I destroy myths from my own experience: is it really possible to make money on the stock exchange? How to make money on the stock exchange: examples Is it possible to get rich on the stock exchange.

Greetings dear friends! Over the years of working with the stock exchange, I often heard the questions “How to make money on it?”, “How much can you earn on the stock exchange?” etc. in the same vein. And today, in order to answer these and other questions, without a doubt, which are one of the key ones for those who want to start working with the stock market, I wrote this digression. I hope it will be useful for you.

So, how to make money on the stock exchange on the Internet? I have already said more than once that there are two main earning mechanisms. The first is stock trading, which involves speculative operations on securities rates. And the second is investments in various assets, in order to receive dividends (part of the profit of the shareholder company). Both options are good and both bring great profits. With the right approach, of course.

Because this article is intended mainly for beginners, we will consider the simplest algorithm that allows you to get your first profit in the stock market in the shortest possible time and without much preparation.

Naturally, its size will be much lower than what professional traders and investors have (their income is measured in thousands of dollars weekly), but it will be quite possible to understand the mechanism of functioning, delve a little into the topic and get a nice salary increase.

How to make money on the stock exchange on the Internet?

Let's say you opted for trading securities in order not to wait for the end of the quarter and the payment of dividends on shares and increase the possible profit.

The first thing to do is to register and open an account with a stock broker. After all, otherwise you simply will not get access to the exchange. It is not difficult to do this, just fill out the registration form and confirm your identity.

After the account is opened, replenished and access to the exchange is received, we open a working terminal (United Traders provides it) and proceed to the selection of assets.

Our task is to find a company whose shares are currently in decline and are selling at a low price. But at the same time, they must have growth potential so that we can buy them now at a low price and resell them later for a profit.

When selecting assets, traders use technical and fundamental analysis, the basics of which can be learned on our website.

Here, for example, are stock quotes for the well-known AvtoVAZ company for the last quarter.

They are listed on the Moscow Stock Exchange (MICEX) at a ridiculous, in general, price. As you can see, now they are going through hard times, a long bearish trend is visible, during which the share price has been declining every day. But, the last week has given the company a glimmer of hope that the market will turn around and the share price will go up. Let me enlarge the chart by setting a weekly timeframe.

The price made weak attempts to grow. Which, however, can be crowned with success. So, by purchasing a block of shares at bargain prices now, traders can make good money on them if the price returns to at least a month ago.

But AvtoVAZ will soon introduce a new car model, and from January 1, 2016, prices for imported cars, for example, for the Renault brand, will increase. No, I'm not implying anything. Although…

This is how the answer to the question looks like - how to make money on the stock exchange. Maybe I did not show the best example, but I think it was clear enough.

The second option of earning, with investing and receiving dividends is even easier. You simply invest in the shares of a company and wait for the end of the period for which it pays dividends.

For example, Gazprom paid 170,499,000,000 rubles in dividends in 2015. Now imagine how much you can get by owning at least 0.0001% of the shares. And after all, forecasts show that in 2016 the dividend yield of Gazprom shares will increase by 35-40%.

Now let's move on to the next question.

In principle, the income received by traders and investors on the stock exchange is limited only by two things: the size of the initial capital and the desire to work.

Although, in the presence of the second, capital is not always important. Do not believe it - read the article "", which describes several examples of an increase in the market value of shares by 200-300% and the transformation of an invested thousand into two or three in two days.

Knowing how to choose the right assets to buy and sell them on time, you can earn an unlimited amount of money. Naturally, this is not so easy to do, but with the proper level of preparation it is quite realistic.

Starting small, investing in, gradually delving into the intricacies of analysis and acquiring useful skills in work, gradually moving to more promising assets - this is the path of 99% of successful traders. And everyone, I repeat - everyone can be one of them. There would be a desire.

That's all for today, I hope this material was useful to you. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments, I will be happy to help you. Not saying goodbye.

Sincerely, Nikita Mikhailov

The idea of ​​additional income to the liking of every person. Subsequently, if you start everything right and follow the necessary warnings and advice, there is a real chance to make additional income the main one. Proper planning helps to improve the condition of the wallet. You can earn income quickly and easily from the comfort of your cozy room. How to make money on the exchange for a beginner at home?

What's going on in the stock market?

The exchange provides an excellent opportunity to make money at home by selling and buying shares, securities, making your assumptions about possible currency fluctuations. Does it matter what kind of education one gets to become a successful worker? No, there is no mandatory requirement. But you can’t do without certain skills if you don’t want to burn out in the first minutes. How to make money on the exchange for a beginner at home?

Anyone can acquire trading skills on the stock market, regardless of age or education. You should not, of course, think that this is just a game of chance. Do not build your associations that you can make money on the stock exchange through luck. This is to some extent a game, but psychological and mental. If you do not make the necessary calculations, you can lose everything. Also, you can not do without a psychological understanding of the market. Important:

  • to study the principle of work on the stock exchange;
  • understand how to choose the right broker and not burn out;
  • pay attention to the actions of other companies.
  • How well a newcomer at home will make money on the stock exchange will depend only on him. How much time will he spend preparing? How carefully will he choose those from whom he will buy shares?

    Like any newbie, in order to make money on the stock exchange at home, you first have to go through the registration process. To begin with, you can try yourself as a simple appraiser and make the first bets, but then you should try yourself as a broker, having a more passive income. This will require experience, funds that will have to be invested, as well as the required licenses and documents. You won’t have to depend on anyone, but you shouldn’t forget about work.

    Where to begin? How to prepare?

    As mentioned above, the exchange is not a game of chance and requires certain skills and efforts. Several days of intensive training will help you understand all the terms that are found in the trading market, introduce you to creating a chart and choosing a successful broker. It is better to take the time to make the right decision about who to work for and with whom. Having studied the basic work of the market, you can start working.

    For the first time, it is good to try out working with stocks that have a small financial fluctuation. Losing your money will not work much, but the income will be small. If such accounts fluctuate slowly, then it is better to wait until they reach a significantly high mark. Now you can quickly sell them. Try to find a broker who takes a low percentage for his work, otherwise he will "eat" a significant part of the profits. You can't do without risky decisions if you want to get more. This experience will help in the future to take risks and not lose.

    Uptrend and downtrend. How to use it?

    Every product has a price peak. At the moment, it is important not to miss your opportunity to earn extra money. When the price starts to rise, it is better to immediately make the necessary purchases. As soon as the price starts to fall, sooner or later it will happen, sell everything you took at the increased rate.

    During a downtrend, you should pay attention to the chart. Once it bottoms out after the reversal, you can buy currencies, borrow them, and then sell them.

    So, how to make money on the exchange for a beginner at home? To do it right, those who have been successful in this field are advised not to rush, learn the terms and understand the principle of work. Then it will turn out not to lose your funds and make a profit.

    The page contains many articles about learning to trade. This article tells. Find out, . This will help increase your efficiency.

    Trading is the process of trading activity on the stock exchange. The goal is to make a profit from operations with various financial instruments: company shares, currencies, futures. This also applies to forex trading. Internet trading is a good start for those who want to receive dividends from the purchase / sale of securities.

    The trading process goes through a broker - a link between the trader and the exchange. For intermediary activities, he is charged a certain percentage of commissions. Anyone who decides to try his hand at stock trading can, if a number of conditions are met, join electronic trading from his computer.

    This article provides a general understanding of how to make money on the exchange for a beginner at home. You will seriously study the specifics of trading when you decide that the business is interesting and will bring profit in the future.

    Trading through a broker frees you from difficult conditions for a beginner and costly investments. To be able to trade on the stock exchange, you must do the following:

    • obtain a license to carry out activities with a preliminary passage of a special training course;
    • pay the entry fee. Some exchanges allow the client to trade after making a fixed amount - a fee, the amount of which reaches three million rubles (MICEX);
    • purchase an expensive licensed program on the basis of which the exchange Internet resource operates.

    If it is impossible to spend large amounts of money on a license and entry fees in order to work on the exchange without intermediaries, contact the services of one of the many brokerage companies. With their help, you will get access to the resource and will independently make financial transactions.

    Brokerage companies with the possibility of trading via the Internet

    There are many exchanges on the web. Reliable - Finam, Uralsib, VTB, Alfa Capital, Troika Dialog. These are major players who enjoy the trust of customers. Before being admitted to real trading, the brokerage company offers to undergo training - and you will be ready to use the tools of the trading program on your own.

    The working hours of stock exchanges differ depending on which trading exchange they are “tied to”. Therefore, before deciding on the choice of an online resource, decide on the time of trading that is convenient for you. Consider the size of the commission of the brokerage company, it depends on how much you earn in the end.

    Stock market for beginners

    Volatility, or price change

    Volatility is an indicator of changes in the price of a financial instrument. The stock market is characterized by low volatility, when the value of shares changes slightly, rising and falling within one trading day. It is not easy to make money with this nature of stock price fluctuations.

    A large range of exchange rate changes is called "high volatility".

    An experienced trader remembers that for each purchase and sale on the exchange, the broker charges a commission, which covers the profit received, as in the case of low volatility. Therefore, wait for the moment when the stocks rise significantly in price, and act. With low trading volatility, do not count on significant profits.

    What are they doing to make money on the stock exchange

    A novice trader works taking into account all the circumstances that develop on the site on a particular trading day. To do this, you need to carefully monitor the actions of experienced players, analyze rates, study information on global financial markets, be aware of political events - they play a huge role in the movement on the stock exchanges. Stick to a certain strategy:

    • work with a broker who takes a low percentage for services;
    • trade with high volatility.

    As you gain experience in this area, learn to take into account all the nuances of a market strategy, it will become easy to assess the position at the auction. Intuition will appear. Such players act risky, but time passes and it becomes clear that the steps were justified.

    Choosing a brokerage company

    To determine the intermediary, study the information about the brokers operating in your region. And also find out the commission rates and terms of service.

    Invite brokerage houses to write an example with the same initial conditions point by point and evaluate the final results of their calculations: expected income, commission, net profit from the purchase / sale of shares (currency). The credibility of the broker, experience in the market and the recommendations of traders will help you make the right choice.

    How difficult is it to get started on the stock exchange

    Trading on the exchange markets does not instantly bring satisfaction and positive results. Many do not endure emotionally and psychologically, for others, all this seems technically difficult. According to statistics, one or two out of ten people join the process of stock trading - whoever likes it.

    In order for trading on the site to bring a positive result, it is necessary:

    1. Familiarize yourself with theoretical material on the topic of economics and finance.
    2. During the trading session, control yourself and be able to manage your psycho-emotional state.
    3. Continually accumulate work experience.

    With a detailed consideration of these points, it will become clear what to do in order to successfully trade on the exchange market.

    Theoretical knowledge

    This information includes basic trading information. Having mastered them, you will understand how complex financial processes proceed in the economy. This is useful for an objective assessment of the situation on the market. Economic terms will not be an empty phrase - stocks, forex, options, volatility, liquidity, trend. These concepts are important to everyone who is going to engage in stock trading.

    The ability to read charts, analyze financial news, respond in time to events in the country and the world (changes in oil prices, currency fluctuations) - all this will help you choose a strategy and tactics for playing on the stock exchange and will be the key to success in the future. Below are examples of possible trading daily charts.


    An uptrend chart shows that prices are moving up. According to the rules of the exchange, when the value of a stock or currency rises, you have to buy. If you manage to make a purchase at the beginning of the trend, then after a while, having reached the peak, the price will begin to decline, and you will sell shares (currency) and make a profit.


    A downtrend chart shows that prices are declining. Wait for the low point, and after the reversal, acquire assets. When shares continue to fall in price, it is practiced to buy them on credit from a broker to sell them at the current price. When it drops even lower, they buy shares to return to the broker. This is how profit is formed in a downtrend.

    Lateral trend, or sideways

    The flat chart shows that the market is in a state of uncertainty. There is no clear movement of the stock either up or down. Players choose a line of strategy and act according to this plan. Some are waiting for the bottom to buy assets at low prices, while others manage to sell them at a high price on a downtrend. And the third on the sideways manage to earn.

    stop loss. How it works

    In trading, stick to the plan and do not deviate from it. Explore the possibilities of the trading program and use a set of software exchange tools. Know how to analyze, do not be afraid to act.

    For those who want to explore all the possibilities of the resource and want to know how to make money on the exchange on the Internet in the absence of a user in the workplace, there is a special function - stop loss. It helps the trader to reduce losses when stocks fall and capitalize on their growth when there is no way to constantly be at the computer.

    The user sets a stop loss, that is, fixes the price. When the stock starts to fall in the absence of the player, when this figure is reached, a stop loss will be triggered, and they will be sold at the price fixed by the trader, which is high compared to the prices when the stock collapsed. This feature helps to save money and reduce losses.

    Psychology of stock trading

    In terms of emotionality, trading on the stock exchange is similar to gambling. But this is how it seems to a beginner - it is difficult for him to resist rash actions at a decisive moment, when everything needs to be weighed. Unable to withstand the heat of trading, they buy when they need to sell, and sell when the stock has not risen in price. Such novice traders are left with an empty wallet and leave the site.

    Useful experience for making money on the stock exchange

    The experience of a trader consists of the time of training, obtaining initial skills and the actual full-fledged work. Everyone has their own timeline for success. Some take years to figure out all the intricacies, while others earn decent money at the initial stage.

    Constant improvement of skills, study of financial science, interest in stock news, orientation in the world of stocks and currencies will bring positive results. An experienced trader is more successful than a beginner, but there are exceptions, which confirm the rules.

    It is foolish to expect that success in this area will come overnight. There will be ups and downs, losses and gains. We must prepare for this.

    What market to work in

    There are three main types of exchange markets:

    • stock, trades in shares (MICEX).
    • urgent, specializes in the sale/purchase of futures and options (RTS).
    • currency, conducts operations with dollars, euros, yens.

    A potential trader decides for himself which exchange will bring income and chooses a suitable platform for trading.

    Buying shares is an alternative to deposits. Or not?

    What are you, the Russian stock market and how to make money on you.

    My third blog post will be about money. When you have money, you want more of it. Historically, in Russia, in order to have more money, it is customary to make bank deposits. If there is a lot of money, buy commercial real estate.

    But there is a nuance. The real estate market is frozen in place, and a good object to buy is not easy to find. And, unfortunately, there is not always enough money to invest in square meters. The rates on deposits are also not encouraging, and in the TOP-10 banks have already dropped to 7-8%, by the end of the year they will drop to 5-6%.

    And I want to earn 15-20% per annum and more. Therefore, a logical question arises: what else? As an option - the stock market and the purchase of shares. Is it possible to make money on the stock exchange? Now we will understand.

    In a nutshell about the basics.

    There are two types of companies: those that are listed on the stock exchange and those that are not. Those who are not traded are the majority. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, there are more than 4 million companies in Russia. And only a few hundred of them list shares on the stock exchange. This is a large and very large business: Gazprom, Sberbank, Aeroflot, Avtovaz and so on. We, as people who want to make money, are interested in these public companies, whose shares we can buy.

    How everything works.

    For example, Gazprom. Gazprom consists of 22,127,000,000 shares. Today, one share costs 126 rubles, and the entire capitalization of Gazprom thus amounts to 2.788 trillion rubles.

    I recently bought 1000 shares. Now I am a shareholder and owner of 0.0000045% of Gazprom. And there are hundreds of thousands of people like me around the world.

    Exactly the same scheme with any public company. The company consists of millions of shares. Buy a piece - become a co-owner, a minority shareholder. It is clear that you do not just buy, but to earn. And there are two ways.

    First, dividends.
    If the company has done a good job and made a profit, it can use the money it earns to pay dividends to its shareholders.

    And maybe not send it, and instead start some big investment project, sending all the money there. Or pay off the loan early. Or “hide” profits offshore. What to do - decide, alas, not you, but the company's management and major shareholders. And there every time roulette.

    However, most companies in the stock market pay dividends.

    Some "modestly" send 25% of their profits to shareholders. Other 50% or more.

    In general, each company has its own dividend policy. Therefore, the size of dividends, as a rule, is known several months before the closing of the register of shareholders - the date by which you need to have time to buy shares.

    I'll say more. Last year, the government obliged all state-owned companies to send 50% of their profits to pay dividends to shareholders. Because the main shareholder of state-owned companies is the state, and the money will go to the budget. But many state-owned companies still paid less. There is no time to explain why. That's how it works.

    Here, for example, again Gazprom. The amount of dividends last year was 7.89 rubles per share. 25% profit. This year they again promise 7.89 rubles/share. Which again is 25% profit and a little more than 6% per annum of income. Although, let me remind you, the government asks for 50%. Six percent per annum is not to say that much. Deposits are still profitable.

    Greetings! The other day I watched with pleasure the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" with Leonardo DiCaprio in the title role. Adore . The intensity of passions, a sea of ​​events and emotions, ups and downs - beauty! Agree, in comparison with the heroes of such films, we live a terribly boring life.

    Is it possible for a mere mortal to make money on the stock exchange? The answer to this question is not as obvious as it seems. Wrong are those who consider currency, stock or a giant scam. But anyone who hopes to consistently and easily earn thousands of dollars on the MICEX is also mistaken.

    The truth, as usual, lies somewhere in between. Let's try to figure it out...

    We will not touch Forex today. The article was very recent. Let's talk about - the one where securities are traded.

    There are two ways to earn money here. And each has its pros and cons. "Speculator" or "Investor": which image do you like more?


    The speculator focuses on making short-term profits. He can "weld" a few percent in a couple of minutes or a couple of days. Then close the deal and take profit.

    The speculator does not care what to trade. If only the instrument was more or less volatile. After all, a trader earns on price fluctuations (a dollar / ruble pair, a barrel of oil, Apple shares). The speculator is an active player. It looks for trends, uses and analyzes news, signals and forums. And every time it tries to predict where the market will go: up or down.

    How much can a speculator earn?

    A speculator can double his trading account in just one month! More than 1000 per annum can really be obtained in a couple of days or hours. The goal of the speculator is to outrun the market and make a serious profit in a short time.

    Here, for example, are the real results of the LCHI competition - "The Best Private Investor". The Moscow Exchange holds LCHI every year from September 15 to December 15. Anyone can take part in the competition. As part of the competition, you can trade on the stock, futures and currency markets.

    For three months, the top three earned 267.98%, 263.95% and 232.81%, respectively, on the stock market. Is it tempting to increase start-up capital by 2.5 times in just three months? $10,000 deposited, $25,000 withdrawn...

    Unfortunately, in real trading, everything looks quite different. Most traders showed results from 0% to 5%. Slightly less than half - from 0% to -5%. According to the results of three months, 50% of all trading accounts turned out to be in the red.

    Not so profitable, it turns out, to be a speculator. But damn tempting, isn't it? 🙂 By the way, it also applies to speculation.

    Do you remember the story of the beginning of 2016 about a private trader from Kazan? On the Internet, a link to this news walked on all social networks. In one day, Denis Gromov lost 15.1 million rubles on currency speculation, remaining 9.5 million rubles in debt to the bank! The story is dark, but still...


    Have you noticed that they don't make films or write books about investors? About traders-speculators - please, but about investors - nothing at all!

    And all because ... there is nothing special to show. In trading, they earn and lose millions in a couple of minutes, in the frame there is a sea of ​​emotions, yachts, limousines and luxurious women. The reviews of the lucky ones excite and make you believe in a miracle.

    Investments are quiet, boring, more or less predictable and absolutely not spectacular. Making a film about an ordinary investor is like making an accountant or a tax inspector the main character in an action movie. 🙂

    Now seriously. The investor is focused on receiving for a period of two to three years. Unlike the speculator, he buys or not as a commodity for resale, but as an asset or share in a business. The investor does not evaluate the general situation in the stock market, but looks at the prospects of a particular organization. He analyzes the company's financial statements using multipliers(profit, book value, profitability, etc.).

    Particularly "lazy" investors do not even do this. They do not spend time analyzing markets, companies or securities, but allocate funds between different asset classes using . This strategy is called Asset Allocation. It takes a minimum of time, and yields higher than the market.

    How does an investor earn? On dividends and growth in the value of a particular business. Unlike speculators, investors do not use stops and shoulders. Investors reduce potential risks in a different way -.

    How much can an investor earn?

    The goal of the investor: to overtake inflation and the market (usually a benchmark in the form of ) by several percent over the long term. An investor on the Asset Allocation strategy is also quite satisfied with the market return.

    It is impossible to say how much, on average, an investor earns. Replace one asset in the portfolio with another or take the results for two "adjacent" years - and the numbers will be different.

    Let's look at two investment vehicles.

    Dividends on shares

    Let's take the dividend yield of shares of Russian companies at the end of 2015. By the way, there are not so few companies in Russia that pay dividends to shareholders.

    • I receive income even when the share price falls or stands still
    • Regular payments create additional cash flow (every year, half a year or quarter), which can be redirected to investments

    Government bonds

    OFZ is another good investment option for a passive investor. The instrument is considered the most reliable in the Russian financial market. And the yield on such securities is almost always higher than the interest on bank deposits.

    Income on government bonds consists of two parts: income from redemption / sale and . In the summer of 2016 OFZ traded with a yield of 8% to 12%. From OFZ, you can make a bond portfolio, buy it on and get a tax deduction of 13%.

    How to choose OFZ for investment?

    If the market is expecting an increase in interest rates, then it is better to buy bonds with variable coupon income. If rates rise, coupon income will also rise.

    Against the backdrop of high inflation, it is worth taking a closer look at OFZ-IN (government bonds with nominal indexation). Such securities are indexed for consumer inflation. True, OFZ-IN usually offers very low coupon yields.

    Bonds with amortized face value are suitable for those who want to generate intense cash flow. OFZ-AD are repaid not once, but in parts according to the schedule. By the way, just yesterday I have matured.

    Whom to be more profitable: a speculator or an investor?

    There is no clear answer to this question. It is definitely more difficult to be a speculator. At any moment, he can earn hundreds of thousands and immediately go into the red. Plus, the speculator must know and understand the market in which he trades. And possess such qualities as stress resistance, cold mind and good reaction. The earnings of a speculator can not be called either stable or.

    The investor's income is more predictable and regular (as, indeed, his life). Compared to a speculator, his potential gains and losses are much more modest. You can be an investor “part-time”, without devoting all your free time to this. Necessary qualities of character: patience, analytical mindset and determination.

    As for the answer to the most important question of the article: “Is it really possible to make money on the stock exchange?” - read my blog and see everything with your own eyes, and in real time! 🙂 Subscribe to updates and share links to fresh posts with friends on social networks!

    P.S. If you want to learn more about the exchange, investment and trading, I advise you to look this webinar from Dmitry Mikhnov.