Which geese became the ancestors of modern breeds. The most profitable breeds of geese according to real data from farms

After chickens, geese occupy second place in poultry farming in terms of importance. And this is not surprising, since these birds have long been valued for their delicious liver and dietary meat.

Goose down is used in the production of bedding and, of course, geese attract the eye with their proud appearance.

For home poultry farming, the main thing is to choose a profitable breed in order to recoup the maintenance costs.

But there are also connoisseurs of “goose” beauty who select birds not only based on productivity indicators, but also on decorative properties.

Let's look at the most common breeds of geese in poultry farming.

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Currently, more than twenty-five breeds are considered the most common, all of them have their own characteristics and advantages.

Classified into three types:

  1. Heavy - meat type.
  2. Medium - decorative.
  3. Light - for breeding for industrial purposes.

Meat animals are bred to produce expensive goose liver and dietary meat. Meat products have a significant mass, and therefore are in demand in poultry farming.

Decorative ones are rare. Only collectors can afford such specimens, since their cost is extremely high.

Industrial ones are intended for breeding in large enterprises. Light breeds have high offspring survival rate and good egg production.

Do not forget that geese give tasty and heavy eggs. This product is valued in the restaurant business and is considered a delicacy.

Some poultry farmers, in order to increase profitability, select breeds of geese with maximum egg production.

Meat direction

Domestic meat geese must have two of the most important qualities: large size and early maturity.

More than 80 meat varieties are known, weighing up to 7 kg - 9 kg. But not all of them have the quality of early ripening.

Agree, if the bird gains 4 kg - 5 kg of weight by the age of five months, this will become a more profitable investment than keeping heavy breeds weighing 10 kg by the age of two years.

And if early maturing geese also have high egg production, then you don’t have to worry about the profitability of the farm.

However, the choice of breed remains with the poultry farmer. Below you will find descriptions of both fast-growing and slow-growing meat species.

Tula geese

There is an opinion that the Tula breed was bred specifically for goose fighting in the 13th century.

Fighting qualities were improved by selecting the most aggressive and strongest individuals.

Species characteristics of the breed: powerful chest, widely set paws, strong neck. A distinctive feature is a hump nose.

The color is gray with a characteristic clay tint or white without unnecessary impurities.

There are several varieties of beak shape:

  • Rogan - with a concave beak and carob-shaped bone formations;
  • Steep-nosed - the bend of the beak forms a single line with the head;
  • Straight-nosed - beak without a hump.

The main disadvantages are slow growth and low weight. The bird grows up to two years and rarely exceeds 7–8 kg in weight, and the standard weight of geese is 5.5 kg. Egg production is also low - only 25 eggs weighing up to 150 g/1 egg per year.

The advantages include incredible cold resistance and strong immunity. The survival rate of offspring is high - 96%.

Tula laying hens are good hens; they do not leave the nest for long and carry the incubation process to the end.

Birds are valued as a fighting breed. They become as strong as possible by the age of five and must be able to fight with their wings. Bloodshed and biting are not allowed during fights.

They are not demanding, but for breeding they need space: large pastures and ponds in which they swim even in frosty weather.


The oldest Russian breed, obtained by crossing Arzamas and Chinese geese.

It is considered the most profitable for small farms whose purpose is to provide themselves, sell surplus and small wholesale.

Kholmogory cats come in gray or white color. White geese have a bright red beak, while gray geese have a beak similar to the plumage - dark gray in color.

Birds of a strong constitution, species characteristics - a bump in the frontal part, a special curvature of the beak, folds in the abdomen, a subbeak growth called a purse.


  • precocity;
  • not demanding of content;
  • resistance to ;
  • developed maternal instinct;
  • pasture feeding;
  • quality meat.

The disadvantages include low egg production - up to 30 per year, weighing 180 - 200 g / 1 egg. By the age of three months, Kholmogortsy already weigh 4 - 4.5 kg, adult geese gain weight of 10 - 12 kg, geese - about 8 kg.

Note! Keeping Kholmogory geese is impossible without access to a reservoir. Without a reservoir, they lag behind in development and grow more slowly.


Homeland - Nizhny Novgorod region. Lindovsky geese were officially recognized in 1994, and today they are recognized as the best in world poultry farming.

The popularity is explained by the following advantages:

  • early maturity - young animals gain weight almost twice as fast compared to similar meat breeds;
  • high egg laying - 70 eggs over the entire period, about 50 per year, 140 - 170 g/1 egg;
  • high viability – 70% – 80%;
  • strong immunity of individuals;
  • high fertilization – 90%;
  • good adaptability - easily tolerates both heat and frost;
  • peaceful character;
  • high-quality meat with dietary properties.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages, the main of which is the tendency of chickens to develop hymenolepitosis and vitamin deficiency.

Lindovsky geese are white in color, have a massive build, and have a characteristic bump on the head. By the age of three months, and sometimes much earlier, the young animals have already gained 4 kg of weight. At the age of five months, their weight reaches 7 kg, and by one year it increases to 11 kg.


The Toulouse breed is recognized as the most productive. It is she who owns the largest individuals, and the liver is recognized as a delicacy.

Bred by French breeders by crossing the most productive breeds.

As a result, Toulouse has no competition in terms of performance.

The color of the head is gray, the plumage of the chest and neck is light gray, the feathers on the wings are edged with black, the belly area is covered with white feathers.

The beak is straight and orange in color. The bird is squat, with a strong body located on strong legs. The breed is slow and passive.

There are two types:

  1. Purse-like appearance - with characteristic folds at the base of the head, characterized by low activity.
  2. The purseless look – without the characteristic folds at the head, a more fertile and active look.

They are bred in industrial conditions, where an adult can weigh up to 11 kg. At home, the weight does not exceed 10 kg, for a goose it is 7.5 - 8 kg.

Toulouse quickly increases fat and produces up to 500 g of delicacy liver per individual.

They do not have high egg production. Over the entire period they give no more than 40 eggs, per year - up to 30 eggs weighing 150 - 200 g/1 egg. Hatching results rarely exceed 60%, so offspring are obtained by incubating eggs.

Danish Legart

Early maturing breed. At two months of age, young animals weigh 6 kg, despite the fact that feed consumption is 20% less compared to similar heavyweights. Advantages: good immunity, high survival rate, adaptability to weather factors.

In addition to meat, Danish Legarts provide up to 0.5 kg of high-quality fluff, which is used in light industry.

They are calm, do not have fighting qualities, get used to people well, and are willing to make contact.

Species characteristics include a fat fold in the abdominal area, yellow paws and a beak of a similar color, blue eyes, and snow-white plumage without impurities.

Legart geese are lightweight - only 5 kg - 7 kg, ganders are larger - 8 kg.

Note! The Danish Legart is extremely handsome and has a stately gait. They are often purchased for their decorative properties.

The disadvantage is considered to be low egg productivity - up to 40 eggs per year. Poultry farmers will not be pleased with the low hatchability of the offspring (55% - 65%), moreover, the Legart chicks are weak and require special care, vaccination, and vitamin supplements. However, young animals grow quickly, and adults have excellent immunity

We've talked about the most common meat breeds, but if you haven't found an option for your own backyard, check out the following types of meat geese:

Egg-laying breeds of geese

The Gorky, Lindovskaya, and Large Gray breeds have good egg production, but geese are the leaders in the number of eggs laid:

  1. Kuban.
  2. Italian.
  3. Chinese.

Individuals of these breeds do not have large dimensions, but high egg production and excellent meat quality compensate for this disadvantage.

Note! Italian and Kuban are light breeds; they are used in industrial poultry farming due to their low weight, high egg production, and good hatchability.


Homeland - Kuban, most common in the Krasnodar Territory and surrounding regions. The individuals are not large, with a massive head.

The plumage is gray with a brown tint. A characteristic brown stripe runs from the beak to the body. In the frontal part above the beak there is a species cone.

The weight of adult geese rarely exceeds 5.5 kg, females are approximately 1 kg less.

Three-month-old birds reach 3.5 – 3.7 kg. The breed is early maturing. Egg production – 85 – 95 eggs in 2 cycles.


Homeland - Italy, brought to the territory of the post-Soviet space from the Czechoslovak Republic in 1975.

Compact build, thick neck, broad chest. The legs are orange, the beak is of a similar color, and the plumage is white.

Grown for liver harvesting. With an adult goose carcass weighing 7 kg, the liver weight is 400–500 g.

Geese weigh no more than 6 kg. By the age of two months, young animals gain up to 4.0 kg of weight. Egg production rates are high - 80 - 90 eggs in two years.


Asian in origin, the breed underlies many modern hybrids. It became widespread in European countries in the 18th century.

Externally, they are attractive birds, the motley plumage of which comes in two colors: brown and gray.

The contrast between the light belly and the dark plumage of the upper part looks impressive. They have miniature builds.

The gander weighs about 5 kg, the female weighs 4.5. The “Chinese” produce about 75 large eggs per year.

Decorative breeds

Decorative geese are rare, and it is almost impossible to find colorful creatures in households. The most famous decorative ones are:

  • Egyptian (Nile) geese;
  • Curly breed geese.


Egyptian geese are called Nile geese, as well as “Indogose”. It is interesting that the closest relatives of Indogeese are ducks, but in appearance they are more reminiscent of compact geese.

The Nile breed is considered wild, but has tender meat that is not inferior in taste to domestic breeds. Inldoguses float and dive well, run and fly quickly. They are hunted in their homeland.

In Europe, only connoisseurs breed them. Birds need space and conditions that mimic their natural habitat. In small areas they can attack neighboring bird species. They lay eggs all year round; the female settles on the clutch after laying the last egg, so the chicks hatch at the same time.

The color is soft brown, the head is light, the eyes have a variegated border, which makes one think of Egyptian pharaohs. Adults reach a weight of 10 kg. Not recommended for breeding by inexperienced poultry farmers.


Decorative bird with lush, curly plumage. Rarely found in Russia.

The breed is considered unique; it is almost impossible to buy young animals.

The birds are compact, weighing no more than 5 kg.

The second name is Ribbon Geese, obtained because of the long, wide tail feathers.

Poultry farmers choose large breeds of geese for the profitability of their breeding business. There are dozens of varieties of domestic goose in the world, but not many of them grow quickly, have high egg production, resist diseases and eat any food. Today we will talk about species whose weight, meat quality and productivity are considered the best in the world. Let's touch on their disadvantages, advantages and other features.

Toulouse geese

Toulouse goose meat has a high taste quality; restaurants make masterpieces from it. And the liver is used to prepare an expensive delicacy - foie gras.

The largest goose of the Toulouse breed gains up to 11-12 kilograms in 8-9 months. The chicks also grow quickly: 40-50 days are enough for them to grow up to 6 kilograms.

In one year, a goose lays an average of 35 eggs. The eggs are large, weighing 200 grams each. Like meat, they have excellent taste.

Breeding Toulouse poultry is suitable for both selling meat and eggs.

Among the shortcomings, we note that it is very rare to see a breeding representative of the breed at bird fairs, and even more so at markets. Advantages: birds are easy to care for and easily adapt to weather conditions.

Geese of the Kholmogory breed

The bird appeared in home yards back in 1885 and is still in high demand. Kholmogory is a popular type of meat geese, as their meat is tender, juicy and dietary.

In the first three months, the chicks gain weight up to 5 kilograms. A goose grown in a year weighs about 12 kilograms, a goose weighs 8-9. Therefore, the bird deserves the status of the largest goose.

The convenience of breeding the Kholmogory breed is that the birds are friendly towards other types of domestic birds.

The female lays 30 eggs per year. The hen is distinguished by a high maternal instinct, but this also has its drawback. Often the goose crushes the future goslings with its weight.

Breeding the Kholmogory breed is a profitable business. The goose feeds on standard feed, and in the summer, if there is vegetation and a body of water on the site, it is able to obtain food on its own.

Large gray geese

The large gray bird appeared as a result of careful selection of Toulouse and Romain birds. It is divided into two subspecies: Borkovsky Ukrainian and Tambov steppe.

Breeding methods have led to the fact that modern gray geese have high productive qualities. The meat is juicy and tender in taste, thanks to a good fat layer. In two months of life, domestic geese gain 5 kilograms. By the time of slaughter, individuals weigh 8-9.5 kilograms.

The breed has a high egg production. In one year, the goose lays up to 40 eggs, each of which weighs 150-200 grams. Due to their exquisite taste, eggs are often sold along with meat.

The wide and short neck supports the large head. The bird's beak is orange and the end is light pink. The body is large, dense, there are two folds of skin on the stomach. The chest is wide, the wings fit the body. The color of the gray goose's plumage corresponds to its name. The neck and body are dark, and the chest and edges of the wings are decorated with a white stripe. Detailed information about external data is in the article.

The disadvantage of breeding the gray large breed is the low survival rate of offspring. Of the entire clutch, 65-80% reach slaughter. This causes a lot of trouble for the farmer. You have to monitor the chicks around the clock and provide them with proper care.

Emden breed

This largest breed of geese has been considered a model of meat productivity for many years. Wide legs, a large body and head, and a fleshy neck make the bird squat and powerful. There is a fold of fat on the belly, and a small sac under the beak at the base.

Emden ganders are gray in color, geese are white. Short beak orange color. The breed was bred in Germany, in the city of the same name Emden.

The largest drakes grow up to 10 kilograms, geese - up to 8. Due to the presence of a good fat layer, the meat is juicy, tender, and has a good aroma.

Geese of the Emden breed lay up to 35 eggs per year. Raising poultry in a private yard is a profitable business, as the survival rate of offspring reaches 99%. Small chicks gain about 4 kilograms in the first two months of life.

The advantages of raising poultry include its unpretentiousness, good adaptability to any conditions, and high immunity.

Tula bird

Domestic geese of the Tula breed were bred in the 17th century at the whim of merchants. The bird was originally used for cockfighting. But over time, farmers began to pay attention to the high productivity, ease of care and quick adaptation of these birds.

Compared to other waterfowl, the Tula breed is defined by a characteristic hump above its beak.

The female lays only 25 eggs per year. When breeding the breed, you should not worry about the survival of the chicks. Mother goose carefully monitors and cares for the babies in the first months of life. The survival rate of offspring reaches 96%.

The advantages of the bird lie not only in its high maternal instinct. At bird markets, an adult can be bought for only 3 thousand rubles. In just four months, the gander gains about 6 kilograms, the goose - 5. In some cases, these figures can reach 9 and 8 kilograms, respectively.

When fattening a bird, it is important to monitor its diet. A large amount of vitamins and minerals are added to the food so that the Tula breed geese feel good. In the article you will find detailed instructions on the contents: what kind of feed to use and how to care for the bird.

Vladimir clay geese

The breeds of geese, the largest on the planet, are not comparable in their taste characteristics to the clay birds of Vladimir. The breed was bred in the city of the same name - Vladimir.

It received the name “clayey” due to its characteristic color. The bird's body is covered with gray feathers with a clear clay tint. The feathered waterfowl arose as a result of crossing Toulouse and Kholmogory birds.

A long body with a wide chest, short powerful legs, a medium-sized head and an orange-colored beak distinguish the Vladimir goose from other breeds. Birds move quite a lot, so they do not have fat deposits.

The meat of individuals is considered dietary and light, but at the same time juicy and tender. A goose lays up to 45 eggs per year. Like meat, eggs also have a high taste, so they are in great demand in Russia and abroad. The average weight of a bird is 7-9 kilograms.

Vladimir geese are valued for their unpretentiousness, resilience, and soft fluff.

Adler geese

The Adler breed was developed through selective breeding in the middle of the last century. To this day, poultry is bred at the Adler plant, located in the Krasnodar Territory. For this reason, the distribution of geese of this breed is geographically limited. The bird is found only in Krasnodar, Adler, Sochi and other nearby cities.

The body is long and dense, somewhat reminiscent of an upturned egg. Geese are distinguished by their snow-white plumage with a bluish tint. The small head is located on a long slender neck. The legs are powerful, yellow, and the standard color of the beak is orange.

Geese are not the largest, there are breeds that are meatier. The average weight of ganders is from 6 to 7 kilograms, geese - from 5 to 6. Goslings grow to 4 kilograms by the second month of life. Further, the individuals develop slowly, but the meat tastes juicy, literally melts in the mouth.

In one year, the goose lays a maximum of 35 eggs, weighing from 150 to 170 grams each. Of the entire clutch, about 70% of the eggs are fertilized. The survival rate of offspring is up to 60%. This drawback impacts the breeder’s budget.

The Adler breed is adapted only to the hot climate of the Krasnodar region. Therefore, it will not be possible to raise poultry in the central and northern regions.

Demidov breed

Geese of the Demidov breed are divided into three main varieties:

  • Lindovsky geese;
  • Italian whites;
  • Ural (Shadrinskaya).

The common name is Demidov birds; the birds received them as a result of the fact that they were initially raised on the same farm. As a result, the breeds mixed with each other, forming one individual.

The bird's wings are wide and powerful, its legs are thick and short, and there is a feather-like crest on its forehead. The beak is yellow-orange, with a hump. The feathers are white, there are no patterns or spots.

Geographically, geese of this breed are most common in the northern parts of Russia. An adult grows up to 6-8 kilograms. The weight is not the greatest, but the birds gain weight in just a couple of months, and their meat is nutritious and has an incredible smell.

Geese have high egg production. During the season, the total number of eggs varies from 68 to 70 pieces. Each weighs 190 grams. It is very profitable to raise Demidov birds, as they feed on standard food, are unpretentious in care and have a calm character.

The geese were bred by crossing Adler, Arzamas, Chinese and Solnechnogorsk birds. As a result of breeding work, hybrids were born that are particularly meaty and have high egg production.

The Linda goose produces up to 65 eggs per year. Despite the fact that she begins to lay them at 8-9 months of age. After just 5 months, the young animals become larger, gaining a mass of 5-6 kilograms. At 10-12 months, birds weigh 8 kilograms.

To describe it briefly, the bird of the Lindov breed is a large, fleshy goose with widely spaced legs. The head is medium, the neck is slightly elongated. A distinctive feature is a growth above the beak, and a small pouch under it. A detailed description can be found in the article.

For novice poultry farmers, geese of this breed will be the best option. The bird eats any standard food, does not require special care, and easily tolerates heat and cold. The profitability of such a business will be 100%.

Among the disadvantages: the poultry house will have to make sure that the livestock always has fresh and clean water, as well as secluded places in the pen itself. The bird is modest and loves solitude, so dark corners will come in handy for it.

The bird has traveled a long way from Italy to Russia. Initially, the white goose was bred in sunny Italian territory, then in Czechoslovakia, and from there it came to us.

The bird has snow-white plumage, bright orange legs and beak. A distinctive feature of the Italian White is its bright blue eyes. You can read more about the feathered beauty in the article.

The Italian breed does not gain much weight; the bird is slaughtered at 5-7 kilograms. Geese and ganders are quite active. Due to the lack of fat, the meat has high taste properties and is considered dietary.

A female of this breed can lay 50 eggs per year. Sometimes 80 pieces. Of the total livestock, 90% survive to slaughter, which is considered a good indicator. If you decide to have Italian geese, be prepared to buy an incubator, since the goose has no maternal instinct at all.

Ural breed

The bird easily adapts to harsh weather conditions, rarely gets sick, and also passes on from generation to generation increased egg production, productivity and survival. According to the external description, the color of the goose is similar to the Shadrinsky one: gray plumage, yellow-orange beak and paws.

The meat of the Ural variety is tender and tasty. The delicacy is served in restaurants in France and Italy, and foie gras is prepared from the liver. Already in 3-4 months of life, the bird gains 4-5 kilograms, so the meat is considered valuable and expensive. The maximum weight of ganders is 7-9, geese - 6.5 kilograms.

Keeping and caring for Ural geese is a profitable and cost-effective activity. During the year, the goose produces from 30 to 40 eggs, all goslings survive until slaughter. The mother has a well-developed maternal instinct, which simplifies the care of the clutches. The farmer does not have to buy an incubator.

It is important to consider that fresh air has a beneficial effect on the reproductive functions and weight gain of birds.

Gorky geese

The plumage of geese, depending on their habitat, is gray, white or bluish in color. There is a pronounced goiter under the beak, and a characteristic bump above it. The back and chest are wide, the back of the body is raised.

The Gorky bird breed was created by crossing Nizhny Novgorod, Solnechnogorsk and Chinese birds. The result is a species that can withstand diseases, is calm in character and not picky in its care.

The gander grows up to 7-9 kilograms, geese - up to 6-7. Large farmers often breed this breed, as it grows quickly, and the meat tastes tender, juicy, with a pleasant aftertaste. In addition, young animals can be purchased at almost any poultry market. The main thing is not to fall for a fake - it is better to buy chicks from trusted breeders.

The productive age of a goose begins at six months. She lays up to 50 eggs per year. One weighs 150-160 grams and has unsurpassed taste.

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On small farms, geese are usually bred for meat production. To choose the right breed for raising at home, you need to know the descriptions of the birds: exterior, habits, average weight of a live bird, monthly weight gain, egg production, quality of incubation and hatchability level of chicks. Their advantages and disadvantages should be assessed. If we take into account the above characteristics, then it is quite possible to produce high-quality goose meat on small farms.

General information

Domestic geese are relatives of wild birds. They are descended from greylag geese and dry-billed geese, domesticated several millennia ago.

Modern poultry are distinguished by their large bodies, they reach adulthood faster, and are predominantly white in color. And wild individuals are much smaller in mass and more often grayish-white in color.

Pet goslings gain up to 4 kilograms within 2 months after hatching. Keeping geese does not require any special expenses, since in the warm season they feed mainly on grass and solid feed. Pasture keeping allows them to be bred at home.

Popular breeds

Meat breeds are divided into heavy and light according to the average weight of the birds.

Names of popular light breeds of geese:

  1. 1. Chinese.
  2. 2. Romensky.
  3. 3. Kuban.
  4. 4. Shadrinskys.
  5. 5. Italian.

Heavy breeds of geese include:

  1. 1. Toulouse.
  2. 2. Kholmogory.

These are representatives of the largest species of birds. Conventionally, medium-heavy domestic geese are also distinguished. These include the following bird breeds:

  1. 1. Rhine.
  2. 2. Adler's.
  3. 3. Arzamas.
  4. 4. Tula.
  5. 5. Clay Vladimir.
  6. 6. Gorky.
  7. 7. Leghart Danish.
  8. 8. Demidovskys.
  9. 9. Linda.


The Chinese were among the first to domesticate waterfowl. Therefore, when breeding many other breeds, this species was used and improved, taking into account the climatic conditions of the region.

Geese are lightweight, the female weighs no more than 4.5 kg, and the male gains up to 5.5 kg. 2-month-old goslings reach 2-3 kg.

The breed has a high egg production. Females lay 80-85 eggs per year. They are unpretentious and feed on mash, grains, and grass. Chinese goslings grow quickly.


Geese grow quite quickly to 5-6 kg. Females lay up to 50 eggs per year. When breeding, no more than 60% of the offspring hatch.

Young animals at 2 months of age weigh 4 kg. Birds quickly gain weight before slaughter.

Romensky geese have soft down, which is highly valued and in high demand. In addition, their meat is tender and tasty.


The Kuban breed is a real record holder for egg production. Geese lay up to 140 eggs per year.

The genetic material of the birds was taken from Chinese and Gorky individuals. Their plumage is gray-brown and their beak is black.

The weight gain per month is no more than 700-800 g. The gander reaches 6 kg, and the goose reaches 5 kg.

Hatchability is quite high. It is about 85%, 75-85% of hatched goslings survive.


They are also called Ural. But they are light in weight: males weigh about 6 kg, and females - 5 kg. They lay only up to 20 eggs per season, but are excellent brood hens. Up to 85-90% of goslings are hatched and survive completely. Geese are distinguished by their ability to care for their offspring.

They can also accept eggs from other breeds for incubation if fertilized samples are placed unnoticed.

Shadrinsky geese are characterized by an unattractive exterior.


Although Italian White goose is as tasty as meat from other breeds, these birds are often raised for their liver. It weighs 0.5 kg with a total carcass weight of 6 kg.

Females grow up to 5-6 kg, and males - up to 6-7 kg. Egg production is average. They lay about 40-45 eggs per year.


These giants were bred by French breeders. The gander usually weighs 10 kg, but with special feeding it gains up to 15-16 kg. Meat is in great demand.

Toulouse birds are distinguished by their brown-gray color. They have a pouch under their beak. The skin gathers in folds, where high-quality goose fat is deposited.


Kholmogory geese are characterized by a strong build. They have a horizontal body, a wide chest and a straight back. Distinctive features are a curved beak and a knobby orange growth on the forehead. There are individuals with white and piebald or gray plumage.

Adult males weigh about 11-12 kg, females - up to 8 kg, young animals - 4-4.5 kg. Egg production is on average low - only 30 eggs weighing 180-190 g.


Rhine geese are also called German geese. The breed is unpretentious. They love to graze on pastures, where they gain most of their weight. One adult bird eats almost 2 kg of green grass per day. The average weight of adult males is 6-7 kg, females - 5.5-6 kg.

They lay about 50 eggs, which is considered average. Hatchability is also average, as it does not exceed 67-69%. Maternal instinct is low. Only 8-10% of females incubate eggs.


Adler geese were bred by crossing Large Grays with Solnechnogorsk Geese. This is a medium-heavy breed of white poultry. They are characterized by low productivity, as they lay a small number of eggs (30 eggs per year), and the fat content of the meat is average. Tolerant to hot climates.

The maximum weight of males is 7 kg, females are 1.5 kg lighter. At 9 weeks the weight of the young is about 3.7 kg. Geese have almost no maternal instinct; they do not like to hatch eggs. Hatchability is low. Due to poor hatching, only 50% of the heads hatch. But the bred livestock has a high survival rate - about 80-90%, since the breed is resistant to infectious diseases.


Arzamas birds are very aggressive. The color is white, gray and clayey specimens are rare.

Arzamas females grow up to 6 kg, ganders - up to 7.3 kg.

Geese have a developed maternal instinct, so they hatch chicks well. Hatchability is 90-95%. Young animals experience rapid weight gain. By the 10th week of life they gain up to 3.5 - 4 kg. Egg production is average, only 30-35 eggs are laid per year.


Fighting breed. Bred by crossing the most aggressive individuals. The result was high productivity, aggressiveness, and endurance. The stock is meaty, but the gray plumage slightly reduces the attractiveness.

If a 2-month-old young animal weighs about 4 kg, then adult females weigh 7 and males weigh 9 kg.

Egg production is low - 20 -30 eggs per year, but the hatchability is quite high - 65-75%, and there is no need to use an incubator, since the brood hens themselves hatch and care for the goslings.

Clayey Vladimir

Unlike the previous breed, the Vladimirskie are quite peaceful, calm birds.

Due to the brownish-gray color of their feathers, they are not as popular as the white goose species. Low hatchability (no more than 58%) is also not in their favor.

But their distinctive feature can be called their fairly high weight: males gain up to 8.5 - 9 kg, females - 7-7.5 kg. One goose lays an average of 40 eggs per year. Although this figure is low, birds love to hatch their offspring. They sit tightly on the eggs, so up to 95% of the goslings hatch, and by the 60th day of life they gain 4.2-4.4 kg of weight.


This breed is the result of targeted and persistent selection. They were bred by crossing Solnechnogorsk with Chinese individuals.

There are gray, piebald, but more often white representatives of the breed. Males weigh more than 8 kg, females are 1 kg less.

Geese lay 50 to 60 eggs per year. But the brooding instinct does not manifest itself in all females in the population, so it is recommended to breed offspring in an incubator. This is completely doable at home.

Hatchability is slightly above 90%, safety is 95-100%. The weight gain in a month reaches up to a kilogram or more, so by the age of 2 months the goslings weigh 3.5 -3.7 kg.

Leghart Danish

Danish Legarts cannot but be considered among the meat breeds. The plumage color of the birds is snow-white. The breed is distinguished by lush, high-quality down. About 0.5 kg of raw material is obtained from one pet.

Males and females are quite large - 8 and 7 kg on average, respectively. But they are not suitable for home breeding. Among the disadvantages:

  • low egg production (30 eggs per year);
  • low hatchability and survival rate (up to 65%);
  • the need for greenhouse conditions.


Demidov geese were obtained by crossing Ural, Lindov and Italian geese. The breed was bred in Russia and is distributed mainly in the northern and some central regions. The carcass weight of an adult goose is 8 kg. Geese lay up to 68-70 eggs, weighing up to 200 g. They are profitable for cultivation, as they are unpretentious.

The livestock has a large wingspan, massive legs, white plumage, and a characteristic curve of the feathers on the forehead. These birds are distinguished from other waterfowl by their short, hump-shaped beak.


Geese of the Linda breed are well suited for home breeding , since they are unpretentious in nutrition and maintenance, they easily adapt to different climatic conditions.

Early maturing white geese gain from 7 to 8 kg. They have high rates of fertility, egg production and hatchability. They lay up to 50 eggs per year, 90% of which are fertilized. About 70-80% is excreted. Females have a pronounced maternal instinct. Thanks to their care, about 100% of the offspring survive.

Broiler geese are recognized as the undisputed leaders in popularity among all existing breeds. Today there are about 20 large geese.

Compliance with the requirements for housing conditions and feeding standards allows you to obtain significant results from poultry farming.

Main broiler breeds

Broiler geese are rightfully recognized as the meatiest among domestic goose breeds. Unlike chickens, quails or turkeys, raising goose will require the mandatory presence of at least a small body of water near the farm.

With proper care and appropriate growing conditions within six months the livestock will delight its owner with rapid growth and record levels of meat production at home.

Among the popular large breeds, the following three are distinguished:

    Toulouse geese- heavyweights among poultry. The breed is recognized throughout the world as the most profitable, not only due to the meat yield, but also due to the especially large size of the liver, which is distinguished by its excellent taste. As you know, goose liver is a delicacy product and, accordingly, expensive, which cannot but affect the breeder’s profit.

    Gorky breed, bred by Soviet scientists back in 1950 by crossing domestic and Chinese subspecies with subsequent selection.

    Kholmogorskaya. In terms of weight and meat yield, it is as similar as possible to Gorky gander. This species is often chosen for breeding due to its unpretentiousness and resistance to diseases. In addition, “Kholmogory” feel great in any region of Russia, perfectly adapting to climatic conditions.

Geese are quite unpretentious eaters. You can do without adding feed grains to your diet. When choosing a breed for breeding, it is necessary to take into account the conditions in which the livestock will be kept.

« Toulouse" is a breed ideal for breeding on farms. While Kholmogory and Gorky The species are suitable for growing in the local area during the summer.

Before buying goslings, a farmer needs to decide on a specific breed, and to do this, first study three factors by which pets are selected:

    maximum final yield of clean meat from each individual, where not only the mass, but also the condition of each bird is taken into account;

    growth rate of young animals. The main rule of successful breeding is maximum weight gain in a minimum of time;

    development of the immune system, ensuring proper development of young animals, rapid growth and resistance to diseases.

Note! When deciding on a breed, it is recommended to study in advance the preferences of each subspecies in feed and in the components (products) of the diet.

List of disadvantages of each type

A distinctive feature of the Toulouse goose is its inactivity. Even with a standard diet, such birds reach maximum possible body weight by six months.

The breed is ideal for growing on the farm, but skilled breeders achieve excellent results in ordinary household conditions.

The disadvantages of this subspecies include the following:

    average (compared to other breeds) egg production;

    low fertility rate in females and difficulties in obtaining young animals;

What attracts people to breeding the Toulouse breed is not only the volume of meat production and its exceptional taste, but also the opportunity to improve the existing type of livestock.

“Toulouse” is often used by breeders to improve other breeds. As a result of crossing, the hatched goslings are different increased immunity, strong build and rapid development.

Despite the external similarity of the Gorky and Kholmogory breeds, the former are significantly inferior to their counterparts in mass, but superior in egg production.

Among the “disadvantages” of Gorky geese are:

    relatively small (among broiler representatives) carcass weight;

    eggs are much smaller at the rate of;

    probability of substitution when buying birds to the Chinese breed, which is significantly inferior in characteristics and is not adapted to the Russian climate.

Regardless of the fact that the Gorky type is not recognized as the most meaty, it is in demand among farms no less than other broiler breeds.

Carefully! Due to the high popularity of “Gorky” on the Russian poultry market, there are entire nurseries operating, offering everyone who wants to purchase purebred goslings in any quantity.

This will relieve the breeder of fears for the health of the young, the “authenticity” of the breed and the safety of the already raised livestock.

Kholmogory geese are no less in demand in poultry farming than the aforementioned broiler Gorky ganders. Positive characteristics of a goose of this subspecies:

    absolute unpretentiousness in food;

    excellent immune system. Resistance to infections and diseases;

    possibility to grow in any region of Russia, regardless of the climate;

    excellent health of the entire livestock at prolonged negative temperatures in winter.

But for all their versatility and endurance, Kholmogory geese are very susceptible to sanitary conditions.

This includes compliance with the schedule for sanitizing the premises, the quality of the covering in the nursery, the frequency of replacing bedding, and regular cleaning of the surface from contamination.

Description and comparison of the main indicators among breeds

Choosing the best breed is not an easy task. Here it is worth considering in advance in which region the farm is located scale and technical equipment production, as well as breeding purposes goose livestock.

To visually evaluate all the basic characteristics of each of the above subspecies, it is easier to present all data in the form of a table:


Goose breed

Max. male weight, kg

Max female weight, kg

Wed. egg weight, gr.

Goose hatchability

Egg production-bone (eggs per year)


average, up to 40 pieces/year


high (up to 100%)

high up to 60 pcs./year


high, up to 80 pcs./year

As can be seen from the data presented in the table, each subspecies of broilers is capable of meeting the highest expectations of the breeder.

In addition to meat production, eggs and sales of young goose, among the products suitable for sale, secrete goose down and feathers, used for the manufacture of home textiles, bedding and clothing.

Each of the breeds, in addition to its qualitative characteristics, also differs purely in appearance. For example, Toulouse geese easy to recognize by the following signs:

    powerful physique;

    rounded “heavy” body;

    shortened thick neck;

    enlarged abdominal cavity;

    expanded chest.

The Toulouse goose is easily identified by its rather big head. The coloring is not very bright: smoky gray tones with a small white area of ​​​​feathers on the abdomen.

Such ganders are usually lazy and inactive. Due to the fact that the Toulouse quickly gains weight by 2 months of age Goslings are characterized by the presence of clearly defined abdominal fat folds.

Representatives Gorkovsky The broiler subspecies is distinguished by:

    often color white, uniform;

    elongated body with a characteristically widened back;

    presence of horny growth in the frontal part of the head.

Individuals of the Gorky breed upon reaching 2 months they reach a weight of 3–4 kg. But this is not the only thing that attracts breeders. The fact is that already at the age of six months, “Gorky” geese are ready for full mating.

Representatives of the Kholmogory breed are very similar to Gorky broilers, but are easily recognizable by their characteristics:

    like the brothers of the Gorky subspecies, “Kholmogory” are different the presence of a bone lump in the forehead;

    massive body;

    common color: it is possible to combine white with several shades of gray, for example, from smoky to graphite.

The Kholmogory goose is deservedly recognized as a long-liver among its fellows, since the life expectancy of individual individuals can reach from 15 to 18 years.

Recommendations for keeping broiler geese at home

Deciding to engage in poultry farming, both on a farming scale and within your own household You should remember about the correct equipment of the premises for keeping livestock.

You should first consider the location and systematization of such objects as:

    drinking bowls;


    room for young animals and perches;

    paddock for walking;

    protective awning or canopy for protection from sun rays in summer.

Advice! It would be a good idea to think through and provide a heating system. Despite the fact that Gorky and Kholmogory geese are resistant to low temperatures, you should not endanger the health of hatching females or growing livestock. It is recommended to provide birds with access to the pond in winter. With the exception of Toulouse representatives, geese can move freely around the territory and swim in the cold season.

The “whims” of the Toulouse breed include not only their sensitivity to roughage feed, but also susceptibility to excessive humidity in the room, to drafts.

What to feed them? Basic diet:


    Whole grain feed.

    Chopped hay.

    Mineral supplements and vitamin supplements introduced into the diet in accordance with the calculation of the volume of supplement per 1 kg of total body weight.

You can watch broiler goslings in the video here (from about 6 minutes):

Vitamin and mineral bait constitutes the general diet of birds throughout the year, but sometimes it is introduced into the diet periodically, that is, in the spring and autumn seasons.

Even a beginner can easily start his own poultry farming business. It is enough to enlist the advice of experienced breeders and ensure proper care. All broiler breeds, except Toulouse geese, are quite suitable for home rearing.

To successfully breed the Toulouse breed, it is better to use a professional farm with professional technical equipment and incubators.

Over the long history of poultry farming, many breeds of geese have been developed. Some acquired admirers, others quickly disappeared, just as they appeared.

Poultry for meat

There are 3 main categories of these birds:

  1. Meat breeds. Geese with a large body weight, but weak plumage or egg production.
  2. Downy birds. The weight of such an animal does not exceed 5 kg, but its first-class feather cover and down make them simply irreplaceable in the manufacture of sleeping accessories.
  3. Egg birds. These types of geese are popular only in some countries of Asia and Africa, where it is customary to eat goose eggs; the rest of the world does not see any practical meaning in these breeds.


Kholmogory birds are one of the largest representatives of waterfowl. This breed is popular among goose breeders in the CIS countries due to its high meat yield. The weight of an adult gander can exceed 10 kg, and that of a goose – 8 kg. On average, a female brings up to 45 eggs per year, in rare cases 75-89. The Kholmogory breed quickly gains weight, and young goslings at the age of 2 months can already weigh up to 4 kg. Often at this age they are sent for meat. The average egg weight is 200 g, which is an ideal indicator for hatching goslings.

The color of the plumage of birds is white; representatives of the Kholmogory breed with gray wings or neck are less common. There is a peculiar growth on the beak and a skin membrane near the non-nasal openings. It is by these characteristics that the breed of bird can be determined. The feathers are long but sparse.


Speaking about the largest breeds among meat animals, it is also worth noting the Mamuta geese breed. These birds come from Denmark. Poultry farmers love them because mamuts are able to adapt to any living conditions. Both southern heat and northern cold suit them. An adult gander can weigh as much as 13 kg, while the maximum weight of a goose is considered to be 9 kg. Egg production in mamuts is slightly higher than that of Kholmogory geese and amounts to 50-55 eggs per year. The average weight of such an egg is 200 grams, which also makes it ideal for an incubator.

Geese are tall and have long legs. The neck is smooth and of medium size. The plumage is predominantly white, but there are individuals with gray wings or completely gray with small splashes of white. The beak is yellow, llamas have a reddish tint. They have tasty dietary meat, sparse plumage, often with defects in the feather shaft.

Gray large

Large gray geese love to grow in difficult climatic conditions. They adapt well to them and are also able to withstand extreme temperature changes. A large gray gander can weigh up to 10 kg, in rare cases more, while a goose weighs up to 7 kg. The female brings up to 60 eggs per year.

The note! The breed earned great honor from its admirers not because of its farm performance, but because of its high hatchability of goslings. Under the condition of natural incubation, the survival rate of the clutch is 75%, which cannot be said about any other species of waterfowl. Many credit this to the mother breeds, which include some species of wild geese.

As one might guess, the plumage color of this breed is gray, interspersed with white and black. The neck is medium size, the body is wide and fleshy. The legs are short and orange, the beak is short and regular in shape.

Lindovsky geese

Birds of the Linda breed are considered the most precocious among the rest of the majority of waterfowl. At 8 months the animal already reaches adulthood and weighs up to 11 kg. The weight of the goose is a little more modest - 9 kg. Compared to the above breeds, Lindas require special care, since the young animals are very sickly, it is necessary to carefully select food and living conditions. Despite the fact that the breed's egg production is 70 eggs per year, their weight does not exceed 170 g, which is also not bad by the standards of modern poultry farming.

Geese have short yellow llamas and a large orange beak with a growth on it. The neck is straight and of medium size. Basically, Lindov birds have a dominant white body plumage, interspersed with gray or cream colors.

Gorky geese

A slightly modest, but also very popular breed is the Gorky geese. The weight of an adult male is 8 kg, while the female weighs no more than 6 kg. Externally, the birds are similar to the Kholmogory breed, but at the same time have more modest “dimensions”. The egg weighs only 150 g, but the goose can produce up to 70 eggs per year. The embryos are excellent for both natural hatching of goslings and incubation.

The plumage is white, interspersed with gray and cream colors. The paws are medium-sized, yellow, the beak is short and has a hump at the nasal openings.

Meat breeds of domestic geese are very popular among residents of the CIS, but downy birds are also raised along with them.

Geese on a feather

Interesting fact! All breeds of these waterfowl that are used for feathering most often have white plumage with a dense downy covering.

Geese are primarily raised for meat and “expensive fed liver” - foie gras, but each poultry farm always has several hundred heads of geese exclusively for making sleeping accessories. There are more than 2 dozen downy breeds, but not all of them are popular.


Downy birds do not have large, fleshy bodies, but they do have high-quality feathers. The Danish Legard is one of these waterfowl. They are often called decorative geese because of the perfect white color of their plumage. The animal has black or blue legs, a medium-sized neck and a regularly shaped orange beak.

The hatching rate of goslings is 60%, which is not a very good indicator given that the female produces only 40 eggs per year. Despite its downy appearance, a male can weigh up to 8 kg, a goose no more than 6 kg.

Kuban breed

These are one of the most “decorative” representatives of waterfowl. An adult male can weigh no more than 6 kg, a goose - 5 kg. The bird has a long curved neck, long legs and a medium-sized black beak with a growth at the nasal openings. Kuban geese are not distinguished by high meat production, but have first-class plumage and down cover.

The note! Geese from Kuban are an exception. They have gray plumage interspersed with white and black.

This breed is grown not only on farms, but also everywhere among residents of villages and villages. They adapt well to any conditions and are not picky about their maintenance.

Geese from Italy

Italian waterfowl are a source of first-class down. In a year, one bird can collect up to 100 g of fluff, which, considering its cost, is a very good indicator. An adult gander weighs 7 kg, a goose - 6 kg. Geese have medium-sized necks and long yellow legs. The beak is long, regular in shape with a slight bend in the upper jaw. They are often confused with the breed of Rhine birds, which is not strange

The note! With such a description, it is difficult to correctly distinguish the Italian breed from other downy species. But there is one difference that is unique to these birds – the eyes are a distinct blue color.

Rhine breed

Outwardly, these geese are very similar to their Italian counterparts, but at the same time, the fruit is located from the body at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the ground, while in Italian birds the body position is almost horizontal. The live weight of a gander is 7 kg, a goose’s is 5.5-6 kg. The yield of fluff is 80-100 g per year, which is also a high figure.

Rhine geese perfectly adapt to any living conditions, and also mate without problems outside the reservoir, due to the small body weight of the male. The bird has a long body, a medium-sized neck and tall yellow legs. Very popular in the CIS countries.

Interesting fact! At the beginning of the article, we talked about egg breeds of geese, which are not popular among domestic breeders. The most famous geese in this area are the Chinese breed. A good female can lay up to 100 eggs per year, but their weight will range from 120 g to 140 g.

Governor's geese

They also have exclusively white plumage. Outwardly, they are very similar to legards, the only difference being their yellow or orange paws. The bird is slaughtered at the age of 4-5 months, at this moment the plumage is the softest and “strongest”. The weight of an adult male does not exceed 8 kg, while a female can reach 7 kg. Geese are very popular due to their high survival rate. Adult governor's geese have a 97% survival rate, young animals - 95%.

We figured out the names of the breeds and learned about the variety of geese and the areas of their maintenance. Which breed is best for breeding is up to the breeder or farmer to decide.

Since Ukraine and poultry farmers in Russia and Belarus rarely encounter egg breeds, it is worth focusing their attention on meat and downy geese.