Organizational structure of an individual entrepreneur's business: types and features of choice. Thesis: Development of a development program for the activities of a retail trade enterprise using the example of individual entrepreneur T.I. Kolpakova Organizational structure of a legal firm individual entrepreneur

The organizational structure determines the relationship (mutual subordination) between the functions performed by employees of the organization. It manifests itself in such forms as division of labor, the creation of specialized units, hierarchy of positions, intra-organizational procedures and is a necessary element of an effective organization, since it gives it internal stability and allows it to achieve a certain order in the use of resources.

The structure can be chosen and understood only with a broad, integrated approach to changes in the enterprise and its environment.

The process of making adjustments to the organizational management structure of the company includes:

1) systematic analysis of the functioning of the organization and its environment in order to identify problem areas. The analysis may be based on a comparison of competing or related organizations representing other areas of economic activity;

2) development of a master plan for improving the organizational structure;

3) a guarantee that the innovation program contains the simplest and most specific proposals for change;

4) consistent implementation of planned changes. Introducing minor changes has a greater chance of success;

5) encouraging increased awareness among employees, which will allow them to better appreciate their involvement and, therefore, increase their responsibility for the intended changes.

The result of development using the methods described above was the given structural linear diagram of enterprise management, implemented by IP Ulanov (Fig. 12).


Accounting Sales Department Production Department

Chief Senior Manager Senior

sales accountant foreman

Office Manager Manager Measurement Installers

by sales

Fig.12 Organizational structure of IP Ulanova A.G.

This scheme is constantly changing in detail. These changes reflect the continuous process of adaptation of the enterprise to changing external conditions. This organizational structure is rational in the light of the implementation of the set goals and objectives by society.

To the organizational structure of IP Ulanova A.G. includes:

Sales department.

The sales department is an independent structural division of the company. Its main tasks are:

1) conclusion of contracts for the supply of building materials and equipment and full provision of orders for products;

2) development of prepayment agreements, conducting correspondence and negotiations on deliveries and resolving all controversial issues, monitoring compliance with payment deadlines for shipped products, accepting orders for manufactured products, timely execution of documents;

3) study and implementation of best practices of other enterprises in concluding and maintaining contracts and orders;

4) conducting marketing research to study demand and expand the sales market for manufactured products and services.

The structure of the sales department includes: senior sales manager; sales manager; office manager (2 people).


The tasks of accounting are:

1) ensuring the correct organization of accounting in accordance with regulatory documents;

2) implementation of preliminary and subsequent control over the timely and correct execution of documents and the legality of transactions: control over the correct and economical expenditure of funds;

3) accounting for income and expenses according to budget estimates and accounting for transactions on other extra-budgetary funds;

4) calculation and payment of wages to workers and employees on time; timely execution of settlements arising in the process of executing estimates with enterprises, institutions and individuals;

5) monitoring the safety of material assets in places of their storage and operation, the availability and movement of funds;

6) systematic accounting of provisions, instructions, guidelines on accounting and reporting issues, other regulatory documents falling within the competence of accounting services;

7) storage of accounting documents, cost estimates, calculations for them, other documents, as well as submitting them to the archive in the prescribed manner.

The accounting structure includes a chief accountant (1 person)

Production Department.

The responsibilities of the production department include:

Operational management of the organization's production activities; current planning, participation in long-term planning of production activities; organizational and methodological management, coordination and control of the activities of structural divisions of the organization on production issues; promptly informing the organization’s management about emerging production problems and possible solutions to them; preparation and presentation to management of information and analytical materials on the state and prospects for the development of the organization’s production activities; improvement and introduction of new methods of organizing work, including through the use of modern information technologies; participation, within one’s competence, in the preparation and execution of management decisions of the organization’s management.

The structure of the production department includes a deputy director for production (1 person), a measurer (1 person), and installation teams (6 people).

Each employee of IP Ulanova A.G. bears responsibility: 1) for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

2) for offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) for causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

The appointment of an employee to any position and dismissal from position is made by order of the head of the enterprise upon presentation. During the absence of any employee (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

Organizational structure of management of IP Ulanova A.G. flexible and tries to respond sensitively to all changes occurring both in the environment external to the enterprise and within it.

In order to determine how effective and functional a given organizational structure really is, it is necessary to conduct research. Which should contain the opinions of the organization’s employees, managers and clients about the shortcomings of this structure and the functional responsibilities of employees.

To conduct this event, a marketing research was carried out, which consisted of several stages:

At the first stage - preparation for marketing research, the following work was carried out: monitoring the work of managers, the general director and first managers, as well as everyone else working in the organization. She was present during the exchange of information between managers and customers, identified the “pros” and “cons” in these communications, and then this experience helped in drawing up questions in questionnaires for employees, managers and owners.

The second stage was a survey of customers, which took place according to the following scheme:

1) defining goals and objectives. The purpose of the survey is to answer the following basic questions: how to change the activities of the organization; what will be the positive and negative aspects of these changes; how the organization of the position of a marketer will affect the popularity of IP Ulanov in Ulyanovsk, which will indicate the need for additional development of the company, through the position of a marketer to form marketing communications, or only maintain them at the level at which they are now; This information will help in making a decision on whether to implement the project or reject it. But this issue is important both for the company itself and for my research work, because... it will also show the effectiveness of the marketer’s functioning through more competent organization of advertising, identifying demand, promoting products and services;

2) the development of the questionnaire took place in three directions. Because employees, managers and clients of the organization were surveyed, a separate questionnaire was compiled for each of these groups. Each of the questionnaires had its own additional objectives.

The questionnaire for managers should identify shortcomings in the organizational structure (APPENDIX A). The questionnaire for employees should show satisfaction with their work and outline what they would like to change (APPENDIX B). The questionnaire for clients should reveal the reasons why the customer contacted our organization, how he learned about it, and what attracted him (APPENDIX B);

3) elimination of shortcomings before the study. The questionnaires were tested by the general director and each employee of the organization, each with several respondents, in order to find out how clearly the questions of the questionnaire were formulated, how convenient it was for filling out the questionnaire, what needed to be added and what to exclude;

After testing, questionnaires for employees and clients and for managers were edited.

4) processing of results - carried out using a PC and Excel;

5) analysis of the results obtained, drawing up a conclusion.

An analysis of the organizational structure of IP Ulanova A.G. was carried out. The following conclusions can be drawn from the manager’s responses:

2) there are minor deficiencies in the organizational structure, due to the division of responsibilities among employees not according to job descriptions;

3) there is a problem with promoting the organization’s services due to the lack of a marketer;

4) due to the arrival of new employees, conflict in the team may increase, and work may fade into the background.

As a result of a survey of employees of IP Ulanov, the following results were obtained:

Of the 13 employees surveyed, when asked: “How do you assess the composition of the personnel in the company?” 9 people responded that the staff fully complies with the requirements, and 4 people responded that it would not hurt to replace some of the workers; “What are the functional responsibilities between the company structures?” 9 people believe that all responsibilities are not distributed according to job descriptions, and 4 people believe that there are small inaccuracies, but they should not be paid attention to; “Do disagreements arise between company employees?” 10 people believe that there are minor disagreements that do not require special attention, 3 people believe that each employee clearly knows his responsibilities; “What position do you think is missing in your organization?” almost unanimously - 12 people answered that there was a shortage of a marketer; “Do you agree to take on additional formalized responsibilities?” 9 people would not agree with additional responsibilities, 3 people would agree for a good salary increase, and only one person would agree to take on new responsibilities; “Are you afraid of the changes associated with starting a new marketing position?” 2 people are calm about changes in the organizational structure of the organization, 1 person is afraid of losing their job, and 7 people are firmly convinced of the need to create a new position as a marketer. Almost the majority of answers are related to the distribution of responsibilities not according to job descriptions. Very often, employees perform duties related to a non-existent department, due to this, conflict in the team increases. For the same reason, most employees refuse even formalized duties.

The survey data was analyzed and based on them, a diagram of the most dissatisfied employee responses was constructed (Fig. 13)

Rice. 13

To study the opinions of the company's clients on the functioning of the organization, marketing research was conducted using a survey of clients who visited the sales office.

The second stage is absolutely similar in design to the previous study - setting the goals and objectives of the study.

The customer questionnaire should consider how they hear about our organization, i.e. check the effectiveness of current advertising, how customers feel about the organization, what attracts them.

Taking into account the fact that clients in general find it difficult to make such contact, explaining this by limited time, they answered a maximum of three or four questions, so the questionnaire was reduced to a minimum - the three most basic questions. The results were as follows:

Of the 20 interviewed clients of IP Ulanov, when asked: “Where did you learn about the existence of IP Ulanov?” the majority of clients answered that from personal contacts - 10 people, 3 people via the Internet and only 7 people from advertising in the media; “Why did you choose our company?” 9 people on the advice of friends, 7 people because of good advertising and 4 people accidentally ended up in the company’s office; “Is Ulanov’s advertising catalogs containing enough information about the services provided? » 3 people rarely use the organization’s catalogs, 7 people believe that the catalog contains complete information, and 10 people, on the contrary, believe that the catalog requires improvement and contains insufficient information.

The attitude towards IP Ulanov is positive, the quality of the services and products provided is satisfactory. Customers are attracted by affordable prices, discounts (cumulative, one-time), as well as conscientious, attentive, competent staff. In Fig. Figure 14 shows the ratio of answers to the question of how they learned about the existence of the organization.

Rice. 14

After the above, we can draw the following conclusion: The effectiveness of advertising is below 50%, which is a negative result, does not justify the invested material resources, and brings unjustified losses to the organization. It is necessary to develop advertising campaigns more efficiently and professionally, to increase the efficiency and popularity of the organization in Ulyanovsk and the Ulyanovsk region.

When considering the project by the owners and leading specialists of the company organization, most of them gave positive feedback on the proposed reorganization of the company and specific recommendations for improving the production process as a whole. The project data has been accepted for more detailed consideration and development in the near future.

As a result of the analysis of the activities of IP Ulanov, the following shortcomings were noted:

1) due to the heavy workload, the manager does not have enough time to evaluate personal personnel;

2) there are minor shortcomings in the organizational structure, due to the division of responsibilities among employees not according to job descriptions, there is no clear division of functional responsibilities between all employees; often employees perform duties unusual for them;

3) a weak moral and psychological climate in the team, caused by disagreements in the distribution of additional job responsibilities;

4) there is a problem with promoting the organization’s services due to the lack of a marketer;

5) difficulties in maintaining constant relationships and coordination between various functional services;

6) the degree of automation of management functions is low and ineffective;

7) there may be differences in the opinions of officials regarding responsibilities;

In principle, managers' careers are linked to their work in functional organizations, so they lack general management experience, which is especially evident in cases where they are invited to higher positions;

All of the above shortcomings in the organization’s work lead to the following negative consequences:

1) external to the organization: marketing strategies are easily “copied” by competitors, and Ulanov’s IP portfolio is insufficient to maintain the achieved growth rates. That is why the state of the enterprise can be characterized as transitional;

2) internal in relation to the organization: creating a certain tension between employees within the organization; there are serious problems in the system of material incentives for the enterprise’s personnel, in contrast to management employees; The motivation system of the analyzed enterprise needs to be refined and improved, especially with regard to accounting.

All of the above shortcomings indicate an urgent need for change in the organization.

Theoretical aspects of management system development. Basic methods and principles of forming management of the organization's activities. Enterprise management system. Analysis of the development of the IP management system Gabitov R.

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Management bodies are considered to be those bodies that make certain decisions and monitor their implementation without fail. Management bodies act exclusively within their competence when making management decisions. Management bodies, as a rule, are elected and appointed.

Currently, an individual entrepreneur is one of the most common forms of doing business. Registration in this status allows newcomers to avoid unnecessary hassle with taxation and the registration procedure itself. At the same time, this status gives entrepreneurs quite extensive rights that are not inherent to ordinary citizens - individuals. These rights are vested in him by state bodies using legislative and regulatory acts. For example, some types of activities of an entrepreneur are subject to licensing; acting as an employer, an individual entrepreneur is obliged to follow the norms of the Labor Code when hiring or firing employees. Individual entrepreneurs are guided by these same standards when maintaining work books, applying for vacations, and so on. And one of these advantages is the fact that the management bodies of an individual entrepreneur are the entrepreneur himself, since he carries out his activities at his own peril and risk.

Conducting business activities is always carried out with the sole purpose of making a profit. This is possible with a fairly efficient level of management and adequate planning of activities. It is the entrepreneur who independently plans activities. A business plan in this case serves as a document that allows you to adequately build a business model, reduce the risks associated with it, and ultimately increase profits. The management bodies of an individual entrepreneur are represented by the individual entrepreneur himself. He manages his activities in the case of one employee working in a specific individual entrepreneur. If an entrepreneur hires employees, then in carrying out their activities he is the governing body, since he himself determines the business strategy. It is his instructions that hired workers follow when performing it as employees of individual entrepreneurs.

Any organization or enterprise registered as a legal entity must have its own system of governing bodies. This can be one person, who is also the founder, who independently carries out management. But management can also be entrusted to the meeting of founders, the board of directors. This is a more complex system of governing bodies, but also more effective: several people are capable of quickly making a decision or resolving a controversial situation. The number of people in the management bodies of a legal entity depends on the total number of employees, as well as on the form of business management - LLC, CJSC and others.

Thus, the governing bodies of an individual entrepreneur are the individual entrepreneur himself in the status of an individual. But, in addition to the sole management of its business entity, an individual entrepreneur in some situations comes into contact with government authorities. Taxation of entrepreneurs is managed by state tax authorities. The same structure registers an individual entrepreneur and issues him a certificate. The State Antimonopoly Committee also works closely with entrepreneurs to ensure that they establish an adequate cost for a product or service.

At the same time, an individual entrepreneur as an individual is not prohibited by law from holding any positions in other organizations and enterprises. As an employee, the entrepreneur will be subordinate to the management body of the enterprise with which he will enter into an employment or civil law contract. Occupying a leadership position in an enterprise or LLC (legal entity), an entrepreneur can himself be a member of the management bodies of a given business entity - be a founder, be a member of the board of directors, etc.

Organizational structure of IP “M.B. Bakhov" is quite simple due to its small size and relatively small number of employees.

In IP “M.B. Bakhov" uses a linear organizational structure. The advantage of this structure is that there is unity of command in the organization, that is, the manager concentrates the leadership of all departments in his hands, at the same time, this structure is simple and economical (see Fig. 2.1).

Director (1 person)

Sales Managers

Cleaning woman

Chief Accountant

Security guard

In IP “M.B. Bakhov", a democratic leadership style is used. That is, the leader listens to the opinions of subordinates when making any decisions.

In IP “M.B. Bakhov" staff participates in management. This means that the manager takes into account the opinions of the organization’s employees when making important decisions and obtaining information on issues directly affecting the interests of employees. The manager also discusses with senior staff the plan for the socio-economic development of the organization, the development and adoption of collective agreements.

Also, for active participation in the activities of the organization, they are rewarded with a monthly bonus.

Table 2.1.

Responsibilities of employees of IP “M.B. Bakhov"

Job title



deals with personnel, concludes contracts for the supply of salads to institutions, is responsible for the supply of equipment in case of wear and technical obsolescence.

Chief Accountant

conducts all financial activities of the company (calculation and payment of taxes, distribution of profits and issuance of salaries).

Security guard

responsible for the safety of our personnel, equipment and the enterprise itself.


sells goods to customers and is responsible for the money they receive directly from sales of our products.

Cleaning woman

cleans our facility at the end of the working day

Chief accountant (1 person). Directly reports to the director and carries out all his orders relating to the work of the company. It carries out its activities on the basis of the requirements of regulatory documents of the Russian government. Within the limits of approved job responsibilities, interacts with state enterprises, institutions and public organizations.

Accountant-cashier (1 person). Reports directly to the chief accountant. Carries out its activities on the basis of regulatory and administrative documents, instructions, orders of the chief accountant.

Let us list the main functional responsibilities of a sales manager.

A sales manager belongs to the category of specialists.

The responsibilities of a sales manager include:

1. Organization and management of sales of the Company’s products;

2. search for potential clients;

3. work with first-time clients, with subsequent transfer of the client to the leading sales manager, depending on the client’s territorial affiliation;

4. conducting commercial negotiations with clients in the interests of the Firm;

5. prompt response to information received from customers and bringing it to the attention of the relevant leading sales manager and head of the wholesale sales department;

6. identifying customer needs for products sold by the Company and coordinating the order with the client in accordance with his needs and the availability of assortment at the Company’s warehouse complex;

7. motivating clients to work with the Company in accordance with approved sales promotion programs.

Planning and analytical work of the sales manager:

Drawing up a monthly sales plan;

Analysis of statistical data on sales and shipments of the Company’s clients;

Providing reports on the results of work in accordance with the work regulations of the department and the Company.

Sales support:

Reception and processing of customer orders, preparation of necessary documents related to the shipment of products for the Company’s clients assigned to themselves, as well as for clients assigned to the corresponding leading sales managers when they are out of the office;

Providing information support to clients;

Informing customers about all changes in the assortment, price increases and decreases, promotions to stimulate demand, and the time of product arrival at the warehouse;

Final agreement with the client on the terms of prices, shipment date and method of delivery of products;

Transferring requests for delivery of products to customers to the logistics department; - participation in the development and implementation of projects related to the activities of the wholesale sales department;

Interaction with the divisions of the Company in order to fulfill assigned tasks;

Participation in work meetings;

Maintaining working and reporting documentation;

Maintaining up-to-date client data in the information system.


Control of product shipments to customers;

Monitoring the client’s financial discipline based on documents received from the accounting department in wholesale trade and warning about payment deadlines.

In his activities, the sales manager is guided by:

Regulatory documents on the work performed;

Methodological materials relating to relevant issues;

Charter of the Company;

Labor regulations;

Orders and instructions of the commercial director and head of the wholesale sales department;

Job description of a sales manager.

A sales manager must know:

Federal laws and regulatory legal documents regulating the implementation of entrepreneurial and commercial activities, including legislation and the legal framework of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, etc.

Basics of pricing and marketing;

Assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of products sold by the Company;

Conditions for storage and transportation of products sold by the Company;

Psychology and principles of sales;

Current forms of accounting and reporting;

Ethics of business communication;

Rules for establishing business contacts and conducting telephone conversations;

The structure of the commercial service and wholesale sales department;

Rules for the operation of computer equipment;

Internal labor regulations.

Regulatory documents can tell you what kind of organizational structure an individual entrepreneur should have. At the same time, every second entrepreneur is faced with problems of incorrect organization of the company’s work, which could have been avoided by knowing the basics of business architecture.

Every entrepreneur needs to have a clear understanding of his enterprise and the business environment as a whole. Structuring your own company can help at any stage: both during startup and with the stable development of a business.

As you know, in our country, according to the law, every person can become an individual entrepreneur. There is nothing complicated about this: when you decide on the business you want to start, you will only need to submit the necessary documents for registration with the tax authority. Now this can be done not only by a personal visit to the Federal Tax Service office, but also by mail and online via Internet resources.

Having registered as an individual entrepreneur, choosing the types of company activities that interest you and its taxation system, you must decide which organizational scheme you will follow in the future. Actually, there are two main IP structures:

  • individual entrepreneur without employees;
  • Individual entrepreneur with a complete organizational structure.

In the first case, only you will work in the company. This does not mean that you need to do all the work yourself: you can form working relationships with other specialists or use the services of outsourcing companies. But at the same time, officially you will be the only “employee” of the company, you will be responsible only for yourself, maintain a limited package of documents and receive tax benefits.

In the second case, your company will be a full-fledged economic unit. You, as an entrepreneur and founder of the company, will have permanent officially employed employees, be responsible for them to health insurance and pension funds, keep full accounting of the enterprise, and so on.

Let's look at each situation separately so that you can make a balanced and rational decision regarding your company.

Individual entrepreneur without employees

One of the most common types of individual entrepreneur organizational structures is an individual entrepreneur without employees. It makes sense to use such a structure when the company’s field of activity is as specific as possible and does not require the professional intervention of a large number of specialists on an ongoing basis. For example, you can provide some services to individuals and companies yourself: setting up computers and equipment, tutoring, assistance in everyday matters, and so on. Or you can be an intermediary in some matters, for example, a private realtor, product distributor, highly specialized specialist, etc.

In such a situation, you can safely register yourself as an individual entrepreneur without employees and take advantage of this position:

  • you will pay taxes, medical insurance and pension contributions only for yourself, which means you can significantly reduce the standard volume of paperwork;
  • you will be allowed to work without a seal and certify documents exclusively with your own signature;
  • you will be able to choose the minimum tax rate and pay deductions only from the company’s real income;
  • you will be able to submit reporting documents to the tax office only once a year;
  • you will not have any difficult questions regarding sick leave, vacations and maternity leave, since you will only be responsible for yourself.

It is worth noting that individual entrepreneurs without employees have some limitations. For example, most grant programs and business support programs are designed for companies with a staff of 8 (sometimes 20) people.

It is more difficult for an individual entrepreneur working alone to obtain a loan for business development and an overdraft of a current account.

And in general, if the business is developing well, you will very soon need assistants to whom you can shift some of your responsibilities. In this case, it is worth considering the transition to an individual entrepreneur with a full organizational structure.

Entrepreneur with official staff

When developing a business or opening a large company, often the participation of one person - an individual entrepreneur - is not enough to run the business. In this case, the company requires a complete organizational structure. Of course, there are not and cannot be any strict regulations in this matter - it all depends on your business, field of activity, and personal preferences. In this case, we can identify a certain general structure that can be applied in any company.

So, to organize a full staff you will need:

  • director of the company - you can occupy this position yourself as an individual entrepreneur or hire an individual who will be responsible for the work of the entire organization, control the company’s business processes and resolve current issues;
  • an accountant is a very important specialist who will help you in your work, since officially employed employees need documentation support, which is better entrusted to an individual;
  • personnel officer, HR specialist - this position is often combined with the position of director or accountant, but can also exist as a separate position, especially if your company has many specialists who need control, motivation, competent selection and timely career growth;
  • system administrator, IT specialist - this person will be responsible for computers and office equipment in your company, update equipment in a timely manner, be responsible for product licenses and support some projects (for example, organizing conferences, teleconferences, etc.);
  • office manager - this position usually combines the roles of a secretary and a customer service manager; this person must answer incoming calls, greet visitors, organize the internal work of the company, and monitor the use of consumables (for example, printing paper);
  • A sales manager is a very significant specialist in a company who directly works with clients, is responsible for carrying out transactions, plans and increases the company’s income.

We have listed only a few main vacancies for full-time individual entrepreneurs, the existence of which will help any businessman organize well-coordinated team work.

Of course, we should not forget that every company must also have specialists in the services that the company provides.

If you open a web studio, you cannot do without programmers, designers, marketers, SEO specialists, testers and other people who will directly produce the company’s “product”.

Ideally, all your employees should be officially registered under an employment contract, have a work book with notes entered, and a “white” fair salary. For all employees, you are obliged to pay contributions to the pension and health insurance funds, as well as provide them with good working conditions: regular vacations, weekends, normal working hours, an equipped and comfortable workplace.

Of course, registering official employees and organizing the full structure of an individual entrepreneur carries a lot of difficulties and hassle, but a properly structured company will always give the maximum result in terms of profit and quality of work.

Remember, the choice of the organizational structure of an individual entrepreneur always depends on you and the specifics of the company’s work. Make your decision based on greatest efficiency, not simplicity and economy. After all, as you know, a stingy person always pays twice.