How to open a butcher shop from scratch? Equipment for a butcher shop. How to open a profitable butcher shop Where to buy meat for sale

In recent years, consumers in our country have become much more discerning: they no longer rush to see foreign curiosities in stores, but prefer to spend a long time choosing their preferred product. This is especially true for food. And speaking of meat...

It’s no secret that sausage and other meat products have recently become more like the fantasy of an amateur chemist. There are so many strange additives with the prefix “E” and soy mixed in there that cheap sausages can be safely offered to a vegetarian. Fortunately, there is no meat in them.

Is it any wonder that in such conditions the majority of our citizens already prefer to purchase whole piece meat. And this fact should not escape the attention of a perspicacious entrepreneur!

Yes, we suggest you consider opening your own butcher shop. Since this is a delicate matter, it is better to find out in advance everything about what documents are needed to trade meat. If you have little understanding of this issue, it is better to read this article rather than receive the information you need from SES workers who are issuing you a huge fine.

The most necessary papers

Since the requirements for meat products are very strict, you will need a lot of documents. Let us immediately note that their presence is mandatory, since there are many inspection authorities, and the fines for violations are very, very large. Moreover, if you make any serious mistakes, you may well lose your license to carry out this type of activity.

Firstly, you will need a license to trade in food products, a general permit for trading activities, as well as a permitting certificate from the SES. A document for the right to trade in food products can be obtained from the Licensing Chamber of the city. Please note that this certificate takes a month to complete, and to obtain it you also need to collect a lot of paperwork.

List of documents

Here are the documents needed to trade meat in this case:

  • An application in the legally established form, which was agreed in advance with the administration of the local municipality.
  • A copy of the registration of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, LLC or other form of entrepreneurial property. The application must come from the same person in whose name the enterprise is registered.
  • Of course, you will need copies of all the company's constituent documents, certified by a notary.

Please note that many of these papers are required only when you need to confirm the legal address of the company. However, given the tender love of our government structures for bureaucratic red tape, it is better to play it safe and get them in any case.

Do you think that this will be the end of your torment? Alas, the fuss with papers is just beginning. So what other documents are needed to trade meat?

Detailed description

Among other things, you will definitely need an original certificate from the tax service about registering you as an entrepreneur. You also need an original conclusion from the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor, in whose territory your enterprise is registered.

As for a permit to carry out trading activities, it is required only if your store has not previously sold meat products. If you have already sold such products before, there is no need to receive it. It should be noted that this document can also be obtained from the Office of the administrative district in which your store is located.

A permit certificate from the SES is issued at the regional sanitary and epidemiological station. A prerequisite for issuing this document is that each employee of your store has properly completed sanitary records.

By the way, the frequency of inspection visits to your store directly depends on your relationship with the SES and the accuracy of keeping records. Anyone who decides to develop a meat business faces these difficulties. Where to start your activity? First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the production process itself.

Some information about the technology

Firstly, the specificity of a butcher shop is that all cutting of meat and preparation of minced meat takes place right in front of the buyer. The visitor can even taste it and recommend what spices should be added there.

Of course, this approach promotes maximum customer loyalty. Secondly, you will have to hire only the most experienced butchers who can quickly and accurately cut products. If they are slow, you will quickly lose customers.

The room and its design options

To trade meat and offal, you will need a retail outlet with an area of ​​at least six square meters. Of course, if possible, it is better to buy it, but much more often entrepreneurs have to deal with a lease agreement.

The easiest way is to enter into a lease agreement for retail space with some grocery store, since in this case you will be paid less attention by local regulatory authorities, who really like to check every meat business.

Unfortunately, in this case, you will have to maintain financial statements jointly with this store, which is fraught with inaccuracies in tax returns and subsequent fines. Therefore, we recommend that you enter into a clean lease agreement.

In this case, you will have to buy all the necessary equipment, as well as obtain all the required documents yourself. It is impossible to say anything specific about the cost of rent, since everything depends solely on your region.

In any case, it is better to involve an experienced lawyer to draw up a lease agreement, since drawing it up independently is fraught with financial problems.

SES requirements

The general requirements of this organization are quite reasonable and are not that difficult to fulfill. As we have already said, every store employee must have a health certificate. Among other things, the workplace must be located in a room whose walls and floor are tiled. You must have technological regulations according to which this room is sanitized.

After each working day, all working tools, tables and other cutting equipment should be washed in soap solutions with the addition of chloramine or other disinfectant. You must have a contract for deratization and disinfestation of the premises, which must be carried out at least once a month.

Personnel should only work with food products wearing special gloves. Direct contact is not allowed.

What equipment will you need?

As we have already said, you will have to buy all the required equipment for selling meat. The list of essentials includes: a counter with a product cooling function, the average cost of which exceeds 3-4 thousand dollars, a simple cash register, a professional electric meat grinder (from 10 thousand rubles), as well as a set of knives and an ax for chopping bones and meat.

Among other things, the SES requires butchers to have special clothing. Thus, the cost of equipment will be about 200 thousand rubles. Be sure to find a meat supplier in advance. It may happen that he does not deliver finished products, which is why you will also have to spend money on transport.

Product suppliers

Your main problem when working with them will be constant control of product quality. There is no need to talk for long about the fact that fresh and high-quality meat is not only a guarantee of successful trade, but also protects you from claims from regulatory organizations. All documents required for the sale of meat must be attached to each batch of products.

Please note that the full burden of responsibility for low-quality products (including criminal prosecution) lies with you.

Therefore, it is necessary to cooperate only with the most responsible and trusted suppliers. What do you need to sell meat besides honesty and documents?

Practice shows that in such places there is often falsification of documents, incorrect filling out of reports, and their owners often have very tense relations with the veterinary service. It often happens that they do not even complete all the documents for the meat trade.

It is much safer to buy meat from large government suppliers. They work well with the state veterinary service, and they approach their activities much more responsibly.

What personnel will be required?

We have already indicated that service personnel play a huge role in the profitability of the entire enterprise. The more experienced and careful the butcher is, the more regular customers you will get as a result. For one medium-sized retail outlet, it is necessary to hire one salesperson and a couple of butchers. The salary depends entirely on the local realities of a particular region.

Profit and profitability

If you get going, you can sell about 300 kilograms of meat per day. Consequently, the cost of purchasing it will be about 2 thousand dollars. Net income is about $500 per day. Thus, with properly organized sales and good suppliers, the profitability will be at least 50%.

We hope you have learned about what documents are needed to trade meat. As you can see, it is the bureaucratic side of the issue that turns many entrepreneurs away from engaging in this business. But if you complete all of them, the profit will be very serious!

Business related to the sale of meat products has always been quite an attractive undertaking. If the product sales process is properly organized, then retail meat trade can bring substantial income.

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Regardless of the pace of life and changing trends, food products still remain in demand. And it is meat that occupies a leading position in the human diet, being a product that provides us with energy and health. Based on this, we can confidently talk about the stability of a business based on the sale of meat. Opening a butcher shop in this case is one of the most successful decisions.

Business butcher in theory

The question of opening a butcher shop comes to mind for many entrepreneurs.

In this regard, experts advise starting the process with trading in secondary meat raw materials.

The sale of sausages, dumplings or sausages will require significantly less permitting documentation than the sale of meat.

The next step will be choosing a display case. The buyer must see the entire range of products. For full operation you also need a refrigerator and a cash register.

It is worth noting that the successful operation of a butcher shop will, first of all, depend on consumer demand. Therefore, it is very important that the product range meets the needs of customers. The standard product list usually includes 30 positions.

You should also not forget about the quality and appearance of meat products. Since these are the factors that will ensure worthy competition for the products of other companies.

The last stage is the selection of personnel who will cut the meat and sell it. You may also need a loader who will transport the goods to points of sale. Accounting is most often handled by the entrepreneur himself.

Possible format

The most common container type of butcher shop is installed in markets, near residential buildings. This is an undemanding and relatively inexpensive method of trading, but also one of the most inconvenient to use - the lack of basic hygiene facilities, poor ventilation and lack of space for storing products.

One format for a butcher shop could be the purchase of an existing retail outlet (20 m²). A more serious approach will require opening a stationary store (50 m²).

Such a room can be divided into three sectors:

  1. trading area;
  2. workshop for preparing semi-finished products;
  3. cutting area.

The third sector can be placed together with the trading area, but in such a way that there is a dividing screen at least two meters high.


When choosing a room, first of all, you need to take into account the traffic flow of the place. The flow of possible buyers is the main criterion in this matter.

It is optimal to open a meat department in a large shopping complex or pavilion near a grocery supermarket.

Since the enterprise’s income will depend on the store’s traffic, you need to take care of a location with high traffic. These can also be residential areas of the city.

How to open a butcher shop from scratch?

Selling meat involves preparing:

  • veterinary certificates issued by Rospotrebnadzor and veterinary documentation for the store;
  • permitting documentation for retail trade, which is issued based on the results of inspection of carcasses by a veterinarian;
  • documentation issued by the fire safety service;
  • sanitary records for all employees;
  • books of complaints and suggestions.

Registration of activities

Registration of commercial activities begins with the Federal Tax Service. The entire procedure will take no more than 5 days.

It is also worth noting that a license is not required to trade meat products.

However, it may take about two months to obtain all other permits. The optimal form would be individual entrepreneurship or registration of a limited liability company. The main advantage of retail meat trade is preferential taxation.

Room upgrade

One of the key factors of popularization is the external design of the butcher shop. Experts recommend putting themed designs on shop windows, making a beautiful sign above the entrance, and naming the store with a hint of the specifics of meat products.

In addition, if you plan to further expand the points of sale of meat products, then it is advisable to make the design of the store memorable.

It is not necessary to make expensive repairs, but it is necessary to create an acceptable environment. The room should be clean, bright and well lit. The buyer must see that the meat is stored in proper sanitary conditions.

In order to ensure satisfaction with product quality, the following measures can be taken:

  • ensure the availability of our own mini-quality control laboratory;
  • organize work with consumer complaints;
  • create a book of reviews regarding meat products;
  • encourage staff to adhere to occupational health rules;
  • subject suppliers to inspections;
  • inform customers about the work performed.


If there is one meat pavilion, two sellers working in shifts are enough. The store owner may handle the bookkeeping, while the supplier or loader may be responsible for unloading the goods.

To open a butcher shop from scratch, you need to hire a butcher and a cook who will prepare beautiful semi-finished products.

The volume of products sold will depend on the work of the butcher. Meat pieces, first of all, should be appetizing in appearance. As for sellers, it is their responsibility to have a good knowledge of the product. All personnel are required to carry medical records.

Search for suppliers and procurement

On the eve of the opening of the meat department, you need to find reliable suppliers of fresh meat. An excellent option would be to enter into agreements with farms that are not very far from the retail outlet.

The mandatory terms of the agreement include:

  • fixed purchase price of goods;
  • weight and age categories of products;
  • documents confirming the health of the animal;
  • number of carcasses.

When purchasing several carcasses, you need to take into account the drying out of the product, which leads to a loss of 2% of the weight of the total volume.

Therefore, you should not purchase tons at once; losses can be significant. Better more often, but always fresh.

Watch a video about opening a butcher shop: a professional shares his experience


As previously mentioned, the standard product list usually includes 30 product items. Increasing the assortment of the meat pavilion is unprofitable, especially when the store is just developing. It is more important for buyers that the products are fresh, and the “zest” of the products will add popularity to the meat department.

For example, you can supplement the product range with turkey meat or rabbit meat - those who are passionate about the idea of ​​balanced nutrition will be happy to sort them out.

For an average purchase of meat you need from 30 to 75 thousand rubles.

The meat department's assortment may include:

  • pork, beef, lamb;
  • semi-finished products;
  • offal kits;
  • packaged meat;
  • animal fats.

Sample business plan

Owning your own business starts with choosing good equipment. Then you need to decide on meat products. In the process of developing a shop, you can solve issues related to the cost of cutting carcasses and finding experienced sellers.

Equipment for a stationary store includes:

  • weighing equipment;
  • electric meat grinder;
  • refrigeration chamber with an area of ​​about 4 m²;
  • refrigerated display case for portioned meat;
  • freezer for semi-finished products;
  • packaging material for meat products;
  • utensils for storing semi-finished products;
  • equipment for packaging products;
  • overalls for personnel;
  • thermometers for refrigerators;
  • cutting block and axes;
  • set of knives;
  • spatulas for minced meat;
  • cutting boards;
  • baking trays, trays for products;
  • steel hooks for hanging whole carcasses;
  • calculator;
  • hot water supply or boiler for heating water;
  • sanitary equipment.

Initial costs

In the case of purchasing equipment for a stationary store, its cost will be approximately 300 thousand rubles. excluding cost or rental of premises. In addition, depending on the area of ​​the room, approx. 200 thousand rubles. may be needed for the initial purchase of meat. It will take additional time to obtain permits 5 thousand rubles. Whereas purchasing a separate retail outlet can cost an entrepreneur from 60 to 80 thousand rubles.

On average, you should set aside from 500 thousand to 800 thousand rubles to open a butcher shop.

Fixed costs

Costs for monthly maintenance of a butcher shop (50 m²):

  • Rent - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Security - 8 thousand rubles;
  • Staff salary - 60 thousand rubles;
  • Electricity - 5 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of products – 75 thousand rubles;
  • Taxation.

Monthly expenses will be about 168 thousand rubles.

Costs for monthly maintenance of a meat retail outlet (20 m²):

  • Rent - 8 thousand rubles;
  • Security - 3 thousand rubles;
  • Staff salary - 24 thousand rubles;
  • Electricity - 2 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of products – 30 thousand rubles;
  • Taxation.

Monthly expenses will be about 67 thousand rubles. Taxation is calculated separately.


Daily profit from the sale of meat products will be from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles. The profit margin will be proportional to the number of outlets or store area.

The payback of a retail outlet is usually within a year. But large butcher shops with large opening costs and a large staff may extend this period.

Important nuances of the case

Tips for successful trading:

  • The meat sold must be fresh.
  • Semi-finished products are made exclusively in front of customers.
  • Availability of a wide range of meat products.
  • Correct lighting.

An important point: the main thing is to adhere to sanitary and fire safety standards, and also require veterinary certificates from suppliers in order to avoid serious fines.

Customers of your butcher shop will be grateful and will probably come back for more purchases if you offer them something interesting. For example, post occasional simple meat recipes. You can place a “planogram” of the animal carcass in a visible place.

Underwater rocks

The meat market is subject to seasonal fluctuations, so in the summer there is a drop in sales. But, since this is a picnic period, you can add more semi-finished products to the product range that are good to cook on the grill.

Clients of meat shops are people of all ages, social classes and incomes.

Both expensive and cheap products have their own buyers. Therefore, it is better that the store has a wide range of prices, then customers will reach out.


Display is of particular importance in retail, especially when it comes to self-service.

As a rule, three main options for packing goods are used in trade:

  • in bulk;
  • stacked;
  • stacks.

However, most often a combined method is used, which combines horizontal and vertical methods of laying products. This combination allows for more productive use of equipment space.

See the most optimal and successful options for displaying meat products:


To have stable sales, the butcher shop needs to be advertised. It is more practical to do this directly at the point of sale. The exterior of the butcher shop includes good signage. You can set up a tripod and hang a sign near the store, and post flyers on neighboring houses. A local newspaper is suitable for posting advertisements.

Small-scale wholesale sales can be established with restaurants and cafes that prepare business lunches. Online advertising can come to the rescue in this direction.

Current ways to inform about product quality:

  • Distributing advertising tracts near the entrance to a butcher's shop.
  • Publishing a newspaper that includes a description of the product range and other useful information about the store.
  • Training department employees in the skills to provide polite consultations to customers on issues related to product quality.
  • Creation of information stands at the point of sale.
  • Posting information in the meat department about the availability of a laboratory.
  • Providing buyers with access to information about the quality control system.

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Publication date: 12/01/2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

LLC "Insales Rus"

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Akademika Ilyushina, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12, BC “Stendhal”

INN: 7714843760 Checkpoint: 771401001

Bank details:

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 1,500,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 85,850 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 869,800 rubles.
  • Payback – from 11 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will draw up a detailed business plan for a store selling meat with calculations of expenses and income.

Description of service

This business plan discusses the concept of a small butcher shop, which will sell fresh and chilled meat, semi-finished products, packaged portions, and various sets of offal. The possibility of working with product orders with subsequent home delivery will also be highlighted. We will start with an analysis of the meat market and possible competitors.

Market analysis

A butcher shop is perfect for budding businessmen. There are several reasons:

  1. easy and smooth entry into business and exit from it in case of failure;
  2. you can get by with a small investment;
  3. meat is a consumer product, so it will be somewhat easier to regulate your sales and market your products;
  4. lack of strict requirements (no need to obtain a license; certificates are issued by product suppliers);
  5. the ability to change the assortment depending on consumer demand.

Of course, before talking about the advantages, you need to understand whether such an enterprise is profitable and will it generate income? Everything will depend, first of all, on the entrepreneur himself. Almost any business can be effective if it is managed correctly.

Meat is a consumer product. People constantly consume this product and, therefore, need it. Even in a difficult crisis situation, few people refuse meat.

As a result of recent events, the crisis is affecting meat shops less severely than stores in other segments. Another advantage is the introduction of sanctions on certain types of products, including meat. This prompted domestic manufacturers to increase production scales. And today’s buyers themselves prefer to buy Russian-made meat and semi-finished products.

Looking at the chart below, there are several very important trends:

If we consider the most popular types of meat separately, we can also talk about positive dynamics. Here are the results to date for the period from 2013 to 2015:

If you look at the diagram below, you will notice that these 3 types of meat today account for more than 95% of meat consumption in Russia. Poultry is in first place (40.1%), pork is in second (32%), and beef is in third (25.7%). Much of the lower demand for beef is due to higher costs.

It should be noted that in this market segment the price must be set based on consumer demand. People are willing to pay well for quality products, but they are not willing to pay dearly. You can't set a high markup. Its average level in the meat business is 30%. Anything higher can scare off the client and force him to look for another place of sale.

Before opening your own store, it is also very important to study the market structure of a particular city. The situation is different in different federal districts. For example, with regard to the production of sausages, more than 50% occurs in the Central and Northwestern District. The lowest figure is in the North Caucasus Federal District, accounting for less than 1%. This may indicate the following facts:

  • Demand is higher in regions where production levels are high.
  • The cost is higher where there is practically no own production, because products have to be brought from other regions.

It's no secret that people in the Caucasus prefer kebabs and lamb. Of course, sausage consumption there is small, so selling it in large quantities will not bring success to an entrepreneur.

So you need to consider each type of product in order to decide what to sell in your store especially actively, and what to move to the background.

Here you can make adjustments as your own store develops. Often, consumers themselves tell the entrepreneur what needs to be added and what is better to remove from the counter.

We will sell the following types of products in our store:

  • chilled poultry, pork, beef (you can add something else depending on the region, maybe it will be lamb, horse meat, rabbit or something else, no less exotic);
  • various sets of offal;
  • packaged portions;
  • various semi-finished products (this can be cutlets, dumplings, shish kebab, minced meat and much more).

Having sorted out the assortment, you can think about competitors. This can be done in parallel with identifying the products sold in the store. You can work with competitors based on the following strategies:

  • perceiving them as competitors;
  • seeing them as your partners.

The latter option allows you to strengthen the positions of both sellers. Firstly, the volume of consumer demand is very large; it will still not be possible to cover it alone. Secondly, each seller may have their own strengths and weaknesses. So, they may willingly buy meat from one person, and minced meat from another. This is exactly the strategy I followed Alexander Kerimov (owner of a chain of meat stores, working in the Russian market for more than 5 years), opening his own butcher shop.

If we talk about customer preferences, then most often they visit super and hypermarkets to buy meat. Their shares account for 40 and 26%, respectively. Food markets are preferred by 1/5 of the country's population. The share of manufacturing stores accounts for about 13%. To many this may seem like a small amount. But a small store cannot provide even a tenth of a percent of the demand for meat in the city. Therefore, they also have plenty of opportunities.

When choosing a premises, you need to take into account the location of other retail outlets specializing in meat. There is no need to locate your store near supermarkets and hypermarkets. It is better if it is a regional retail outlet, which local residents can subsequently trust. Thus, loyalty to the products of a particular store will be additionally developed, which will have a positive effect on the organization’s profit.

Compose portrait of a potential buyer in this case it is not necessary, because all segments of the population (including the class with above-average incomes), people of different ages and genders will become consumers.

SWOT analysis

Of particular importance are external and internal factors that influence or can affect business performance.

External factors are factors that cannot be influenced. For a butcher shop they are as follows:

  1. Possibilities
  • Review of pricing policy during the operation of the store.
  • Fast customer service, especially in the evening, will ensure an excellent flow of customers into the store.
  • A high assortment will be a competitive advantage. This is due to the lack of competitors in this market segment.
  • Possibility of switching to a 24-hour work format in the absence of 24-hour convenience stores nearby.
  1. Threats
  • Dumping center from large stores. Federal-level discounters like Pyaterochka, Magnit, and Diski pose a particular danger.
  • More meager assortment in contrast to large stores.

Internal factors are those that can be influenced by an entrepreneur, if necessary. If we talk about a butcher shop, then internal factors include:

  1. Strengths
  • Average level of competition for stores of the same format.
  • High vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
  • Excellent store visibility.
  • Being close to shops and institutions with related offers (grocery store, for example).
  • High population density in a particular area.
  • High level of well-being of the population in a particular part of the city.
  1. Weak sides
  • High competition from city super- and hypermarkets.
  • Lack of parking and convenient access roads.
  • Low traffic during the day, lack of significant buildings nearby that could provide additional flow of customers.
  • Store unknown.
  • Lack of work experience.

Opportunity Assessment

When assessing the capabilities of a store, you need to understand that this is a seasonal product. The lowest level of demand is observed in the hot season. Is it possible to fight this? Yes, you can. This should be done in two ways:

  • Look for wholesalers who would purchase products from the store. These can be restaurants, small summer cafes and verandas.
  • Change the assortment. During the hot season, people prefer to relax in nature and barbecue. Consequently, the main level of demand needs to shift to preparing preparations for barbecue and marinating it. At the same time, sales in other product categories will be significantly lower, and the overall level of revenue will be almost at the same level.

As for suppliers, it is better to work either with large factories or with those farmers who can provide a veterinary certificate for the products sold. In this case, the cutting in our case will be done by a butcher working in a store; he will chop the meat and sort it into portioned pieces. It is very important to find an experienced worker who knows how to cut the carcass in such a way as to sell the resulting pieces as expensive as possible. Much will depend on the work of this employee.

The seller will sell the products. There will be two of them in total. They will work in shifts - two to two. The store will be open seven days a week according to the following schedule:

Total: 84 hours per week, 360 hours per month.

The butcher will work according to his own schedule. He will arrive at the store at 8:00 and leave at 14:00. Total: 42 hours per week.

You will also need a loader driver to bring products from suppliers and unload them. He will do this in the first half of the day, and leave work as it is completed. You can consider another option, when the supplier himself will deliver the goods, and the butcher will unload it.

Accounting will be done by a third-party organization (outsourcing), and cleaning in the store will be done by a part-time cleaner. Sunday will be her day off, when the rest of the staff will clean the premises (the butcher in his premises, the sellers in his territory).

If the store subsequently sells meat wholesale, then the driver will also handle its distribution.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Organizational and legal form or. When registering, you will need to indicate activity codes according to OKVED. For this store it will be:
  • 52.22 – Retail trade in meat, poultry, products and canned goods from meat and poultry;
  • 52.22.1 – Retail trade in meat and poultry, including by-products;
  • 52.22.2 – Retail trade in meat and poultry products.

If you plan to expand the range in the future, then it is better to think in advance about including the sale of these products in the list of activity codes.

2. Retail trade, according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, makes it possible to use preferential taxation systems. In this case, the entrepreneur can choose:

  • “Income” 6%;
  • “Income minus expenses” 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region);
  • UTII;
  • form.
  1. To work, you will need a certificate from veterinary services, which is issued by Rospotrebnadzor. To draw it up, a preliminary inspection report of the veterinary shop will be made.
  2. All workers, including the driver, are required to have a health certificate. Employees must undergo the necessary examinations on time.
  3. Permit for retail trade, which is issued by the veterinary service (doctor) after examining the carcasses. To avoid such a need, it is better to look for suppliers with a ready-made veterinary certificate and certificate.
  4. The store must have a book of complaints and suggestions. You should design a consumer corner by placing in it the texts of various documents that must be in the store by law.
  5. Permission from the fire department.
  6. Permits for the store itself from the veterinary service.
  7. It is worth reading the document “Requirements for meat industry enterprises”.
  8. If you accept payments from customers using bank cards, then you need.
  9. You can do your accounting in .

Marketing plan

It is very important to properly promote your own store. To do this, it makes sense to use the following types of advertising:

  • Local advertising in the form of posting leaflets at entrances and in elevators.
  • Placement in local newspapers.
  • The store must have a sign. Nearby you need to place appropriate signs, pillars, and banners above the road.
  • You can use advertising on the Internet, but spending a large amount of money on it is impractical.
  • Communication with clients on thematic forums. This advertising method is especially relevant when searching for wholesale buyers.

And yet, the main tool will be word of mouth. To do this, it is necessary that the buyer likes the product, atmosphere and service in the store. Getting recommendations from your customers is not easy. But it’s possible to do this, you just need to be careful about your own business.

Calculation of projected income

Every day a small store is able to sell about 250 kilograms of various meats, bones, and bacon. The approximate revenue is 50,000 rubles. At the same time, the cost of production is about 38,500 rubles (the markup, as mentioned above, is about 30%).

Monthly revenue will be 1,500,000 rubles, and the cost of production will be 1,154,000 rubles.

Production plan

To organize your own store you will need premises. Many people believe that for the “face” of a retail outlet, it must be large. In reality, everything is completely different. It is important that the store is well-groomed and neat, and the size does not really matter. Inside you will have to place:

  • shopping area;
  • area for preparing semi-finished products and cutting products;
  • area for cutting up carcasses and deboning them.

For the first time, the last two rooms can be combined, especially since the butcher will do both.

It is very important that the place has high traffic. Having serious competitors nearby is undesirable.

It is better to look for a room that has already been renovated in order to minimize the cost of decorating the store.

One of the major cost items will be the purchase of equipment. You don’t have to buy everything at once; you can rent something or buy used. As you make a profit, you can purchase the necessary equipment. So, for work you will need:

  • cooling chamber;
  • refrigerated display case;
  • freezer;
  • trays;
  • scales (conventional and industrial);
  • block;
  • ax (1-2);
  • set of knives;
  • Packaging equipment;
  • thermometers;
  • meat grinder.

For the first time, you need to purchase consumables (price tags, bowls for finished products, packaging).

Inventory will be small, as products deteriorate quite quickly.

Regarding salaries (including tax and insurance contributions):

  • seller – 29,000 rubles;
  • butcher – 32,000 rubles;
  • loader driver – 31,000 rubles;
  • cleaning lady – 15,000 rubles.

Organizational plan

You can do without a car and order delivery, but it is better to have your own car, as practice shows.

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax: 1,500,000 – 1,399,000 = 101,000 rubles.
  • Tax (we will calculate the simplified tax system for the difference between income and expenses): 101,000 * 0.15 = 15,150 rubles.
  • Net profit: 101,000 – 15,150 = 85,850 rubles.
  • Profitability: 85,850/1,500,000*100% = 5.72%.
  • Payback: 869,800/ 85,850 = 10.13. Therefore, the business will pay off in at least 11 months.


One of the most significant risks is seasonality. How to deal with it was discussed above.

Another serious risk is excessive savings. Under no circumstances should you skimp on products or equipment. Let it be already used, but high-quality equipment, rather than cheap and bad. The success of the store and the duration of storage of the goods depend on the storage conditions.

We must not forget that products can deteriorate. Therefore, it is very important to calculate approximate daily revenue and compare the demand for goods for each item in order to adjust your purchases and not accumulate excess products.

It is imperative to establish cooperation with suppliers. Outages can result in serious downtime and losses for the store.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

  • 1 Opening a butcher shop - pros and cons
  • 2 How to open a butcher shop from scratch?
    • 2.1 Business registration
    • 2.2 Search for premises
    • 2.3 Selection of suppliers
    • 2.4 Equipment purchase
    • 2.5 Recruitment of personnel
  • 3 How to attract buyers?
  • 4 Business plan for selling meat
    • 4.1 Costs
    • 4.2 Revenue
  • 5 Where can I find money for business development?
  • 6 Recommendations for entrepreneurs on running a meat business

How to open a butcher shop from scratch? What amount of initial investment will be required for a successful start? How long does it take to start making a profit from running a meat business? Often these questions worry novice entrepreneurs who have decided to start selling meat products and turn this type of activity into a source of constant profit.

Food products, including meat and various delicacies, will always be in great consumer demand. For this reason, a businessman will always remain in the black. It is necessary to understand that the availability of start-up capital, beautiful design of the sales area and a bright sign are not the main criteria for success. Much more important is a deep understanding of the specifics of working with meat products, the correct location of the retail space and high-quality customer service.

Opening a butcher shop - pros and cons

A lot has been said about the prospects and opportunities of the grocery business - it’s easy to guess that if a person depends on food, he will always buy high-quality and tasty food. In turn, this fact cannot go unnoticed by many entrepreneurs who want to make money in this field.

Owning a butcher shop can become a profitable business if a businessman is able to properly organize its work and understands the needs of customers. Since this area does not require the acquisition of expensive licenses, you can easily enter the market and achieve some success. Business selling meat has a number of undeniable advantages, which include:

  • high daily demand for products;
  • relatively small amount of initial investment;
  • simple and fast sales of products;
  • the ability to regulate the sales process depending on the market situation;
  • replacement of the assortment in accordance with consumer demand;
  • large selection of suppliers.

Beginner businessmen should know that not so long ago imported meat products dominated the Russian market. Today, the situation has changed dramatically, and domestic manufacturers delight customers with quality products. Entrepreneurs can only benefit from this trend. It is also worth considering that meat from domestic producers is delivered to retail outlets much faster than imported competitors, so the store will always have a large number of regular customers.

But as in any type of entrepreneurial activity, there are some difficulties and pitfalls in the meat business. Since products require special storage conditions, high sanitary requirements are imposed on the premises of the retail outlet. In addition, it is quite difficult to select staff for the store, because selling meat requires not just salespeople, but specialists who understand all the intricacies of this type of activity.

Significant disadvantages of the meat business include the short shelf life of products. For this reason, it is extremely important to learn how to determine the exact amount of non-waste stock at the initial stages of the enterprise’s operation. Very often, beginning entrepreneurs are faced with the problem of a large amount of leftover unsold products that have to be disposed of. And this leads to a decrease in profits.

Also, the disadvantages of running a business selling meat include the presence of quite a lot of competition. Therefore, you should organize the enterprise away from establishments such as grocery discounters, supermarkets, etc.

How to open a butcher shop from scratch?

Let's look at the main stages of opening a butcher shop.

Business registration

To open a butcher shop from scratch, you need to register your business activity. To do this, you can choose a legal form in the form of individual entrepreneurship (IP) or limited liability company (LLC).

During registration, it is mandatory to indicate the OKVED codes according to which the activity will be recorded. Entrepreneurs can choose code 52.22 “Retail trade in meat and poultry, as well as products and canned goods from them.” It is suitable if you plan to sell meat at the market, in a store or shop without selling offal and semi-finished products.

You can also select codes 52.22.1 “Retail trade in meat, poultry, offal” or 52.22.2 “Retail trade in poultry and meat products.” Please note that the work of a butcher shop involves constant change and increase in the range of products. For this reason, it is important to think about which OKVED code will be most optimal.

Each retail trade enterprise (shop, shop), according to the Russian Tax Code, can take advantage of the preferential tax system. For example, if you choose a simplified form, you will need to pay from 6 to 15% income tax.

After the enterprise has been registered and the premises for trading activities are ready, it is necessary to invite representatives of Rospotrebnadzor. They will check the areas for compliance with sanitary requirements and standards, after which the entrepreneur will receive a special document allowing the production of semi-finished meat products at the place of their direct sale.

According to the requirements of the SES, an enterprise specializing in the production and sale of meat and offal is obliged to provide sanitary records for all employees who will be included in the staff. For this reason, these documents should be prepared in advance.

Important: meat is a specific food product, for the sale of which it is mandatory to obtain a special permit from the veterinary service (it is issued by a veterinarian after each inspection of meat carcasses). This procedure is not cheap, so it is necessary to find suppliers who will provide certificates of quality for products with each delivery of goods.

You will have to obtain permits from local authorities to open a retail outlet, as well as from Rospozhnadzor. Please note that there must be a buyer's corner in the room. To do this, you need to make a special stand, place documents on it (provided by law for retail stores) and be sure to attach a book of complaints and suggestions.

Search for premises

Before starting to look for premises, an entrepreneur must decide on the format of doing business. If investments are not enough to start, you can start by creating a retail store. It is a small department located in a large grocery store on a lease basis.

As for the butcher shop, to open it you need to rent (or buy) a separate independent premises. It is very important to choose the right location for your outlet. Most successful entrepreneurs set up shop in food markets.

If you plan to open a small retail outlet, you can find a place in a large residential area. As practice shows, residents willingly buy meat products. It is important that the store premises have:

  • working ventilation system;
  • water supply and sewerage;
  • separate area for storing meat products;
  • staff rooms and bathrooms;
  • proper electrical wiring and lighting system.

The store should organize a trading area, production areas for cutting meat, preparing offal and semi-finished products, as well as a small workshop in which cutting and deboning imported carcasses will be carried out. You need to look for spacious premises so that between the listed areas it is possible to install partitions with a height of at least 2 m.

The area of ​​the future store should be more than 20 m², which will allow for the placement of commercial and production equipment. Near the meat store, an area for food waste and garbage should be organized, which should be located more than 25 meters from the place where food products are directly sold.

Selection of suppliers

It may seem that there are no problems with choosing suppliers, since there are quite a lot of farmers and large wholesalers willing to cooperate with butcher shops. In fact, there are a large number of problems with purchasing meat for your enterprise. These include:

  • the majority of peasant farms work only with established sales channels;
  • the high cost of transporting meat products;
  • significant differences in selling prices from different suppliers;
  • purchase of raw materials in the form of whole carcasses.

As practice shows, the vast majority of farmers prefer to sell their products to large buyers. This is easily explained by the fact that delivery to small stores takes a lot of time and financial costs.

Nevertheless, buying meat directly from producers is the most profitable, because an entrepreneur can get a very low price for raw materials. You should also pay attention to entrepreneurs who are engaged in breeding guinea fowl at home, raising chickens and geese. In addition to the popular pork, beef and lamb, these products are sold very well in butcher shops, so this fact should definitely be taken into account. For example, a well-promoted store can sell at least 1 pork carcass and about 15-20 poultry carcasses per day.

When choosing suppliers, it is mandatory to monitor selling prices for various categories of products (whole carcasses of meat animals, poultry, offal). Quite often the price difference between sellers reaches about 30 rubles per 1 kg. It’s easy to calculate your losses if you make a mistake in choosing a partner who will supply the store with products.

Today, the issue of transporting meat products to retail outlets is quite acute. It is clear that if a large manufacturer is engaged in delivery, he ensures the required temperature conditions (ships the meat chilled). However, it should be borne in mind that such services, as well as rising fuel prices, significantly increase costs.

The issue of meat delivery can be resolved independently, for which you will need a spacious truck, which, if desired, can be converted into a thermal booth. Please note that meat for retail outlets is almost always delivered by producers in the form of whole carcasses. For this reason, it is necessary to organize a place where they will be received and cut. As we have already said, in order to significantly save money, it is worth making sure that the products arrive at the store already with permission from the veterinary service and quality certificates.

Equipment purchase

How to properly equip a sales area and work areas and how much money will it require? Perhaps this is one of the most important issues that every entrepreneur needs to solve. This is because purchasing equipment for a butcher shop makes up a large portion of the initial investment. So, for the operation of the enterprise you will need:

  • refrigerator – 100 thousand rubles;
  • display case for cooling portioned meat – 50 thousand rubles;
  • cash register – 10 thousand rubles;
  • chest freezer – 25 thousand rubles;
  • electronic scales – 5 thousand rubles;
  • industrial meat grinder – 20 thousand rubles.

It is also necessary to purchase equipment for chopping and cutting meat carcasses. This should include:

  • cutting deck – 5 thousand rubles;
  • axes and hooks for hanging carcasses – 7 thousand rubles;
  • dishes, spatulas, forks, trays, cutting boards – 10 rubles;
  • stainless steel sink – 8 thousand rubles;
  • boiler - 12 thousand rubles.

The total investment in equipment for a store selling meat products is approximately 252 thousand rubles.

As the enterprise grows, it is possible to organize additional production of its own semi-finished meat products (for example, dumplings, cutlets). This will significantly increase your earnings and attract a considerable number of regular customers. You can purchase an inexpensive machine for making dumplings, produce them and offer them along with the main products. In order to significantly reduce the cost of purchasing equipment (the same applies to devices for selling various goods through the vending system, and other equipment), you should pay attention to the products of Chinese manufacturers, which are of good quality and fairly long warranty periods.

When purchasing equipment, it is recommended to pay attention to several important nuances. Refrigerated cabinets built into the display case will save space and investment. It is advisable to purchase display cases with spherical glass for your store, which provides a better overview of the product. It is also necessary to choose models with red backlighting, which will make meat products more attractive.

It is also worth making sure that the racks on which the products will be located are made of stainless steel and do not have paint coatings. This facilitates the most effective sanitization. Don’t neglect buying an air conditioner and a high-quality hood, which will remove the smell of meat and make the air fresh inside the store.

Recruiting staff

Personnel in the meat business play a paramount role. An entrepreneur will have to work hard to invite qualified specialists to his staff, because the success of the enterprise will depend on their skills.

It is necessary to find a professional meat cutter who is well versed in the anatomical features and can do it correctly. You will also need sellers who understand meat products and can tactfully communicate with consumers.

The seller of the meat counter must know the store's assortment well, and also be able to tell customers what dishes can be prepared from a particular meat product. This skill is highly valued, since the final revenue of a retail outlet depends on the level of service.

The staff must have:

  • sales floor salesperson – 2 people for shift work;
  • accountant – 1 person;
  • cleaning woman? 1 person;
  • loader-driver – 1 person;
  • meat cutter – 1 person.

With such a staff, wage costs will be about 120 thousand rubles monthly. To minimize expenses, the entrepreneur can handle accounting himself or outsource this work.

How to attract buyers?

To ensure a large number of sales, an entrepreneur needs to attract a considerable number of customers to his outlet (especially for regular customers). You can't do without a well-thought-out advertisement for a butcher shop.

First of all, you should take care of the outdoor sign and exterior design of the outlet so that the store attracts people's attention. If the retail location is located in a supermarket or market, you can inform visitors using radio announcements.

Near the store you need to hang a stretched advertising banner that will attract the attention of customers. You should also submit advertisements in the media and various print publications, which will allow you to quickly promote and ensure sales. Distributing flyers and advertising booklets has a good effect, so you can contact an advertising company that organizes this event.

When creating a sign and decorating a store, you should make sure that it necessarily includes images of farm animals (pigs, cows), as well as parts of their bodies (tenderloins, hams, shanks). You will have to spend about 15-20 thousand rubles monthly on an advertising campaign.

Business plan for selling meat

Let's look at a sample financial plan.


Before opening a business, you should draw up a business plan for selling meat, which will allow you to find out the amount of initial investment, monthly costs, and possible profit. One-time investments will be:

  • rent and renovation of the store – 120 thousand rubles;
  • business registration – 8 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​252 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign and sign production - 40 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of meat products – 50 thousand rubles;
  • consumables – 15 thousand rubles;
  • truck (used) – 580 thousand rubles.

The total investment amount, taking into account the purchase of the truck, is 1,055,000 rubles. If you subtract the purchase of a car from the investment, you can save significantly at the start when opening a store. However, you need to understand that the constant transportation costs when ordering delivery will be very large, and over the course of a year this amount will exceed the cost of a new truck.

There will also be monthly expenses:

  • rent – ​​20 thousand rubles;
  • remuneration of employees – 120 thousand rubles;
  • advertising – 20 thousand rubles;
  • accounting costs – 8 thousand rubles;
  • consumables – 15 thousand rubles.

Taxes and the total cost of purchasing products should also be added to the monthly mandatory expenses. This should also include utility bills (about 7 thousand rubles).


It is quite difficult to predict income, especially in the first months of operation of a butcher shop. As practice shows, after 3-4 months you can count on daily revenue of up to 40 thousand rubles.

If we assume that the store is open seven days a week, the profit amount will be 1.2 million rubles per month. Typically, butcher shops operate with a 25% markup. This means that the income is 300 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses should be subtracted from this amount. It turns out that the net income of the enterprise is about 100 thousand rubles. This means that the invested funds with such business management will pay off before a year of work.

Where can I find money to develop my business?

As you may have guessed, opening a butcher shop will require certain investments. Let's look at a few real examples that will help answer the question of where to get money for a business:

  1. Search for investors. If you don’t have enough money to open your own business, you should think about finding a partner. Of course, a person may agree to invest his money in an enterprise if he can be convinced of the profitability of the business. This option is well suited for opening a butcher shop, which does not require large investments and risks. As for sponsors, people who have a lot of money prefer to invest it mainly in securities, construction or various industries. You can try to convince the investor that, for example, when opening a butcher shop, his company will be mentioned in every possible way (this is a kind of advertising ploy).
  2. Receiving financial assistance from the state. Using this model, it is quite possible to receive money for the development of your enterprise. To implement it, a person must be officially unemployed and also register with the state employment service. It is necessary to draw up a competent business plan for opening your own enterprise and submit it for consideration by the central planning staff.
  3. Credit funds. Many novice entrepreneurs resort to this method, but you should be aware of the possible risks. In addition, without proper experience in the meat business, the likelihood of enterprise failure (and therefore problems with the return of borrowed funds) is quite high.

Recommendations for entrepreneurs on running a meat business

The sale of meat products has certain specifics, without knowledge of which it will be very difficult for a novice entrepreneur to succeed. You can hire smart salespeople, attract a sufficient number of buyers, but still work at a loss.

This is easily explained by the fact that the carcass can be cut by a low-skilled butcher who makes typical mistakes and also does not maintain the proportions of fat and bones. Such unforgivable damage to products will lead to a reduction in the real value of each cut piece. As practice shows, up to 30 kg per carcass is lost due to unprofessional cutting (calculating monthly losses is not difficult). In order not to lose his hard-earned money, an entrepreneur needs to find a high-quality butcher.

When opening a butcher shop, you should remember that there are competitors who are already making money by selling similar products. Therefore, it is extremely important at the start, as well as during the work process, to monitor the level of prices for meat and semi-finished products, which will allow you to quickly respond to the situation and retain customers.

Please note that sales volumes are highly dependent on seasonal changes in the cost of meat products. During the year, prices may change several times, which affects profits. You need to know that in the summer they buy meat very poorly, since many people during this period prefer lighter food. For this reason, you need to prepare in advance for the upcoming unprofitable season. To do this, it is recommended to offer customers pre-made barbecue kits, periodically hold promotions and offer discounts.

As sad as it may sound, theft is rampant in the meat business, and you need to be prepared for it. If employees work from their own pockets, the company will not receive a full profit. Solving this problem is quite simple, for which you need to install a video surveillance system in the sales area and politely warn the staff about the responsibility.