How to make money on VKontakte public pages? Earning money on VKontakte groups How can you make money on VKontakte groups.

VKontakte (VK, VK) today is one of the largest social networks in the world, whose traffic is confidently moving towards the mark of 100 million visitors per day.

VKontakte is not only a platform for communication and entertainment: it is a set of tools with which almost any user, from a schoolchild to a large businessman, can make money on the social network.

Let's try to figure out exactly how to make money in VK and what kind of income you can expect.

So, you have a page on a social network - this is already enough to start making money on VKontakte. Dozens of services (social exchanges) act as intermediaries between advertisers who need to promote their products and ordinary visitors. Here are a few of them:

To register in the service and complete its tasks, you often need to fill out a personal profile with a photo and gain a certain number of subscribers. More often, clone accounts are used for this type of earnings, since user pages with intrusive advertising are blocked by the social network. Making money on VKontakte from likes is the easiest, but also the least paid way, so is it worth risking your personal page for the sake of a few tens of rubles a day?

Depending on the desire of the advertiser, the performer will have to like and comment on photos and posts, join groups, add friends and invite friends, and repost notes. Earned money is usually withdrawn to electronic wallets. By inviting other users (referrals) to the project, for each of whom the system will award a small percentage of their earnings, you can increase your income on social exchanges.

If you sell your goods or offer in-demand services, a VKontakte page can be a help for your mini-business. Today, thousands of tutors, manicurists and household appliance repair specialists find additional clients through social networks.

Depending on the amount of time spent working on social exchanges and the number of invited referrals, income can range from 10 to 200 rubles per day.

Earnings on VKontakte on public, 1000-10000+ rubles per day

A public (community) can be created by any VKontakte user. Publics in the following niches are considered the most profitable:

  • Business and Finance;
  • Cars;
  • Entertainment;
  • Motivation;
  • Design;
  • Medicine;
  • Construction.

In general, when choosing a topic, it is better to focus on a direction that is well known to the author of the public, focus on the leaders of the niche and at the same time bring something fresh to the project.

Getting VKontakte subscribers is the most important stage in the development of the public. You can gain your first subscribers in a natural way by inviting your friends, or using the above-mentioned social exchanges and promotion services. A successful community requires unique, interesting content, a stable mode of publications based on the principle “the more, the better,” and advertising in thematic communities to attract new members. All this requires significant money and time, but with a rational approach it pays off with interest.

Communities make money from advertising posts, as well as from sales of their own and partner products. Purchasing a public site that has earned the trust of users can cost the new owner six or even seven figures. Selling a promoted community is another way to make money on VKontakte from public pages.

The daily income of the owner of a public page with more than 100,000 participants, depending on the topic of the community, the number of its subscribers and the monetization scheme, ranges from several thousand to several hundred thousand rubles per day.

How to make money on VKontakte with your application

Every day, millions of people access VKontakte applications - games, tests, quizzes. Creating your own application requires special knowledge, so the development of such projects is usually carried out by entire teams - scriptwriters, programmers, marketers. There is a lot of money in this industry, but even despite solid budgets, the success of the finished product is not guaranteed. However, if you have loyal like-minded people and faith in yourself, it’s definitely worth working on your project: owners of top applications earn up to a million rubles a month or more from advertising and branding.

Earnings from traffic arbitrage: from minus to 400,000 rubles per month

The goal of arbitration, another way to make money on VKontakte, is to collect the maximum flow of traffic and direct it to an affiliate link. For each effective action that the user performed after going to the partner’s website (an application for a certain service, a purchase, registration in an online game), the arbitrator receives a partner reward.

To attract users, arbitrage specialists use the VKontakte advertising network and posts in related public pages. This method of earning money requires initial investments, and income largely depends on the type and quality of the product, as well as on the experience of the arbitrator. If these components coincide and there is a starting budget for advertising campaigns, the earnings of an affiliate can be quite significant: cases that are widely available demonstrate a net income of 100-200 thousand for one advertising campaign lasting several weeks. However, most of the beginning arbitrage traders, as indeed everywhere else, lose their money in the red and leave without a break.

How to make money on VKontakte as a freelancer: 10,000-100,000 rubles per month

Even after working briefly on VKontakte to promote your page or public page, you will quickly accumulate a number of special skills. Why not get paid for your experience? Having looked through the advertisements for vacancies in large public pages and stores on VKontakte, it becomes clear what kind of specialists their owners need. Authors of interesting content, editors and moderators of communities, page and post designers, and advertising specialists are traditionally in demand here.

The entire range of social media activities undertaken to promote a brand is called SMM. Today not a single large company can do without SMM, and a beginning freelancer may well eventually apply for the position of SMM manager with a reputable employer. A freelancer’s income depends on his willingness to devote all his time to work and varies from several thousand to 100,000 rubles per month.

Selling goods on VKontakte: from minus to 100,000 rubles per month and above

A year and a half ago, users of the social network had the opportunity to create product displays in their communities. Sales on VKontakte are readily carried out by home craftsmen selling handmade goods and small companies with goods exclusive to the region. Experience has shown that such display cases sell well inexpensive cosmetics, gifts, small household appliances and gadgets, and goods for children.

While this format is far from a traditional online store, it allows the storefront owner to show off his product, and the buyer to discuss a planned or completed purchase with friends, without leaving the social network, and receive advice and recommendations from the seller. The time is not far off when VKontakte product displays will operate as full-fledged online stores. The income of a store owner in VK is determined by the characteristics of the product - seasonality, demand, quality, price. Under favorable conditions and positive word of mouth, sellers’ earnings may well exceed 100,000 rubles per month.

How to learn how to make money on VKontakte

Of the listed ways to make money on VKontakte, perhaps only the first does not require special knowledge. In order to reach a decent level of income, a beginner will have to repeatedly seek help from more experienced users, change tactics, and learn new skills. It is especially important to know the basics of SMM and its techniques for those who want to connect their careers with this dynamic and exciting craft, and business owners who use the social network as a promotion tool for their business.

Top 5 training courses: where and what they teach

  1. The online university offers training in the specialties of SMM manager and internet marketer. Assistance in employment.
  2. The school, among other things, teaches design for social networks and content marketing - the art of creating quality content. There are programs for for young mothers on maternity leave. Assistance in finding employment through our own agency.
  3. The CyberMarketing training center specializes in training in promotion and PR of brands in social networks.
  4. The focus of the courses is online earnings for women in general and VKontakte in particular.
  5. A video course from Alexander Dyrza will help business owners attract potential buyers from social networks.


We have considered only a small part of the dozens of ways to make money on the VKontakte social network. However, even from these examples we can draw an unambiguous conclusion: anyone can make money in VK. But the level of his income will depend on the skills and knowledge that can be acquired over months and years of independent work or obtained through special courses. Which path to choose is up to you.

Internet services for business.
A link to the material is required!

Modern Internet projects allow you to earn money without even being distracted from your favorite activities. In recent years, methods of making money on the Internet based on the principles of monetization of virtual platforms have been gaining great popularity among users.

Just a few years ago, monetization was limited to personal websites. Today, information platforms have made a serious breakthrough in this direction, providing users with the opportunity to earn money on any personal web platform. Thus, a method of earning money that uses virtual social networking sites as a basis has become widespread.

Social networks in their current state of development provide registered users not only with the opportunity to interact with each other, but also with a wide range of tools for implementing a profitable Internet project. As a rule, all social networking platforms already provide their participants with the opportunity to register a personal community.

From this point of view, the most attractive is the social network Vkontakte, whose tools allow you to create virtual platforms of various types. In addition, the VKontakte social network is characterized by the highest traffic indicators, the level of which significantly exceeds the values ​​of similar Internet services.

Introduction to making money on VKontakte

Making money on VKontakte is not so difficult if you know all the key principles of working on the pages of this web service. First of all, it must be said that the principles of monetization can be used in relation to several different types of virtual platforms.

  1. user's personal page;
  2. user's personal page;
  3. public group.

Whatever plans a novice administrator prepares, he will definitely need a registered personal VKontakte page, since all actions related to managing the virtual platform are carried out using a user account. Here you can immediately say that you can make money on VKontakte even in the absence of a developed community.

Despite the rather limited functionality, many users of this social network prefer to monetize their personal page rather than the community. As a rule, individuals with a high level of online popularity resort to this monetization option. This does not mean at all that an ordinary user will not be able to monetize his page, however, in order to achieve high results, he will also need to spend more time.

As for the set of available tools with which to monetize a user profile, it is extremely limited - personal pages are not supported by advertising exchanges, and their reduced functionality significantly complicates the process of attracting new subscribers.

A much simpler option for making money on VKontakte can be monetizing the community.

At the current time, the VKontakte website provides the opportunity to register communities of two types. The personal page type involves adapting the user’s personal account to the external design of the community.

Despite the name of this type of platform, many webmasters use a personal page as a full-fledged alternative to a group. Monetization of a personal page is accompanied by simpler development processes, so this type is optimal for ordinary users.

The second type of community, which is provided on the VKontakte social network, is called a group. This version of the site has more advanced functionality - it provides a wide range of options for both promoting the community and managing it. In most cases, monetization of a VKontakte group is carried out by an extensive working team.

This fact is due to the fact that all work on maintaining the group is entirely assigned to the management team, while in the case of a personal page, some of the work can be transferred to the subscribers. In simple words, a VKontakte group is a more reliable and demanding type of community than a personal page.

How does monetization of the VKontakte virtual platform work?

Whatever platform option the user chooses, key monetization methods can be applied to all of them. At the current time, users of the social network under discussion use the following monetization methods:

  1. sale of advertising records;
  2. earnings from links from CPA services;
  3. earnings from referral programs.

The main source of income for many virtual platforms is advertising. This is the only way to make money on VKontakte, which was initially provided by the management of the social network. This way of earning money means sale of advertising records, posted on the administrator’s community pages. Such posts are an excellent way to attract new users to the ranks of subscribers, which means that the sale of advertising will be in high demand for a long time.

Both community administrators and personal page owners can offer advertising, but the latter have more narrowly targeted sales channels. So, today the sale of advertising records is carried out using special exchanges and direct transactions. A direct transaction is the most profitable selling option for both parties, since the payment transaction in this case is carried out instantly and does not require the payment of additional commissions.

Transactions conducted through specialized advertising exchanges provide site managers with a full guarantee, but such a service requires the payment of additional commissions. Managers of VKontakte platforms can use the services of the official and unofficial exchange.

Both options have an identical principle of operation, and the only difference lies in the amount of the commission fee - the official VKontakte advertising exchange requires paying higher percentages than the unofficial alternative. Finally, it is worth saying that methods of selling advertising posts can be fully used only by community leaders - owners of personal VKontakte pages have only the option of direct sale without intermediaries.

How to make money online through social networks?

Making money on the Internet using a virtual platform on social networks has opened a new direction of development for CPA services. If previously the opportunity to make money on CPA programs was available only to website owners, today this option for making a profit can be used by any user with a developed page on a social network.

Monetization of this type requires the placement of special links on the site’s pages. In short, the site administrator receives a monetary reward when a member of his site clicks on a posted CPA link and then performs certain actions.

Actions can include registration on the site, certain activities, placing an order, and much more (specific actions depend on the type of affiliate platform). The most popular CPA services in RuNet are platforms and. Both community leaders and holders of personal pages can use this method of monetization.

An equally popular method of monetizing a site is using a referral program.

Modern Internet services, as a rule, contain a system of referral invitations, due to which an influx of new users is realized. In the social network VKontakte, the method of earning money based on placing referral links is quite highly effective - owners of pages with a large base of subscribers can earn substantial amounts of money by participating in referral programs of various web projects.

So, recently, on the pages of developed VKontakte communities, you can often see referral links to cashback services (,), as well as mobile projects for earning money (,). Users who register using the posted link bring regular passive income to the site administrator. As in the case of CPA programs, not only community administrators, but also owners of personal pages can use the method of making money on referral systems.


Methods of making money on the Internet that are relevant today allow you to make a profit even through your accounts on social networks. Monetization of the VKontakte virtual platform can be an excellent option for making a profit.

Today, users can make money on VKontakte not only with the help of personal communities, but also through the use of personal pages. In this article, we examined in detail the key principles of VKontakte monetization. Based on the information presented, it can be concluded that:

  1. users can use monetization principles in relation to groups, personal pages and personal pages;
  2. The most effective monetization methods are selling advertising, placing CPA links, and participating in referral programs.

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Greetings friends! Today we’ll talk about everyone’s favorite VKontakte. The social network has grown and is loved by a million users, which means it has become an excellent source for additional income.

Each of us has a VK page and is probably subscribed to a dozen different groups and communities. Look at how many users on average are subscribed to each of these public pages.

And it’s not difficult to guess that the administrators of such groups receive income from this, and do not do it out of pure pleasure.

So, today we will look at making money on a VK group, and how to promote this very group.

So, creating a group is as easy as shelling pears; such settings are available on each user’s page.

We have all the tools in our hands to create an attractive group, but the most difficult stage, where most people give up, is promoting the page, that is, attracting subscribers.

After all, the page generates income not by the fact of its existence, but by the number of subscribers. If you follow the rules of promotion and use effective tools, you can ensure that the public becomes the main source of stable and fairly high earnings.

The first and easiest stage is creating a public page. And if you plan to promote it to a decent level, then in the future you won’t be able to cope alone.

There are options here to attract several more administrators, having discussed the terms of cooperation in advance, or to hire SEO specialists and copywriters who will deal with the content of the group.

But you can save a lot by using services such as and others that can be viewed at.

Come up with a topic for the public. Of course, the topic should be interesting and appeal to a wide audience.

Develop a system, decide how many posts and news you will post. The material must be updated regularly and steadily, otherwise people will start unsubscribing, but do not overdo it, otherwise there will be an overload.

There are a lot of ways to “gather” subscribers. I can name the most effective of them:

  1. Payment for advertising in already promoted groups. You should choose a public page on a similar topic that has as many subscribers as possible, contact the administrator and agree on advertising.
  2. Payment for advertising on special exchanges.
  3. Advertising on other social networks: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklosniki;
  4. Conducting competitions and sweepstakes using the repost system. Even a small prize will trigger interest and entice people to join your blog.
  5. Use tools that offer services such as the same

Another win-win option that I became familiar with not so long ago was the service Bosslike. This resource boosts reposts, likes, and most importantly subscribers, which is extremely important and useful for a quick start.

Naturally, this method also requires investment, but such an investment will quickly pay off, because unlike previous methods, we do not advertise the product waiting for the actions of potential users, but give a task and pay for fast, highly effective promotion.

And now that there are a sufficient number of participants in the group, and the content is useful and exciting, promotion will be carried out naturally.

People share news, repost posts, telling friends and acquaintances about an interesting group.

The group is ready, the audience has been assembled, all that remains is to decide which way you want to make money from it.

Public as an online store

Yes, an ordinary VKontakte group with a large number of subscribers is an ideal platform for opening a store.

It is not necessary to deviate from the given topic; you can create a sales topic, create a beautiful and tasteful link to it and pin it on the page wall. Of course, a more effective and profitable way would be to create a full-fledged trading platform.

The complexity of such a process is the need to find a reliable supplier, organize the supply and storage of products, create a system of payments, applications and deliveries, as well as provide a work schedule for timely processing and consultation of clients.

The income of such a business can bring from 250 to 10,000 rubles per day. The amount will depend on the number of subscribers, demand and relevance of the product.

Earning money from affiliate programs

This method does not require any effort, especially when compared with creating.

This way, you don’t have to be an intermediary between the buyer and the seller, but just post an advertising post and wait for the accruals.

Income from such cooperation has wide potential, you can earn 50 dollars a month, or you can earn 1000. It all depends on the number of purchases, your activity and perseverance.

Selling the group

One of the most radical, but often the most profitable types of monetization is the sale of a ready-made group. The price of your group or public will depend on the number of subscribers, and secondary factors will be the subject matter, material and content of the resource.

You can sell the group on special exchanges, I won’t list them - there are a huge number of them. And finding a client will not be difficult.

You can earn up to 100 thousand rubles by selling a high-quality public page.

With this I say goodbye. All success and excellent results.

Subscribe to my blog, read the latest articles and share information with friends. Subscribe also to the Telegram channel - See you soon!

Today there are many options for how you can make money from your community on the VKontakte social network, and in many ways, the choice of monetization method depends on the topic and audience of the group. Therefore, before moving on to the fun part of this intriguing topic, it is important to take a closer look at the process of creating a community from scratch.

There are a lot of communities of various types on VKontakte, and if you follow them carefully, you will notice the following trend: the more popular the community, the more you can earn from it.

It is believed that groups with more than 100,000 members bring income to their owner from $80 per day. This is a very good income, not everyone can receive it in the real world, but it’s not worth talking about the virtual one.

Having such data, the question arises: how to achieve similar earnings online without having any special skills, and where should you start building your earnings on Vkontakte?

The article will reveal the answer to the question of how to make money on the VKontakte group, what needs to be done for this in order to receive, if not the same income, then at least close to this amount.

Create a group

Selecting a topic. First, you should clearly define the topic and content of your community - a lot depends on this in the future. There are several areas that are definitely worth paying attention to.

Entertainment communities– these are well-known quotation groups; pages with poems or jokes; public pages consisting of funny videos or gifs, and other posts that can cheer up subscribers. Such public pages are always in demand among VK users.

It is quite simple to develop in this direction - although the competition is great, there are no less users interested in such things - often people subscribe to hundreds of almost identical groups. The main thing in this segment is to find your niche (quote books, “sad” posts, communities like “Overheard in ...", etc.) and develop in it.

However, entertainment communities are also characterized by one unpleasant point, which is that advertising revenue from such public sites is very limited, since their main audience has not reached the age of majority, and accordingly, subscribers are insolvent, so most advertisers pass by. But there are other ways to quickly make money from such groups.

Women's pages– These are mainly communities about home economics and cooking, but pages for moms and about beauty are especially popular in this segment. Of course, the competition here is even higher and therefore it is more difficult for the creators of such groups to make themselves known in order to get the desired subscribers.

Business publics. Not so long ago, such communities were fashionable, so until today there are very, very many of them. Their main problem is that almost all of them post the same type of articles in the style of “What to choose, LLC or individual entrepreneur?”, and repeat them weekly.

If the creators of a business-themed community manage to stand out from their competitors, then success is 100% guaranteed, but for this they will have to be creative and spend quite a lot of free time.

Gradually, with successful promotion, the opportunity to make excellent money appears, because the income from such public sites is considered one of the highest - customers love to place their advertisements in famous groups dedicated to business. There is also one subtlety here - it is necessary to carefully check all offers received from advertisers so as not to promote dubious, sometimes fraudulent, schemes and various pyramids - the VKontakte administration is unlikely to like this, and neither does the audience.

The next step, after determining the topic of the community, will be a stage where you definitely won’t stay for long. Log into your account, then go to “Groups”, and click on the “Create Community” button. Next, all that remains is to select the type of community – group or page (public). Here you need to focus on your personal preferences.

If we briefly examine the differences, we can say that on the page the main emphasis is placed on the content of its wall and posts. Audio recordings, videos, photo albums and discussions are located in the sidebar, so they are not too noticeable to potential users. The pages are best suited for quotation books and “Overheard in...” communities.

Groups are the most responsible community option for the creator and administrators, in which users constantly take part in discussions, listen to audio recordings, scroll through the wall, etc. This type of community is perfect for business topics, when many topics for discussion are often created (which field of activity to go into, which type of taxation to choose, etc.). Young mothers also love to have conversations on a wide variety of topics related to children, so this fact is definitely worth paying attention to.

The difference is noticeable only on the community page; in the users’ news feed, the posts are the same. You can choose a group and evaluate how it will look, and then, if you don’t like something, you can transfer it to public. Keep in mind that today there is no rollback of a group to a public page in the VK settings, although this option used to be available.

Group filling

After creating a community, it will take time before the first income appears. And this moment is the saddest, however, as in any other business, so you have to come to terms with it and persistently promote your creation. The main thing here is to never stop and work every day!

It is necessary to fill the group with quality content - interesting, useful, and most importantly - quality information.

You should also wisely approach the schedule for the appearance of posts - this is a fixed time when the group will be replenished with new entries. You can post 20 posts a day, with a half hour difference between their appearance, but this will not be the best approach. The wider the time span between the appearance of posts, the greater the reach of subscribers will be - social network users view their news feeds at very different times and you need to try to “catch” as much of them as possible.

To begin with, you can try to publish up to 10 posts per day, but of very high quality and with a time span of 3-4 hours. It’s worth taking a closer look at the “top hours” of your audience’s activity. Each topic has its own time frame. For example, mothers often go online during their children's naps and in the evening, when they also put their kids to bed. Office workers and businessmen check social media feeds on the way to work, during lunch breaks and on the way home.

Morning, lunch and evening are the most suitable times for posting.

There is a simple trick. Analyze your own behavior - remember when you check the news feed yourself. Typically, the most popular hours for visiting social networks are from 12 to 14 and from 18 to 21. Peaks in the activity of VKontakte users appear in these ranges.

To fill the community with content, a VK timer or auto-posting services are used; Sociate is considered the most famous and most suitable for beginners. It only requires you to create a schedule once, and then simply add entries that will automatically “go” to the page at the right time.

Group promotion

Before you start promoting your community, you should post at least 10 posts in it. When this issue is settled, it will be possible to move on to promoting the group. Let's take a closer look at both free and paid promotion methods.

Free promotion methods– many recommend starting with them and only then switching to paid services. At this stage, you can do a lot on your own, for example, gaining 1000 subscribers is the required minimum.

Mutual entry – you can contact communities whose leadership is ready to join your group, and you, in turn, can do the same in return. It is clear that in this way admins help each other. The promotion speed in this case, of course, will be very slow - about 30 subscribers per day, and the users will not be the most active.

Free promotion– many people use Vtope – this is one of the best programs for cheating on VKontakte and other social networks, because it is free and extremely simple. All you need to do is just add an account from which the program will “automatically” join other people’s communities, and in return, bring other users from Vtope to your page. Slowly, but free and automatically!

Mutual PR- a rather relevant move, especially when the number of subscribers exceeds the minimum level of 500 people. All you need to do is find a group with similar topics and attendance figures to yours, and then offer the administrator mutual PR (VP - placement of advertising posts by consent). This way you can exchange subscribers. At first, the effectiveness will be low, because neither you nor your colleague will have practically any active audience.

Paid methods

– there are not many ways to promote a group, but you can save a lot of time and effort. Sometimes, in just one week of paid services, community administrators manage to achieve very good results.

Buying subscribers- also an option, but on average you will have to pay about 1 ruble for the user to join the group and be in it for some time. Accordingly, for 1000 rubles you can increase your audience by 1000 subscribers. Of course, such a contingent will not actively view your posts and share them, and most of them will eventually turn into well-known “dogs”.

It is best to start purchasing advertising after reaching an audience of 1000 subscribers. It is also necessary to properly prepare the group: create a memorable and unique avatar; add photos, catchy status, audio and video recordings, create several discussion topics, and highlight at least 10 of the best posts to attract attention. It is known that it is in the first couple of seconds, after moving to an unfamiliar group, that the user decides for himself whether to leave or stay.

Advertising post – Usually this is a fascinating but short story, ending at the most interesting place with the text: “read the continuation...”. We all see similar posts every day, so we won’t stop here, but move on to something that is much more difficult - finding the advertising post itself. You will have to try many different options before you come across something worthwhile.

In general, you need to find a high-quality post, add a beautiful picture to it and pin it in the group header (to do this, click on the date the post appeared and select “Pin” at the bottom).

This indicator is difficult to cheat.

Full coverage– the total number of VKontakte users who “encounter” the group’s posts during the day. Keep in mind that the topic of a community directly affects the relationship between reach and advertising costs.

How to make money on a VKontakte group?

There are three areas of earning money in VK:

- partnership programs;

– watching video.

Many people create and promote communities on VK for their subsequent sale, but this is a rather dubious activity, as it involves many risks.

  1. Partnership programs– you should start with a minimum subscriber reach of about 500 units, then the results will be noticeable.

It is best to select affiliate programs based on the interests of your audience. For example, young mothers will be interested in various courses about relationships with their husbands, raising children, and some online stores with goods.

Groups with a beauty or health theme will benefit from various affiliate programs from online fashion stores and sellers of nutrition for athletes.

For business-related communities, programs about coaches or services for accounting, etc. are suitable. If you understand the interests of your subscribers well, then it will not be difficult for you to understand their desires.

Affiliate programs suitable for communities of any topic: AliExpress, OZON, Labyrinth, Pharmacy, etc. The main thing here is to choose well-known advertisers, and these are sites that everyone knows, so that subscribers don’t have thoughts like: “What is this? Maybe another divorce?

Pay attention to advertising posts of large communities on similar topics. Some posts will definitely contain links from affiliate programs - just follow one of them and pay attention to whether the portal has a “Partners” section.

Many people have a question: “Is it possible to make money on a small VKontakte group with the help of affiliate programs?” In fact, a lot here depends on the activity of your subscribers, as well as on how well you can guess their desires.

  1. Earning money by posting videos– a fairly simple and excellent way to create stable passive income. Unfortunately, only communities with a large number of subscribers - from 15 thousand - are accepted to participate in the services, so in the initial stages of promotion it is unlikely that you will be able to take advantage of this earning option.

All you need to do after reaching the required number of participants in the group is simply post the video on the wall. For just one view, on average, you can earn 80 kopecks. Income here directly depends on the number of active subscribers, so there is simply no point in increasing them to 15 thousand. Below you will find the two most popular services for placing this type of advertising:


  1. Selling advertising- It has already been said that you can simply buy advertising, and after some time sell it yourself.

You can start doing this from the moment your community reaches 1000 subscribers - you will have the opportunity to participate in special services.

But usually purchases are made in groups whose participant threshold exceeds 10,000, and their coverage is from 1000 per day.

Prices are set independently, however, there are also guidelines here, which depend on the topic of the community - from 5 to 15 rubles for a reach of 1000 subscribers. It’s worth taking a closer look at your competitors and setting price tags the same as theirs, or a little lower.

Basically, posts are fixed for just an hour, or posted on the wall for a day. This means that for an hour after adding an advertising post, the community administrator cannot publish anything on the wall - so that the visibility of the advertising post is maximized. After this, over the course of 24 hours, the advertisement gradually moves down the wall and is eventually removed.

There are alternative options for publishing advertising posts: pinning for 2 hours, a couple of days on the wall, posting in links. For external links (not to the VK social network) up to 20% of their value is added, because this significantly increases the community’s survival risks. Such links may lead subscribers to a viral site or your group may be blocked by the VKontakte administration. Many community creators never sell space for external links at all. So this is something to think about carefully.

Sociate– novice community creators take advertising here. This is one of the most famous and popular services, in which almost everything happens automatically, and manual navigation is convenient.– another popular service with excellent functionality.– there are not enough offers, here they work more with promotion.– more suitable for business topics; entertainment communities are not in great demand.

Exchange VK is an official social network service that accepts all communities with more than 20,000 subscribers per day.

Of course, all of the listed services take a percentage for advertising. It is much more profitable to do it directly. To do this, you need to have a wiki page (price list, contacts, etc.), where you need to describe the pricing policy and options for placing advertising publications. Not everyone works directly, but this is only at first, and a lot depends on the topic of the community.

Selling your goods

Suitable for information businessmen, as well as for resale of a wide variety of goods. For example, many people order watches on Aliexpress that cost only 500 rubles, but sell them for 5,000! Nowadays, such earnings are very popular, but this is a topic for another discussion.

In this case, it is important to create communities for the most common requests - so that social network users find you themselves.

For example, if some new device, gadget or game appears, you need to select high-quality keywords, and name the group itself as the best keyword. The remaining phrases also need to be promoted, for example, using hashtags, and also used in discussions and posts. All this will definitely affect future sales.

Selling a VKontakte group

By creating, promoting, and then selling groups, you can also make good money in VK. For example, the cost of popular communities with real subscribers of 100,000 or more people starts at 80,000 rubles. Let's figure out what is required for this type of income:

– registration in VK;

– creating a community: a public page or group;

– promotion of the community, i.e., so that as many active users as possible subscribe to it;

– earnings from posting in your community (group, public page - in this case the same thing) advertising, affiliate links of various services, etc.

Many successful community creators confidently talk about their income, measured in seven figures, and this is from the sale of just one VKontakte group. As an example, they cite the names of well-known public sites, like MDK.

Of course, you can earn several million rubles a month from such communities, but how long did it take their creators to achieve such income? Most of the major groups started their journey a few years ago, when all this was just in its infancy and was not so popular. Back then, it cost mere pennies to gain subscribers. Today the situation is completely different.

Every year more and more communities appear on the VK social network, competition only grows from this, and users increasingly scroll through advertising publications without paying attention to them or following the links. Many users simply don’t want to clutter up their news feeds... But don’t despair!

Know one thing - it’s still possible to make money on a VKontakte group, you just shouldn’t dream of quick money. Be prepared to invest in promotion, which is about 100 thousand rubles, or get ready to do independent promotion - 5 hours a day for several months. You can achieve the highest results only if you consider this activity as a serious business.

After you reach the first mark - reaching more than 1000 subscribers, you can engage in mutual advertising and promote the community even more actively.

Follow the advice and be prepared for difficulties, since making money on the VKontakte community is quite possible.

All users who use the popular social community VKontakte have an idea of ​​what advertising posts in public pages look like. It is from them that the owners of the group make money. To make money from advertising, you need to use advertising exchanges; you can find many of them on the Internet, but the most popular and proven ones will be listed below:

Sociate– this advertising exchange is the most popular. The project system is very convenient, it can be easily configured, and not only a professional in his field, but also a novice user can organize earnings on the site. You can post up to 3 paid posts on your public page per day and you can earn a lot of money from this. The more subscribers you have in the public, the more you can earn. Earnings also depend on the topic of the community and the activity of subscribers.

Blogun– visitors who come to the site for the first time may think that it is very difficult to make money on this project, but this is only at first glance. To make good money, it is necessary that the community meets all the requirements of the project, and if this is the case, then there is an opportunity to earn decent money on a personal public page.

Plibber– making money on your public page with the help of this resource is real even for beginners. Using the project is easy and pleasant, and you can add a community for making money to the site in a few clicks.

VideoSeed and Viboom– on these projects it is possible to add videos to communities and receive money for viewing them.

As you can see, organizing income from a group is not at all difficult, the most important thing is that the community has many subscribers and they are active, and the user now knows from the article how to make money from the public through advertising.

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