Google owner. Should you invest in Google shares? Google services and acquisitions

American transnational a corporation investing in Internet search, cloud computing and advertising technologies. Google maintains and develops a range of Internet services and products and generates revenue primarily from advertising through its AdWords program. Has more 49,829 employees worldwide.

Google operates more than a million servers in data centers around the world and processes more than one billion search queries and 24 petabytes of user data every day. Six out of ten people online use Googlesearch; Google's rapid growth since its founding has led to the emergence of a large number of products not directly related to the company's main product, the search engine. Google has such online products as the Gmail email service and the Google+ social network.

Because of Google operates in many areas of the economy, the company operates under great pressure from competition. For example, in the market for device production and OS development, the main competitors are companies such as, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft etc. In the direction of search engines then Yahoo!, Baidu, Bing, Yandex.

II.Key indicators of Goole Inc.

III.History of the creation of Google

Google started in January 1996 as a research project Larry Page And Sergei Brin, who were then studying at Stanford University in California.

Although conventional search engines back then sorted search results based on how many times search terms were mentioned on a page, Page and Brin were thinking about a better system that would analyze the relationships between sites. They called this new technology PageRank, the relevance of a site in it is determined by the number and importance of pages that link to the site

The company was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin on September 4, 1998, the office was located in Menlo Park, California, USA. It is believed that the founders of the company received the first check from investors for , and they had to name the company they were creating just like that.

The advertising company later stated that it was chosen to show that the search engine wanted to provide people with more information. Google originally operated on the Stanford University website and had the domain

Domain name for Google was registered September 15, 1997, and the company was registered on September 4, 1998. It was located in the garage of a friend of the founders (Susan Wojcicki) in Menlo Park, California. Craig Silverstein, their classmate, was hired as their first employee.

Google- distorted spelling of an English word googol (googol), coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of the American mathematician Edward Kasner, to represent a number consisting of one and one hundred zeros. The company's stated mission from the very beginning has been to "organize the world's information and make it accessible and useful to everyone," and the company's unofficial slogan, coined by Google engineer Paul Buchheit: " Don't be evil"(English: Don’t be evil).

IV.Company activities

In addition to regular search, Google offers a number of services and tools for various needs.

Most of them are web applications that only require the user to have a browser running them and an Internet connection. This allows you to use data anywhere in the world and not be tied to one computer. The advantages of Google services and tools are the presence of a centralized data storage and a well-thought-out interface.

Google services and tools

Google Services


  • Chromium is an open source web browser developed by Google and Opera.
  • Google Chrome- a browser developed by Google based on the free Chromium browser, equipped with a number of non-free elements and components responsible for collecting information about the pages visited.
  • Google Code- a site for developers interested in developing open source software related to Google products. The site contains source codes and a list of their services with a public API.
  • Project Hosting- free specialized hosting of GPL projects and other free projects.
  • Google Pack- an installation package that combines packages for a number of Google products (Google Earth, Picasa, Google Desktop, etc.) and several third-party products (Mozilla Firefox, Adobe Reader, etc.).
  • Google Deskbar- places Google search on the desktop.
  • Google Desktop- a search tool on the user's computer. The program is installed locally and indexes email messages, text documents, Microsoft Office documents, AOL Instant Messanger discussions, web browser browsing history, PDF documents, music files, images, video files.
  • Google Earth- a model of planet Earth created using satellite images.
  • Picasa- a program for working with digital photos, integrated with Google Blogger, Gmail and Google Plus.
  • Hello- an add-on for Picasa that allows you to share your photos with friends without using a website or email. Images are sent directly from one client to another.
  • Google Toolbar- an extension for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers, which is a panel of the Google search service and performs a number of additional functions.
  • Google Web Accelerator- a program that speeds up the browser by caching and pre-downloading information that may be of interest to the user. The program uses proxy servers owned by Google.
  • Freebase is a large collaborative knowledge base containing metadata collected primarily by the community


  • Android Wear is a modified lightweight version of a mobile OS designed for wearable electronics: watches, glasses, etc.
  • Android is an operating system for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers.
  • Google Chrome OS - Google's Linux-like operating system is designed exclusively for working with web applications. Works on Chromebooks and Chromebox nettops, the first of which (Samsung Series 3) was released in May 2012.
  • Google TV is a software and hardware platform for set-top boxes and HDTVs based on Android OS.


  • Google Search Appliance is a hardware/software solution designed for a corporate Internet network. This device periodically scans and indexes documents (up to 500,000 documents in the base model) for search, on internal or external corporate websites or other web-accessible resources.
  • Google Mini- a mini version of the Search Appliance, called Google Mini and intended for small and medium-sized companies. The base model of the device indexes 100,000 documents. In January 2006, two more models were offered, for 200,000 and for 300,000 documents. Additionally, a 50,000 document model was announced on March 2, 2006.
  • Google Fiber- Google's project to provide high-speed Internet access. Those. Google becomes a provider.
  • Google Glass- a headset (or a wearable computer, which is somewhat closer to the functional set of the device) for smartphones based on Android and iOS, developed by Google.

Ten Basic Principles

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

Google is a search engine with additional tools and services.

We can say that is Sherlock Holmes with his card index, in which data on all the figures of the criminal world is laid out by first and last name, and he easily knows where and how to find any information. In addition, the detective will play the violin for you or entertain you with an interesting conversation. Naturally, the search engine finds not only information about criminals. Everything and about everything is available to him exclusively.

When did Google appear and who founded it?

The history of Google begins in 1998, when the search engine began to be used at Stanford University, where its founders, Larry Page (USA) and Sergey Brin (emigrant, born in the USSR), studied.

Both students were working on solving the problem of searching large data warehouses. At that time, search engines were already working, but the results of their work were unsatisfactory. The search was carried out using keywords, and spam was included in the results. The new system took into account backlinks. If there were a lot of them on the resource, this meant that the portal was relevant to the request and authoritative.

As an example, the developers took references in scientific circles. The more scientists refer to the person in question, the higher their status, the more authoritative the person himself becomes. This is how PR (PageRank) appeared - one of the indicators of ranking and weight of a page and the site as a whole, which raised the quality of search and generally made a fundamental turn in its algorithm.

Mathematicians asked the first users of Stanford to express their impressions and comments, according to which they modified the search engine.

What does the name mean

The initial word was the concept of Googol - 1 and 100 zeros after it. Initially, the new search engine was supposed to be called GooglePlex (10 to the power of googol), but the creators found it unmemorable and awkward to write. Therefore, we settled on the shortened version.

In 1998, the developers registered the company Google-Inc., which received a significant amount for development from one sponsor. With this money, they purchased servers that began to process the growing number of requests to

How Google works and how it works

Google uses two important principles: document text analysis and incoming link counting.

Based on the text, link weight and all keys, the search engine determines the position of the resource in the search results. The search is carried out using a previously indexed database of reverse indexes. It also contains saved copies of pages, on the basis of which snippets are generated.

The PS will add the site to its index if the webmaster sends a link to it to the addurilka, or finds your web project via an incoming link from another resource. Backlinks are collected as each page is indexed.

Related Google services

  • AdSense, AdWords – contextual advertising systems.
  • YouTube is the most popular video hosting site.
  • Chrome is a popular web browser.
  • Analytics – a counter for analyzing web resource traffic.
  • Google+ is a social network.
  • Play – applications for mobile gadgets.
  • Disk – data storage in the cloud.
  • Mail – exchange of electronic letters.
  • Photo – storage of photo albums, exchange of photos.
  • Docs – working with documents, text editors, viewing and editing documents from anywhere in the world.
  • Maps is a cartography system around the world with point objects.
  • Calendar – event planner.
  • Hangouts – online chat.
  • Talk – messenger, messaging.

This is not a complete list. There is also a Translator, News, Notes, Website Hosting, Virtual Printer, Questions and Answers and much more.

Features of promotion on Google

Promotion in this search engine is different from Yandex. In general, both PS have their own characteristics and their sites are ranked differently.

  • Google works a little faster (indexing, issuing, crawling by robot).
  • Google takes into account the anchors of all links from the same text leading to the receiving page.
  • Structured unique texts are necessary for any search engine.
  • In Google, regions are countries, and in Yandex - cities and regions.
  • Google highlights the weight of each page, while the Russian PS gives importance to the weight of the site as a whole.
  • Google prefers the exact occurrence of the key query in the incoming link.
  • Google stores all pages in its database. And Yandex filters out duplicate content and other low-quality documents.
  • The Google database consists of a main and supplemental index. Documents included in supplemental are almost not included in the search.

Reasons for getting into supplemental

  • Non-unique content.
  • A small amount of text on the page.
  • Meta tags are not specified, or they are not unique, or they consist of only one word.

Google's share in Russia is constantly growing. In recent years, a growth trend has emerged due to the release of mobile gadgets with a built-in OS, which by default links the user’s Google account for the correct functioning of the mobile device. Therefore, every optimizer should know about this system and the features of promotion in it.

The mobile version of Google Docs has received a text editing function.

Company Google Inc. founded in 1998 (date of registration - September 4, 1998) by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Brin and Page met at Stanford University and began working together on a project that later became Google. According to the company's founders, "Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it accessible and useful to everyone."

Today the company has more than ten thousand employees worldwide. Brin is President of Technology and Page is President of Products.

Eric Schmidt, chairman and chief executive officer, joined Google from Novell in 2001. Under his leadership, Google significantly expanded its infrastructure and product portfolio. His extensive work experience has prepared him well to lead the development of user-centric technology solutions. Together with the company's founders and other members of the management team, Schmidt is responsible for the company's technical and business strategies.

Google's headquarters are located at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043.

One of the most important areas of the company’s activities is the delivery of search results (and other information) in real time.

In addition to the search engine, Google provides users with various online services. Among the most popular are Gmail, Google Docs, Google Maps and others.

The company owns a popular video hosting service YouTube and the online photo editor Picasa, which allows you to process photos and create web albums from them.

Google's email service with virtually unlimited message storage, internal search, and smart anti-spam protection. It has a standard mode and a basic HTML version, which switches to automatically when logging into Gmail using a browser that is not fully supported.

Google Docs

Online application for remote collaboration on documents. Google Docs allows you to add Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF, HTML or plain text files, create documents from scratch, and upload your own Internet documents; edit documents online simultaneously with any users you choose and invite other people to view those documents; publish documents on the Internet; Send documents via email as attachments.

Google Docs also allows you to work with tables, presentations and illustrations.

Google Maps

A Google service that offers user-friendly map search technology and local business information including address, contact information and driving directions. You can work with maps in three display options: satellite photographs, schematic maps, and a hybrid of the first two maps. Searching for a point by latitude and longitude is supported.

The service also includes the Google Traffic service, Google Places, mobile versions of maps, a custom map designer, etc. Using Google Street View, you can explore 3D panoramic images of various locations around the world.

Google Earth

Google Earth is a client installed on the user's computer. It lets you travel the world using a virtual globe and view satellite photos, maps, landscapes, 3D buildings and more. Google Earth also allows you to virtually explore the sky, dive into the ocean, walk on the Moon and fly to Mars.

What is Google?

A googol is a mathematical term for one followed by 100 zeros. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of the American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was first described in the book Mathematics and the Imagination by Kasner and James Newman.

The material was prepared based on information from the official website

In 1998, countless users of the World Wide Web finally received the long-awaited effective search engine, namely, this year Google Inc. was officially registered.

Who among the multi-million army of Internet lovers has not heard of Google Who hasn't used this wonderful search engine at least once? Surely there are none. But not everyone knows what exactly the word “ Google" Word " Google" comes from the mathematical term " googol"(a number consisting of one followed by one hundred zeros). Of course, this designation is purely conditional, because in the entire Universe there is nothing equal in quantity googoloo. However, computer Google created just two human units. They are two peers, born in different parts of the world, but, fortunately, they met in the right place at the right time. Due to their innate modesty, their first and last names are mostly unknown to the general public, despite the worldwide fame of their amazing brainchild. So, meet: Sergey Brin And Larry Page- nice guys, computer geniuses and ordinary billionaires.

Sergey Brin (Russian roots)

Sergey Brin born on August 21, 1973 in Moscow. His parents belonged to the Jewish technical intelligentsia: his mother Evgenia was an engineer, and his father Mikhail was a gifted mathematician. But due to the latent anti-Semitism that reigned in the Soviet country in those years, Brin Sr. was unable to move up the career ladder. Therefore, when in the late 70s, Jewish families began to be released from the USSR abroad for permanent residence, the Brinov family was one of the first to leave the “country of developed socialism.” Later, Brin Sr. said about it this way: “Everyone loves their homeland, and we loved it too, but not all love is mutual”... The family’s path lay in the USA, where Mikhail had many mathematical acquaintances. Thus, Seryozha has already turned six years old on American soil.

The Breens adapted to the new place in different ways: the head of the family soon got a job as a teacher at the University of Maryland in the town of College Park; his wife became a scientist at the National Aeronautics and Space Agency; Grandma had the hardest time - for example, having to take a driver's license test left her in a real shock; and Seryozhka was the easiest of all - due to his young age and easy character. Seryozha inherited his father's talents, and therefore he was immensely bored at school: he considered the American curriculum primitive. He amazed teachers with many things, even printed out homework on a printer (it should be noted that in those days, even in the USA, family computers were rare, and Mikhail Brin gave his son a real Commodore 64 computer for his nine years). Only the grandmother, who with incredible efforts received the long-awaited car license in order to take her grandson to school, sincerely grieved: “What will happen to him, because Serezhenka has only computers in her head?!”

After school, Sergei received a bachelor’s degree “from his father” ahead of schedule at the University of Maryland and for further studies went to the center of the country’s best scientific minds, the famous Silicon Valley (whose name is not entirely correctly translated as Silicon) in California, filled to the brim with leading technical educational institutions institutions and high-tech companies.

It was here, at a very prestigious computer university - Stanford University - that a significant meeting of two talented young men took place, which became the beginning of the creation Google.

Lawrence Edward Page (American roots)

Lawrence Edward Page born March 26, 1973 in Lansing, Michigan, USA. His parents belonged to the American technical intelligentsia: his mother Gloria was a programming teacher at the University of Michigan, his father Carl Vincent was a professor of computer science (ibid.). Having similar genetic roots, Larry simply could not help but fall in love with computers. He, like his future partner, was also the only student at his school who submitted homework electronically! But in those days, the era of punched cards still reigned in computing technology...

Later, at the University of Michigan College of Technology, Page fully demonstrated his leadership inclinations and was even elected president of the honorary society of American students in the field of electronic technology. It was here that he gained invaluable business skills and acquired the qualities of a real manager. His technical abilities also continued to develop, for example, from parts of a Lego constructor, a talented student assembled... a model of an inkjet printer! Having received his bachelor's degree, Larry immediately headed to the renowned Stanford University.

Two units as one

Meanwhile Sergey Brin, led by the “sweet-voiced bird of youth,” did not at all overexert himself with scientific studies during his doctoral studies. The list of his chosen disciplines included dancing, gymnastics, and swimming. And when the father, trying to force his frivolous son to “come to his senses,” urged him to enroll in more advanced courses, he received the answer: “I’ve already signed up. To advanced swimming! However, the caring father worried in vain - Sergei was already captured by a new hobby, which gradually became the passion of his whole life. His name was " search engines».

In those days, information retrieval systems were very imperfect. The simplest request received whole mountains of links arranged in a chaotic order. This could not satisfy users, especially such demanding ones as Brin. However, he created one similar program himself, for himself personally - it combed the Playboy website and automatically downloaded new photos of beauties to the computer of an enterprising young man.

It is to this period that the significant acquaintance of two peers dates back to. Although the very first meeting was clearly not a success: the lively, proud, ambitious and unyielding young bachelors argued until they were hoarse, got cocky, and shouted at each other. But very soon they hit on an all-consuming topic of common interest - search engines! These two magic words instantly turned yesterday's rivals into partners and friends. “We were interested in the search - the information that truly affects people’s lives,” both later recalled.

Collaboration began to boil. And already in 1996, the forerunner was created and launched within the university Google, called BackRub by the creators. The name can be translated as “you give me - I give you” (later it was renamed to PageRank). The essence of the innovation was that the links received as a result of the request were not submitted in any form, as in other systems, but in accordance with the number of links to them from other computer pages. That is, the customer received a list starting with the most popular (and most relevant to his desires) documents.

The revolutionary invention was quickly appreciated by colleagues. But the Stanford professors rebelled: the amount of traffic used by students reached alarming limits. But the inventors could no longer be stopped, and they began looking for investors in order to open their own business.

one + one=google

Venerable and experienced businessman Andy Bechtolsheim, one of the founders of the Sun Microsystems corporation, imposingly puffing on a cigar, listened to the explanations of two disheveled young people about the advantages of the search engine they created for no more than a couple of minutes. “Sorry, but I'm in a hurry. What do you say your company is called?” - and he reached into his pocket for his checkbook. The tandem's amazement knew no bounds, because before that all potential sponsors did not want to hear about their creation. Having received a check for 100 thousand dollars a moment later, they were delighted and did not even immediately notice that it was written out to Google Inc., and not at all Google- a one followed by one hundred zeros, as they wanted to call their brainchild, implying an infinitely huge search base. Well, let it be Google, the main thing is that the first step has been taken! Having collected the rest of the required amount from relatives and friends, on September 7, 1998, they registered a new enterprise with a capital of one million dollars.

At first, the co-owners huddled in a garage that belonged to their friend Susan Wojcicki, and the company staff consisted of only 4 people. However, fame Google expanded at an extraordinary speed (all the proceeds went exclusively to business development, and not a penny for advertising). Within a year and a half, the enterprise turned into a profitable company. Due to the efficiency and enthusiasm of the creators, as well as unconventional methods of management and business, Google beat one competitor after another. The best evidence of triumph Google Inc. is that at the end of last year the newspaper's list of the world's top 100 largest brands Financial Times it took 1st place (total value - 66.43 billion dollars), ahead, by the way, in this indicator of competitors from Microsoft, as well as such monsters as General Electric, Coca-Cola And Marlboro.

The company’s tremendous successes have not at all spoiled the “technical intelligentsia” Larry and Sergei, despite the fact that their personal fortunes today amount to approximately $18 billion each. By the way, from the moment of transformation Google Inc. In the public company, both co-founders, as well as CEO Eric Schmidt, receive an annual salary of one dollar. Brin lives in a three-room apartment, drives a Toyota with an environmentally friendly engine, does gymnastics, rollerblades and enjoys roller hockey. Wears jeans, sneakers and sports jackets. Paige, on the other hand, is a huge roller hockey fanatic and lives just as modestly as her partner. Apart from his not very large three-room apartment, he has a great sense of humor, and it was he who created the famous company slogans: “You can be serious without a suit” and “Work should be a challenge, and challenges should be fun.”

By the way, about work. The office in the garage has long been forgotten, and the main office of the corporation is located, naturally, in the very heart of modern science, in Silicon Valley. And here everything is provided in order to make the work of staff easier, lift people’s spirits and thus increase their ability to work. Employees can enjoy sports competitions (primarily the extremely popular Google roller hockey), massage, piano music, free coffee and soft drinks. You can easily run into a dog or cat in the corridors of the building, because everyone is allowed to bring their pets to work. But what is most unusual: everyone is free to use 20% of their working time at their own discretion. If you want, count flies, but if you want, develop your own project. Amazingly, it is precisely these hours that account for the lion’s share of entered Google Inc. innovation!

Few find pairs

Until recently, offensively little was known about the personal life of our tandem. In general, morals in scientific circles are much more restrained than in secular society. And there’s no time for serious people to have affairs, they need to get busy! But suddenly last year unexpected news became known, and then a second, equally sensational one. Each found a life partner: first Sergei, and very soon Larry. Let down our secretive guys... our own favorite brainchild! No matter how hard they tried to keep changes in their personal lives secret, as soon as anyone curious dialed Google « Sergey Brin is getting married"and then the same regarding Larry Page, and all the information is before your eyes!

Computer geniuses found life partners for themselves from their own environment. At the beginning of May 2007, a wedding took place in the Bahamas Sergei Brin With Anne Wojcicki, bioengineer. And they were introduced to Susan, who once rented out a garage for an office. Google Inc. Page did not lag behind his companion for long: in early December of the same year, still in the same Caribbean, he rented an entire island from his friend billionaire Richard Branson to perform a marriage ceremony with Lucy Southworth, a student at her native Stanford University. Looking at these two celebrations, one can once again be amazed at the closeness of destinies, the similarity of characters, preferences and life attitudes of both companions.

Google in numbers

Founders Google occupy 26th place in the list of the richest people on the planet. Everyone’s personal fortune is $17.9 billion. The company’s staff is more than 5,000 people.

The company allocates 1 percent of total profits to charity: the total over 10 years reaches half a billion dollars. Based on the results of the third quarter of 2007 Google showed an increase in revenue by 57% and net profit by 46% ($4.23 billion and $1.07 billion, respectively).

StoryGoogle began in 1996 as a research project by two Stanford students - Larry Page And Sergei Brin. Colleagues and friends at that moment were working on the SDPL project - the Stanford Digital Library. They developed the most convenient, universal digital library, which was supposed to be unified.

The official history of Google as a company began September 4, 1998, when Page and Brin officially registered their creation in their friend Susan Wojcicki's garage in California.

Brief background

In the 2 years since the start of joint activities at Stanford and before the registration of Google Inc. Larry and Sergey have done a lot of work in the IT industry. One more search engine was not enough, a breakthrough was needed, and friends did it.

In 1996, Larry Page was choosing a topic for his dissertation. His choice, on the advice of Professor Terry Winograd, fell on identifying and structuring the influence of external links on a particular resource. This became the prototype of Page Rank (PR), one of the factors thanks to which Google gained leadership in its field.


After Larry decided on a topic for his dissertation, he began a scientific project that went down in history as BackRub. It was at this moment that Sergey Brin joined him.

Page Rank

In March 1996, for the first time, a search engine began indexing pages on the World Wide Web from Larry's home page at Stanford.

In order to better display the results of this indexing, friends developed an algorithm Page Rank, which took into account the authority of the page under study based on the number and quality of external hyperlinks to it from other pages.

The beginning of a unique search engine

Realizing that they were getting better results than other search engines thanks to their algorithm, Page and Brin actually made a revolution in the history of search engines. This is what gave birth to Google, a world-famous company.

At the beginning of its work, the Google search engine was located on the Stanford University website at -

Domain name google. com was registered September 15, 1997. "Googol" is a number equal to one followed by one hundred zeros.

Attitude to advertising

Colleagues did not want to turn their brainchild into a billboard with all sorts of pop-up windows and graphic advertising banners. They even wrote a scientific paper on this topic in 1998.

Until now, Google's interface is the most simple and “easy”, allowing it to load faster in the user's browser. Among the advertisements in search results, you can currently only find text advertisements (contextual advertising based on keywords), which first appeared in the search engine in 2000.

The beginning of the history of Google Inc.

Having received the first funding from Andy Bechtolsteim at the rate of $100,000, Larry Page and Sergey Brin officially registered Google Inc. – the history of the beginning of the number 1 search engine in the world began on September 4, 1998 and continues to this day.

By the end of that year, Google's crawler had indexed more than 60 million pages on the Internet. Its advantage over analogues has become generally recognized. At the peak "dot-com bubble" In the stock market, Google already had a huge lead over its competitors, being a private company.

Sales attempt

In 1999, Larry and Sergei realized that the company had so absorbed them that it was clearly interfering with their studies at the university. It was decided to sell to Google for 1 million dollars. The offer was made George Bell, who runs Excite, but he backed out of the deal.

Public IPO of Google Inc.

One of the significant days in the history of Goggle Inc. became August 19, 2004, when the company entered the NASDAQ stock exchange and became public.

Google offered investors 19,605,052 shares at a price of $85 per share. The shares were sold through an online auction of a unique format, organized by the banks that underwrote the transaction. Morgan Stanley And Credit Suisse.

IPO proceeds of $1.67 billion meant Google's market capitalization was more than $23 billion. The vast majority of the shares remained in the company's control, and many of its employees instantly became millionaire stockholders. Yahoo!, a Google competitor, also benefited because it owned 8.4 million Google shares before the IPO. As of February 2014, the corporation's capitalization amounted to over 400 billion dollars!

In addition to being sold on the American market (NASDAQ stock exchange) under the ticker GOOG, the corporation is sold on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and has the ticker GGQ1 there.

Reorganization at Alphabet

After the Google Reorganization Alphabet in October 2015, all shares of the first were converted into shares of the second. They continue to trade on NASDAQ as GOOGL and GOOG ( class A- GOOGL, - with one vote, and class C- GOOG, - no voting rights).


There are also promotions class B, giving their owners 10 votes. The only holders of this class of shares are Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, as well as the former CEO of the company Eric Schmidt.

Google services and acquisitions

Over its history, Google has acquired many companies, some of which have become the basis of the corporation's modern services. Some of them became Google subsidiaries, and some of them became independent branches.

Here are some of them:

GooglePlanetEarth– a service based on the startup Keyhole, Inc., purchased in 2004, whose product was then called Earth Viewer. The service stores photographs of our planet taken from a satellite.

YouTube– the most popular video hosting and search engine No. 3 in the world, purchased by the corporation in 2006 for $1.65 billion.

GoogleVoice– made on the foundation of the purchased company GrandCentral. The transaction amount, which took place in 2007, was $50 million.

Other popular services and products

Among Google's many developments, the most popular are Gmail(Post service), Google Maps(the most recognized integrated application is Google Maps), GoogleDocs(a worthy cloud replacement for office programs from), browser GoogleChrome with a wonderful bookmark synchronization function, operating system Android for smartphones and many others.

Partnerships and sponsorships

In addition to its own developments and acquisitions of companies for its own needs, Google’s management is always open to cooperation and even sponsorship with other companies in a variety of fields of science and production: ecology, space exploration, medicine, IT, automobile production (), smartphones, etc.

Today, Google, under the wing of Alphabet, is one of the leading companies in the IT industry. The history of Google continues and many more useful services and products from this company may be waiting for us.

Which Google products and services do you like best and why? Write about it in the comments below. If you liked this article, share it on social media. networks with your friends and subscribers.