We choose a loan for the development of a small business from scratch. Advantageous loans for small businesses: review of the best offers

In most Western European countries you can live on unemployment benefits. If you get tired of endless spitting at the ceiling and don’t want to go to work, go to the bank, get a loan and open your own business from scratch. The main thing is the desire to work and earn money. In Russia, unfortunately, desire alone is not yet enough, but some progress in this direction has already been outlined.

Business loan from scratch

Before the onset of a critical situation in the economy, domestic entrepreneurs received loans very willingly. Today the situation has changed for the worse and you most likely will not succeed in asking for money with absolutely zero and nothing else behind you.

Today they are issued to those who have stayed afloat on their own for at least 6 months.

Even if you successfully worked in the gray sector of the economy for some time, but switched to the official tax system, even without submitting reports, the chances of finding yourself in the role of a borrower are very high. What is important here is actual successful experience in a particular field, as well as the availability of assets involved in the business in the form of equipment or working capital.

Small business development loan

What conditions await legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs, when applying for a loan for small business development? For a change, instead of Sberbank’s offers, let’s consider the conditions offered by a commercial bank in Moscow. This financial institution has a financial product called “Small Business Development Loan”. The borrower selection criteria are as follows:

  • The interest rate is determined individually, based on the level of creditworthiness of the borrower.
  • Submission of applications is available to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in the form of LLC, CJSC and OJSC.
  • Minimum 9 months business experience required.
  • The enterprise must be located no further than 200 km from the bank’s credit division.
  • The period for issuing funds is up to 5 years.
  • The amount is no more than 150 million rubles.
  • Any valuable property belonging to the potential borrower is welcome as security for obligations.

Loans to small businesses from the state 2015

Let's return to Sberbank, because when assessing the processes of lending to small businesses, it is impossible to do without analyzing the activities of this organization. The commercial institution takes an active position in supporting entrepreneurship in the country; loan products are provided under the additional guarantee of the Credit Guarantee Agency. As a result of this practice, the interest rate can be reduced by an amount from 1 to 4%, depending on the lending conditions.

Small business loan from scratch from the state

Since cooperation with the Credit Guarantee Agency (CGA), Sberbank has already issued 138 loans for a total amount of 505 million rubles, which account for 264 million guarantee funds. In 2015, the country's main bank, with the participation of AKG, plans to “distribute” 60 billion rubles to small and medium-sized businessmen.

Loan for starting a small business from scratch

Recently, the state has seriously begun to support newcomers who are developing high technologies and other necessary projects through the creation of startups. New entrepreneurs have access to not only loans on special terms, but also consultations and valuable advice from qualified lawyers and financiers. In addition to access to preferential lending programs, talented entrepreneurs have access to a form of financing such as subsidies.

Sberbank loan to small business from scratch

Sberbank lends to small businesses more actively than other commercial institutions and its conditions are, perhaps, also the most favorable. We propose to consider the features of obtaining a loan in this particular structure. To apply for a loan you need:

  • Contact the nearest Sberbank branch for a list of required documents and return on time with the prepared papers.
  • Opt for the “Business Start” program - it provides the most acceptable conditions for starting your own business.
  • Register with the State Tax Inspectorate as an individual entrepreneur and record the fact of registration in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  • Will study the proposals of Sberbank's franchisor partners.
  • Choose the optimal franchise.
  • Develop a competent business plan, which actually means for an individual entrepreneur to solve such organizational issues as finding and renting premises, developing a campaign to promote a product, etc.
  • Apply for a loan.
  • Prepare 30% of the requested amount for the down payment.

Loan to start a business from scratch without collateral

Today, in the market of financial products of the Russian Federation, the segment of loans for businesses from scratch without collateral is in a stage of stagnation, which is explained by the crisis in the economy. Commercial banks are extremely reluctant to enter into risky transactions, so even if collateral is not required, this is compensated by additional guarantees in the form of increased rates and expanded packages of documentation provided.

Loans are practically not issued to beginning businessmen who do not want to comply with the rules of the game established by the bank. As a result, many aspiring entrepreneurs are looking for alternative sources of financing. Servicing such products is much more expensive, the profitability of the business is sharply reduced, its development is slowed down, which is why the growth rate of the economy in the country as a whole stops.

Small business loan without collateral

The phrase “business loan without collateral” often refers to so-called microloans, which are offered by various alternative lending organizations. The cost of such a loan ranges from 1 to 3% daily (!). In terms of a period of 12 months, the amount of interest ranges from 360 to 1000%, but there is also the body of the loan! Microloans are considered extremely unprofitable and dangerous for business. Taking on the risk of lending on such an expensive scheme only makes sense if you plan to use the funds and pay them back within a short period of time.

To organize your own business or expand an existing one, you need financial investments. What to do if your own funds are not enough? For most entrepreneurs, the answer is obvious - go to the bank and get a loan for business development under certain conditions. Is it so easy for a borrower to take out a loan, is there a real alternative to bank loans, and what conditions must be met in order for the money to be received? More on this below.

Small business lending

Representatives of small businesses include small enterprises without the formation of a legal entity, the total income of which, together with assets, for the past year does not exceed 400 million rubles, and the number of workers does not exceed 100 people. Individual entrepreneurs are another layer representing small businesses. To start their own business or its sustainable development, they do not always have enough working capital, so they have to find sources of financing.

Just a dozen years ago, the unstable situation in the economy allowed only a few to obtain much-needed funds, since investors were in no hurry to invest in small projects. Today, the picture has changed, and small businesses can count not only on private investors and foreign funds, but also confidently turn to domestic banks and even the state.

Bank loans to small businesses

It cannot be stated categorically that anyone can come to a banking institution and take out a loan for business development. The first thing you need to do before applying for a loan is to draw up a competent business plan, based on the calculations of which bankers will make a decision on issuing funds. Moreover, the answer will not always be positive; you may receive a refusal or the amount issued will be less than stated.

The lender will not take risks by investing money in a deliberately losing idea, since the main thing for him is the return of the invested funds, and even in an increased form. For the same reason, banks rarely offer investment loans, the essence of which is to invest money in business development. It's easier for them to borrow funds and get a margin on it.

State small business lending program

If things don’t work out with a financial institution, you have the opportunity to turn to the state and ask for money for your own business. True, you will have to come to terms with the fact that the amount issued will be small - depending on the region, it can range from 50 thousand to 1 million rubles. The rate on such microfinance loans is 10–12%, although they are issued for a shorter period, which, as a rule, does not exceed one year. The entrepreneur will have to provide a guarantee or pledge of property, the sale of which will help cover the debt.

How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch

According to available statistics, about 80% of small businesses cease to exist in the first year of their operation. It cannot be said that they all go bankrupt, because some of them are part of larger industries, joint-stock companies, and some themselves become medium-sized and then large businesses. In addition, many individual entrepreneurs use the so-called “gray scheme” for generating income, so banking institutions cannot see the real income of the enterprise, which could significantly increase the chances of receiving a loan.

It is not difficult to get a loan to develop your own business from a bank, however, for a positive answer, you will need to fulfill a number of conditions, since it is very important for a financial institution to obtain a guarantee of repayment of the borrowed funds. Don’t forget about the opportunity to start your own business through a franchising scheme. In this case, it will be easier to get a loan to purchase a franchise.

Requirements for the borrower

The borrower must meet a number of requirements. Since the business is only planned to be developed, it will not be possible to provide any evidence of its competitiveness and profitability. For this reason, the bank will check the future small business entity as an individual in order to understand how responsibly the person treats their obligations. Bankers will check the borrower’s credit history and send requests to the Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund. If a person was previously an employee, they can make a request to the company where he worked.

Business requirements

Banks do not impose any requirements for the new project as such. They are directly interested in the business plan, so its development must be taken extremely seriously. If you don’t have the skills, it is recommended to hire specially trained people or a company that will draw up a document, taking into account all the client’s wishes. An entrepreneur can easily find and buy a ready-made version of the plan, which spells out all the features of doing business in a particular region. If you plan to carry out licensed activities, for example, selling alcohol, you must present a license.

How to get a business development loan for an individual entrepreneur

For businessmen who want to get money to expand their own business, it is somewhat easier. This is due to the fact that they can document the presence of profit and even provide collateral in the form of their own property. For the bank this is one of the main components, and for the businessman it will bring additional bonuses in favor of a positive outcome of the situation. However, this result is only possible if the client is trustworthy and complies with all the conditions for conducting the business:

  • pays wages;
  • provides contributions to the Federal Tax Service (use the service for generating reports to the Federal Tax Service online);
  • pays all taxes and fees on time; has a profit, etc.

Check out the service for.

For what purposes can you take out a loan for small business development?

As already reported above, the bank is not so important what the borrower is going to do. What is more important to him is whether he will make a profit to cover the debt. If the business is firmly on its feet and the entrepreneur has plans to expand it, you can apply for finance to purchase equipment, vehicles, machinery and even real estate (factoring, leasing, commercial mortgages, etc.). If you need to increase the amount of working capital, then you can also safely apply for a working loan for the development of a small business or take out an overdraft.


In the practice of Russian banks, there are loans that give an entrepreneur the opportunity to receive funds without providing collateral. However, it is worth saying that loans of this kind are issued extremely rarely, since a banking institution requires a certain guarantee. For this reason, to minimize your own risks, the interest rate on unsecured loans for business development is higher than standard offers.


Providing collateral increases the entrepreneur's chances of receiving a loan. The collateral can be movable and immovable property, a guarantee from individuals or legal entities, a deposit in the bank, etc. In this case, bankers are more willing to make a deal with an entrepreneur, since the sale of collateral in case of non-repayment of the debt will be able to cover the resulting debt.

Which banks give loans to small businesses?

A loan for business development can be obtained from many banks in Russia. Proposals are made by both major players in the banking market (Unicreditbank, Raiffeisenbank, etc.) and its smaller representatives (OTP-Bank, Rosenergobank, etc.). The table shows the five largest players:

Banking product

Amount, rubles

Duration, months

Interest rate



Express overdraft


Secured by the purchase of commercial real estate


Secured by purchased machinery and/or equipment

up to 85% of the cost of purchased machinery/equipment


State support for small and medium-sized businesses




Revolving loan

Investment loan

Alfa Bank

For any business purpose without collateral


Cars and special equipment for leasing


Credit Bank of Moscow

For small and medium-sized businesses with bail


For small and medium-sized under guarantee


How to get a loan for a small business from a bank

Before going to the bank with a request for a loan for the development of a small business, you should carefully study all available offers and get advice from colleagues who have already taken out a loan for business development. In some cases, when it is not possible to provide collateral or guarantee, it may be more profitable to take a consumer loan in cash and use this money for your own business, because the interest rates on such loans can be much lower.

What documents are required for registration?

If a bank is selected, you need to collect a certain package of documents. Depending on the institution and the purpose of the business development loan, it can vary significantly. Bankers will definitely require a citizen’s passport and papers confirming the registration of the case. You will have to fill out an application form with all the necessary information. In addition, you will have to attach a business plan, a tax return, and indicate a current account, if you have one. It is possible that other documentation will have to be submitted at the review stage.

State lending to small businesses

Recently, the state has shown interest in small business representatives. Both in the capital and in the regions, you can become a participant in special programs through which you can receive start-up capital to develop your own business. For 2019, a program was adopted to expand state participation in promoting the development of entrepreneurship, reducing interest on loans depending on the level of inflation and the refinancing rate (key rate) of the Central Bank.


In the West, the process of microcrediting small businesses by the state through financial institutions has been introduced everywhere. In Russia, this practice is very poorly developed, or rather, it is in its infancy. The advantage of a microloan compared to a bank loan is a lower interest rate and small requirements for the borrower. Funds are issued up to 3 million for a period of one to 5 years.

The state program applies to small businesses that were unable to borrow money. A distinctive feature of the loan is that the money is issued strictly for a specific project, which is closely monitored by the state. It will not be possible to take out a loan for the development of a small business and spend it in another direction - an inspection by the competent authorities can take place at any time.

Guarantee for a loan from an accredited bank

If a small business representative does not have the opportunity to secure collateral, he can take advantage of the unique opportunity of state assistance and apply for a state guarantee from the Entrepreneurship Support Fund. Its essence is that the bank issues a loan to an entrepreneur for business development under guarantees provided by the state. This service is not free, so the borrower will have to pay a certain percentage of the loaned amount.

This opportunity can only be taken advantage of by those entrepreneurs who are confident on their feet and have profit from running their own business. State guarantee is a popular and affordable service, so it is chosen even by those entrepreneurs who have something to offer as collateral, since the service is financially beneficial, because the borrower does not need to arrange collateral and insurance for the pledged property at his own expense.

Receiving a subsidy for business development

Entrepreneurs belonging to the category of business people whose businesses are successful and generate income have the right to know that they can count on receiving free assistance from the state for the development of their business. Regional entrepreneurship funds are responsible for issuing subsidies, so the specific volume of injections is determined in each region separately depending on the available budget. The maximum amount is limited to 10 million rubles. It can be spent at the discretion of the business owner: renting production premises, creating new jobs, etc.

Concessional lending to small businesses

Beginning entrepreneurs who have no debt to the state, are not on the verge of bankruptcy, make payments on time under existing contracts and repay interest according to the schedule, have the right to count on a lower annual interest rate or an extended period of using the loan under the preferential lending program. Obtaining a loan for business development is carried out through SMEs in branches of partner banks, among which are:

  • Revival;
  • GenBank;
  • Interkommertsbank;
  • Loko-Bank;
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • Universal Credit;
  • Uralsib.

For successful accounting of individual entrepreneurs, use.


To open your own business, very often, additional funds are required. For help, you can contact financial organizations that provide loans for starting a business from scratch.

Experts note that such a loan pays off within one year. Therefore, many banks cooperate with budding businessmen. After the economic crisis, the conditions for providing large loans were tightened, but with a competent approach, you can increase the chances of approval of the application.

To increase the chances of obtaining a loan for an individual entrepreneur, it is recommended to competently draw up a business plan, find guarantors or provide liquid collateral in the form of real estate. Having a positive credit history is also an important indicator of a potential borrower.

Where to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) to open a business from scratch (for a small business)

Many banking organizations are developing special programs for private entrepreneurs who want to start from scratch. In this case, the lender takes into account only the plans and ideas of the borrower. Thus, financial institutions bear large risks, so the size of the loan for starting is small and the interest rate is high.

Before contacting a bank, you need to develop a business plan, which should include items with the following information:

  • The required amount of funds to be raised.
  • Purpose of using money.
  • Estimated profit from business activities.
  • What amount can be withdrawn from circulation in order to make mandatory loan payments.
  • Alternative business development solutions.

This document will allow the lender to assess the feasibility of providing a loan. In addition, when making a decision, the presence of a business plan is taken into account.

Banking organizations offer businessmen the following products:

  • Express loan. Designed for individual entrepreneurs who urgently need additional funds. The decision is made within one hour. The borrower needs to provide a minimum of documentation. It is important to note that such a loan is issued at high interest rates.
  • Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs. In this case, you need to collect the necessary package of documents. Security in the form of collateral or surety may also be required.
  • Cash loan for businessmen. Some financial institutions offer credit lines to budding entrepreneurs.

It is important to note that not all banks cooperate with start-up businessmen. Therefore, you need to carefully study the conditions. Experts recommend applying for a loan from a financial institution where you can open a current account.

The best loan offers for businessmen in 2017

Sberbank of Russia

Sberbank of Russia offers a profitable loan for a starting individual entrepreneur. The product “Trust” allows you to realize your idea. Business loan terms:

  • The loan is provided for any purpose, without providing liquid collateral.
  • With collateral, the loan is issued at a reduced interest rate.
  • The base rate is only 16.5%.
  • The lending limit is 3,000,000 rubles.
  • The maximum loan period is 3 years.

Bank of Moscow

The financial organization has developed a universal loan for opening and developing business activities.

  • The loan size is 150,000 – 150,000,000 rubles.
  • Loan period 1-60 months.
  • The interest rate is determined on an individual basis.
  • Collateral is required.
  • The decision on the application is made no more than 5 days.

OTP bank

The main advantage of OTP Bank is that you can fill out an application on the website and find out about the decision within a few minutes.

  • The loan size is 15,000 – 750,000 rubles.
  • Loan period 12-48 months.
  • The rate is 14.9%.
  • No collateral required.

Renaissance Credit

The financial organization specializes in providing consumer loans not only to the population, but also to individual entrepreneurs.

  • The loan size is 30,000 – 500,000 rubles.
  • The interest rate is determined individually and can be 15.9-29.1%.
  • Loan period: 24-60 months.
  • No collateral required.
  • To apply, it is enough to present a valid Russian passport and an additional document.


Lending terms:

  • The maximum loan size can be 400,000 rubles.
  • The base rate is 12%.
  • The application is filled out online, and the loan is issued at the representative office of the financial institution.
  • The maximum loan period is 5 years.
  • The decision is made within one hour.

Thus, a novice businessman can choose an offer on favorable terms.

Loan conditions for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank. Calculator for 2017

Sberbank of Russia offers various products for individual entrepreneurs. One of these programs is “Business Project,” which allows you not only to open a new business, but also to modernize and expand it.

The main advantages of such a long-term loan are:

  • Significant amounts of lending.
  • A long period.
  • If necessary, you can get a deferment.
  • Consultation with specialists.

Conditions for providing a loan for individual entrepreneurs:

  • The loan period is 3-120 months.
  • The minimum interest rate is 11.8%.
  • The loan is provided only in Russian rubles.
  • Minimum availability of own money: 10%.
  • Payment of the principal debt can be deferred for one year.
  • Loan size: 2,500,000 – 200,000,000 rubles.
  • Security in the form of liquid collateral or surety is required.
  • There are no additional fees.
  • When providing collateral, the property must be insured.

To receive a loan to start a business, you need to fill out an electronic application form on the Sberbank website. To eliminate the risk of refusal, all information must be reliable.

To calculate the approximate overpayment on the loan and the amount of monthly payments, you need to go to: http://www.sberbank.ru/ru/person/credits/money/consumer_unsecured. Fill in all fields and click on the “Calculate” button.

It is important to note that the calculator allows you to find out approximate numbers. More accurate information should be clarified with the bank manager.

Loan without collateral or guarantors from Sberbank. Is it possible to register and how to do it?

Sberbank of Russia provides an opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to obtain a loan without providing liquid collateral in the form of real estate or vehicles.

To receive a loan, go to the “Small Business” section on the financial institution’s website, then select “Loans and guarantees”, where you click on the “Business Trust” tariff.

The loan is issued for a period of up to 4 years. The minimum interest rate is 18.5%. The loan amount can reach 3,000,000 rubles, without charging additional fees.

To obtain a long-term loan, you must complete several steps:

  • Fill out an application at a representative office of a banking organization or on the official website.

  • Provide a list of required documents (constituent, financial, documentation of business activities).
  • Wait for the creditor's decision.
  • If the application is approved, the manager will call the potential borrower to clarify all the nuances of obtaining a loan.

It is important to note that such a program has some restrictions and is therefore not available in all cities of Russia.

If the future client cannot find guarantors and provide collateral, then there is another option for obtaining a loan for the development of individual entrepreneurs. To do this, you need to submit an application for a consumer loan.

Lending terms:

  • The loan is non-targeted.
  • The maximum loan size can be 1,500,000 rubles.
  • Loan period 3-60 months.
  • There are no hidden fees.
  • No collateral required.
  • The interest rate is determined individually and can be 14.9-22.9%.

Thus, a novice businessman can take advantage of several offers from a financial institution.

Loan for individual entrepreneurs with zero reporting

An individual entrepreneur must submit special reports, even if he does not carry out his main activity. Such reporting is considered zero. Is it possible to get approval for a loan in such a situation?

Any financial organization, before making a decision on an application from an individual entrepreneur, first of all takes into account the financial statements. Therefore, they try not to cooperate with businessmen whose reporting is zero. To increase your chances of approval, you must provide liquid collateral or find solvent guarantors.

Primary requirements:

  • If an entrepreneur has a zero declaration, then the main condition for lending is to carry out activities for more than 1 year, after completing the registration procedure. If the borrower can document his or her income, collateral may not be required.
  • Submission of documents: certificate of financial condition, registration certificate, zero reporting and others.

However, you need to understand that in this case, banks try to minimize their risks, so they provide a small amount at high interest rates, compared to loans issued to companies with existing income.

Not all “newly-minted” entrepreneurs start their own business without attracting credit funds. Banks, in turn, are constantly introducing such loan products and issuing loans to individual entrepreneurs for business development in Moscow, in particular for the purchase of equipment, the purchase of goods, etc. Let's consider the terms of the loan.

On what terms are loans issued to individual entrepreneurs for business in Moscow?

First of all, the company applying for a loan must be a resident of the Russian Federation and operate in the region of registration of the bank. Another requirement that almost all Moscow banks put forward is to provide collateral for the loan. To open or maintain an existing business, you can get a loan secured by:

  • apartments;
  • houses or cottages;
  • land plot;
  • transport (including special equipment);
  • office, retail and warehouse premises;
  • commercial real estate.

If you need it in Moscow from scratch, then banks are also ready to consider this option and issue a loan for the purchase of commercial real estate, including those under construction. This loan is designed for 5-10 years. You can apply for such a loan without certificates confirming solvency, as well as without collateral or guarantors at a rate of 12% at Sberbank of Russia. The purchased property will act as collateral for the loan.

A loan for individual entrepreneurs to start a business is issued only in Russian rubles by crediting to the account. A cash loan can be obtained if the bank makes such a decision after considering the application.

In countries with developed economies, individual entrepreneurship brings huge amounts of money to the state treasury. In Russia, this layer of business is not yet very developed, because creating your own business requires considerable funds. You can get them in two ways - attract an investor or take out a loan from a bank. A pressing question today is how to get a loan without refusal for an individual entrepreneur without collateral or a guarantor to open a business, because starting individual entrepreneurs cannot always provide collateral.

What is an individual entrepreneur loan without collateral and guarantors?

To conduct business, it is not always necessary to purchase real estate and equipment that could be offered to the bank as collateral as security for the fulfillment of obligations. For the most part, this concerns the service sector - tailoring, hairdressing, etc. In this regard, loans to individual entrepreneurs without collateral or guarantors are very relevant. You can borrow a certain amount from a bank in different ways, and the main role in this is played by the purpose of the loan.


Overdraft lending is a non-targeted loan. Private entrepreneurs often resort to its use to replenish working capital. This loan product is included in the line of most banking organizations and is provided to those clients who have a current account. An overdraft is accrued in excess of the cash balance and is used to bridge the cash gap or for urgent payments, for example, for the supply of materials or equipment.

Regular loan

Lending to individual entrepreneurs without collateral or guarantors can be carried out in the form of a simple loan, and both beginning businessmen and those who have been working in the market for several years can apply for it. You should not count on a large amount of money, but to solve any urgent problems this type of loan will be relevant. An entrepreneur can also take out cash loans as an ordinary individual - this option for obtaining a loan will require a minimum package of documents, because approval of an application for consumer lending is much simpler.

Full line of credit

The main advantage of a credit line over an overdraft is that such a loan is issued for a longer period. It may be renewable or not. The first option is more preferable, since when you pay off part of the debt, you can use this money again. Interest is accrued only on the funds used, which helps to manage the loan rationally.

For what purposes do banks provide loans to individual entrepreneurs?

Although many banks currently issue loans for individual entrepreneurs without collateral or guarantors, it cannot be said that lenders are willing to accept this kind of borrowing, since the risk of non-repayment of the borrowed money is very likely. If a private owner has been working for several years, then it is easier to take money from the bank to develop his business, because the borrower can show his solvency by providing financial documentation, from which it will be clear that the business is making a profit. The situation is much more difficult with beginners.

Business loan from scratch

If you decide to open your own business, but don’t have enough money for it, you can contact credit organizations, although you should immediately be prepared for the fact that not all of them will be happy to lend money to start your business. In order to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur without collateral or a guarantor, you will need to draw up a high-quality business plan. Taking this document seriously and adapting it to the realities of working in the region will help convince lenders to lend you the necessary amount of money.

Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs

As already mentioned, an entrepreneur is allowed to borrow money from a bank as an individual. To do this, you can apply for a consumer non-targeted loan, which you can then use for a startup or the development of your own business. The advantage of this approach is that there is no need to report to the lender for the money spent. In addition, there is no need to work on a business project, especially since to draw it up it is advisable to resort to the services of specialists, who also need to be paid.

Investment lending

In Russia, the practice of investment loans for individual entrepreneurs without collateral or guarantors is poorly developed. Only a few banks are ready to work according to this scheme, and even then they resort to such special offers extremely rarely. Alternatively, you can turn to private investors who will agree to allocate money to startups if they see that they can make a profit from it. However, in any case, to implement this idea you will need a high-quality business plan.

For business development

Without presenting liquid collateral and individual entrepreneur guarantors, it is easier to obtain a loan for the development of an existing business. In this case, it is recommended to contact the bank where the current account is opened. This way, the lender can see the movement of working capital and assess how profitably the borrower’s business operates. Depending on this, not only a certain amount will be offered, but also individual service conditions - the interest rate and the term of the loan.


If the credit burden while running a business becomes excessive, and it is difficult to pay off the existing debt, you can contact the lender to refinance the existing debt. The advantage of a banking program is that existing debt is broken down over a longer period and monthly payments are reduced. However, you need to understand that in the end you will have to return a large margin to the bank in the form of accrued interest.

Leasing programs

If you need money to purchase equipment, commercial real estate or vehicles, banks offer individual entrepreneurs the opportunity to take advantage of leasing programs. The program is especially relevant if you need to purchase expensive property. Subject to certain conditions, entrepreneurs are provided with property for a specific period for an agreed fee, which can subsequently be purchased. A clear advantage of the leasing lending option for individual entrepreneurs is the absence of the need to provide collateral.

Small business lending without collateral or guarantors

Loan programs for individual entrepreneurs are varied. The offers have different interest rates and are provided for a specific period, and the loan amount also varies depending on the lender. This is due to the fact that applications from applicants are considered on an individual basis. For starting individual entrepreneurs, it will be more difficult to get a loan without guarantors and collateral. The amount itself will be small, since newcomers are in the first risk group and banks always play it safe, since there is a possibility that they will not get back the money lent to the individual entrepreneur.

Interest rates

If collateral or guarantee cannot be provided by the borrower, then low interest rates cannot be expected from the lender. Their value may vary depending on the selected loan offer. The interest rate is directly related to the success of doing business, good credit history and other circumstances. Additional risk and life insurance for individual entrepreneurs will help reduce the interest rate.

Loan term and amount

As for the timing of the provision of money, it all depends on the chosen product. For example, an overdraft loan is provided for a period of one year, while a line of credit can be opened for 3 or even more years. Loans for a minimum period are popular because the overpayment in this case is small. You should not count on a large sum of money if a loan for an individual entrepreneur is requested without collateral or a guarantor. Debt repayment can be made according to an annuity, differentiated or individual payment schedule.

Requirements for borrowers

In addition to the mandatory requirements of banks for the success of running a business or a well-written business plan, the borrower himself must meet certain parameters. Each lender has its own idea of ​​the ideal borrower, but for most banking institutions the following parameters are dominant:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • registration in the region of doing business;
  • age range (mainly from 21 to 60 years);
  • positive credit history;
  • availability of hired workers (not always).

Special programs for small businesses

The state at the federal and regional levels is actively involved in supporting private owners, especially when it comes to innovative projects. If the business is still young and has been operating for no more than 2 years, you can count on a subsidy from the state, which can be spent on purchasing equipment or materials and paying rent. To do this, you need to take a young entrepreneur course and draw up a business plan. Mandatory conditions for lending are the availability of own funds and a report on the use of money.

Citizens registered at the labor exchange, but who want to start their own business, can also count on state support. They are allocated up to 60,000 rubles for a startup. To receive investment, you need to draw up a business plan, and after its implementation, report on the money used. It is worth considering that there is no need to return preferential funds to the state - they are allocated free of charge.

How to get a loan for an entrepreneur

In order to obtain a loan for an individual entrepreneur without collateral or a guarantor, a number of conditions must be met. First, you need to open a current account, and this can be done not only during a personal visit to the bank, but also online. Once you have decided on your future field of activity, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur. The procedure is paid and today its cost is 800 rubles.

At the next stage, you need to prepare a high-quality business plan, and then decide on the bank from which you plan to borrow funds. If you have doubts about a particular institution, you can send an application to several lenders at the same time, and then choose the best option. Then the process of collecting documentation begins - the more papers you can provide, the better. The bank must see your solvency. After this, you will need to sign a loan agreement and you can begin to implement your own idea.

What documents are needed for an individual entrepreneur loan?

Banks, accepting an application from a potential applicant for a loan, will require him to provide a number of documents. Depending on the lender, the list can vary significantly, so you need to be prepared to provide additional documents in addition to the following:

  • passport;
  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • tax return;
  • statement of incoming and outgoing transactions.

Which bank can I get a loan for an entrepreneur without guarantors and without collateral?

Each businessman chooses a lender depending on certain criteria, however, as practice shows, the likelihood of getting a loan is greater if you contact the banking institution where you are served. Here are ten profitable offers at this time:

  1. Sberbank of Russia offers loans for opening or developing a business, as well as replenishing working capital.
  2. OTP-Bank. Individual approach to each client with the possibility of reviewing management reporting.
  3. Raiffeisenbank. For individual entrepreneurs with an annual turnover of no more than 55 million rubles, loans are offered with the possibility of early repayment and without commissions.
  4. Promsvyazbank. Issues loans for individual entrepreneurs with a fixed or floating interest rate.
  5. Alfa Bank. Issues money without collateral or guarantors for any purpose, subject to opening a current account.
  6. Bank opening. Engaged in express lending when installing bank acquiring and opening a current account.
  7. Bank Zenith. Offers loans for any purpose, revolving and non-revolving lines of credit.
  8. UBRR. Loans without collateral, overdrafts and leasing programs are provided.
  9. VTB 24. Offers various types of loan programs for both starting individual entrepreneurs and those developing their business.
  10. Credit Bank of Moscow. Lends money in the shortest possible time using a simplified receipt program upon presentation of a minimum package of documents

Credit Trust in Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs

The country's largest bank does not require collateral to obtain loans from aspiring entrepreneurs. The “Trust” product is not a targeted loan and is provided for any purpose. Additional commissions are not charged, but loans are issued provided that the annual turnover (income) of the individual entrepreneur is no more than 60 million rubles. The loan repayment period is limited to three years, and the interest rate starts from 17% per annum. The maximum you can count on is 3 million rubles.

Loans for individual entrepreneurs at Rosselkhozbank

For entrepreneurs operating in the agricultural sector, the Russian Agricultural Bank can issue loans without providing guarantors or collateral for various purposes - from overdraft to refinancing. Loan amounts, terms and annual rates are calculated based on each case individually. The bank provides both its own loan products and government programs.

Alfa Bank – individual entrepreneur loan

If you have a current account at an institution, individual entrepreneurs can safely fill out an application online, because they have a chance to borrow up to 6 million rubles at a minimum rate of 12.55 per annum. Funds are provided without collateral or guarantors for any purpose. In addition, budding entrepreneurs can take advantage of other services of a financial institution:

  • bank guarantee;
  • online service for preparing documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs or LLCs;
  • special conditions for the use of online accounting;
  • first business advertising on Yandex;
  • free legal consultation.

Loan for individual entrepreneur Sovcombank

An unsecured loan for a maximum amount of up to 1 million rubles can be obtained by a beginning businessman for any purpose without certificates or guarantors at a rate of 19% per annum. The maximum term for a Super Plus loan is 5 years, and early repayment of the loan is allowed at any time without penalties. Sovcombank offers individual entrepreneurs to further protect themselves by concluding a voluntary insurance service.

Pros and cons of lending without collateral and guarantors for beginning entrepreneurs

It is important to understand that a loan for individual entrepreneurs without collateral or a guarantor has both positive and negative sides. One of the disadvantages is the high interest rates, so the cost of such loans is higher than loans issued against collateral. In addition, banks issue small amounts. The main advantage is that money can be obtained without providing collateral, and to issue loans you need a small number of documents and a competent business plan.

For ease of accounting for individual entrepreneurs, use.
