Resort business: when a week feeds a year. Set of documents for opening a business on the lake in summer income

In the beach TOP, the “1000 Ideas” portal has collected for you unusual ways to make money on seemingly typical beach attributes. These include beach mats, inflatable loungers, umbrellas, women's swimsuits, and even pebbles with used rubber slippers! In a word, those ideas that are literally lying under our feet and waiting in the wings!


In Kenya, a group of artisan artists collects lost flip-flops from vacationers and turns them into rubber souvenirs with a local African flair. You don’t have to go far to find your “catch” - the sea regularly brings torn slippers to the shore. Naturally, worn shoes are only part of what goes into business. Every year, a Kenyan company that makes money on souvenirs made from garbage catches and recycles 400 thousand tons of rubber and plastic from the ocean!


Entrepreneurs from Omsk have created an inflatable sofa mattress, which does not require either a pump or healthy lungs to inflate. “Bevan,” which is the name of the unique product, is simply inflated: it is “stuffed” with air. To do this, you just need to open the “Bevan” on one side, move it back and forth, and after 15 seconds the small bundle will turn into a 2-meter lounger, ready for use. If you want, lie on the beach, if you want, swim along the river or sea, if you want, take it with you on a hike. In a word, the owner is a gentleman. The idea broke the record of the domestic crowdfunding site, collecting 3,890,140 rubles for the start of production.


Quite often on the beach you can encounter a lack of places to change clothes, or even their complete absence. Entrepreneurs from California have found a way out of this situation. At least for women. The dress they designed completely replaces the beach cabin. Outwardly, it looks like an ordinary long floor-length dress. However, the whole secret is in two pockets cut through. Sticking both hands into these cut-out pockets makes it easy to change from underwear to swimsuit and back again.

4. Shark warning app

In Australia there are even sharks on Twitter. They “registered” there, of course, not of their own free will. The fact is that the local surf rescue society is tired of looking at the sea with constant fear. In Western Australia, due to private attacks on people, it was even proposed to exterminate sharks without exception, but thanks to animal rights activists, another solution was found. More than 320 sharks have had geolocation sensors implanted into their fins. When a shark approaches the shore at a distance of a kilometer, a short tweet appears on the Surf Life Saving WA Twitter microblog page. It tells the location of the shark, its breed and size. Interestingly, there are a lot of similar applications today. However, warnings about approaching dangers mainly come not through sensors, but from the users themselves, for example, if we are talking about a flock of jellyfish or a cloud of mosquitoes.


From the endless debate about whether sun tanning is beneficial or not, only one thing is clear. If you can sunbathe, then only in moderation. But how to find this middle ground so that benefit does not turn into harm? Two fashion brands Building Block + Waka Waka decided to help sunbathing lovers by inventing a bag that can tan in the sun. As soon as the bag changes its color to chocolate, the fashionista is given a signal that it is time to get away from the direct sun. We received enough vitamin D.


Why shouldn’t a fabric sun umbrella work simultaneously as a solar panel and an environmentally friendly solar battery that accumulates natural daytime insolation and converts it into electricity? One of the first stores to stock such a unique product was the Hammacher Schlemmer gadget store in New York. In 2013, such an umbrella, capable of charging smartphones, cost almost $500.

7. Drawings on pebbles with acrylic paint

Residents of seaside resorts know very well that a cool souvenir can be made from anything. Even the most ordinary pebble stones can be sold for a lot of money if you present them to the buyer in an unusual way. This is what the Italian artist Ernestina Gallina does, for example. She paints amazingly beautiful fairy-tale scenes and animals on round pebbles with acrylic paints.

8. Drinkable sunscreen

Osmosis Skincare's Harmonized H2O sunscreen is not quite ordinary. It does not need to be applied to the skin, but should be taken internally as a medicine. 99% of the idea lies not in the uniqueness of the product as such, but in the unusual marketing ploy and stylish bottle design. For every 60 milliliters of ordinary water, there is only 2 milliliters of sunscreen, which helps as well as regular cream. “Victims of marketing” need to take this dose once every 4 hours.

9. Absorbent swimsuit

This swimsuit shown in the picture can hardly be considered as an idea that can bring in millions. However, some individuals caught up in the “green wave” of environmental craze will clearly like the idea. When placed in the waters of the sea or ocean, The Sponge Suit makes it cleaner. Inside the swimsuit there is a thick layer of carbon filter, which acts as an absorbent. Thus, swimming turns into an exciting garbage collection, as a result of which the swimsuit becomes heavier from 54 grams to 1 kilogram 350 grams.


And one more idea from the series “How you can make big money on banal things”! As the latest, the Portuguese company Vertty decided to use regular beach blankets. Only instead of the usual four corners, the entrepreneurs decided to make ten. And naturally, they began to advertise to everyone how cool, stylish and unusual it was. And sell them for $59 each. To enhance the wow effect, the rugs were equipped with the ability to instantly absorb water and were equipped with a zippered pocket for smartphones.

28.07.2016 11:38:46

Even more interesting

Fitness is an area that is simply buzzing with the number of business ideas and innovations. New formats and startups, apps and exercise equipment, sportswear and gadgets - in this collection we’ll talk about it all.

Selling ice cream on the street is a good business idea for the summer season. In hot weather, almost all people want to enjoy a cold treat. Ice cream is more suitable for this than ever. Consequently, the demand for it is high, but only during the summer season. But during this period you can make a good profit.

  • Step-by-step plan for starting an ice cream business
  • Determining the assortment
  • Sales options
  • Where is the best place to open an ice cream shop?
  • Which equipment to choose?
  • Purchase of raw materials
  • Soft ice cream production technology
  • What documents are needed to open a business?
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • How much can you earn selling ice cream?
  • What is the OKVED code for a business selling ice cream on the street?
  • Which tax system to choose
  • Do I need permission?

Step-by-step plan for starting an ice cream business

Determining the assortment

If an entrepreneur is going to open an ice cream shop, he needs to decide on its type. It could be as follows:

  • Packaged– it is already packaged at the factory, and the businessman can only purchase goods from suppliers and sell them. There is a lot of competition in the sale of this type of product, since there are many outlets on the street, and almost every grocery store has an ice cream refrigerator.
  • Soft ice cream– it is produced independently by the entrepreneur. In this regard, expensive equipment is required - a freezer, which will cost 50 thousand rubles. (average). In addition, the owner will have to spend money on the raw materials used to make products of this kind.

Enterprising businessmen combine two types of business organization and sell two types of ice cream at the same time, increasing the number of potential customers.

Sales options

In order to do so, you need to decide on the type of implementation. There are several options for organizing a business, each of which has its own characteristics.

The hardest thing is to organize the sale of soft ice cream in a van. To open a point and sell goods, you need at least a year to complete all the documents.

Selling ice cream on the street under an umbrella

This method of selling products requires the least cost. All costs include the purchase of a refrigerator and goods. An entrepreneur can even save on equipment by borrowing it free of charge from the supplier.

Selling goods from a van

This method has been practiced abroad for a long time. In our country, the sale of ice cream on wheels is not yet widespread. The big advantage of this method is mobility. The entrepreneur will not need to look for a suitable place to sell the goods; he will be able to move around the city and stop in busy areas where there are many potential customers.

Where is the best place to open an ice cream shop?

Undoubtedly, this type of business should be located only in crowded places. Profit will depend on the traffic. The most suitable places:

  • central Street
  • playground
  • embankment

Do not forget that the refrigeration unit runs on electricity, so there must be a power source nearby. Typically, entrepreneurs turn to nearby stores for electricity, paying a certain amount.

If there are no such retail outlets nearby, then you can buy a scooter. A special battery that generates electricity to operate the freezer is connected to the scooter’s motor and operates using its power.

At night, the refrigerator must be guarded. Therefore, you can load it into a gazelle every day and take it to a storage location. But it will come at a cost. Another option is to discuss the issue of equipment security with the owner of a nearby store.

Which equipment to choose?

To open an ice cream shop, you need to purchase the following equipment:

  • refrigerator on wheels
  • refrigeration transport trolley
  • sun umbrella
  • sitting
  • cash register (optional)

This list needs to be included in the plan if the businessman is going to sell goods from the chest freezer.

Sometimes suppliers provide their own refrigerators for temporary use. In return, businessmen must comply with conditions, such as selling products only from suppliers who provide refrigeration equipment. This option has a big disadvantage - high prices for the goods. Even bulk purchases will be more expensive than other suppliers that do not provide storage devices. As a result, the entrepreneur's profit will decrease significantly.

Therefore, it is better to buy a used refrigerator. At the same time, the costs of organizing a business will be lower. When purchasing it, you should pay attention to the level of power consumption. It is better to choose GELs with category A, as they consume no more than 2 kW per day.

A cart for transporting the freezer is needed in any case, since the wheels on the refrigerator should not be used every day.

If an entrepreneur sells soft ice cream, he will need:

  • freezer
  • spoons
  • raw materials for production
  • gloves
  • cones or cups
  • cash register (optional)

To organize this kind of business, additional costs will be required, since a freezer, equipment for making soft ice cream, costs from 50 thousand rubles.

Purchase of raw materials

To sell a product, it must be purchased from a supplier. To conclude a supply agreement, the following documents are required:

  • appointment of a general director
  • certificate (copy) of
  • tax registration number
  • rental agreement (on request)

The goods are delivered no later than three days (working days) after the execution and signing of the contract.

Soft ice cream production technology

An ice cream business can bring in impressive income, especially if you sell it in soft form (soft ice cream), which is made using your own equipment (freezer).

What documents are needed to open a business?

Opening a retail outlet requires certain licenses and permits. For a business to operate legally, you need to complete the following steps:

  1. Obtain permission from the SES to carry out activities if the entrepreneur is engaged in the production and sale of soft ice cream. When selling packaged goods, a permit is not required.
  2. Purchase a certificate for equipment and soft ice cream.
  3. Discuss the location of the outlet with zoning officials to ensure the product can be sold legally in the specific location. In the case where products are sold from a van, such permission is not required.
  4. Obtain a medical certificate (for those who will sell the product).
  5. Visit Rospotrebnadzor and coordinate the trade.

How much money do you need to start a business?

To organize a business selling ice cream using a chest freezer you will need. Let's take a closer look at the main costs.

Of course, the amount may vary depending on the city in which the point is opened, the condition of the equipment and the conditions of the suppliers.

Subsequently there will be monthly expenses.

When producing soft frosted food, costs will increase significantly. One freezer costs at least 50 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn selling ice cream?

If it's hot outside, you can sell at least 200 packages of ice cream from your chest freezer. One unit of goods costs about 10 rubles from the supplier. And an entrepreneur can sell it for 30 rubles. Thus, a business can bring in approximately 6 thousand rubles. daily. This turns out to be about 180 thousand rubles per month. Net profit – 68 thousand rubles. As a result, all initial costs can be recouped within a month.

With a mobile point, things are different. Initial costs will be higher. Therefore, this method is chosen less often.

Selling ice cream is a profitable business, despite high competition. Every summer there is a great demand for ice cream; there is no end to customers in hot weather. If you don’t want to relax in the summer, but to earn money, then this business is perfect for that.

If you want to earn money constantly or have passive income, then we can offer you an alternative. Start investing in various assets. You can get all the informationour selection of free materials.

What is the OKVED code for a business selling ice cream on the street?

After the latest changes in the all-Russian classifier of activities, the sale of ice cream on the street fell into the category of OKVED 47.11.

Which tax system to choose

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a business entity must, within 3 days after registration, write and submit to the Federal Tax Service an application for choosing a taxation regime. If you do not do this, you will have to pay taxes on a general basis. Experienced entrepreneurs recommend choosing the simplified tax system for a business selling ice cream on the street. The presented tax regime does not have a serious negative impact on the financial position of the company, and allows you not to pay taxes if you have suspended your activities, which is very important for seasonal business.

Do I need permission?

In order to sell ice cream on the street, you need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and the local administration to place retail facilities. The business organizer does not need to obtain any additional licenses.

If you want to start trading and are considering other options along with ice cream, try selling through message boards, for example, Avito. Find out aboutstable income on message boardsand think that you are better off selling.

The first warm days have already begun to delight Russians, which means that the long-awaited vacation is just around the corner. The warm sea, sand and cool drinks attract people, making them forget about work and everyday problems.

Some choose foreign resorts with a five-star hotel, others buy a train ticket to visit domestic beaches and sanatoriums. But both are united by the feeling of having a good rest, carefree spending the money earned during the year. That is why residents of resort towns are rubbing their palms with anticipation, because they will make good money from renting housing, trading and beach activities.

Business on the beach is considered the simplest and most profitable way to make money at the resort; every year it brings its owners many thousands of profits in just three to four months. Beach business is considered one of the most profitable and highly profitable.

Earnings from beach activities are seasonal, usually lasting from three to four months a year. But, despite such a short period of time, an organized business on the beach can bring profit, which will make it possible to live carefree for the remaining year or open a new business. In addition, these three to four months of working days will be spent on the beach, near the warm sea, so it is difficult to imagine a more pleasant working atmosphere.

Where to begin?

First you need to decide on the type of beach business. Typically, all options for a successful beach business are divided into several types:

  • Without large capital investments. A type of business that does not require significant initial investment from the owner.
  • With significant investment. This category of business will require owners to spend money on expensive equipment, repairs and furnishings.

Experienced entrepreneurs claim that to open a small business on the beach you will need only five hundred to seven hundred dollars. Anyone can find these funds without much difficulty. For example, selling seeds, dried fish, and corn will require “pennies,” and the profit will cover all expenses tenfold.

In order to start offering your services and goods on the beach, it is not even necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, but if you are a law-abiding citizen, then you can go through this procedure.

Whether you will need to rent a place on the beach or you will be a free wanderer with a bag of groceries on your shoulder depends on the type of business you choose.

Cons of a beach business

Opening a business on the beach is a very promising path in business, but it also has its drawbacks.

  • Working on the beach is very grueling. Not every person can stay under the scorching sun all day, and it is unprofitable to trust the business to a hired employee. Often the staff hides part of the proceeds from the owner or even runs away with it.
  • SES workers will monitor your business very closely, waiting for the moment when you can be fined. As already mentioned, many beach businessmen work without permission, because obtaining these documents incurs large costs.

Types of business

Now let's give some ideas for a beach business that will bring long-awaited profits to the owner.

Providing comfort

Russians are already accustomed to relaxing in comfort; no one goes to the beach anymore with a towel on which to sunbathe. Everyone wants to grab a sun lounger and an umbrella for a comfortable stay. Therefore, renting umbrellas and sun loungers is the most popular beach business. The costs of purchasing equipment are recouped for the owners already in the first days of the season, and then bring a stable profit until closing.

People are already accustomed to paying for comfort, so renting sun loungers and umbrellas is a profitable business.

Dry toilets, showers and changing cabins are the next point of comfortable relaxation. People don’t mind paying twenty to thirty rubles for the convenience that the owner of this type of business offers them. After all, for one person this is a trifle, but if you count the number of daily visitors, it turns out that this type of income is very promising.

Beach visitors are willing to pay even for the comfort of changing into swimsuits and swimming trunks.


The most popular beach business is the opening of attractions. Entertainment, both on land and on water, is in constant demand among beach visitors. Of course, this type of business will require investment, but it will more than pay off for its owner.

The most popular attractions on the beach are:

All these types of attractions bring joy and fun to the customers, which is the main goal of this business. The main expenses are the costs of purchasing attraction equipment, renting and registering a business in all instances: SES, tax, state inspection for small vessels. But all these little things will be justified by the profit received from renting attractions.

Renting three to four jet skis brings owners a decent daily income.

Remember: The entrepreneur must pass a test on his knowledge of the rules for organizing recreation on the water in a shipping company.

The total amount of investment for this type of business is three hundred to four hundred thousand rubles, depending on the quality of the purchased equipment. For example, a rubber water zorb costs twenty thousand rubles; in order to make a good profit, you need to purchase 4-5 balls. An above-ground trampoline, depending on its size, costs from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles, but costs can be reduced if the trampoline is rented. A water scooter costs from forty thousand rubles; for full operation you will need to purchase 3-4 of these scooters.

Sliding down a water slide is great fun for both adults and children.

Rent for the occupied space will cost from 15 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the attraction. The salary of employees who instruct clients and collect money is 18-20 thousand rubles. But it is possible to save on this if the entrepreneur himself does it.

Sale of gifts and souvenirs

Any person who comes on vacation to the sea will definitely buy a souvenir as a keepsake, as well as gifts for their family and friends. Unique souvenirs that are difficult to find in your hometown are especially popular. Often these souvenirs are figurines made of shells, bracelets made of sea stones, talismans, and wicker items.

In order to sell these products, you will need to find suppliers, who are local craftsmen, and also rent a place on the beach. The markup on such a product averages from one hundred to three hundred percent, so this type of business is considered very profitable.

Every person strives to bring a memorable souvenir from the resort.

Sale of ice cream and draft kvass

Ice cream and kvass are the most popular products on the beach. The queues near ice cream stalls and kvass stalls do not decrease from morning to evening. Therefore, this beach business option attracts many entrepreneurs.

The starting investment for opening a point selling ice cream and kvass is approximately the same and amounts to about one hundred thousand rubles. Typically, sales points do not take up much space on the beach, so rent will not exceed thirty thousand per month.

Draft kvass and ice cream help to escape the heat, so selling this product on the beach is never a problem.

Beach store

A store with swim accessories is another type of highly profitable beach business. Vacationers are undoubtedly ready to spend money on purchasing inflatable rings, balls, suntan creams and lotions, diving maxis, towels, swimsuits, and swimming trunks. In addition to sales, it is also possible to rent equipment - surfboards, balls, circles and even boats.

Every year, enterprising businessmen find new types of services to entertain vacationers, however, there is enough profit for everyone. Therefore, if you are choosing where to start your business journey, then stop at beach entrepreneurship. Because more than sixty percent of people doing business on the beach pay off their business and make a stable profit throughout the season.

How much money can you make from the heat?

When the thermometer is plus 30, the townspeople have only one thing on their mind: how to cool down. Ice cream, beer, mineral water instantly fly away. People don't even ask about the price. There are rumors that beach vendors make crazy money these days. The KP correspondent decided to verify this personally.

Electric trains were bombarded with ice cream

I first tried to earn extra money in the summer to buy a new sundress when I was 15 years old. My friend and I bought a box of ice cream in waffle cups and went to sell on trains. Only a few carriages managed to get through. Several merchants were already waiting for us in one of the vestibules. At the selection mat, they explained to us that electric trains are a special territory, here everything is paid for, and we should roll up the reels before they pile up. But we were girls with a temper, and the business seemed very profitable.

We got off this train and moved to neighboring tracks. But even there, in the first vestibule, we were again surrounded by competitors. Someone tried to take the box, but we screamed: “We’re underage, we don’t have enough to buy tights!” We'll call the police!" Then they left us ice cream, but, shaking their fists, told us to go home.

By that time our ice cream was actively melting. Out of thirty glasses, only six were bought from us. True, in about ten minutes. Sitting down on a bench on the platform, we devoured cups and looked with envy at the clever traders whose hands were dirty not with ice cream, but exclusively with money. We fit in five servings. We began to offer the leftovers free of charge to passengers hurrying to catch the train. But they, looking at the leaking glasses, passed by. Then we climbed onto the pedestrian bridge with the box and, out of anger, began throwing melting cups into the roofs of the trains leaving the station. Surprisingly, no one hit us in the neck for this, or even made any special comments. We were not traders. Not only did we not earn money, but we didn’t even get back the money we paid for the box of ice cream.

Profit per hour - 680 rubles

This time I decided that I needed to push beer, mineral water and soda to people. If I don’t sell it, at least I’ll save my work colleagues from thirst. Since no one would contact me at a wholesale warehouse for 15 bottles, I went to Auchan early in the morning, where prices are lower than on the streets. There I bought several different cans of beer for an average of 15 rubles each, mineral water without gas for 8 rubles, with gas for 13 rubles. 50 kopecks, Coca-Cola and Sprite for 11.60. In total, we got 15 bottles for 185 rubles. I decided that I simply wouldn’t carry it anymore. With all this wealth, I went to one of the beaches of Serebryany Bor.

First, I found out the prices of competitors. In cafes, beer was sold for 50 rubles, mineral water for 40, and cola for 30 rubles. I decided to dump. I ordered beer for 40 rubles, and everything else for 30. At the same time, I more than doubled the prices. And if I had bought drinks at a wholesale warehouse, the markup allowed on the beach would have been triple.

The first five minutes brought me one frustration. They didn't want to buy anything from me. Most vacationers already had drinks, which, however, was not surprising: the nearest cafe was 300 meters away.

But as soon as I moved a little further, business took off. Two young men immediately bought four cans of beer from me. The girls then bought two cans of cola. Then a guy ran up to get a mineral water, and mother and daughter each picked out a can of Sprite. I took care of the delivery in advance, so the sale took very little time. In half an hour I sold 10 bottles, earning 340 rubles. Apart from cafes and shops, I had no competitors on the beach. I turned out to be the only merchant who delivered soft drinks directly to the water. So I don't want to work. Just have time to bring new cans. At the same time, every now and then I had to apologize to vacationers who wanted beer. This drink was the first to disappear from me, and young people did not agree to an alternative in the form of Coca-Cola and Sprite.

Trading on the beach turned out to be a real pleasure: relaxed, cheerful people, fresh air, sand under your feet. The only negative is that you have to walk in the sun with a heavy bag. But this, one might say, is the cost of the profession. But what profits! If only I could earn so much sitting in an office! An hour - 680 rubles, eight hours - and already 5440 rubles! And in a week at this rate, more than a thousand dollars will come up!

Strangers don't come here

For comparison, I still tried trading on trains again. To sell the remaining five bottles of drinks, I went to the Belorussky railway station. Trading on commuter trains was still difficult. You need to constantly run from car to car, climb across the bridge with your burden to other platforms, and monitor the departure time of the train. People are storming the carriages, all angry and tired, and here you come with your soda.

As it turned out, prices on trains are much less expensive than on the beaches. Beer here sells on average for 35 rubles, not 50, mineral water and soda for 25 rubles. So I had to immediately reduce my prices. In 15 minutes they bought three bottles of soda from me. But beer, like on the beach, was asked more than once.

Everything would be fine, but I just constantly had to hide from competitors who walked along the cars one after another. I constantly got under the feet of one tradeswoman and tried to be the first to run around the carriage. 15 minutes later we met on the platform. The woman, oddly enough, did not immediately rush to beat me, but only angrily turned away. To improve her mood, I admitted that I was just a meticulous correspondent. The woman, her name was Lena, sighed with relief.

“We’re all each other’s enemies here,” she remarked. “We don’t need extra people.”

Lena said that she works for herself, although many work for the owner. Like me, she sold drinks. Since you can’t bring many bottles to the station on your hump, she buys drinks in a tent on the platform, raising prices by only 10 rubles. It works from 16 to 22 hours. At this time, most people buy beer on trains - this is the most profitable drink. In six hours she manages to earn at least 500 rubles.

“It’s difficult for strangers to get through here.” Everyone mostly brings friends and acquaintances,” says Lena. — The owners are recruiting new people before the start of the summer season. Now there are no free places.

Lena has been trading at the Belorussky railway station for seven years. Her retired father was the first to come here to work part-time, then her mother joined in. At first, as Lena says, there were problems. Parents were chased and pushed while they interacted with customers. But then they were still accepted into their ranks. Over the years, Lena has also become so at home that she even manages not to give bribes to the police. Most traders are forced to buy a “permit” to trade from the police for 300 rubles a week.

Ice cream sellers work mainly for the owner. The goods are picked up at the station, in a small warehouse. That's why their ice cream doesn't melt. According to Lena, working for the owner is calmer, there is a feeling of “roof”, but everyone’s earnings are approximately the same. As soon as the heat subsides, sellers switch to selling nuts, chips and chocolate. So the income of traders on electric trains is stable all year round. Any commercial enterprise would be envious.

P.S. I returned to the editorial office that day barely alive. Despite the fact that I had been trading for only a short time, my back was aching, my eyes were blurry, and I was constantly counting the money in my head. I earned 465 rubles from the 15 bottles I sold. Of these, 280 rubles are net profit. My initial feeling that sellers of “cool goods” are shamelessly raising prices and it’s time to bring them to clean water has given way to the opposite. At the end of the day, I understood why sellers will never agree to smaller trade markups and, accordingly, smaller profits. It’s too unenviable, believe me, they have a job.

Due to the fact that at seaside resorts it is possible to make a considerable markup on goods and food products, the trading option is one of the most common.

Selling ice cream is a great way to make money for beginning businessmen. All you need to do is buy a good thermal bag and find reliable ice cream suppliers. Another option is to open your own point with a refrigerator or a vending machine right on the beach (but this will require renting space and equipment).

In a similar way, you can sell other products - these could be snacks, sandwiches, sparkling water, pizza. Drinks, especially beer and kvass, are in high demand during the beach season. Opening a point selling them is a profitable type of business that will allow you to earn decent money.

It is important to note: in order to start trading food and drinks at sea, you must obtain the appropriate permits. It is worth placing the point in the most crowded places on the coast.

The goods can also be:

  • souvenirs (amulets, dishes, magnets, shells);
  • beach products (mats, towels, mattresses, swimsuits, beachwear);
  • goods for children (toys).

Entertainment industry

You can’t live without entertainment at sea, so why not take advantage of it? A promising direction, both in Crimea and in any other maritime region (Krasnodar Territory, Odessa), is still the organization of sea attractions (“banana”, “tablets”, ATVs, inflatable slides). Here you will not only have to rent high-quality equipment, but also provide professional instruction to clients, buy or rent life jackets.

Organizing excursions, romantic walks by the sea, and bus tours requires larger financial investments, but it also pays off very quickly. If you have experience in organizing tours and trips, you can do it yourself; beginners can start by selling tickets to events on the beach.

For many vacationers, the question of what to do at sea in the evening is important. Therefore, organizing a foam party or disco on the beach is a great opportunity to make money. You can rent a dance floor in a cafe or restaurant located in a crowded place. As a rule, the owners of such establishments meet the organizers halfway. For a foam party you will need a special device - a generator. It can also be rented.


The service sector on the sea coast is represented by the following options:

  • organization of children's leisure: drawing on T-shirts, games, competitions for kids, master classes on weaving bracelets. Most parents will happily pay for you to keep their child occupied for a while. Additionally, you can sell toys or sweets;
  • beauty and health. Massage on the seashore, braiding, temporary henna tattoos, manicure and pedicure are an ideal business option for creative people;
  • sport. This includes organizing group water aerobics or dancing classes, diving training, yoga classes;
  • organization of photo sessions. If you have a camera and professional photography experience, this option will be an excellent source of income. You need to prepare your portfolio in advance and come up with ideas for photos. Many newlyweds go on a honeymoon to the sea and will happily take part in a photo shoot on the seashore.

Logistics and rental

In summer, not all tourists like to walk in the heat. You can take advantage of this - just rent a small (preferably open) car and offer the services of a comfortable taxi.

It is not necessary to work as a driver - you can also organize bicycle or car rental. To do this, you need to organize a point in a favorable location, rent vehicles and install a large sign.

You can also rent out boats, catamarans, sea motorcycles, speedboats (this option requires a large initial investment).

Thus, business at sea is represented by a wide range of options available to everyone. In just one working season you can earn a large sum of money - the main thing is to choose exactly the area that is closest to you.