What kind of literature do successful people read? What books do successful businessmen read? Bill Gates: The Catcher in the Rye, Jerome Salinger

This is a very valuable collection. It presents seven books that make ordinary people successful: they change their way of thinking, habits, and character traits. They show the right direction and provide tools for quick, but at the same time, high-quality changes. Do you want to give someone good luck? Tell us about these books.

Bodo Schaefer is a successful businessman, a sought-after financial consultant (in his homeland, Germany, he is called the “Financial Mozart”) and the author of a number of world bestsellers on financial management and motivation for changes in life. At the age of 16, Bodo moved to the United States to get an education, and after studying, he became a businessman. However, the trading company he created went bankrupt, and at the age of 26 he was left with a bunch of debts and a complete lack of understanding of where and how to move on. At this difficult moment, he met a wise mentor who helped the young unsuccessful entrepreneur turn into a real winner. In 4 years, Bodo Schaefer not only freed himself from debt, but also opened a new successful business, and also began to inspire victories and achievements in others.

In this book, the financier has collected 30 important rules that will make any person a winner - of course, provided that he is not lazy. After all, laziness is the only reason why there are still only a minority of winners in life, the businessman is sure. Schaefer divides people into two categories: ducks - those who constantly quack and look for excuses, and eagles - those who act no matter what. The laws of winners are a set of simple and effective rules that will help you be an eagle in any situation. Thanks to them, you will learn to focus on the main thing, turn failures and criticism to your advantage, achieve incredible success in all areas of life and move forward. In the book we will briefly talk about each of these laws.

We live in an era of global economic change. Working in a multimillion-dollar corporation with its social guarantees and stability is no longer the ultimate dream of most people. In addition, in the next 10-15 years, more than 90% of so-called “white collar” positions will disappear or lose their prestigious status due to the fact that their functionality will change dramatically. A large number of people will find themselves “overboard”, not knowing where to go, where to apply their experience and skills. This opinion is shared by Tom Peters, who, with the light hand of The Economist magazine, received the honorary title of “superguru”. Peters has written several best-selling business books and founded the Tom Peters Company, a consulting company specializing in preparing for change. Its services are used by Starbucks, Virgin Direct, Intel, Rolls-Royce and other well-known companies.

What to do? How to not only survive this difficult transition period, but also become stronger? To be confident in your future, Tom Peters urges you to start thinking now not as an employee of a company, but as an “independent contractor,” that is, a person who does not perform his duties for a monthly salary, but relies only on himself. "If you don't have a trust fund in your name handy, this radical reinvention of yourself - becoming a Self-Brand - is a must!" - says Peters.

You'll learn how to make people associate your name with the highest quality of work and inspire respect and trust, as well as how to stop being shy and make your talents known to as many potential clients as possible.

Anthony Robbins is one of the founders of life coaching and an inspiring motivational speaker. His coaching costs $1 million, and the recording is for 2 years in advance. Bill Clinton, Mikhail Gorbachev, Andre Agassi, Oprah Winfrey and other celebrities used his services. Anthony himself is one of those people who achieved everything from scratch, so everything he writes about is passed through the prism of his personal life experience. Taking control of his emotions, he lost 20 kilograms and turned from a man living paycheck to paycheck into a successful businessman whose income amounts to billions of dollars a year.

Robbins believes that any person can awaken the dormant energy within him and realize all his dreams - even, at first glance, fantastic ones. Most people, according to Anthony, have very modest desires, while one should always strive for more and not stop there. The main thing is to be sure that you can do it, and work hard on yourself day after day. With the help of a number of effective techniques and exercises given in n, you can get rid of bad habits and wrong beliefs, make emotions your allies, concentrate on the main thing and, finally, move from dreams to action.

If you are not currently succeeding, or if you are not succeeding as well as you would like, then it may be because you have the wrong mindset. To get on the path to success, John Maxwell offers to take a kind of journey with him, during which you will learn what correct, or as the author of the book calls it, fruitful thinking is, and also evaluate how developed it is in you, and understand how to use it to its full potential.

John Maxwell is one of the leading thinkers, writers and speakers on personal and corporate development. It is very popular not only in the USA, but also in other countries. He is the author of more than ten books, including: “Cultivate the Leader within You,” “Create a Leadership Team,” “The Winner’s Position,” “The Journey from Success to Success” and others.

We'll talk about Maxwell's bestseller How Successful People Think, or Think to Change! In this book, he shows the difference between fruitful (correct) and mediocre (wrong) thinking. Mediocre people focus on daily routine and survival, while successful people focus on progress. Maxwell shows how, by changing our thinking, we can move from the level of survival to the level of real progress and completely turn our lives around.

Too many of us spend the best days of our lives in a walking coma. We try to achieve greatness by chasing titles, luxury cars and huge bank balances, without fully realizing what is truly important in life is to realize our full potential by becoming a leader for ourselves. And then to help others realize their full potential. Five teachers from the hero of Robin Sharma’s book “Leader Without a Title” will help us do this.

This book is the result of nearly fifteen years of work by Robin Sharma as a leadership and management advisor to many Fortune 500 companies, including Microsoft, GE, Nike, FedEx and IBM, as well as to organizations such as Yale University, American Red Cross and the Young Presidents Organization.

To convey his method of leadership, Robin Sharma chose the form of fictional storytelling. The characters - the main character Blake Davis, his mentor Tommy Flynn and four unusual teachers who completely change the way Blake approaches work and life - are all fictional characters.

But the leadership system itself, and the principles, tools and tactics on which it is based, is very real. She has helped hundreds of thousands of employees in many of the world's most successful businesses and organizations win business and lead in their field.

According to the authors of the book, a typical problem of “top echelon” businessmen is extreme superstition. People who have achieved success are afraid of change, and in addition, they believe that there is nothing and no need to teach them. Entrepreneurs are wary of any kind of training and recommendations, although they themselves hire coaches. However, it is one thing to ask for advice, and quite another to follow it. In the book, Marshall Goldsmith lists 20 qualities that prevent further growth, both in business and in personal life. These qualities seem to us to be neutral traits, or even virtues. However, they can greatly irritate our environment and spoil our business reputation. Thus, the ability to keep one's mouth shut may be perceived by others as secrecy. And employees will perceive a successful delegation of authority, in the opinion of the manager, as an avoidance of personal responsibility. You may not even be aware that you have the traits described in this book. But, as they say, “ignorance is no excuse.” will help you identify these traits in yourself and work on eliminating them. Sberbank President German Gref recommends this book as mandatory reading.

Stephen R. Covey's book has remained a super bestseller for decades. She influenced the lives of millions of people, including Bill Clinton, Larry King and Stephen Forbes. Half of the world's Fortune 500 corporations have made it a point to teach their employees the philosophy of performance outlined in the Seven Habits. Sberbank President German Gref included this book in the bank’s corporate library.

The Seven Habits are powerful tools for personal development. They help us move forward - from dependence to independence and then interdependence. Dependence is expressed by the you-paradigm: you take care of me, you failed, I blame you for the failure. Independence is expressed by the I-paradigm: I can do this, I am responsible, I rely on myself. Interdependence is expressed by the we paradigm: we can do this, we can interact, we can combine capabilities and create something significant together. Many people associate the concept of “interdependence” with dependence. However, it is not. As an interdependent person, you can meaningfully share with others what you have and gain access to other people's resources. Interdependence is a choice that only an independent person can make. It follows from this: before becoming interdependent, a person must gain personal independence. General victory is preceded by personal victory.

Skills 1, 2 and 3 help to achieve personal victory. Having mastered them, a dependent personality becomes independent. It is an inside-out process. Having mastered the first three skills, a person can begin to work on “shared victories.” These are led by skills 4, 5, and 6. However, this does not mean that you must become proficient in skills 1, 2, and 3 before working on skills 4, 5, and 6. Understanding their sequence will help you manage your development more effectively. Skill 7 is an upgrade skill that is required to have strength for the first six skills. In we will tell you what the essence of each skill is and how to master them.

All seven books are presented in the Main Idea Library in the form of reviews. Read with benefit!

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We were taught from early childhood that reading is the right path to success and self-realization. Of course, a lover of reading will not necessarily become a successful and prosperous person. However, he has a better chance of achieving his goal. Why? Let's find out by looking at 10 reasons why people who read a lot are more likely to succeed.

They have an increased concentration of attention

Successful people can focus on a specific task for long periods of time. Any book lover knows that reading is not a quick process. And, of course, you can’t spend all your time with a book in your hands, because you need to do other things too. But an avid reader simply will not be able to put the book down for long. So, having closed it today, tomorrow he will definitely open it and read at least a few pages. Successful people feel the same way about the tasks they set for themselves.

They set goals for themselves

Along with focusing their attention, avid readers set specific goals for themselves when they come across a good book. For example, they determine the number of pages they will read before doing something else. Successful people also constantly set goals and strive to achieve them.

They spend their time wisely

Perhaps you only have 20 minutes left before you have to go somewhere. But if other people consider this time not enough to do anything worthwhile, then lovers of reading will see it as an opportunity to read at least a few pages from a book. Successful people value their time and take every opportunity to learn something new or get closer to their goal. Avid readers understand that just 5 minutes a day wasted will eventually turn into 24 hours over the course of a year! But during this time you can read so many interesting things!

They can look at familiar things from a different point of view

Successful people are able to look at situations from different angles. Reading helps develop this ability when you can put yourself in the shoes of a particular character. This provides invaluable experience that can help us in life.

They're thinking

In addition to the opportunity to see things from a different perspective, avid readers learn to reflect on books. They don't just look at printed text, but make sense of it, thinking about how what they read can affect their lives.

They have excellent written and oral communication skills

It's no wonder that great speakers throughout human history have enjoyed reading. Successful people at all times have drawn inspiration from their idols. Speakers, whose names will forever remain in history, had good teachers whose works they studied.

They have increased memory capacity

Avid readers understand how powerful the human brain can be. After all, it can accommodate a truly unlimited amount of information. And the more you study and read, the easier it is for you to remember something new. Successful people know that Homer Simpson is wrong when he says that when you remember something new, something old is erased from memory. They continue to learn, increasing their brain resources, and sometimes without even realizing it.

They remain functional

Avid readers know that the brain is like a muscle. So, if you want to keep your arms and legs in great shape, then you often go to the gym. The same applies to our brain. Reading helps keep your mind sharp and allows you to better absorb new knowledge. Successful people train their minds on a daily basis. They do this through books or other methods such as solving crosswords or solving puzzles. Also, successful people sometimes deliberately create problems, overcoming which they develop their mental potential.

They are educated and informed

Successful people reach the top because they have spent a lot of time learning. When they pick up a book, they do so not only to simply read it to the end, but also to learn something new. After all, even from reading science fiction novels, a successful person is able to learn a useful lesson that will stay with him forever.

They read to relax

Even the most successful people need to rest from time to time. But this does not mean that you need to completely turn off your brain. After all, there is nothing wrong with relaxing while reading a glossy magazine or a new novel. Reading is a much better pastime than watching TV or an evening spent in a bar drinking a glass of beer. Again, it’s worth remembering that successful people value every minute of their lives, so they try to use even their rest time profitably. Besides, any avid reader will tell you that there is nothing better than spending an hour or two sitting in a comfortable chair with an interesting book.

Therefore, if you have not yet discovered all the benefits of reading, then hurry up to do so. After all, a new amazing world will open up before you, which will also definitely help you achieve success.

Not a single rich person will say that there is nothing useful in books and that it is better to watch TV.

Books, like nothing else, develop a worldview, enriching a person spiritually, and smoothly flowing into the material. What books do millionaires and billionaires read, what inspires them and pushes them to success?

The richest man on the planet is fascinated by the story of an obstinate teenager in Jerome Salinger's cult book " Catcher in the rye" Gates is not original - the novel, which vividly and realistically conveys the worldview of a teenager, is extremely popular and has been translated into almost all languages ​​of the world. From non-fiction, the founder of Microsoft likes “ Business adventures» is a collection of stories about the business and financial life of America, prepared by journalist John Brooks. By the way, another millionaire recommended this book to Gates.

For the founder of the company, useful books are a priority. One of my favorites is “ Bull! A story of boom and bust» Maggie Mahara. In the dreary study of the stock market, the special value for successful investor Buffett is the comments of large fund managers. In 2003, Buffett did an original thing - he included a list of books recommended for reading in his company's annual report. Besides " Bull..."listed in the memoirs of the US Treasury Secretary" In an Uncertain World: Tough Decisions from Wall Street to Washington", recorded by Jacob Weisberg and Robert Rubin, and the investigation of the massive Enron corporation scandal, " The smartest guys in this room» by Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind. Of course, we can’t help but say about Warren Buffett’s first book, which made him who he is - Benjim Graham. It was this book that turned the life of a young investor upside down and made him think differently. By the principles described in this book, Buffett lives to this day.

The millionaire elected president of America chooses books about spiritual practices to read. Darling - " The Power of Positive Thinking» Norman Vincent Peale. Who knows, maybe it was these secret methods of the author, recommendations and parting words set out in the book that helped Trump survive and not lose optimism, and brilliantly win the presidential race.

The richest woman in show business rereads " To Kill a Mockingbird» Harper Lee. The story of a six-year-old girl living in a provincial town during the Great Depression won the heart of the TV presenter from the first reading. Winfrey once mentioned that she first read the novel in school. The book impressed young Oprah so much that for several days she could not talk about anything else but about the little heroine and the severe trials that befell her. The Pulitzer winner's book remained my favorite throughout my life.

Mark Zuckerberg

The founder is inclined towards classical works, and most of all he likes the work of Virgil “ Aeneid" At the same time, on his page on the social network, Mark calls his favorite book “ Ender's Game» Orson Scott Card. Facebook users immediately drew an analogy between the hero of the book and Zuckerberg - both of them committed outstanding deeds at a young age. One saved the world from an alien invasion, the other created the most “densely populated” social network and received the title “ youngest millionaire in history».

Founder of a large international conglomerate Virgin Group immersed in history. Branson's favorite books include an account of the great battle of World War II. Stalingrad"by Antony Beevor and Yong Zhang's biographical novel about 20th century China" Wild Swans" The latter is still banned in China.

The head is also a lover of historical literature Oracle. And his passion for Vincent Cronen's book " Napoleon" can be explained by the fact that the author presents Bonaparte in an extremely favorable light - not only as a commander and decisive statesman, but also as an intelligent politician and reformer.

Starter of the resource Twitter devoted to Atul Gawande's book " Checklist manifesto" Torsi believed so much in the power and effectiveness of the checklists recommended by the author that he even made a rule: every new employee of his company Square a starter package containing the millionaire’s favorite book is awarded.

Founder of the company Amazon- a versatile person. Loves both fiction and journalistic works. Among business books, Bezos highlights the work of Jim Collins and Jerry Porras “ Built to Last: Success for Companies with Vision" Probably, the analysis of the activities of large corporations, set out in the book, helps a millionaire to successfully conduct his business. From the classics, the book tycoon loves “ The rest of the day» Kazuo Ishiguro. Bezos considers this Man Booker Prize-winning novel the ideal book.

Apple CEO says George Stock's work is the best book Competing against time" Moreover, Cook is confident that it was this work with its main postulate “time is the secret weapon of business” that taught the millionaire how to conduct business competently and, as a result, business prosperity.

The reference book for the company's president and CEO is Niall Ferguson's lengthy work " The rise of money. Financial history of the world" Kent is generally a fan of books that analyze economic and business processes, but he considers this work one of the best.

President of the corporation ExxonMobil, the largest oil and gas company, chooses books that are large-scale and ambitious. The first among favorites is Ayn Rand’s dystopian work “ Atlas Shrugged" Probably, the fuel magnate is impressed by the scope and uncompromising nature of this colossal novel, both in concept and volume, and in its impact on the reader. By the way, Ayn Rand is from Russia, from St. Petersburg, and emigrated to America in the 20s of the last century.

Because of his literary tastes, Jobs was called " philosopher" And he loved Shakespeare, especially the play " King Lear", repeatedly re-read the complex, full of drama novel by Herman Melville " Moby Dick" Among the business works, Jobs especially held in high esteem the book by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen “ The innovator's dilemma" Interestingly, this book is not about business success. It's about failure.

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There is no point in arguing about the benefits of reading, because everyone already understands that it is useful. Many sources and studies prove this. Many people are enveloped in love in literature. Some people read for pleasure, while others reap the benefits.

If you are reading this article, you are definitely interested in improving your reading experience and getting the most out of it.

The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. A man who never reads lives only one

Many successful people spend their free time reading books. They don't just read for satisfaction, they learn. They get ideas, get inspired, take note of interesting thoughts, but did you think everything was so simple? Some billionaires are capable of spending their days reading a book.

Turn knowledge into action!

Every reader, when he holds a book in his hands, understands that it contains wise thoughts, but after reading the book, they can be forgotten. The book will continue to stand in the closet untouched for the second time, “after all, I’ve already read it!” - you say. How well do you remember her main thoughts? Do you remember all the moments from it?

Not every person has excellent memory for what they read and for a long time.

Let's understand the reading process.

Setting a goal

You must clearly understand the purpose of reading, that is, what you should get after reading this book or what you can learn. Put unnecessary books aside if you want to become successful. Stop reacting to beautiful headlines of ordinary newspapers, there is no point in this.

Having a specific goal, it will be easier to obtain the necessary information than to aimlessly read mountains of unnecessary books from which you will not get anything. This will just be reading for pleasure and there can be no talk of any success.

If you want to become a good coach, for example, in powerlifting, who understands the intricacies of training processes, knows inside and out, and is able to help a student correct mistakes and problems, then you should read literature on powerlifting, participate in various trainings, and learn from more experienced athletes and trainers, communicate and learn more. Reading should be on your topic.

If you want to improve your knowledge in the field of sports, do not read books about plants, because you understand that it will not give the necessary knowledge, and your desires will remain unfulfilled. Don't waste your time with unnecessary things, strive for your goal.

Read with interest

Don't mindlessly move your eyes over the text. Reading is a special process, a dialogue between writer and reader. Reflect, think, read every sentence, don’t miss a single moment.

In order not to lose the necessary information, highlight it. Make it a habit capture interesting thoughts, quotes, expressions, sentences in a notebook. Set aside a few pages (or just a space), identify the work, and take notes so you don’t confuse it with another book later. Also, if you need the context of a sentence, you can clarify which page it is on, and in the book just underline it. Thus, it will become easier for you to work with the book and resume lost information.

If you practice speed reading, do it correctly

As stated above, reading is a special process, a dialogue between writer and reader. Reflect, think, read every sentence, don’t miss a single moment. You don't need to read at maximum speed to do this.

For example, if you read a maximum of 800 words per minute, then a speed of 300-400 words is suitable for slow and deliberate reading. If you read up to 3000 words per minute, then after a few minutes of reading at this speed, reading 1000 words per minute will seem very slow, comprehension and memorization will be noticeably above average.

This is because during accelerated reading, the brain speeds up and it works much better. This acceleration of the brain is similar to the warm-up of track and field athletes before a race. Athletes warm up their bodies and stretch them. Also here, it is very important to stretch your brain.

Electronic or paper book?

In addition to paper or e-books, there are audiobooks. Some people have a developed ability to perceive information by hearing rather than reading. This book format is suitable for mobile people, because reading a regular book while on the move is a little inconvenient, wouldn’t you agree?

An e-book has its pros and cons. Among the advantages are:


    Save time

There are also disadvantages:

    Eye strain due to electronic format

    It's difficult to get used to the new format

The best option is to read simple books.

Take notes

Remember to leave notes or bookmarks in important places as you read. Indicate the title of the work and keep notes so as not to confuse it with another book later. Also, if you need the context of a sentence, you can clarify which page it is on, and in the book just underline it. Thus, it will become easier for you to work with the book and resume lost information.

Don't be afraid to scribble in a book. By emphasizing interesting points, you are doing yourself a favor, since you can refer to this book again in the future. The underlined sentences will be immediately visible and will refresh your memory.

Marking will allow you to separate information into useful and unnecessary. Don't neglect to mark useful information.

Get into the habit of re-reading notes to refresh your memory of what you read earlier, a very useful action.

Consider the information you receive

Few people have a good memory, allowing them to remember everything the first time. There is no shame in restoring gaps in memory or forgotten material, because it is natural.

Create a knowledge recovery plan. It consists of regular repetition of the material. To do this, you can use the same notes, books with underlined ideas, or the entire work. Analyze book entries.

Set aside 40-60 minutes once a month to refresh your memory. It's especially useful to do this while you're working on a project with a topic that has notes on it.

Application of knowledge

Use literature that will bring you knowledge, but that will be useful. Don't fill your head with unnecessary information. For example, if you are studying geography, then you won’t fill your head with information about bodybuilding? This is of no use.

Knowledge needs to be put into practical use. Ask yourself questions: “will this information be useful to me?”, “how can I implement it to my advantage?”, “how can it be useful to me?”

Share with friends

Don't forget to share books and stories about them with your friends and acquaintances! Infect them with a love of reading, and they infect other people!

Practice speed reading

Many famous people practice speed reading, for example:

    V. I. Lenin read 2500 words per minute

    Stalin (Iosif Vissarionovich) read more than five thousand pages a day and had a habit of highlighting key words and main thoughts

    Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, calmly reads 2-3 thick books per evening

    A. S. Pushkin studied with the creator of the first speed reading techniques, R. Lullia

    N. Bonaparte also had speed reading, like A. S. Pushkin also studied with R. Lullia

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Increase your reading speed by 2-3 times using traditional exercises for developing speed reading, techniques that speed up brain function, and techniques for progressively increasing reading speed. The Speed ​​Reading course in 30 days will also help develop and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain, since when the hemispheres work together, the brain begins to work many times faster. In addition to increasing reading speed, understanding and remembering information read also improves.

CEOs are considered the busiest people in the world. In order to accomplish everything planned for the day, they get up “before dawn.” Long before sunrise, when ordinary citizens are still basking in warm beds, the powers that be are already hard at work, multiplying their millions of dollars.

But what is remarkable is that even with the most hectic work schedules, the successful and famous find time to read books. They admit that many of the books they read helped them find their way into the world of success and wealth.

We all know that literature plays one of the most important roles in the fate of everyone. And our worldview, our inner spiritual world, and, finally, our real life depend on what type of literature we prefer.

What do millionaires read?

Some millionaires read business books, while others prefer to relax by reading fiction.

They, millionaires, constantly work on their thinking, expanding their consciousness of a rich person. And this, despite his millions of dollars! As famous rich people themselves admit, they need to keep their “millionaire mentality” in constant shape. And they achieve this by reading good books by good authors.

Bill Gates, for example, was a completely voracious reader, always finding time to read without neglecting any topic. But he received special attention books on education, energy, personal development, health. He also did not ignore fiction. His favorite works were The Hunger Games and Catcher in the rye».

So if we want to be (namely be, not become) millionaires, we need to behave like millionaires.

Stop watching TV, it's time to start reading books!

Here is a list of top books that the founder of Euroset, one of the most successful Russian cell phone companies, and a very famous businessman, recommends reading. Evgeny Chichvarkin.

1. Richard Branson "Losing My Virginity"

« It's breathtaking! – says Chichvarkin, “Aspiring entrepreneurs will find a good dose of adrenaline in the book.”».

Richard Branson, one of the richest and most successful people in England, wrote his autobiography “Losing My Virginity” very excitingly, interspersed with humor and self-irony, with utmost frankness. Everything is here: failures, victories, sorrows, and achievements that were present in the author’s turbulent life. Branson is not worried about difficulties, he is used to taking risks, he is an adventurer. A common thread running through the work is the understanding that the most valuable achievement in everyone’s life is simple human happiness.

The book is read in one breath, makes you move from your home, fills you with confidence in yourself and in your planned business.

2. E. Michaels, H. Handfield-Jones, E. Axelrod “War for Talent”

“A good book that teaches you to appreciate people,” summarizes Chichvarkin.

The authors prove that the success of a company is directly proportional to the attitude of managers towards their employees. Simply put, companies win by doing everything to attract and retain the most talented people.

3. Francis Fukuyama “Strong State”

A prominent philosopher of our time, Francis Fukuyama, reveals the concept of a “strong state” by analyzing the principles of building statehood.

4. John Kotler "Matsushita's Leadership"

J. Kotler describes the life of Konosuke Matsushita, an iconic figure in the history of modern business, who went from a poor and uneducated provincial to a major business leader and innovating manager.

5. Tom Peters “Imagine!”

“The correct translation,” notes E. Chichvarkin, ““Re-imagine.” The book shocks with the highest emotional charge and calls for change, for liberation from blinkered thinking.”

Tom Peters is called a management guru. He is famous for his extraordinary, even destructive approaches to business. His unusual statements encourage action and liberation from stereotypes.

6. Sam Walton “How I Created Wal-Mart”

“This book is swallowed whole and at once, convincing everyone and everything of the correctness of the path taken.”

Sam Walton, the king and god of 20th-century retail, never doubts his abilities, writes about his inspired but hard work, his courage and optimism, which helped him become a global business shark.

7. K. Kobiell “Motivation in the style of ACTION. Delight is contagious!”

The author tells how to get joy from work, what relationships should be like within a company, how to harmoniously combine business planning with the provision of free decision-making to every motivated employee.

8. Jesper Kunde “Uniqueness now... or never”

This book is a kind of corporate religion. She talks about how to win consumer loyalty. The future, the author writes, lies in a unique brand system. Become unique, Kunde urges, now or never.

9. Al Ries, Jack Trout “22 Immutable Laws of Marketing”

Al Ries and Jack Trout, known throughout the business world as marketing strategists, set out in their creation the 22 most important and fundamental laws of marketing: leadership and law, ways to expand the range and rules for conquering the market, tricks for creating rush demand and an algorithm for achieving commercial success.

10. John Shaul "First-class service as a competitive advantage"

E. Chichvarkin: “This book is a constitution for people working in retail or doing service. Recommended reading throughout the working day."

John Shawl is called the guru of culture and service. He states that the amount of money earned is directly dependent on the impression that company employees make on clients, on the speed and quality of service, and on the attitude towards the client. The book contains many interesting ideas that can ensure business growth by improving the quality of service.

11. Ayn Rand “Atlas Shrugged”

E. Chichvarkin calls the book the real Bible of entrepreneurship and the most powerful work of the 20th century.

Ayn Rand, being our former compatriot, has become a cult American writer. Her philosophy proclaims the principle of free will.

A. Rand’s book completely changes the worldview, forming a non-dual vision of the world and giving answers to “eternal” questions about the meaning of life, proving the importance of entrepreneurship for society.

These are the cult books for modern millionaires. By reading them, of course, you won’t become successful and famous overnight, but you can understand the choices made by successful people and their actions. And this understanding may help you find your own, individual path.