Real money course on google ads. Earnings on registrations and creating accounts

Earnings on creating accounts is very popular among beginners. Something, but many people know how to register. The only question is, how much are you willing to pay for it? Not as much as we would like. But what if you urgently need to extend the Internet or your phone suddenly runs out of money? This is where the boxes come to the rescue. I will say right away that you have to sweat to earn at least 100 rubles. in an hour.

Method number 1. Make money creating Google accounts

Earnings on Google accounts can be divided into two parts:
  • Google account registration;
  • Selling an account on a reliable buxe() through the job.
1.Registering a Google account. There are many ways to register a Google account even without verifying a phone number. About this I. It is important to know several options for creating, because each way, sooner or later, a smart system exposes and blocks free and frequent registrations.

2.Earnings on Google accounts. New Google accounts are worth their weight in gold. We will sell them on boxes. There, people create tasks for registering Google accounts with different conditions. Usually for a new account they ask: from 5 to 10 rubles.

Where can I sell Google accounts

1. At the moment, the fattest task I found on the site
The customer buys fresh accounts for 0.1$ a piece, here's a screenshot:

2. After registering on wmmail, go from the section "Earnings" to "Tasks". There, in the category "Reg. without activity”, you will find tasks where you can sell accounts.

To quickly find tasks, I advise you to use the filter -
"Search for paid jobs: job id" (1354117 and 1433088).

2. the second site-books, where there are tasks for creating Google accounts. Maximum price: 5 rubles. Job number: 435455 .

Before sending the report, make sure that the logins and passwords from your mails are correct, and most importantly, the accounts must be working, that is, not blocked. Do not perform any actions with the created accounts, otherwise the advertiser may reject your report. The account will, of course, be returned to you and indicate the reason for the refusal.
I draw your attention to the fact that tasks can be turned off. You can search for similar tasks or wait for the inclusion of those in the examples.
3. Another site where the purchase, sale of Google accounts is allowed.

* The picture shows a task that was created recently, but already has 168 executions. The advertiser has not yet checked the reports, so it is better to wait. In the category "Reg. without activity "the highest paid task is also 5 rubles.

Other ways to use your new Google Accounts

1. If you do not log in to a new account for several days, you can then use it in the program and solve only light recaptchas for several days. For 1000 solutions on RuCaptcha they pay from 65 to 130 rubles. The work is very simple, and with a fresh Google account it is also fast-profitable.

2. New Google accounts are also ideal for, where one click on the "Subscribe to the channel" button pays from 20 kopecks. These can be attributed to them, with their further sale.

We figured out how and where to sell a new Google account, I'm more concerned with the question: “Why does a person need so many accounts?”.

Well, not for making money on recaptcha for sure. I will put forward my version, and you write your thoughts on this matter in the comments. I think he sells them even more expensive, here's my hypothesis. By the way, it would not be bad to reach direct buyers in this case. Maybe you know someone who buys Google accounts for a great price?

Method number 2. Earnings on registrations on sites

  • Registration without activity
  • Registration with activity
  • Registration with investment

1. Registration without any activity the simplest. You just need to register on some site and that's it. Most often, such tasks are created to attract referrals to projects, in the hope that they will remain working.

2. Registration with activity a little more difficult. Now filling out one registration form will not work. The site needs to be active. Which one specifically? This should be clearly stated in the assignment. I'll give an example:

  1. Register on the site;
  2. Earn 100 rubles.

It is important to understand here that without achieving a result, of course, that is, without 100 rubles earned, you will not be paid for the work. It is difficult to understand the complexity of working without registration if you have not performed similar tasks before.

3. Registration with investment or simply "Investing" is somewhat reminiscent of the second category, where you need to be active. Only now the task might look like this:

  1. Register on the site;
  2. Top up your balance by 100 rubles.

How else can you create accounts for money

1. You can still. For this there is a category "Play games". Somewhere, you only need to register in the game, but somewhere you need to fulfill a certain condition (for example, reach a certain level). It is very interesting to work on such tasks. It seems that you can relax (play) and immediately earn money.

2. You can earn good money by creating social profiles. The principle is simple: register an account, promote it (gain subscribers) and sell it on forums and specials. sites. Fake pages are in high demand among advertising managers. For an account with 10 thousand subscribers, they usually pay: from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.


If you are interested in other ways to make money on the Internet, then go to. There are collected more than 25 best sites for networking, which I have personally selected over the course of 5 years. Good luck to you!

Most convenient formake money on google is a blog created on the blogger platform. loving herGoogle system services them faster andeasier, to earn money, registers on AdSense. If the site is alreadyIf so, then you should not create a new one,since there will be no problems with its connection either.

In order to understand how to make money on google let's startfrom the basics and create your own resource. The pioneer of the Internet is obliged to start a mailinbox in google mail Gmail, which has a Blogger tab, opening whichyou need to go to the "New Blog" page, fill in the required, click"Creating a New Blog". Choosing a template, or creating it yourself (this is a separatetopic) you can preview how the blog looks like and by allowing you to createblog, go to it. Here you can improve its appearance and make moremany different adjustments. The blog header can be made usingPhotoshop or other similar programs. In general, even the appearance, and even more so the correct content of the blog, will play a significant role in attracting
clients and earning money. Creating a blog or website is just the beginninganswer to the question " how to make money on google?”, your blog should come first"untwist"(). How to do this, you can also learn from the Google search engine, andthe opportunity to “light up” is by advisingyour resource to friends and acquaintances and drive it through directories, forums and variousbulletin boards.

When considering the issue how to make money on google? attention was turned to GoogleAdSense as the highest quality network paying its members up to 68%own earnings, and only 32% leaving to himself. The order of work in thissystem, as well as registration in it, is quite simple, but it should be studiedcarefully, only this will allow you not to miss all the nuances and earnnormal money.


Owners of sites, blogs, forums and other Internet projects can earn on Google AdSense. The income itself consists in placing a special code on the pages of your site, thanks to which advertisements will be displayed. With each click on such an ad, the owner of the Internet project on which it was placed receives a monetary reward. That is, the more clicks users make on advertisements, the more money the site owner will receive.

If the site owner receives a reward for each click, then the question arises - where does the money come from? Who pays the cash reward? Let's figure it out. Advertisers create and pay for advertisements, as a rule, these are the owners of online stores who are interested in selling their goods. Also, various intermediaries advertising other people's goods through their affiliate links, owners of Internet sites who are interested in attracting additional visitors can act as advertisers.

There are a lot of people who want to advertise or sell their product using the Internet. Creating a paid advertising campaign in the contextual network from Google Adsense is one of the ways to attract interested buyers on the Internet. Google is just an intermediary between advertisers who are willing to pay for advertising their product or service, and site owners who are not averse to making money on their Internet project by placing Google AdSense contextual advertising blocks there.

How much does one click cost

This question is of particular concern to novice webmasters on the Internet who want to know how much they can earn by placing ads from Google Adsense. However, there is no answer to this question, and here's why. The cost per click is set by the advertiser, based on their financial capabilities and needs. When placing an advertisement, the maximum amount that he is willing to pay for one attracted visitor is indicated.

However, the cost of clicking on one and the same advertisement may be different, as it depends on other advertisements that are currently active in the Google advertising network. The cost of a particular transition is determined by the auction and may be significantly less than the maximum bid specified by the advertiser.

Also, the cost per click varies greatly from niche to niche. This is due to the fact that in different topics on the Internet a different number of advertisers. The more competitive the niche, the more advertisers it has, the higher the price per click. Therefore, when thinking about creating your own project on the Internet and planning to make money on it with the help of Adsense contextual advertising, you should take into account the theme of your future site. It greatly depends on how much one click costs and the total income that you can get from this site.

How to start making money with google adsense

If you have your own website or blog on the Internet, at least 20-30 articles are posted on it and at least 50 people a day visit it from search engines, then you can already start making money on contextual advertising. In order to make money on Google AdSense, there are no strict requirements for traffic, but it should be understood that earnings from contextual advertising directly depend on the traffic of the resource. Without visitors, it is impossible to make money on contextual advertising. To start earning you need to register in Google Adsense by this link.

How to earn money in Google Adsense

  • necessary
  • add the url of your site in your account
  • choose the size of the future ad block
  • customize the ad: you need to choose the size and color of the font
  • copy the special code
  • place the code in your website template

How to sign up for Google Adsense

How to add your site to Google Adsense

How to set up a contextual ad in Google Adsense

The code must be inserted in the place where you want contextual advertising blocks to be displayed. In this example, we considered with you a block for the sidebar. In order to insert such a block on WordPress, you need to go to the admin panel of your site, add a text widget, paste the received code there and save the specified widget. After a few minutes Refresh your site and you will see that the place where you put the Google AdSense code began to show advertisements.

How much can you earn on google adsense

This is perhaps the most exciting question that novice webmasters who want to make money on contextual advertising ask themselves. Earnings on contextual advertising is not limited by anything and depends entirely on you and your site. You can get the exact answer to this question by placing the code from the Google advertising network on your website. You will receive real statistics for the first day. And then you will definitely find out how much you can earn specifically on your site. However, here are some tips on how to increase your income with Google AdSense:

  1. work on your site;
  2. increase its attendance;
  3. post interesting and high-quality articles on your blog;
  4. leave comments on articles open and regularly respond to them, this will help increase traffic and popularity of your resource;
  5. Never click on Google ads on your own site or ask your family and friends to do so. For this, you can get a ban on your account;
  6. if the average cost per click on your site is low, then you can start another site in a different niche and develop it in parallel, thereby increasing the overall earnings on the context.

how to get money from google adsense

By logging into your personal account on Google, you can watch the growth of your balance every day. The minimum amount that can be withdrawn from Google is $100. Google AdSense transfers this money automatically. It is most convenient to receive money using the Rapida system. To do this, you can register on the Rapid website, confirm your personal data there (read more about this on the Rapid website) and get an electronic wallet number. Specify the number of this e-wallet in your personal Google AdSense account and you will regularly receive payments from Google there.

All Internet users have profiles in social networks. They are used for various purposes, but not everyone gets real money from them.

This is a great option for part-time work, at least you will definitely have enough profit to pay for mobile communications, and with a strong desire, you can earn over 10,000 rubles a month.

You will participate in promotions, subscribe to other accounts, press the Google +1 button, place ads on the wall, and so on. Rewards differ, and for work it is desirable to promote the page at least a little.

How to make money on Google+?

Many services have been created which accept profiles from the Google social network. It is not very popular (compared to VK or OD), so there are fewer orders.

Therefore, it is better to register in several systems at once:

  1. - good rewards for tasks from popular social networks. networks that can even be displayed on the phone.
  2. - most of all in this system they pay for reviews. Write them and post them from your Google+ account, there is no minimum amount for withdrawal.
  3. - the service is distinguished by the largest number of orders. Here you pay for everything, from reviews to subscriptions.
  4. - the minimum wage here is high, 300 rubles, but the payment for assignments is good, so money is collected quickly.
  5. - a simple, old and stable system, where in addition to tasks for Google + there are many other assignments.
  6. - register on this site only if you have promoted pages, here advertisers order posts.
  7. - the link exchange was created to monetize sites, but you can also advertise sites on social pages. networks (from 100 subscribers should be).
  8. - not often, but tasks for Google Plus still appear here. The pay is good, especially if you want to leave a comment.
  9. – earn through social networks, download the program and complete tasks, install mobile applications.
  10. - site owners come here to order cheats, including on the Google social network.

The interface of all these services is different, but the essence does not change. Register, complete tasks and get paid. It is unlikely that you will be able to collect big profits only if you invite friends and acquaintances to the system, since a percentage of their income is paid.

Earning Google Plus through mailers

Fulfilling orders is easy, and the pay is good:

This example is taken from the site, it has many small tasks that do not belong to social networks at all. Do them in your free time, the administration has recently added several withdrawal methods.

Specifically for Google+, there are not many assignments here, so it makes sense to register on similar sites:

  1. - Books ranks first in the number of tasks. Look for errands in the "Social networks" section.
  2. - I like this mailer, because payments to the phone balance are available from it.
  3. - differs from similar systems by an extension for automatic earnings in the browser.
  4. - not so long ago, this click sponsor was seriously updated and now it is even more convenient to complete tasks on it.
  5. – a stable, honest, convenient and profitable bookbox, which also hosts several thousand orders.

It's better not to focus only on orders related to Google+. In all these services, there are a lot of other assignments where they ask you to register, download something, complete levels in the game, or download an application to your phone. Payment for some of them exceeds $1.

Affiliate Programs + Google Plus = Profits

Do not even read about this way of earning if you are not ready to promote your accounts or use only cheats.

A popular page on Google+ can generate income like any other site through affiliate programs. You will attract buyers and clients to different companies, making a profit for it.

You can’t do without a well-promoted page, and all that needs to be done is to place advertising posts on the wall.

  1. – a Chinese online store will pay you from 8.5% for each order made by a client you invited.

What is Google Adsense?

adsense is a great way to monetize your traffic and is very easy to use. For example, I earn the most from this system since 2003. also earns the most just for allowing other site owners to advertise their properties on the results page. All this is done with the help of AdWords.

You can see these ads appear above and below the free/natural results, or on the right side of the page. Advertisers pay a certain amount for each click on these ads.

Now you have the opportunity to grab a share of Google's AdWords earnings by displaying these texts or images on your site. When someone clicks on these ads, you can earn up to 60% of the cost per click.

This affiliate program is called AdSense

This is a great program that can help you generate additional website income, especially if your content is for content publishing.

So, if you are one of those people who doesn't like to pay to maintain their own site, then this is a great way to get back all the money invested and earn on top!

How much can you earn with AdSense?

The commission you earn for each click depends on how much advertisers pay Google for a particular ad. You will earn a share of this amount. Personally, I can say that payouts can vary from two cents to $14 per click.

However, it is rare to get anything higher than $1, although over time you will notice that you earn much more just from smaller bets.

It is important to note that I will not undertake to tell you exactly some kind of earnings with a specific amount of traffic. People always want to know what the average cost per click is.

Nobody knows the answer except Google, so personally I don't recommend you listen to anyone in this case. It's unlikely that I or any AdSense site owner will be able to give you this information, since all ads cost differently and we don't know how much advertisers are willing to pay.

However, there are some niches that pay more than others. So it is logically correct to believe that the words “auto”, “real estate”, “earn” and so on, can bring you much more money per click, since these are highly competitive keywords that are used quite often.

The higher the competition at, the more advertisers will pay, therefore, the more you can earn.

While Google won't reveal how much you earn for each ad that is clicked on your site, you can log in to your account at any time and see the total amount of earnings you've generated per day, week, month, year, and so on. .

For example, if you see that you earned $13.70 per day for 10 clicks, then you can independently calculate that the average cost per click is $1.37. But remember that this is just an average. You will not have information on how much it costs to click on each specific ad.

The amount of your earnings also depends on how much targeted traffic your site attracts, how strongly the topic of ads matches the interests of your audience, on the location of advertisements on pages, and also on what commission you receive for each click.

Ideally, you should create a website about something you are good at and know a lot about. In this way, it will be much easier for you to create a sufficient amount of content on this topic.

My adsense earnings

I've been receiving checks from Google since 2004, and since then I've read hundreds of success stories of various sites that have reached 5-figure monthly incomes.

Now I will agree that a 5-figure income is not the norm for most participants.

I use AdSense on 7 of my sites. My earnings range from 7 to 10 thousand dollars a month. A lot depends on traffic, and how much advertisers pay for their ads.

My sites have been working for a very long time, so I have no problems with traffic, therefore, that's why I earn such amounts. I create videos on and so on. Earnings with AdSense directly depends on the numbers. The more traffic you get on your site, the more money you will earn.

My checks weren't always this big. To be honest, in the first months of work in 2004, my checks did not exceed $30. However, as my traffic grew, so did my checks.

It is hardly possible to state clearly and understandably for everyone that AdSense will not allow you to become a millionaire overnight! While it may seem so simple, please don't underestimate the amount of work I have put into developing my sites over the years.

Creating a site for Adsense

Before you start working on your own site, make sure that you are well versed in this topic and know a lot about this area. Thus, it will be much easier for you to fill the site with content.

The more content there is, the more likely you are to be accepted into the program. Also, the more content and traffic you have, the more earnings you will get.

If you want to earn a lot, get ready to write a lot of content, and learn how to promote (read) your site. Don't think you can run a 10 page website and make $500 a month. It's unrealistic.

Now let's talk about website development.

If you want to do everything yourself, then, first of all, you will need (your, and then buy hosting, and fill it with your pages. Decide whether your site should be static or in the form of a blog.

Web hosts simply offer you the opportunity to host your site, but they do not teach you how to promote and optimize your site for search engines, which helps you attract traffic in the first place. So don't expect much from them if you need to promote your site and if you want to make money with Google AdSense.

It's not necessarily bad. For example, I taught myself how to develop websites when I got into it, and it turned out to be not so difficult.

Now, in the case of static sites, I work in Dreamweaver and my blogs are based on WordPress.

How to Succeed with AdSense

Let me tell you a couple of methods to start making money with Google AdSense.

Generate traffic

With AdSense, you won't earn anything if you don't get enough traffic. Please don't think it's so easy to do, don't think it's a get-rich-quick opportunity. This requires strength, and this whole epic begins with attracting traffic.


Try different ad sizes, images or text, and work on color schemes. For example, I like it when the ads are the same color as my site's background so they blend better.

Many people prefer to make ads stand out, but this method has never worked for me. It seems to me that this is because then the ads look ... like ads.

Set the channel setting to Targeted (targeted)

When you target your own channels, you make them available to advertisers who may want to work directly with your site. Such advertisers pay more, which means that for each click you will earn a larger commission.

All this is quite simple to understand and configure.

Just click on "My Ads" (my ads) in your account, then select "Custom Channels" (own channels). Select the channel you want to target and then click on the targeting block as shown below...

Avoid free hosting

I understand that now is a difficult period in the economy, and many can not easily part with money by spending it on the organization of the site. But the facts don't lie. Successful website owners invest money. Periodically at least.

I have yet to see any magazine write about a successful site hosted on or other free hosting. Never.

If you want search engines and visitors to take your site seriously, you need to be the real owner of your site. You must be dedicated to him.

Even if it means you have to wait and save money for 6 months to buy a domain name and hosting. I would do so rather than resort to using free hosting.

Another problem with free hosts is that they can remove your site without warning. This has happened many times, and most recently it happened to one of my subscribers who complained to me by e-mail. I couldn't do anything. If you don't own your site, you don't own your income.

More Adsense Tips. Watch the video below.

Just remember that success with AdSense depends on how well you get targeted visitors to your site.

How to overcome the low earning threshold in Adsense

People often ask why they earn so little. There are several reasons for this.

1. Not enough traffic

If your site gets less than 500 visitors per day, then it will be very difficult for you to earn anything with AdSense. You need to keep in mind that only a small fraction of visitors (1-2%) will click on ads, so if 500 people visit your site a day, this will approximately bring you 5 ad clicks.

It's also important to remember that each click will bring you less than $1, so it's obvious that it's important to have high volumes of traffic in order to start making money with AdSense.

Some niches may have more relevant niches than what Google displays. This can greatly affect your click through to total visitor ratio. If your ads are not relevant to your content, then visitors are unlikely to click on them.

That's why it's important to make sure your site has a lot of content so you can help Google display the most relevant ads. However, sometimes it happens that relevant ads are simply not enough, and nothing can be done about it.

Keep in mind that a couple of two-sentence posts with images is unlikely to help Google find relevant ads, as there is too little content.

3. Low paying niches

Let's be clear that some niches pay more than others. If you have a website about finance, then most likely the ads on your site will bring you more money than if you run an entertainment blog.

So, the niche you choose plays a huge role in how much you can earn. That is why it is quite difficult to determine how each individual enthusiast will earn in AdSense. Too many different aspects.

Is your site not accepted?

People often ask why their site is not approved by AdSense. This question is quite difficult to answer, since I don't work for Google, and it's almost impossible to guess here.

In many cases, this is because your site has few pages. I usually recommend publishing at least 20-30 pages, and also try to make sure that the content fits into one niche, is centered around one topic.

Google does not like sites that try to reach as many destinations as possible, as it will be difficult to target ads in this case. The more focused your content, the better.

In addition to large amounts of content, try to make long articles (at least 700 words or more). Google does not like sites where content is divided into small "notes" because they look like they were specially created for AdSense. Fill the site with serious sensible material, make an effort, this is your site, after all!

Also, do not forget to follow the grammar, spelling, article structure, and so on. Remember that you are entering into an act of partnership with Google, and this company does not like sites that do not understand anything.

Have you been blocked in AdSense?

Recently, many site owners started complaining that their sites were blocked in adsense due to fraudulent activity.

This has confused many people, as they completely deny their guilt and state that they did nothing forbidden, and therefore they are interested in what criteria Google made its determination.

Remember that Google makes money from ads. The ads that appear on your pages cost someone a lot of money, especially if they get clicked on a lot.

  • Google monitors clicks very carefully, especially if your account is new.

So, if a company feels W-T-O-N-I-B-U-D-L that doesn’t seem to be the natural course of events, or suspects that you are getting traffic from places that contribute to the spread of bots or automation systems, then your account will be deactivated in order to protect advertisers' wallets.

In the past, accounts were disabled when fraudulent clicks were detected and confirmed, but now you can be disabled even if the company anticipates the potential danger.

The funds you earn are then returned to the advertisers, which is why you won't be able to receive a check if your account has been disabled.

Unfortunately, no one knows exactly how a company identifies potential risks, and how it recognizes whether a click was natural or fraudulent.

In addition, everything is complicated by the fact that interaction with the company's technical support is automated, especially if you have been disconnected from the system, and all this happens without warning. This is what confuses those people who have not done anything forbidden. In addition, it is unlikely that you will be able to get a satisfactory or even extended answer to your requests or questions.

It's not our money... unfortunately

As embarrassing as it may be to get banned from AdSense any day, it's always important to remember that Google shares its profits with us. If it wasn't for AdSense, all that money would go to Google anyway. So, if you look more broadly, it's their money, not ours.

I can imagine how hard it is to experience moments when your seemingly honestly earned money is taken away from you, but it’s not in vain that we put a tick under the conditions and obligations of the program.

In AdSense, no one guarantees you anything. Now the errors of the system are obvious, and even absolutely innocent people can get "distributed" when they see a notification about a blocked account, and that's why you don't need to "put all your eggs in one basket."

No one is immune to blocking... and that's the other side of the coin if you suddenly decide to join the AdSense program.

Attention: article based on translation, the author may not agree with the information presented.