur. To do this, we register with the Federal Tax Service and choose the type of taxation that is beneficial for us - the UST with a 6% rate of net income.

In our case, no special licenses or permits are needed, only 2 documents are required:

  • certifying the ownership of the farm;
  • registration sheet of the local veterinary service.

Step 5. We advertise finished products and look for ways to sell

Growth and expansion of production require the search for new markets. After all, local restaurants and companies engaged in dressing skins, most likely, will no longer be able to cover our growing volumes with their purchases. We'll have to look for new ways to market.

  • external (billboards, bulletin boards, etc.);
  • Internet (specialized communities and forums);
  • Mass media (local and regional editions of agricultural subjects);
  • TV (on channels about business and farming).

Idea! Do you want to quickly find those who buy both furs and meat? Operate through trading platforms like OLX.

Financial plan

Any successful business begins with a thorough study of the chosen business, an analysis of the potential market and the preparation of a financial plan. Thanks to him, the owner sees what exactly should be focused on in the first place and what needs to be prepared for.

We bring to your attention an example of such an analysis, designed to obtain the first litter of 40 individuals (10 females and 30 males) with one standard litter for six months (3 puppies):

Item of expenses Amount (thousand rubles) Note
1. Equipment and tools 23 Cages, drinkers, trays, automatic feeders and other related tools
2. livestock 120 The cost of one breeding individual is about 3,000 rubles.
3. Rent 60 If you have your own premises - zero costs
4. Capital and current repairs 15 The main costs go to the adjustment of lighting and ventilation
5. Nutrition 20 When cooking with your own hands - the final cost is much lower
6. Paying a veterinarian 10 With self-employment, there is no need to pay for other hired labor
TOTAL: 248

It turns out that without the need for subsequent purchases of individuals, our costs will be about 248,000 - 120,000 = 128,000 rubles. for one generation. This means that with a sale price of one copy of 3,000 rubles. already after 2.5-3 years, the production fully pays off and begins to make a profit.

Possible risks

Every business has its downsides and pitfalls. Chinchilla is no exception.

Consider the main risks that may arise on the path to success:

  1. Diseases. Although the risk of disease of the entire livestock is relatively small (chinchillas have strong immunity), but due to errors in care and feeding, there is always a danger of an epidemic.
  2. Poor young. There are many offers on the market for the sale of fluffy. Their price varies from $50 and up. And this is where the catch lies: it is quite difficult to find high-quality individuals in Russia. And little-known farms offer animals that, despite the poor pedigree, in their appearance strongly resemble tribal ones.
  3. A selection of feed. Nutrient mixtures offered by domestic manufacturers are not always of high quality: rabbits are often sold under the guise of food for chinchillas. Therefore, you will either have to supplement it with additives yourself, or buy expensive imported ones.
  4. Implementation. If you have not thought in advance where you will sell the offspring, then problems with the implementation will arise immediately after the appearance of the first offspring.

Is it profitable to open a chinchilla farm - expert opinion

We have already talked a lot about the chinchilla business. But how are things in practice? We learn from our good friend Andrey (31 years old), who has been growing and selling fluffies for more than three years.

“My business started out of the blue, as they say. Previously, I was just fond of rodents, and therefore, as pets, I decided to buy a family of chinchillas. I gave away the first offspring to relatives. It was they who prompted me to contact the pet store and agree on the sale of subsequent broods. And now, for the fourth year, I have been seriously working on these cute creatures. Now I sell them to restaurants and fur salons.


  1. It is worth buying only breeding individuals.
  2. Before acquiring animals, create the necessary conditions for them.
  3. Carefully study the composition of the feed, and better - cook them yourself.

Fur is the most traditional and ancient material in the history of clothing. It began to be used even by primitive people. And today, fur has firmly entered our lives. Fur products can be seen in the wardrobe of every fashionista. I must say that in the modern world, fur has ceased to be a symbol of luxury, but it still has a high cost. Therefore, people who breed fur-bearing animals are always “in chocolate”. But you need to understand that this business is quite laborious and has its own nuances.

Reconomica decided to learn more about the fur business. We talked with the owner of the chinchilla farm. The woman shared her story of opening this business, spoke about the features of chinchilla breeding and did not even hide information about her income.

Hello dear readers. My name is Elya. I am 45 years old. I live in the Saratov region in the village of Krasnaya Polyana. My chinchilla farm turned 10 this year.

How did I find this way to make money?

My cousin lives in the Moscow region, and she breeds chinchillas. She took up them in order to sell the skin, because it is very expensive, and there is a great demand for it. She suggested that I buy 10 chinchillas from her and start breeding them so that I could sell her monthly chinchillas. She, in turn, kept them until the right age, and they were slaughtered for the sale of skins and meat. I, without hesitation, agreed, because at that time I was left without a job, and I really needed money.

Chinchilla fur is unique and therefore it is in high demand.

Start-up capital

In general, I took out a loan of 100,000 rubles to start a business. I bought 10 chinchillas from my sister (9 girls and 1 boy). I gave her 30,000 rubles. I bought food and hay for 5,000 rubles. Chinchillas require special cages, which I also purchased. I also bought special sand for bathing chinchillas, their skin cannot be wetted, and therefore they clean it with sand. After such cleaning, their skin looks shiny and clean.

I spent 90,000 rubles on everything. According to my calculations, I should have earned a lot more than I spent.

Of course, it was difficult for me physically and mentally. I live alone, there is no one to help me. I installed the cages myself, went to the Moscow region for chinchillas. But I have no regrets about starting my own business.

First steps towards a successful future

When my chinchillas grew a little, I made them. The mating went well, and after 111 days they brought me offspring. Usually chinchillas bring from 1 to 4 puppies. My nine chinchillas brought me 30 puppies. When their puppies were already grown up, and they were one month old, the sister told me that she was mistaken and that she would buy them from me when they were 3 months old, because they suck their mother's milk for up to three months. I thought about it and decided that there was nothing wrong with the fact that they would sit with me for another two months. I borrowed money to pay off a loan.

When my chinchillas were three months old, my sister came and bought them. One of my chinchillas at the age of 3 months costs 3,000 rubles. She bought them from me for 90,000 and I repaid the loan in full.

Usually chinchillas bring from 1 to 4 puppies.

They brought me the next offspring about a year later, and I kept all the chinchillas for myself. So I increased the number of my pets. Now I have 300 chinchillas. The mating takes place in 100 chinchillas, in a month another 100 chinchillas, in a month the last batch. I do this so that later I would receive for them not the entire amount at once, but three months in a row.

The last time my 300 chinchillas brought me offspring was just over 900 puppies. By this time, I had already formed a whole farm with cages and equipment. I raised money for the farm from the sold three-month-old puppies. I have been selling them for 5 years.

So, I sold my 900 puppies to my sister for 2,700,000 rubles. Of this money, I spend 50,000 a year on food and sand. I earn 2,650,000 steadily a year on my already beloved pets.

Calculate my income

In total, I spent 800,000 rubles on opening and developing a business. I have been working in my business for 10 years and fully returned this money.

I have been receiving an income of 2,650,000 a year for 10 years. That is, I have already earned 26,500,000 rubles on my farm. From this money we deduct the spent funds in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles. It turns out the exhaust in the amount of 25,500,000 rubles.

As I said, working on my farm for 10 years, I have never regretted it, and I am very satisfied with my earnings. I'm thinking about increasing the cost of puppies to 4,000 per pup. In different areas, chinchillas cost differently, you can sell them where they cost more. The price for three-month-old chinchillas ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles. You just need to find a place of sale and make a good profit.

Difficulties and their solution

Chinchilla is a very clean and demanding animal in care, feed and maintenance. Here are a few difficulties that you may encounter, and in parentheses - the solution to the problem.

  1. Animals take a long time to adapt, are afraid of people (the first 10 days they get used to new conditions, this is normal. It's just you need to provide them with water, food and dim the light. Leave them alone for the time of adaptation);
  2. Poor eating and not growing(perhaps they are not suitable for mixed feed, give more hay and change food to another. Buy Specialized Grain Mix for Chinchillas);
  3. The case goes badly(which means that the chinchilla has not yet grown to childbearing age. And if you
    do not understand when a chinchilla comes into the hunt, open the boy's access to all chinchillas. He himself will run around the cages and fertilize all the chinchillas that came to hunt);
  4. puppies die(lack of milk from the mother; at the birth of 4 puppies, some of them are born weak or underdeveloped, this is considered the norm. And if the puppies die in all chinchillas at about the same time, there is a risk that your farm has an infection. In this case all chinchillas need to be transplanted and a thorough disinfection of the cages and a change of sawdust should be carried out);

There are few difficulties, but they exist, and they need to be addressed as necessary.

My farm is thriving to this day

Today my business is not standing still. He moves in the right direction and rises only upwards. Now I have 400 adult chinchillas. I sell only 600 puppies to my sister for 3,000 rubles each and I found another place of sale in Omsk, where I sell puppies for 4,000 rubles each.

Now my earnings per year are 4,200,000. If we divide this earnings by 12 months, then my salary per month is 350,000.

Chinchilla farm.

Some businessmen get more, but I am a businesswoman who never aspired to have millions, but it just so happened.

Of course, I advise you to have your own business, but starting with chinchillas is very difficult, and this business entails
big costs. Special knowledge in this matter is not required, you do not need to re-read the encyclopedia in search of knowledge about this animal. You just need to remember that any animal requires care, food, water, warmth, cleanliness and, of course, your love and care. I wish you well-being, prosperity and good luck in new endeavors.

This article discusses the breeding of chinchillas as a business. Is it profitable or not to organize fur farming of these fur-bearing animals? Natural chinchilla fur is in great demand among Russian buyers, but on the other hand, many people love to keep chinchillas as pets. We tell you how much financial investment will be required, what profit these fluffy animals can bring, and what difficulties breeders will have to face.

General information about chinchillas

Chinchillas are rodents known for their quality fur. The homeland of these animals is South America, but even before the 20th century, a significant part of these animals was exterminated precisely for commercial purposes and the species was on the verge of extinction.

Modern domesticated individuals are somewhat different from their wild ancestors.

Chinchillas live in monogamous families. The life expectancy of these animals is very significant - up to 20 years, despite the fact that they retain the ability to breed up to 15 years. An adult chinchilla weighs between 400 and 600 grams.

Currently, you can buy a chinchilla at any pet store. However, if you plan to engage in the economic breeding of these animals, it is better to purchase the first individuals from professional breeders. How finicky are these animals and how profitable will your own chinchilla farm be?

Chinchillas are unpretentious and prolific, and their maintenance is inexpensive.

Benefits of breeding chinchillas

  1. These animals are very unpretentious. Breeding and keeping is inexpensive and easy to organize.
  2. Chinchillas are fertile - they breed up to 3 times a year until the age of 15 years.
  3. Such fluffy animals can eat special food, as well as hay, alfalfa, corn, peas, lentils, soybeans, fresh carrots, zucchini, nuts, seeds. In general, chinchillas are unpretentious in food, and they eat quite a bit, unlike other rodents. It will take no more than 3-4 thousand rubles a month to feed even a large livestock.
  4. Chinchillas are more accurate than other rodents, keeping them in special display cases will completely solve the cleaning problem. Placement requires little space - a 50x70 cage is enough. In addition, cages with animals can be stacked vertically on top of each other, greatly saving space.
  5. Low competition in the industry with a fairly high demand.
  6. Profitability. Regardless of whether chinchillas are bred for their fur or for the sake of selling individuals as pets, they bring a good income.

Negative feedback about chinchilla fur farming is usually associated with the humane side of the issue.. Most often, these rodents are bred for the sake of fur, which causes outrage among animal rights activists. If this side of the issue does not bother you, there are no serious drawbacks to breeding chinchillas. Pay attention to the video at the end of the article - it will create a more complete picture of the breeding of these fur-bearing animals.

Russian experience of chinchilla fur farming

There are several fairly large fur farms on the Russian market, for example, Retas chinchilla farms. There are farms for growing these animals in the Vladimir region, in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Moscow region, in Neftekamsk and other regions of Russia. However, in general, the market remains uncaptured, and even an inexperienced breeder can find his own niche in it.

What is the purpose of breeding chinchillas?

If you are interested in the fur farming of these furry rodents, first of all you need to understand for what purpose you will grow them. There are two options:

  1. Sale of chinchillas as pets.
  2. Sale of chinchilla fur.

These two options involve different forms of farm organization, completely different development strategies and, of course, different profits. Consider the features and ways of developing each direction of breeding.

It is better to buy individuals from professional breeders or from well-known farms.

Purchase of the first animals for breeding

Where to buy chinchillas for breeding? The price for one animal usually starts from 5 thousand rubles, but can vary greatly depending on the farm and breeder. It is better to buy individuals from professional breeders or from well-known farms. Study the offers on the Internet, find addresses, read reviews about a particular farm before deciding to buy.

First you need to buy from 2 to 10 chinchillas, preferably in families. Find out from the sellers all the data about the purchased animals. Some animals are accompanied by a pedigree - a document indicating the date of birth, breed, color, birth weight and even the number of puppies in the litter. Such paper will give an idea of ​​how the animal and its children will develop. However, in practice, most chinchillas do not have any documents.

What to look for when buying

There are several signs that you should definitely pay attention to when buying a chinchilla:

  1. The coat of the animal should be shiny and well-groomed, uniform throughout the body.
  2. Tearing, nasal discharge indicate that the animal is not healthy.
  3. The nose and ears should not peel off.
  4. Chinchilla is cheerful and active. Lethargy is a sign of illness.
  5. There are no signs of eating disorders.

Another important question is At what age should you buy a cub? The age of purchase depends on the purpose of the buyer. If the goal is animal breeding, it is better to wait until the age of 6-8 months. If you just buy a pet, then you can pick it up earlier - in 2.5-3 months. Note that the mother feeds the puppies up to 2 months, so it is not worth weaning them from her ahead of time.

Raising animals for sale

Consider breeding chinchillas at home for beginners. Practice shows that up to 20 individuals can be kept quite comfortably at home. This option is suitable for those who want to grow fur-bearing animals only for sale.

After purchasing several adults (6-8 months), it is necessary to organize their comfortable and proper placement. Usually chinchillas live in vertically installed cages or special "showcases". Please note that moving is stressful for the animals, so after bringing them home, carefully transplant them into cages and try to disturb them as little as possible. It will take about a week to adjust.

The purchase age of 6-8 months is due to the fact that puberty in chinchillas occurs at about 7 months. That is, if your goal is to raise animals for sale, it is logical to acquire individuals that are already ready for reproduction.

Chinchillas are very prolific animals. It is believed that they can breed up to three times a year (usually 1-2 in practice). In each litter, from 1 to 5 puppies are born, but 1 is much more often than 5. The grown animals are transferred to buyers 2.5-3 months after birth.

The most effective option to implement the sale of chinchillas is to sell puppies via the Internet.

How much can you earn selling chinchillas

When grown for sale, the most important thing is to qualitatively organize the sale of chinchillas. The most effective option to do this is to sell puppies via the Internet. Get pages on the most popular social networks (for trade, these are Vkontakte and Instagram), regularly post photos and information about animals there. Accompany publications with a set of hashtags and a geolocation mark. This way you can find more buyers.

It is advisable to select owners for animals immediately after birth. Some breeders even offer "booking" of animals. Provide your customers with all the necessary information on caring for chinchillas, keep in touch with them, ask them to send photos of grown animals. So you will form a reputation as a conscientious breeder who is not indifferent to the fate of animals.

The price of one chinchilla starts from 5 thousand rubles and can reach up to 30-40 thousand rubles. By selling 10-20 chinchillas a year, you can achieve an income of 100 to 500 thousand rubles, and the cost of raising animals is only a few thousand rubles a month.

Sales of chinchillas in Moscow are currently more profitable- here you can offer higher prices, and the demand for rodents is very high. In the regions, the fashion for chinchillas is not so strong, and the purchasing power of the population is much lower.

Raising chinchillas for fur

Fur trade on chinchillas requires a completely different approach to organization. Is it possible to organize a "fur" business on chinchillas?

Chinchilla fur is one of the most sought after and prestigious materials in the global fashion fur industry. But these are not all the advantages of these animals. Their dietary meat is recommended for the treatment of tuberculosis, sclerosis. It has been proven that its properties have a beneficial effect on the condition of patients with oncological diseases.

Not everyone knows about the uniqueness of chinchillas. Even the ancient Indians noticed that these fur-bearing animals live in areas of deposits of gold or precious stones. Therefore, if it is customary to take a dog to hunt, a pig to search for truffles, then treasure hunters use chinchilla for their work.

Many treasure hunters today have changed their status to entrepreneurs and receive a high income from breeding these animals at home.

Breeding chinchillas as a business at home

Breeding chinchillas at home is a promising area that is just beginning to develop in our country.

Advice: according to experts, there will never be high competition in this business. This is due to the increased demand for fur and the long breeding period of the chinchilla.

The profitability of this type of business is explained by the following factors:

  • lack of competing organizations;
  • high demand for fur in the world market;
  • relatively small financial costs for organizing a business;
  • high prices for fur, the possibility of selling meat;
  • quick payback of the project (with proper planning, start-up costs pay off in 18 months);
  • animal care is simple and does not require much labor.

Today it is fashionable to choose exotic animals as pets. Therefore, the business on or chinchillas receives new sales channels - pet stores that are happy to take animals for sale.

Business registration

Chinchillas are undemanding animals, so they are easy to breed at home. With small volumes at the start, you can not register a business. The fact is that the breeding season in animals at home is quite long. Therefore, paying taxes while waiting for offspring is inappropriate.

After the promotion of the business, when looking for distribution channels and when selling products, private firms will need to register. To do this, you must select one of the legal forms:

  • peasant farming (KFK);
  • individual entrepreneur;
  • limited liability company.

LLC is suitable for a large farm. Beginners are advised to draw up, which will make it possible to sell not only animals, but also related products - skins, meat, and even finished fur products.

To register a farm, the following package of documents is required:

  • application in the form P21002;
  • an agreement on the creation of a farm, certified by a notary (if the number of applicants is two or more people);
  • a copy of the passport of each founder of the farm;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles).

Sometimes additional documents may be required, such as .

Room equipment

The main product when breeding chinchillas at home is fur, but some manage to establish meat distribution channels. The quality of the skins largely depends on the conditions of detention.

Despite the fact that these animals are undemanding and unpretentious, they can breed even at a temperature of + 40ºС, when breeding them at home, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • humidity level in the room - 55-60%;
  • permissible temperature - + 18-21ºС;
  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • lack of drafts, sharp fluctuations in temperature.

Many entrepreneurs who did not know and chose to try the chinchilla business at the initial stage raised animals in their own house or even in an apartment. But when expanding the business, it is necessary to build and equip a separate room for animals. The main condition in it is thermal insulation. A big plus is that the animals do not require a lot of space. To keep 100 individuals, a room of 18-20 m² is enough.

To breed chinchillas at home, it is enough to purchase the following set of equipment:

  1. cells;
  2. automatic drinkers;
  3. bunker feeders;
  4. devices for heating the premises in winter (the best option for this is the purchase of convectors);
  5. bathing suits;
  6. air conditioner;
  7. low power lamps for lighting.

In the cage you need to install bathing - containers with sand so that the animals can clean the skins. It is better to buy automatic feeders and drinkers for the constant provision of animals with food.

The height of the cage should be 40-45 centimeters, the landing area should be 30 cm² per individual. For the production of cages, it is recommended to use a galvanized mesh with cells measuring 2 x 1.5 centimeters.

Advice: you can not put chinchillas in wooden cages, as the animal will quickly gnaw through partitions of any thickness.

In a room of 18-20 m², 6 sections can be placed in 2 rows. Doors are installed on the front wall to get the animals, change water and add food, as well as a drinking bowl and a feeder. On the back wall is installed a "bed" with a width of 10-15 centimeters at a height of up to 20 centimeters. To ensure cleanliness, stands with wooden sawdust are installed under the cages, which need to be changed every 5-7 days (as they get dirty).

Feed base preparation

Chinchillas are herbivorous rodents. As a rule, when breeding at home, they are fed with compound feed. The feed base can be divided into several types:

  • concentrated feed - grains (wheat, corn, millet) and legumes (lentils, beans, peas);
  • dried herbs;
  • hay.

An adult should eat at least 25 grams of food per day. For catering, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. taste habits are formed in these animals immediately after birth, so new food is introduced gradually and with caution;
  2. in addition to the usual food, animals need to be given vitamins to strengthen immunity. For breeding chinchillas at home, specialized vitamin preparations intended for ferrets are suitable;
  3. be sure to give food in the evening, as animals are awake at night;
  4. water should be boiled or filtered.

Features of caring for chinchillas at home

A big advantage when breeding chinchillas at home is simplicity. For the maintenance of 20 families in the first stage, as with, one person is suitable.

Every day, such animals need to be fed, change the water in the drinking bowl and sand in the bathing room, monitor the cleanliness of the cells, observe the temperature regime, and ventilate the room.

Features of breeding chinchillas at home:

  1. puberty occurs from 6-7 months;
  2. females carry the fetus for 106-114 days;
  3. the ability to breed lasts about 12-15 years;
  4. the life span of these animals is about 17-18 years;
  5. the cub is weaned from its mother at the age of 2 months with a weight gain of 200 grams;
  6. the newborn animal has teeth and sees well (unlike nutria);
  7. begin to give food to babies on the fifth day after birth;
  8. the growth and development of young animals lasts up to 12-13 months and ends after weight gain of 450-500 grams;
  9. the animals mate at night;
  10. during pregnancy, the weight of the female increases by 40-50 grams.

According to experts, even with the rapid development of this business, the crisis of overproduction will not threaten this area for another 100-200 years. The reason lies in reproductive traits. During the year, the female can give birth 2-3 times for 1-4 cubs when breeding at home.

Chinchilla families can be both monogamous and polygamous. If breeding is planned and individuals are of high productive qualities, have good pedigree qualities, they should be placed together in one cage (female plus male). In another case, one male is kept in a cage with four females.

financial calculation

If, when searching for an answer to the question “?” you decide to breed chinchillas at home, you need to draw up a financial plan. According to experts, it is better for beginners to start with 20 families. Such an amount does not require large investments and equipment of a large room. Working on a small farm will provide an opportunity to calculate the profitability of the project and realistically assess your strengths.

Approximate starting costs for breeding chinchillas at home:

  1. purchase of young animals (20 families consist of 80 chinchillas, each of which costs about $50) - $4,000;
  2. preparation of the premises, installation of cages, purchase of equipment - about 4 thousand dollars;
  3. food costs (each individual eats about 20 kg of food per year) - $ 820

In practice, to organize a mini-farm for 20 families, expenses of 7-10 thousand dollars are needed. Let's form a family of one male and 3-4 females, each of which produces offspring 2-3 times a year, 1-4 cubs. On average, each female gives 6 cubs per year. Therefore, in one year on a small farm, you can get 360 animals. If you sell them for $50, the income will be $18,000 and will fully cover the start-up costs.

Sales channels

It is possible to achieve a quick payback of the project by establishing a competent marketing policy. Ways of implementation when breeding chinchillas at home:

  1. sale of animals for pet stores or as an exotic animal;
  2. sale of skins at fur auctions. This option is suitable for large farms, since enterprises with a large turnover (from 5 thousand skins) take part in such an event;
  3. sale of young animals for divorce;
  4. sale of meat;
  5. sale of fur in the studio and specialized organizations.

Chinchilla meat - price

Do not forget about the dietary and healing properties of the meat of this animal. Naturally, when selling skins, there is a question about selling meat. It has been proven that it helps with sclerosis, tuberculosis, and oncological diseases.

The meat is quite suitable for food, it resembles a rabbit in taste and nutritional value. Today it is not in high demand, so the prices are low - 250-400 rubles per kilogram.

Chinchilla breeding as a business - reviews

My parents breed chinchillas at home, for this they allocated a small outbuilding. This case has certain nuances that are worth considering. For example - the temperature regime, which should be within +18 - + 24ºС. Recently, the heater was not turned on in time, the temperature dropped to +14 ºС, so 6 out of 40 animals died. Although care is simple, you won’t go on vacation either - you need to feed, clean the cages, etc. every day. A big minus is the lack of skinning technology, and only expensive restaurants with exotic cuisine (at a low price) take meat, so parents raise them as pets and sell them via the Internet. Despite this, I want to leave a positive review - they eat very little, the cost of food is insignificant. They need small cages, there is no need to buy a large breeding room. The meat is tasty and tender, they say, and also good for health.

I always wanted to organize my own business, but without competition. After reading reviews and advice on the Internet, I settled on a chinchilla - care is simple, start-up costs are low. I have no regrets, because in a year and a half I paid back all the expenses and went to zero. But I recommend starting only for those who are really ready to devote themselves to these cute little animals. Start with a small amount to learn how to breed at home. Today I sell these animals in Russia and neighboring countries. Basically, my clients are young farmers who buy young animals for breeding. Sometimes they take it for home keeping as a beloved pet.

If your chinchillas do not get sick, do not die, quickly become pregnant and give birth to young of beautiful colors of the desired sex, if you yourself know how to build cages, if you do not spend money on buying new individuals, then quickly pay back the investment (in 1-1.5 years). But without the above nuances can not do, unfortunately. Any financial waste, illness, elementary unwillingness of the female to mate, unsuccessful childbirth will nullify all efforts. Think about it - are you ready for the challenges? If such problems do not scare you and you are ready to try, everything will work out. Think carefully about each step, think about ways to implement it already at the start, and your business will be doomed to success.

The lack of competition in the chinchilla fur production market, ease of care and maintenance, low start-up costs make this business in demand and promising. But those who want to organize a business for breeding chinchillas at home should take into account all the pitfalls and subtleties. The animals need to be looked after regularly, to prevent drafts and temperature fluctuations. Also, not at the start, you need to take care of distribution channels.