Catalog of the most profitable franchises in Russia: the most profitable and fastest paying back. Profitable franchises with small investments Rating of the most profitable franchises

The advantages of starting a franchise business are relative cheapness, time savings and reduced risks. It is important to choose a real franchise in a promising niche with optimal conditions. We offer our top best offers for small businesses from well-known and up-and-coming brands.


The population continues to save on everything, switching to a savings model of behavior. Businesses have also tightened their belts and are striving to get rid of wasteful expenses. What trends should you consider when opening a franchise business in 2017?

In B2C, investments flow into the mass segment and low cost; B2B is characterized by demand for services that improve operational efficiency. In both segments, customers prefer goods and services of decent quality at low prices.

Promising directions for starting a business in 2017:

  • medical services, fitness and wellness services;
  • sales of necessary and educational goods and services for children;
  • fast food, fast casual (coffee shops with a wide menu, burger shops), mini-coffee shops;
  • related to increasing people’s mobility (taxi aggregators, car rental services);
  • mail and cargo delivery services;
  • related to car maintenance and repair (waterless car washes and self-service car washes, service stations);
  • discounters, fixed price retail concepts (pharmacies, shops, cafes).

Current business model: Opening a company for renting handymen, income 1.7 million rubles. in year .

Introducing the top 7 best small business franchises of 2017. It includes proposals in growing segments of the economy with an optimal investment/payback period ratio and minimal risks.

How the best were chosen. The top seven were formed based on the results of ranking 5-10 franchises for each business area. Offers up to 5 million rubles were accepted. from established concepts to encouraging newcomers. Information on the terms of franchises is taken from open sources: franchisor websites, catalogs “Biboss”, “My” and

The ranking was carried out using the method of expert assessments according to the following criteria (listed in descending order of importance):

  • investment size;
  • estimated payback period;
  • number of open franchise points,
  • duration of presence on the market;
  • minimum required area for the project.

Where possible and appropriate, the uniqueness of the product, presence in the Forbes and RBC tops for 2015 and 2016, and the quality of the franchise (developed technology and level of support) were also taken into account.

Retail. Goods for children

According to RBC research, the market for goods for children in 2015 - 2016 shrank from 1,425 billion rubles. to 1,400 billion, but the rate of decline decreased: -4% in 2015 and -1% in 2016. Despite the negative trend, the market remains one of the most stable sectors of the economy. However, if earlier it was indisputable that “in Russia they don’t save on children,” then based on the results of 2016, reservations have to be made.

According to a GFK study, the fall in real incomes of Russians affected the children's sector: consumers spend only on truly necessary items. Impulse buying is a thing of the past for most parents. For example, the Toys segment at the end of 2016 dropped by 15% in rubles. At the same time, certain categories, contrary to the general trend, grew: creativity kits (+2%), construction sets (+4%), games and puzzles (+12%).

The situation is as follows: the reduction did not affect the categories of children's essential goods (food and hygiene products) and educational toys.

Table 1. Rating of educational toy store franchises


Start of activity

Franchise points, pcs.

Payback period, months

Min. area, sq. m

Number of points

"Space Plastic Sand"

"Orange Elephant"



"More than toys"

1. Franchise “Space Plastic Sand”

This is the best option for creating a small business in the children's retail sector based on ranking results. You can open a small island in a shopping center with kinetic sand with minimal investment, which will pay off in just 2 months. The monthly income of one point is 60 - 100 thousand rubles.

A simple business with minimal risks: a narrow but unique range, a small area for deployment, you can get by with your own funds. An excellent solution to start in a crisis.

Services for children

The most necessary (read: relevant) services in 2017 remain the services of kindergartens and development centers. Firstly, the number of places in municipal preschool institutions does not cover the real needs of Russians. Secondly, the trend towards early diversified development of children continues, which ensures the popularity of leisure and development centers.

For more information about the prospects of a business in organizing children's leisure, see the article “Game studio for children as a business.”

Table 2. Rating of franchises of kindergartens and development centers


Top Forbes/RBC for 2015 - 2016

Investments, including entrance fee, thousand rubles.

Start of activity

Franchise points, pcs.

Payback period, months

Min. area, sq. m

Number of points


"Little Roo"

Magic school "Rainbow"

Developmental centers and studios

"Town of Masters"

"Baby Club"

"Growth Point"


2. “Little Ru” franchise

The “Kroshka Ru” franchise opens studios that are unique in format - a kindergarten with full- and part-time groups, and a development center with classes for children from 1 to 7 years old. The franchise is the undoubted favorite in the ranking based on the combination of concept reliability, brand recognition, proven business model, low entry price, mass popularity and demand for the service.

The concept chosen by “Kroshka Ru” is one of the examples of a financially sustainable business model, as it develops several areas in the field of preschool education and leisure.

3. Franchise "Sema"

Sema is the largest Russian network of development centers with 15 years of experience. Quick payback with low investments, streamlined business processes, several formats of centers, a wide range of services (from early development programs to preparation for the Unified State Exam and State Examination) guarantee business success.

Public catering

According to Rosstat, the real incomes of Russians in 2016 decreased by 5.9% compared to the previous year. The decline in the indicator has been going on for three years now, and a revival in consumer demand is not expected in the near future.

The following trends are typical for public catering (analytical data from POSTER and RBC for 2015 - 2016 were used):

  • the revenue of mid-price restaurants and cafes is steadily falling;
  • customers are moving to fast food, which is now joined by pizzerias and “dry” establishments with ready-made meals and delivery (for the period May 2015 - May 2016, the segment grew by 4%);
  • interest in home food delivery and burger joints is growing;
  • there is a revival in the street food and coffee shop segments;
  • The number of to-go establishments is increasing.
Table 3. Rating of fast food and coffee franchises*


Investments, including entrance fee, thousand rubles.

Start of activity

Number of franchise points

Payback period, months

Min. area, sq. m

Number of points

tea station

"Cheerful day"

"33 Penguins"

mini cafe

tea station

"Sushi Shop"

"Little Potato"

Coffeeshop Company

"Dodo Pizza" (delivery)

* - There is strong competition in the niche, so the criterion “uniqueness / originality / demand for the concept” is taken into account as a priority.

4. Cofix franchise

Based on the ranking results, three leaders were identified:

  • Cofix - a chain of Israeli mini-coffee shops with fixed prices;
  • Tea Funny - tea stations, bubble drink establishments;
  • “Cheerful day” - coffee to go.

Tea Funny and “Cheerful Day” are the best concepts in terms of investment size / payback period, therefore they are ideal for opening a micro-business with a minimum of risks.

However, first place is given to the expensive, but unique for Russia, Cofix concept, which takes into account all trends in the consumer market:

  • sale of quality goods at fixed prices;
  • mass production of the product;
  • presence on the food and dessert menu.

The main concern of such a business is to stand on the migration routes of the largest number of urban residents.

At the moment, the Cofix franchising program is just beginning to unfold; we are talking about the conclusion of five commercial concession agreements. It is not yet clear how selective the Israeli brand is in choosing a partner. It is worth saying that there is information on the Internet about a clone of the Cofix concept with Russian roots - “Fix Cafe” - and its franchise, but information about the terms of the partnership is not yet available.


Among other Russian trends is the population’s concern for health. At the same time, the fall in incomes of Russians affects the fitness market in the following way: competition is growing in large cities (in the regions the niche is relatively free), players are forced to reduce prices in pursuit of customers. The market is alive, but business margins are declining.

The current situation in the market for sports and recreational services is briefly described in the material “Boxing School as a Business”.

The active population of large cities today goes for adrenaline - to boxing schools, for self-improvement - to yoga studios and qigong clubs. It is fashionable to sculpt the ideal body with the help of CrossFit and EMS fitness.

The latter type of training in Russia is relatively new (the first electromyostimulation simulators appeared in the country in 2013), and due to its freshness, analysts of economic publications unanimously regard it as a promising area of ​​fitness in 2017.

But there is a nuance. The cost of training is 1,500 - 2,500 rubles. Even taking into account discounts, the price of a subscription for 10 classes cannot be called affordable - 12,000 - 22,000 rubles. A strong argument in favor of such training is efficiency: 20 minutes of EMS replaces 3 hours in the gym. There are also time savings.

However, the willingness to pay for such savings must be sought among a narrow audience (middle managers and entrepreneurs). Conclusion: The target audience for services is residents of megacities with a lack of free time, chronic physical inactivity and average incomes and above. That is, opening EMS centers is beneficial in large cities with high business activity, from 500,000 inhabitants.

Table 4. Rating of EMS center franchises


Investments, including entrance fee, thousand rubles.

Start of activity, year

Number of franchise points

Payback period, months

Min. area, sq. m

Number of points

5. S&I Fitness franchise

The franchisor has thought through a flexible partnership program and offers several studio options with different investments: “Quick start! Reboot" (290,000 rubles), "Automatic income" (1,160,000 rubles) and "Exclusive" (2,140,000 rubles).

S&I Fitness clubs operate successfully in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Ussuriysk, Chelyabinsk, Zhukovsky and Almaty. Almost all major regional centers are free to open a business.

Waterless car washes

The skepticism of Russian motorists regarding dry chemical washing has not been completely overcome. There are and will be consumers who doubt its safety for paintwork. However, realities are increasingly forcing car owners to turn towards waterless washing for a trivial reason - it is cheaper than a regular one.

In addition, the army of car enthusiasts is growing, and there are fewer and fewer adherents of the motto “one for life.” In this century, cars are usually replaced frequently, so why selflessly protect the paint from scratches?

According to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation, every year the number of vehicles on the country’s roads increases by 1.5 million units, more than half of which are passenger cars.

Table 5. Rating of waterless car wash franchises


Top Forbes or RBC 2015 -2016

Investments, including entrance fee, thousand rubles.

Start of activity

Number of franchise points

Payback period, months

Number of points

"Mobile washing" ("Dry")

6. Fast&Shine franchise

Fast&Shine is a leader among fairly homogeneous offers (in terms of business model, investment size and payback period). However, in addition to extensive experience, the Russian pioneer also has a competitive advantage - a mobile application for calling a car wash (released in 2015). This solution provides franchisee partners with clients immediately from the moment the project is launched.

Delivery services

Courier delivery of goods and correspondence is a broad area of ​​services in the B2B and B2C segments, which involves cooperation with online stores. Today in Russia there are both international companies (UPS, DHL, DPD, TNT) and domestic ones (SDEK, Pony Express, SPSR-Express, Express Tochka Ru, EMS, CourierServiceExpress, etc.), and the share The market for the latter is constantly increasing.

According to M.A.Research, even during the crisis, the express delivery market continues to grow - +2.5% in 2015 compared to 2014. Positive dynamics are ensured by sales in the B2C segment (+18.5%), while there is a decline in the corporate segment.

The relevance of express delivery services is due to a number of reasons:

  • delivery services are replacing the country's slowest, but most extensive structure - Russian Post, occupying a priority niche - B2C;
  • the volume of online sales is growing annually (+21% in 2016 according to AKIT).
Table 6. Rating of delivery service franchises


Top Forbes or RBC 2015 - 2016

Investments, including entrance fee, thousand rubles.

Start of activity

Number of franchise points

Payback period, months

Min. area, sq. m

Number of points

"Express Tochka Ru"


7. SDEK franchise

SDEK is the undoubted leader in the rating in terms of the number of points opened in Russia, the ratio of investment / payback period, as well as the level of support for franchisees. SDEK is initially a regional project (opened in Novosibirsk), therefore it recognizes and takes into account the differences in business conditions in Moscow, regional capitals and outback (unlike, for example, Mail Boxes Etc.). It is actively developing in the regions and offers special conditions for cities with a population of up to 50 thousand inhabitants.

A few words about the right franchises

Choosing a franchise is a serious matter. The franchising market in Russia has not yet been regulated, so the share of “inflated” offers is high. In addition to carefully studying the agreement with the franchisor, you must pay attention to the elaboration of the franchise: the financial and business model, as well as the support system, must be absolutely transparent. The correct proposal necessarily contains options for cities of different sizes, which differ in both market size and purchasing power of the population.

In relatively occupied niches, it is better to give preference to a unique concept, a project with a certain competitive advantage.

Using franchises makes it possible to start a successful business with minimal costs. Working under a well-known brand greatly improves your revenue. Based on market analysis, online business publications Forbes and RBC compiled their ratings of the most popular franchises in Russia.


In the Russian business environment, the franchising market has been actively expanding for more than 5 years, despite the recent crisis. In a constantly changing market environment, changes in the economy and consumer demand, new franchises are becoming more and more in demand. This material provides a brief overview of the 7 most popular franchises in Russia, according to Forbes and RBC.

General characteristics of the situation on the franchising market in Russia

The franchising market in the Russian Federation developed intensively during the so-called “fed up oil years,” when the high price per barrel of oil ensured an increase in the welfare of society and business activity of the population.

In 2012, a peak in the number of transactions between franchisors and franchisees was registered. The state service Rospatent announced 12 thousand transactions concluded during this period. Businessmen at that time were more scrupulous in choosing the franchise category (that is, a specific area of ​​activity), paying less attention to the amount of capital investment.

Changes in the structure of the domestic economy, caused by crisis phenomena both in Russia and throughout the world, have led to a noticeable reduction in business activity in the field of franchising. For example, in 2016, about 6 thousand transactions were concluded, that is, two times less compared to prosperous years. The situation has reversed: now businessmen primarily looked at prices; Industry franchise specification moved to second place in importance.

Franchisors began to optimize their offers, reduce the amount of lump-sum fees and royalties, and offer more favorable conditions to potential partners.

Interesting fact! This, together with the gradual recovery of the Russian economy and consumer activity, changed the trend - the market began to grow again. In 2017, there was an increase of over 10%.

Entrepreneurs note that using a well-known brand provides clear advantages:

  • it is easier to obtain credit funds from financial institutions;
  • in current market conditions, starting a business using an already proven scheme is less risky.

According to research, the franchising business model is most often used by beginning businessmen aged 27-30 years. They show particular interest in franchises that require minimal investment.

Experts predict further growth of this market, especially since financial and credit organizations are gradually beginning to develop a new area of ​​work, offering conditions that are attractive specifically for future franchisees.

You can find out about the best franchises for organizing a small business in the article: "".

TOP 7 best franchises, according to Forbes magazine

Experts from the famous publication compiled a long rating of 194 franchises, ranking them in order of popularity. The calculations used Forbes' own database, as well as thematic Internet catalogues. The table below shows a list of the seven most in-demand franchises in 2017.


Figure 2. Logo of the company “”.

It is one of the most dynamically growing networks in the tourism business segment in Russia, and is distinguished by a high process of work automation. High-tech software products, including a comprehensive online search and booking system, allow a person to select suitable conditions for a future trip independently with the consulting support of a travel agent.

Interesting fact! Thanks to a unique Internet platform, it is possible to fully serve a client in just 15 minutes.

Basic conditions:

  • there is no lump sum fee;
  • royalties - from 10 thousand rubles.

Provides franchisees with many useful tools for building a business, including instructions for organizing work, online promotion, advertising, legal support and much more.


Figure 3. IQ007 company logo.

This is a company that provides training to develop the speed of thinking, memory, attention and other intellectual abilities in both adults and children (at least 4 years old).

There is a representative office in Russia (this is an international school), which has already trained more than 5 thousand people in Russia and the CIS countries in speed reading and intelligence development methods.

IQ007 opened a franchise center after several years of successful operation, having ascertained the financial efficiency of the operation. Partners are provided with all the necessary methods and standards for doing business, and an advertising package. The company’s specialists train new employees of the franchisee company in the intricacies of working with clients.

Basic conditions:

  • lump sum payment - 94-1,450 thousand rubles;
  • royalties - 3-20 thousand rubles.

The amount of the entrance fee depends on the population of the city where the franchisee will work. The enterprise pays for itself in at least 3 months.


Figure 4. Unibrait company logo.

An organization engaged in the development and production of innovative protective coatings characterized by a long service life, good anti-corrosion and other performance characteristics. The company's products are in demand in marketing (outdoor advertising structures), plumbing, construction and finishing industries, etc.

In fact, the franchisee is promoting a unique product that has no analogues. Many enterprises are already familiar with the quality of Unibrait coating, which increases the purchasing activity of the population.

The entrepreneur receives a complete business model, various marketing tools, and consulting support. Employees undergo specialized training.

Basic conditions:

  • lump sum payment - 1.5 million rubles;
  • royalty - absent.

Interesting fact! From the fifth month of operation, the franchisee will pay a monthly advertising fee of 30 thousand rubles. (for market promotion).

The franchise is discussed in detail in the material:.


Figure 5. Logo.

A Japanese company that makes and sells knives and gifts. In the CIS region it is present in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan (more than 100 stores).

Samura knives often appear on culinary TV shows on the media, where everyone can verify the characteristics and high quality of the knives for themselves. Products are also advertised in print media (culinary magazines).

The franchisee can count on comprehensive marketing support from the franchisor - Samura prefers not to skimp on this. In addition, thanks to cost optimization, the company's products can be sold at attractive prices.

Basic conditions:

  • royalty - absent.

To develop a business, you only need sufficient initial capital.


Figure 6. SDEK company logo.

A company that has been successfully operating in the field of logistics, transportation and delivery of various goods for almost 20 years.

It works all over the world, has dozens of branches and hundreds of divisions. It is possible to deliver a parcel to 1,000 cities around the world. The network is widely developed in Russia and the CIS countries.

A businessman, entering into an agreement with a franchisor, is fully included in the company’s logistics network, receives centralized marketing support, consultations, and assistance in business development at all stages of work. New staff are trained for free, you can use your existing customer base, etc.

Basic conditions:

  • lump sum payment - 200 thousand rubles;
  • royalty - first 6 months. free, after - 10% of monthly revenue.

Throughout the entire cooperation, each franchisee is assigned a specialist who will help if necessary.


Figure 7. GrossHaus company logo.

It is the largest office supply network in the Russian Federation. This project was originally conceived to implement the idea of ​​franchising office supplies, it started in 2009, and since then more than 200 stores have been opened in different regions of the country.

Interesting fact! The project operates a consolidated procurement system that allows franchisees to purchase office supplies at low prices.

GrossHaus specialists take a comprehensive approach to franchisee business development, provide systematic support, conduct online training, and accompany them at all stages of work. Entrepreneurs open their own self-service stores (stationery stores) according to a proven business model.

Basic conditions:

  • lump sum fee - no;
  • royalty - 1% per month.

After finding a suitable premises, the store opens promptly within 10-30 days.

Specific information about the offer in the article: .

Rating of the 7 most popular franchises, according to RBC

The Russian business resource is also compiling a list of the most popular franchises. The table below shows analytical data for 2016.

Source: RBC website


Figure 8. 1C company logo.

A well-known company sells computer programs for business purposes, including accounting. It is a developer and official distributor of its software. One of the most popular organizations in its field of activity: about 10 thousand regular customers in more than 20 countries.

Interesting fact! Franchising work was launched in 2013, and currently about 450 franchise enterprises have been opened.

The company's employees help franchisees master the business model, conduct online training, and advise on all issues. Marketing support is also provided, including the creation of a page on the main website.

Basic conditions:

  • lump sum payment - 60 thousand rubles;
  • royalty - 5% of monthly revenue.

Full access to the 1C database is provided.


Do you want to open a business and be sure that it will bring profit? We analyzed the most profitable franchise offers and created a separate catalog, which included the best franchises of 2019 and 2018 - 54 offers in total.

How we determined 💰 the best franchises in Russia

We have done a lot of work to compile this catalogue. The result is profitable and profitable franchises, collected for your convenience in one place.

How we chose the best Russian franchises:

  • Analyzed audience requests
  • We studied the supply of all business niches
  • Determined the competitiveness of franchise companies
  • We calculated the payback period for successful franchises
  • Assessed the degree of franchising support
  • We found out how franchisees develop

One of the tasks that the catalog compilers faced was to collect proposals for all of Russia from different fields of activity. You are not limited in the choice of business area, the volume of investments, or the region of opening.

💡 Finding and buying a good franchise is easy!

Working with the catalog is very convenient. Franchise cards contain detailed information about payback periods, royalties, lump sum fees and terms of cooperation.

Do you want to know more or are you ready to buy a franchise? Contact us by phone or leave a request on the website.

We have compiled the latest ranking of the best franchises in the world. We have selected the top 6 international brands that offer the most profitable franchising programs. The evaluation criteria were good profitability indicators, the size of investments, the total number of franchisees, the speed of network growth and the popularity of products around the world.

Dairy Queen

Dairy Queen is an American fast food chain that operates under seven different lines with separate brands. DQ establishments serve ice cream, hamburgers, grilled burgers, frozen yogurts, milkshakes, juices, and drinks. The company has been in business since 1940 and is a pioneer in the food franchise industry. Dairy Queen increased its market presence from a dozen locations in 1941 to hundreds in 1947, and by 1950 it had more than 1,400 locations.

On the world map: Dairy Queen is represented by 6,700 fast food restaurants in 30 countries, including 4,400 business partners in the United States.

Franchise features:

  • cost from $1,100,000;
  • variety of restaurant types and good franchise packages;
  • obtaining a franchise is divided into 5 simple steps;
  • 65 years of experience in franchising.

Dairy Queen is constantly diversifying its menu, although it started out by making and selling ice cream. One of DQ's top investors is Warren Buffett, who likes to pose for photographers with his signature ice cream. Dairy Queen is the only major eatery that does not have an exclusive beverage contract—most locations serve Pepsi-Cola products, but some locations serve Coca-Cola to customers.

Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches

Jimmy John's is a chain of American burger restaurants. Unlike top competitors, it does not claim that its products are the best on the market. Jimmy John's admits that their burgers are good, but may not taste as good as sandwiches from other eateries. The company keeps the menu almost unchanged and does not organize high-profile promotions. The trick of Jimmy John's is the speed of service - a 20-centimeter burger is prepared in 30 seconds. The Illinois-based business ranks high because it added 350 franchisees over the past year. Over the last three years, the increase was 48.8%.