Modern business ideas in the field of entertainment and methods for their implementation. How to open entertainment centers for children: step by step

The entertainment business is one of the most interesting. As soon as weekends and holidays come, people carry their hard-earned money in droves to have a good time and relax in a big way. We bring to your attention both old ideas in the field of entertainment, and new ones that have not yet proven themselves in our country.

Business before pleasure! But during this hour, while others are having fun, you can earn so much that this proverb in relation to yourself can be said a little differently: “It's an hour. And fun - everything else! How are you? Like?

Check out the current business idea in this section, this is a water transport rental business.

Is minting coins a serious business, or another "scam"?

Brief business analysis:
60,000 - 90,000 rubles
from 70 000
Situation in the industry:entertainment industry is developed
Payback: 2-4 months

Laser Paintball - Fights of the 21st century

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:600,000 - 1,500,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with a population: from 250 thousand
Situation in the industry:supply market is not saturated
The complexity of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: from 1 season

Segway rental - a miracle of technology for the benefit of business

"What progress has come!" - I just want to repeat the words of the famous song from the movie "The Adventures of Electronics", seeing another miracle of technology at some technical exhibition. I remember that I said this phrase 10-12 years ago, when I first saw the Segway. Then it was something out of the ordinary. And for sure, I could not imagine in any way [...]

Kitesurfing as a business

Many of us flew kites as children, or at least dreamed of doing it while watching our peers fly them. And many people go beyond childhood hobbies and made kitesurfing the meaning of their lives, and at the same time a very profitable business. What is kitesurfing? The word "kite" is translated from English as "kite", which actually […]

Nothing is more inspiring in business than the history of other people's successes, especially those that they came to, as they say, from scratch. Therefore, to begin with, I want to tell one instructive story, the essence of which is that any situation, even extremely unfavorable, can be turned to your advantage if you do not give up and apply at least a minimum of mental effort.

How to open a holiday agency?

The theory of the famous Scottish economist Adam Smith that demand generates supply has so far been refuted by no one. And that's exactly how the business operates today. There is a need for a product, which means it will be produced and sold. However, people now live more according to the principle of the ancient Romans, who shouted to their rulers: “Bread and circuses!”. And those spectacles [...]

Party bus, disco on wheels

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:1.2 - 1.8 million rubles
Relevant for cities with a population: from 300 000
Situation in the industry:supply market is not saturated
The complexity of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 1-1.5 years

Survival courses in extreme conditions

Throughout his life, a person does what he survives. First, in the fight against nature and wild predators, then - in wars with each other, now - in the fight against the state. However, everyone can have their own opinion on this matter. One way or another, the topic of survival in extreme conditions is very relevant in terms of business. Certainly […]

Mobile planetarium as a business idea

Mobile planetarium as a successful business idea that you can implement in your city. Man has always been attracted by distant stars. How many fantastic films about other planets, galaxies, and even universes have been (and how many will be!) Filmed?! There is only one trouble - not everyone is given to see all the beauty and grandeur of the starry sky. Lucky scientists have at their disposal powerful telescopes and other equipment. […]

I recently found out about an English family who set up a real amusement park on their farm (and called it Mountain View Ranch, his website

This park occupies 100 acres of land (404 thousand square meters). More simply, this area can be represented as a huge square with sides of 636 meters.

There is just nothing in this area of ​​wild land.

There is sand and benches under umbrellas from the sun:

There are wild thickets of shrubs between which you can walk.

On the forest trail (as well as on a special track) you can ride a segway:

Although you can ride segways everywhere in this park:

There is entertainment for all ages, especially for children (after all, families come here). You can ride simple horses:

And you can climb on rope structures:

There is also just a slide here:

Necessarily - a place for making a fire and archery:

There is a petting zoo where, in addition to pigs and rabbits, you can see chickens, kids and horses:

For children, fairy trails with a magic tree are laid:

fairytale characters:

and living fairy tale characters:

You can find even more photos, as well as information about the entertainment offered in this park, on the Facebook page: (by the way, she has a lot of likes, which indicates the popularity of this park, despite the children's age of the business).

You can watch a purely childish look at entertainment in this private park in this video:

For tired visitors, a married couple will offer relaxation in spacious lounges (there, in addition to armchairs, sofas and tables, there are books and board games):

And for those who are hungry - a huge dining room:

Judging by the size of the dining room, there are a lot of guests here. Business is booming. And this is not surprising (although it is surprising that it has developed so quickly in just two years of existence). I looked at the prices of a private amusement park - they are more than modest - only 3-4 pounds per person (for staying in the park for a whole working day - from 9 am to 5 pm).

True, you have to pay for some rides. For example, the cost of passing a rope attraction is 13 pounds for two people. Segway rides cost £25 for 50 minutes.

The park also accepts group and corporate applications. It also allows you to celebrate birthdays on its territory (for a fee).

In the coming year, the entrepreneurial family plans to build another treehouse, some wigwams and add some adventure trails.

If you look at this business from the outside, then it does not involve a large amount of financial investment (well, except for paying for land, of course. But land outside the city should not be particularly expensive). Especially at the very beginning of development.

Bringing sand, building simple attractions and wooden benches with awnings is not difficult at all. At first, you can prepare a place for small companies and gradually acquire new attractions and new entertainment venues. This is not for you to build Disneyland - everything is much simpler. But it also generates income.

Because people love to relax. Moreover, they like to relax unconventionally - not in sanatoriums and city parks and squares, but in the wild, by the fire and the wigwam. Outdoors and away from the hustle and bustle.

Moreover, this private park is not located near London or another major English city. It is located a few kilometers from the small town of Caerphilly. Here's what the area looks like through Google's eyes:

I got acquainted with the entrepreneurial history of this English family. First (in 2004) they created a children's cafe. Then, in 2009, they organized a children's play center in the city of Cardiff (300 thousand people):

This play complex occupies a smaller area. It has both outdoor and indoor play areas. Therefore, it works in any weather, at any time of the year. It has approximately the same principle of charging fees - for entry. The pleasure costs from 6 to 7 pounds per child (depending on the day of the week). And you can also stay in it all day - from 10 am to 6 pm.

And so, probably, when the entrepreneurial couple realized that the business was going well, and felt the strength to create an even larger similar business, they decided to open a similar family amusement park on a larger area (she, however, had to borrow money from investors; but since she had already proved her entrepreneurial viability, investors gave money without a scratch).

Therefore, if you are not sure about the future success of your enterprise, do not immediately take on a large scale. Create something smaller and less expensive. Try your hand at the chosen business area with minimal investment.

I also think that the success of a business depends not only on entrepreneurial experience, but also on the chosen field of activity. It is not in vain that the above-mentioned family of entrepreneurs chooses businesses related to children - it is interesting to them and succeeds. It’s not a fact that you will succeed (perhaps because you don’t like children).

Moreover, you need to start with a smaller business in the chosen area in order to understand:

Is this your topic?

- Do you know how to run a business?

Therefore, this type of business, of course, is not for everyone (as well as any type of business). But I personally really like the idea. I would love to go to this park with my kids.

If we learn how to create such amusement parks in our cities and villages, our people will be able to organize recreation in nature not only during holidays and holidays, but also just on weekends or in the middle of the week. Children run and run away. Adults will have a rest and breathe in the native fresh air - for a moderate fee. Benefits for everyone.

Entertainment business ideas. Everything that a person is willing to pay for to brighten up his leisure time and diversify his life.

We often write about interesting accessories for mobile phones on the site. In addition to various applications that expand the capabilities of smartphones, there have appeared on the market, for the phone, as well as a special one. However, the invention of Russian engineers from St. Petersburg will soon open up completely unexpected possibilities for our smartphones. Their new set-top box turns an ordinary mobile phone into a night vision phone.

Every person, from time to time, discovers that in his house a certain amount of things has accumulated that he no longer needs. Outdated clothes, gadgets, books, appliances, toys and photo frames lie like dead weight on the shelves, tormenting the owner. Throwing away is hard. Giving to charity or selling is troublesome. If only someone would come and take everything at once, preferably for money, or, well, simply, for a good deed. Businessmen Alexei Barinsky and Dmitry Ukhanov reasoned something like this when they launched the new service "Dump" in Moscow or the free removal of unnecessary trash.

Do not rush to strike out such a thing as barter from your lexicons. As practice shows, this type of mutually beneficial exchange can absolutely harmoniously fit into the framework of the 21st century. So, in New York, for visiting a fitness club, you can also prepare a room, in one of the French restaurants -, and in Scotland you can save on housing for. A new kind of barter from Transylvania is a little bloody, but serves a completely humane purpose.

The world's first virtual reality park, VOID, combined tactile interaction with external visualization to take the virtual world to a higher level. With the latest techno developments, virtuality in the VOID park promises to become even more “sharp” and full of emotions with full immersion in the invented world.


Organization of a children's business is a promising solution. Parents try to provide children with exciting leisure time. The business quickly pays off and brings a stable income. There are 2 directions for creating a business in the field of entertainment for children: the production of game goods, the provision of entertainment services.

What kind of game goods can be produced?

The organization of a business for the production of goods for children's games will require significant investments: the purchase of equipment, the rental of premises, the salary of staff, the purchase of raw materials, materials, utility bills. But the risks are minimal.

Competition in the production of goods is low. Products of all price categories find their customers. Goods for games can be conditionally divided into groups:

  • soft toys, used for home games, gifts;
  • themed toys: transport, dolls, railways, constructors;
  • board games: with cardboard cards, dominoes, checkers, chess, loto, puzzles;
  • accessories for sports games: balls, rackets, rollers, skates;
  • production of printed matter: magazines, books, coloring books.

The game goods business has a profitability of 15–20%. Large manufacturing enterprises receive more income due to economies of scale.

Directions of entrepreneurship in the field of leisure

There are various ideas for organizing children's leisure. Unlike the production of goods, the organization of a business in the service sector requires a smaller amount of investment. Most entertainment services are provided by small businesses with small staff.

In order for the enterprise to quickly pay off and generate income, it is necessary to evaluate the following factors when choosing an idea:

  • Place of business. For small towns, the types of services that children of any age can use are preferable: shooting galleries, skating rinks, attractions, trampolines, slot machines. In big cities, you can choose a narrowly focused gaming business: a children's beauty salon, organizing radio-controlled car races. Some ideas are not tied to a specific place, they turn out remotely: organizing children's online computer competitions, writing letters to children from cartoon characters, Santa Claus.
  • The level of income of families that the business will be focused on: open an inexpensive car rental or an elite children's riding club.
  • Competition. You should not create a second circus or puppet theater, it is better to install a trampoline or rides.

Here are the most popular entertainment business ideas.

Electric car rental

Business is seasonal. To provide rental services, they conclude a lease agreement for a land plot, purchase electric vehicles and protective equipment. The cost of rent will be 5-8 thousand rubles. In summer, the rental is open seven days a week, so at least two instructors are required. Daily wages can be set fixed or dependent on revenue.

The average price of a car is 12–25 thousand rubles, 5–7 pieces are required for rental. The cost of starting a business from 100 thousand rubles. You can increase the profitability of entrepreneurship by purchasing models of electric vehicles for different age categories, motorcycles, ATVs.

The payback period depends on weather conditions, the location of the rental, the cost of renting an electric car.

In winter, you can conclude an agreement with the owners of a large shopping center and provide rental services inside it.

Amusement machines

You can install slot machines in the park, near schools, in shopping centers. The machines are:

  • sports orientation (football, tennis);
  • rocking chairs for kids (horses, cars, rockets);
  • with various goods (watches, bracelets, jewelry).

For high profitability of the business, it is better to place several slot machines nearby. The entertainment area will be easier to notice, and the cost of renting land will not differ significantly.

The price of one slot machine is 30-150 thousand rubles. Fully automated machines do not require maintenance personnel. With an average workload, the business of installing slot machines pays off in one year. The specificity of the street location of machines is a high probability of their breakdown by unscrupulous citizens.

To minimize possible damage, you can insure your business.

Dancing school

All parents want to see their children graceful and plastic. The demand for dance schools is constantly growing. To run a business to open a school, you do not need to have special skills, and the profitability of the idea can be 40-50%.

A successful business in this area is possible only if there are qualified and friendly teachers who can captivate children. You need to start by looking for them. The school should be located near educational institutions, public transport stops. The premises are recommended to be rented with the possibility of redemption. At the beginning of the business, expenses will be required to equip the hall with mirrors and a machine tool.

Different dance directions will attract more students. It is desirable to conduct an advertising campaign. The cost of implementing a business idea to open a dance school will pay off in 9–12 months.


Business at amusement rides can have a different scale:

  • a park for a small town on an area of ​​1-2 hectares, the number of carousels - 5-8;
  • classic stationary park, area 2–4 ​​ha, attractions – 15–25 pieces;
  • amusement parks with an area of ​​10–20 hectares, include a water park, artificial reservoirs with an entertainment zone.

The choice of a specific idea of ​​entrepreneurship is made on the basis of financial capabilities. The payback of a small amusement complex will be 3-6 months. Among the entertainment carousels there should be children's models, family and extreme ones. Take into account the capacity of the attraction, maintenance costs, external attractiveness and safety. When choosing entertainment complexes for business, you need to know the range of competitors so as not to purchase duplicate models.

Significance for the payback of the business is the arrangement of attractions: the most attractive ones should be located in the far zone of the park. The seasonality of the business is reduced due to the equipment on the territory of the park of children's cafes, indoor carousels, mini-cinemas, shooting galleries, and the provision of entertainment attractions for rent.

In continuation of the idea of ​​a year-round entertainment business, skating rinks and equipment rentals, tubing tracks are opened in winter.

Inflatable trampolines

Business on inflatable trampolines does not require large investments. The cost of one product exceeds 50 thousand rubles. Trampolines of domestic manufacturers are more expensive than Chinese ones, but their quality is better.

Inflatable trampolines are made of high density PVC, equipped with an electric pump for pumping air. There are inflatable attractions for kids and schoolchildren. High-quality trampolines are certified and safety tested. The business of installing an inflatable structure will require an area of ​​30–50 m2. The lease agreement is concluded with the owner of the land. It is recommended to install an inflatable attraction in crowded places, near shopping centers. 2 people are enough to service the trampoline.

The entertainment attraction is open in good weather seven days a week. The duration of 1 visit session is 10-15 minutes, the cost is from 100 rubles. During the season, you can fully recoup the costs and get a business income of 30 thousand rubles from one inflatable structure.

Entrepreneurship in entertainment is sure to become profitable. You just need to choose the right direction and place of the gaming business.

How are things going in the gambling business by the end of 2018, what are gambling today and whether there are prospects for opening a casino in Russia - we will talk about all this in this article.

A mobile planetarium is an inflatable spherical dome inside which entertaining and educational 3D films are shown. An ideal business for beginners that will pay for itself in just 3 months.

Ever dreamed of playing Fort Boyard? Get a large quest playground in the unique Fort Boyard format and become part of the fastest growing franchise of 2018 on favorable terms.

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A business board is a popular entertaining and educational board for children, the production of which does not require high investments and equipment costs. You can start production on 20 sq. m., having 125 thousand rubles ...

Business plan for a drive-in cinema for a city with a population of more than 500 thousand people. Investments - 804 thousand rubles, payback period - 7 months.

Earn monthly up to 148,000 rubles. Interactive railroad vending layout with the function of issuing gifts. An interesting alternative to standard vending solutions.

Investment costs in opening a quest room - 3,105,000 rubles. Simple (PP) and discounted (DPP) payback period is 6 months.

The volume of investments in the opening of the rental of life-size puppets will amount to 367 thousand rubles. The expected revenue for reaching the planned sales volumes will be 100,000 rubles. (from 4 months of work), net profit - 66 thousand rubles.

Investments in the opening of the ice rink will amount to 3,856,900 rubles. The expected seasonal revenue will be 8.97 million rubles. Net profit - 5.36 million rubles. Profitability - 59.78%.

Investment costs for the project amount to 249,000 rubles, the bulk of the funds are spent on the development and promotion of the site, as well as on the purchase of professional design software...

Psychological salon "1000 ideas"

Psychological salon "1000 ideas" - its own business that changes lives. Unique format, 25 ready-made programs, turnkey training. Investments 80,000 rubles.

Business plan for the event agency "Ghostbusters"

The volume of total investments in the project "Ghostbusters" will amount to 572.2 thousand rubles. Profitability of sales - 75%. It is planned to recoup the invested funds in 5 months. work.

Investments in the opening of the Ferris wheel will amount to 23 million rubles. The payback period of the project is 32 months. The project will be implemented at the expense of the investor's own funds.

Investments in the opening of a carnival costume rental store - 876,000 rubles. The project will require 526,000 rubles. own funds and 350,000 borrowed.

The cost of the project will be 3,100,953 rubles. The payback period will be 3 months.

A ready-made business for those who want to change their lives and start earning up to 300,000 rubles. on psychological games.

Organizing a standard turtle run with 5 red-eared skulls does not require any major investment and can pay off in just a few completed orders.

Investments in the Corn Maze project will amount to 558,250 rubles. For its implementation, own funds will be used. It is planned to reach payback by the 5th month of work.

Investments in the opening of the karting track will amount to 1,701,000 rubles. The payback period of investments, given the start of sales at the beginning of the warm season, will occur in the second season of operation.