It's a small matter. Small matter left Small matter left

14.03.2018 12:15:00

On March 18, residents of the district center will choose the logo of our village. Sketches of the Tyoply logo have been developed, and this Sunday it will become clear which of them will become the “face” of the district.

We have already told you that this year the project “Brands of Small Towns of the Tula Region” was launched in 14 cities and towns of the region. It was aimed at expanding tourism and investment opportunities in the region.

At the initial stage, experts identified the main characteristic features of the village of Teploye, based on the historical and territorial features of our region. Residents of the area could also make their proposals. Then, based on this, professional designers from Tula, Moscow and St. Petersburg developed sketches of the logo. There were ten of them in total, some of which we showed in the previous issue of the newspaper. All that’s left to do is come to your polling stations on March 18, which will be located in the same buildings as the polling stations, and vote for your favorite logo, which will become the calling card of our district.

Diana Anisimova, sales manager:

I learned that Teply would have its own logo in February, and followed the progress of the competition with interest.

On the website of the regional newspaper, I saw all ten sketches, each of which suits our village in its own way. They depict domes, ears of corn, fire, the sun, and a bell. All this looks fresh and modern in the designer's work. On March 18, I will vote not only for the president, but also for my favorite logo. I will invite my friends to the elections too. I believe that among the proposed options there are worthy ones, and we ourselves must choose which one will decorate our area.

Alexander Smirnov, sound engineer:

I try to find out on time about all the news happening in our area. And of course, such an event as the choice of the village logo was also involved.

Very soon it will become clear which emblem will decorate and represent our beloved village of Teploye. Of course, I would like our region, its people, talents, and achievements to be talked about beyond its borders. I hope the logo will contribute to this.

And yes, I’ll definitely go to the logo elections.

The construction of the Baku-Akhalkalaki-Kars railway should be completed this year. This was discussed at yesterday's meeting in Ankara by Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili and his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul.

Construction of the railway, which will connect Azerbaijan and Turkey through the territory of Georgia, began in 2007 and should be completed in 2014. This project is of great importance not only for Azerbaijan and Turkey, but also for other countries in the region. For example, the countries of Central Asia have already expressed their interest in the project, for which an alternative access to European markets is opening through the Caspian Sea. In Georgia, the project is also considered important not only from an economic, but also from a geopolitical point of view: the strategic importance of the country, acting as a transit corridor, will become higher in the eyes of the West.

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However, problems arose with the implementation of the project last year.
After the change of government in Georgia, construction work stalled. According to political scientist Soso Tsintsadze, advisers to former Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili did their best to slow down the project, considering it unprofitable for the country. They pointed out that Georgian ports would lose part of their revenue from transit, because cargo will go by land.

Apparently, the problems remain to this day. Before Margvelashvili’s visit to Turkey, the Azerbaijani press expressed obvious dissatisfaction with the pace of work taking place on Georgian territory. In particular, it was said that the laying of the railway track was only 31% complete.

According to Tsintsadze, it was the delay in the construction of the railway that led to the fact that the Turkish side violated etiquette by sending a low-ranking official to meet Margvelashvili at the airport. In addition, the visit was marred by an incident in Abdullah Gul’s reception room:

“It’s no secret that, unlike Azerbaijan and Turkey, this project is not a priority for the Georgian government. In addition, the position of the Armenian side and the obvious discontent of Russia were taken into account. The Turkish side is also well aware that Margvelashvili is unable to speed up construction. All this resulted in an incident in the reception room of the Turkish president, which occurred through the fault of the host party. The security service should not have allowed anyone near the delegation,” said Soso Tsintsadze.

The incident occurred in the president's reception room. An employee of the press service of the Georgian president was attacked by an unknown woman, who knocked her down and grabbed her hair. The Turkish side called the incident settled, declaring “the insanity of the attacker.” The press service of the President of Georgia agreed with this formulation, but an unpleasant aftertaste remained, which was also evident from the speech of Margvelashvili, who limited himself to a dry greeting, read out from a piece of paper.

The wording used by the Turkish President in his speech Abdullah Gul, were short and straightforward:

“We want the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway section, called the “modern Silk Road,” to be completed this year.”

According to an economic expert Vazhi Beridze, some tension in Georgian-Turkish relations is a consequence of a misunderstanding. According to him, the Baku-Akhalkalaki-Kars project will undoubtedly be implemented, and the Georgian side will not delay it:

“I don’t think there is a deliberate delay in the work. There were some difficulties during the change of power, but they have already been overcome. The problem of financing has also been resolved. If anything hinders the work, it is technical problems and the harsh climate of the places where the work is being carried out. Both Turkey and Georgia are looking forward to the completion of this project.”

Indeed, there are no problems with financing the project. For the construction and reconstruction of the Georgian section of the railway, Azerbaijan allocated a preferential loan to Georgia in the amount of $775 million. The first tranche in the amount of 200 million for 25 years was issued at 1% per annum, the second tranche in the amount of 575 million was issued for 25 years at 5% per annum. The railway, which will have direct access to the European rail network, is expected to transport approximately 30 million tons of freight annually.

The only thing left to do is to complete the construction work and do it this year, since too many countries in the region are clearly looking forward to the completion of the project. Azerbaijan has already purchased carriages from Switzerland in order to travel comfortably to Europe.

Many modern photographers are familiar with the classic "film camera effect" style thanks to the popular app like Instagram. (In fact, we recently wrote about how to properly photograph food for a blog.) But applying these changes after the photo has already been taken does not look completely natural, and can also significantly reduce the quality of the image. Instead of messing around with post-processing, you can create the desired effect yourself right away.

To do this, you will need a camera, which we hope you already have and are more or less mastered, as well as ordinary plastic lunch bags with a zip-lock fastener. Such bags are antistatic and will be most convenient when attached to a camera lens.

Separate or tear the bottom of the bag so that you have a cylinder. Using bright markers (purple, pink, yellow), mark spots of different sizes on the polyethylene.

Wrap the clasp part around the camera lens, with the opposite end extending slightly beyond the edge of the lens. Most photographers hold the lens with their hands when they shoot, so you should have a plastic bag under your fingers. When focusing or achieving the required autofocus, you rotate the focusing ring along with the package.

In the title photo you see what your camera should look like and what kind of effect can be achieved using polyethylene technology.

Alternatively you can. They are secured in the same way around the lens using a regular rubber band. The filters do not need to be painted with a marker; they come in a variety of colors and are sold in.

Master it, the results won’t take long to arrive! Of course, you shouldn’t use this method for absolutely all your pictures, but as a creative option, you can confidently adopt it.

In most cases, extensions appeared in violation of the law. As is known, the reconstruction and construction of premises in a house requires the consent of all owners of the house. But which of the residents will voluntarily condemn themselves to future inconveniences? Excavation of soil from the basement and redevelopment of premises can lead to cracking of load-bearing walls and shrinkage of the foundation of the house. And it doesn't get any better - ventilation noise, trucks in the yard, loading and unloading of goods... Who needs such a hectic neighborhood?

So the residents of house No. 76 on Sverdlov Avenue once spoke out categorically against the reconstruction of a corner apartment into a grocery store. However, its owner did not listen to anyone and built a solid box with a total area of ​​almost 134 square meters in front of the amazed neighbors.

Activists of the building did not silently put up with such impudence, but obtained a court decision to demolish the building. Justice, it would seem, has triumphed. But things are still there.

Calm before the storm

We talked about the confrontation between the residents of an entire building and the entrepreneur Oleg Napreev, who, using roundabout ways, expanded a three-room apartment on the ground floor to the scale of a full-fledged commercial facility back in August 2014. Let us remember that this story began in 2009, when a local entrepreneur took a fancy to the 76th house on Sverdlov Avenue to open a grocery store. Residents of the house were categorically against this idea.

However, a few years later, in May 2013, large-scale construction suddenly began in the courtyard of the house. And a shocking answer came from the administration of Dzerzhinsk: “The entrepreneur was given permission to transfer residential premises to non-residential premises, reconstruct and build an extension based on the minutes of the general meeting of home owners, held back in 2009, at which all 100% of the residents of the house gave their consent to the construction.” .

In reality, there was no meeting of the owners of the house; no one gave consent to the reconstruction. Residents were able to document this fact. In September 2013, they filed a statement with the Internal Affairs Directorate and filed a lawsuit. A handwriting examination carried out as part of the proceedings confirmed the forgery of the signatures. Nizhny Novgorod experts, by the way, found that many of the strokes were made with one hand. In addition, those who signed included those who died a year before the meeting. The Dzerzhinsk Department of Internal Affairs also recognized the protocol as false, but for some reason refused to initiate a criminal case with the typical wording “due to the lack of corpus delicti.” But Themis sided with the residents.

On February 7, 2014, the Dzerzhinsky City Court declared the construction illegal and ordered the entrepreneur to demolish the extension at his own expense within a month and bring the facade and surrounding area to proper condition. Napreev filed an appeal to the regional court, which on May 27 upheld the decision of the first instance.

While the trials were ongoing, the entrepreneur managed to obtain a certificate of state registration of ownership of the entire extension. And then he sold the premises to Elena Pogosova, who, according to the residents of the house, is his wife. Apparently, the calculation was that the court's decision to demolish the building would no longer affect the bona fide purchaser. However, the residents of the house also came to the rescue. The comrades in misfortune went to court, which, at their insistence, transferred the claims for liquidation of the object to the new owner and completely prohibited subsequent registration actions.
Mrs. Pogosova also tried to fight off the restrictions that arose through the court, where she argued that she allegedly knew nothing about the decision ordering the demolition of the building. The court did not believe the woman. But for the residents, on the contrary, and on September 23, 2014, they achieved a change of party in the enforcement proceedings. According to the ruling of the Dzerzhinsky City Court (case No. 13-691/2014), the responsibility for demolishing the outbuilding at one’s own expense was transferred from Oleg Valeryevich Napreev to Elena Leonidovna Pogosova. The owner of the annex failed to overturn the court decision.
This, it would seem, is the end of the fairy tale. Well done residents! But it was not there!

Battle for the Annex

This is the fourth year that the extension on Sverdlov Ave. has stood intact and intact. For the second year, bailiffs, under various pretexts, are in no hurry to execute the court decision. Moreover, the department insists on closing the enforcement proceedings. Olga Kvadratova, bailiff of the Dzerzhinsky district department of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Nizhny Novgorod region, addressed the city court with such a statement last year. The most significant argument of the bailiff in favor of terminating the enforcement proceedings initiated on September 17, 2014, was the expert opinion of Grazhdanpromproekt LLC No. 133-14-BO.

The document states that the extension cannot be demolished without causing damage to the structure of the residential building. The court refused the bailiffs (ruling dated September 16, 2015 in case No. 13-718/2015). Justifying her verdict, judge Olga Yurova drew attention to the previous court ruling dated January 12, 2015, in which Elena Pogosova was denied termination of enforcement proceedings. As evidence of impossibility, Ms. Pogosova also referred to the expert opinion of Grazhdanpromproekt LLC. Note that the city court’s ruling dated January 12, 2015
then no one appealed and entered into legal force. In general, last fall the court did not find sufficient evidence to support the loss of the ability to fulfill the requirements for the demolition of the extension, and therefore rejected the application of bailiff Olga Kvadratova.

But not even a couple of weeks had passed before bailiff of the Dzerzhinsky district department E.N. Nevedina sent a private complaint to the judicial panel for civil cases of the Nizhny Novgorod regional court. The bailiffs were not satisfied with the ruling of the Dzerzhinsky City Court dated September 16, 2015.

They insisted that the judge did not take into account that the demolition of the extension was dangerous for the life and health of the residents of the house themselves, once again referring to the expert opinion repeatedly mentioned above. In addition, the bailiffs noted that the extension itself complies with all building codes. The facility was erected under the supervision of the State Architectural and Construction Supervision Inspectorate of the Nizhny Novgorod Region in accordance with the project of the same Grazhdanpromproekt LLC, completed in 2009. The project, in turn, was developed in accordance with the “Architectural and Planning Assignment” issued by the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Dzerzhinsk Administration, and agreed with all regulatory authorities. In addition to this, the bailiffs reported that the premises complied with all sanitary and fire safety standards. The arguments of the bailiffs, who are supposed to uphold the law, screamed: why demolish a good building if it does not threaten anything, even though it was built in defiance of the will of the residents of the entire building, and therefore in defiance of the law?

At the same time, the SPP tried to shield Ms. Pogosova directly. “He will not take responsibility for the demolition and does not have the financial ability,” the bailiffs categorically told the court. As follows from the private complaint, from November 2014 to August 2015, Elena Pogosova underwent surgery to remove vertebral hernias. And since August 1, 2015, Pogosova has been on disability, which is confirmed by medical documents. And yet, according to the bailiffs, the court of first instance did not take into account that the plaintiff in the enforcement proceedings, Natalya Sobko, died on April 11, 2015...

Does your hand wash your hand?

The appellate court rejected Nevedina's private complaint. The bailiff did not really say anything new to the court. At the same time, some references, for example about the death of the debtor, look unconvincing and sometimes even blasphemous.

The chairman of the council of house No. 76 on Sverdlova Avenue, Natalya Sobko, actually died last spring. The cause of her sudden death, in all likelihood, was nervous overstrain from the endless struggle with unauthorized construction. As the residents of the house say, cheerful and cheerful Natalya Anatolyevna quickly burned out in battle and died from oncology in just one month.

However, Natalya Sobko did not fight alone. All these years they have walked hand in hand with the chairman of TOS “Zabota” Yulia Voinova, who now continues to take active action on behalf of all home owners.

“Eliminating this cancerous tumor on the body of our house is truly a matter of honor,” says Yulia Voinova. - All these years we have been living like on a powder keg. It’s mind-boggling how much we went through, starting from the first days of construction, when the Gazelle went under the asphalt in the yard. The car was equipped with a gas cylinder, and we could all fly into the air. Then a concrete slab began to move from the porch of the first entrance, where the extension was being built, and cracks began to creep along the walls of the house. Therefore, the decision of the court of first instance, which decided to demolish the extension, and at the same time restore the facade and the surrounding area, is quite fair.”

Yulia Voinova considers the excuses of the bailiffs to be untenable, and the execution of the court decision, which has been delayed for years, as a malicious matter. Essentially, in order to execute the court decision, the bailiffs must announce a competition to attract an organization to liquidate the outbuilding. In this case, expenses are reimbursed from the budget or the debtor. At one time, SSP tried to carry out such a procedure, but included completely unattractive conditions in the competition conditions. It was proposed to reimburse the payment from construction waste generated as a result of the demolition of the facility. Who would do this?

Meanwhile, the city has enough specialized construction and installation organizations that could expertly dismantle a building without damaging the load-bearing structures of a residential building. Moreover, Yulia Voinova held consultations with such companies and enlisted their support. Specialists have long offered their assistance to the bailiff service, but still cannot get into the premises to assess the scale of the work.

“You know, what’s amazing is that we fight so much, write everywhere, achieve positive decisions on paper, and the bailiffs, together with the administration of Dzerzhinsk, whose representatives also participated in numerous court hearings, continue to protect the interests of the entrepreneur, despite what has already been proven in court, that he is wrong,” Yulia Voinova is indignant. - One remains perplexed - either the bailiffs do not want to work this way, or they have some kind of selfish interest in protecting the rights of this citizen? By the way, during the entire time that enforcement proceedings have been ongoing, we have already changed more than a dozen bailiffs and each new one looks at our case like, excuse me, a ram at a new gate.”

TOS "Zabota" does not intend to put up with arbitrariness and has already sent an appeal to the chief bailiff of the region, Igor Korsakov. Today, another lawsuit is being prepared against Ms. Pogosova for the illegal use of the land plot where the annex is located. “DV” promises to monitor developments.

Vadim Shchurenkov

It's a matter of small things. Iron. The delay is due to a trifle. A bloody rebellion has begun... We should quickly raise the green banner of the prophet over the rocks!.. So that the power of the new imam will shine in a crown of power and glory. And it’s only a matter of small things - Bayazet’s(V. Pikul. Bayazet). It was a small matter: Steponka had no land. And the guy began to pull the veins out of himself to earn an extra penny(F. Abramov. Brothers and sisters).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

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    CASE- Drawing master. People's Joking. Pickpocket. SRNG 5, 69. Coffin master. Jarg. school Joking. iron. Labor teacher. (Recorded 2003). Master of assholes. Jarg. they say Joking. Proctologist. Vakhitov 2003, 55. Backpack master. Razg. Outdated... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    case- A; pl. affairs/, affairs, affairs/m; Wed see also business, business, business 1) a) Work, occupation, activity. Household affairs. Urgent, urgent matter... Dictionary of many expressions

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    it became a small matter- (ironic) about an important matter, difficulty, disadvantage Wed. So, you have little to do, just get married?.. Ostrovsky. Wolves and sheep. 4, 3. Wed. Excusez du peu! Wed. He decided to introduce something new, namely to stop abnormal income or extortions, oh... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

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