Event marketing in the field of commercial PR. Event marketing: types, tools and examples

All well-known brands use marketing to attract customers and increase awareness. One of the most effective types of marketing is event marketing. Its definition and tools will be discussed below.

Event marketing is a procedure aimed at increasing customer (visitor) loyalty and brand promotion through events.

History of occurrence

Holding events as a direction appeared in the West in the 1970s, but as the concept of "event-marketing" with the advent of the idea of ​​integrated branding. In our country, it became known in the 2000s, and today there are many event marketing agencies in Russia.

McDonald's was one of the first companies to use events to promote the brand, we all remember the clown that became the "image" of the company. This approach helped McDonald's create a memorable image and attract children with their parents to their chain of restaurants.

To date, one of the brightest examples of the use of event marketing is Apple. Presentations of their new products are a real show that is broadcast all over the world and causes a storm of emotions in people watching the presentation, lighting fire in their eyes, encouraging them to purchase a new Iphone, ipod, etc.

Trading Events

Trade events (Trade events) - holding events aimed at dealers, distributors, wholesale buyers and those who are partners of the company. As an event, a presentation, conference, summit, forum, seminar and exhibition can be held.

With their help, the company presents its product and demonstrates its developments, gives a detailed description, thus obtaining the interest of investors, customers (partners) and the opportunity to create business relationships and a distribution system. You can also hold pr-actions and shows to create the image of the company in the eyes of visitors.

Corporate events

Corporate events (Corporate events or HR events) - events that are held by the company for its team. It can be: various holidays, company birthday, joint vacation. This approach allows you to get a more cohesive team with a high corporate spirit, in addition, employees feel that the company cares about them and appreciates them.

There are two more subcategories of corporate events: family day and teambuilding. The first includes the organization of family holidays, and the second organization of trainings, in which, under the guidance of a personal growth coach or a psychologist, various business situations are presented and employees solve them.

Special Events

Special events - holding mass events aimed at attracting potential customers and everything that will positively affect the company's image. These include: concerts, shows, city holidays, various festivals, etc. All this can cause positive emotions among the masses of people, and in the case of a properly selected event, the appropriate target audience (TA) will be attracted.

Game promotion - as the name implies, it means lotteries and competitions, including creative ones, with prizes and gifts from the organizing company.

When to Use Event Marketing

Professional marketers advise using event marketing and including it in all marketing plans. It is only necessary to decide what kind of events is needed, depending on what goals you are pursuing and what effect should be provided due to the event.

If you want to introduce the company to consumers, then it makes sense to hold an "opening ceremony" or a presentation.

As a rule, this is a small concert, various kinds of drawings of gifts and a speech in which you talk about your company, company and store.

The presentation is also carried out according to the algorithm. The main part of the presentation, the expert gives information about the product (service) itself and its advantages, impressing potential buyers and arousing their interest.

Holidays are the most grandiose event from the category of event marketing. Holidays are organized for a large target audience. By inviting famous personalities and entertaining people, the company makes an excellent impression on the target audience, thereby endearing them to itself.

The organization of sports competitions is considered an original approach. It was it that was applied by the Mars company, which organized the sports festival SNIKERS URBANiYA in different cities of Russia for ten years in a row (2001-2010). The festival was designed for a young target audience and therefore competitions were held in street sports: breakdance, freestyle, graffiti, etc.

Advertising event development methodology

Types of event campaigns

  • Events for the exchange of experience (congresses, exhibitions and conferences).
  • Informational event-marketing (presentations, opening). Attracts the attention of potential customers without much obtrusiveness. For example, a demonstration show of a new collection of clothes.
  • Entertainment event marketing (concerts, competitions and festivals).

Event Marketing Tools

  • Corporate event. A tool that allows you to manipulate the team at the level of emotions and form a team.
  • B2B. A tool that includes the organization of trainings, seminars and conferences. Conducted to expand and develop the network.
  • Special event. This event is held to promote the product in order to reveal the value and essence of the brand to the participants.
  • Shock promotion. Uses people's curiosity and reaction to a scandalous event to direct interest in their product or service.
  • Game promotion. Lures people into the game to gain interest in their product.

The given tools differ in the method of carrying out. The tool required for use must be determined based on the type of product being promoted and its target audience. The tools are designed to create a public opinion about the product and the company offered by it.

Main types of events

In addition, tools allow you to guide public opinion. "Event-marketing" makes it possible to form and maintain relationships with customers, as it affects human emotions and creates a connection between the company and consumers, which allows you to convince and demonstrate the product, as well as receive feedback and conduct research.

Feature of event marketing

The peculiarity lies in the fact that it is effective, exceptional and unobtrusive. People perceive aggressive and annoying ads worse. And events give positive emotions and create a sense of belonging among consumers. And as a result, positive emotions caused by people give the company their loyalty.

Goals and objectives of event marketing

The organization of events has the following goals:

  • increasing brand awareness;
  • increase in sales;
  • demonstration (display) of a new product;
  • formation of a corporate image;
  • media involvement.

You can set multiple tasks. For example, conducting a presentation of a new product, draw attention to the company, increase the image and recognition, in addition, the event will attract the attention of the media.

What tasks does event marketing solve?

8 Rules for Successful Event Marketing

  • Whatever the event, it should be limited to the place and time of the event.
  • Brand symbols (logos) should be present everywhere.
  • Be generous with gifts, prizes, and souvenirs.
  • A brand is not what the founders created, but what the public thinks about it. Therefore, it is necessary to please the consumer.
  • It is necessary to organize the event in such a way as to receive feedback from the audience (to interact with it).
  • There should be people who, during the event, will let the audience “try out” the product or check it in operation.
  • When conducting an event, it is important to take into account the interests of the target audience.
  • Support from the media will be a big plus during the event.

Event marketing in themed holidays

In a situation with increasing competition, it is advisable for food companies to hold themed holidays. An example is the ice cream day or the bread and milk festival, which is held in St. Petersburg every year.

Such events are organized with the consent of the local administration. Such holidays are beneficial for the authorities, as the events arouse the interest of tourists, as well as beneficial for companies, because they get the opportunity to express themselves and present their products or show their advantage to consumers. And the local administration receives taxes in its treasury.

Event Marketing Examples

  • In the field of culture. Various organizations associated with leisure activities are seriously competing with organizations in the field of culture, which forces the latter to change their approach to their own business and resort to the use of marketing. Holding events helps to remind the mass of people about cultural organizations, increases the reputation and contributes to the creation of a better image. In addition, specially held events serve as the very product of cultural institutions.
  • In tourism. Event marketing in tourism refers to the use of an ongoing event to attract people to a certain territory. As an example, we can mention the city of Budapest, which is famous for holding festivals.
  • In the museum. Museums need a different way to attract visitors. For modern society, and in particular the younger generation, museums are perceived as a "repository" of historical objects. With the help of event marketing, museum-type institutions can focus on the provision of cultural, educational and entertainment services.

Event Marketing Agency

Event marketing agencies develop plans for organizing events that should bring the desired result. The program of the event may include: a script, a description of seminars, presentations and entertainment events.
Agencies make forecasts of the effectiveness of events and provide a financial justification.

The work of event marketing in Russia

In Russia, event marketing, in comparison with Western countries, began to appear in the early 2000s, but even then, the first to use event marketing in Russia were international companies, the scale of which also affected our country. Since 2003, it began to gain momentum and by 2013 the market share of event marketing was 13.6 billion rubles. Currently, the field of event marketing in Russia continues to develop and hundreds of agencies already work in it.

Books about event marketing

  • Nazimko A.E. "Event Marketing: A Guide for Customers and Performers". 2007
  • Romantsov A.N. Event-marketing: Essence and features of the organization. 2009
  • Alexander Shumovich, Alexey Berlov. Mix but don't shake: Recipes for organizing events. 2011
  • Ulrich Halzbaur, Edwin Jettinger, Bernhard Knause, Ralf Moser, Markus Zeller. Event management. 2006
  • Mark Sonder: Event management. Organization of entertainment events. Techniques, Ideas, Strategies, Methods 2006
  • Bernd Schmitt, David Rogers, Karen Vrotsos: Show business. Marketing in the culture of experiences. 2005
  • Irina Shubina: Organization of leisure and show programs. Screenwriter's creative laboratory. 2004

The effectiveness of marketing depends on intrusiveness. Event marketing in our country is only gaining popularity and has not yet become boring to consumers, which means that its result, if applied correctly, will only benefit the company.

To reach a potential consumer and attract his attention, marketers are forced to develop new advertising strategies. One of them is event marketing.

The essence of this direction is to conduct events for the target audience in order to form a positive attitude towards the brand or product. Event is always aimed at improving the company's recognition or increasing consumer loyalty.

Events, as an advertising campaign tool, help create the effect of the involvement of each of those present, make the buyer associate his product with positive emotions.
Thanks to the personal experience of participating in a particular event associated with the brand, a person quickly remembers the brand and experiences a certain feeling of gratitude, friendliness towards the manufacturers who gave him emotions. In addition, advertising within a well-planned event does not look intrusive, therefore it does not cause hostility among the target audience.

This method of promotion appeared in our country recently: for the first time they started talking about it at the beginning of the 21st century. But in the US and Europe, such advertising is one of the most common. Giant companies devote more than 50% of their annual advertising budget to event marketing.

Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Redbull are famous for the largest events. According to marketers, it is event-advertising that can multiply brand loyalty.

The meaning of event marketing can be expressed by the slogan: “Feel it!”. It is for maximum involvement that all promotional events are designed.

Examples of Successful Event Marketing Campaigns

Almost all major brands can boast of successful examples of event marketing.

So, the Coca-Cola company in the nineties launched an advertisement with New Year's trucks delivering the drink around the cities. The slogan of the video is "The holiday is coming to us!" has become an integral part of the New Year for residents of many countries. And in 2016, for the first time, caravans of branded trucks decorated with bright lights actually drove through the cities of Russia.

Thousands of people came to see the symbol of the holiday. This event introduced potential buyers to the fabulous atmosphere of the commercial and made them associate the New Year with the company's products even more.

Red Bull Flugtag is considered one of the most massive event marketing events held annually in Russia. Red Bull is a manufacturer of a non-alcoholic energy drink, so its target audience is young people seeking freedom, new experiences and emotions. This is exactly what the participants and spectators of the championship get.

The essence of the event is in the competition of homemade aircraft. The spectacle of the show is ensured by the fact that each team of participants tries to create the most unusual, funny and grotesque apparatus. In 2016, such a festival in Krylatskoye brought together 39 participants and several thousand spectators who received positive emotions and experiences. Thus, the brand increases customer loyalty, makes you associate your product with laughter, lightness and energy of freedom.

A striking example of the successful use of event marketing can be considered an incredibly beautiful action from Sony as part of an advertisement for a new camera that conveys all the nuances of color.

Sony, together with the residents of a small town in Costa Rica, collected more than 3.5 tons of flower petals of various shades and poured them over the city. The spectacle was announced and attracted tourists, and photographs of the event, taken with the advertised camera, spread around the world.

So, Sony introduced a new product in its line and made consumers associate their camera with a real explosion of color. After this advertising campaign, the demand for Sony cameras among travelers has increased markedly.

How events are carried out as part of event marketing

The effectiveness of event marketing as a way to promote a product or service depends on how accurately the purpose of the event is defined and how carefully it is prepared.

In addition, the selected event should correspond to the characteristics of the company, emphasize its strengths and uniqueness. Events to promote expensive cars, watches or luxury goods are usually designed to draw attention to the elitism, exclusivity, status of the target audience.

On the other hand, brands that position themselves as democratic try to hold events as open and accessible as possible.

For example, the women's magazine Cosmopolitan holds an annual heel race for everyone. The competitions are designed to give positive emotions and emphasize that the publication is issued for feminine, but strong and successful girls. Buying a magazine in the future, spectators or participants in the race feel like that.

After the company determines the target audience, the format of the event and its features, they start writing the script and choosing the venue for the action.

At this stage, it is important to remember two important nuances:

  • The richer the program of the event, the more involved a potential buyer is, the more likely it is to increase his brand loyalty
  • The name of the product, the company logo, samples, testers - all this should be present in abundance at the event. Don't limit yourself to visual ads. A participant can feel real attention to his person, if during the event there will be specialists who are ready to advise, tell, give a try.
    Personal attention greatly enhances the impression of the event. A few years ago, MTS placed electronic libraries on the streets of large cities. They were tubes distributing wi-fi, made in the form of bookshelves. Anyone could download the selected book for free using the QR code placed on it. For convenience and efficiency, promoters in MTS uniform worked next to the tubes, helping to understand the use of the library.

When Should You Use Event Marketing?

Activities carried out as part of an advertising campaign, experts recommend including in any marketing plan. They will help maintain, increase or create consumer loyalty to the brand. Only event marketing tools will differ, depending on what effect should be achieved with the help of this or that event.

1. For those who want to introduce customers to their company or a new product, an event in the format opening or presentation. Such promotions are held quite often and do not differ much from each other.

Most often, the opening includes a small concert, a drawing of gifts and prizes among the first customers, and a story about a new store or brand.

Presentations are also held according to a fixed scenario. Usually, most of the time, a company specialist talks about the benefits of a new product, trying to interest and amaze the audience. The most famous presentations today are held by the Apple brand in connection with the release of new devices.

Presentation formats include Exhibitions.Usually they are held for representatives of companies in order to get acquainted with new products and attract new customers. At such an event, products of several brands can be collected at once.

2.Holidays are considered the largest event in the event-campaigns. Usually they are carried out for a wide target audience. Mass holidays with the involvement of media people, entertainment for the public can create an emotional connection between the consumer and the company.

Such events create an effect of ownership, which increases brand loyalty many times over. Among the large-scale holidays in Russia, one can single out the Vkontakte festival, picnics of the Afisha publication.

A separate type of holiday sports events. They are chosen by companies whose target audience is active young people seeking new experiences. At such events, the public is invited to take part in competitions or cheer for their favorite athletes.

Such an event marketing tool was successfully used by Mars, which held special competitions in street sports in Russia for several years in a row - Snickers Urbania.


Event marketing in Russia is just beginning to gain popularity; such events do not yet seem like intrusive advertising to consumers. Event marketing, judging by the trends of the last decade, promises to become one of the main ways to promote companies and products on the market. In addition, it is the emotional component of such advertising that can increase customer loyalty for many years to come.

The history of its occurrence

The idea of ​​​​creating an event in order to attract mass interest appeared millennia ago - the main idea was voiced by the Roman rulers: "Panem et circenses!" - which in translation means "bread and circuses."

One of the first actions that can be attributed to event marketing was a nationwide competition for sculptures made from soap bars. The "customer" of the competition was Procter & Gamble. The goal of the competition was to turn soap, which evoked unpleasant associations in many kids, into one of their favorite toys that encourage them to be creative. During the year, thousands of American children were involved in a real competition.

French PR researcher L.-F. Laprevote connects the development of public relations with models of event communication. The researcher suggests three periods of evolution of PR - "engineering" and each stage has a special goal:

1) 1946-1960 - Achievement of publicity of the company;

2) 1960-1980 - creation of brand image;

3) after 1980 - the development of the company's culture.

Each stage has its own slogan:

1) "Do well and make it known";

2) "Image capital - trust capital";

3) "Enterprise - citizen".

Event marketing has only emerged as an industry in its own right in the last 30 years, coinciding with an annual increase in the number of marketing events. Event marketing was used by Coca-Cola, Nike, Nestle. One of the first to resort to event marketing was McDonald's, which linked the image of a fast food chain with Ronald McDonald's orphanage and regularly holds special events using the image of Ronald the Clown. This event marketing tactic helped the company not only attract a family audience, that is, children and their parents, but also to create a positive, bright, memorable image. McDonald's also uses other event marketing tools: all kinds of charity events involving stars, which also helps to create a favorable image and expand the target audience.

Features and possibilities of event marketing

The modern situation is characterized by a sign of information saturation. That is why marketers, advertisers and PR specialists are no longer required to simply “search for moments” when consumers are ready to perceive information, but to independently create such moments, in those cases when and where the company needs it. This and the network is the main task of event marketing.

If the traditional approach to product promotion can be compared "with the packaging of an instant lottery ticket: until you open it, you will not know the result: won or lost." That is the basis of event marketing events - the use of the opposite approach, which consists in the fact that the consumer experiences a sense of satisfaction already during the event - here everything can be seen, touched, experienced, felt.

Thus, it is the events of event marketing that allow you to approach the consumer, as they say, from the open side and be remembered for a long time against the backdrop of a general rejection of advertising.

This is one of the most important advantages of event marketing.

Continuing the conversation about the features and possibilities of the researched method of promoting the product, it can be noted that many promotion specialists continue to focus the management of their companies on additional costs associated with promotions. However, a modern consumer, accepting gifts during a promotion, is far from always inclined to show "loyalty" to the brand in the future, after it, most often, he does not even remember the brand name. The consumer simply receives his fleeting commercial benefit, and the product is purchased from those who give good discounts, or simply give gifts.

Therefore, now marketers are coming to understand that promotional activities should increasingly focus on personal communication contact with consumers. The purpose of such contact is to actively convince them of the value of the product for each specific buyer. Thus, the meaning of organizing events should come from the desire to unite people, provide them with conditions for free communication, and remove the barriers that prevent this.

Modern, "advanced" leaders understand this, both in foreign practice and in Russia. They require marketing departments to use event marketing as the most effective way to deliver marketing communications with consumers and business partners, as well as with company employees.

This point of view is also due to the fact that event marketing provides not only direct, but also feedback, which is now extremely important in business communications.

Providing the consumer with information that justifies the need to purchase a particular product is provided to the consumer during an interesting or even exciting event in which he is involved on a voluntary basis.

The essence of the information offered reaches the consumer in the process of unconstrained, "random" learning, because a person receives knowledge about a product, company, its trademark in interesting communication, I would even say - in an exciting game.

In this context, it is appropriate to recall the famous dictum of Confucius: "The people can be forced to obey, they cannot be forced to knowledge."

This advantage of event marketing is easy to understand if we understand it from the point of view of psychology.

Indeed, a person remembers better what he experienced on a sensual, emotional level - this is a scientifically proven fact.

At the same time, receiving and storing relevant information about the occurrence of an event where those who wish are invited is fundamentally different from the perception of “ordinary” advertising. In this case, a specific person is given the right to a specific choice, without the “load” of suggestive pressure.

In general, event marketing in Russia has a number of features that are easy to determine using the SWOT analysis matrix.


effectively builds an emotional connection between the brand and the consumer;

allows to ensure maximum involvement of participants in the process of the event, which will cause their loyalty in the future;

· involves the use of other elements of mass communication, such as advertising, PR and BTL;

Possibility of organizing direct sales by linking them to ongoing events


has a long-term effect;

unobtrusiveness, there is an element of entertainment;

· minimization of the company's costs through cooperation with other companies;

saves up to 30% of the budget (allocated to advertising);

increased receptivity of the audience;

products are associated with a social phenomenon and gain competitive advantages

· unprofessionalism in the organization and preparation of events, there is a risk of quickly boring the target audience;

non-compliance of the TA activity;

Lack of a marketing strategy

Reducing the number of events that do not involve the activity of the audience


Lack of knowledge in this area, since there are few professionals;

Large labor costs (physical, organizational, creative)

Thus, the most important “advantage of event marketing is the active impact of the event on the emotional component of the consumer's perception of information. A wave of emerging emotions draws him into the atmosphere of the holiday, which relaxes. All this happens outside of the workplace and the daily hustle and bustle.

Suffice it to recall Eric Lennard Bern, a prominent American psychologist and psychiatrist, who put forward the theory of transactional analysis. He pointed out in it that "people always want entertainment, because the "child" waking up in them pushes them to cross the forbidden line."

Today, the manufacturing and wholesale business in Russia is going through a rather interesting phase: companies are beginning to discover "New Wave Marketing" - the current state of affairs in marketing at the moment. Marketing in general is developing rapidly: new technologies and approaches are emerging that are applicable in all areas of business, in particular, for wholesalers and manufacturing companies.

Most companies use the standard set. Most often, most of the company's sales are the result of personal connections and acquaintances of the head. Also, the website, the key issue is how the site works and what efficiency it shows, participation in tenders, repeat sales to old customers and cold calls. And, of course, participation in exhibitions, which we will talk about.

All these tools, of course, work, give some result, but have you thought about the fact that your competitors use the same tools?
Therefore, today I want to talk about a channel for attracting customers, which is rarely used by anyone - this is event marketing.

What is event marketing?

The whole point is revealed in the title. These are events (seminars, trainings, conferences), the main purpose of which is to sell your company's products.
The purpose of the events is to make a sale. In this article, I will talk about exactly how to sell at events. Let's look at 3 types:

  • Exhibitions and conferences
  • Own live trainings and seminars
  • Online trainings and seminars

Table of contents
Introduction 3
Chapter 1 Event Marketing 5
1.1 The concept of event. Functions and Features 5
1.2 Classification of events 9
1.3 Event marketing in Russia 13
Chapter 2. Stages of holding an event 20
2.1 Step 1: Preparation 20
2.2 Step 2: Conduct 22
2.3 Stage 3 Analysis 24
Chapter 3. Event marketing in the field of charity events 26
3.1 Concert "We will live!" 26
3.2 Charity march "Together against breast cancer"……..…...27
List of used literature…………………………………....33

Event marketing in Russia began to develop recently, although abroad, event marketing has been successfully used for many years to promote goods and services.
Today, marketing plays a huge role for the successful functioning of a modern enterprise. This becomes especially important in view of the duration of the development of crisis phenomena. PR is one of the important tools in conducting commercial activities. First of all, this is due to the fact that any self-respecting company must have productive and competent relationships with customers, dealers, suppliers and public circles interested in the activities of this organization. It is necessary to constantly collect information about the needs of the audience, about its condition and the process of forming the desired behavior. It is necessary to develop various appeals, projects for the development of successful commercial activities. Event - management is one of the most essential tools of public relations, which is aimed at obtaining not a one-time effect, but a long-term process in shaping the image of an enterprise, its impact on public interests and needs.
Event means turning the event into something completely exceptional from the point of view of the attendees through auxiliary effects. The focus of Event Management, or event management, is questions concerning what exactly distinguishes a genuine event and how to manage such an event, how to plan and consistently carry it out. Success must be based on careful planning and flawless organization of each event: here it is necessary to act systematically and avoid common mistakes.
The exclusivity of the event also brings an additional benefit, which is manifested by the occurrence of time, when it becomes clear that possible backlashes and failures have been prevented, and the justification of the event is confirmed.
The purpose of writing this paper is to study the theoretical aspects of Event Marketing.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set in the work:
- to explore the methodology of forming the image of the enterprise;
- give the concept of event marketing and consider the stages of event planning;
- to analyze the event marketing market in Russia, to determine its trends and prospects.
The object of research is the image of the company.
Subject - Event-marketing as a tool for creating a company's image.

Chapter 1.
1.1 The concept of event. Functions and features.
So, the concept of event reflects the exceptional nature of a particular event or event, perceived subjectively. An event arises in the minds and feelings of those who experience it.
In translation, the concept of event means an event, but it also includes the semantic shades of an auspicious occasion, the most likely desired result, an exceptional incident, a sports competition, an event. Event marketing is a purposefully designed set of activities created to promote the interests of the company with the help of some kind of event.
The exceptional nature of the event is also reflected in the following aspects of the event: precious as a memory; remembered as something extremely positive; unrepeatable, unique; encourages participants to be active, providing them with additional benefits and effects; well-planned, designed, organized and staged in a certain way; is distinguished by a variety of bright events, interactions and perceptions; there is a relationship between impressions and symbols;
Any marketing strategy of a company consists of a very standard set of tools, such as advertising in the media and the Internet, participation in events, PR support and much more. But the surrounding reality is changing every day, competitors are using new non-standard approaches in their activities, and consumers are becoming more sophisticated when choosing goods and services.
One of the ways to overcome this crisis is the use of event-marketing events by companies. Currently, event marketing is one of the most promising areas of communication policy in any business area.
Event marketing is a type of integrated marketing communications,
which is a set of activities aimed at promoting goods, services, brand in the internal and external marketing environment through the organization of special events.
The very concept of event is subjective and ambiguous. The main benefits of the event are made possible by the side effects of the event, smoothly transitioning from one to another. But the event itself has no clear boundaries: arrival at the venue, catering, surroundings and departure are quite capable of adding bright touches to the impression.
The main functions of event marketing:
- brand positioning
- bright product opening
- promotion of brandy or trademark due to a memorable event
- increase in sales volume for the long term
- formation of corporate culture in the company, creation of a close-knit team
- bright product opening
- formation of loyal consumer groups
The characteristic of an event is that it occurs at a specific time.
In contrast to what is happening objectively, in the subjective perception of visitors, it is not the duration that comes to the fore, but a specific date.
In this sense, the events are:
each visit by a client to a market or a museum;
every tick of the clock;
every transaction on the exchange.
Many events are characterized by a certain time interval, which for the observer will be short enough to talk about a certain time of the event, including in relation to the time scale that is significant at the moment.
This applies in particular to the events listed below, whose duration is short compared to the actual time scale for participants:
concert lasting one evening;
one hour flight;
multi-day volcanic eruption in the geological time model;
an hour-long exam as part of a four-year course of study;
world championship or the Olympic Games in a four-year rhythm.
The fact that the subjectively experienced and felt period of time is decisive is confirmed by the example of a football match perceived as an event where even a long standing in line at the box office in the fan's mind is of particular importance.
Exceptional means not only that an event occurs once, but also that it is "unique" and outstanding; it:
the only one of its kind.
It is especially important that the event is always determined precisely by the position of the participants experiencing something as a genuine, exceptional event.
The problem of exclusivity and subjective perception reveals itself, in particular, in the issue of periodicity.
There is no such periodic event that would stand out against the background of the general series of events. In order for one event to be especially experienced in a chain of its own kind, it must be identified as something separate.
Events are likely to look like a routine from the point of view of their organizers. But for the visitor to be perceived as an event. On the other hand, from the point of view of the performer, it is important that the client considers the achievement as a link in a single chain.
This applies equally to entrepreneurship, sports, science and culture. And this does not depend on whether this achievement was covered explicitly or indirectly, for example, on TV.
The goal of event management is to present the achievement in such a way as to convey its exclusivity from the client's point of view, i.e., so that the client perceives the event as outstanding.
1.2 Classification of events

The standard marketing strategy of the company consists of the following tools: advertising in the media and the Internet, participation in events, PR support and much more. Today, the weight is changing very quickly - competitors are using new non-standard approaches in their activities, and consumers are becoming more sophisticated when choosing goods and services.
There are many approaches to classifying event marketing activities. This is due to the fact that each scientist, relying on different factors, sees this problem in his own way.
Kirill Fedorov, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing at the Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Head of the Sales Department at Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, classifies event marketing activities according to the principle of the target audience or focus on the object of influence.
TRADEEVENTS - event marketing events, developed by .....