The cheapest guest houses. Your own business: opening your own guest house

* The calculations use average data for Russia

1,000,000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

2.5 years




Many people dream of owning their own hotel business, but do not have enough capital to open an entire hotel or even an inn. If you are one of them, then you should pay attention to the popular format of mini-hotels in the West, and recently in our country - the so-called guest houses.

Although, strictly speaking, a guest house is not a hotel, it has a lot in common with it. The main differences between them are the number of beds (a hotel house can have a maximum of ten rooms) and living conditions. Guest houses, as a rule, are private households, the owners of which rent them out as a whole or as separate rooms - rooms. Moreover, in many cases the owner himself and his family live in the same household, but on a separate floor or in a separate part of the house. Living conditions in a guest house are as close as possible to those at home, although it is also possible to stylize the interior in one style or another (for example, Mediterranean, original Russian, rustic, etc.).

Guest house on a personal plot

Of course, for a novice entrepreneur this amount can be quite significant. It includes land tax (deducted every six months), a single tax on imputed income and wage tax, deducted monthly. Add to this the need to regularly submit returns to the tax office and keep accounting records. It’s good if you have the relevant knowledge and, no less important, free time to do all this yourself. If you have neither one nor the other, you will have to seek help from a specialist.

An experienced accountant will save you from possible problems in the future, but his services must also be paid for. The cost of an incoming accountant's services will range from 6-12 thousand rubles per month, depending on the region, the size of the business, the form of taxation and other factors. And yet, no matter how great the temptation to save money, working “in white” has a number of undoubted advantages.

Benefits of registering a guest house

    Carry out cashless payments with your visitors

    Install terminals for accepting payments for mobile communications, etc., on the territory of your guest house,

    Work with legal entities - suppliers, contractors and agencies.

As your guest house expands, you should think about registering a legal entity, which will allow you to reach the level of a full-fledged hotel. However, in this case, you will already need to undergo a certification procedure according to the hotel standard. The standards establish the procedure and methods for planning to improve the quality of service at all stages of the guest cycle, and determine the requirements for means and methods for monitoring and assessing the quality of service.

The main target of quality service systems is aimed at compliance with ICO 9000 standards, which at the interstate level define quality requirements in accordance with international standards. To pass certification, an appropriate material base of the hotel enterprise is required, qualified personnel who will fulfill their professional duties, a rationally justified organizational and functional structure, clear management of the enterprise in general and service quality management in particular.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Certification of Products and Services,” certification is a set of actions and procedures for recognizing and confirming the compliance of services with the imposed (established) requirements. These compliance requirements are established by GOST 28681.0-90 “Standardization in the field of tourist and excursion services. Basic provisions"; SNiP 2.08.02-89. “Public buildings and structures”, Rules for the technical operation of hotels and their equipment, Law of the Russian Federation “On Safety”, Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation, GOST R 50645-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Classification of hotels", Fire Safety Rules in Russia PPB-01-93.

State standard of the Russian Federation (GOST R 50645-94) “Tourist and excursion services. Classification of Hotels" defines a hotel as "an enterprise intended for temporary residence." Its requirements apply to hotels with a capacity of at least ten rooms.

Where is it profitable to open a guest house?

Of course, it is most profitable to open a guest house in regions with a developed tourism industry: on the sea coast (resorts of the Krasnodar Territory), near the federal highway, near nature reserves of national importance, etc. However, there are no strict restrictions on its location. Even if the locality where you live is not a busy tourist center, there are hotels in it, therefore, a guest house here may well become a profitable enterprise. The easiest way is to purchase or rent a plot for construction in rural areas.

In many regions you can find suitable options for almost nothing. True, a lot will have to be invested in construction or repair, arrangement and equipment. If previously guest houses were a cheap alternative to hotels and did not have a high level of service, now the situation is slowly but surely changing.

Thanks to reduced tax rates, no need to hire a large staff and, in general, lower costs compared to hotels, guest house owners can invest more in the design and equipment of rooms, improving the conditions of stay for vacationers. Before choosing a place to open a guest house, conduct your own market research. To do this, you don’t need to be an expert at all, just look at the situation through the eyes of your potential clients.

How to determine the profitability of a guest house

First you need to draw up a detailed business plan for the guest house. Even if you have your own plot of land in a suitable location and a capital building that does not require repairs, even if you plan to make do with your own funds and not take out loans, you will still need a business plan, which will become a kind of step-by-step action plan, cost estimate and forecast expected profit.

Make a list of the necessary documents that you need to obtain before opening your guest house: a certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur, documents confirming your ownership of the house and land, etc. If at this stage you have nothing but money and dreams of owning your own hotel business, you need to decide whether you will purchase a suitable property or build it from scratch.

Ready ideas for your business

There is no clear answer to this question. If you have a ready-made building for a guest house, your costs at the first stage will undoubtedly be lower. However, you will still have to spend money (and quite a lot) on repairs, redevelopment, additions, etc. In addition, you need to take into account that when converting an ordinary residential building into a guest house, you must comply with a number of requirements in accordance with building codes and regulations (SNiP), sanitary standards (SanPiN), departmental building standards (VSN).

When building a building from scratch, with the help of an experienced architect, you will be able to competently plan the area of ​​the guest house, effectively using every square meter, and avoid many annoying mistakes that will darken the lives of your guests. Such possible shortcomings include, for example, windows facing a courtyard or a brick wall, a room located near the kitchen, etc.

Ready ideas for your business

The number of rooms in guest houses usually does not exceed ten. Moreover, at least half of them must be double rooms with the possibility of organizing an additional bed there (put a bed or folding bed). The other half of the rooms will be single (preferably also with the possibility of expanding by at least one bed). It is unprofitable to make rooms for a larger number of people: they take up too much space, which is already limited, and are in less demand than cheaper single and double rooms.

Interior features of a mini-hotel

Carefully consider the interior of your mini-hotel, calculate the required amount of furniture, household appliances, plumbing fixtures, textiles, dishes, cleaning products, etc. Each room must have at least one window (a metal-plastic one that opens for ventilation or a regular one, but with a window) and a bed (a single bed measuring at least 80 by 190 cm, and a double bed measuring at least 140 by 190 cm). Windows must be equipped with mosquito nets.

It is recommended to take at least two and a half times more bedding sets for a guest house than there are beds. They change, as a rule, once a week. In addition, you need a large supply of towels and hangers for outerwear. For furniture, you will also need a wardrobe plus a bedside table or coat hanger, a mirror, a table lamp or floor lamp, a table, a chair and/or an armchair. For household appliances, depending on the “status” and price category of the mini-hotel, as well as the region, you will need a split system or air conditioning (in budget options - a fan) and a TV for each room.

Showers and toilets, as a rule, are shared in a guest house - in each room or on the floor. Of course, all these rooms must be equipped with a good ventilation system. Recently, mini-hotels have installed showers rather than bathtubs with showers. On the one hand, this option is cheaper and more practical. On the other hand, the service life of a shower stall is shorter - it often breaks down. Therefore, the option with a bath, shower and a closing plastic curtain is more preferable.

You will also need to purchase everything you need for the kitchen:

  • kitchen table,

  • fridge,

    wall cabinets and shelves,

  • inventory,


    detergents, etc.

If possible, it is better to equip the dining room in a guest house separately from the kitchen in a non-passable room or in the courtyard (with a canopy from insects). Don't forget about office space, including laundry (its services may be paid for for your guests).

As for the help of a specialist to draw up an interior design project, it certainly won’t hurt. However, unlike an architect, you can do without the services of a designer if you have taste and a general understanding of different styles. Pay attention to detail and give preference to materials that are easy to clean.

For example, it is more advisable to use laminate, cork or wood flooring in light shades rather than carpet as flooring in rooms. You can lay a rug or runner near the bed. No matter how beautiful tablecloths and curtains made from natural materials look, it is better to give preference to more practical and durable textiles with the addition of synthetic fibers.

Ready ideas for your business

The issue of providing your guests with food deserves special attention. Most guest houses only offer their clients breakfast, which is included in the room rental price. As a rule, such breakfasts include a hot drink (tea, coffee, cocoa), light snacks and desserts. For lunch and dinner, residents of guest houses go to nearby canteens, cafes and restaurants. Sometimes they have a kitchen at their disposal (in the house or in the yard - summer) with all the necessary equipment, dishes and appliances (stove, microwave, toaster, blender, etc.). Vacationers can purchase groceries in stores and cook their own food in the kitchen.

Guest houses that emphasize a “homely and comfortable atmosphere” may also offer home-cooked lunches and dinners in addition to breakfast. Of course, we are not talking about choosing dishes from the list, however, the owners can take into account the wishes of their guests for the daily menu.

The cost of three hot meals a day in such a guest house ranges from 500 rubles per day for an adult and from 250 rubles per day for a child. Experienced entrepreneurs advise charging separately for food and accommodation. Not all of your guests will have time for lunch or dinner, and not everyone will like the food you offer. With split payments, you give your customers choice and reduce your own worries.

Pros and cons of opening a bar in a guest house

If everything is more or less clear with nutrition, then with alcohol everything will not be so simple. If you are going to sell alcoholic beverages on the territory of the guest house, you will have to obtain a license to sell alcohol. The license itself costs 40 thousand rubles. But you won’t be able to sell alcohol without a bar or restaurant.

Therefore, it is necessary to conclude an agreement for sanitary maintenance of the premises (up to 50 thousand rubles per year), an agreement for disinfestation and rodent control (treating premises from insects and rodents will cost up to 200 rubles per month), an agreement for garbage removal and disposal of fluorescent lamps. At least another 150-200 thousand rubles will have to be spent on ensuring a supply of alcoholic beverages in your catering establishment.

When your guest house is ready to receive guests, you will need to obtain expert opinions from various departments (Rospotrebnadzor, Gospozharnadzor, etc.). Their representatives will visit you regularly for inspections, so it will not be a bad idea to have good connections with the inspection authorities.

One of the most important points is the selection of staff for the guest house. To maintain a small guest house, you will need a manager, an administrator who will be responsible for accommodating guests, consulting over the phone and the Internet, booking and selling rooms, a cook, and a maid (cleaning lady).

Of course, at first, some of these responsibilities can be performed independently and with the help of relatives. A guest house is the best option for a family business. In fact, to resolve all current issues and ensure the smooth operation of the mini-hotel, no more than 3-4 people will be required, not counting the accountant and visiting workers (electrician, plumber, etc.). Make sure that all staff and the owners of the guest house themselves have health certificates.

Costs of maintaining a guest house

Costs largely depend on its operating mode. If your mini-hotel is located in a resort area, then it will operate seasonally - from April-May to October. If it will accept guests all year round (and/or you yourself will live in your guest house), immediately factor in heating costs, which can amount to up to 100-150 thousand rubles per month, depending on the region, climatic conditions and heating method .

Other monthly expenses include utility bills, payments for telephone and Internet (if any), tax deductions, employee salaries (irrelevant for a family business), consumables (toilet paper, napkins, garbage bags, household chemicals, office supplies, etc. .).

How to attract guests to your guest house and turn them into regular customers?

    Try to provide your guests with maximum convenience. Doing this is not at all as difficult as it seems. Make sure there is a parking space for vacationers' cars. It is advisable to equip it with a canopy to protect it from rain and snow.

    A parking space can be either free or paid (from 40-50 rubles per day). Take care of the cleanliness of the surrounding area. This applies not only to your garden or yard, but also to the entrance to it. Don't forget to keep your driveway clear of dirt, ice, and snow. If possible, it is better to pave it.

    Tidy up the courtyard. Ideally, it should be turned into a garden, with gazebos with barbecues installed and a playground equipped. Buy sports equipment and board games. You can either rent them out to vacationers or provide them for free. It is also worth forming a library, albeit a small one, and also subscribing to major news publications.

    Transfer for your guests is also of great importance. Transport services can be provided either independently or with the help of a hired driver. But do not forget that if the driver you hire does not have a license for passenger transportation, then you, not he, will be responsible for the safety of his passengers. If you have your own transport, you can also conduct excursions for your guests.

note: according to the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, certification of tourism services is voluntary. This means that if you do not have tour certificates, you will not pay any fines or be subject to other sanctions. However, despite the absence of a requirement in the laws, most travel companies still try to certify this activity.

The fact is that the presence of a certificate gives visitors to the guest house more confidence that the services will be provided at a high level. Think about what you can offer people besides accommodation: fishing, hunting, horse riding lessons, sauna, swimming pool, trampolines, etc. All these services can become an additional source of income and will increase the profitability of your business. If you yourself cannot or do not have time to conduct excursions for your guests and organize their leisure time, negotiate with third-party organizations - travel agencies, tour guides, amusement parks, etc. Such cooperation will be beneficial to both parties.

How much money do you need to organize a guest house?

For a mini-hotel with five rooms that can accommodate up to twelve guests at a time, a minimum of 1.5-2 million rubles will be required. Most of these funds will go towards renovating the premises, providing the necessary communications, purchasing furniture, etc. About 25% of this amount will go towards improving the surrounding area. You shouldn’t count on a quick payback, especially if your guest house operates seasonally. If the guest house is at least 60% occupied (which is quite good for a start), the costs can be recouped within 2.5 years.

If you are opening not just a guest house, but a mini-hotel with 20 rooms (total number of places to stay - 30 people) with a guarded parking lot and all the necessary infrastructure with a total land area of ​​700 sq. m. meters, then your expenses will be from 15 million rubles. To maintain such a complex, a staff of seven people will be required. The payback period for such a guest house increases to 3.5 years.

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