How to promote Instagram - step-by-step instructions. How to quickly and at minimal cost promote your Instagram page on your own? Secrets of Instagram promotion

Liya Kanarskaya

Why you need to create an Instagram account right now

You can only link your Facebook and Instagram accounts if you have admin rights on your company's Facebook page. If they are not there (or there is no brand page), then you can link them to your personal page.

To link FB and Instagram accounts, you need to select “Settings” – “Account” – “Linked accounts”:

Select Facebook and enter your login information:

You will now see the name of the page you linked your Instagram to:

You can skip these points if you have already linked your account to your company’s Facebook page at the first stage.

Afterwards you can configure a few more important parameters.

For example, disable commenting on your posts. To individual photos/videos or to all posts at once.

If anything, remember - you can always complain about spam directly in the comments:

By the way, Instagram is seriously concerned about – as Kevin Systrom (CEO and co-founder of the photo network) puts it – the “psychological comfort” of its users. This way, owners of private (closed) accounts can delete any subscribers without notice. And soon it will be possible to send anonymous messages about users who urgently need medical and psychological support. These are panic buttons for Self-Injury Posts (literally: posts of self-torture).

Stage 2. Description, link and avatar: register your account correctly

  1. Profile description.

In the profile description, place important information about your company: USP, a brief description of the nature of the services. Don’t fill the description with hashtags or a lot of emojis (emoticons). Please be aware of the 150 character limit.

To track traffic from Instagram, you can put a UTM tag at the end of the link in your profile description. But until recently, Google Analytics was not on good terms with Instagram. Traffic from the application in GA reports was attributed to the source - direct (direct traffic). However, some traffic from the application may still not be recognized by GA. This problem can be solved using a redirect.

So that the address looks like did not confuse users, we make a link like something similar) and add it to our profile. And then we set up a 301 redirect to a UTM link that will lead to our website. When a user clicks such a link on your Instagram profile, the added parameters will be sent to Google Analytics - and the corresponding data will appear in your reports. Plus, Instagram considers such links more reliable than shortened ones. Attention! Google Analytics is case sensitive: utm_source=Instagram and utm_source=instagram will appear as different traffic sources

  1. Link to your site.

If you want to make multiple links on your Instagram, use services like taplink - this one, for example, is an internal application. That is, a URL like does not take you away from the social network, but can serve as an informational business card and a store. Classic content on the free plan would look something like this:

Stage 5. Pay attention to hashtags

  1. Hashtag Always must correspond to the topic of the post.
  2. Use 5 hashtags per post. Yes, the more hashtags, the wider the reach. However, 30 hashtags for one post will be placed on the screen so poorly that they can distract the subscriber from the main thing - the picture itself. Don't make your posts look like spam.
  3. Remember that the most popular hashtags in search will quickly move you down.
  4. Make a custom hashtag and experiment constantly.
  5. Mistakes are sometimes incredibly attractive. Typos can become a feature if you try hard enough. This is how the domain and name of one of the agencies in Moscow appeared, for registration and approval of advertising signs. The Reglama option delighted my customer. REGISTRATION and a deliberate mistake in the word advertising, do you understand?

Remember that not only usefulness and emasculated photos from the studio can sell, but also trash and humor:

Style will help you stand out, there will always be grateful users

Nature itself will help emphasize the mood of the brand:

Let's move on to the video. Previously, videos in the Instagram feed were limited to a 15-second interval; today, the maximum time for a video post is 1 minute. Now we can say with confidence that posts with videos get much more reactions than photos.

And at the end of 2016, Instagram launched a new feature - live video broadcasts. Live broadcasts can now be saved and shared with other users. Be sure to try working with live broadcasts: we told you how to launch them and make them watch.

But the laurels of YouTube certainly did not give rest to the developers of the social network, so Instagram in 2018 launched a new video platform IGTV, which is designed for long vertical videos.

Remember that the use of video must be justified by your brand’s digital strategy and pursue specific goals. Development, filming, and editing of video is not the cheapest expense item, so decide in advance exactly what tasks you want to solve with its help. Smart video marketing will allow you to stand out from your competitors and make your content varied and attractive.

If you don't know where to start, I've collected the best brand ideas for you to get inspired by:

  1. Make a social video. Social advertising from PornHub is the best thing that could be done to draw attention to environmental issues. This is how the video service for adults outlined its position on the problem of ocean pollution.

See the most popular accounts on Instagram now. How to promote your page yourself - independently and for free? We will tell you about this below.

The social network Instagram has long been transformed from a photo gallery into a resource where you can make a name for yourself, gain fans and become famous throughout the virtual world. And then from this popularity you can also earn not only likes, but also quite real money. Aspiring artists and other creative personalities, photographers, advertisers, owners of shops or companies providing services to the public, and many others are thinking about how to promote an Instagram page on their own. It would seem that these are completely different directions, but they all have the same goal - to achieve popularity on the Internet in order to use this for professional growth and business promotion in real life.

Therefore, the answer to the question of how to promote an Instagram account yourself will be the same for representatives of different professions and simply those who dream of fame. But we must warn you right away - this is not an option when you do something today and wake up famous the next morning. Conquering a large audience will require quite a lot of time and effort from you. If you are ready to work hard, read the instructions “How to promote a page on Instagram yourself.” To make it more convenient, we will describe the actions step by step:

Now you know about the main stages of the plan on how to promote an Instagram account for free. Indeed, at first it is quite possible to popularize your page without any costs. There is no cost to register and use features on this network. But anyone who strives to become famous not in narrow, but in the widest circles will need to devote a lot of time to promotion, apply a creative approach and show hard work and perseverance.

When you have gone through the first stages and achieved a small result so far, you need to consolidate it and move on. There are tools that allow you to solve the problem of how to promote Instagram yourself for free. By using them together, regularly and for a long time, the user will sooner or later achieve success.

Among the main promotion tools is the correct use of hashtags (read about the most popular tags and the basic rules for their placement in our article). Precise tag words can do wonders. They can bring a publication to the top of the rankings. And the leader will definitely receive an increase in the number of views, followed by likes, and then the number of subscriptions will increase. In other words, you will become a popular Instagrammer. However, the hashtag will work for promotion if you follow the following rules:

    select a branded tag for your account by which your publications will be recognized, and put it in each post;

    give up excessively long hashtags, few people read them, write no more than 3 words in a row;

    use letters from the Slavic and Latin alphabet, if necessary, separate them with underlining at the bottom;

    put keywords in the description of the post immediately before publishing it, and then in the comments;

    For each publication, select no more than 30 hashtags (Instagram does not allow more than this number), and it is better to use 5-10 precise and juicy words than many that do not make sense.

The second tool you need to gain popularity on a social network is attention from other users: comments, likes and subscriptions. The mechanism works on the principle: you - to me, I - to you. Mutual sympathy and steps towards each other are good form on the Internet. When you are active on Instagram by liking, commenting on photos and posts, and subscribing, you will most often receive the same positive reaction in return. So, when thinking about how to promote your Instagram account, be generous with your likes and don’t be lazy to subscribe. Your activity will affect the growth of the popularity of your page.

The next completely free tool is the geolocation feature on Instagram. This option allows you to designate the area where the photo was taken or where you are. Don't neglect this. It only takes a few seconds to click the “Add Place” button and type or select a name. But geolocation will promote your page for about a few hours. Thanks to it, the publication will be noticed by potential clients living near you, and those who are or have once been there will be interested. If we are talking about large cities, for example, Moscow, specify the geographical location down to the park, street and house number.

How to promote an Instagram account without getting banned

You are working hard to promote your page, but have achieved modest results so far. And I want more. Answering the question of how to promote an account on Instagram, we only talked about the methods that are included in the social network itself. But there are specialized programs and services that solve the same problem. Although there is an opinion that it is unsafe to contact them. You can get banned, in other words, get blocked.

There are many resources on the Internet for promotion on various social networks. Some of them are universal, and there are those that work with a specific network. Sometimes you will be required to pay a fee to install a program on your personal computer. Others suggest first working for points, and then getting likes or subscribers in exchange for them. And on paid services you can simply buy them.

Choose which option suits you. But anyone who is looking for ways to promote an Instagram account should learn some of the features of how such sites work. Otherwise, you cannot avoid getting banned or other unpleasant consequences. What are the dangers of automating the promotion process:

    Scammers may be hiding behind the sign of services or sites that promise free promotion. They are usually after personal data. The adage about the cheese and the mousetrap is especially true on the internet;

    Promotion programs that offer to first earn points and then exchange them for likes or subscribers often produce an influx of bots rather than real users. In this case, the number of subscribers is growing, but there is no activity on their part;

    Automated cheating is a quick path to a ban. Instagram has strict limits that prevent such manipulations. At best, the violator ends up in a shadow ban (the user sees his page, but it is inaccessible to others). And in the worst case, the site administration can apply blocking;

    In addition, Instagram studies the IP from which the user logs in. Sudden changes during the day can be a reason for blocking. In this regard, when actively promoting through services and programs, you should not show any additional activity in your profile.

Programs that promise promotion on Instagram are often used to attract mass followers. This is the name for a technique that provides you with a mass subscription to users selected according to certain criteria. The mechanism is this: you subscribe to someone’s page, its owner, noticing the newcomer, will certainly go to your account. True, it is not at all necessary that he will also sign.

A similar algorithm operates in mass liking. Only in this case the program (or service) puts likes on your behalf to selected users. They, in turn, most often take the same reciprocal step. But your page should have something interesting to note. And if it is empty and boring, there will be no point in such attraction.

As you understand, automated methods do not bring returns on their own, but with some effort on the part of the user. He should try to create a page worthy of attention. But getting a ban from auto-promotion is quite easy.

If you think that you yourself cannot bring the popularity of your account to the desired level, contact Internet services that provide such services. They, as a rule, know how to bypass restrictions on Instagram. But even here you can get into trouble. Therefore, choose a reliable and worthy partner. It must meet the following criteria:

    Real clients give reviews about the service;

    There is a long history of work in this field, but keep in mind that there are newcomers who deserve trust;

    There is no registration for customers; the company is not interested in your personal data;

    The payment system the service works with is reliable;

    Written guarantees are given for order fulfillment;

    The service has a support service that is prompt and adequate.

Please note that high rates for services do not guarantee high-quality work. To make sure you get your money's worth, place a small order with your chosen service. This advice is especially suitable for Instagram, where you should not be too active in promotion. If the test is successful, then order more subscribers or likes.

You've read a lot of serious words about how to become popular on the most visual of social networks. And they are ready to use all sorts of techniques, methods and methods for promotion. Let the most popular accounts on Instagram inspire you to great deeds.

Guess which Instagram account is the best? Of course, Instagram itself. His page has no less than 239 million subscribers! And with every hour, or even minute, their number is growing. But the user with the Instagram nickname also posted more than 5 thousand publications. And every photo is a colorful story from life. So they deserve great success.

In second place in popularity is Selena Gomez, with 138 million subscribers. Someone will say: nothing surprising - she is a world-famous actress and singer. But why was she ahead of more talented, more beautiful, and more vocal Instagram users? Maybe because not every popular person is ready to laugh at himself? But Selena did not climb onto the pedestal; she treats her popularity with irony and is not averse to making her fans laugh by posting not ceremonial, but parody pictures.

National Geographic magazine is also included in the world's top twenty Instagrammers. Almost 90 million netizens have subscribed to it. And no commerce, no artificial promotion. Simply - wonderful original photographs from different parts of the world. These small masterpieces from the life of our planet attract attention with their originality.

And finally, read about the most popular Instagram accounts on the Russian-speaking Internet. Our leaders are representatives of show business, media personalities, professional beauties and bloggers. They periodically change places. Now the rating is headed by the scandalous but popular Olga Buzova. As one popular comedian said, everything she touches becomes a brand. Already 13 million people want to know how Buzova is doing, what she’s doing and what she’s talking about. And Olga does not disappoint her fans and ill-wishers; there are more than 10 thousand publications on her account.

The rapper Timati and his team BlackStar are breathing at her back. Almost 12 million users have subscribed to this company. The famous comedian Pavel Volya has slightly fewer fans (11 million), and Nastasya Samburskaya (10 million) is next on the path to Instagram Olympus.

If you carefully look at the star accounts, it becomes clear that it is not their talent alone that attracts attention. Family photos, personal, sometimes shocking, opinions on events that concern everyone, self-irony and humor - this is what brings their pages to the top of the rankings.

Of course, a person who does not appear on television almost every day is unlikely to be able to attract millions of subscribers. But it’s worth analyzing the secrets of the popularity of the best Instagrammers. Perhaps you will be able to promote your account and become a Buzova on a district or regional scale.

For enterprising people, Instagram is not only a social network and a convenient service for storing and displaying photos, but also a stable source of income.

A promoted account on Insta is a highly effective tool with which you can sell services and goods, run your own business, and earn money from advertising and your own popularity.

Dasha Makarycheva, a guest expert of the PAPA HELP portal and a professional specialist in the promotion, promotion and monetization of accounts on social networks, will tell you how to properly promote a page on Instagram, which tools for attracting an audience are the most effective and how much you can earn.

Read in full - in the final you will find the main secrets of a successful business on Instagram, an overview of the best services for fast and effective promotion and practical advice on managing business accounts.

Why promote Insta

Instagram is currently at the peak of popularity. In terms of the number of visitors, it competes with VK and is far ahead of other public resources in terms of attendance.

The creators of Insta initially conceived it as a place for storing and processing photos - now it is a full-fledged social network, extremely promising in terms of monetization and business.

The Instagram audience is constantly growing. If your goal is to promote your personal brand or company brand, you definitely need an account on this social network that will attract new clients and work to increase profits 24/7. Now it is a full-fledged business promotion tool that obeys all the laws of marketing.

To make money on this network you do not need any special skills or professional skills. All that is required is your time and desire. Plus knowledge on how to promote your account, attract your target audience and create unique selling propositions ( USP).

If you are a representative of a small or medium-sized business or a beginner entrepreneur without an initial budget, you should understand the technical part of promotion - this is precisely the issue that our article is devoted to.

Even if in the future you delegate the task of running a business to specialists, the information received will help you speak the same language with the contractor and set him adequate and understandable tasks.

Business on Instagram is wonderful because it suits everyone. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do – schoolchildren, students, pensioners, mothers on maternity leave, and businessmen with an existing business can earn money.

Promotion on Insta is part of multi-level marketing. What is social media marketing and why is it needed?

My answer is simple - this is a way of selling a product in which the need to engage in sales disappears by itself. The task of a marketer is to make the client want to buy a product or service from you. The goal is global, but quite achievable.

How Instagram can help you create a brand:

  • recognition increases. The potential audience on the social network is millions of visitors;
  • direct contact with the consumer;
  • An effective way to remove buyer objections. The account becomes an encyclopedia of your business. By visiting the page, the client gets access to all the necessary information. By anticipating the client's questions, it is much easier to gain his trust;
  • An excellent opportunity to show the client the value and uniqueness of your sales offer. Here it is especially important to show the product in person, since the visual presentation of information is crucial on Instagram.

But remember that your products and services are just a way to fulfill the client’s needs. Show people how their lives will improve when they buy your products. But keep in mind that intrusiveness has long been ineffective in modern marketing. Promotion should be powerful, but as natural as possible.

So, it's simple. There is a social network with an audience of more than 300 million users. All these people are potential consumers of your services and products. You advertise a product or your skills and make a profit. Choose the income that is closest to you - advertise and sell your own products or advertising space on a well-promoted blog.

How to do this correctly - read in the following sections.

Promoting Instagram yourself from scratch - step-by-step instructions

Promoting an account means increasing its popularity among visitors. The more people who view your account, the more likely they are to take an action that is beneficial to you. Naturally, the new account does not have any subscribers or visitors.

The first steps are the most difficult, but if you have managed to build an initial base of potential clients, further audience growth will be a matter of technique.

Step 1. Determine the goal

The step is obvious, but without it successful promotion is impossible. Having defined our goals, we will outline future promotion methods and strategies in advance.

What goals can an Instagram account have:

  1. Make a portfolio out of your account. This goal is suitable for designers, copywriters, editors and anyone else who sells their services online. Having a database of ready-made projects is convenient for you and the client. The employer immediately sees who he is dealing with, and you present yourself in a favorable light.
  2. Replace/supplement the website of a company or business project. This will contain your contacts, services, customer reviews, benefits and other content that will help the client make a choice in your favor.
  3. Attract clients directly. Here, be sure to set clear numbers for yourself - how many clients your account should bring in per month.

The more specific the goal, the easier it is to evaluate the result.

Step 2. Determine the target audience

At this stage, you need to decide which clients will visit your account and what your target audience is. If you already have an existing business, you understand who your ideal client is - the one who leaves the most money.

In addition to gender, age and region of residence, the psychological portrait of the buyer is important. You must know what your client “breathes”, what his needs, pains and desires are.

Any data is important - where he likes to relax, what kind of car he drives, whether he has children, what is his income level, what is his profession.

As you begin to create a customer profile, you will see that your core buyers have many similarities. This will help you create a more effective offer in the future.

If you clearly understand who your customer is, your advertising costs will decrease. The need to reach a wide audience in the hope of finding a few new clients will disappear; your advertising will become more targeted and effective.

Knowing everything you need to know about your consumers, you can easily find them in communities of interest and significantly reduce marketing costs.

Step 3. Collecting a target audience base

The next task is to attract subscribers to the account.

1) Knowing the interests of your target audience, it is not difficult find matching groups.

Their subscribers will be your first clients. Sending invitations manually is long and tedious. To avoid this, use special services. You will find a detailed overview of useful and accessible resources in one of the following sections.

The service helps me. With his help I will organize massfollowing– mass subscription of people selected according to certain criteria. Instaplus sets up a subscription according to the parameters you need: by location (attracts customers from your city), by age or certain hashtags. These could also be your competitors' subscribers.

2) Another way to attract clients is native advertising for bloggers. It is good because it does not act directly, but through an authoritative representative of the Instagram environment. But there are pitfalls here - make sure that the blogger does not have bots in his account, otherwise the advertising will be unproductive.

How to find and evaluate a blogger, watch this video:

Step 4. Decide on the topic of the content plan

What is a content plan? This is a list of topics (sections) that will be periodically repeated in your account.

The main topic should concern the unique selling proposition ( USP) with reviews from your clients. It is advisable to provide reviews in video format with links to specific user accounts - this creates the maximum level of trust.

Other topics – stock, subscriptions, discounts, present and other marketing techniques that stimulate sales and user activity. Be sure to tell us how you develop and improve your level - what thematic exhibitions you visit, what professional competitions you participate in.

Such posts inform the client that your business does not stand still, and you yourself are aware of all fashion trends and trends.

For an example of drawing up a content plan, see the table:

To make it easier to create a content plan, download the template and sample in an Excel spreadsheet.

Should you write about your personal life? My opinion is yes. Let people see that you are a living person with your own desires and needs. But this must be done extremely delicately.

There should not be many personal posts - one message every 10-12 days will be enough. Show yourself as an interesting and diverse person - tell us what events you attend, what books you read, what music you like.

Step 5. Selecting photo and video content

Unique photos and videos are the main content of the Instagram social network. Without high-quality, interesting and original media materials, all other methods of attracting an audience simply will not work.

Conduct video and photography in accordance with the content plan. It's great if you have basic photo composition skills and know how to process images. Read our article on how to prepare high-quality video and photo content.

I'm often asked if it's worth hiring a professional photographer or if your own photos are enough? My opinion is that the content should be different: your photos, professional ones, and materials from users who purchased your products or services.

However, the basis of the content should be professional, beautiful and high-quality photographs with well-chosen lighting and the right angle.


Insta loves beauty!

Preference should be given to video content. According to statistics, the most promoted accounts now are those in which video content is at least 70%.

How to use it, see the video below:

Step 6. Create an account

1) The first thing a potential subscriber pays attention to is your avatar. If you are promoting a personal brand, your photo should be here.

If the account is corporate, we place the logo. But keep in mind that it must fit into the circle - no blurred edges or trims.

For example

If you are translating from French in Yekaterinburg, write “ Translations from French, Ekaterinburg».

3) And the third point is the so-called “ bio", text placed under the header.

Ideally, yours should be placed here USP– the reason why the client should buy the product from you, as well as contact information – location, telephone, link to the main site.

If you don’t have a website, then be sure to create your own “business card” in Taplink by posting it on your Instagram profile. This way, subscribers will receive additional information about you and become clients.

Don't know how to create a USP? Watch this video!

Step 7. Write a list of hashtags

Using hashtags is mandatory.

#Hashtags- these are tags by which the user can find the information or product he needs.

By typing the word “cake” into the Instagram search, you will see photos from the country’s leading confectioners. But what if you need to buy a cake in Krasnodar? Write “cake Krasnodar” or “confectioner Krasnodar” and choose the artist you like.

Creating competent hashtags is an art. To understand what tags a client will use to search for you, stand in his shoes. What would you type into a search engine if you wanted to buy this or that product or order a service in a certain city?

The Yandex.wordstat service will help you in selecting hashtags. There you can see variations in the search for various queries and their frequency.

If your business is located in a certain region, then use it regional hashtags(#cakes in Krasnodar, #order cakes in Krasnodar). If you work for the whole of Russia, then add to the regional ones general hashtags(#cakes, #cakesto order). When working for delivery abroad, use Latin hashtags.

Each publication must use personal hashtag (#pastrychamomile).

For a commercial account you will need a minimum 3 blocks of hashtags, 10 pieces each.The tags of each block should not be repeated! In published posts, alternately use one of three blocks with hashtags. We publish hashtags in the first comment to the post!

Proper use of hashtags will help search engines find your posts in millions of others and attract the target audience to your account.

Step 8. Post daily according to plan

How often should I post? My answer - daily. In addition to the fact that you will have at least one post per day, do not forget to add 2-3 photo/video materials in Stories. Only in this case will activity appear in your account.

If you publish only one post a week, then Instagram throws you “to the margins” of its social network.

The interactivity that Instagram now allows you to create in “Stories” is only to our advantage - create surveys (“Do you want to get a 1,000 rubles discount on the product of the month?” YES/NO).

Look in the Stories statistics for all those who answered “YES” and send them a Direct message saying that you are ready to provide them with a discount of 1,000 rubles under certain conditions.

From one such survey in Stories you will receive 2-3 clients minimum!

Thus, attract new customers through free and accessible channels.

Step 9. Subscriber growth

How to achieve a constant increase in subscribers? Correct use of hashtags, mass following, daily publications in your account - these are the main ways to attract an audience that definitely work.

TOP 7 ways to promote on Instagram

There are free and paid ways to promote accounts on Insta. I will tell you about those and others.

Method 1. Mass following

Promotion through mass subscription of users. Has its own restrictions on quantity - no more than 1,000 subscriptions per day.

The mechanism is simple - a person receives a notification that you have subscribed to him, evaluates your account from the point of view of interest for himself and subscribes (or does not subscribe) to you.

Maximum number of subscriptions on Instagram – 7 500. After reaching this limit, you can unsubscribe and subscribe to new users again. Thus, per month you can subscribe to a maximum of 15,000 people.

This can be done manually, or use paid services, which we will discuss below.

Method 2. Mass liking

Massive liking is another way to show a person that you are interested in them. The user sees a sign of your attention and visits your page. If he's interested in what he sees, he'll follow you.

This is a less effective tool than mass following, but you shouldn’t ignore it - it provides its own number of subscribers. Mass liking effectively works to increase the activity of your subscribers.

Method 3. Mutual advertising

You place unobtrusive advertising on the account where your potential audience lives. In turn, the user or company that you advertised places an advertising post on your page. An effective tool that works on the principle of native advertising.

Method 4. Advertising with bloggers

Conditionally free method - not all bloggers are ready to post your advertising without payment. However, you can always agree on some barter services.

For example

You provide the blogger with the product you are selling for free, and he describes all its advantages.

This method works if the blogger has a regular audience that trusts him. The quality of its audience can be assessed by the activity and adequacy of comments and questions.

At the initial stage, you don’t need bloggers with millions of subscribers; pay attention to pages with 5-10 thousand followers that relate to your target audience.

The next three promotion methods are paid.

Method 5. Targeting

Now there are two types of targeted advertising on Instagram - simplified for ordinary users and more complex for business accounts. The second option is suitable for those who have neither the time nor the desire to deal with other types of promotion, but have the funds for promotion.

I recommend setting up targeted advertising through Facebook - using the advertising account or special application. This option is good because it prevents you from wasting money - if the system sees that the advertisement does not have a response from users, it stops broadcasting.

This method has many subtleties and nuances that can only be learned through training.

Method 6. Advertising in thematic communities

Advertisements are broadcast to thematic communities where the chances of finding clients for you are maximum. There are plenty of communities of interest in every city - moms, travelers, cyclists, etc. But what matters is the activity of the audience and the number of subscribers.

Method 7. Competitions and sweepstakes

The method is a paid one, as it requires expenses for gifts and advertising. Everyone loves competitions, so the costs are often worth it. But this method cannot be called one hundred percent effective - you need competent preparation and an original idea.

Mechanisms for holding competitions:

  1. Tag your friends in the comments. The goal of this competition is to find accounts that are not promoted using hashtags. At the end of the competition, your task is to subscribe to all the people you tagged in the comments.
  2. Competition among your subscribers. For example, offer to come up with a motto for your company, the best slogan, or an original caption for a photo. All this increases your reach and reminds subscribers about you.

Contests are not the method that will give you an influx of customers. If there is one, it will be very small. This is a way to increase activity and select a quality audience for subscription.

Programs and applications - TOP 3 proven services

And now a review of services that will make promotion on Instagram more effective and professional.

– an excellent service for mass following and mass liking. Provides access to ready-made databases, subscribers of competitors and those who are active (likes and comments) in accounts on topics close to you.

There is a statistics function that allows you to monitor subscription activity, there is an option to send welcome messages to all subscribers, and setting up a newsletter. The prices are reasonable and the efficiency is high.

Postmypost is a first-class auto-posting service.

Plan the release of posts during the peak activity of your audience, create a list of hashtags that will be added automatically when posts are published, and track comments.

works only with Instagram and offers account promotion from only 1,000 rubles per month.

You get target audience setup, subscription to potential customers, guaranteed and stable growth in the number of followers.

The operating mode is automatic - you only need to set up the service and use the results of your work.

Promotion on Instagram - training, courses, books

Promotion on Insta is a relatively new direction. However, if you have a desire to understand this science, you will find a lot of useful educational materials online and on bookstore shelves.

TOP 5 books to read.

“iMarketing – We work according to the system”, Vitaly Myshlyaev.

A reference book for every businessman and marketer (specialist in practical marketing). The author explains in clear language how to get the most out of a commercial website.

Competent work with key points is shown - targeted actions, attraction, persuasion, client retention and analytics. The knowledge gained will take your business to a whole new level.

“Marketing in Social Networks”, Damir Khalilov.

Damir Khalilov's book fills this gap. The work is written honestly and to the point.

“Do something new! Improving business through marketing,” Igor Mann.

Revolutionary Internet marketing tools from business practitioners.

The book will make your business more efficient and help you get maximum profit using the most innovative promotion tools.

Few people decide to be the first to try a new or revolutionary marketing tool in their industry. But in vain!

After all, if we assume that a new effective tool will allow you to do marketing at least half a percent more efficiently (and this is a very pessimistic assumption), then you have growth from innovation, and here you have the benefit of using something new!

“Content, marketing and rock and roll. A book-muse for conquering clients on the Internet,” Denis Kaplunov.

All formats of selling content are considered - from posts on social networks to mailing lists.

"Content is currency" by John Wubben.

In addition, Wubben talks about optimizing content for social media, podcasts, videos, and email newsletters.

Instagram training course.

Editor's Choice - course "Profession: Internet marketer".

Five ways to make money on Insta - learning from scratch for everyone. Recommended for beginner SMM specialists, online business owners and anyone who wants to quickly master an in-demand profession.

How to maintain an Instagram account - 11 golden secrets

Let's move on to the nuances and details on which the result of promotion directly depends.

Secret 1. Correct name

What is highlighted in bold in the bio profile is the text that search engines index. Here you need to write the type of your activity.

If it says “Makeup Artist Krasnodar”, and you are just such a specialist and work in Krasnodar, the system will find your account when prompted.

Secret 2. Active link

If you are engaged in a multidisciplinary activity (for example, legal practice in Novosibirsk), closing sales on Instagram will not be easy. It is much more expedient to take the client to a full-fledged structured website, where he will familiarize himself with your services in detail and order them.

Secret 3. Link to Instagram on other social networks

Additional traffic will not be superfluous. If you develop your business in all directions, clients, as well as their friends and friends of friends, will come from all social networks.

Secret 4. Crossposting

Automatic publication of content on all social networks that you have. This saves time and increases efficiency.

The downside is that each resource requires its own image and text format, so you will need additional services that adapt the content to the required parameters. To do this, use the Postmypost resource.

Secret 5. Mutual PR

We have already talked about this in part above.

The advantages of mutual PR are that people do not perceive such posts as advertising, which significantly increases the level of trust. Let me remind you that this is a free way of promotion.

Secret 6. Mailing via Direct

A productive way to monetize your account that encourages customers to take the action you want.

  1. To set up a contact.
  2. Identify client needs.
  3. Make an offer.
  4. Handle objections.
  5. Close the deal.

Secret 7. Experts

A good way to attract additional audiences is to invite experts on your topic or related topics.

For example

If you are a business coach, you can teach your course and at the same time invite a specialist marketing specialist who will tell everyone how to increase sales.

Act as experts on other accounts - this will increase awareness of your personal brand and give you an influx of new subscribers to your profile.

Secret 8. Live broadcasts

Broadcasts should be as diverse and interesting to users as possible. Invite experts, employees and company owners. Constant contact with subscribers increases business returns and monetization.

Secret 9. IGTV

Competition is still low, so be sure to use this feature. If you run a YouTube channel, be sure to duplicate the video here.

Secret 10. Bots in Telegram

Special programs make it easier to work on posts.

Here are two that I use all the time:

  1. Text4InstaBot - breaks text into paragraphs without using periods and emoticons, adding invisible characters. In the “Write a message...” line, enter text, break it into paragraphs and send it to the bot. In return, he will return you the edited text, ready for publication on Instagram.
  2. Voicy - converts audio files and voice messages into text. All you have to do is edit the punctuation and check that the words are recognized correctly.

Secret 11. Applications for photo processing

PicsArt– works with png formats, overlays logos and has a large database of effects for image processing. And all this is available in the free version.

You can download them from Google Play or the App Store.

Turnkey Instagram - where to order, prices and services

Dear readers, this section was written on behalf of the founders of the portal “PAPA HELPED”.

Daria Makarycheva, TOP LIKE agency

Here we want to confirm that we know Daria Makarycheva personally and have repeatedly used the services of her agency “TOP LIKE” in terms of promotion and promotion of Internet resources.

We are responsible for the quality of her work in promoting profiles on Instagram. We advise everyone who is doing or planning to do business on the Instagram network to use its services.

Daria has more than 12 years of sales experience. In other words, she knows everything about how to sell at the lowest cost and the highest income and will help you grow your business on Insta from scratch.

The uniqueness of her methodology is that it represents a kind of symbiosis of marketing and technical promotion tools.

Use the promo code: DAD HELPED, and get a marketing audit of your Instagram channel for 500 rubles, instead of 5 000 .

If you find another promotion company, check it using this checklist:

  1. Practice. Study cases in your industry and city.
  2. Forecast the result of the task you set. Ask for a routine report.
  3. State. Check to see if there are employees for specific tasks or if one person does everything.
  4. Agreement. Even if you work with physical face, draw up a contract.
  5. Advertising campaigns. Find out how many creatives will be created. If it’s less than 10, then get ready for your advertising budget to be drained.

Important Takeaways

Remember the main thing. To succeed on Instagram, you need:

  1. Bring practical benefits to people. Successfully selling on Instagram is only possible through useful and interesting content for the user.
  2. Keep track of current trends and updates - social networks are constantly changing, and with them the tools for achieving the goal change.
  3. Apply the laws of marketing.

We wish you good luck in promoting your business and a million clients! Write your questions in the comments and I will definitely answer them!

Instagram expert of the “PAPA HELPED” portal,
Daria Makarycheva

No matter how cool the photos on your profile are, without targeted promotion they won’t get many likes, and you won’t get new subscribers. Success on Instagram depends on constant activity, interaction with the audience, and the correctness of publications. Here are the top tips to help you build your subscriber base and continually expand it.

1. Choose the optimal time to post

Posting photos when you have to is a big mistake. For successful development, regular publication and the right timing are important. Experiment by determining the optimal number of posts and the timing of their release. Usually this is one or two publications per day, spaced out over time. For example, in the middle of the day and late in the evening.

If you publish photos only a few times a week, then you should choose the most successful days. As a rule, this is Sunday and Wednesday. The end of the weekend sees the fewest posts on Instagram, which means your posts won’t get lost in the general flow. Wednesday is good as the middle of the week, when it is appropriate to remind subscribers about yourself.

2. Use hashtags

Hashtags are the main promotion tool on Instagram, but many people underestimate its importance. By adding popular hashtags to your posts, you automatically attract an interested audience. It is through hashtags that potential subscribers will find you.

Accompany each photo with hashtags that correspond to its topic. In the global search, you can find popular tags and select the most used ones.

On the one hand, the more hashtags a post has, the better. On the other hand, you shouldn’t abuse them. An abundance of tags irritates subscribers and can even lead to an account ban. The optimal quantity is up to ten tags. In this case, it is better to use different hashtags for different photos and not repeat them.

3. Follow like-minded people

Subscriptions are another effective way to expand your follower base. Most people look at the profiles of their new followers and, if they see people with similar interests, they usually follow them back.

Our task is to find like-minded people among other Instagram users and follow them. You can narrow your search using hashtags or geotags.

It is important to choose people with the most similar interests, then the chance of mutual subscription increases. At the same time, you also need to look at the number of subscribers to your account. It should be approximately equal to yours, since people with tens of thousands of followers are unlikely to follow back.

4. Like and comment on your followers

Likes and comments work similar to subscriptions. All users love it when others like their photos and often come to see who liked them. If they see an interesting profile, they may want to follow it, so when following new users, it is important to like the latest posts.

Comments can and should be used as a complement to likes, because this is the same type of activity that can sometimes bring even more benefits. For example, you can consistently receive new subscribers by leaving interesting comments on posts of celebrities and accounts with a large number of followers. The like will go unnoticed and simply get lost in the crowd, while the comment will be seen by other users.

5. Maintain feedback from the audience

In addition, do not forget about interacting with your audience. Captioning photos and responding to comments is an effective way to connect with your audience and attract new ones.

In addition to hashtags, add interesting captions to your posts. Ask people for their opinions and engage them in discussion. You can ask to like, comment on the photo and simply wish you a good day, so that they will answer you in the same way in the comments to the publication.

6. Comment on influencer posts

There is another way to use comments to engage your audience. To do this, you need to leave them under the publications of popular users or brands that have a similar theme to yours. Find 10–20 such accounts and, when you have time, comment on their latest posts.

The point is that your comment will be seen by a large number of people among your competitors' subscribers. The main thing is to leave a comment not immediately, but a little later so that it appears at the top. And, of course, you need to write something useful, interesting or funny in order to attract the attention of potential subscribers and force them to open your profile.

7. Create Stories

The story feature, which has become the subject of numerous jokes, is also an effective way of promotion. Instagram shows users stories of more than just the people they follow. The Search tab displays the stories of other potentially interesting accounts with content that gets a lot of likes.

Getting there is quite difficult. You need to create quality stories by playing on current topics or using other methods that will interest people and evoke emotions. If you manage to do this, then you are guaranteed thousands of new subscribers.

8. Repost videos

Videos have much higher engagement than photos. They are more likely to go viral. New Instagram algorithms automatically select posts with a high level of engagement for the “Search” tab, which are liked and commented in the first minutes.

It's great if you can create cool videos yourself, but if not, it's not so scary. You can simply take popular videos on the topic of your account and repost them. If everything goes well, they will be included in the recommendations of your potential audience, and you will get new subscribers.

9. Use Instaplus

If everything described above is too complicated for you and you want to get results easier and faster, then you can automate the process. This is exactly what Instaplus is for. It is the most popular promotion service on Instagram and allows you to promote your account, receiving a stream of new subscribers in just a few hours.

Using the service, you can automatically subscribe to people who meet specified criteria, put likes, add comments to posts, and even set up scheduled publications in your own profile, minimizing your participation in the process.

Instaplus runs from the cloud and is available without installation on computers and mobile devices. The service has a simple interface and allows you to create tasks for various scenarios in a few clicks, adding necessary actions to them such as subscriptions, likes, comments and their combinations. Added tasks can simply be repeated in the future, saving even more time.

Flexible service prices allow you to choose the tariff that suits you. For example, a month of promotion for one account will cost only 399 rubles. If there are more accounts, then it is more convenient to take advantage of package offers for five accounts.

All new Instaplus users receive five free days to test the service. The service provides Lifehacker readers with ten whole days for testing.

However, quite often you can find pages of experienced and talented photographers who take successful photographs of nature, architecture and other things. The number of subscribers depends on the quality of the profile content. Here, owners of popular accounts have the opportunity to make good money on Instagram. The amount of earnings will depend on the number of page views, that is, the question of how to promote an account on Instagram is more relevant than ever today.

Why Instagram?

In fact, you can make money on almost any social network. In this article we are looking specifically at Instagram, because... it is the most convenient for making money for the following reasons:

Another plus is that Instagram has its own application for various platforms, which means that users have the opportunity to view pages anytime and anywhere, wherever they are. This is very convenient, given the modern rhythm of people's lives. Although, almost all social networks currently provide mobile versions of sites.

For clarity and a better understanding of the benefits of Instagram for promotion, below is a comparative table of the popularity of various social networks according to 2016 statistics.

Rules for promoting an Instagram account

Even though Instagram was created for sharing photos, no one is prohibited from using their page for commercial purposes. However, in order to make money easy and enjoyable, you need to know certain restrictions that exist in the rules for using this social network. Failure to comply may result in a ban from administrators.

On social media The Instagram network is prohibited:

Violators of the above prohibitions will face the following:

  • Likes and the ability to subscribe to the page will be blocked.
  • Tags, hashtags and comments will be blocked.
  • The password is reset.
  • The account is completely blocked.
  • The profile is permanently deleted and cannot be restored.

It’s worth noting right away that artificially boosting subscribers is not only prohibited by the terms of use, but will still not bring success. It is very important that the profile has a live audience, since pages are viewed by people, not robots. It goes without saying that there will be no views, likes or comments from pages without an owner, and therefore no use.

You should start by asking yourself questions:

  • Why do I need to promote my account?
  • If to earn money, then how will I earn money?
  • Who is my client, audience?
  • What is my audience interested in?
  • What will help the client solve his pressing problems?

The next step is designing your Instagram page.

The first thing that catches the eye when a user visits your page is your photo, name or nickname and information about you. Think about what might make you personally subscribe to a particular profile. Most likely, your answer will be a photo and information.

The photograph must include you personally. This is your business card. If you have several profiles on different social networks. networks, and you want your client to be able to find you on other sites, then use the same photo everywhere. This will make it easier for your audience to remember you.

It is best to write your last name and first name in your native language, or rather in the language of your target audience. If your client is Russian, then write in Russian, there is no need to use the Latin alphabet, this will not give the page respectability, as many mistakenly believe. Additionally, your name may be misread and misremembered. Or some may be too lazy to read “in English”. Make your account experience as easy as possible for users.

Indicate the place where you are from. This will give your audience more confidence in you, especially your fellow countrymen.
Briefly, clearly, concisely describe the type of your activity and who you are, so that users, without wasting time, understand why they need to subscribe to your account and what useful things you can give them.

Publishing posts

Now let's talk about publishing content. Content is the main component of your profile. Basically, this is what the page is created for.

The content of your account is what attracts the user, makes him a client, and possibly a partner. To attract as many subscribers as possible to your target audience, maintain your style and publish only your own original works. This is your peculiarity, a zest that others do not have. This sets you apart from other similar users promoting their accounts.
Take the time to step into your audience's shoes. Imagine that your profile is a photo album. It should be interesting so that you won’t be ashamed to show it to others. This means that, first of all, viewing it should be interesting to you, as a guest of your own page.

Post new photos as often as possible. Do not neglect the description, express your own sincere thoughts in the comments. Take high-quality photos. Be sure to respond to your followers who comment on your posts.

Among other things, it will be useful to create a content plan that outlines the interests of your audience and the relevance of the planned photos.

Attracting followers

  • Ways to attract new subscribers:
  • Hashtags.
  • Geolocation marks.
  • Likes for other users.