Let's make money on the stock exchange in the single-player campaign! Easy ways to make money Gta 5 money disappears on the stock exchange.

88522 2015-11-29 at 22:50

How to make money on stocks in GTA 5

Perhaps the stock market is no more interesting to you than, say, oil processing or sheep shearing, but the last two types of activities have no place in the gameplay of GTA 5. But working with shares allows our heroes to potentially get biggest income in the game. If you act correctly, that’s what we will teach you. So, away with wariness and reluctance to learn - go ahead and become virtual billionaires!

Stock exchanges in GTA 5

The game offers you not one, but two stock exchanges - BAWSAQ(parody of NASDAQ) and LCN(parody of the NYSE). Both can be accessed via the gaming Internet. The main difference between them is that to access the first you need to be connected to the real Network and Social Club, while the second operates offline, in history mode.

Further in the article, we will mainly consider working with the LCN stock market, however, on any of them it is important to consider two points– the already mentioned “sensitivity” to certain events in the world of the game and the existence of competing companies.

Competing companies

Competitors are any companies (in GTA 5 they usually come in pairs) operating in the same field, such as banks or radio stations. The list of competitors for the LCN exchange is as follows:
Cool Beans The Bean Machine
Burger Shot Up-n-Atom Burger
Cluckin' Bell Taco Bomb
FlyUS Air Emu
GoPostal Post OP
Bilkinton Research Dollar Pills
Pißwasser Logger Beer
Maze Bank Bank of Liberty
Redwood Cigarettes Debonaire
Slaughter, Slaughter & Slaughter Bullhead
Radio Los Santos WorldWide FM
eCola Raine
Merryweather Security Gruppe Sechs

Thus, of the 41 companies listed on the LCN exchange, 26 are competitors. Why is it important? Firstly, because It makes no sense to buy shares of both competing companies at the same time, because if the shares of one company in a pair rise, the shares of the other fall. And secondly, for the same reason, some events in the game greatly affect the quotes. But more on that later.

High Frequency Trading

High-frequency trading is a really used exchange method that works in our case. In simple terms, this is stock trading. in large volumes with the slightest changes in price. In reality, this painstaking work is entrusted to robots and special programs, but we will have to rely on ourselves, since the Los Santos exchange is closer to the people.

A few points before we begin:

  • You must have as much money as possible, since changes in the price of one share will often be negligible;
  • This approach is effective only on the LCN market, it is too risky to use on BAWSAQ;
  • You will be required to promptness and attentiveness.

So, prepare a ton of money and be patient. The bottom line is that LCN prices change randomly without your intervention, but often these changes have dynamics reflected in graphics higher.

This schedule is available to you for each company on its stock exchange page. So what do you need to do?

  1. Proceed to purchase shares of a company that is currently experiencing a period of decline, but do not buy them, just stay on the information page;
  2. Information is updated every 45 seconds. Now you need to wait for the price to reach a local minimum. For this save every time you fall prices and load your last save if the price starts to rise (don't hesitate - after 45 seconds the market situation will change). Since changes are generally random, you may be able to wait for the stock price to drop significantly.
  3. When the price reaches its minimum(remember, this point is relative and you can use loading and saving to "adjust" the dynamics) buy the maximum number of shares available to you.
  4. Now wait - only to achieve not the minimum, but the maximum. The principle is the same, save/load. And when the price becomes maximum during the period, sell.

It may seem that this fuss is not worth it, however, given the volume of purchases/sales, the profit can be significant even with a slight difference in price.

Let's take the same graph as an example. Let's say you waited for the low and bought 10,000 shares at a price of $41.3, spending 413 thousand. And then they sold them, waiting for a maximum of 50.9 dollars, for 509 thousand. Total 96 thousand profit, and didn't even have to rob banks. Not bad, right?

However everything gets even better, when you find out how much you can earn from stock trading by completing some story missions.

note that maximum amount of money, which can be on the account of any of the characters, for technical reasons is limited to an amount of $2 147 483 647 . Why? Because the “balance” is stored in a 32-bit variable, and its maximum positive value is 2 to the power of 32, minus 1.

So all three characters together might have a little less than $6.43 billion. Considering how much money can be made from stock speculation, this restriction may come into effect. It’s physically impossible to earn more – you can calm down and start spending.

If, according to your calculations, during your next stock transaction you will lose some money due to this restriction, you can simply don't rush to sell them. Let you have a “stash” - anything is better than if they literally disappear.

Quick earnings on stocks

As you might expect from Grand Theft Auto, the fastest and most effective way is to break the law. More precisely, you can make millions by fraudulently dealing with stocks purchased on stolen money, performing planned murders.
Stage 1. Robbery
Story-based heists are the most profitable “enterprises” in story mode. However, you can use it for different things different approaches(“smart” and “not very smart”) and various accomplices who request different share.

In addition, if you choose the wrong accomplice for a particular robbery, everything can end sadly, including from a material point of view. And since we need to buy as many shares as possible, we also need as much money as possible.

So first, thoroughly plan your heists using our complete walkthrough.

Stage 2. Murders
There are five kills in total, and the first of them is mandatory to advance the story, and the remaining four can be completed after the robberies, which is what we advise you to do. Generally, optimal sequence looks like that:
  1. Jewelry robbery
  2. Merryweather Robbery
  3. Murder – Hotel
  4. (Robbery) Blitz game
  5. Robbery in Paleto
  6. (Robbery) Bureau Raid
  7. (Robbery) Huge jackpot
  8. Kill – 4 targets
  9. Murder – Panel
  10. Murder – Bus
  11. Murder - Construction
So, you have money. The next strategy is: before the murder you need to invest all your money in stocks that will grow (the “Before” column). Then, soon after the murder(column “After”), having waited for the maximum, you need to sell these shares, since over time they will fall in price.

On the other side, the competitor’s shares will fall sharply in price at approximately the same speed, it’s time to buy them. Finally, over time, and their price will return to its previous level, although you will have to wait a few days (usually from 2 to 4, do not forget to check the quotes).

The key point here- have time to sell shares that have risen in price and buy shares that have fallen in price almost immediately after the mission. Do not forget make a separate save before each of them, just in case.

If you do everything correctly - save enough money, follow all the recommendations and sell the shares at the maximum price, then you can easily become a billionaire. As we promised.


You can also take part in the following two random promotional events. On the Great Ocean Highway in Chumash, near Ineseno Road, you may encounter Timm(with two “m”, he will clarify this personally). Timm is a broker from Algonquin in Liberty City. The car he rented has broken down, so he will ask you to take him to the airport. If you meet the deadline, he will advise purchase shares of the mobile operator Tinkle(TNK), claiming that they will soon increase in price.

This will happen, so the algorithm here is:

  1. Before starting the mission, save in a separate slot (in case something goes wrong);
  2. Buy all three protagonists Tinkle shares for all money;
  3. Complete the mission, Timm must catch a plane;
  4. Wait about a day of game time and sell the shares when growth will be about 33%(after this the price will begin to fall again).
thanks for the help
Near Little Bighorn Avenue you will meet Gray Nicholson, the young CEO of Animal Ark, a company that produces organic animal food. Gray's bike was stolen, and if you return it, you will receive it as a reward $100K in Animal Ark shares. All you have to do is wait until they rise in price.

It's no secret that in GTA games for quite a long time you can make money not just by killing other characters, robberies or selling stolen cars. With each new episode, your earning potential expands - already from the third part you can buy a business and then receive a stable income from it. This is just one of many examples of how you can make money. What does the fifth episode of the legendary series offer you in this regard? Naturally, you can use a variety of new features, such as robbing an ATM, attacking, or searching underwater for sunken bags of money. But first of all, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the financial exchanges on which you can trade in GTA 5. How to make money on the exchange? You will learn about this from this article.

LCN Exchange

Naturally, the game does not have the variety of financial exchanges that exists in reality. You will only come across two exchanges in GTA 5, the first of which is LCN. This exchange will be of interest to those players who prefer single-player mode and storyline progression or regular GTA 5 freeplay. How to make money on the LCN exchange? The fact is that here stock prices rise and fall only a little on their own - to a greater extent, it is you who influence how much the shares will cost. So you can use this to get maximum profit by performing certain actions, which will be discussed later - in fact, almost everything you do will affect the stock prices in GTA 5. How to make money on the LCN exchange, you You’ll find out very soon - first you need to figure out what another exchange is.

Exchange BAWSAQ

If the first exchange is intended for single-player play, then you can easily guess that the second one is suitable for the multiplayer mode of GTA 5. BAWSAQ? This will be much more difficult to do, because stock prices are influenced not only by your actions, but also by what other gamers will do. So here you will not be able to go do some significant act and then take advantage of it - this exchange requires much more care, and if you want to make serious money, then you will have to closely monitor share prices, buying and selling them at the right time . As a matter of fact, this is the main way to make money on the stock exchange in GTA 5 - this is what will be discussed further.

Rising and falling prices

If you want to know how to make money on the stock market in GTA 5, then you need to understand that stocks are exactly what you need to buy and sell. So, if you want to trade on the stock exchange and make money from it, then first of all you need to go to the menu of the exchange that you have chosen for yourself. There you will see the prices of shares of companies existing in the game, which are constantly either rising in price or falling. You need to pay attention to those shares that are marked with a green arrow up - these are the ones you need to buy. After purchasing, keep an eye on how things are going on the stock exchange - if the price of your shares rises, then you can sell them at any time and get income from it. It is advisable not to sell stocks too early - wait for them to fall slightly for the first time after a long rise, and sell them immediately to extract close to maximum profits. But using only this method, you will never learn how to make a lot of money on the stock exchange in GTA 5.

Impact on prices

As mentioned earlier, if you want to learn how to make money on the stock market in GTA 5, you shouldn’t just wait for the weather by the sea. The fact is that by your actions you can influence the state of affairs on the stock exchange. Accordingly, this is exactly what you need to aim for. For example, if you buy a large quantity of guns, the stock price of the gun manufacturer will rise. Thus, before purchasing weapons, also purchase shares of the relevant company in order to make a greater profit. You can also play short - for example, you can destroy a large number of cars, which will lead to a fall in the price of shares of a car manufacturing company. All you have to do is buy shares at a low price and wait until it recovers to its normal level in order to sell them at a much higher price. Well, now you know how to make money on the stock exchange in GTA 5.


The last thing you should know about stock exchanges is that there are those missions after which there is a record growth of certain stocks. For example, if you buy shares of BetaPharmaceuticals before completing the mission "Murder - Hotel", then three days after completing the task you can receive fifty percent of the profit. Special attention should be paid to the mission “Murder - 4 targets”. Here you need to purchase shares of the Debonaire Cigarettes company in order to receive ninety percent of the profit three days after completing the task. But that's not all - if you buy Redwood shares immediately after that, in a few days you will receive a 300% return, which is simply incredible.

Mini games in GTA V have always held a special place, entertaining millions of gamers after a hard day of shooting and robberies. However, GTA 5 takes mini-games and, in general, in-game exploration of the universe to a new level.

The stock exchange is one of these “mini-games” that can hardly be called mini, since to successfully play on the stock exchange, you need to more or less remember economics and understand a little about how the stock exchange works.

To make money you must buy low and sell high. At first glance it sounds simple, but to do this you need to be able to make forecasts and understand how various actions can affect the stock exchange and how to invest money for maximum income.

Previously, we have already slightly touched on the topic of the exchange, but this post will look at this method of earning money in detail.
Let me remind you that you can get information about the exchange by listening to the radio and during missions, especially be attentive to the exchange before and after missions to eliminate people.

The price of shares can be affected not only by events in the game, but also by various purchases that you make as you play.

In addition, it is worth clearly separating LCN and BAWSAQ so as not to pour money into the wrong one.
LCN is an exchange that is only affected by the events of your game. If you are investing in LCN, then you should be especially careful about what you are doing and what events are happening in the game. Be sure to listen to the radio and stock market reports to catch the logic of how stock prices rise or fall.

BAWSAQ is an exchange that is influenced by the general community of players. If a community begins to destroy cars of a certain brand, then the price of shares of this company will begin to fall.

If you are focusing on LCN, then everything is pretty clear and follows the standard model - the shares you buy need to increase in value in order to generate income for you. To increase the price, you can destroy the property of other companies. This is the basic principle of a local exchange.

If a company's share price falls, its competitors rise. As you may have already read, simply invest in one campaign and destroy the other... in addition, you can create chains of activities, which will allow you to constantly earn money from your machinations.

To help you make the right investment, here is a list of LCN companies in direct competition:

GTA 5: competitors on the LCN exchange
CoolBeans BeanMachine
Burgershot Up-An-Atom
Clucking Bell TacoBomb
FlyUS AirEmu
GoPostal PostOP
Bilkington DollarPills
Pisswasser Logger
MazeBank BankOfLiberty
Redwood Debonaire
Slaughter, Slaughter & Slaughter Bullhead
RadioLosSantos WorldwideFM
ECola Raine

Contract killings

At some point, Franklin will meet Lester, who will propose missions to assassinate key figures in the market, which will greatly influence the stock price. It is during these missions that you can earn big money if you correctly forecast market behavior.

Which companies to bet on

While LCN isn't hard to predict, BAWSAQ will really test your instincts. Here you need to make very smart investments to make money. Pay attention to the price of Ammu-Nation - it will continue to rise, even after some time. However, it is also impossible to accurately predict behavior here.

Follow the gaming community, what entertainment is popular at the moment, what will millions be doing in GTA V in a day? A week later?
Perhaps there will be a fashion for helicopters, or certain cars. Perhaps the community will decide to organize a pistol day. Follow reality and this will allow you to make predictions.

Also, do not forget to monitor the time of day and the corresponding price fluctuations of a number of companies.

The gaming world of GTA 5 provides a lot of opportunities, one of them, namely the presence of the stock market in the game, will help you feel like the wolf of Wall Street. As the game progresses, events occur that affect the value of assets. By completing certain missions, you contribute to a collapse or, conversely, an increase in prices.

Before discussing in detail how the exchange works and which stocks to buy, It should be noted that before starting games on the stock market, it is best for you to complete all the heist tasks as efficiently as possible in order to save as much money as possible for investment. After all, everyone knows the truth: “To get rich, you need money.”

So, after the heist missions have been completed and the main characters have tidy sums in their accounts, it’s time to start completing Lester’s side missions, investing in the stock market along the way.

Stock jumps before and after completing missions

1. Mission: Murder - Hotel.

Before going through, go online from your phone or laptop and go to the exchange BAWSAQ and buy shares with EACH character Betta Pharmaceuticals (BET). Then you switch to Mr. Clinton, take the task from Lester, and after completing it, wait. After four in-game days, the price increase will be about 80% - then you sell them.

2. Mission: Murder - 4 targets.

Before we begin execution, go to LCN and buy assets Debonaire Cigarettes,and having gotten rid of the goals, expect an increase in prices forPC by 46-53%, for consoles up to 80% - this will happen within a few game hours. After that, we wait until the stock price Redwoodwill be $50 each.

Now, like a super-fast broker, you need to sell securitiesDebonaireand buy sharesRedwood. Further, after 3-4 game days, the increase will be 294-306% forPC, and on consoles this figure can reach 328%.

Upon reaching the peak, we sell Redwood shares.

3. Mission: Murder - Panel.

As before, it is better to buy shares before starting the task. We are buying securities of Apple's gaming analogue, the Fruit company, whose assets can be found in BAWSAQ. After completing the task, we wait for the exchange rate to increase byPCup to 25%, and on consoles approximately 50%. We sell what we had and buy assetsFacade, analogueMicrosoft. After waiting no more than 8 game days, you will receive an increase of 33% - the best time to sell securities.

4. Mission: Murder - Bus.

Breaking traditions at this stage, we first kill the target, and then invest in Vacid of the BAWSAQ exchange, the guideline for the purchase will be a two-fold drop in the exchange rate relative to the prices that were before the task was completed. After the company recovers - about 7 in-game days have passed, you can safely sell securities - your capital will double.

5. Mission: Murder - Construction.

Before completing the task, we buy securities of the GoldCoast company on the LCN exchange, and after completing the mission, you need to wait until 1 game day has passed. By this point, the increase will be more than 60% on PC, and more than 80% on consoles.

How to buy stocks to make money

In addition to Lester's static story missions, be sure to complete the side mission. You need a ride from a business analyst, who can be picked up at the highway exit, not far from the town of Chumash.

Before picking up a lucky passenger, invest all your funds in the Tinkle corporation of the BAWSAQ exchange. Having delivered a fellow traveler to Los Santos Airport and having received the coveted information, you need to wait one game day and then sell the assets. Thanks to these simple manipulations, the balance of your characters will be more than one and a half billion dollars.

In addition to scripted stock changes GTA 5 market, you can earn money by buying and selling shares, following the rule,- “Buy low, sell high.”

We go to the gaming Internet, go to the “Money” tab, select an exchange and on the “Markets” tab we decide where we will invest our money. We look for companies whose share prices are growing (green triangle icon next to the name), buy securities, and wait for the peak of growth - as soon as the shares begin to fall, we sell assets.

Every corporation has an antagonist, just like in real life. And, for example, if one company is attacked, its shares will begin to fall, and the assets of the antagonist company will begin to grow.

Below is a list of companies and their antagonists:










Slaughter, Slaughter & Slaughter








Clucking Bell



In addition, a great move would be to buy shares of AugeryInsurance and then destroy city cars - you will quickly notice the positive dynamics of the assets.

Once again, I would like to emphasize that it is important to invest the money of each of the game characters to maximize profits. A little secret is that if you don’t want to wait, you can just go to bed, each character sleeps a certain number of hours:

  • Trevor Phillips sleeps 12 hours.
  • Franklin Clinton - 8 hours.
  • Michael stays in bed for no more than 6 hours.