Even a teapot can do how to promote a YouTube channel from scratch. How to promote a channel on YouTube from scratch: a complete step-by-step guide for beginners Methods for promoting a channel on YouTube

Dmitry Smirnov is in touch with you as always, and in this article I want to tell you about how to promote your channel on YouTube quickly and easily! Many people are often interested in the question of how to promote a channel from scratch, because many bloggers decide to additionally engage in video blogging.

If you are sorely short of time to study the topic, methods and methods of promotion, you can always turn to professionals. Excellent and most importantly effective service online promotion on Youtube can increase the position of your video creations in a matter of days. Need subscribers, views, likes and comments for your Youtube video? Let's use it!"

In the last article, I wrote about how to register on YouTube quickly and easily, and now let’s talk about promotion!

How to promote a channel onYouTube

Today, YouTube video hosting is one of the most popular portals on the Internet; television is gradually disappearing from everyday life and is being replaced by YouTube. This is due to the fact that information can be found on any topic, and the unofficial presentation of video material by bloggers makes the videos much more interesting than TV programs. And this factor explains such interest in video hosting among young people. Young people see how popular they can become if they create their own channel, but often this does not lead to success, because the content is either banal and “stolen” from one of the YouTube representatives, or they do not have the patience to continue this business, as the number of subscribers is growing very slowly, but it is the number of views and the expected income for which many create their channels that depend on subscribers. But if the author of the video is to blame for the first reason, and plagiarism, most often, has no future, then in the second situation you can resort to simple methods that will help answer the question: “How to promote a channel on YouTube?”

Promotion of a channel can either give a good increase in subscribers, or it may not bring any results - it all depends on the content that is posted on the channel. Many people are looking for information on how to promote a channel quickly and easily, without effort, but we all know that this will be simple nonsense! If the author is only chasing money, and doesn’t care about the quality or idea of ​​the video, then even cheating won’t be of any use. First of all, you need to use your own “zest” in your video material, because every person in the world is unique, and although it is difficult today to come up with something unique due to the great competition, but if you try, the result will not be long in coming. And if there is already something unique, then simple manipulations with the video can increase the popularity of the channel, you just need to follow a few rules:

  • When uploading a video to a video hosting site, many people do not pay enough attention to the video description - this is a big mistake. The description should “sell”, that is, the person who reads it should want to watch the video. There is no need to write large texts, even 5-6 sentences will be enough, the main thing is that the written words should attract attention and kindle a person’s interest in watching the video.
  • You need to write tags under the video, and the more there are, the better, because tags are used to display videos in searches. And it was thanks to tags that many well-known channels gained their popularity, since they can generate very good traffic.
  • The number of subscribers is also affected by the design of the channel. After all, it’s much more pleasant to look at an interestingly designed “header”, the presence of playlists where all the videos are packaged. Don't forget about the video preview. This is the picture that appears on the video's screensaver; it should also attract attention.
  • Proper creation of annotations in videos will also increase the number of viewers. In the annotations you can write a call to action: “Subscribe to the channel”, “Tell your friends about the video”, etc. This is more of a sales trick, but it works here too. But you shouldn’t get carried away with pop-up windows, because it won’t be difficult for the viewer to turn them off, and your efforts will come to naught; here you need to have a sense of proportion.
  • In order to steadily increase in number of subscribers, you need to post links to your work on various forums and sites with similar video topics. But you should do this unobtrusively, because people don’t like intrusiveness. Such links can be given to people as if advising them to look, but not persuading them to do so.
  • One of the methods of promotion is also paid advertising, which has also become very popular recently. To do this, you don’t need to contact people who specialize in promoting Instagram or other projects, because none of the platforms are like YouTube. And such people may say that they know how to promote a channel on YouTube, but you shouldn’t trust them. It is worth submitting paid advertising to the channels of this video hosting, the content of which is very similar to the video of your channel. But there will be no benefit from the money spent if the above rules are not followed.
  • Golden rule: Be friends with other video creators. If you get to know the authors of other channels, you can do PR for the channels in your videos by mentioning them in the video and inserting links in the description of your video. Today this is practiced very often, and such acquaintances often flow into friendship between bloggers, and then, possibly, into the creation of common projects.
  • Create videos on current topics! What worries humanity first of all today: the release of the new iPhone, the latest news in the gaming industry, about fashion, politics? You should try to review the latest news, this can lead to a rapid accumulation of many views in a short time, and this makes it likely that there will be more subscribers to the channel.
  • Interactivity. In videos you need to communicate with viewers through comments: you can ask them to express their opinion under the video, you can make separate episodes - “Podcasts”, where the subscriber will hear answers to questions. Don’t forget about communication in the comments, because communicating with your audience always captivates people.

These are just the basic rules, following which you can increase your popularity. At first glance, completing them is a difficult task, because here you need to have the skills of many professions: designer, seller, copywriter, etc., because channel design, eloquence, and the ability to insert “carrots” into a video are difficult at first. But you shouldn’t give up, because, one way or another, the result will still come, maybe not right away, but everything will work out. And if you don’t want to waste your energy and nerves, then you can spend money, but you need to do it wisely, otherwise the result will be reduced to 0.

And now you no longer need to ask the question: “How to promote a channel on YouTube?” - on the forums, but you need to take clear actions, because only actions will lead to any result. There should be no room for doubt in your head, because YouTube loves only brave, determined people, and examples of such people are popular bloggers, among whose ranks, perhaps, you will be seen in the near future.

For a video to gain popularity, it must first of all be interesting and of high quality. Additionally, proper design and good structure of the YouTube channel (sections and playlists) can contribute to promotion. Solving design issues is the first step in promoting the channel. In this article we will tell you how to do it yourself.

The first step of channel promotion is registration

What does a user see when visiting your channel for the first time? Channel cover. It can become the main tool for its visual promotion. To do this, you need not just put a beautiful picture there, but create an image that describes your activity. There you can place the company logo, indicate or visually reflect the types of activities, you can even use an advertising banner as a background. We also recommend that you explore channels with similar topics to yours and try to visually separate yourself from them.

To set a background image, go to settings and click the “Add Channel Art” button.

A download window will appear.

You can add a text description and links to the design. They can be added in the “About the channel” section.

YouTube provides a 1000 character field for this. Here you can place a short text describing the content of the channel. Preferably optimized for keywords. You can also optimize video descriptions and titles - these measures will help expand your audience reach.

You also need to promote your channel through links to your other pages (main website, other social networks, etc.). Links must be inserted, because this way you will receive traffic to your other resources.

The second step in promoting a YouTube channel is playlists.

One of the signs of a good channel is its organization. To understand the importance of this moment, just think about what you personally will like more: when all the videos are located in the feed one after another, regardless of the topic, or when they are distributed among thematic playlists? Undoubtedly, the second option is more convenient for finding the necessary information, but that’s not all.

The organization of sections helps promote the YouTube channel. Creating playlists increases visibility and improves the ranking of videos in search.

Playlists are created in the section of the same name.

You need to promote your YouTube channel not only through videos, but also using text descriptions. When you name your playlist, use keywords that describe its content. The same needs to be done for the playlist description. This will make it easier for users to search and improve the ranking of your channel.

The third step of YouTube channel promotion - sections and trailer

Once playlists are created, they need to be immediately visible to users. To do this, in the settings of the channel’s main page, at the very bottom, you need to click on the “Add section” button. In the “Content” drop-down list, you need to select “Playlists” and add them to the main page.

To promote a YouTube channel, it is useful for information to be displayed on the page in a structured manner, so playlists need to be added one at a time. In the “Content” list, you need to select “Single playlist”, in the “Layout” list - “In a row horizontally” and paste the playlist URL into the window that appears.

Next, you should add a trailer - a video that will automatically play for each new visitor. This could be a video specially filmed to promote a YouTube channel or simply the most relevant video. You can add a trailer on the main page, in the “For new viewers” ​​tab.

The fourth step in promoting a YouTube channel is working with partners and users

You can promote your YouTube channel using advertising, or you can use free methods. One of them is adding interesting channels.

They will all appear on your page on the right. If you agree on mutual addition, you can get additional subscribers and increase the number of views. Also, to promote the YouTube channel, you can organize collaborations - release joint videos that add popularity to all participants and are always interesting to users.

A prerequisite for promotion is working with subscribers:

  • mandatory responses to comments;

Today, dear friends, I will tell you how to promote videos on YouTube. Promoted videos in this service that collect a lot of views are not only an opportunity to get additional clients for your sites, but also a way to earn money directly on Youtube. Today, there are a lot of channels that do not sell anything, but earn thousands of dollars monthly purely from internal advertising of the service (Adsense).

Based on the statistics of my channel, video clips bring in $0.7 per 1000 views. In other niches, this figure can be many times higher. This is about the question of whether it is worth doing promotion and how much it will all pay off.

By payback, I mean not so much financial costs, but your time, since you can promote videos completely free of charge if you know how. The only exception will be highly competitive niches, where it may be easier to pay a small fee. By the way, paid promotion is also not particularly expensive.

What does it mean to “promote a video” on YouTube?

Before moving on to the step-by-step guide, we need to dwell on the very concept of promotion. Many views, likes and comments in themselves do not indicate that the video has a high service rating - they only say that it was popular earlier and crowds of people watched it, but that was in the past and these parameters do not tell us about the sources of all these signals.

Real promotion refers to the process as a result of which a video begins to attract users naturally from among the people visiting YouTube.

There are two sources of such visitors:

  1. Those who go to a video from the recommended videos block;
  2. Those who get to the video through YouTube's internal search after entering a query.

Both of these sources are not unlimited. As you understand, in response to a search query, a list of suitable videos is displayed and only those that are closer to the beginning collect views. The number of videos in blocks with similar and recommended videos is also limited.

Which videos will catch the eye of the audience and which ones will not are decided by the Youtube search algorithm. It operates according to a scheme similar to the usual search engines Yandex or Google - it selects the highest quality materials.

The goal of promotion is to ensure that YouTube considers your video better than competitors - this is a whole complex of actions.

Preparing a video file

It will be impossible to promote a low-quality video by any means, therefore, the first step is to work directly with the file that you will upload to Youtube.

1. Content

What matters most is the content contained in the video you create. If this is a training or informational clip, it should be deep and detailed so that the user gets everything they need from it and does not try to look for something else on this topic. A humorous video should make you laugh, and so on.

2. Optimization for request

If a video is being prepared to be found through search, then it should be based on a key phrase - a query that users enter to find it. The rule for preparing a video for a request is similar to writing texts: one video = one request. There’s no point in spreading yourself thin and trying to cover everything; it’s better to make several separate videos.

YouTube can recognize speech within videos. It's not always perfect, but if you look at the automatic subtitles generated by the service, you will understand that the general meaning of the content is accurately guessed. Considering this point, it is worth saying the desired key phrase several times inside the video. The first time it should sound as close to the beginning as possible.

3. Image quality

As for the quality of the picture itself, the times of slow Internet and saving on traffic are a thing of the past and now viewers want to distinguish any little things on the screen, and not guess faces from squares.

The minimum quality of modern video is SD (720x576), it is optimal to use HD (1280x720) or higher. Fortunately, now almost every phone is capable of recording a picture in this quality, and we’re not even talking about cameras.

4. File name

The file that you will upload to your channel should not be called MOV12458.avi or something similar. Rename it according to your topic or keyword, for example kak-raskrutit-video-na-youtube.avi would be a good option. You can use transliteration, as in the example, or make the name in English.

5. Duration

Statistics show that YouTube prefers longer videos. Perhaps this is justified by the fact that a long video has a better chance of covering the topic completely, or perhaps the reason is the banal opportunity to insert more advertising and earn money. Regardless of the reasons, it is recommended to do it for at least 10 minutes. Naturally, the figure is individual for each topic and there is no need to film for 10 minutes when the cat fell into the pool. Approach the issue head-on and without fanaticism.

Uploading and creating a video

Having a properly prepared file, you can proceed to posting it on the network (technical instructions on how to post a video on YouTube). In the process of uploading videos to Youtube, we must pay attention to 4 points.

1. Video title

The name of the clip in the service must exactly match its content - be relevant. Otherwise, you will receive a large percentage of refusals - viewers will open the video, see that it is not what is stated and close it, or, even worse, dislike it.

It is best to use the key phrase in the title that you plan to use to promote the video. You can dilute it or supplement it with other words.

2. Description

The best option is to make the description a full-fledged article (text version of the video). The search query must be used at the beginning of the description. Don't skimp and don't limit yourself to two sentences. 3-4 paragraphs is the minimum amount you should aim for. In addition, the text under the video will help in its promotion through regular search engines.

3. Tags

Tags are the same thing as keywords or labels. This field is specifically designed to indicate all queries that the video you are looking for answers to. Here you need to indicate not only the phrase under which you originally planned to promote the video, but also all synonyms and related keywords.

For Youtube, this is a hint - in what cases to show your creation as a recommended video.

4. Default icon

This is the picture that is visible to viewers before they launch the player and start watching your video. The more attractive the image, the higher the click-through rate will be.

When a person sees a dozen options for viewing in a search or in a recommended block, he will always choose one thing and it will not necessarily be the clip located above. Visual design can make you stand out at the initial stage of promotion, and later, thanks to good conversion statistics, the video will begin to be shown closer to the top of the page.

Creating a Primary Reputation

Unless the topic of your video is unique and no one has posted anything like it on YouTube, each new video will face competition.

It is always difficult to get to the TOP in popular niches, since reputation plays a significant role there. Reputation is a complex thing, it includes both the reputation of the channel and the reputation of a specific clip.

If your channel has been around for several days and has a loyal audience, that’s good, we will use this moment. But even young authors should not despair, since everything is fixable - all the promoted channels started from scratch.

The main task facing us is to immediately show the Youtube search algorithms after uploading a video that you have uploaded good content that people like. To do this, we must collect as many positive signals as possible. Signals in YouTube mean 5 main points:

  • Total number of video views;
  • Ratio of bad views to good ones. When the user opened and immediately closed the video, this is bad; if he watched the whole or a significant part, this is good.
  • Marks “I liked” and “I didn’t like”;
  • Subscribe to the channel through the page of a specific video;
  • Commenting.

If you did everything correctly in the previous stages, viewers will like your video. All that remains is to invite more people to watch.

For initial promotion:

  1. We enable advertising of the last uploaded video in all videos of your channel. This is done in the “Creative Studio” section – “Channel” – “Recommended Content” – the “Content Promotion” button. Through this you can promote not only the latest videos, but also any others.
  2. We make your video on all your accounts on social networks - let your friends see it. If you are a member of communities on similar topics, post an announcement there. We need as many people as possible to watch the video at the start.
  3. If you have a blog and/or newsletter, publish it.
  4. Using Yandex or Google search, find discussions that match your video on forums and question-and-answer services, such as otvet.mail.ru

Smart increase of views and likes

You already guessed that with high competition, you won’t be able to simply push other video clips with your elbows - views from friends and acquaintances will not be enough to create a high level of trust on the part of the service. What is needed is a push not of 20 views and 5 likes, but something significant, maybe 200 or 2000 similar signals.

The easiest way to implement such cheating is with the help of special services. But you need to be aware that promotion is not natural views. And if you do it incorrectly, everything will be pointless, since YouTube will easily determine that the king is not real the hype is fake and not only will it not add credibility, it will also impose sanctions.

The task is as follows: increase the indicators so that the behavior looks natural.

How to achieve this result?

Among all the services that I came across, the highest quality and most flexible was Vagex.com. It does not have a problem with too short views of 30 seconds, like AddmeFast, nor does it have the other extreme, when the duration of all inflated views is equal to the full time of the video, like Vktarget.

Pros of Vagex:

  • Firstly, it allows you to independently set the desired duration;
  • Secondly, it allows you to set up both video views and likes and subscriptions in the required proportion within one campaign. That is, the same users who watch the video mark “Like” and subscribe to the channel;
  • Thirdly, you can use the service for free. For this, Vagex has a special program that automatically launches video clips and earns you credits, which you then spend on promoting your videos.

How to use the Vagex service

Register on the website – Vagex.com

In the form that opens, indicate the link to the video on YouTube and the desired duration of each view. The price depends on the duration; for every 30 seconds there is 1 credit. We limit the number of views per day, based on the budget, so that large expenses are spread over several days. We check the boxes for the number of subscribers and likes and indicate their number, the price for each is 5 credits. Specify the total budget for your advertising campaign. Additionally, you can set geotargeting (country).

Click “Add” and the advertisement will start. But the real cheating will begin only at the moment when there are credits on your account - they can be bought or earned using service applications (in the first picture I marked the sections where all this is done). Purchasing is only possible through PayPal, which is not the most common payment system in our country, but if you have a bank card, anyone can register and pay with it.

Regarding the cost of cheating. If we take the video promotion from the example in the screenshot, then 100 views for 3.5 minutes (210 seconds) will equal 700 credits. Let's add to this 20 likes for 5 credits and 3 subscribers for 5 credits. The total amount is 815 credits.

1000 credits in the service costs 1 dollar.

Regarding applications for auto-cheating: for me, through a browser plugin, the service brings in about 90 credits per hour. It works in the background and does not interfere with doing other things (including on the Internet), so you can run it even for the whole day.

External promotion factors

In addition to internal factors, video promotion on YouTube is influenced by such a parameter as incoming links. It is not as significant as those described above, but since the Youtube service is an integral part of the Google empire, most of their search rules are similar, and Google loves links.

So, having additional external links to your YouTube page is a small additional plus in karma.

I mentioned some steps to obtain links above - forums, question-answer services, reposts on all social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Google+, Twitter).

Among the free methods, you can add the following - start blogs on free platforms - Blogger.com, WordPress.com, livejournal.com and publish announcements there for your new videos with a link. You can install both the embedded player and the link at the same time.

Links from other authoritative sites will work more effectively, if it is possible to negotiate free placement - great. If not, then just buy a couple through exchanges like Rotapost or GoGetLinks - choose sites with good traffic and topics relevant to the video clip.


If you did everything correctly at the design stage and gave your videos a little push at the start, then after a while they will begin to bring natural traffic both from Youtube itself and through other search engines.

Each promoted video will add reputation to your channel, and in the future there will come a time when you won’t have to take any promotion measures - your videos will reach the TOP due to your overall author’s reputation.

Hi all! Today we will talk about video blogging, namely how to make a YouTube channel popular. There are a lot of ways to promote a channel and they cannot be discussed in one article, but we will try to do it!

If you are in doubt about creating a video blog or not, and whether you will succeed, etc. Then listen for what it’s worth doing.

Benefits of Vlogging

  • If you didn't notice how you spoke before, you'll notice it now. And work on your speech.
  • Feeling the camera in front of you will improve your self-confidence.
  • You will leave your complexes and fears in the past.
  • Your personality will develop.
  • You can also turn this business into an additional or main source of income.

Now let's find out what you need to get started.

Even if it doesn’t work out for you, it’s still worth a try! For the sake of life experience at least. But don’t be alarmed, the likelihood of a bad outcome is small. And I will tell you what to do to create a video blog with high popularity, as well as how to promote a channel on YouTube from scratch.

What do you need to create a video blog?

1. Desire. Because success depends on desire. If you have a goal and the desire to achieve it, that’s already half the success.

2. Video camera. You need to shoot a video for something. But you can also use a video recorder, camera or phone for this. High quality shooting is good, but not necessary. Videos with an interesting and relevant topic will be watched even in poor quality.

3. It is very important to come up with an idea for an interesting video blog for YouTube visitors. So interesting that people will subscribe to your channel without coercion and stay on it. The topic may be different. For example, these could be social surveys, incidents in the city, road accidents, cooking, makeup master classes, etc., in particular, what attracts people the most.

4.After you have shot the video, you need to do editing. Special programs will help you here. Windows Movie Maker is a good place to start. This is a simple, standard program. But to add special effects you will have to learn other programs, most often paid ones.

5. Next, register on YouTube and create your channel. At first, the channel will not look very nice due to the standard unattractive theme. But you can download a suitable background for your channel on the Internet. And you can design it differently by adding an avatar, as well as a description of the channel.

After all of the above, now the channel needs to be promoted. There are many recommendations and methods, we will describe the main ones.

How I gained a million subscribers in two years

Methods for promoting a YouTube channel

1. A very important point - you need to write a description for each of your videos, and also enter tags and a category. Since the promotion of a channel depends on the title and description of the video, because search results on YouTube are compiled based on it. Therefore, you need to make not only the title, but also the description clear and informative, taking into account the nuances that will be discussed in the video. A large number of keywords is a huge plus for channel promotion, which will already be carried out without your intervention.

2. Buy and put different links to videos. You can also promote your YouTube channel with links to promote your website. This is not the most efficient method, but it is worth mentioning. Since in practice this technique has been used more than once. The effectiveness of purchased links is greater, and less effective for manually added ones. This promotion method exists to ensure that visitors come not only from YouTube, but also from the Google and Yandex search engines.

3. Share your videos on social networks or forums. But don't include links. People may react sharply to them (perceive them as spam). Therefore, replace the links with the video code. In this case, people will not consider you a spammer and will watch your video.

4. Make video responses to famous videos on YouTube. Thanks to this you will get new subscribers. After all, video responses to popular videos are watched by thousands of viewers per day. But here you need to make a video response correctly so that it is not deleted and does not contradict the topic of another video. In your response, you can praise the author and, if possible, add to what he said.

5. Shoot a lot of videos! A large number of videos contributes to rapid promotion. After all, think for yourself, who will become popular faster with a channel with 10 videos or with 1000? Therefore, it is very important that you update your feed frequently. Don’t make long videos, you can make short ones, but with important or interesting material. Among the large number, even the most picky users will find something.

6. Call the viewer to action! The video in which the author himself asked for it at the end has a lot of likes.

7. Make viral videos. This is a very effective promotion method. After all, such videos spread across the Internet very quickly. However, you are unlikely to be able to make such a video yourself. Here you need to contact a professional who will help you make such a video.

8. Meet and be friends with other video bloggers. With their help you can make yourself known. Mention them in your videos and provide links to them, write comments under their videos and you will definitely receive the same mentions and comments in return.

9. Create relevant videos! Each of your videos should correspond to fashion and the time of year. It would be stupid to review the iPad 3 when the iPad 6 has already been out for a long time or post a video from a vacation on the Black Sea in December. You need to keep all the nuances in mind and quickly respond to the season!

10. Be sociable. The most popular videos are those where the author answers questions from viewers. You can create a separate section in which you will do this. It's easier than typing text and wasting time on it.

But that’s not all that can be done to promote a video blog. After all, you can’t write everything in one article. There is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet, there are videos and articles. But this information flow is not structured and it will be difficult for you, as a beginner, to understand everything. And in this matter there are many subtleties that cannot be dealt with without a professional. But don't despair!

It contains 47 step-by-step lessons on how to make a channel from scratch and promote it. There is often a lot of information on the Internet about promoting a ready-made channel. And here it is described how to create a channel. After all, there are many technical issues on YouTube that not everyone can figure out. But with this course you will figure it out!

All information is structured, each lesson is devoted to a specific problem.

The trainer will also explain to you various features and subtleties that you won’t read about on the Internet.

You will receive many more different bonus trainings for the video course!

  1. Make a video about what you are good at. Or about your favorite thing.
  2. Love your audience. Try to communicate with her as much as possible. Don’t forget to be interested in the hobbies of your subscribers and answer all their questions, because for a novice blogger, every new viewer is worth its weight in gold.
  3. Come up with a good style and design for the channel. In addition, you need to come up with an original name. You can also add a short but interesting description in which you tell us about yourself, what you do and the most important thing - and what makes your blog special.
  4. When watching your video, the viewer should see your competence and passion. Even small details catch the eye, so think about the style, hairstyle, makeup, background music. You should also master editing, since high-quality video with exciting effects will be more pleasant for the viewer to watch.
  5. Before filming, check the camera and microphone for recording quality. All successful video bloggers use special programs for shooting, image and sound processing. You will also have to use them to bring your channel to a good level.
  6. If your channel is actively developing, you regularly upload videos and the number of subscribers is slowly but still growing, you can form a partnership agreement with YouTube and receive money for advertising before the video. Also, many successful bloggers eventually acquire sponsors and collaborate with famous brands.

It is important to realize that you will not see results immediately. To achieve it, you must work hard and be patient.

Previously, the only criterion for ranking videos on YouTube was the total number of views. Many years have passed, and now YouTube is equipped with a complex algorithm that evaluates engagement - videos with the most views, likes and comments appear at the top.

  • titles, descriptions, previews;
  • the total amount of time viewers spent watching the video;
  • “like” and “dislike” marks, comments;
  • personal preferences of the user (what people watch and what they don’t).

It sounds simple, but when it comes to promotion, difficulties and failures are inevitable. That's why we've put together a list of practical tips to help you promote your channel.

1.Create content that promotes itself

Trite, but inevitable.

You need to analyze your niche and understand what type of content your audience is looking for. If people don’t like your videos, even if you spend thousands of dollars on advertising, they still won’t become popular. Do your research and find popular channels in your niche. See what types of videos are posted there, what people like, what they don't like, and what information is missing. Provide viewers with added value and your content will promote itself. Well, we offer you several ideas for publication to help you.

Interviews, video responses

Interview a renowned expert in your industry. Cool idea, and you don't even have to share your personal experience. All you have to do is prepare questions and find out more about this person. People will see a famous name on the headline and will definitely click on it.

Reviews, tutorials and walkthroughs

How often do you watch YouTube videos to figure out how to do something? We think often, because video is the best way to understand how something works. Reviews are also great material: compare popular services, gadgets, products, show their advantages and disadvantages.

Entertainment content

Entertaining content is the main reason why millions of people visit YouTube every day. However, this does not mean that you need to post the same collections of fails all the time. There are many other ways to entertain your viewers.

2. Optimize your keywords

YouTube is a search engine that helps people find the information they need. So you need to think about your keywords. If you have no idea what keywords to add, ask yourself a couple of questions: What is your video about? What do people type into the YouTube search bar to find you? Select keywords and include them in your video. They need to be added to:

  • title;
  • description;
  • graphic files;
  • tags.

Good keywords will also help you attract traffic from Google. If you optimize your video correctly, it will receive a high ranking in search engines. You can search for keywords using Google Keyword Planner , focusing on their relevance and volume of use.

3. Catchy title and original previews

When people see a video in related content or search results, they look at your title and preview, immediately deciding whether to click on it or not. The title should be catchy and informative so that people immediately understand what your video is about. Accordingly, the picture should also be appropriate and eye-catching.

How to make a competent preview?

  • Show faces close up.

Faces always attract attention and inspire trust.

  • Choose bright colors

Add a background of bright color to attract the viewer's eye.

  • Combine images with text

You can insert a main idea, a joke, or additional information. To create a preview, use a graphic editor (Photoshop, Crello or any other of your choice).

  • All your designs should be coordinated in style

People will start to recognize your content and watch more of your videos.

4. Use calls to action and end screens

Sometimes calls to action can seem annoying, but they really work. Most people are passive, and to encourage them to take the next step, you need to talk about it directly. This is exactly what the most successful YouTubers do. At the end of your video, ask viewers to like, comment, or subscribe to your channel. Be clear about what you want from people and don't give too many tasks.

An end screen will help you push viewers to the next step. You can show content related to the video or ask them to subscribe to your channel and follow you on social networks.

5. Promote your videos through emails and social media

If you are starting a corporate blog on YouTube, then you probably have a huge list of email addresses of your clients. Next time you create a helpful video, tutorial, or step-by-step guide, be sure to share it via email. Your number of views will increase and you will get your first subscribers. Share video content on social media and include a channel link in email signatures.

Try to find as many Facebook groups related to your topic as possible. Be active in such communities, publish your videos - and get huge coverage.

6. Collaborate with other channels

Once you have your first followers, consider collaborating with other bloggers and brands. If you have common goals, you can cross-promote each other on your channels. This is an extremely effective and, moreover, free way to attract new subscribers. However, avoid advertising: interview each other, take part in challenges - everything should look as natural as possible.

7. Use advertising

YouTube has great advertising offers that can help you get more views. However, YouTube advertising is not cheap, so you need to plan your campaign carefully. Already the first seconds of your video should attract the attention of the audience and encourage them to watch further. YouTube targeting options allow you to reach specific audiences based on interests, age, or gender.

8. Be active

Try to publish materials regularly - the more videos on your channel, the more people will watch them. Make a content plan and publish videos according to it. You can post videos on certain days of the week - this will help subscribers understand what materials to expect from you and when.

If you just created a channel on YouTube and started promoting it, know that you made the right choice. Video is one of the main trends and is only becoming more popular every year. YouTube is a very powerful social network with fantastic features, so make the most of them.