Professions related to advertising. Profession "advertising manager" What are people called who come up with advertising

The Internet and television actively sell us goods, services and emotions. The buyer is becoming more and more selective, and advertising is becoming more sophisticated. In order to sell something, a whole arsenal of tools and methods has been invented. Advertisers have to resort to tricks and invent more and more new “tricks” that will help attract attention, interest or please. Who generates ideas for commercials? How do ideas for creating a particular advertising banner or billboard come about? Together we will try to dive a little into the intricacies of the profession of the one who comes up with advertising.

Creator, copywriter or advertising manager?

Many companies write positions in the work book that are completely different from the essence of the position, attach the responsibilities of certain specialists to other staff positions, and simply do not attach much importance to the title of the vacancy. Much more important for the employer is the skill and talents that the employee offers him.

The person who comes up with advertising, who is the source of ideas in a particular company, can be called a copywriter, an advertising manager, and a creator. It all depends on what a given company or agency needs.


A generator of ideas, a person capable of thinking outside the box. A creative mindset and the ability to see the proposed product from a different angle are very important here. It is the creators who nurture the concept of a video or poster, while it is quite possible that other people will be involved in the implementation and filming, the creator only submits the idea and monitors its implementation, adjusting if necessary. As a rule, talented creators are highly valued because they can find interesting solutions to many problems.

One example of a creator’s work is the viral video category. In this case, the one who comes up with the advertisement focuses on creating content in which the advertised product may not be so clearly involved, but the video itself is distributed by users on the network only because of the content of the content itself.


This is what people are used to calling a person who writes texts. A copywriter can write advertising letters, slogans, compose text for an online store, create a script for an advertising video or banner. He also comes up with advertising. Who is suitable for this position? This must be a person who can competently express his thoughts, who can convey his idea, formulate benefits and sell it at the text level. Contrary to many misconceptions, this is not always a person with a philological education. Copywriters often work on social networks and blogs.

Advertising Manager

What exactly this person will do is determined by each company itself. The work of the manager in this case will contain exactly what is required in a particular case. Will it only be the generation of ideas, will it be necessary to work out technical details, or will the manager’s responsibility only be to find an advertiser and control copywriters? In most cases, the advertising manager carries out the entire range of advertising activities, from creating a selling text to analyzing competitors and conducting negotiations. Here you will need knowledge of marketing, higher education, experience in direct sales and business communication skills.

Do you need to study?

There may not be strict requirements and conditions for considering candidates with a higher education in this field; here, employers are more likely to rely on the experience of the applicant. The decisive factor when choosing a candidate will be a portfolio in which the employer can see examples of work performed.

You can learn the necessary skills by choosing a specialty from the field of marketing and advertising. Experience or training in the field of management, economics, and public relations will also be an important advantage.

What qualities will help

In addition to having a higher education and portfolio, important factors will be:

  1. Broad outlook. When creating advertising, it is simply contraindicated to have a narrow outlook. Often, the requests and tasks assigned to the creator simply leave no chance. For example, when a customer says: “Come up with an advertisement for the Burabay resort for foreign friends.” You can find out that the place is also called Kazakh Switzerland. And play with this slogan: “Burabai - budget Switzerland with Kazakh hospitality.” Develop a “stretch” depicting the mountains and lakes of the mentioned vacation spots. Thereby demonstrating their similarity, but emphasizing the benefits of choosing the Burabay resort. After all, a trip to real Switzerland will cost more. In addition, some may need a foreign passport. passport. This can also be emphasized.
  2. Organizational skills. It goes without saying that when creating a new project that involves people and their ideas, the ability to work in a team and skills in organizing the process will make life much easier.
  3. Energy. Cheerfulness, optimism, good mood and the ability to multitask always help people in creative professions.
  4. Constant self-development. It is very important to follow new trends, compare competitors, and learn technology news that can be used in advertising campaigns. What kind of advertising should you come up with if trends have changed this season? How to use the introduction of new technology? How to improve existing advertising? All these questions constantly arise in the mind of an advertiser.

Payment in the advertising sector

In general, remuneration for advertising creation specialists can range from 30 to 120 thousand rubles. Everything will depend on the region and the advertiser.

Of course, the highest prices for advertising professionals are in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The market for goods and services is so wide that selling and finding ways to talk interestingly about even the most boring or unusual subject is a special gift. It is especially noteworthy that the most original ideas come from children. For example, one boy coped brilliantly with the task of coming up with an advertisement for social studies. He depicted a child rolling a toy car over spilled sugar and captioned it: “Safari in the Sahara - either this or with us.”

Thus, the work of an advertiser is a kind of innate flair, creativity, and ingenuity. A special talent that needs to be constantly developed. It is perfect for those who do not like to stand still and are not afraid of difficulties, are ready for the most unexpected experiments and are open to everything new.

creative director of Contrapunto

Yaroslav Kucherov

ex-CEO of Lowe Adventa and JWT Russia

Today I can't imagine the situation so that someone starts making a video about space,
could show him as a general shouting “Where have you been?”

Mikhail Kudashkin

Executive Creative Director, Leo Burnett Group Russia

Winter Olympics slogan
in Sochi “Hot. Winter. Yours"

Roman Zimonin

Hot Whopper promotional campaign for Burger King with slogan “Be careful not to escalate!”

Of course we had three good ideas
with mothballs copyright and the fourth idea in the style of “why the client will be fired
From the job"

Andrey Amlinsky

About slogans

It's funny, but the slogan “If there is an idea, there is IKEA” is considered the main slogan of the twentieth anniversary. In 2002, a large blue cube with a very strange Swedish name appeared in Khimki. The idea behind IKEA was that it was not a furniture store, but a solutions store. If you have an idea to invite relatives over or have a birthday party, then IKEA has the answer. One letter has been changed, but it builds the whole meaning. It is difficult to find a more concise solution. In addition, this also reflects the character of the brand - whack, and solved the problem.

IKEA searches for the best resources at the best price, so it does not have a large agency, but has a specific team in each market. This slogan is the founding father of Russian copyright. But it's not all about the text. IKEA is a very powerful brand with enormous charm and billions invested in its marketing strategy. And this gives weight to the words. Coincidentally, Russia could learn from this marketing lesson.

When we did the Snickers campaign, there was no snack category in the country. The brand came to us when it already had its first unsuccessful campaign. There, a worker and a collective farmer said that they eat Snickers for lunch - and this is in a country where they sometimes have borscht and vodka for breakfast. The concept of the new Snickers was based on the Stay on the Scene formula - “Stay in the game.” The idea was that for the first time since Soviet times, when playing football, you don’t have to go home. No one will shout: “Lesha, have lunch!” - after all, you have Snickers. This is how the word “snickersney” was born - a neologism for a compact snack.

slogans “If you have an idea, there is IKEA”,
"Don't slow down - snickers",
“I suck for pennies”

A PR manager is a specialist responsible for creating and maintaining a favorable image of a company or a specific brand owned by this company.

Art director is the artistic director and implementer of the project.

A marketing director is a manager responsible for the marketing policy of an enterprise and heads its marketing service.

Creative Director is a creative leader (from the English create - create, create), whose main responsibilities are organizing and coordinating the activities of an advertising agency, which includes generating ideas, business planning, analysis of promising directions for the company's development

A creator is a person responsible for the development and implementation of new advertising ideas.

A marketer is a specialist in studying the market, consumer needs and preferences.

A media buyer is a specialist who purchases airtime on radio and television, advertising space in print media and Internet publications.

A media planner is a specialist who carries out strategic planning of advertising campaigns and conducts the advertising activities of a particular company as a whole.

We live in a world of communication. As Andy Warhol said, everyone has ten minutes of fame. Brands have them too, and Andy was well versed in advertising and promotion. Sometimes, if a strong brand has a successful slogan, ten minutes stretch into decades.

So what is a slogan? This is a short motto, motto, expressing the essence and content of the brand idea. This is where the fun begins. There is a persistent misconception that writing slogans is easy and simple, that slogans can be mastered by any wit from the KVN student team. The fact is that not all brands have their own unique face, the main idea, the so-called brand platform. The slogan in a concise, succinct form expresses the unique properties of a brand or product, its philosophy.

Let's take, for example, my famous slogan “There is an idea. There is IKEA,” recognized as the best slogan of the twentieth anniversary of Russian advertising. What, exactly, are we talking about? Many companies produce furniture, dishes, and household items. Only IKEA, with all the variety of products presented in it, produces not things, but solutions. It’s strange, you say, because we buy items. But take a closer look at them. You will see that these are not just affordable and stylish household items. Folding chairs, stools that are easily tucked under the table, freeing up the cramped urban space of typical apartments, easily replaceable covers, etc. all this has no independent value and is not a unique thing that should be passed on from generation to generation. All of these are essentially not designed to last a lifetime and are quickly replaced by ideas for the unexpected arrival of guests, an addition to the family, a friendly party, a rented apartment, which needs to be furnished nicely and inexpensively, and then left without sadness or regret.

Slogans are the quintessence of a lot of research and analytical work, marketing strategies unique to every self-respecting brand. Often, slogans are banal idle talk, a phrase that means nothing and doesn’t touch anyone, or an absurd set of words. Well, companies and brands that choose such slogans would like to respond with another slogan: “because you deserve it.”

In our world of standard, standard, in-line solutions, originality is especially valued. But originality is not at any cost, not for the sake of a catchphrase, but that genuine one that distinguishes a major personality, a well-known company, a strong brand.

And further. A slogan (together with the scientific and creative work that precedes it), if it is a real marketing and linguistic success, is worth a lot. Perhaps these are the most expensive words in the world. In the world of consumption, of course.




Entry barrier


On the Internet, in stores, on T-shirts and inside the bus there are almost monotonous calls to pay attention to a product, store or service. Advertising does not leave a person indifferent. People can hate it or love it - but it’s impossible not to notice advertising today. Few people talk about its benefits, although what else can help a person navigate among the mass of goods and services that exist today? And, if the advertising itself should not be ignored, then why not ask what it is? And it’s even more interesting, of course, to create it. For this purpose, many universities have opened a specialty called “Advertising”.

How the work is structured

Creating advertising is not only about writing catchy slogans and inventing interesting concepts. This is only the external side of the work that we all see. Behind the result - high-quality advertising - is a whole chain of affairs, starting with getting to know the client and his problem and ending with researching the effectiveness of a particular advertising campaign. And each link in this chain has its own interesting questions and problems. To solve them, you need to have imagination and creativity and have many other skills. In a small agency, one person can deal with several areas at once, but in a large business, many specialized specialists are needed. Copywriter, sociologist, designer, project manager, media buyer - everyone does their own thing. All “advertising” professions can be divided into three areas:

Creative (copywriters, designers, creative directors) is engaged in the creation of advertising products - posters, slogans, texts of advertising articles, souvenirs, logos, elements of corporate identity.

These people receive an order from another department of the advertising agency. We will call those who work in it communicators. They are the ones who meet with the customer (and sometimes look for him), and draw up the so-called brief - a brief statement of what needs to be done. Sometimes you just need advertising products, and sometimes you need an entire anti-crisis program. Other managers work with the media, purchasing advertising space (space on newspaper pages, time on television, posters in the city) - they are called media buyers.

To determine what exactly needs to be done and how to interact with the audience, it is necessary to carry out analytical work. This is done by research agencies, and sometimes by the corresponding departments in large advertising agencies: they conduct sociological surveys, gather focus groups to test advertising products, and identify what arguments or emotional impulses can convince a person to take advantage of an advertising offer. Both during the advertising campaign and at its end, data is collected, information is checked, and effective or unsuccessful methods are identified.

Project manager

Each of these roles has its own ratio of creativity and routine.

It seems that the work of a copywriter or designer is one continuous creativity, but in reality this is not the case.

A very precise task is given, and the result must best meet the requirements put forward by the customer. Beautiful and unusual moves are encouraged, but they clearly fit into the framework of solving the problem posed in the task. The work of thought is highly valued here, because anyone can make a beautiful picture, but creating a project that is useful for the overall concept is a much more difficult task.

From the outside, one might think that in the work of a researcher, on the contrary, there is almost no creativity. After all, he works with clearly defined questions and prepares statistical reports. But it is precisely in the formulation of the question, in the approach to each person and, especially, in the design of the finished analysis that a field for imagination can open up. In advertising in any activity there are these two components - and there is no need to be afraid that they will conflict with each other.

However, almost every person associated with advertising is experiencing a crisis due to the fact that his thoughts and ideas are limited by the order. It's okay: many of the great artists of the past and present also created commissions. Advertising posters were created by Andy Warhol and Mayakovsky, and videos were shot by both David Lynch and Guy Ritchie. Each person determines for himself what ratio of creativity and skill is most effective for him and for the common cause.

There are established images of professionals. For example, an employee of the creative department is imagined as a freak, an account manager as the owner of a phone book with a thousand numbers, and a project manager as a kind of military strategist, philosophically looking into the distance. However, there are also completely opposite types.

Where to get an education

Studying consists of obtaining a theoretical basis and developing practical skills. An advertiser must be diversified - sociology, philosophy, and art history will be useful to him. Today it is impossible to create a cultural product (and advertising is still a cultural object) without knowing the works of the past, without having an idea of ​​the experience of thought. Cultural and psychological disciplines will help you understand what the consumer needs and how to approach him correctly. And with the help of means traditionally used by art (text, pictures, music), those symbols are created with the help of which advertising attracts the attention of the audience.

The other side of the advertising business is economic: after all, you need to understand what benefits the campaign can bring, what pricing policy is best to focus on in the advertising message. Therefore, it is important to understand the general mechanisms of the market, the laws of marketing and the principles of operation of an individual company: how profit is generated, what generates the income and expenses of the enterprise, how marketing policy is organized.

First, students study the history of advertising, gain an understanding of the principles of operation of an advertising agency and the general technology of the advertising creation process. Then they get acquainted with specific issues: how a brief is drawn up and an advertising message is created, what principles the composition is based on and what should be included in the text of an advertising article. The classes discuss in detail the types and methods of advertising distribution. We are all familiar with commercials on television and radio, advertising brochures and promotions in stores, but a professional must understand in which case one or another type of advertising is more suitable, where the consumer will prefer to take information.

Students undergo internships in advertising agencies, in the media, and in companies where there is a promotion or advertising department. First, the young man explores the very principles of advertising in the company, and learns in practice how an advertising product is made - step by step. Then he performs small tasks, analyzes how productive the company is, and offers solutions to existing problems in it. Accordingly, the diploma work of an advertising specialist is closely related to practice.

It is understood that knowledge of the theory itself is presented in the introductory part of advertising education, and its main content is practical - and is the answer to the question of how to more effectively apply advertising methods so that commercial activity improves in a particular company.

Different educational institutions offer different approaches to training advertising specialists. Large state universities have introduced such a specialty quite recently; in some places it belongs to the faculties of journalism, sociology or psychology, in other universities the advertising department opens in the economics department. In small educational institutions, advertising specialists have been trained for a long time, but there a greater emphasis is placed on practical training and many applied disciplines are taught.

Some universities train graduates in specific areas: copywriters, managers or designers, while others provide training in advertising in general. It is assumed that general education provides an opportunity to express oneself in every direction, but such a specialist has all the skills for the most sought-after and difficult job in this field - the work of an advertising project manager. Creativity is difficult to learn, however, having a fairly broad outlook and a systematic vision of advertising, you can gain experience in the field of management. Of course, before conducting an independent project or even starting your own business, which many graduates are determined to do, it is worth understanding what work is like in various areas of advertising.

Understand what it means to live by advertising

Many people confuse advertising with PR, marketing and other related industries. Of course, they are very closely related, but even in the first year, a student must learn to distinguish one from the other and clearly understand what exactly he is doing. Any means of communicating with an audience in order to increase the success of an enterprise or person can be classified as marketing, because all this happens according to the laws of the market. However, advertising has its own specifics. It may seem that advertising is the narrowest field of activity, but in fact it is not so. Only by studying advertising will you be able to touch not only the methods of increasing sales or strengthening the image, but also the voluminous layer of brand culture. Analyzing any advertisement is similar to the work of a film critic or professional theater reviewer. It is both extremely practical (after all, an advertiser understands how well the means correspond to the end) and very interesting (after all, we work with works that can partly be called art).

However, advertising is not an art in the usual sense, nor is it a science. However, individual products can be considered as works of art, and the scientific activity of a student in this specialty can be very interesting and in demand. You can study advertising as a phenomenon in society, you can devote yourself to analyzing the most promising methods, or you can start predicting the future of advertising. In this case, there is a reason for a researcher or teacher to combine their activities with business consulting: after all, when a company reaches a qualitatively high level, it is necessary to understand where to move next, and this cannot be done without a professional in-depth analysis.

Today in Russia, work with advertising is just beginning. Yuri Grymov and Timur Bekmambetov, the people who created the first commercials and posters in modern Russia, are your contemporaries. Departments and faculties specializing in advertising are still very young. On the one hand, it is very difficult to study and work at such a moment: you will not be sure what is right and what is wrong, teaching methods are just being formed, and teachers sometimes imagine the subject differently, even if they work in the same field. department But on the other hand, it is at this moment that there is an opportunity to be at the origins of a new direction. Discoveries in the field of advertising can still be compared with the discovery of America: it seems to be similar to the India that Columbus expected to see, but in fact it is a completely different country.

While a young advertising specialist has the opportunity to try himself in different areas. Will he want to create advertising products in the Russian branch of a large agency - or will he create his own company, will he conduct research and issue recommendations to companies that are just starting their activities - or will he lead projects for new companies? The right to choose is his. If you abandon the everyday idea “I like advertising and I want to do it,” you can achieve success and find yourself in this interesting specialty.