For production issues, please contact us. Letter of request: samples and examples, drafting rules

Letter of request- this is a request to obtain the necessary information, goods, services, documents, to provide recommendations, to organize a meeting, etc. When compiling it, it is necessary to justify the need to fulfill the request. It can be addressed to a specific individual or a legal entity - an organization. This may contain more than one request.

How to write a letter of request

The letter of request has a structure similar to the general one and is almost identical in form. Its registration is carried out on the letterhead of the organization. It is usually signed by the head of the organization or an authorized person.

Examples of business letter phrases - requests

Reason for request:

  • In connection with…
  • Considering…
  • In view of...
  • Based…
  • In order to…
  • Based…
  • According to…
  • In accordance with…

Request text:

  • Please consider / provide / conduct / report / inform / urgently send ...
  • We are asking you to…
  • We ask for your assistance in...
  • We ask for your consent to…
  • We also ask you….

The letter of request requires the writing of a letter of response.

sample letter of request

We inform you that Mr. Leskov N.S. will arrive in Moscow on March 15, we kindly ask you to arrange a meeting and reserve a hotel room for 2 days. Mr. Leskov N.S. flight 1583 arrives.

We would also be grateful if you could arrange for him to meet with your clients during his visit.

In business workflow, the request letter format is used very often when it becomes necessary to obtain the consent of the second party or a certain service from it. Ready-made samples and examples for different situations, as well as the rules for writing such letters, you will find in this article.

The tradition and rules for writing a letter of request have developed exclusively in practical document management - i.e. at the legislative level, no forms or instructions have been approved. However, in general, the following structure should be followed:

  1. As usual, the “header” is filled in first, which indicates the full name of the sending organization with the corresponding contact details, as well as the name of a specific employee (usually the director of the company) and the name of the receiving organization.
  2. This is followed by the text itself, which consists of a description of the situation and the rationale for the request. The text should be as short as possible - usually 1-2 paragraphs are enough. It is important to state your request specifically and unambiguously so that the interlocutor understands the essence of your appeal well.
  3. Then follows the signature, transcript of the signature and the date of compilation.

Thus, it is drawn up according to the standard version for such documents - the form is given below.

The finished sample can be used as an example of this.

NOTE. The decision to indicate or not to indicate the name of the document (i.e., write in the middle “Request Letter”) is made by the sender himself. As a rule, this is necessary in cases where it is appropriate to emphasize the nature of the document and the purpose that one company is trying to achieve from another.

Since in this case we are talking about the fact that one company is counting on some service or even a concession on the part of its partner, of course, writing a letter, formatting it, and even sending it should be taken very seriously. Any detail can make an impression, so it is better to take into account even the nuances that are insignificant at first glance:

  1. First of all, it is better to send it using physical mail - the usual Russian Post or even better a private organization that delivers correspondence door to door and much faster. A message in electronic form, or even more so transmitted by fax, is often perceived more impersonally as spam.
  2. In addition, the physical way the document is issued (i.e., as a regular postal item) allows you to make a favorable impression due to more expensive paper, an envelope, a stamp, and other means of registration.
  3. To write the text, a letterhead is always chosen - this allows you to give the request more formality.
  4. In the text, it is better to avoid obvious bureaucraticisms - i.e. set words and expressions that are commonly used in the business environment. They literally "dry" the story and make a generally negative impression. They are easy to replace with more original options - for example, "Please consider" to "I hope for your understanding and assistance in resolving this issue."
  5. Finally, it is worth adhering to the traditions of business correspondence in general, i.e. the text is predominantly written in a formal business style. Lyrical digressions, too complex syntactic constructions, double (in meaning) phrases should not be. Care should be taken to make it very easy for the interlocutor to perceive the message - both in terms of understanding and psychologically.

ADVICE. If it is possible to write the text by hand, it is better to use this method. A handwritten letter allows you to distinguish it from the background of all the others. However, it is better to entrust the writing to a specialist who knows the techniques of calligraphy.


Depending on the specific situation, there are different types of letters. Most of the requests relate to financial matters, such as granting a discount, reducing the payment for a service, or deferment. A smaller part of the letters of request is devoted to assistance in resolving any other issues. The most common cases and ready-made examples of letters are discussed below.

About the allocation of funds

Asking for money, even for charitable purposes, is a pretty serious request. Therefore, when drawing up, it is important to describe the situation as specifically as possible and, moreover, clearly indicate what exactly the money is required for, and for what reason it cannot be taken from another source.

When compiling, you can take such a sample as a basis.

From NGO "Rainbow"

Member of the Legislative Assembly

St. Petersburg Miloshnikov I.N.

Dear Ilya Nikolaevich! Welcome to the director of the non-profit organization Raduga.” Our organization was founded in 2012 and throughout all these years has been continuously providing financial assistance to children suffering from acute forms of leukemia. The main direction of our activity is the purchase of appropriate medicines and the implementation of complex operations.

All these years, the main source of financing for our activities has been the enterprise LLC “…”. However, in April of the current 2017, the volume of funding dropped sharply, and at the moment we cannot carry out charitable actions in the same volume.

According to our data, the annual budget of the fund, taking into account private donations, should be 10 million rubles. Thus, due to the termination of financing, it is necessary to cover the difference in the amount of 8 million rubles. annually. We look forward to your cooperation, as it is not possible to find sponsors at the moment.

Sincerely, Svetozarov V.K.

About the delivery of goods

Here it is important to demonstrate your interest and desire to cooperate. Therefore, you need to find the right words so that the interlocutor is imbued with trust and makes an appropriate decision. As a basis, you can take such a sample.

General Director of LLC "…"

Nekrasov N.K.

From the director of the company LLC “…”

Elizarova V.M.

Greetings, Nikolai Konstantinovich! At the regional agricultural exhibition, which was held in May this year, our company became interested in the samples of machinery and equipment that were offered by you.

We would like to start cooperation with you with the delivery of a trial batch of goods (the full list is attached as a separate document to this letter). We guarantee timely payments for goods and services. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Our contact details:

Sincerely, Elizarov V.M.

About the discount

Currently, this is a fairly common type, since economic conditions have deteriorated in many ways. As experience shows, convincing the counterparty to provide a discount is especially good in such cases:

  • if the companies have been cooperating for a long time, for example, more than a year;
  • if a large quantity of goods is purchased at once.

to CEO

Avantage LLC Filippov G.V.

From the director of Veres LLC

Alexandrova K.N.

Hello, Gennady Viktorovich. We are pleased to note the fact that our companies have been cooperating for more than 2 years. We express our gratitude to you for the consistently high quality of your services, as well as for your assistance in resolving a number of current issues.

We believe it is not a secret for you that over the past year the economic situation in our market niche has deteriorated significantly. Unfortunately, at the moment we are experiencing a certain lack of income, which is associated with a decrease in quarterly profit.

In connection with these circumstances, We hope for your understanding and consent in providing a 10% discount on services that will be provided in the next 2018 calendar year. Of course, such a measure is temporary, and we are committed to full-fledged cooperation on mutually beneficial terms in the event that the economic situation stabilizes.

Sincerely, Alexandrov K.N.

About rent reduction

In this case, the rationale for your request in the letter will be approximately the same as discussed in the previous example.

to CEO

Avantage LLC Filippov G.V.

From the director of Veres LLC

Alexandrova K.N.

Hello, Gennady Viktorovich. In the financial year ended in 2016, our company suffered losses that exceeded expectations by 10%. We are forced to state that our company was affected by the financial crisis. This translates into a decrease in client flow by 15-20% of owners.

In this regard, we hope for your consent to provide a 10% discount on rent. I draw your attention to the fact that we are fairly large tenants and, at the same time, during the entire period of our five-year cooperation, we have not allowed a single delay in payment, and also filled out all the other conditions of the contract. We proceed from the fact that this measure is temporary, therefore we are ready to continue paying the fee in full as soon as the situation on the market stabilizes.

Sincerely, Alexandrov K.N.

About deferred payment

In this case, it is important to acknowledge that you really did not make the payment on time and explain in detail the reason. Of course, you need to accurately specify the terms of repayment of the entire amount.

Director of LLC "Gruzodar"

Vakulov N.Yu.

From the Director of Parabolia LLC

Aksakova T.G.

Hello, dear Nikolai Yuryevich. In September 2017, we did not make another payment for your services in the amount of 100,000 rubles. We officially notified you about the impossibility of making a payment one month in advance. At the moment, we explain that the company has found funds for the payment. We ask you to provide an installment plan for two months: October and November (50,000 rubles each).

We do not shy away from our financial obligations and debts and draw your attention to the fact that for all 3 years of our cooperation we have never violated the contract. We hope for your understanding and look forward to further mutually beneficial cooperation.

Sincerely, Aksakov T.G.

Please pay for another company

Such requests may arise in cases where one company undertakes to fulfill the financial obligations of another company under certain conditions. As an example, you can use this template.

IP Blagodarov A.K.

An integral and important part of modern business correspondence is a letter of request. The samples and examples of wording presented in the article, as well as the indicated rules for writing it, will help you correctly compose the necessary text and arrange it in accordance with the customs of office work. We offer you a step-by-step guide to writing this type of appeal.

General information

A request letter is relevant in cases where its author needs to receive any information, documents, make a deal or other business actions from other persons. It can be sent both to the name of a specific person (head, director, head of department, etc.), and to the address of the entire organization as a whole. Your request for help must follow the rules generally accepted in business correspondence.

The letter is the face of the company, even the little things matter. Print it on letterhead signed by an authorized person and stamped (if available). Be responsible for the choice of font, its size and the position of the text on the page. Don't neglect margins, red line and paragraphs. Often the first impression is made just by looking at the document.

Step 1: Specifying a Destination

If you write an impersonal letter to a specific company, then most likely it will go to the reception or office, then to the manager, and finally to the direct executor. Indicate the correct full name of the organization in the “cap” of the text, it is best to add the legal address as well.

As mentioned above, the best option is considered to indicate a specific addressee, that is, a personally addressed request for help. Always try to address by name and patronymic. For example, “Dear Alexander Viktorovich!” or "Dear Mr. Schwartz!". Thus, you, firstly, express your respect to the person, and secondly, a request addressed to a specific person imposes certain obligations on him, responsibility for its consideration and implementation.

In some situations, it would be logical to use a group of people, a certain team or part of it as an addressee. This is also relevant in cases where a request letter is sent to several addresses. Use wording such as: "Dear colleagues!", "Dear accountants!" etc.

Stage 2: Compliment

It is good if the official request letter contains a compliment in relation to its addressee. By doing it, you seem to be answering his natural question: “Why are you addressing me with this question?”. You can note the past merits and personal qualities of a person, the status of the company, etc. In particular, use the following wording: “Your firm is a leading supplier…”, “You have helped many in solving complex issues in this area…”, “Your organization is a leading expert in the market in the field…”, etc. Do not forget that it is appropriate a compliment will be when the request letter (samples and examples in the text) is of a non-standard nature and the addressee needs to be won over. Draw his attention to the qualities and merits that are relevant to fulfilling your request. However, we do not recommend crossing a very thin line between a good and right compliment and rude flattery.

Stage 3: Substantiate the request

Any request must be reasoned, because the addressee must know why you are addressing him specifically. So it makes sense to bring it to the heart of the matter. At this stage, we recommend that you select the three most convincing arguments that should be built in the text of the letter according to the scheme: medium strength, weak, strongest.

The request may have a different level of complexity, and you need to be prepared for the fact that the addressee will not always be interested in its implementation. In this regard, he must be convinced that its implementation carries potential benefits for him. Interest the addressee so that he accepts your document with full seriousness.

The letter of request may contain a proposal for the implementation of a certain attractive opportunity for him.

Examples of wording

  • “At all times, enterprising and business people have strived not only for material success, but also for personal growth, in order to be forever remembered by people for their good deeds, to win their respect.”
  • "Of course, your main goal is to improve the living standards of the citizens of the city." In particular, this wording can be used when a letter of request is drawn up to a deputy, for example, for the provision of premises for a kindergarten, the arrangement of a playground, etc.

You can also voice a problem that is relevant for the addressee, show him how your request can help him in solving it or in realizing certain opportunities.

It happens that you have nothing to offer the other side, or it is inappropriate in this context. In this case, the most optimal way out is a story about the significance of your request. Describe the situation as reliably and fully as possible, so that it takes, as they say, for the soul. If a sentimental moment in your story is not a priori, give facts and focus on cause and effect relationships. Tell us about what will happen if you are refused or, on the contrary, agree to help.

Step 4: Make a Request

When the addressee is mentally prepared to accept your request, it can be stated. Keep your text short, avoiding long and convoluted sentences, as well as ambiguity or understatement. The letter of request (samples and examples of wording in the text) should be concise and clear in meaning. So, if you ask to purchase any equipment for the company, then indicate the completeness, price and quantity:

“To equip the emergency department, the hospital needs a new car, the cost of which is 3.5 million rubles. Please help us get it."

Or, for example, a request to reduce the rent should be specified: “We ask you to reduce the rent for the premises to the level of 500 rubles. per square meter until the economic situation stabilizes.”

Stage 5: Summarize

At the end of the letter, you need to summarize your request. Repeat it again and focus on the fact that the addressee benefits if he provides you with the requested assistance. However, the text of the request should be slightly modified. Returning to the same example of rent reduction, we propose the following wording:

“If you agree to reduce the rent to the level of 500 rubles. per square meter during the stabilization of the current economic situation, you will be able to contribute to the preservation of more than 20 jobs, and will not incur losses due to the complete lack of payment.

Remember, it is important to repeat not only the request, but also the benefit that can be obtained from its implementation, and it does not have to be material. Many large companies willingly act as sponsors, investors and do charity work.

We think that now, after studying the process in stages, you will not have a question about how to write a letter of request. It is enough to take into account all the rules of business correspondence and some nuances. We suggest you also study another example.


Dear Felix Petrovich!

Your enterprise has been organizing the industrial practice of students at the enterprise for several years, helping them to put into practice the knowledge gained at the university.

You, as the head of the personnel department, are a person interested in attracting new employees, young and promising engineers, and highly qualified specialists. Today, this profession is one of the most in demand. Many students would like to know about its possibilities, subtleties and significance.

In this regard, we ask you to organize a meeting of the chief engineer with applicants and students of 1-2 courses on April 25 at 17:00 on the basis of your enterprise.

By talking about the advantages and secrets of the profession today, you are laying a solid foundation for training specialists and professionals tomorrow. Perhaps, in a few years, one of them will take your company to a new level of development.

With respect and gratitude,

Rector of the University I.Zh.Bychkov

Having studied the information on what requirements a request letter should meet, samples and examples of wording, you can easily cope with writing it in practice.


A letter of request is perhaps the most common form of business correspondence. The number of situations that necessitate making a request on behalf of a legal or natural person cannot be counted. This is the receipt of information, product samples, coordination of actions, inducement to any action, etc.

The composition and structure of the request letter is not much different from the standard ones (see Business letters. Design rules. Letter structure). Usually, text of the request letter consists of two parts:

1. Introductory part, where the essence of the case is stated in narrative form, the motives, the reasons for making a request are explained. The following standard expressions are often used here:

  • the reason for petition
    • Due to not receiving...
    • Considering the social importance...
    • Considering (Our many years of cooperation)...
    • Given the (long-term and fruitful nature of our business relationship)...
    • In view of the inconsistency of your actions with the previously adopted agreements...
    • Due to shipping delay...
    • Based on the results of the negotiations on...
  • Goal of request
    • In order to comply with the order...
    • In order to resolve the issue as soon as possible...
    • For reconciliation...
    • In order to ensure the safety of the passage of cargo ...
    • To avoid conflict...
  • references to grounds for appeal
    • As previously agreed...
    • In connection with your contact with us...
    • Based on a verbal agreement...
    • Based on our phone conversation...
    • According to government decree...
    • According to the protocol on mutual deliveries...

All of the above expressions must be used taking into account the context and speech situation.

Almost all standard expressions begin with a derivative preposition or with a prepositional combination. Attention should be paid to the correct use of these prepositions with nouns that are mainly in the genitive and dative cases.

2. Actually request. Here, the key phrase of the letter includes words formed from the verb ask. Its use is explained by the etiquette requirements for business texts and the psychological laws of business communication - a person is more willing to agree to perform an action expressed in the form of a request than in the form of a demand.

In some cases, the request itself, expressed descriptively, may not contain this verb, for example: We hope that you will find it possible to consider our proposal within the specified period..

The request may be in the first person singular (" I beg..."), first person plural (" Please..."), from the third person singular (in this case, nouns with a collective meaning are used: " Management asks... ", "Administration asks... ", "Workers Council asks... ", etc.), from the third person plural, if several nouns with a collective meaning are used ( The administration and the Workers' Council ask... ).

If the request letter is multidimensional, then the composition of the second part of such a letter may look like this (parts of the composition must correspond to the paragraph division of the text):

Please... (please...)
At the same time I ask...(Also please... )
Also, please... And also please...)

When writing a letter of request, you should take into account such recommendations:

1. When making a request, emphasize your or your organization's interest in fulfilling it.
2. Under no circumstances start a letter with the word "Please ..." - it is more tactful to first explain the motives for your appeal (even if all the details have already been agreed with the addressee).
3. Do not rush to thank the addressee in advance. By doing this, you put both yourself and the recipient in an awkward position. Try to thank when you know that your request has been granted.

When formulating a request, the following standard expressions are often used:

  • We appeal (appeal) to you (you) with a request ...
    ...about shipping to our address...
    ...about the direction to my address...
    ...about deportation to our organization...
    ...about giving me...
  • I ask (please) you (you) ...
    ... inform (us) ...
    ...send (to me)...
    ...immediately introduce... immediately...
    ... notify (enterprise management) of ...
    ...inform me about...
  • I ask for your (your) consent to...
    ...sending to... us...
    ...familiarization with...
    ...transfer... of the following equipment...
  • We ask for your (your) assistance in ...
    ...speedy dispatch...
    ...providing additional information regarding...
  • I ask for your (your) instructions ... conclude an agreement on...
    ... for issuance from the warehouse of the enterprise ... to a representative ...
    ...for paperwork... review...
  • We ask you not to refuse courtesy and ... .

Request letters are the most common type of business letters. Request letters are composed to initiate certain actions of the addressee, necessary for the author of the letter. We will tell you how to write a formal letter of request. Samples and examples can be found in the article.

Letter of Request: Samples and Examples

How and why to write a letter of request

Request letters are composed to initiate certain actions of the addressee, necessary for the author of the letter. In management activities, a huge number of situations give rise to such letters. This may be a relatively simple situation in which it is not required to present information that is complex in terms of events, give any arguments, or convince the addressee. In such cases, it is better to start a letter of request directly with a statement of the request itself.

Letter of request to an official: sample letter

Download sample letter

However, not all situations in management activities are so simple. Most of the situations require justification or, in other words, explanation when drafting letters of request:

  • in connection with what;
  • why;
  • what is the purpose of the letter.

As a rule, justification is necessary in order to influence the addressee, to convince him to act in a very specific way, as the author of the letter would like or need. If the request letter contains a justification, then most often it precedes the statement of the request, for example (the sign // shows the boundary between parts of the text of the letter).

Letter of request with justification: sample

Download sample letter

Russian is one of the languages ​​with a relatively free word order. In any of the above texts, we can swap parts of the sentence without much damage to the meaning. A sample letter asking for help might look like this.

Phrases in which the main idea of ​​the letter is first stated, and then the argumentation is given, have a special stylistic coloring: they are always perceived as more expressive than phrases built on the principle of “justification - conclusion”. However, any kind of expression is alien to the business style; in it, preference is almost always given to stylistically neutral language means. Therefore, in sample business request letters, phrases are more correct in which an explanation is first given, a justification is given, and then the essence of the case is stated.

Request letter structure

When composing a letter of request, try to ensure that the rationale and the final part (request) are grammatically one sentence. Even in cases where references to normative documents are given in the justification, facts, events, do not separate justification into a separate sentence , otherwise, to state the request, you will have to use phrases like: “In connection with the above, we ask ...”, “Considering the foregoing, we ask ...”, “In connection with which we ask ...”, etc. These constructions do not carry information and make the text more complex both in terms of structure and in terms of perception. Letters of request can be drawn up in even more complex managerial situations.

Schematically, this situation can be represented as

A request letter written in such a situation will be easier to understand if the content is presented in a sequence that reflects the logic of the development of the situation itself. In this case, the structure of the letter can be divided into three parts:

  • introduction (description of events, facts that directly affect or may affect the management situation);
  • justification (explanation of the reasons why it is necessary to contact the addressee with a request);
  • conclusion (request), for example (communicative-semantic parts of the letter are separated by //)

Formal Letter of Request: Sample Structure

According to our information, at the Kursk and Belgorod sugar refineries, which are the main suppliers of sugar to Moscow and the Moscow region, scheduled maintenance work should be carried out during March-April of this year, the schedules for which have not been agreed upon. // Due to the fact that sugar production and its supply to consumers will significantly decrease during the preventive maintenance period, // we ask you to hold a working meeting with the participation of representatives of the Moscow government on the issue of ensuring sugar supplies to the Moscow region during the period of partial shutdown of these plants.

Regardless of the structure of the text, the request in the letter is formulated using the verb "ask". In letters drawn up on the letterhead of organizations, it is used 1st person plural verb form:

We ask you to provide information about ..., We ask you to provide information about ..., We are asking you for ..., We ask you to conduct ..., etc.

In letters drawn up on letterheads of officials, it is used 1st person singular verb form:

I ask you to consider the issue of ..., I ask you to provide information about ..., etc.

One letter may contain several requests (preferably on one issue). In this case, the main request is first formulated, and then the rest, while the following language turns are used:

We also ask you to (consider, provide, conduct ...), At the same time we ask you ... and others.

Letter of request: sample if there are several requests in the letter at once

Download the sample

Use a special service to create a request letter template: business letter constructor

Try service now

Like any business letter, a letter of request is drawn up indicating all its details, and registered in the register of outgoing documents. In addition, the request letter must contain:

  • outgoing number and date (if this is a response to another letter, then the number and date of the incoming letter);
  • the name of the recipient company;
  • if necessary, the seal of the organization.

How and why to write a letter of inquiry

A request letter is actually a type of request letter. As a rule, requests are made in order to obtain any information of an official nature or documents. In commercial activity, an inquiry is an appeal from a buyer to a seller (importer to exporter) with a request to provide detailed information about a product (service) or send an offer for the supply of goods (provision of certain services). In general, request letters follow the same rules as request letters, for example:

In commercial activities, the text of the request, as a rule, indicates: the name of the goods (services); the conditions under which the author of the letter would like to receive them; quantity and/or quality; terms of delivery of goods or services; price and other information. The commercial request uses the following expressions:

We ask you to inform about the possibility of supply… Please make an offer for the supply… Please provide detailed information about… etc.

For instance:

Please inform about the possibility of supplying AS-200 air conditioners in the amount of 150 pcs. during February - March 2005, as well as inform the terms of payment and terms of delivery.

Download Sample Request Letters:

The response of the correspondent organization to a letter of request or request is a letter of response, which may be an agreement or a refusal. In commercial activities, the response to the request is issued as a commercial letter, which confirms the receipt of the request, provides information about the product of interest to the buyer. The response to the request may also be a commercial offer (offer). Letters of request and letters of inquiry are drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements.

When compiling and processing requests and requests, the following details are used:

  • destination;
  • title to the text (if the text of the letter is more than 4-5 lines);
  • text;
  • signature;
  • artist mark.
All business letters are issued on special forms.