Abstract: Problems of small business in Russia. Problems of development of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia What are the problems of small businesses

The issues of further steps in the development of the Russian economy are more relevant today than ever. Great Fatherland Party (GF) goes to the State Duma elections with a developed economic program. The program of Academician Sergei Yuryevich Glazyev was accepted by the Air Defense Forces as an economic basis for implementation in the event of coming to power. However, work within the party to develop ways to develop the economy of our country does not stop for a minute.

We have already begun publication, in which we propose specific measures to remove the Russian economy from the difficult situation into which liberals and monetarists of all stripes, who still determine the economic course of the government, have brought it. The materials offered are not written in the form of boring articles, but in the simplest possible language, and are intended for the general reader. They were prepared by members of the working group who prepared the economic air defense program.

Today we bring to your attention an article by Sergei Valentinovich Lisovsky, devoted to the analysis of small business problems and ways to solve them.

Analysis of small business problems in Russia

1. The basic rule for small business development.

A variety of politicians on TV screens constantly talk about the problems of small business development. They talk about necessity help small business or to support . We have been hearing these words for 30 years, but there has been no change for the better.

In my opinion, the correct formulation of the problem is very important!

What means - " help"? I immediately have bad thoughts and associations about free cheese... Any help is obliging. You will still have to pay for it somehow, is this a trap?

A " support"? Is the entrepreneur feeble or weak? An entrepreneur is a self-sufficient and purposeful person, why does he need support? Now there will be support, and then suddenly it will be canceled, but he was counting on it, and what to do then?

The word “businessman” itself evokes negativity. It is alien to the Russian people.

How to formulate a solution to the problem of small business (SME) correctly?

It would be correct like this:

It is necessary to create conditions for the development of small businesses.

Look: this phrase immediately puts everything in its place. When you hear it, you subconsciously want to ask: “What are these conditions?”

Let's figure it out.

Why do people go into entrepreneurship?

  1. To earn good or enough money.
  2. To self-actualize.
  3. To be independent.

The last two points are difficult to implement if point 1 is not fulfilled.

So, here we have found the main rule for the development of MP:

The main thing in entrepreneurship is the ability to earn money as an entrepreneur. (This may sound provocative, but don’t be so quick to judge).

This means that it is necessary to create conditions so that an entrepreneur can earn money. And vice versa: To destroy entrepreneurship, it is necessary to deprive it of the opportunity to earn money. Which is being implemented. (In modern conditions, 9 out of 10 newly opened businesses go bankrupt.)

Having stated the obvious rule, let's look at what contradicts it. Having found the obstacles, we can understand what is hindering the development of small businesses.

2. Important concepts about small business.

Small business is the main mechanism and tool that serves the population and improves the quality and standard of living.Under Stalin, when small businesses flourished, not only the country, but also the way of life of people developed at an unprecedented pace. There were 114,000 small businesses in a variety of areas. Khrushchev curtailed entrepreneurship, and the development of people’s lives stopped. The late USSR was mired in shortages, despite the development of industry in the country.

Small business is manual labor. Here it is impossible to significantly increase labor productivity or introduce automation and technology. Productivity can be increased only by improving the qualifications of personnel, gaining experience, or expanding the enterprise to a medium-sized enterprise. But you can improve the quality!

Small entrepreneurs are the link between big business and the population. They distribute to the population through themselves goods produced by large businesses. They help large businesses build.

For a small entrepreneur, the most important thing is stability. Stability for an entrepreneur means stability for his employees and their families.

3. The problem of the attitude of others. Envy and greed.

The attitude in society towards entrepreneurs cannot be called positive. Even after reading the rule for the development of MPs formulated above, many will think: “Why is this their income in the first place?”

There are even more radical opinions in society. Officials, police, inspectors treat entrepreneurs as scammers from whom they can and should receive money. Villagers damage equipment or burn down the farms of visiting farmers, simply out of envy. There are many other similar examples that can be given...

How to solve the problem of attitude towards entrepreneurs? Very simple. It is necessary that taxes from small, and maybe partially medium-sized entrepreneurs, go directly to the local budget in an open, transparent and understandable manner (the state can co-finance them). Then people living in the village will understand that the roads they drive on, lawns, parks, clean yards, happy holidays, shops, factories, jobs, etc. , they have, thanks to the entrepreneurs who work on their land.

It will become obvious that entrepreneurs are developing their areas and working for the people. Then officials, police, inspectors, and the citizens themselves will be interested in entrepreneurs and in the development of entrepreneurship. The more entrepreneurs there are in the region, the richer the region will be. Entrepreneurs will see that they are not only doing their business, but also improving their region.

4. The problem of the amount of taxes. Salary taxes.

The main taxes that fall on a small entrepreneur are taxes on the salaries of his employees. What share of funds this actually is, many accountants, managers of the enterprises themselves, and representatives of the ONF who spoke at the meeting with the president do not know. The overall figure is vague, but it can be calculated - it is almost 100% of the official salary paid to the employee. And if you understand this, and look at other expenses that fall on the entrepreneur, then one of the reasons why we have gray salaries, small salaries, why more 40 000 000 people of working age are not registered anywhere, and weak development of entrepreneurship.

If an entrepreneur works under the regular taxation system, then he pays 18% VAT and 20% income tax on the money he earns. But he pays the main taxes from the salaries of all people working at the enterprise and from his own salary. Other associated costs apply.

Let's calculate what expenses an entrepreneur will have if he pays a worker a salary in hand - 30,000 rubles.

Income tax 13% is 4,480 rubles.

From 34,480 - salaries with income tax, paid:

22% - to the pension fund = 7,460 rubles.

5.1% - in the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund = 1,730 rubles.

2.9% - in social insurance = 980 rubles.

1.3 - injuries = 440 rubles.

Let's add up all these fees with the salary, we get 45,270 rubles. You also need to pay VAT 18% of the total amount in the account = 8,150 rubles.

We get the costs of the MPR - 53,420 rubles.

A worker goes on vacation once a year. He doesn’t work this month, but he has to pay vacation pay and the same taxes. This money must be earned in the previous 11 months. 45,270: 11 = 4,110. Adding it up, we get expenses per person of 57,530 rubles.

The worker must be provided with special clothing and protective equipment. Let's add 500 rubles for them. per month. The cost per person per month was 58,000 rubles. 30,000 rub. – salary and 28,000 rubles. – taxes and related inevitable expenses of the entrepreneur, which constitute more than 90% of the paid wages of employees.

If we take a simplified taxation system, where instead of VAT a tax of 6% on turnover is paid, then the amount will be slightly less. But there are other difficulties.

But that is not all. The entrepreneur also has expenses for employees: illness, financial assistance (including taxes), for example, for a wedding or funeral, training and the necessary certificates and certificates, safety precautions, etc.

As a result we get: Salary + 100% from the salary given to the worker - expenses of the enterprise. This money must be earned in order to break even to support the worker.

5. What other expenses fall on the entrepreneur.

1.) Must pay wages and payroll taxes, people who do not work for profit: Accountants, secretaries, cleaners, security, supplies, junior management, the entrepreneur himself.

Let's roughly see how much it is.

Let 10 MPR workers earn a monthly salary of 300,000 rubles.

Accountant-secretary – 30,000 rubles.

Driver – 30,000 rub.

Foreman or supplier or junior manager (or all in one person) – 40,000 rubles.

The salary of the entrepreneur himself is 50,000 rubles.

Received: total salary of people who do not work for profit: 150,000 rubles. You need to pay taxes and current expenses on it. As we have already found out, this is another 150,000 rubles.

Total 300,000 rub.

This is another +100%

2.) You must pay: other taxes; rental of premises; depreciation of equipment; fare; computer services and office supplies.

You have to pay for security, cleaning, garbage removal, licensing, or being in an SRO; housing and communal services payments...;and payments to “controlling authorities”.

This is another +100% from the wages paid to workers.

It is very difficult to imagine that a person with a salary of 50,000 would agree to take on such a burden of responsibility and worries. Therefore, this is not all.

3.) We must save for development.

This is still +…%

We found that a worker can do the job for 30,000 rubles. And a small enterprise, according to the law, is 4-5 times more expensive. Cheaper - it will go broke.

Now it becomes clear why 9 out of 10 businesses go bankrupt. Some of the customers didn’t pay, that’s all. The entrepreneur is bankrupt. He needs to pay off people, taxes, etc. And where will he get that kind of money? How much does he need to work to earn enough to cover expenses for unpaid work, or any other unforeseen expenses?

How many Stalinist artels went bankrupt?

6. High cost of small business services.

How many products of a small enterprise, in such conditions, can a citizen afford to buy with his salary? It's becoming very expensive.

We have found another obstacle to the development of small businesses - the artificially created, high cost of services. The purchasing power of the population for medical services is literally being destroyed. The population will buy from small businesses - at a minimum, rarely, and only the most necessary. There is no longer talk of any service to the population, raising the quality and standard of living by small businesses.

Is it possible for MPR to work like this? It is possible, but with difficulty. But already focusing not per population , but to serve large businesses or the state. And provided that all the company’s expenses are included in the cost of orders. This is how it used to be, until 2008. But in our country this system, the ESTIMATE SYSTEM, was recently destroyed and a tender system was introduced. The one who does it cheaper gets orders. That is, the one who evades taxes more sophisticatedly, who deceives workers, who does poor quality work. Or someone who can increase their cost in the process of performing work.

7. Orders, prices and tenders.

If an entrepreneur is provided with orders, this guarantees him and the people working for the entrepreneur stability and confidence in the future. Who can provide this? The best thing is the state and big business. Restoring the costing system at the state level is vital. Estimates are state-approved, fair prices that take into account all the expenses of enterprises in each industry operating in a particular region. This all worked in Soviet times, and it worked after...

The late Soviet system of estimates had only one drawback - they were not understandable to a non-specialist. In order to understand estimates, special knowledge and trained estimators were needed. This correct, working, but incomprehensible system was replaced by the “who is cheaper...” system. Was it possible to overestimate the cost of estimates in relation to the actual cost? Only if you include unnecessary work, or take the wrong coefficients. But this is easily verifiable and should be strictly and fairly punished. Estimates are an excellent antitrust tool for all types of businesses, large and small. The costs of the work or services performed by the entrepreneur are taken, the wages of workers in a given region, taxes, transportation costs, profits, working conditions, etc. are taken into account... And the cost is issued by the State for any type of activity. For example: for types of construction, for road construction, for air transportation, for mining, etc. After a certain time, adjustments are made to the estimates for inflation, for the rise or fall in price of certain types of materials or goods used.

Tenders should be conducted based on quality rather than cost. The one who has been working in the market longer, who has no complaints and at the same time gives a greater guarantee for his work, should win the order. If you work well, you will be provided with orders. This will give stability and development to the best entrepreneurs. And consumers will receive high quality.

8. Mafia of intermediaries.

Our state, despite all the intrigues of the Western elites, is trying to develop. Construction is gradually growing, agriculture and industry are developing. And everything would move at a faster pace if there were no uncontrolled intermediaries in our state. These are organizations created by influential people that sit between direct customers and producers of work. And without doing anything, they take a large share of the cost of orders for themselves, leaving the bare minimum for those who work or build. We know this well from the examples of intermediaries in housing and communal services. Or using examples of intermediaries in the distribution of electricity or gas to consumers. The same thing happens in construction and in the distribution of orders to small entrepreneurs.

There is a mafia of intermediaries in government procurement. They win all the tenders they are interested in, then purchase products from entrepreneurs at minimal cost, and resell them to government agencies at inflated prices. Everyone loses except the middlemen. Why is such a system needed? In it, the manufacturer does not know, does not see and does not communicate directly with the Customer. But it can be made simpler. The enterprise registers its products in the register of the regional pricing center. At a specific, below average, price fixed for the current year. And any State-owned enterprise, without any tenders, can purchase products listed in this register. There are no intermediaries, transactions are transparent, prices are reasonable, MPR develops by receiving orders and communicating directly with the Customer. This strengthens their economic relationships, which brings even greater dividends to both.

9. The problem of obtaining special knowledge.

If a person wants to engage in entrepreneurship, then he must obtain a set of knowledge on the chosen activity. But this is not easy to do. There are no manuals. Many working entrepreneurs lack knowledge about their activities. As a result, they do not comply with sanitary, fire safety, and even professional standards and regulations. They are punished with fines, or they turn a blind eye to this by limiting inspections. But at the same time, the approach to improving the professionalism of the Ministry of Labor and the quality of its work does not change.

Simple and accessible training aids are needed for entrepreneurs in a variety of fields. An entrepreneur is, first of all, an organizer. Having successfully organized one business, he may want to do something else that is more in demand or more interesting to him. He has leadership experience, but may lack knowledge. An entrepreneur must have the opportunity to obtain the necessary knowledge quickly and efficiently.

10. Loans.

Small business loans are the last thing small businesses need.

We often hear that entrepreneurs need loans. But many entrepreneurs have never taken out loans. They are trying to get by without him. For them, a loan means additional expenses for the bank. Considering that in modern conditions, 9 out of 10 newly opened enterprises go bankrupt, loans will only worsen the situation. People already don’t fully calculate situations and go bankrupt, but with loans it will be even worse. What does a bankrupt entrepreneur mean? These are deceived workers, partners, unfulfilled contracts, unpaid taxes, and possibly the ruin of other companies that were let down by unfulfilled promises.

If a system is created in which you can earn money by working, then a small entrepreneur, starting small, gradually gaining experience and growing, will firmly begin to stand “on his own two feet” and earn money himself for his stable and confident development. Some of them will eventually move into the category of medium-sized entrepreneurs, where loans become necessary, but that’s another conversation, about a different type of activity and about other entrepreneurs.

MPR loans will be needed only when a system is created in which, while working, it will be possible to earn an honest living. An interesting situation arises if we look at the West. There loans are 1-3%, but there is no boom in entrepreneurship. Why? There taxes are even higher and it is even more difficult to earn money. Credit doesn’t help, that’s not the most important thing. The important thing is the opportunity to earn money.

11. Working conditions of small businesses, compared with working conditions of large businesses.

Small business is almost manual labor. A small team produces a small number of goods or services. They should not be overburdened with taxes. Moreover, the share of tax revenues from the Ministry of Natural Resources in the Russian state budget is minimal. This means taxes on mineral resources are useless.

Let's look at the productivity and share of tax deductions of different types of entrepreneurs using specific examples:

Small business — A team of 12 people can lay a wall of 20,000 bricks in a month.

Medium entrepreneurship.— A team of 120 people and a brick production plant with a capacity of 2 million pieces per month

Large business. – A team of 120 people and an automatic brick production plant with a capacity of 40 million bricks per month.

If we equate the cost of laying bricks to the cost of the brick itself, then a very indicative picture emerges before us.

The share of tax deductions from workers' salaries for large businesses, in a specific example, is 200 times less than for a small entrepreneur.

Obviously, the cost of production for a large business is several times lower than for a small or medium-sized business, the costs are also lower, and taxes are paid according to the same principle as a small business. Moreover, all large businesses are registered offshore, and income taxes are paid there, and not in Russia. If a large business uses the labor of guest workers, then it does not pay salary taxes.

What do we see? For MPPs who work directly “on the ground” and spend the money they earn in Russia, there are no working conditions. It is impossible for them to make money. And for those who withdraw money abroad, the working conditions are excellent. If a large business begins to compete with MPR, then MPR immediately loses. This can be seen in the examples of the development of retail chain monopolies.

For 3 types of business there should be 3 types of taxation. Changes are needed in the Russian tax system.

12. Results:

We have found key problems hindering the development of entrepreneurship in Russia. Why doesn’t the government led by D. A. Medvedev, who likes to talk about help and support for small businesses, see them? Why don't State Duma deputies see? After all, everything, as it turned out, is very simple! How can anyone else work in the Ministry of Natural Resources under such conditions? Those who pass laws in Russia, in fact, consciously and consistently destroy small businesses. Entrepreneurs who still survive are forced to somehow get out and break laws.

This is how the current situation is. Why do we need high taxes in the Ministry of Natural Resources that no one pays? And if you tighten the screws even more, then those small entrepreneurs who operate in today’s conditions will close or go bankrupt, which is already happening due to the crisis. Entrepreneurs who have connections enter into corruption deals with the administration. They stop caring about the quality of their products, because in a year they can again get a contract for the next rework. And they have a completely different motivation.

As a result we have:

1. Poor attitude towards entrepreneurs on the part of the population prevents the creation of comfortable working conditions.

2. Exorbitant taxes make the products of small enterprises expensive and inaccessible.

3. The minimum prices dictated by the market pushes entrepreneurs to save on everything and engage in dishonest actions.

4. Monopolies, large corporations, and “the administration’s own companies” are those who survive and may even live well, sucking money from the regions and from the Russian economy. They do not allow small entrepreneurs to develop.

5. The lack of clear prices will destroy any stability of the existence of a small enterprise.

6. Quality suffers from lack of knowledge.

How to solve these issues?

It is necessary to create conditions for the development of small businesses, conditions in which entrepreneurs can earn money.

For 30 years no one has created these conditions in Russia. But without them, it will be very difficult to develop our state.

Sergey Valentinovich Lisovsky

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Federal Agency for Education



Department of Economics

Coursework in the discipline "Economic Theory"


Small business, small entrepreneurship, problems of small entrepreneurship, criteria for identifying small enterprises, organizational and legal forms of a small enterprise, government support for small businesses, small businesses.

The object of the study is the problems of small business development in Russia.

The purpose of the work is to study the problems of small business development in Russia.

Main goals:

Consider the historical aspects of the development of small business;

Analyze the term “small enterprise”;

Consider the criteria for identifying small enterprises;

Consider the organizational and legal forms of small enterprises;

Analyze the main problems of small business in Russia;

Analyze the main directions of state support for small businesses in Russia.

In the process of working on the topic, the fundamental issues of small business were studied: the essence, criteria for selection, development problems, state support for small businesses in Russia.

The course work was completed in the text editor Microsoft Word 2003.


2. Small business in Russia




Over the past 10-15 years, Russian society has been experiencing an extremely strong crisis, which is manifested in politics, economics, ideology and other spheres of social life.

The transition to market relations in the domestic economy determines the need for organizational and economic innovations in all areas of economic activity. One of the most important areas of economic reforms that contribute to the development of a competitive market environment, filling the consumer market with goods and services, creating new jobs, and forming a wide range of owners is the development of small forms of production.

Currently, small business in Russia is underdeveloped. Small business makes up only 10-12% of Russia's GDP, while in Europe the level of small business development is several times higher (up to 50-60% of the share of small businesses in total production). Thus, the topic under consideration is of significant importance and relevance in ensuring sustainable economic growth in the Russian Federation.

The experience of the leading countries of the modern world clearly proves the need for a highly developed and effective small business sector in any national economy. Therefore, the revival of Russia cannot be achieved without the corresponding development of this sector of the economy, since it is precisely this sector that is the locomotive that literally drags along economic and social development.

The purpose of this study is to study the problems of small business development in Russia.

Objectives of this study:

1) consider historical aspects of the development of small business;

2) analyze the term “small enterprise”;

3) consider the criteria for identifying small enterprises;

4) consider the organizational and legal forms of small enterprises;

5) analyze the main problems of small business in Russia;

6) analyze the main areas of support for small businesses in Russia.

The first chapter discusses general issues related to small business in general. The main stages of small business development are shown, the concept of “small business” is characterized and the main organizational and legal forms of a small enterprise are considered.

The second chapter is devoted to an analysis of the main problems of small business, support for small business and its place and role in the transition economy of Russia.

The works of such domestic economists as: Glovatskaya N., Gorenburgov M.A., Gorkova T., Dadashev A., Egorushkov A.P., Kolganov M., Krutik A.B. are devoted to the study of the problems of the formation and development of small business in Russia. , Lazarenko S., Myagkov P., Neshitoy A., Orlov A., Orlov M., Khodov L. and others.

They substantiated the need to study the problems of small business, explored the main directions of implementation of state policy, support for small enterprises, identified some features of the development of small production, identified approaches to assessing investment projects and developing business plans, etc.

1. Characteristics of small business

1.1 Historical aspects of small business development

When studying the essence of small business, it is necessary to know its origins and development process. Small business played a major role in the spread of civilization, but its history has never occupied the public consciousness. But now small businesses are increasingly recognized as a creative force in the economy.

In the 1980s, the prestige of small business in the world began to rise. This was greatly facilitated by his ability to invent new products and create new jobs. As a result, in recent years people have increasingly begun to pay attention to the achievements, opportunities, prospects and problems of small businesses.

In the Russian history of small business, a number of stages can be distinguished. Rovensky Yu.A. The evolution of small business in Russia. // Socio-political magazine, 1996, No. 2.

1) 1985 - 1987 This stage is characterized by the following:

The origin and activities of centers of scientific and technical creativity, temporary creative teams under public organizations;

Distribution of team contracts;

The small number of participants in entrepreneurship and its experimental nature;

Formation of the emotional and psychological foundations of entrepreneurial activity on the basis of private property.

The first stage can be called experimental.

2) 1987 - 1988 During this period the following happens:

The scope of small business activities is expanding, the number of people taking part in it is increasing;

Entrepreneurship is acquiring the character of an active, numerous movement.

The goal of small business development at this stage was to saturate the domestic market with consumer goods. This stage was called the stage of the “cooperative movement”. It served as a catalyst in the accumulation and redistribution of capital, and made it possible to acquire initial knowledge and skills in operating a small enterprise.

3) 1989 - 1990 This stage is associated with the adoption of legislative acts aimed at activating small enterprises. Preparations have begun for the so-called small privatization. It created the necessary basis for a real transition to market relations and increasing the economic efficiency of the Russian economy. It was at this time that private enterprise was legalized. Of particular importance during this period was the development of rental relations, which can be considered as a Russian feature of small business.

4) 1991 - 1992 During this period the following happened:

The process of commercialization and the emergence of medium and large businesses;

Fundamental changes in the state's attitude to the development of entrepreneurship (laws were adopted that opened up broad opportunities for large-scale development of entrepreneurship in Russia).

5) 1993 - 1994 This stage became a period of large-scale privatization and development of all types of entrepreneurship, the emergence of many owners and intensive participation of small businesses in the services sector, trade, public catering, light industry producing consumer goods and durable goods. However, at this stage, stimulation of the production of goods and services had not yet been provided.

6) The previously laid foundations of market relations, the formed capital, and their ability to invest make it possible to assume that the sixth stage of entrepreneurship development (starting from 1995) will be able to change the balance of active forces in favor of innovative processes. Then entrepreneurship will be able to manifest itself in all its diversity and discover forces capable of moving the market, ensuring the normal functioning of the market economy and the coexistence of various entities, each of which is assigned its own areas of application and its own tasks. The state will have to make efforts for global development and long-term maintenance of a competitive environment and its stability as an economic environment.

1.2 The concept of small enterprises and criteria for their identification

Small business in Russia is gradual, slow and difficult, but it is developing, gaining experience and gaining its place in the structure of the economy and is an organic part of it. The growth of small businesses in the context of a general decline in production and the crisis state of many large enterprises indicates the great internal potential of small businesses.

What is called a small business? There is no clear definition of small business. To date, neither Russian nor foreign economic practice has put forward a single quantitative or qualitative criterion for defining the concepts of “small forms of economic activity”, “small entrepreneurship”, “small business”, etc. However, such a situation does not indicate the limited capabilities of modern economic theory and practice. The essence of the problem, apparently, is that small and medium-sized businesses are a purely localized socio-economic phenomenon, inseparable in its quantitative and qualitative characteristics and formation trends from the general level of development of a particular socio-economic system, as well as specifics of the territory where it operates.

In current world practice, small business is identified as a separate economic sector, as a rule, depending on its sectoral affiliation, the organizational and economic form of entrepreneurship, and the goals of economic regulation. This identification is carried out in different countries according to various criteria, such as:

Number of employees;

The size of production capital;

Sales volume, etc. Entrepreneurship, market and economic growth. M.: Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002. - p. 38.

According to the World Bank, the total number of indicators by which an enterprise can be classified as a small business exceeds 50. Torkanovsky E.M. Organizational and legal measures for the development of small business in Russia // Business and Politics - M., 1998. - No. 3-4.

In Russia, until recently, the problem of criteria for identifying small enterprises was focused primarily on solving the problem of identifying the circle of those enterprises to which the system of tax incentives and other privileges was addressed, as well as on the needs of statistical description and individual scientific research.

During the Soviet economy, the criteria under consideration were used primarily to assess and analyze such a problem as the degree of concentration of production - capital and labor (primarily in industry). In this regard, many original solutions to this problem have been proposed, and many of them remain important to this day.

The initial stage of reforms in Russia brought the problem of small business criteria out of the purely scientific interests of economists and statisticians. The problem has firmly entered the sphere of practical needs of the emerging new system of centralized regulation and stimulation of economic activity, based on the predominant importance of market relations and private entrepreneurial initiative.

Currently, the problem of small business criteria is not just an attribute and condition for effective public policy in this area. The problem of criteria directly covers the significant economic interests of those social groups that are involved in business activities, and can also, in one way or another, count on government support measures. Finally, in this sense, we can and should talk about the interest of public sound, i.e. about the interests of those broad sections of the population who, through a reasonable policy of support and development of small business, reasonably hope for some mitigation of the economic and social costs of reforms, the accompanying deep decline in production and employment, which is still quite clearly noticeable in many regions of Russia.

A fairly lengthy discussion of the problem of criterion characteristics of small business in domestic economic science led to the conclusion that it is preferable in this role as a leading indicator of the number of production personnel. It is the number of employees that ultimately determines the volume of production and the amount of production assets used. Research aimed at identifying a certain integral indicator of “enterprise size” also showed that the number of employees has the greatest influence on the general index of enterprise size. This indicator was adopted in the first Russian government documents on state policy regarding small businesses and continues to retain its significance to this day.

Thus, in the long-term perspective of national policy regarding small business, the question of developing and improving the criteria for small business is still largely open. The unresolved issues here include not only the possible clarification of the assessment attribute itself (number of employees, volume of economic activity, amount of fixed capital used, etc.), but also such problems as:

Correlation of small business criteria at the federal, regional and local levels;

Identification of such necessary components of modern small business forms as medium-sized businesses, “microfirms”, “family businesses”, etc.;

The possibility of using special or local criteria for small businesses, which could be applied within the framework of individual programs for its support, if this practically corresponds to their target origin and the specific characteristics of the industry and the specific territorial location of the corresponding groups of small businesses.

1.3 Organizational and legal forms of a small enterprise

In accordance with the legislation, small enterprises, as small businesses, are not a special organizational and legal form, since the leading criterion for classifying enterprises (organizations) as small businesses is the average number of employees for the reporting period.

Small businesses can be individuals and legal entities.

Individuals can be participants in small businesses as:

Directly individuals participating in the creation of business companies;

Individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, who are founders of business partnerships and companies.

Legal entities that are commercial organizations can be created in the form of:

Business partnerships and societies;

Production cooperatives;

State and municipal unitary enterprises.

The main organizational and legal forms of small businesses are business partnerships and societies:

General partnerships;

Partnerships of Faith;

Below are definitions of individual organizational and legal forms of commercial organizations as business entities. Civil Code. Part one.

A general partnership is a partnership whose participants (general partners), in accordance with an agreement concluded between them, engage in entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and are liable for its obligations and property belonging to them.

A limited partnership is a partnership in which, along with the participants who carry out business activities on behalf of the partnership and are liable for the obligations of the partnership with their property (general partners), there are one or more participant-investors who bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the partnership, within the limits amounts of contributions made by them and do not take part in the partnership’s business activities.

A limited liability company is a company founded by one or more persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares of the size determined by the constituent documents.

A joint stock company is a commercial organization whose authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares that satisfy the obligatory rights of the company's participants (shareholders) in relation to the company.

legal business entrepreneurship economics

2. Small business in Russia

2.1 Main problems of small business

Many characteristic features of small business are directly related to the main problems that hinder the development of normal market relations and private entrepreneurship in general. Their activity and development depend on many factors, including:


The economic situation in general;

Possibility of obtaining a loan and its rate;

Solvency of partners;

Political situation;

Actions of the government, local authorities, the Central Bank;

Level of corruption;

Availability of space and the possibility of renting it;

Availability of information, experience and qualified personnel;

Criminal situation;

Public attitude towards entrepreneurs, etc.

In 2004, the World Bank published a report, Doing Business: Understanding the Rules. According to him, Russia does not have the most favorable conditions for doing business. The analysis of business opportunities was considered according to five positions. Thus, the time and funds required to open a business, recruit and fire labor, conclude a contract, obtain a loan and close the business were taken into account. In order to open a business, in Russia you need to go through 12 procedures, in Ukraine - 14 procedures, and in Belarus 19. At the same time, in the USA you need to go through only 5 procedures, and in Canada and Australia - only two.

According to Goskomstat, the number of small enterprises in Russia is about a million, the total number of workers employed by them is about 13 million people. Thus, per 1000 inhabitants in Russia there are 6 times fewer small enterprises than in Germany, 7.5 times less than in the UK, and 13 times less than in the USA. More than half of small enterprises in Russia are concentrated in 8 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, half of this half are in Moscow. The vast majority are in the trade and catering sectors. The share of the shadow sector ranges from 30 to 50% of the real turnover of small businesses in our country.

The fact is that small businesses in Russia face serious problems in their activities.

The main problem is the insufficient resource base (both material, technical and financial). In practice, the state will have to create a new broad sector of the national economy almost from scratch. For decades, we largely lacked such a sector. This meant, in particular, the lack of trained entrepreneurs. The bulk of the population, living in conditions of extreme lack of funds, could not form the reserve necessary to start their own business. These funds must be found now. It is clear that an extremely strained state budget cannot become such a source of funds. We can only hope for credit resources. But they are also extremely difficult to implement due to the lack of the necessary collateral and favorable credit histories among most “private owners.”

The next problem is the legislative framework on which small businesses can now rely. So far it is imperfect, and in many very significant provisions it is completely absent. In practice, the problem of eliminating unreasonable administrative barriers, primarily on the part of regulatory (supervisory) bodies that hinder the development of entrepreneurship, has not yet been resolved. In 2003, a law was passed establishing a three-year moratorium on inspections by regulatory authorities of small businesses. However, the ban does not apply to tax services, customs and police, as well as unscheduled inspections, from which small businesses suffer the most.

Another important problem is personnel. In Russia, there is an insufficient level of professional training for business organizers.

A complex of difficult problems is also associated with the social protection of entrepreneurial activity. It is known that the previously existing system of social guarantees and social security in modern conditions has turned out to be practically undermined. It is necessary, in fact, to build this system anew in relation to the entire society, and even more so in relation to entrepreneurs (a new social stratum).

Among the important problems, one can single out a group of difficulties associated with the functioning of the enterprise. The sphere of entrepreneurship in modern Russia is largely criminalized. There is a shadow sector of the economy, the indicators of which have gone beyond acceptable parameters due to the heavy tax burden on small businesses. There are numerous known facts of unfair competition in commodity markets in relation to small enterprises, for example:

Imposition of unfavorable contract terms;

Violation of the established pricing procedure;

Withdrawal of goods from the market in order to create shortages and impede market access;

Establishment of monopoly low prices.

The leaders of small businesses themselves identify the following reasons (see Appendix):

44% of respondents cite incompetence as the main reason;

17% - lack of managerial experience;

16% - unbalanced experience: lack of experience in marketing, finance, procurement and production;

15% - lack of experience in the industry;

1% - negligence in business management;

1% - fraud or disaster;

6% - other reasons faced by managers of small firms.

It is also worth noting that only 20% of business managers have the appropriate education.

Of course, the main problem of all the above is the problem mainly representing the relationship between small business and the state.

All of the above and other problems are the reason for the lack of noticeable dynamics in the development of small business in Russia and indicate the presence of certain obstacles that limit the realization of the great potential opportunities for small business development available in the country.

2.2 Government support for small businesses

Over the past decade, the main elements of the system of state support for small businesses, generally accepted in countries with developed market economies, have been formed in Russia. Taking into account modern conditions and problems of development of small business, as well as the insufficient effectiveness of government measures to support it, further development and improvement of the entire system of state support for small business is currently becoming a key factor in the successful development of small business in the Russian Federation. Blumenfeld V. Big problems of small business: Economics and life. M., 2007. - p. 57-68.

The system of state support for small businesses currently consists of:

State regulations aimed at supporting and developing small businesses;

The state apparatus, which is a set of state institutional structures responsible for the development of small business, ensuring the implementation of state policy in this area and regulating the sphere of small business and managing the infrastructure for its support;

State infrastructure for supporting small businesses, including non-profit and commercial organizations created with or without the participation of the state, whose activities are initiated, encouraged and supported by the state, and intended to implement a system of state support aimed at the development of small businesses.

Small business in Russia as an independent socio-economic phenomenon has existed for over 15 years. To date, legislative and regulatory acts have already been developed aimed at state support for small enterprises in order to create favorable conditions for their functioning.

In 1995, the federal law “On state support of small businesses in the Russian Federation” was adopted, which determined the general provisions for support, forms and methods of state incentives, as well as regulation of the activities of small businesses.

Federal programs for state support of small businesses are periodically developed. They define the main directions, goals and priorities in this area, including improving legislation, developing a system of financial and credit support, information and consulting support for small businesses, assistance in the implementation of contracts to meet government needs, etc.

Measures to promote small businesses are developed and implemented using an integrated approach to solving problems, i.e. they represent a set of complementary measures for state support of small businesses that ensure its seamless, high-quality functioning. If you miss one of the mandatory aspects (organizational, economic, legal or other), then the problem will not be completely solved.

The implementation of a set of measures will ensure the progressive development of the small business sector in the country and eliminate shortcomings in the system of state support for small businesses.

A set of measures is provided for in the medium-term Small Business Support Program (2003-2005). It implies several interrelated areas, the implementation of which should bring domestic small businesses to a new level of development:

1) Improving the legal framework for regulating small businesses. It is necessary to improve legal regulation and state support for small businesses in terms of registration, business activities, taxation and accounting.

The state seeks to clarify and optimize the criteria for classifying business entities as small enterprises. In 2003, small businesses were already divided into the smallest, small and medium. Enterprises with up to 9 employees are considered microenterprises, up to 100 people - small, up to 250 - medium. Dedul A. “Small business in Russia: Achievements, problems, prospects” // Federal newspaper No. 1-2 February 2007 p.3 True, in the absence of a solution to the tax problem, such a classification has more statistical significance.

When forming federal target programs, special sections should be provided aimed at attracting small businesses to the implementation of their activities.

In budgets of all levels, it is necessary to legislatively establish the mandatory allocation of a separate line of financial resources to support small businesses in the amount of at least 0.5% of the revenue side of the corresponding budget.

2) Optimization of taxation, simplification of tax reporting. Tax rates should be reduced to a level that ensures a balance between the interests of the state and the taxpayer, corresponding to the realistically possible collection of taxes. This will ensure a reduction in the shadow sector of the economy and significant decriminalization of small and medium-sized businesses.

The small business sector should be regulated by a taxation system with maximum simplification of tax calculation, reduction of their amount, and exemption from taxation of funds allocated for production development.

In addition, it is necessary to continue work to simplify tax return forms, as well as improve the Tax Code in terms of the application of VAT, a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities, as well as a simplified taxation system.

3) Simplification of access to financial resources. According to the federal authorities, the development of a system of financial and credit assistance to small businesses is associated with solving the problems of availability of bank loans and the active participation of domestic financial institutions in lending to small businesses. The expectation that an acceptable level of lending rates for “free entrepreneurs” would be formed by the market itself did not justify itself. According to expert estimates, only 1% of small businesses use bank loans.

In order to expand the access of small businesses, including start-ups, to sources of financial resources necessary for their development, it is necessary to organize the implementation of a set of measures in the following areas:

Development of a mechanism for state guarantees to ensure risk sharing between the state, credit institutions and small businesses;

Development of microfinance mechanisms for small businesses, primarily micro-enterprises and start-up entrepreneurs;

To facilitate access for small businesses to bank lending, it is necessary to develop a system for forming credit histories of enterprises and create conditions for specialized organizations to accumulate information characterizing the payment discipline of enterprises.

Cooperation between state executive authorities and international organizations is of great importance in the development of the system of supporting small businesses.

4) Development of innovative entrepreneurship. Small innovative entrepreneurship in the scientific and technical sphere is the most dynamic sector of the innovative economy, capable of quickly responding to the needs of the market for knowledge-intensive high-tech products, mobile restructuring of its production, and effectively mastering the creation of knowledge-intensive products and services based on new knowledge.

In this regard, in order to provide financial support to small high-tech companies in the early stages of development in the regions of Russia, it is necessary, using global experience, to create a support system. This system should include seed, start-up, guarantee and venture funds established with the participation of the state. These funds must be able to provide the investments necessary for the development of high-tech innovative businesses.

2.3 The role and place of small business in the transition economy of Russia

Small business was not a decisive area of ​​economic activity, but it grew rapidly in the late 80s - the very beginning of the 90s, then a period of stagnation began, and in some periods there was even a decline in small enterprises. Currently, medium and small enterprises operate simultaneously in the Russian economy, and activities based on family labor are also carried out.

According to official statistics, 890 thousand small enterprises are registered in Russia today, employing almost 6.5 million people. Another 3 million individual entrepreneurs are engaged in business without forming a legal entity. The total volume of production of small enterprises in Russia in 1999 exceeded 14% of the total industrial production. But when compared with developed countries, Russia’s indicators are quite small: in developed countries there are 40-60 small enterprises per thousand people, and in Russia - only 7. The share of small businesses in the industrial production of the West reaches 50-60%, and not 14% at all, as in Russia.

Small businesses in developed countries are the largest producer of goods and services, the largest employer, and a catalyst for scientific and technological progress. In the world, from half to two thirds of all inventions occur in small businesses. However, these statistics also have a downside. Its indicators formally indicate that our small businesses give the national economy, in percentage terms, twice as much as foreign small businesses give to the West. This indicates the high efficiency and dynamism of Russian small businesses.


Thus, small business is an integral element of the modern market economic system, without which the economy and society as a whole cannot develop effectively. Small businesses are exploring new market segments, solving problems of self-realization of citizens and employment of the population, combined with guaranteed tax revenues to budgets of all levels.

The development of small business was carried out along a very difficult path. His story had its ups and downs, but he continued to develop and improve no matter what. The rise in the global profile of small businesses began in the 1980s due to their ability to invent new products and create new jobs. Since that time, small business has gone through a number of stages in its development. Currently it continues to develop.

There is still no unambiguous definition of the concept of “small business” or “small entrepreneurship”, enshrined in law. But in most cases, the identification of small enterprises is carried out according to the following criteria:

Number of employees;

Cost of production capital (assets);

Volume of sales.

The main organizational and legal forms of small businesses are such business partnerships and societies as:

General partnerships;

Partnerships of Faith;

Limited liability companies;

Open and closed joint stock companies.

Small businesses in Russia face numerous problems:

Insufficient material, technical and financial resource base. For many years, there were no funds for the development of small businesses, and no programs were developed to implement state support for small businesses. All this affected the resource base of small businesses;

An imperfect legislative framework on which entrepreneurs rely. There are serious shortcomings in many legislative acts regulating the activities of small businesses. Until they are eliminated, small businesses in Russia will not be able to fully function;

Lack of qualified personnel to manage small businesses;

Criminalization of small business activities. There is a shadow sector of the economy that puts a lot of pressure on private entrepreneurs;

The problem of relationships between small business and the state.

Government support helps eliminate the main problems in small businesses. The Small Business Support Program for 2003-2005 was adopted. It provides:

Improving the legal framework for regulating small businesses;

Optimization of taxation, simplification of tax reporting;

Simplifying access to financial resources;

Development of innovative entrepreneurship.

Thus, small business is a very promising sector in the Russian economy. Without it, it is impossible to implement an economic growth strategy.

List of used literature

1. Rovensky Yu.A. The evolution of small business in Russia. // Socio-political magazine, 1996, No. 2.

2. Entrepreneurship, market and economic growth. M.: Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002. - p. 38.

3. Torkanovsky E.M. Organizational and legal measures for the development of small business in Russia // Business and Politics - M., 1998. - No. 3-4.

4. Civil Code. Part one.

5. Blumenfeld V. Big problems of small business: Economics and life. M., 2007.- p. 57-68.

6. Dedul A. Small business in Russia: Achievements, problems, prospects // Federal newspaper No. 1-2 February 2007 - p.3.


Results of a survey of managers of small enterprises “Main problems in a small enterprise”

Posted on Allbest.ru

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With all the understanding of the fact that small business is the basis of the entire economy of the country, our fellow citizens are less and less often visited by the desire to engage in individual activity, although at the dawn of the century the situation was exactly the opposite. The problems of small businesses in Russia, which are caused by various factors and phenomena, are to blame for this.

What problems do small businesses face?

The path followed by the development of small forms of entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation has its own specifics and features. This is due, first of all, to mentality, an unstable economy, and the lack of a business culture in general.
When starting your own business, you need to understand that prosperity or collapse will depend on a number of factors - external and internal.

The entire range of emerging difficulties can be divided into several groups:

  • organizational;
  • logistical problems;
  • financial;
  • credit insecurity.

It is no secret that the normal functioning of any enterprise is possible only if there is a harmonious combination of the interests of consumers, entrepreneurs and the state.

Internal problems

The problems of small business development in Russia begin, first of all, with the enterprise itself. Conventionally, they can be called internal obstacles.

  • Money

It is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain and earn them. It all starts with the starting capital, which is the accumulated funds. With their skillful use, you can achieve good results, but this requires a fresh idea, competent planning, and constant improvement of products and services. And even if you have enough money, the situation may be completely different for your clients who are delaying payments, debt repayments and invoice payments.

  • Planning

Or rather, we will even talk about his absence. The reason for this is directly related to the lack of knowledge in the field of business, and the result is panicky spending of money on all sorts of problems that arise, which ultimately leads to bankruptcy. If you do have a development plan, do not forget to revise it based on rapidly changing economic conditions.

  • Management

Often, a company leader forgets about his main responsibilities as a manager and switches to the functions of an ordinary manager. The key to successful management is a properly selected team to which the manager can delegate some of the responsibilities.

External problems

Opening a small business during a crisis in 2019 is a rather risky undertaking. Before you really decide to take such a step, you need to clearly understand what external factors can affect the overall success of the business.

Imperfection of legislation and tax system

The first regulatory document on small business was adopted back in 1995. Over the years, it has become completely clear that this legislation has a lot of shortcomings that not only do not contribute, but also hinder the formation of business in our country. The next document was signed in 2007 and today more and more changes are being made to it every year.

The state clearly regulates the size of enterprises, forms of ownership, and level of income. The main restraining force is numerous reports in endless instances. Penalties in case of late submission of reporting documents are no less detrimental. And even despite various business support programs and a simplified tax collection system for small businesses, the amount of these taxes still remains prohibitive for many.

Administrative barriers

Excessive regulation of small businesses in the Russian Federation also creates problems. They are usually called administrative barriers. These include:

  • numerous checks;
  • time-consuming registration procedures and obtaining the necessary permits;
  • endless approvals in various authorities.

Practice shows that the fewer obstacles the state establishes for creating an enterprise, obtaining licenses, entering the international market, and attracting hired employees, the better small businesses feel.

Removing such administrative obstacles promises great potential for business prosperity.

Access to execution of government orders

It has long been known that the specific needs of the state are such that some of them can be satisfied exclusively by small businesses, since such orders are not of particular interest to large manufacturers. But this allows small companies to fully launch their production capacities. But corruption schemes often arise here, and it becomes simply impossible for owners of small companies to receive even the most minimal government order.


It is impossible not to highlight the problems of lending to small businesses. There has not yet been a great desire on the part of banks to allocate credit funds for the development of small businesses in our country. This is due to great risk and the inability of companies to repay borrowed capital. According to experts, only 30% of all applicants in our country receive a loan request, and microcredit is available to an even smaller number - only 10%.

Great difficulties arise for those who are planning to open their own enterprise. It is much easier to get a loan if you have already achieved some results and have an unblemished credit history. In this case, many banking institutions are even ready to make concessions - reduce interest rates, soften the terms of repayment terms and the size of the commission.

Lack of qualified employees

This phenomenon is directly related to insufficient financing of the enterprise. Naturally, when choosing a place of work, a professional manager or production worker will go to a company with a large budget, where he will be offered a completely different level of salary than in a small company, where he often has to work with enthusiasm.


The impact of sanctions on small businesses in Russia became noticeable last year. This was reflected in rising prices for food products, an increase in the exchange rate of the euro and dollar, and restrictions on entering the international market. Small businesses have proven to be the most vulnerable in the entire economic sector. If before the introduction of restrictions small firms were already operating on the edge of profitability, then in the new conditions many of them will find themselves outside the economy altogether.

Prospects for the development of small businesses

A great advantage of the further development of small businesses in our country is the fact that the state is fully aware that the loss of this economic layer will lead to irreparable changes. First of all, the middle class of the population will disappear, social discrimination will begin, and the level of prices for goods and services will get out of control.

In this regard, a government program is being implemented, according to which in the period 2015-2016 the number of individual entrepreneurs should increase by 2 million throughout the country. Good prospects for small businesses in Russia in 2019 await those enterprises that offer essential goods: food, clothing, shoes. There are also chances for those who provide various types of services: equipment repair, car service.

The state is taking certain steps to assist small entrepreneurs:

  • funds are allocated to compensate for registration costs and start a business;
  • free business training provided;
  • preferential terms for renting office space;
  • the possibility of preferential lending and non-repayable subsidies is provided.

Among the latest steps towards small businesses is the moratorium on inspections signed in July 2015 (the so-called supervisory holidays). active implementation on the official websites of the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund, the Unified Portal of State Services of various online services, which are designed to simplify many permitting and registration procedures, the calculation and payment of mandatory taxes and fees, etc.

Problems of small business and entrepreneurs in Russia: Video


2.1 Benefits of small business

2.2 Disadvantages of small business

3. The role of small business

4. Problems of small business


List of used literature


Small business in a market economy is the leading sector that determines the rate of economic growth, structure and quality of the gross national product. In many developed countries, small businesses account for 60-70% of GNP. But it's not just about quantitative indicators. This sector is inherently typical market and forms the basis of modern market infrastructure, because it primarily ensures a competitive environment for the economy.

Unfortunately, in Russia small business is at the initial stage of development. Despite the measures taken by the government to support small businesses, their activities are limited by a number of problems. Quantitative indicators are several times lower than the corresponding indicators of developed countries.

The purpose of the work is to understand what stands in the way of small business development, i.e. analysis of its problems and development prospects.

In accordance with the goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

Define small business

Reveal its features

Determine the place of small business in the economy

Consider its evolution

Classify small business problems

Think through possible ways to solve these problems

It can be assumed that one of the factors in our country’s recovery from the crisis and building a market economy is the development and normal functioning of small businesses, which implies the relevance of this topic.

1. The concept of small business

The main factor in classifying an enterprise as small is the average composition of employees, but sometimes additional factors are used, such as sales volume, value of assets, etc. Legislatively in Russia, small businesses are defined by Federal Law of June 14, 1995 N 88-FZ “On State Support small business in the Russian Federation". The direction of the law is the implementation of the right of citizens to use their abilities and property to carry out entrepreneurial and other economic activities not prohibited by law.

According to the law, small business entities are understood as commercial organizations in the authorized capital of which the share of participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public and religious organizations (associations), charitable and other foundations does not exceed 25 percent, the share owned by one or more legal entities does not being small businesses, does not exceed 25 percent and in which the average number of employees for the reporting period does not exceed the following maximum levels (small enterprises):

in industry - 100 people;

in construction - 100 people;

on transport - 100 people;

in agriculture - 60 people;

in the scientific and technical field - 60 people;

in wholesale trade - 50 people;

in retail trade and consumer services - 30 people;

in other industries and when carrying out other types of activities - 50 people.

Small businesses also mean individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity. Small enterprises carrying out several types of activities (multi-industry) are classified as such according to the criteria of the type of activity whose share is the largest in the annual turnover or annual profit. The average number of employees of a small enterprise for the reporting period is determined taking into account all its employees, including those working under civil contracts and part-time, taking into account the actual time worked, as well as employees of representative offices, branches and other separate divisions of the specified legal entity.

The organizational and legal form of a small enterprise is established in accordance with the Civil Code, as well as the laws “On Joint-Stock Companies” and “On Limited Liability Companies”. They can exist in the form of individual (family) private enterprises, partnerships, joint-stock companies, production cooperatives, state (municipal) enterprises.

2. Economic characteristics of small businesses

Let's consider the main advantages and disadvantages of small businesses compared to large ones, and evaluate their role in the economy.

2.1 Benefits of small business

1. Relatively lower management costs due to the absence of unnecessary bureaucratic apparatus and, accordingly, high flexibility and efficiency of decisions in the management of small enterprises, which increases labor productivity (especially in micro-enterprises where the number of employees is less than 10 people). These conditions make it possible to quickly and flexibly respond to market changes, including by maneuvering capital when switching from one type of activity to another.

2. According to some scientists, large sizes increase the degree of formalization of the organization and reduce the ability to make organizational changes, therefore small enterprises are more flexible and efficient in making and implementing decisions and adapt more quickly to changing conditions.

3. Lower capital requirements and ability to quickly introduce changes in products and production in response to local market demands

4. Small businesses know better the level of demand in local markets. The orientation of producers primarily towards the regional market is ideally suited for studying the wishes, preferences, customs, habits and other characteristics of the local market.

5. Relatively higher capital turnover of small enterprises.

6. Small businesses require less capital investment. They have shorter construction times, are small in size, it is faster and cheaper for them to re-equip, introduce new technology and production automation, and achieve the optimal combination of machine and manual labor.

7. Small business employees have a high level of motivation to achieve success, as well as the opportunity to realize their ideas and demonstrate their abilities.

8. Small businesses provide livelihoods to more people than large ones. It has significant potential in the field of employment of the population, involving labor reserves in production, which cannot be used in large-scale production due to its technological and other features. These are pensioners, students, housewives, disabled people, as well as people who want to work after regular working hours in order to receive additional legal income.

2.2 Disadvantages of small business

1. Compared to large enterprises, small enterprises have a higher level of risk, and, consequently, a high degree of instability in the market.

2. Small businesses are dependent on large companies.

3. Weak competence of managers and less professional workers.

4. Increased sensitivity to changes in business conditions.

5. Small businesses face great difficulties in attracting additional funds and obtaining loans.

6. SEs do not have market power and a good resource base

7. Despite increased flexibility, small businesses' ability to change is limited.

8. Small businesses have little propensity for investment activities due to insufficient capital and long-term returns on investments.

From the above characteristics we can conclude that small enterprises have significant competitive advantages and are capable of more efficient operations than large enterprises in some areas of activity.

What can an effectively functioning small business give to the country's economy?

Small business can give the economy:

Necessary market saturation and mobility;

The trend towards price stability, increasing product quality due to price and non-price competition;

Accelerating the process of introducing new technologies;

An environment of competition that large monopolistic giants lack so much;

Deep specialization and cooperation;

The environment and spirit of entrepreneurship, without which a market economy is impossible.

Small business, quickly responding to changes in market conditions, gives the market economy the necessary flexibility. That is, small business creates such economic conditions without which high market efficiency is unthinkable. Finally, the creation of this sector of the economy is a positive alternative to underground business, eliminating its monopoly position in the market by improving the legal conditions for the activities of legally operating small enterprises. It is obvious that any country needs developed small business, so it is necessary to give freedom for the development of small businesses. For a country of the size of Russia, small business cannot become the basis of the economy; in our conditions, it can only become a connecting link that would ensure the uninterrupted operation of large industrial enterprises. But, nevertheless, in the conditions of transition from an administrative command economy to a normal market economy, the formation and development of small businesses is one of the main problems of economic policy. The formation of a competitive environment, facilitated by small businesses, is of paramount importance for our highly monopolized economy.

Most of them close next year, while a minority manage to operate for several years. And only a small proportion of all organizations operate successfully in the market. Recently, people have lost the desire to open their own business. This is due to the problems of small businesses that exist in our country at the moment. In this article we will try to understand this issue.

What troubles plague small businesses?

The Russian Federation is following its own path in business development. This road is quite specific, and many businesses suffer for this reason. Support for small businesses is carried out in accordance with the mentality of citizens, the unstable economy, as well as the lack of information about the conduct of corporate culture.

A person who decides to start his own business must understand that his success depends not only on the efforts of the novice entrepreneur. Various external and internal factors have a strong influence. All emerging difficulties can be divided into several groups:

  • financial;
  • for small businesses;
  • organizational difficulties;
  • logistics.

For a business to function normally and productively, interaction between the buyer, entrepreneur and state is necessary. Only in this case will the matter succeed.

Internal difficulties

These small business problems include lack of money, poor planning and management. Of course, many faced a lack of start-up capital. If you have the required amount on hand, this is not a guarantee of success. After all, you need a fresh, good idea, a competent business plan, and constant improvement of your business.

One of the main problems in small business development is the lack of knowledge about proper planning of activities. This point should not be underestimated, since thoughtless spending of funds can lead to bankruptcy. If there is a plan, it needs to be changed to suit the actual conditions that arise.

The administration of the organization must consist of highly qualified professionals. Often, a manager forgets about his direct responsibilities and turns into an ordinary manager. This situation will not have a very favorable effect on the results of the enterprise’s activities.

Controversial issues in legislation

To be fair, it is worth noting that the first legal act on small business was adopted in 1995. Even then it was clear that this law had a large number of shortcomings. Today, another act adopted in 2007 is in force. Changes are still being made to it constantly.

Opening a small business in Russia comes with some challenges. Many people are frightened by the endless reports that every entrepreneur must prepare for a certain period. There is also a system of fines for not submitting reports on time, and the payments are quite decent. Even though the state regularly creates programs to support small businesses and a simplified tax system, payments still remain quite large. Therefore, people do not want to get involved with this, since they can give away more money than they earn.

Regulation and access to government orders

The problems of small businesses in Russia are also due to strict regulation of the activities of entrepreneurs by the state. In practice, this is called administrative barriers. These include endless constant checks, a complex registration and liquidation procedure, and the collection of a huge number of certificates.

As foreign practice shows, the fewer various obstacles there are for small businesses, the better they function. Getting rid of such barriers will bring many benefits.

It is no secret that the government is trying in every possible way to support small businesses. However, to get help, you need to try hard. If any government order is placed, many people come forward. And often in the end he is given to an incomprehensible suspicious company. This is a classic case of corruption and it is very difficult to change. This obstacle is a serious problem for small businesses.

Financing and sanctions for small businesses

Speaking about problems, we cannot ignore the topic of loans for small businesses. The reality is that not all banks are ready to give a start-up entrepreneur cash as a loan. According to statistics, only a third of young businessmen can get a loan; the rest are denied. This is due to the bank’s fear that entrepreneurs will not repay their debts.

If a person is going to start his own business and open production, then his chances of getting a loan are minimal. Banks are much more willing to provide loans to those individuals who have already taken them out and repaid them on time. This is called a good credit history. Banks also often make concessions, reducing interest rates and monthly payments.

In addition, it is worth noting the impact of sanctions on small businesses. The rise in the exchange rate of the dollar and euro had a negative impact on this type of entrepreneurship. Before the introduction of sanctions, there were a large number of problems for small businesses in Russia, and with them they became even more numerous.

Subsidies for starting a business

It is important to note that the state is trying its best to support start-up entrepreneurs, which is why such a subsidy was introduced. As part of this program, a businessman can be given up to 500,000 rubles. However, to receive this amount, you must meet a number of requirements. For example, the enterprise must operate for at least two years. The organization must have more than 250 employees, and there must also be no debt on various types of obligations.

The funds received as part of small business subsidies can be spent on the necessary equipment, software, etc. It is worth noting that the subsidy is issued only in the capital of our country. The money can be spent on renting an office in Moscow, as well as on purchasing raw materials. The following condition must be observed: the total purchase amount should not exceed 20% of the subsidy amount.

Other subsidies

In addition to the assistance discussed above, the state also offers other subsidies. For example, reimbursement of interest on loans is very popular. As in the first case, for this you need to fulfill a number of conditions. A small business must be officially registered, an entrepreneur must pay taxes on time, and also have a loan agreement in hand, concluded no more than two years ago.

In addition, it is necessary that the organization does not belong to the trade sector, and the money from the loan does not go to the company’s working capital. There are also several other subsidies for small businesses, such as reimbursement of lease payments. This type of assistance is quite popular, as you can receive up to 5 million rubles, but you must have a financial lease agreement. Also, after a few months, the entrepreneur must provide a report on the funds spent.

Prospects for small business development

Speaking about the future of small business in Russia, it is worth noting that the state understands the importance of business for the country’s standard of living. If this industry is not developed, the middle class may disappear completely, and society will become discriminated against. Every year new programs are released to support entrepreneurship, the state is on the right path.

The main thing is to ensure the realization of all the rights and freedoms of a novice businessman. According to experts, in the near future good prospects are seen for those who sell essential goods, that is, food, clothing and footwear stores. In addition, service stations, car washes, etc. will never be left without work.

Despite all the problems of small businesses, the state is meeting halfway, trying to understand the difficulties and offer its own solution.