What is more profitable to produce goods or services? Profitable production in Russia

Cinder blocks. This production idea is good for those who live in the private sector. After all, all the tools can be stored in the yard or garage. What will you need? Concrete mixer, vibrating machine, construction wheelbarrow and shovel.

Equipment costs will be about 55-100 thousand rubles, depending on the quality of the tools. By producing several hundred units of products per day, you can earn good money (about 100-200 dollars).

Styrofoam. The size of the required premises is about 150 square meters, the purchase of the necessary equipment will cost 1.5 million rubles. As for revenue, you can count on an annual profit of about 1 million 500 thousand rubles.

2. Breeding laying hens

Very cost-effective and profitable production. For large-scale production of at least seven thousand chickens per year, an investment of 400-500 thousand rubles is required, and the business itself will pay off in 8-12 months.

The largest costs are for the purchase of cells and an incubator. For a very small-scale production of several dozen chickens, you will need about ten thousand rubles.

This is a great and easy business for a budding entrepreneur. Chickens are easy to care for and rarely get sick.

3. Casts and sculptures

Casts of children's hands and feet, compositions of lovers' hands, and small sculptures as gifts are very popular now. Their production can take from half an hour to several days, depending on the complexity, and the net profit of one unit of goods starts from 500 rubles.

If use molds for the most popular sculptures, then the profitability of the business increases several times.

4. Making cottage cheese

A very profitable option for a small business, especially if it is possible to sell products in large cities with good demand for home products. To produce from scratch, you will need a separate room and special equipment (electric pasteurizer, curd bath, etc.), the purchase of which will cost 1.5-2 million rubles, plus the cost of raw materials and preparation of the production facility.

We receive a minimum starting capital of 3 million rubles. However, the net profit with a monthly output of 13-16 tons will be about 200-300 thousand rubles, which means that investments in the business will pay off in 1.5-2 years.

5. Greenhouses

Greenhouse assembly– a profitable home business option. The most commonly used materials are polycarbonate and wood.

For a small production, a few people are enough, and the cost of equipment is within 200 thousand rubles. The profitability of this business usually exceeds one hundred percent.

It will not be difficult for a novice entrepreneur to organize this business, since assembling greenhouses is a relatively simple process that anyone can master.

6. Production of bags

The production of packages will become a popular and, most importantly, profitable production from scratch. You can buy very simple equipment (about 400-450 thousand rubles), or assemble a full-fledged production line - already within the range of 1.3-1.5 million rubles.

Can be produced plastic, garbage, paper bags, etc. Net profit with established sales reaches 150-200 thousand rubles per month.

7. Vegetable oil production

This is not the cheapest, but very profitable option. For production, a separate room with an area of ​​at least one hundred square meters is required.

Capital investments in equipment, premises and personnel will amount to about 1.5-2 million rubles, and such a business will pay off in six months to a year.

8. Nail production

There is a lot of competition in this segment, but the profitability of the business is also very high. And most importantly, the costs of opening such a mini-production are small: from 100 to 500 thousand rubles. You can even place production in an ordinary garage.

Such a business will pay for itself in about a year, or even less. For stable profit it is necessary to produce about three tons of nails per month.

9. Pellet production

It is best to set up such production near a sawmill. Capital investments for such a business are about 1-2.5 million rubles (equipment, premises and raw materials), but such a business pays off within eight months, and its profitability exceeds one hundred percent.

10. Production of dumplings

Focusing on a small, but still industrial production, we take into account that it requires a room of about 100 square meters. m. Lines for the production of dumplings are relatively inexpensive.

The price of equipment starts from 80 thousand rubles. The total initial costs, depending on the scale of production, will be 1-3 million rubles. The business will pay for itself in approximately a year with income 250 thousand rubles per month.

And this is not all for beginners. In each region and locality you can find your own, underoccupied and profitable niche to open a mini-production. We wish you successful and good business!

When six years ago I was looking for investors to open a business producing medical devices, many successful entrepreneurs looked at me in surprise: “Do you really want to open production in Russia? Look, everyone is bringing masks and shoe covers from abroad, this is a profitable and reliable business model. In Russia it is impossible to produce in principle, and it is even more impossible to produce high-quality products. Our country is simply not suited for this, neither from the point of view of legislation, nor from the point of view of the business climate.”

Manufacturing in Russia is an ocean of opportunities! Why did everyone rush into trading in the 1990s and 2000s? Because the market then was relatively free, there was a minimum of competition, and there was a sea of ​​opportunities. This is how it is now in production: a huge number of free or low-competition niches. Go to a non-grocery store (sports or children's), go up to the counter and look: where is this or that product produced? You will find many types of products that are not yet produced in Russia. And even those products that say “made in Russia” are often not entirely domestic. Ask where the manufacturer purchases components for it, and you will see that most of them are made abroad. This entire range is an opportunity to launch your own successful small production.

Another common concern for beginning manufacturers is the lack of a suitable, preferably engineering, education. “I have never produced anything, never worked in production, and at home I can’t even hammer a nail. The plant is definitely not for me!” - this is what many people think, including successful managers and entrepreneurs working in the trade or services sector. It seems to them that selling a finished product is much cheaper than producing it. About seven years ago, I myself was thinking in approximately the same vein. Then I was a manager in a large Russian dealer company, which introduced a wide range of products under its own brands to the country’s market, placing orders strictly with enterprises in Egypt and Asia.

Now I understand that those who have trading experience behind them gain a competitive advantage over other entrepreneurs. You reason: “Selling is not a problem, the main thing is to produce.” Manufacturers answer: “Producing is not a problem, it’s difficult to sell!” This is the paradox: people who know how to sell believe that manufacturing is not for them, and many talented engineers do not know how to sell.

I often communicate with many owners and directors of small industries organized in the 1990s and 2000s. Most of them are people who have received technical education, talented engineers and managers, but for many, the sale of the created product has remained something unknown, a very difficult to understand process.

Production and sales

If you know how to sell, this is already half the success of your production.

What does it mean to sell in production? Firstly, be able to understand what product, what quality and at what price will be in demand by one or another consumer. Secondly, be able to build the entire sales chain, motivate and negotiate with each link in this chain. Thirdly, these are developed competencies: conducting successful negotiations, effective presentation of your own product, a rich argumentation base.

My advice: before opening your own production, get a job in a trading company, work there as a sales manager or sales representative, master the skills of successful sales and effective management of sellers.

Ideally, you should immediately choose a direction of trade that is similar to the future sphere of production. Such work experience will help you understand how the sales and promotion system works, how processes work from the inside, especially in terms of pricing and promotion. This tip is especially important for techies.

And experienced salespeople can only be advised not to be afraid and open their own production facilities. When you go to a car dealership to buy a car, you don’t think about how you will choose a new car if you don’t have a technical education. You will be surprised, but most managers from car dealerships really do not have a technical education. The same is true when searching for and choosing an idea for your production.

Let's say you've chosen a product and want to know how to produce it. There is no need to immediately run to technological Talmuds and scrupulously study all marketing research. An easier and more effective way is to directly contact the equipment suppliers for your product. Believe me, they know about your product first-hand, and in order to successfully sell you their equipment, they will tell you not only about the characteristics, but also about all the production details.

Try to immediately establish a dialogue with several companies of different levels from different countries. After some time, you will realize that you know almost everything about the future product and production cycle.

Another reliable source of information is competitor companies. Many of them are ready to produce a product under your private label. Contact them and ask for the conditions for placement under a private label. They will be happy to tell you in detail about the product, its options, and types of packaging. All this will help you communicate more substantively with equipment manufacturers.

By placing orders under your own brand with existing contractors, you can painlessly enter the market, get to know customers, generate initial demand, and increase sales volume. And only after that, provided there is a stable economy, you can invest in purchasing your own equipment. Of course, this option will take more time, but it will allow you to seriously diversify risks.

An approximate algorithm of actions when opening your own production

  1. We choose a product.
  2. We find manufacturers under private label. We communicate with them.
  3. We find equipment manufacturers for the production of the selected product (the more, the better). We find out how to produce, what components and raw materials are needed, what the cost of the equipment is. We count, see if we have the required money supply, or calculate where we can get this money from. If there are no optimal options, then we choose another product or its component. Often it is among the components that you can find a small niche, poorly covered by production in Russia. This is just a chance to find a less competitive market and create a product that may not require too much money to produce.
  4. We find suppliers of components and raw materials.
  5. We count everything. We draw up a business plan.
  6. If we don’t have enough money of our own, we go with this business plan to an investor. This is exactly what I did six years ago and received 100% funding for the project based on the developed business plan.
  7. There is a business plan, there are investments - we proceed to the most exciting stage, we spend investment money according to the developed and approved business plan. We are launching our production!
  8. And the main stage: we bring production to breakeven and profitability.
  9. Next, we increase and increase production, our business, and profits. We are starting to grow from small to medium-sized production, and then, perhaps, it will be a stone’s throw to large production.

Today, many are reconsidering their attitude towards production in Russia. Many trading companies have begun to place orders from Russian manufacturers, some are opening their own factories. Profitability in trading is rapidly falling due to increased competition and narrowing demand. Many investors with whom I spoke seven years ago and who were skeptical about the manufacturing business in Russia have now changed their minds, and some of them are hatching or are already implementing their own manufacturing projects.

A small manufacturing enterprise is a reliable business that will provide not only for you, but also for your children and grandchildren. And, of course, production is an opportunity for professional and personal growth.

Pavel Spichakov, project manager, founder of LLC "KIT", LLC "Rouma" (Vladimir), winner of the national competition "Business Success" in the nomination "Best Project in the Manufacturing Sphere", co-chairman of the industry committee, member of the board of VO "OPORA RUSSIA"

Many entrepreneurs are concerned about the question: what kind of production is profitable to open in 2016? During a crisis, the state of the market is characterized by two main factors: lack of financial resources and a decrease in sales. Under these conditions, it seems impossible to open a manufacturing business: many companies are closing and even experienced players are being left behind. Therefore, businessmen try to optimize existing enterprises rather than consider new areas of activity.

Nuances of organizing a business during a crisis

But many modern millionaires who own entire corporations were able to earn their first capital during the crisis. They argue that the economic downturn can be turned to your advantage if you take into account all the features of doing business at this moment.

  1. Demand for luxury goods is falling. The number of visitors to entertainment establishments is decreasing. People spend less money on vacations and travel.
  2. Attracting bank loans to organize production entails additional risks. Therefore, you should invest only your own money in a new enterprise.
  3. The downside of the crisis can be considered a decrease in real estate prices. There is a great opportunity not to rent, but to buy premises for mini-production.
  4. Essential goods and services are in stable demand.
  5. It is better where there is an opportunity to continue working after the crisis ends.

Based on this information, we will try to figure out what kind of production can be opened under similar circumstances in Russia.

How to start a profitable production with minimal investment

The main tasks that need to be solved before opening production with small investments are the supply of raw materials and the possibility of sales. The latter is especially important if the product produced by the enterprise is classified as perishable goods. Raw materials must arrive at production exactly within the agreed time frame, ensuring uninterrupted operation of the workshop.

An entrepreneur who decides to organize a small production should resolve all legal issues, calculate the profitability of the business, decide on the location of opening and the recruitment of employees.

What production to open with minimal investment so that it can bring stable profits over time and have prospects for development after the crisis. According to experts, small start-up investments will be required for enterprises providing services to the population, as well as for organizing the following productions:

  • sewing workshop (clothes repair and tailoring);
  • furniture workshop;
  • mini bakery;
  • soap shop;
  • production of packaging materials;
  • oil making;
  • production of semi-finished products;
  • any production by .

Opening each of the listed small industries does not require large investments and knowledge. But you can still count on getting a good profit.

Mini workshop in the apartment

If there is no money to rent or buy premises, then the question arises of what kind of production to open at home.

The enterprise must meet the following criteria:

  • harmlessness;
  • ergonomics;
  • don't be noisy;
  • exclude the possibility of explosion or fire.

The main point when opening a small production in an apartment is the installation of equipment. Machines and devices should be compact, not very noisy and consume a small amount of energy. You can engage in sewing clothes and linen, wood carving (making kitchen utensils and interior items). You can also do shoe repair or organize a photography workshop. Any type of handicraft can bring a small but stable profit: knitting, making cards, soft toys, jewelry, etc. The latter requires a printer, which can also be used to organize the production of business cards and souvenirs with 3D printing.

Small business in a private home

There are many ideas about what kind of production you can open at home. People who have a garage open small auto repair shops or make furniture (chairs, stools, shelves, coffee tables, etc.). In a private house you can organize the production of building materials (brick, stone), canned food, semi-finished products. If your personal plot allows, you can assemble modular, custom-made log structures. Making boilers, fences and other metal products using an automatic welding machine can bring good income.

Those who are looking for an interesting idea on how to open a small production at home with a small investment should pay attention to baking cakes, pastries and cookies, making desserts and candies. All this can be made to order from customer products.

Ideas for small towns

The question of what kind of production to open in a small town is considered one of the most pressing today. In small towns, the crisis is most noticeable: businesses are closing, jobs are being cut, and people are finding themselves on the street without work or money. Some are trying to move to the metropolis, or work on a rotational basis. Others try to solve the problem on the spot. What is the last thing you can offer? First, you should consider all the pros and cons of doing business in a sparsely populated area.

Main disadvantages:

  • low cross-country ability;
  • low salary;
  • high level of competition;
  • lack of qualified specialists.

The advantages of organizing a business in the province are:

  • low cost of premises (rent or purchase);
  • a good opportunity to find an unoccupied niche;
  • cheap labor;
  • public trust is a good prerequisite for the formation of a client base.

Based on the information received, you can make a list of enterprises recommended for opening in a small town. It can take into account all proposals regarding home production: from baking to modular designs. As well as private transportation services, advertising agencies, cleaning services, remote work on the Internet, repair shops, etc.

And it is important to remember that any crisis can either take away a person’s last hope for a prosperous life, or give him a huge opportunity to lay the first brick in building his own successful and profitable enterprise. The main thing is not to be discouraged and afraid of difficulties. It is necessary to use every opportunity and believe in your own strength.

Almost every enterprising person dreams of opening their own business. This is a rather complex and time-consuming process, especially if you are going to start during a period of economic crisis. Let’s try to figure out which production is profitable to open in 2018 in this article.

Construction Materials

People do not stop building something even in the most difficult times, so construction materials are always in great demand. If you are interested in what kind of production is profitable to open in a private house, try it.

To do this you will need:

  • Concrete mixer;
  • Vibrating machine;
  • Wheelbarrow;
  • Shovel;
  • Forms;
  • Other small accessories.

You will spend 50–80 thousand rubles on equipment and tools. If you produce several hundred products a day, your net earnings will be 5–10 thousand rubles.

Making foam plastic

Another profitable production option for small businesses is the production of polystyrene foam. In this case, you will have to spend about 1.5 million rubles on equipment. The annual profit of such a mini-enterprise is 450–550 thousand rubles.

But this business is suitable only for experienced entrepreneurs who have a fairly large start-up capital and are ready to invest money in the production sector. Beginners have nothing to do in this niche, because it will be quite problematic for them to compete with large construction companies that produce high-quality products.

Poultry breeding

Rural residents are often interested in what kind of production can be started at home. The most suitable option is raising chickens, geese or ducks. This is a highly profitable business that allows you to earn a good income. To purchase young animals, cages and an incubator, 0.5 million rubles will be needed. The initial investment is fully recouped in about a year. For a mini-enterprise at the start, 10 thousand rubles is enough. Therefore, if you are a rural resident, think about this field of activity.

Homemade cottage cheese

If you have several cows and don’t know what mini-production is profitable to open at home, try making homemade cottage cheese. To begin with, you can only process your own milk. When the business begins to expand, purchase special equipment and buy milk from local residents. You will have to spend 1–2 million rubles on the purchase of equipment, raw materials and preparation of the premises. By processing 15–18 tons of milk per month, you will make a profit of 250–350 thousand rubles.


Assembling greenhouses is a fairly profitable production for small businesses. The structures are assembled from wood and polycarbonate. Purchasing equipment will cost you 250 thousand rubles. This is a highly profitable business that brings good income. The demand for greenhouses does not fall even despite the crisis. Therefore, you will always have a job.

Muesli bars

Modern people have begun to care about their health, so they try to buy not only tasty, but also healthy food.

To fill the bars you can use:

  • Nuts;
  • Dried apricots;
  • Raisin;
  • Berries;
  • Fruits.

In addition, the bars also contain cereal grains and oat flakes. You need to spend 280-350 thousand rubles on equipment and raw materials. If you find good markets, the initial investment will pay off in just six months.

Enterprising people who are thinking about what kind of small production can be opened in our time can safely start making muesli bars. To sell your product better, constantly expand your range, offering consumers new tastes. Such a new and interesting business idea may well become the impetus for you to have a rich life.

Parquet board

This kind of business is beneficial for those who already have an existing wood processing enterprise and are interested in what kind of profitable production can be opened on its basis.

Today, this area of ​​activity is developing rapidly, so you can safely invest in it. To open a parquet business, you will need about 3 million rubles.

Wooden pallets

Pallets and pallets made of wood are used everywhere for transporting goods, so they are constantly in high demand. Large enterprises and farms need such products.

With the necessary equipment, a worker can assemble 60 products in one hour. The cost of such a production line is quite high. It ranges from 1–8 million rubles. The main problem that entrepreneurs face is the purchase of raw materials. If you know where you can get wood for making pallets, you can safely open such a business.


This is a product that people buy every day. In this regard, the demand for baby diapers is consistently high. If you do, you can earn a good income. Equipment for making diapers is very expensive, so this type of business has a long payback period. But, despite this, such an enterprise brings high income, since there is practically no competition in this area. Most of the products consumed on the domestic market are imported from abroad. Therefore, if you manage to achieve high quality products and conduct a powerful advertising campaign, success will not be long in coming.

Casts and decorative sculptures

Recently, many parents have ordered the making of casts of their children’s hands or feet. Such souvenirs are also very popular among lovers who want to immortalize the intertwining of their hands. This is an excellent option for those who do not know what kind of production can be opened with minimal investment. One unit of goods costs about 500 rubles. To produce sculptures you do not need any special equipment. Such a business is characterized by high profitability and low level of competition.

Handmade soap

Believe it or not, it can become quite a profitable business. In order to start such a business, you do not need large financial investments. You will spend about 500 thousand rubles on purchasing equipment and renting premises. If you are puzzled by what kind of production you can open in a private home, pay special attention to this option, since at first you can make soap at home.

Frozen vegetables and fruits

Such products are in great demand, so a business producing various frozen vegetable mixtures and assorted fruits can generate good income. Equipment for blast freezing is not cheap. You will have to spend approximately 500 thousand rubles on each unit. The cost of one refrigeration chamber is 150 thousand rubles. To transport products you will need a special refrigerator.

If you can’t decide which production is profitable to open in a small town, start producing frozen fruits and vegetables. Raw materials for processing can be purchased from farmers or the local population.

Paper napkins

These products are constantly in demand on the market, since they, like baby diapers, are personal hygiene items that are purchased almost every day. Where there is high demand, there will be high profitability. The purchase of equipment, raw materials and transportation of finished products will require approximately 800 thousand rubles. Nowadays, it is chosen by many entrepreneurs who want to have a highly profitable, profitable enterprise.

Plastic box

This is a great business idea for those who want to get an answer to the question, what kind of production can be opened in the city? This direction has recently begun to develop successfully.

Plastic containers are used for packaging food, drinks, detergents, etc. To open such an enterprise, you will need a substantial start-up capital, approximately 3.5 million rubles. The monthly net income of such a business can reach 1 million rubles. The initial investment pays off in 2–3 years.


If you decide to open, please note that in our time, craftsmen began to use the clay casting method, rather than the potter's wheel. Forms filled with solution are dried in a special room. After complete drying, they are brought to perfection, that is, all unnecessary details are removed. The next stage is firing, which imparts strength to the product. This is a fairly profitable business that does not require large investments. If you have such skill, feel free to take this idea into service.


The most profitable areas of business activity are manufacturing and the service sector. Each enterprise has a number of its own specific nuances. Therefore, before opening your own business, carefully analyze the market, assess the level of competition and be sure to draw up a detailed business plan with calculations. If you provide a competent approach, your own business will bring excellent profits.

When planning to invest money in a business, entrepreneurs are looking for the most profitable production for a small business. This means quick payback, high income and low risk.

The most cost-effective production for small businesses

What kind of production is profitable to open from a profitability point of view? Obviously, the product must be popular, and the costs of its production must be minimal. It is desirable that the business idea has the following characteristics:

  • originality;
  • low competition;
  • demand for the product;
  • small investment;
  • simplicity in organization;
  • small staff.

The highest possible profitability is only possible if production is automated.

The most promising in this regard are two directions:

  • Food: mushrooms, greenhouse vegetables, honey, dumplings, semi-finished products, etc.
  • Hygiene products: napkins, toilet paper, etc.
  • Production of concrete fences, tiles and other options.

Let's look at the top three most profitable ideas for production as a small business.

Mushrooms are a popular meat substitute due to their excellent taste and low price. Mushroom production is simple in technology and does not require large investments. Any room with cheap rent is suitable for growing oyster mushrooms or champignons.


  • Purchase of 30 tons of compost and mushroom mycelium – 100 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment for a mushroom workshop - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Rent of 100 m2 and salary of 3 workers for 1 month - 70 thousand rubles.
  • Utilities and other expenses for 1 month – 20 thousand rubles.

Total: 390 thousand rubles.

The sale of mushrooms can be either independent - in the market, or sale to wholesalers and stores.

The productivity of 1 kg of compost is equal to 1 kg of mushrooms per year, and 30 tons of compost will yield about 30 tons of mushrooms per year, ≈ 3 million rubles per year. Expected monthly profit is 250 thousand rubles, net profit is 100 thousand rubles. Profitability 66%.

Toilet paper production

Toilet paper is a very hot commodity

The volume of toilet paper consumption is high, and the requirements for the quality of the product are not strict. Unlike napkins, which require premium quality raw materials, inexpensive toilet paper is made from cheap bases.


  • Machine for winding and cutting wide rolls (used) – 300 thousand rubles.
  • Packaging equipment – ​​50 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials – 100 thousand rubles.
  • Rent of premises of 40 m2 and salary of 2 workers - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses – 20 thousand rubles.

Total: 520 thousand rubles.

Since the line is fully automated, the production of toilet paper is not only a profitable production, but also the most cost-effective. The specified budget is calculated for the purchase of 6 tons of raw materials≈60 thousand rolls of finished products. The expected income is 300 thousand rubles per month, and the net income is about 90 thousand rubles. Profitability 43%.

Manufacturing of concrete products

The production of paths, fences, and decorative stones from concrete will always find its own market. These could be free classifieds sites, markets and stores, as well as your own online store.

A little experimentation with the composition and pigment and you will get a tile that imitates natural stone, pebbles or paving stones. For production you need to purchase:

  • molds for filling;
  • concrete mixer;
  • eject table;
  • table for stripping and racks for storing products;
  • tool, film, etc.

You can start production even in a garage with a partner - this is how most large companies started.


  • Purchase of equipment – ​​150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of consumables – 100 thousand rubles.
  • Utilities and other expenses – 20 thousand rubles.

Total: 270 thousand rubles.

The cost of producing 1 m2 of tiles is 250 rubles, and the price is 350 rubles. Net profit from the sale of 1 thousand m2 per month is 100 thousand rubles, profitability is 40%.

How much does it cost to start a profitable production?

From the projects described above, we can conclude that profitable production can be started with 300 thousand rubles. Project profitability is over 40%, which is considered an excellent indicator.