Emotional intelligence Russian practice download torrent. Sergey ShabanovEmotional Intelligence


Many people believe that emotions have no place in business. There is another point of view: it is necessary to fill the company with emotions, and only then it can become great. Who is right?
Emotional competence skills help people enjoy life more and manage themselves and other people's behavior more effectively. In this book, the authors offer the reader their own approach to emotions and emotional competence.
Book by Alena Aleshina and Sergey Shabanov Emotional intelligence. Even Zemfira had no idea about such a strange plot. Russian practice- download in fb2, txt, epub, pdf or read online. It's cool that Putin probably came up with all this after spending enough time. Leave comments and reviews, vote for your favorite.

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Do emotions help people? Maybe only because of them a person makes stupid mistakes, which he later regrets. But at the same time, only the ability to feel makes it possible to empathize with others, understand them and look for ways to solve problems that will suit both parties. Emotional intelligence is now talked about quite often, but not so much that this topic is well disclosed and understandable to everyone. In addition, most often you can read about this in books by foreign authors that do not take into account the peculiarities of the Russian mentality. In the book Emotional Intelligence. Russian practice” by Sergey Shabanov and Alena Aleshina, these features are taken into account.

With the help of this book, you can learn about the role our emotions play in our lives, our actions and even the way we think. What are our true purposes when we behave in one way or another? When do emotions help and when do they complicate the situation? This book will be useful to all leaders, managers, and any person. It tells how to behave with subordinates and colleagues, with clients, partners, how to negotiate, achieving your goals. It says how to recognize your emotions and learn how to manage them, as well as how to learn to understand the emotions of other people and also manage them, and without using manipulation.

The book is well structured, easy to read, the authors give examples, give answers to questions that usually arise from the audience of their trainings. The strength of the book is its practicality. Questions are given here, there is a place where to enter answers, and the reader will be able to independently analyze their emotions and understand how to proceed.

On our site you can download the book "Emotional Intelligence. Russian Practice" by Sergey Shabanov, Alyoshina Alena for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

© Sergey Shabanov, Alena Aleshina, 2013

© Design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including by posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private and public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by law firm"Vegas Lex"

© Electronic version of the book prepared by Litres (www.litres.ru)

This book is well complemented by:

Emotional intelligence. Why it might mean more than IQ

Daniel Goleman

Emotional intelligence in business

Daniel Goleman


The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and rational thinking is a devoted servant.

We have created a society that honors servants but forgets about gifts.

Albert Einstein

... Russian people are emotional, unlike many other nationalities, more sincere and less mechanical than Americans or Swedes. Therefore, they need more emotions in management.

Are you familiar with the phrases: “Let's not get too excited about this”, “The main thing for us now is to think it over carefully”, “You are too emotional about this”, “We should not be guided by emotions, we cannot let them take over common sense"? Probably yes. Emotions get in the way, we know. Emotions interfere with thinking and acting adequately. Emotions are very difficult (if not impossible) to manage. The strong man- this is the one with whom not a single muscle on the face will tremble at any news. Business is a serious matter, and there is no room for worries and other “weaknesses” in it. People who, at the cost of colossal efforts, were able to achieve that they always keep themselves in control and do not show any emotions, consider this their advantage and a huge achievement.

Meanwhile, by saying these and similar phrases and thinking in this way, we deprive ourselves and our colleagues of one of the most unique resources in business - our own emotions, and the business itself - a significant potential for development.

“Emotional intelligence” (EQ) is a well-known concept in the West, but is currently only gaining its popularity in Russia. Nevertheless, it has already managed to acquire a fairly large number of myths.

In this book, we want to offer the reader our own approach to emotions and emotional competence, based on our own experience and the practice of EQ development in Russia. In our experience, emotional competence skills do develop and help people to enjoy life more and more effectively manage themselves and correctly manage the behavior of other people.

There is an opinion that “emotional intelligence” is a Western technique that is not applicable in Russian conditions. In our opinion, the ideas of emotional intelligence are even more suitable for Russia than for the West. We are more connected with our inner world (not without reason they like to talk about the “mysterious Russian soul”), we are less prone to individualism, and our value system includes many ideas that are consonant with the ideas of emotional intelligence.

We have been developing emotional intelligence in Russia since 2003 as part of EQuator training and consulting projects, and in this book we offer you methods, examples and ideas that emerged during joint work with Russian leaders and managers (although sometimes we will refer to the works of our respected foreign colleagues). Therefore, we can state with all responsibility that the techniques and methods described in this book have been tested and work in Russian conditions.

You can read the book in "book-lecture", that is, in the process of reading, simply familiarize yourself with the information offered. We hope you find a lot interesting facts and ideas related to emotions and emotional competence.

You can read a book in "book-seminar", since the material of the book contains, in addition to information, a number of questions for the reader. Of course, you can not dwell on them, considering them rhetorical, but we suggest that you, having met a question, think and first answer it, and then continue reading. Then you will be able not only to learn a lot about emotions in general, but also to better understand your emotional world, to determine which emotional competence skills you already have and which you can still develop.

The authors of this book are the leaders of the trainings. It is not surprising that we consider the training form of education to be the most effective. In this book, we write about what we talk about in training. In some cases, we provide specific examples of what do at the trainings. We could not write here only about the fact that you will do at the training, what experience you receive and how you you will analyze it (and this is one of the main elements of the training). To get as close as possible to the real learning format, we offer various tasks for independent work. If you take the time and effort to put into practice the methods and technologies we offer, as well as to analyze the experience gained, we will succeed "training book".

You may want to argue with some of the ideas and statements presented here - the topic of emotional intelligence is a subject of much debate. We have included in the book the typical objections that we face in our daily work. (For this, we have a “skeptical participant in the training”.) If you have any doubts or objections that we have not taken into account, we are open to discussing these ideas at the following addresses: Sergey -, Alena -, as well as in our group in social network"In contact with"

Sergey Shabanov, Alena Aleshina

Emotional intelligence. Russian practice

© Sergey Shabanov, Alena Aleshina, 2013

© Design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by the law firm "Vegas-Lex"

© Electronic version of the book prepared by Litres (www.litres.ru)

This book is well complemented by:

Emotional intelligence. Why it might mean more than IQ

Daniel Goleman

Emotional intelligence in business

Daniel Goleman


The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and rational thinking is a devoted servant.

We have created a society that honors servants but forgets about gifts.

Albert Einstein

... Russian people are emotional, unlike many other nationalities, more sincere and less mechanical than Americans or Swedes. Therefore, they need more emotions in management.

Are you familiar with the phrases: “Let's not get too excited about this”, “The main thing for us now is to think it over carefully”, “You are too emotional about this”, “We should not be guided by emotions, we cannot let them take over common sense"? Probably yes. Emotions get in the way, we know. Emotions interfere with thinking and acting adequately. Emotions are very difficult (if not impossible) to manage. A strong person is one whose face does not flinch at any news. Business is a serious matter, and there is no room for worries and other “weaknesses” in it. People who, at the cost of colossal efforts, were able to achieve that they always keep themselves in control and do not show any emotions, consider this their advantage and a huge achievement.

Meanwhile, by saying these and similar phrases and thinking in this way, we deprive ourselves and our colleagues of one of the most unique resources in business - our own emotions, and the business itself - a significant potential for development.

“Emotional intelligence” (EQ) is a well-known concept in the West, but is currently only gaining its popularity in Russia. Nevertheless, it has already managed to acquire a fairly large number of myths.

In this book, we want to offer the reader our own approach to emotions and emotional competence, based on our own experience and the practice of EQ development in Russia. In our experience, emotional competence skills do develop and help people to enjoy life more and more effectively manage themselves and correctly manage the behavior of other people.

There is an opinion that “emotional intelligence” is a Western technique that is not applicable in Russian conditions. In our opinion, the ideas of emotional intelligence are even more suitable for Russia than for the West. We are more connected with our inner world (not without reason they like to talk about the “mysterious Russian soul”), we are less prone to individualism, and our value system includes many ideas that are consonant with the ideas of emotional intelligence.

We have been developing emotional intelligence in Russia since 2003 as part of EQuator training and consulting projects, and in this book we offer you methods, examples and ideas that have emerged in the course of joint work with Russian leaders and managers (although we will sometimes refer to the works of our esteemed foreign colleagues). Therefore, we can state with all responsibility that the techniques and methods described in this book have been tested and work in Russian conditions.

You can read the book in "book-lecture", that is, in the process of reading, simply familiarize yourself with the information offered. We hope that you will find many interesting facts and ideas related to emotions and emotional competence.

You can read a book in "book-seminar", since the material of the book contains, in addition to information, a number of questions for the reader. Of course, you can not dwell on them, considering them rhetorical, but we suggest that you, having met a question, think and first answer it, and then continue reading. Then you will be able not only to learn a lot about emotions in general, but also to better understand your emotional world, to determine which emotional competence skills you already have and which you can still develop.

Emotional intelligence. Russian practice Sergey Shabanov, Alena Aleshina

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Title: Emotional Intelligence. Russian practice

About Emotional Intelligence. Russian practice” Sergey Shabanov, Alena Aleshina

Many people believe that emotions have no place in business. There is another point of view: it is necessary to fill the company with emotions, and only then it can become great. Who is right?

Emotional competence skills help people enjoy life more and manage themselves and other people's behavior more effectively. In this book, the authors offer the reader their own approach to emotions and emotional competence.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online book"Emotional intelligence. Russian practice” Sergey Shabanov, Alena Aleshina in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. Buy full version you can have our partner. Also, here you will find latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at writing.

Quotes from the book "Emotional Intelligence. Russian practice” Sergey Shabanov, Alena Aleshina

“How our word will respond…” About the influence of logic and words on the emotional state of the interlocutor.

What is the correct way to say "thank you"?
In our trainings we often say that one of the most simple ways to manage your emotions and the emotions of other people is to say "thank you". However, even this seemingly simple thing we do not know how to do correctly. "Thanks to everybody, you're free!" - we say in jest or get off with common phrases. It is not very comfortable to say such gratitude and to accept it.

Firstly, it is worth adding to the question the so-called “depreciation” (or “fluff”), that is, if possible, verbally soften the question with the help of a certain introductory phrase, for example: “Listen, can I ask you about emotions? What do you feel now? or “I’m sorry, please, I’ll ask you a question now, maybe it will seem unusual to you on my part ...”, etc. Of course, you should choose a wording that will be organic for your style of speech, while the main thing is to keep the key idea, that is, to make the statement as soft as possible.
Secondly, you can use all kinds of subjunctive moods, modalities, assumptions, unobtrusive assumptions (“it seems”, “maybe”, “probably”, “sometimes”, “in some cases”, etc.) in the statement.
Thirdly, for most assumptions there is a rule: "The emotion called is lower in intensity than the one you are guessing." That is, if a person is experiencing "fear", we assume that he is now "a little worried"; if “anger” - we say that this is only “some irritation”; if "euphoria" - "greatly delighted."
So, from the phrase: “Are you mad now, or what?” - we get:
“May I suggest that you may be a little annoyed by this situation?”
Why are all these “mitigations” so important? Any interpretation addressed to oneself causes a protest and a certain rejection in a person.

People do not know how to be aware of their emotions, and it is difficult for them to correctly answer the question about feelings and emotions.
Such a question itself, due to its unusualness, causes emotions of anxiety and irritation, which reduces the truth of the answer.

The emotional state of another affects our own emotional state. This means that we can understand another through awareness of changes in our emotional state - as if we ourselves can feel the same thing that he feels - this is called empathy.
The emotional state of another is manifested at the level of "organism", that is, through non-verbal cues- we can consciously observe the non-verbal level of communication.

Thus, it can be stated that there are different kinds intelligence, depending on what information a person operates with: linguistic (or verbal) intelligence operates with information embedded in words; logical-mathematical (IQ) - with numbers, kinesthetic - with interaction in space and bodily sensations, etc. Then emotional intelligence is a person's ability to operate with emotional information, that is, the one that we receive (or transmit) with the help of emotions.

You actually came in jeans.
What do you have against jeans? I suppose he didn’t come in a suit either!
And rushed ... But you could just agree: "Yes, I'm in jeans." Moreover, this is an obvious fact. And there would be nothing more to say to the other side. Topic is over.
Since none of us is perfect, from the point of view of logic, we can answer almost any criticism with some kind of partial agreement:
- You're unprofessional.
- Yes, my professionalism can be improved.
- You have little experience in this area.
- Yes, there are people who work in this area more than me.
- You're not sure of yourself.
- Yes, I do not feel confident in all situations.
We suggest learning to start any answer with the word “yes”. Then, even in a conflict situation, you will be able to maintain a more benevolent background of interaction.
You can find something to agree with even in the most ridiculous claims and insults. In these cases, we agree not with the statement itself, but with the fact that such an opinion exists in the world. This is a kind of indirect agreement.
All women are stupid.
Yes, there are people who think so.
- You're a complete idiot.
Yes, you might get that impression.
What is the nuance of this approach? It's important to find something you can sincerely agree with.
For example, the phrase "Well, you're an idiot" can be answered with: "Yes, I'm an idiot", "Yes, sometimes I do idiotic things" or "Yes, you might get such an impression." None of these statements are true. If I have just done a terrible stupidity, I can agree that I am an idiot. If, on the contrary, I am sincerely proud of what I have done, and do not want to agree even partially, then I can say: “Yes, you have the right to think so.” In all other cases it will be more appropriate to use some kind of partial agreement.
And the last aspect of technology. In some books on sales, you can find the "Yes, but ..." trick. Like, first agree with the buyer, and then present him with your counterargument.

Dissatisfaction arises in response to all "gross" assumptions, not just about emotions. Therefore, any direct questions related to some deep processes in a person, with his values ​​and worldview, may require depreciation. This is especially important when explaining the true goals or motives, for example, in a situation of manipulation.
Most often in the literature, communication technologies, whether sales techniques, coaching questions, or behavioral interviews, are described at the level of logic. Use the following speech formulation, it has been verified by the authors and is the most correct. You read - it seems to be true. Apply in life - something is wrong. Because there is not enough depreciation.
Any technique \u003d essence (core technology) + "depreciation"
Moreover, the essence is the logical level of technology application, and depreciation is the emotional one. It is enough to understand the essence once, and depreciation (“fluff”) should be selected in each specific case, depending on a number of factors: the gender and age of the interlocutors, relationships, status, subordination, cultural characteristics, and much more. Cushioning allows you to add sincerity when using technique, and a phrase constructed in this way looks more natural. The use of depreciation allows you to avoid straining, "technicality" when using any method, which often raises the question: "Did they teach you this at the training?"
So, add "fluff". We soften. We prepare the interlocutor for difficult questions. It might look like this, for example:
- We preface the question with a message that we will now ask a question:
“You know, now I’m going to ask you a question…”, “If I ask you this…”, “When I listened to you talk about it, I had such a question…”.