Biography. Kerimov Suleiman Abusaidovich

Suleiman Kerimov is one of the “old-timers” of the domestic Forbes rating. For many years he has been not only one of the richest businessmen in Russia, but also the richest member of the Upper House of the Russian Federation Parliament, in which he has represented his native republic of Dagestan for many years. Suleiman Kerimov is not only a major businessman and successful investor, but also an influential political and government figure with many years of experience and experience.

  • FULL NAME: Kerimov Suleiman Abusaidovich
  • Date of Birth: March 12, 1966
  • Education: Dagestan State University, Faculty of Economics (graduated in 1989)
  • Starting a business: 1993
  • Type of activity at start: Bank "Fedprombank"
  • Current activity: Member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the Republic of Dagestan
  • Current status (2017):$6.3 billion

Suleiman Kerimov enjoys well-deserved authority in his native Dagestan, which he has represented in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation for many years. At the same time, he managed to build his own business empire, which included large assets in Russia and abroad. Serious life shocks, such as a terrible car accident and the loss of almost his entire fortune in the 2008 crisis, did not break this strong man. He not only returned to big business, but also regained his leading position in the ranking of the country's richest businessmen.

Dagestan is the small homeland of the Russian oligarch

Suleiman, a Lezgin by nationality, was born on March 12, 1966 in sunny Derbent, into an intelligent family of a lawyer and accountant. A short biography of Suleiman Kerimov begins with a story similar to many destinies of that time.

The future billionaire spent his Soviet childhood and youth in his native Caucasus. He graduated from school with honors, gave his military duty to his homeland, served in the army, and graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Dagestan State University in 1989.

The young man was seriously interested in weightlifting and wrestling and achieved notable success in this field. The career of the young economist also began quite successfully.

Figure 1. Mathematics and sports are Kerimov’s childhood hobbies.

In the Caucasus, tribal and clan support is traditionally strong. Thanks to a successful marriage and the patronage of his influential father-in-law, Kerimov began his career at the Eltav plant, which produces electronic equipment.

The purposeful young man quickly rose through the ranks from economist to assistant general director. In 1993, Suleiman Kerimov was sent to represent the interests of shareholders in the newly established Fedprombank. Kerimov moved to Moscow. From that moment on, a new round began in the biography of Suleiman Kerimov, his ascent to the financial and political Olympus.

By the way, Suleiman Kerimov’s older brother and sister are representatives of the classic professions of doctor and teacher and have never had anything to do with big business.

Features of business and sources of personal wealth

Soon Kerimov became the head of Fedprombank, and then headed the Soyuz-Finance company. He gained invaluable experience dealing with operations in financial markets, as well as lending to enterprises in leading industrial sectors experiencing financial difficulties during the crisis.

After overcoming economic problems with the help of additional financing, the enterprises returned the loans to the bank with a large marginal return for the lending institution and for Kerimov personally. Probably, it was at this time that an equally successful investor awakened in an intelligent and successful economist.

The basis of Kerimov’s business was transactions for the acquisition of stakes in enterprises of the most promising and profitable industries, and his personal fortune grew through successful purchase and sale transactions of various assets.

The oligarch’s first and main acquisition was the Nafta-Moscow company, which still remains Kerimov’s main business structure. He quickly increased his share in the company to 100% and became its sole owner. Initially, Nafta-Moscow was engaged in oil transportation, but soon reduced this activity to a minimum and turned into a full-fledged investment company.

The main features inherent in the business of Suleiman Kerimov: commitment to first-tier assets (oil, gold mining, telecommunications and development), creation of profitable enterprises and the ability to resolve business issues with government agencies.

Figure 2. Kerimov always managed to resolve issues with banks (pictured with VTB President Andrei Kostin).

Kerimov’s first major income came from transactions involving the purchase of shares in Gazprom and Sberbank using loan money specially raised for this purpose. The favorable situation in the financial market made it possible to quickly repay loans and remove large margins from transactions.

Table 1. A number of successful transactions by Suleiman Kerimov

Name of asset (purchase)

1 "Polymetal". A controlling stake was acquired in 2005, and an IPO was held on the London Stock Exchange in 2007 in the amount of $2.44 billion.

In 2008, 70% (the entire stake) of shares was sold to Alexander Nesis (IST Group), Alexander Mamut and Peter Kellner (PPF)

2 City of millionaires “Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye” - development project (2003-2008)

The project was sold to Mikhail Shishkhanov (Bin Bank)

3 The five-star Four Seasons Hotel was created in 2009 on the basis of the Moscow Hotel

In 2015, the hotel was sold to Belarusian entrepreneurs Khotin

4 Mosteleseti was created in 2005, and the National Telecommunications holding was created in 2007.

In 2008, the asset was sold to Yuri Kovalchuk for $1.5 billion

5 PIK Group of Companies is the largest developer in Russia; in 2009, almost 40% of the shares were acquired. At the time of purchase, the group’s capitalization was $279 million, by 2013 - $1.42 billion

In 2013, a stake in shares was sold to Alexander Mamut and Sergei Gordeev

6 Uralkali is the world's largest producer of potash fertilizers, acquired in 2010

The company's shares were sold in 2013 to Mikhail Prokhorov and Dmitry Mazepin

Suleiman Kerimov has long been firmly among the richest businessmen in the country, although the size of his fortune periodically underwent significant fluctuations.

Source: Forbes

So, in 2008, a real disaster happened in the oligarch’s financial empire. But it was preceded by an even more terrible event that happened in sunny France.

Two disasters: life before and after

This news instantly spread throughout the world. In 2006, a terrible accident occurred in Nice. An elite Ferrari car crashed into a tree at high speed. Russian billionaire Suleiman Kerimov was driving. The collision was so strong that the car could not be restored after the accident.

Figure 3. The Ferrari was sent to the scrapyard after the accident.

The oligarch’s life was saved by the impeccable security system of the expensive foreign car. But, unfortunately, a fire broke out in the cabin and the fire instantly spread to the driver. Eyewitnesses said that Kerimov was literally engulfed in flames when he got out of the car and tried to put out the flames on his own. Suleiman Abusaidovich was urgently taken to the clinic. He was saved. But there was a long treatment and recovery ahead. They say that the consequences of the accident still affect the oligarch’s health.

Reference. Kerimov’s companion on that fateful trip was the famous Russian TV personality Tina Kandelaki, who surprisingly was practically unharmed.

Despite the terrible consequences of the terrible accident, Suleiman Kerimov did not let go of managing his business empire for a minute. By that time, he had transferred almost all of his assets abroad and was making grandiose plans to expand investments in foreign companies. Not only built, but also actively implemented.

Although there is practically no open information on the amount of money he placed at that time, one can imagine the scale of the operation if Kerimov was named the largest private investor in Morgan Stanley.

The oligarch believed so much in the success of his endeavors that, despite the alarming news from the world's largest exchanges and the steady decline in stock prices, he continued to buy securities of large enterprises. But this time, Kerimov’s impeccable business sense failed him. The global financial market collapsed, burying about 20 billion dollars of Kerimov under the ruins.

Many experts even assumed the end of the success story of Suleiman Kerimov after such losses. But it was not for nothing that Suleiman Abusaidovich earned the reputation of a strong and smart player. Big business carries with it big risks. And to be able to survive a loss or collapse with dignity is a quality inherent in large-scale personalities. The battle was lost, but not the war. Kerimov continued his business, slightly adjusting his strategy. He now sought to acquire operational control of his assets.

It is noteworthy that Kerimov was able to triumphantly return to the top of the Forbes ranking within just a couple of years.

Today he has managed to practically enter the top twenty richest businessmen in Russia. Over the past year, Kerimov's fortune has grown by more than 200%. The oligarch is gradually transferring his assets to his son Said, including Polyus Gold and the airport in Makhachkala, increasingly focusing on social activities and charity.

Political career

Kerimov is not only a successful businessman who knows how to survive falls with dignity and take off again. The uniqueness of his personality lies in the fact that he has been a political centenarian for a long time, and of the highest level.

Suleiman Abusaidovich - deputy of the State Duma of 2 convocations (1999-2003, 2004-2007) from the Liberal Democratic Party. From 2008 to this day, Kerimov has represented his native Dagestan in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

Of course, Kerimov formally transferred the management of business assets to a foundation named after himself, having entered the public service. But in fact he continued to control and influence the processes in his structures. Moreover, as time has shown, he successfully combines all areas of his varied activities.

Strong family and beautiful personal life

Suleiman met his wife Firuza in his youth. Over their long life together, they raised three children, who are currently continuing their father’s work. The oligarch's wife has always been a reliable support and loyal friend for him. Firuza Kerimova is a non-public figure, but, in addition to maintaining a home and raising children, she takes part in her husband’s charitable activities, especially in Dagestan.

As for any Caucasian, family is sacred for Kerimov. His marriage is strong and indestructible, although attempts to destroy it were still made by other women. For the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that Suleiman Abusaidovich himself gave reason for such attempts, being a connoisseur and lover of beautiful women.

But his relationships outside the family cannot be called adventures in the vulgar sense of the word. Firstly, like a true Caucasian, Kerimov knows how to court women romantically and on a grand scale. Secondly, some of the most famous and beautiful women in the country were next to him. Thirdly, he never really hid his romantic relationships from the public, which, as we know, greatly reduces their interest in such stories.

The oligarch's friends at various times were singer Natalya Vetlitskaya, scandalous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, Tina Kandelaki already mentioned in the article, and actress Olesya Sudzilovskaya. Each story is reminiscent of a fairy tale about a handsome prince, although with the same ending: the prince ends the relationship and remains with his family. Apartments, planes, jewelry and boutiques remain as souvenirs for the beautiful girl.

Currently he is a member of the Federation Council from the Republic of Dagestan. In the past, he was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation, a member of the United Russia faction. Owns the Nafta-Moscow company.

In 2000, Nafta-Moscow acquired the company Varyeganneftegaz, and in 2001 Kerimov acquired a stake in the business of Andrei Andreev, which consisted of several companies at once: Ingosstrakh-Russia (currently Rossiya), Avtobank (in 2006 year, which became part of the Uralsib corporation), Ingosstrakh-Soyuz (currently Soyuz), Ingosstrakh, Nosta and many others. At the same time, Kerimov’s company, which was once one of the largest oil traders in Russia, gradually moved away from its core activities, practically ceasing to be involved in oil trading in 2002.

On December 7, 2003, Kerimov was once again elected to the State Duma, coming to the Duma of the fourth convocation on the federal list from the Liberal Democratic Party. Kerimov was included in the Security Committee and was also appointed Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture and Sports.

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In 2003-2004, Nafta began purchasing land in the Moscow region on Novorizhskoye Highway. It was planned to build 2.7 million square meters of entertainment complexes and luxury housing on this territory. The project was called “Private city of Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye” and cost about 3 billion dollars. In 2006, it already occupied more than 430 hectares of land.

In 2005, Kerimov received the Golden Order award from the International Federation of United Wrestling Styles. Rafael Martinetti, the president of this company, wished to personally present the award to the deputy in order to “express gratitude and respect to the person who supports the struggle in Russia and throughout the world” (in 2005, Kerimov’s company “Nafta-Moscow” became the general sponsor of the Russian national freestyle team fight).

In 2005, Kerimov acquired the second largest Russian gold mining company, Politmetal, for about $900 million. In the future, it was planned to place about 25% of the company's shares on the stock exchange. In 2006, the businessman decides to turn Nafta-Moscow into a full-fledged investment company, which becomes the leading private equity fund.

According to official data, in 2006 Nafta owned 6 percent of Sberbank shares (that is, about $1.5 billion at current prices) and 4 percent of Gazprom shares ($10.4 billion). In addition, Nafta owned cable television operators in St. Petersburg and Moscow Mosteleset and National Cable Networks, about 20 percent of the shares of Bin Bank, 91 percent of the shares of the Krasnopresnensky Sugar Refinery Plant, 2 percent of the shares of OJSC MGTS, 50 percent of the shares of the supermarket chain "Mercado".

During this period, resale transactions became a kind of “strong hobby” of Kerimov. In 2006, Nafta became a co-owner of Mosstroyekonombank, gained control over the Razvitie SEC, and also received a 17% stake in the Mospromstroy holding. However, Nafta does not retain any of the above acquisitions: the Bean group bought out Mosstroyekonombank and Mospromstroy, and Razvitie transferred to Deripaska’s Basic Element.

In 2006, Kerimov became the head of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Wrestling Federation. Long-term interaction with large national business structures and government sports authorities has become crucial.

Very soon after this, information appeared in the media that Kerimov would most likely acquire the Dynamo football club, since the owner of this club, Alexey Fedorychev, wanted to give up running a sports business in Russia. The basis for this assumption was Kerimov’s repeated desire to start a football business.

In 2004, representatives of the Nafta-Moscow company conducted negotiations regarding the purchase of a controlling stake in the Italian Roma, but the deal did not take place. A little later, an agreement was practically concluded between Kerimov and the government of the Moscow region on financing the Saturn football club (the deal fell through at the very last moment). In 2005, Nafta-Moscow became one of the sponsors of the Russian Football Union.

In July, Kerimov, together with Abramovich and Deripaska, acquired a stake in Rosneft, and in August 2006, information appeared in the media about Nafta-Moskva’s intention to buy out the debts of the Yukos Oil Company (on August 1, the Moscow Arbitration Court declared the company bankrupt, so any an investor who wanted to pay her debts effectively gained control of her assets). There were rumors that Kerimov was negotiating with YUKOS President Stephen Theede about implementing such an idea, but the Nafta press service officially denied such reports.

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In November 2006, information appeared about Kerimov’s desire to start a separate business in Moscow. On November 21, 2006, the Moscow government and Nafta announced the creation of OJSC United Hotel Company, whose authorized capital was $2 billion. Shares of more than 20 hotels on the city’s balance sheet (Metropol, Balchug, Radisson-Slavyanskaya, National) were transferred here.

On November 25, 2006, in Nice, Kerimov was involved in a car accident. As the Nice Matin newspaper reported, Kerimov's car, in which he was traveling with Tina Kandelaki, crashed into a tree and caught fire. The deputy was taken to the Hospital de la Timone in Marseille with serious burns. As eyewitnesses of the incident said, Kerimov was able to get out of the car on his own. His companion suffered less: after undergoing all the necessary examinations at the Saint-Roch hospital, she was discharged as soon as possible.

Scandal with Kerimov:

Sources from Kerimov’s circle made an official statement that the businessman’s life was not in danger. However, an employee in the management of the hospital de la Timone told about a slightly different state of affairs. The deputy, according to him, is in a coma and connected to a ventilator. He also added that the businessman is “stable and under medical supervision.” In addition, it became known that Kerimov, along with numerous burns, received a traumatic brain injury.

According to the initial opinion of the investigation, Kerimov, who was driving the car, lost control. This version was based on the fact that the speed limit on the embankment was only 70 kilometers per hour. Due to an attempt to overtake, Kerimov's car (Ferrari Enzo, worth 675 thousand euros) collided with the sidewalk, after which the car was thrown into a tree, and the fatal blow fell on the gas tank (as a result of which a fire started).

For some time, Tina Kandelaki in every possible way denied her participation in the accident, insisting that she was at home at that time due to illness. But soon the TV presenter admitted that she was with the businessman in his car at the time of the accident. She talked about her illness only because she wanted to hide the fact of her relationship with the deputy. According to Kandelaki, a man suddenly jumped out onto the road in front of the car. Kerimov sharply turned the steering wheel, which was the cause of the accident.

On December 5, 2006, the Belgian newspaper RTL, citing a representative of the Belgian Ministry of Defense, published information that Kerimov was transported to the Queen Astrid Military Hospital in Brussels. The deputy was sent to Belgium on the initiative of Professor Jean-Louis Vincennes from the Erasme hospital.

On January 24, 2007, information appeared about the deputy’s return to Moscow, where he immediately began his work. According to sources close to the management of OJSC GNK (formerly Nafta-Moscow), Kerimov “has almost completely recovered from the accident” and “works on a daily basis and in full.”

On April 6, 2007, information appeared in the media about Kerimov’s voluntary departure from the LDPR faction. The businessman did not justify his decision in any way. And on April 12, 2007, it became known that Kerimov wrote a statement about his desire to join the United Russia faction.

Suleiman Abusaidovich Kerimov Born on March 12, 1966 in Derbent. His father, Abusaid Kerimov, worked in the criminal investigation department, and his mother worked as an accountant in the Sberbank system. His brother is a doctor, and his sister is a teacher of Russian language and literature. In his youth, he was fond of judo and weight lifting, and was repeatedly a champion all kinds of championships. "My Universities" Studying was easy for the future senator; mathematics was of particular interest. In 1983, he graduated with honors from secondary school No. 18 and entered the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. He served in the strategic missile forces. In 1986 - senior sergeant, crew chief demobilized. After service, he entered the Faculty of Economics at DSU. Career The future billionaire started as an ordinary economist at the Eltav plant. In 1993, the plant’s management and partners established a bank and registered it in Moscow. Suleiman was sent to represent their interests in the new Fedprombank. Soon, the banker already had a controlling stake in the credit organization. In 1995, Kerimov was appointed to the post of head of the trade and financial company Soyuz-Finance. 1997 - researcher at the International Institute of Corporations, headed this autonomous non-profit organization as president for two years. Investment projects In 1999, a new stage in his life began - he bought shares in the Nafta-Moscow oil trading company and began to actively engage in investment and resale transactions. A year later, the company made its first purchase - Varieganneftegaz. In November 2005, it acquired 70% of one of the largest gold and silver miners in Russia - Polymetal. A couple of years later, Polymetal was listed on the London Stock Exchange, after which Nafta resold its stake in this holding. In 2003-2008. Nafta developed the Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye project, also known in the press as the “city of millionaires.” In April 2006, she became a co-owner of Mosstroyekonombank, which owns Smolensky Passage, in June she gained control of the Razvitie SEC, which unites three construction companies, and in July she announced that she owns 17% of Mospromstroy. All packages were then also resold. In 2007, the entrepreneur invested in Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and other foreign financial institutions. At the same time, Forbes named him the largest private investor in Morgan Stanley. Among the businessman’s other Russian assets at that time were the companies Metronom AG and the operator of the Mercado supermarket chain. In April 2009, he, having bought 19.71% of the shares, entered composition of the owners of the MFK bank. In June 2010, together with partners, he acquired 53% of Uralkali (the size of the transaction was estimated at $5.3 billion). For this purchase, he had to take out a decent loan from VTB. In December 2013, he sold a stake in Uralkali to Mikhail Prokhorov (21.75%) and Dmitry Mazepin (19.99%). In 2013-2014. he sold off most of his resources, while his son, a young businessman Abusaid, bought Cinema Park, a large chain of cinemas, from V. Potanin (the deal was valued at $300 million). Kerimov and politicsFrom 1999 to 2003, he was a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation, and was a member of its security committee. Then, until 2007, he was a deputy of the Duma of the fourth convocation, and also served as deputy chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs. Since 2008, he has been a member of the Federation Council (FC), since March 2011 he has represented Dagestan in the upper house of the Russian parliament At the end of September 2016, it became known that the oligarch was re-elected to the Federation Council. The decision was made at the People's Assembly, all 86 deputies from the republic voted in favor. Patron Kerimov
In 2013, all assets of the enterprises were transferred to the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation, which was founded by the billionaire in 2007. Kerimov allocated funds for the reconstruction of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, organizes the annual Hajj for several thousand Muslims, international youth and cultural festivals. In 2014, Forbes magazine awarded Kerimov third place among the richest people in Russia who provided financial assistance to charity projects in 2013. Head of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Wrestling Federation. The fund sponsors a national program for the development of freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling. Awards FILA - "Golden Order".March 20, 2017 - Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, II degreeFebruary 8, 2017 - Badge “For Services to the Moscow Region” IMarch 10, 2016 - Badge of honor of the Republic of Dagestan “For love of the native land”September 4, 2017 Honorary citizen of the city of DerbentState The heyday of the businessman’s material well-being occurred in 2007-2008: at first he was the seventh richest person in the Russian Federation - his fortune was estimated at $12.8 billion. The following year, he took eighth place in the ranking, but his capital was estimated at $18.4 billion. In 2016, he was in 45th place with a mark of $1.6 billion. Hobbies Kerimov is an avid sea traveler; he owns two yachts - Ice and Millenium, purchased in 2005-2006. One curious fact is connected with the four-deck ninety-meter yacht Ice - for example, in 2012, its crew saved nine people whose pleasure boat capsized . In the media, the owner of the ship was awarded another medal for this - “For saving drowning people.” Not only the sea elementFamily
Eldest daughter Gulnara In 2010, the girl was included in the ranking of the richest brides, which followed the ranking of the Finance magazine about Russian billionaires in 2010, where her father was included. In 2014, the eldest daughter got married, her father organized the wedding with the participation of Russian pop stars in elite golf club "Agalarov". In the spring of 2016, his children - Gulnara and Abusaid - were included in the board of directors of PJSC Polyus Gold. In June 2010, Kerimov Suleiman Abusaidovich and his partners Alexander Nesis, Filaret Galchev and Anatoly Skurov acquired 53% of the shares of the industrial giant Uralkali from the previous owner Dmitry Rybolovlev. As stated in Kerimov’s biography on Wikipedia, the deal was valued at $5.3 billion. For this purchase, Kerimov received a significant loan from VTB. In July 2013, Uralkali announced that it was withdrawing from the sales agreement with Belaruskali, reducing prices and increasing production to maximum capacity to increase its market share. On September 2, 2013, the Investigative Committee of Belarus opened a criminal case against the co-owner of Uralkali, Suleiman Kerimov, and announced a decision to put him on the international wanted list. The media reported that Senator Suleiman Kerimov faces up to 10 years in prison and confiscation of property in Belarus. In turn, the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that protecting the interests of Russian citizens, including defending the interests of Russian business, is a constant in the activities of the country's leadership Subsequently, the Belarusian authorities withdrew the request and closed all criminal cases. In December 2013, Suleiman Kerimov sold Uralkali shares to Mikhail Prokhorov and Dmitry Mazepin, and a stake in the PIK group to Sergei Gordeev and Alexander Mamut. Suleyman Kerimov and Anji From January 2011 to December 2016, Suleiman Kerimov was the owner of the Anzhi football club from Makhachkala. Not far from Makhachkala, at the expense of Suleiman Kerimov, a modern Anzhi Arena stadium with an operating children's Football Academy was built. At first, Suleiman Kerimov decided to make powerful investments in the club, trying to create a European-level superclub in Makhachkala. Under Kerimov, Yuri Zhirkov (Chelsea London), Brazilians Roberto Carlos (Corinthians Sao Paulo), Willian (Shakhtar) moved to Anzhi. Cameroonian super-forward Samuel Eto'o (Inter, Milan) was purchased. In 2013, as part of the development of a new long-term development strategy for the club, it was decided to reduce the club's annual budget to $50-70 million compared to the previous budget of $180 million per season. Most of the expensive foreign stars were sold, and the club relied on young Russian players. In 2016, Suleymanov ceased to own the club.", "Russian Female");" type="button" value="🔊 Listen to the news"/>!}

Suleiman Abusaidovich Kerimov(Lezg. Kerimrin Abusaidan hva Suleiman)- billionaire (his fortune as of March 2018 is estimated at $6.4 billion), member of the Federation Council from the Republic of Dagestan, heads the Nafta-Moscow financial and industrial group, owns the Anzhi football club.

Kerimov's childhood, adolescence and youth

His father, Abusaid Kerimov, worked in the criminal investigation department, and his mother worked as an accountant in the Sberbank system.

My brother is a doctor, and my sister is a teacher of Russian language and literature.

In his youth, he was fond of judo and kettlebell lifting, and was repeatedly a champion of various championships.

"My Universities"

Studying was easy for the future senator; mathematics was of particular interest.

In 1983, he graduated with honors from secondary school No. 18 and entered the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Construction.

Served in the Strategic Missile Forces.

In 1986 - senior sergeant, crew chief, demobilized.

After service, he entered the DSU at the Faculty of Economics.


The future billionaire started as an ordinary economist at the Eltav plant.

In 1993, the plant’s management and partners established a bank and registered it in Moscow. Suleiman was sent to represent their interests in the new Fedprombank. Soon the banker already had a controlling stake in the credit institution.

In 1995, Kerimov was appointed to the post of head of the trade and financial company Soyuz-Finance.

1997 - Research Fellow at the International Institute of Corporations, led this autonomous non-profit organization as president for two years.

Investment projects

In 1999, a new stage in his life began - he bought shares in the Nafta-Moscow oil trading company and began to actively engage in investment and resale transactions. A year later, the company made its first purchase - Varyoganneftegaz.

In November 2005, it acquired 70% of one of the largest gold and silver miners in Russia, Polymetal. A couple of years later, Polymetal was listed on the London Stock Exchange, after which Nafta resold its stake in this holding.

In 2003-2008 Nafta developed the Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye project, also known in the press as the “city of millionaires.” In April 2006, she became a co-owner of Mosstroyekonombank, which owns Smolensky Passage, in June she gained control of the Razvitie SEC, which unites three construction companies, and in July she announced that she owns 17% of Mospromstroy. All packages were then also resold.

In 2007, the entrepreneur invested in Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and other foreign financial institutions. At the same time, Forbes named him Morgan Stanley's largest private investor.

Among the businessman’s other Russian assets at that time were the companies Metronom AG and the operator of the Mercado supermarket chain.

In April 2009, he bought 19.71% of the shares and became one of the owners of MFK Bank.

In June 2010, together with his partners, he acquired 53% of Uralkali (the size of the transaction was estimated at $5.3 billion). For this purchase, he had to take out a decent loan from VTB. In December 2013, he sold a stake in Uralkali to Mikhail Prokhorov (21.75%) and Dmitry Mazepin (19.99%).

In 2013-2014 he sold off most of his resources, while his son, a young businessman Abusaid, bought Cinema Park, a large chain of cinemas, from V. Potanin (the deal was valued at $300 million).

Kerimov and politics

From 1999 to 2003, he was a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation, and was a member of its security committee. Then, until 2007, he was a deputy of the Duma of the 4th convocation, and also served as deputy chairman of the committee on physical culture, sports and youth affairs.

Since 2008, he has been a member of the Federation Council (FC), and since March 2011 he has represented Dagestan in the upper house of the Russian parliament.

At the end of September 2016, it became known that the oligarch was re-elected to the Federation Council. The decision was made at the People's Assembly, all 86 deputies from the republic voted in favor.

Patron Kerimov

In November 2006, in Nice, he was in a car accident and received severe burns. After this, the entrepreneur donated 1 million euros to the Pinocchio charity, which helps children cope with burn injuries.

In 2013, all assets of the enterprises were transferred to the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation, which was founded by the billionaire in 2007.

Kerimov allocated funds for the reconstruction of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, organizes the annual Hajj for several thousand Muslims, international youth and cultural festivals

In 2014, Forbes magazine awarded Kerimov third place among the richest people in Russia who provided financial assistance to charity projects in 2013.

Head of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Wrestling Federation.

The Foundation sponsors a national program for the development of freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling.


On March 10, 2016, he was awarded the honorary badge of Dagestan “For love of his native land.”

FILA - "Golden Order".


The heyday of the businessman’s material well-being occurred in 2007-2008: at first he was the seventh richest person in the Russian Federation - his fortune was estimated at $12.8 billion. The following year, he took eighth place in the ranking, but his capital was estimated at $18.4 billion.

In 2016, it was in 45th place with $1.6 billion.


Kerimov is an avid sea traveler; he owns two yachts - Ice and Millenium, purchased in 2005-2006.

One curious fact is connected with the four-deck, ninety-meter yacht Ice - for example, in 2012, its crew rescued nine people whose pleasure boat capsized. In the media, the owner of the ship was awarded another medal for this - “For saving drowning people.”

Not only the sea element

Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) 737-700.


He met his future wife, Firuza Nazimovna Khanbalaeva, at the university - they studied at the same faculty. The couple have three children. In 1990, a daughter, Gulnara, was born, and five years later, a son, Abusaid. The youngest daughter, Aminat, was born in 2003.

Eldest daughter Gulnara

In 2014, the eldest daughter got married; her father organized the wedding with the participation of Russian pop stars at the elite Agalarov golf club. In the spring of 2016, his children - Gulnara and Abusaid - were included in the board of directors of PJSC Polyus Gold.

Suleiman Kerimov and the Uralkali case

In June 2010, Kerimov Suleiman Abusaidovich and his partners Alexander Nesis, Filaret Galchev and Anatoly Skurov acquired 53% of the shares of the industrial giant Uralkali from the previous owner Dmitry Rybolovlev. As stated in Kerimov’s biography on Wikipedia, the deal was valued at $5.3 billion. For this purchase, Kerimov received a significant loan from VTB.

In July 2013, Uralkali announced that it was withdrawing from the sales agreement with Belaruskali, reducing prices and increasing production to maximum capacity in order to increase its market share. On September 2, 2013, the Investigative Committee of Belarus opened a criminal case against the co-owner of Uralkali, Suleiman Kerimov, and announced a decision to put him on the international wanted list. The media reported that Senator Suleiman Kerimov faces up to 10 years in prison and confiscation of property in Belarus.

In turn, the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that protecting the interests of Russian citizens, including defending the interests of Russian business, is a constant in the activities of the country's leadership.

Subsequently, the Belarusian authorities withdrew the request and closed all criminal cases.

In December 2013, Suleiman Kerimov sold Uralkali shares to Mikhail Prokhorov and Dmitry Mazepin, and a stake in the PIK group to Sergei Gordeev and Alexander Mamut.

Suleyman Kerimov and Anji

From January 2011 to December 2016, Suleiman Kerimov was the owner of the Anzhi football club from Makhachkala. Not far from Makhachkala, at the expense of Suleiman Kerimov, a modern Anzhi-Arena stadium with a functioning children's Football Academy was built.

At first, Suleiman Kerimov decided to make powerful investments in the club, trying to create a European-level superclub in Makhachkala. Under Kerimov, Yuri Zhirkov (Chelsea London), Brazilians Roberto Carlos (Corinthians Sao Paulo), Willian (Shakhtar) moved to Anzhi. Cameroonian super forward Samuel Eto'o (Inter, Milan) was bought.

In 2013, as part of the development of a new long-term development strategy for the club, it was decided to reduce the club's annual budget to $50-70 million, compared to the previous budget of $180 million per season. Most of the expensive foreign stars were sold, and the club relied on young Russian players.

In 2016, Suleymanov ceased to own the club.

One of the richest people in Russia, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Suleiman Kerimov, was born on March 12, 1966 in the city of Derbent, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Republic of Dagestan). Father is a lawyer, worked in the criminal investigation department; mother worked as an accountant in the Sberbank of the Russian Federation system.

In 1983, S. Kerimov entered the construction department of the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute, and in 1984, after completing the first year of the institute, he was drafted into the army and completed compulsory military service in the Strategic Missile Forces of the USSR Armed Forces (RVSN Armed Forces of the USSR). After being transferred to the reserve, he continued his studies at the Faculty of Economics of Dagestan State University (DSU) named after. V.I. Lenin, who graduated in 1989 with a degree in Accounting and Analysis of Economic Activities.

In 1989-1995 he worked in positions from economist to assistant general director for economic issues of the Eltav plant of the Ministry of Electronic Industry.

Since 1995 - General Director of the Soyuz-Finance company (Moscow).

Since April 1997, he has been engaged in scientific activities.

In February-December 1999, he was deputy director of the autonomous non-profit organization International Institute of Corporations.

Since December 1999 - deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation on the federal list of the electoral bloc "Zhirinovsky Bloc", was a member of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Security.

On December 7, 2003, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation on the federal list of the LDPR electoral association. In the State Duma, he became a member of the LDPR faction and is deputy chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Physical Culture and Sports.

In April 2007, he left the LDPR faction and became an independent deputy.

Suleiman Kerimov heads the Board of Trustees of the Russian Wrestling Federation. In his youth, he was fond of judo and kettlebell lifting, and was a multiple champion of various championships. The International Federation of United Styles of Wrestling (FILA) awarded him the “Golden Order” - one of the most prestigious awards.

On April 19, 2007, the Russian version of Forbes magazine published a ranking of the richest citizens of Russia, in which Kerimov took seventh place with $12.8 billion.

Under his control through OJSC GNK Nafta-Moscow and other companies - the mining holding Polymetal (99.5%), National Cable Networks, the Moscow cable operator Mostelecom. He owns 4.5% of the shares of Gazprom ", 5.7% of shares of Sberbank, about 2% of shares of MGTS. Invests in the Moscow region town of Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye (2 million sq. m of luxury housing).

He is the owner of the yacht Ice, built at the Lürssen shipyard in Bremen, Germany. This is a four-deck ship, the length of which is 90 meters. The seven bathtubs and vanities in the owner's and guest cabins are made from solid pieces of limestone, with oak interiors. The owner's bedroom extends from one side of the yacht to the other. On board there is a swimming pool and a helipad. The cruising range is more than 11,000 km. According to some reports, the interior decor alone, including painting, cost $25 million, and the total cost of the yacht could be about $170 million.

As a personal airliner, Suleiman Kerimov uses a luxuriously decorated medium-haul passenger airliner Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) 737-700, which accepts only 16 people on board, and the owner has an office, a shower room and a bedroom on board. The cost of such an aircraft reaches $50 million, its non-stop flight range is up to 12,000 km.

Suleiman Kerimov is married. His wife, Firuza, is the daughter of a high-ranking Dagestan official. He met her while studying in Derbent, and soon the lovers got married. According to rumors, Kerimov’s father-in-law helped him get a good job as an economist at the Eltav electronics plant, one of the largest enterprises in Dagestan. Firuza has always been a real “Oriental” wife, she does not like to appear in public, and does not want to communicate with the press. She is raising three children.

Suleiman Kerimov loves social events, parties with pop stars, and sailing on his own yacht, Ice, off the coast of Spain. He loves to throw luxurious parties and give beautiful gifts. He is credited with having affairs with famous singers, ballerinas, and actresses. Kerimov’s name has recently appeared frequently in the press in connection with the accident in France.

On November 25, 2006, on the Promenade des Anglais embankment in Nice, the billionaire and his companion, who, according to some media reports, was the famous Russian TV presenter Tina Kandelaki, were involved in a car accident. For an unknown reason, in a section where the maximum permissible speed is 50 km/h, Kerimov’s Enzo Ferrari super sports car lost control, flew off the road at high speed, crashed into a tree and caught fire. Engulfed in flames, Kerimov was able to get out of the cabin on his own and rolled on the grass, trying to put out the fire. Eyewitnesses of the accident helped him. Only firefighters from Nice Airport were able to extinguish the burning car. The Ferrari, worth about 675 thousand euros, cannot be restored. His companion, Tina Kandelaki, escaped with minor burns and injuries. She was admitted to the Saint-Roch hospital. and after providing her with medical assistance, she flew to Moscow that same evening. Kerimov, who received severe burns, was sent by helicopter to one of the Marseille clinics, and then transported to a clinic in Belgium, where he underwent treatment and returned to Moscow at the end of January 2007 and began work. Today he has fully recovered from the accident and is working daily and at full capacity.

Kerimov Suleiman Abusaidovich and his women are a subject of interest to Russians, because we are talking about one of the richest businessmen in the country, known for his passion for the fair sex. At the same time, as a true Eastern man, he is distinguished by his generosity and recognition of the inviolability of the institution of family.

A little biography

A native of Derbent (Dagestan) turned 50 in March 2016. Since childhood, the young man was fond of sports, which did not prevent him from studying well. After going through the army and graduating from university with a degree in economics, Kerimov began his career at the Eltav plant. The patronage was his father-in-law, because while still a student the young man married a girl named Firuza. She was and remains the main woman in his life, giving birth to three children:

  • Gulnara born in 1990;
  • Abusaid born 1995;
  • Aminat born in 2003

Over the course of 6 years, an ordinary economist rose to the rank of assistant general director and was transferred to Moscow to represent interests in the Federal Industrial Bank, of which the company was one of the founders. The topic “Suleiman Kerimov and his women” is being discussed in the press, because the aspiring entrepreneur has made a huge capital from investments in assets that have growth potential. Having penetrated the oil industry and became the owner of Nafta-Moscow, he acquired shares in Gazprom, Sberbank, and Polymetal, subsequently selling them at a favorable price.

The appearance of Natalia Vetlitskaya

Having earned initial capital in the 90s, Kerimov formally retired, becoming a State Duma deputy from the LDPR (1999). Later he will represent Dagestan in the Federation Council. The connections he made in government agencies helped solve problems in the companies he acquired.

It was during these years that a series of novels began called “Suleiman Kerimov and his women.” A photo of the first beauty, singer Natalya Vetlitskaya, can be seen in the article. The peak of her career also occurred in the 90s. The ascent to Olympus began with a career as a dancer and then as a backing vocalist. At the age of 24, she joined the Mirage group thanks to producer Andrei Razin.

A few years later, the singer left the group. Before meeting with Kerimov, the woman had three official marriages and civil relationships with Vlad Stashevsky, Mikhail Topalov, Dmitry Malikov. Vetlitskaya brought to the stage the image of a socialite, which the temperamental Lezgin simply could not resist.

Romance with a singer

The success of the pop diva on stage is associated with the businessman. After breaking up with him, the singer began to experience real creative stagnation. The oligarch returned the star to the pop Olympus, investing money in her promotion. Suleiman Kerimov and his women always appeared together at social events; fortunately, his wife preferred the comfort of home to public life. The two-year union with Vetlitskaya was no exception, creating the impression that the couple was married. On his girlfriend’s 38th birthday, the billionaire threw a grand party in a 19th-century estate with the invitation of world pop stars. A pendant worth 10 thousand dollars was presented as a gift.

In 2004, Vetlitskaya gave birth to a daughter, Ulyana. Her real father is unknown. The intrigue is reinforced by the fact that outwardly the girl is a copy of her mother. The dizzying romance ended in a break, but as a parting gift, Kerimov left his former passion an apartment in New Riga and a plane. Today the woman lives as a recluse in Spain, does not keep in touch with colleagues in show business and does not give interviews. But the press managed to find out that Vetlitskaya’s affairs are still being handled by the Swiss lawyer Kerimova.

Anastasia Volochkova

The young Anastasia Volochkova replaced her the same age. Until 2009, Vetlitskaya was still performing and living in Russia, so she witnessed a new romance. According to rumors, she encountered the newly-made couple in one of the restaurants, where she promised to take revenge on the ballerina by hiring bandits. Volochkova was truly frightened and demanded that the oligarch strengthen security.

Suleiman Kerimov’s women knew about his marital status, which they had to put up with. But Anastasia Volochkova made an attempt to take the billionaire away from the family, for which she paid by breaking off relations. Her problems with the Bolshoi Theater coincided with their separation.

Accident in Nice

In the fall of 2006, Kerimov’s car was involved in an accident in Nice, crashing into a tree. The airbags softened the impact, but burning fuel splashed out of the fuel tank, causing a fire. The businessman, engulfed in flames, fell to the ground, trying to extinguish his flaming clothes. Teenagers playing baseball on the lawn came to his aid. This saved his life, although French doctors fought for it for a long time. Today, the incident is reminded of the skin-colored gloves that the businessman has been wearing since then.

What does this have to do with the story called “Kerimov Suleiman Abusaidovich and his women”? A photo of TV presenter Tina Kandelaki spread across the media. The dazzling brunette was in the car next to the oligarch, but fortunately did not receive serious injuries. Being married to businessman Andrei Kondrakhin, the woman carefully tried to hide her relationship with the oligarch, but the fact was made public. A few years later, Kandelaki’s marriage broke up.

Katya Gomiashvili

At the same time, Moscow was whispering about the oligarch’s affair with the youngest daughter of successful restaurateur Archil Gomiashvili, who created the unforgettable image of Ostap Bender in the cinema. Having received an excellent European education, Katya created her own clothing brand, Mia Shvili, with her father’s money. Things were going mediocre until an influential patron got involved. Katya became part of the project “Suleiman Kerimov and his women.” Their romance lasted 4 years, during which the girl managed to open a boutique in London, designed by world-famous designer Ab Rogers, and gain a name in Moscow by attracting celebrities such as Kate Moss to show collections.

Her painted sheepskin coats, towel dresses and sequined swimsuits were bought up with pleasure by the “golden youth” until the girl lost interest in the modeling business. It turned out that this was due to her pregnancy. The birth of her daughter Maria forced the woman to sell her boutiques, for which she received compensation of a million dollars from Kerimov. He established a monthly boarding house for the newborn and gave his ex-mistress a villa in France.


What other beauties of our time are included in the story called “Suleiman Kerimov and his women”? Following Nastya Volochkova, the oligarch had a short relationship with the actress. The photograph demonstrates a certain female type, to which the ladies' man is partial. But the film star’s demands turned out to be too great for him, so the couple quickly broke up.

The paparazzi spotted the oligarch's seclusion in the Stork restaurant with the beautiful Zhanna Friske. For about two hours, the businessman affectionately stroked his companion’s hand, whispering compliments in her ear. History is silent whether this was an isolated incident, or whether they had any relationship.

Today's day

The 2008 crisis led to Kerimov losing more than $20 billion due to investment in Western projects. The businessman not only recovered from financial setbacks, but also again took a leading position in domestic business. However, today the topic “Suleiman Kerimov and his women” is practically closed. Photos from 2016 show that the oligarch is no longer accompanied by young beauties at social events. This is associated with illness and the consequences of the accident in Nice. In 2016, the oligarch resigned from the Federation Council and left the Duma. Previously, he left his favorite brainchild - the Anzhi football club.

The last woman about whom the press wrote as the businessman’s main favorite was his daughter Gulnara, who in 2013 married the son of wealthy parents named Arsen. The oligarch arranged a luxurious wedding for her in a private golf club with the invitation of Italian and local celebrities.