HYIP projects that pay without cheating every day - HYIP NINJA. Your own home business The best HYIPs in rubles

However, when investing, many people make various mistakes that lead to loss of funds. To prevent novice HYIP investors from making the wrong steps, I have compiled a list of 15 main mistakes made by beginners.

Mistake #1. Believe in legends. One of the most common mistakes. You shouldn’t pay attention to them; it’s still impossible to verify their reality. Treat hype like a game - this is the most correct approach.

Mistake #2. A long period of work means the project is reliable. HYIPs that pay for 2 years are undoubtedly of high quality and have a competent admin at the helm, but this does not mean that the HYIP is reliable for investment. Quite the contrary, the longer the project runs, the higher the risks.

Mistake #3. Delay with the deposit. Taking a closer look at the project is a necessary thing, but it should not drag on for months. If you like a project, watch its work for a while and make a clear decision whether to invest or not.

Mistake #4. Investing large sums in one project. Having learned that the project pays, the newcomer invests all the money that is in his wallet. “Why make small investments when you can invest more and therefore earn more?” - he thinks. And this mistake can turn his savings into zero. You should not invest all your funds in one HYIP, select 4-5 or more worthy projects and distribute the funds between them.

Mistake #6. Exchange of electronic currencies on unknown sites. You are a newbie and registered in HYIP, you want to top up your account, but have never dealt with a payment system before. You start looking for an exchanger and there is a chance that you will stumble upon scammers. Exchange funds only in reliable and trusted services; you can find links to them.

Mistake #7. Constant reinvestment. No need to wait for $100 to turn into $400 - always withdraw interest. If you do reinvest and your contribution doubles, withdraw it and a little profit on top, and you can leave the rest in the project. Thus, you no longer risk your deposit, and the money remaining in the account will continue to bring you profit.

Mistake #8. I’ll save up the money and then withdraw it all at once. Firstly, before you decide to withdraw “all at once”, the HYIP may stop making payments, so it is important to withdraw profits as often as possible. And secondly, HYIPs do not like to part with large sums - it is better to withdraw money in parts.

Mistake #9. Believe the words of the admins. News about a large influx of deposits, the rapid growth of the investment system, high-profile victories and serious successes of the company - all this is aimed at receiving new deposits. Don't trust the admins, they always lie :)

Mistake #10. Investing borrowed money. You remember the main rule of investors: “don’t invest money that you can’t afford to lose”? Whatever the project, such undertakings usually do not end well. Yes, maybe your friend successfully used credit funds in a hype and made money, but it’s not a fact that you will be as lucky.

Mistake #11. Selection of the longest plans in fast. Or, as they are also called, trap plans. In most cases, while you are waiting for the funds to increase on such plans, the project will already be closed. Don’t be fooled by the huge percentages on long plans - you won’t get them anyway.The proverb fits here: “a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky.” Go for shorter plans, the chance of making money on such plans is many times higher than on long-term ones.

Mistake #12. Believe the scammers. Scammers are people who, knowing the real picture of hype, talk about it as a perfect risk-free tool. They can promise mountains of profit and years of project work, if only a person will invest. They may even call you for projects. All scammers do is mislead people. Their main goal is to get referrals at any cost. As a rule, they write themselves and intrusively try to call on Skype to talk about a “super reliable investment company.” Before you follow a person, see if he warns about risks, writes the truth, or throws around “guarantees” and calls for all accruals to be reinvested. I covered the topic of scammers in more detail.

Mistake #13. The higher the percentages, the cooler it is. Newbies often think “why would I invest at 1% per day, here is a project that charges 10% (20, 30) per day, it’s better if I invest there - I’ll earn more faster and earn more.” And here lies a big mistake, because the higher the interest, the shorter the project duration and the higher the risks. For example, there are projects that accrue 100% per day, but no one can withdraw these percentages :) In projects with an income of 10% per day and above, rarely does anyone except admins earn money. More often than not, it is the average percentage HYIPs that make it possible to gain profit, so the blog mainly contains such projects.

Mistake #14. Trust the statistics of deposits, payments and term of work. It is not uncommon for statistics to be placed in the most prominent place on a HYIP website, proudly announcing the start date, the amount of deposits and payments of participants. The beginner thinks: “since people invest and withdraw large sums, I’ll follow their example.” But in reality, all these investments and conclusions may not exist - it’s just that the admin himself draws the numbers in the statistics in order to lure inexperienced players. The same goes for the start date - don’t look at what’s written on the website, the hype supposedly works for 1000 days, with a high degree of probability it’s a hoax.

Mistake #15. General naivety. Some newcomers have the tendency to believe that the project they found is incredibly cool and it is in it that they will get rich. If you point out otherwise to newcomers, they will get offended and say that you haven’t studied the project enough, are narrow-minded and don’t understand anything at all. Usually we are talking about projects with an MLM component, where admins try to sell participants shares, “packages” or just air.
And in the head of a beginner, similar thoughts arise:

“You're lucky, boy! Don’t listen to these skeptics who don’t believe in anything, let them continue to earn their measly hundreds of dollars. You're in luck, you'll earn tens of thousands of dollars here! Don't listen to what the old-timers say! They are too pessimistic, they don’t even try to look at your diamond. Take risks and don’t trust anyone’s advice!” Well, I think everyone understands how it ends.

I remember the moment from the film “The Lord of the Rings”, where Bilbo found the One Ring and wants to keep it for himself, and Gandalf tries to dissuade him from “investing in the project” :) The old man is experienced, he knows a lot, listen! But no, fantasies about hundreds of percent profit have already taken over the mind of our young Internet investor.

The question is how to quickly double your money, is relevant for many, if not everyone: if for those who do not have finances, it is very acute, then owners of considerable sums also do not refuse to increase their capital and are looking for various ways. There are many methods to increase existing amounts, but not all of them can quickly increase savings - many are designed for years and much lower profit percentages.

When considering various methods of doubling capital, it is necessary to pay attention to two main aspects: the level of risk (which may be too high and lead to the loss of all money) and efficiency (analysis of the principle of operation of the method, the presence of guarantees, consultations with those who have already taken advantage of the opportunity, etc. .d.).

Today there are methods that make it possible to double the amount not just quickly, but even in one day. True, they are too risky. There are options that work longer, but also give the desired result. Thanks to development information technologies Users have a new area where they can not only double their money, but also earn money, create sources, communicate, interact with people and the world.

Several rules for increasing capital

Before you give preference to one or another option and invest your savings in it, you need to do everything well analyze and think through. It is advisable to choose the most reliable and truly working methods and remember that reviews may be paid, people may turn out to be scammers, and a proven scheme may fail.

Therefore, you can only invest and double the money you have. in free access. You cannot risk funds that are a safety net or taken on credit, so that later you do not have to deal with unpleasant consequences for a long time and unsuccessful investments turn into a disaster.

Things to remember:

1) Check everything - the reliability and honesty of the people with whom you need to interact, companies whose ideas you will invest in, websites, production facilities, etc. It is advisable to check using several methods, since today it is very easy to create the appearance of wealth, but in reality a successful trader may turn out to be an unlucky beginner who will risk the investor’s money.

2) Analyze and take into account only facts and figures - do not give in to persuasion or the illusory opportunity to immediately become a millionaire. Emotions are not taken into account in such matters; sober calculation is needed here.

3) Take calculated risks– so, for example, by investing in hype, you can double your money every day, but only in the early stages of the project’s existence, when it is actively developing and attracting new participants. In this case, the risk will be justified and will provide income, but then you need to quickly withdraw money from the project and not hold it until the payments stop.

4) Choose Several variants- instead of investing 100,000 thousand with the desire to get 200,000 in one project, you can invest 25,000 in four. One of them will bring greater profit, the other will give a loss, but together this approach will make it more likely to achieve the goal.

Consideration of current options

To quickly double the amount of money you have, you will have to use rather risky methods. The safest and most reliable ones involve very low interest rates: in a bank it will give 2-8% per annum, investments in business will pay off within at least several months, buying real estate and gold will give results in years. Therefore, to quickly increase money you will have to choose original methods.

Methods for quickly receiving funds:

1) Lend money to someone - when funds are needed urgently and the bank refuses or requires lengthy paperwork, people decide to borrow. In this case, the interest is very high, the terms are short, but you need to carefully check the borrower in order to then get the money back with interest.

2) Investment in promising business project or a startup - you can get income either in a month or in years: it all depends on the specific project. If you invest in a truly promising or innovative business that has already been created and is about to start generating income, by “exploding” the market, you can get your interest quickly.

3) Betting on horse racing, etc. - a very risky method, but it will allow you to double your money instantly - literally in one day. Suitable for those who are professionally versed in a particular sport, often go to horse races, and have deep knowledge in a certain area. In this case, the risk is reduced due to the ability to make the right bets and eliminate the possibility of losses.

4) Resale - antiques, art objects, a variety of items, if you have the opportunity or knowledge to buy cheap and then sell for 2-3 times more expensive (or even more). Quite often it happens that expensive things are sold at a low price due to the seller’s ignorance or unwillingness to understand the issue, or the desire to quickly get rid of unnecessary things. Walking through old shops in Europe or flea markets, it is quite possible to find antique chairs or paintings of average value, which can then be successfully sold to connoisseurs at a high price.

5) Self-education- a rather difficult path, but acceptable for the talented and capable. You can invest money in your knowledge and then sell it, earning much larger sums. Today, the areas of IT, marketing and advertising, psychology and self-improvement, etc. are relevant.

Methods of making profit on the Internet

Considering the Internet as a field of activity, many are looking for an opportunity to start earning money: doing something in exchange for payment. This is not passive income, but ordinary work, which, subject to the professionalism and responsibility of the performer, will give a chance to earn a lot of money. But there are other methods of increasing capital that involve successful investments in networks that generate income without investor intervention.

Working areas and methods:

  • Stocks and bonds– provided that the investment is made at a time of rapid development of the company or enterprise, it may well double the available amount and provide even greater income.
  • HYIPs – offer to double and triple invested funds in the shortest possible time. You need to invest only in the first days or months of the pyramid’s existence, while it is popular and attracts new participants, through whose contributions payments are made to existing members of the hype.
  • Trade on international markets– the same stocks or currencies on Forex, binary options or futures. The option can provide rapid capital growth, subject to the availability of abilities and knowledge, or the provision of money to an experienced trader-manager to work with.
  • Mutual funds, hedge funds– will allow you to quickly double your money, subject to appropriate agreements and investments in projects that provide quick profits.

There are a huge variety of doubling options, tripling profits, which many sites literally shout about. Most of them are scams in one form or another. The roughest option is when the user simply transfers money and does not receive it back, but such projects do not last long and do not provide any guarantees or indirect signs of reliability.

But there is methods that really work- these are the ones you need to use. Making money online is a reality today, and risks decrease in inverse proportion to the knowledge and skills gained. The main conditions for successful investments are an understanding of the principle of operation of the method and a thorough check of all data. In this case, the opportunity to quickly double your existing money is quite real.

ATTENTION! Earning money from HYIPs is a very risky type of income, but the income is also very high in a short time.

Remember this when you invest your money, to reduce the risk, distribute the budget among different HYIPs, even one project can cover all expenses and turn into a profit!


1. When investing money in a particular project, only you bear full responsibility for all the risks to which your funds are exposed.

You need to be mentally prepared for the worst-case scenario.

Scary? But, not everything is so scary if you adhere to these points of the rules, so!

2. Invest only those amounts, the possible loss of which will not greatly affect your current financial condition.

Moreover, in the beginning, while you get your hands on it and gain experience, start with a minimum amount of $5 - $10. These are not very large sums for which you can soap a rope! ;)

As soon as you have experience and a feel for it, yes, yes, you will, at one glance and a little analysis of the project, you can go for larger investments from 50 to 100 $.

Never invest borrowed funds in HYIP. Always only yours!

3. Diversification. Never invest all your funds in just one project.

They all exist for the time being and collapse is inevitable. The only difference is in the lifespan: some will close in 3-4 months, others can last several years.

By scattering funds across several projects, you reduce the risk of loss several times at once.

One project was closed, the losses received are compensated by profitability from other sites.

4. Moderation.

When choosing an investment project, there is no need to chase excess profits. We immediately ignore the offer of a yield of 1-5% per day. As a rule, such projects last literally a few weeks, or even days.

You can only make a profit if you get into the project in the first 3-5 days. And skim off, so to speak, all the cream.

Every day your risks will grow exponentially.

Such “aggressive” investing, however, brings good income to people whose “experience” in this field amounts to years.

You are still far from their level. Therefore, choose only low-interest HYIPs (with a return of no more than 15% per month, or even lower).

The lower the profitability of the hype, the longer its lifespan.

5. Withdraw accrued profit immediately. Here I think everything is clear. We are gradually reducing the risk of losing money.

Although another option is possible here, the so-called reinvestment of funds. All profits received are invested again and again. As a result, we get even higher income. Applicable only to low-interest HYIPs.

6. Awareness. Periodically monitor information about the status of “your” investment projects. At the slightest suspicion or change, withdraw your money immediately.

Thematic forums and visit statistics will help you here. If it starts to decline or just stops, the whole project will soon come to an end, you need to urgently flee.

7. Financial accounting plays an important role in investing in HYIPs (and, in principle, other projects).

Create a table (in Excel) with a list of your investments: name, amount and period of investment, expected and real profitability.

In the future, based on these data, it will be possible to draw certain conclusions: how much you earned and where, where you lost money and why, how to avoid this in the future, how you can further increase the income from your investment, etc.

Become a professional and enjoy high profits!

On this page you can see all the HYIPs that pay in 2019. All of them are tested and have high investment potential. You can make good money in these hype projects in 2019.

The table is updated daily. The information in it is always up to date. You can always find it in the right menu of the site in the “Investment projects” section.

Below the table are useful tips and the latest trends in investing in HYIP projects in 2019.

Average income
Most profitable

If you would like to be the first to know about new projects and read their reviews, subscribe to the news. Paying attention. No spam, the newsletter is thematic, only about projects.

Additional bonuses in HYIPs

note that when investing in any of these projects using my referral link, you can receive additional income in the form of 50% of the affiliate commission (refback). To do this, simply or contact me during the week in which you invested and indicate:

  • what project did you invest in;
  • Your nickname in the project;
  • wallet number from which you invested (the bonus will be sent to it).

What HYIPs pay in 2019

The trends are such that in 2019 the projects that perform best are:

  • yield up to 15% per day;
  • daily profit accrual;
  • moderate amount of advertising on the Internet;
  • original and laconic design.

Such projects today show the highest results and work more consistently than others.

Strategy for investing in HYIP projects in 2019

To achieve maximum results, it is best to prepare in advance. This also applies to investing in hype projects.

HYIPs can bring 5-10% profit per week if you take the matter seriously

I will say right away that no one is insured against the unexpected cessation of the activities of one or another HYIP. We are dealing with highly profitable investments, which entails corresponding risks. However, if you approach the matter thoughtfully, you can not only minimize your losses, but also consistently make a good profit. Even despite possible losses in some individual projects.

The best strategy for investing in HYIP projects in 2019 is:

Firstly, it is best to invest in new projects. The long term of the hype is more of a minus than a plus. These are the rules in this area.

AND, Thirdly, I advise you to withdraw your profits as often as possible. If accruals are made every day, then, if possible, withdraw them every day.

I wish everyone profitable investments!

01.11.2018 13.05.2019

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HYIP, or HYIP – High Yield Investment Program, translated means an investment fund with high returns. A HYIP project is an Internet site that accepts investments and offers high interest rates to its partners in a short period of time - much higher than banks.

Most often, an ordinary financial pyramid is hidden under a hype project, working on an algorithm for redistributing money from new investors to old ones.

It follows that HYIP projects pay their investors without deception, as long as there is an influx of new deposits, and stop paying as soon as the dynamics of deposits drops or the funds run out completely. If you fall under the solvency period of a HYIP project, the opportunity opens up to make real money and receive really large interest rates in a short period of time. This is the benefit of participation for the investor. Due to this opportunity, hype projects have become so popular and in demand. On the other hand, there are no guarantees of receiving this profit and there are actually risks of losing the entire amount of the deposit in such a scheme for redistributing funds.

In order to start investing profitably in HYIP projects that pay without fraud in rubles, dollars or cryptocurrency, we will need monitor sites and their data on the work and technical description of each individual project.

What parameters are monitored?

The important parameters of any hype project are:

  • Solvency – whether the project pays or not.
  • Start date – the fresher it is, the greater the likelihood of earning money.
  • Dynamics of deposits and development - if the project is old and there are no new investors, the risks of losing money are very high.
  • Investment proposal - there are HYIP projects with daily, weekly or even monthly payments.
  • Availability of an affiliate program - bonuses for inviting partners.
  • A set of payment systems - the more payment systems available to ordinary people, the more popular the project becomes.
  • Payment regulations - how often the admin processes withdrawal requests.
  • Website reliability – protection from attacks and theft of user personal data.

Any monitoring pays attention to all of the above parameters and briefly displays this information in the form of a list or table. There may also be more detailed data for each project. The main feature of monitoring sites is the return of part or all of the partner’s remuneration, which increases the investor’s profit and reduces the time it takes to break even.