Analysis of the assortment and evaluation of the quality of bakery products. Analysis of the range and quality of bakery products produced and sold by Kenon LLC

The breadth of the assortment - the number of types, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups.

This property is characterized by two absolute indicators - the actual and base latitude, as well as a relative indicator - the latitude coefficient.

Actual latitude (Shd) - the actual number of species, I varieties and product names available.

Basic latitude (Shb) - the latitude taken as the basis for comparison. The number of types, varieties and names of goods, regulated by regulatory or technical documents (standards, price lists, catalogs, etc.), or the maximum possible, can be taken as the base latitude. The choice of criteria for determining the base latitude indicator is determined by the objectives. For example, when analyzing the assortment policy of competitor stores, the maximum list of goods available in all the surveyed stores can be taken as the base one.

The latitude coefficient (Ksh) is expressed as the ratio of the actual number of species, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups to the base one and is determined by formula (3):

Ksh \u003d Shd / Shb (3)

Latitude can serve as an indirect indicator of the saturation of the market with goods: the greater the breadth, the greater the saturation. Latitude indicators are applied depending on the saturation of the market, as well as on the state of demand. In conditions of shortage, when demand exceeds supply, it is more profitable for the manufacturer and seller to have a narrow range of goods, since with large extensive purchases of raw materials, expansion of production facilities, new types of packaging, labeling. In trade, for a wide range of products, additional floor space is required for displaying goods, in addition, transportation costs increase.

In a saturated market, manufacturers and retailers strive to meet a variety of needs. When demand exceeds supply, commercial efforts are required to create consumer preferences, which is achieved, among other means, by increasing the breadth of the assortment. Breadth acts as one of the criteria for the competitiveness of firms.

Thus, for manufacturers and sellers, expanding the range is a measure that is more forced than desirable.

The wider the range, the more varied needs can be met. On the other hand, with an ultra-high breadth of assortment, it is difficult for the consumer to navigate in this variety, which makes it difficult to choose the right product. Therefore, breadth cannot serve as the only indicator of the rationality of the assortment.

For Shb we will take the number of types and varieties of bread produced by JSC "Kemerovokhleb", and for Shd - the number of types of bread of this manufacturer available in the stores of the "Karavay" system.

The following indicators were chosen as the base ones: JSC Kemerovokhleb produces 20 types of bread, therefore, the formula SB is 3, the SB by name is 20. The results of studying the breadth of the bread assortment are shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Indicators of bread assortment breadth

Classification features

Range breadth

Shop "Karavai"-6

Shop "Karavay"-2

1 According to the recipe

2 By type of flour

3 According to the production method

4 Packing

5 By name

Store average

Thus, the breadth of the assortment of bread produced by JSC "Kemerovokhleb" in the stores of the "Karavai" system is not optimal.

The value of the breadth ratio of bread assortment in 2 stores by recipe, type of flour, production method and packaging is 1, by name it varied from 0.25 to 0.4, which is significantly lower than the optimal value - 0.7-0.8. This indicates a quick turnover of bread and insufficiently competent organization of the factory of goods in the store,

Determining the completeness of the assortment

Completeness of the assortment - the ability of a set of goods of a homogeneous group to satisfy the same needs.

Completeness is characterized by the number of types, varieties and names of goods of a homogeneous group. Completeness scores can be real or baseline.

The actual completeness indicator (Pf) is characterized by the actual number of types, varieties and names of goods of a homogeneous group, and the base (Pb) by the regulated or planned number of goods.

The coefficient of completeness (Kp) - the ratio of the actual indicator to the base one, is calculated by the formula (4):

Kp \u003d Pf / Pb (4)

The indicators of the completeness of the assortment are of the greatest importance in a saturated market. The greater the completeness of the assortment, the higher the likelihood that consumer demand for goods of a certain group will be satisfied.

The increased completeness of the assortment can serve as one of the means of stimulating sales and satisfying a variety of needs due to different tastes, habits and other factors.

At the same time, increasing the completeness of the assortment requires trade workers to know the commonality and differences in the consumer properties of goods of different types, varieties and names in order to inform consumers about them. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer and/or supplier to communicate such information to the seller.

It should be noted that an excessive increase in the completeness of the assortment can also make it difficult for the consumer to choose, so the completeness should be rational.

For Pb we will take the number of types of bread and bakery products produced by JSC "Kemerovokhleb".

The results of studying the completeness of the range of bread of this manufacturer are shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Indicators of the completeness of the assortment of bread

Thus, on average, in the stores of the Karavay system, Kp was 0.33, which indicates the insufficient completeness of the assortment of bread in the stores of the Karavay system.

Determining assortment sustainability

Assortment stability is the ability of a set of products to satisfy the demand for the same products. A feature of such goods is the presence of a steady demand for them.

Stability coefficient The ratio of the number of species,

varieties and names of goods that are in steady demand among consumers (Shu) to the total number of types, varieties and names of goods of the same homogeneous groups (Shd), and is calculated by formula (5):

Ku \u003d Shu / Shd (5)

For example, five out of eight types of bread are used in a sustainable way. Therefore, the stability factor is 62.5%.

Sometimes stability is associated with the period during which goods of certain types, varieties and names are in the sale. In this case, the stability of the assortment may depend, firstly, on the presence of stable demand and constant replenishment of inventories for these goods; secondly, the absence or insufficiency of demand for goods that are stale in warehouses and counters; thirdly, the discrepancy between commodity stocks and the possibilities of selling goods. Therefore, the timing of the sale of goods as indicators of the stability of the assortment cannot be used in determining the rationality of the assortment.

Identification of goods that are in steady demand requires marketing research by methods of observation and analysis of documentary data on the receipt and sale of various goods.

Consumers of sustainable products can be characterized as "conservative in tastes and habits". After evaluating a certain product name, they do not change their preferences for a long time.

Manufacturers and sellers most often seek to expand the number of products that are in steady demand. However, it should be borne in mind that tastes and habits change over time, so the sustainability of the assortment must be rational.

The number of bread items in demand by Shu was determined in the course of a survey of sellers of the Karavay store system. Shd - the number of bread items on sale. The results of the study of the stability of the assortment are shown in table 7.

Table 7. Indicators of sustainability of the assortment of bread

The value of Ku for stores varied from 0.4 to 0.6, the average value was 0.5, which indicates insufficient study of consumer demand. However, it should not be excluded from the range of bread items that are not in mass demand among consumers, because they can change their habits or make an impulsive purchase. Bread for therapeutic and prophylactic and dietary purposes is not always on sale, although there is a demand for it.

Thus, in the stores of the "Karavay" system, the value of Ku is less than optimal.

Thus, the indicators of the rational assortment of bread in the stores of the "Karavay" system do not correspond to the optimal ones.

Bread quality research

Evaluation of packaging and labeling of bread

Packaging and labeling were evaluated for three samples of bread: Bogatyrsky bread, Aromat bread, 8 cereal bread, since only these samples were packed in a polymer film and had a label. All samples are hermetically sealed in a polymer film, there are no tears or contamination, the labels are artistically designed, even, the print is clear, the colors are bright, the text is readable, therefore, the bread samples meet the requirements of regulatory documents.

Data on the study and evaluation of labeling are shown in Table 8.

Table 8. Analysis of the labeling of bread samples

information according to GOST R51074-97

Actual labeling of bread samples


Product name

The aroma of bread

Bogatyrsky bread

8 cereal bread

Manufacturer's address

Kemerovo 105, Kuz-iy Ave. Bakery No. 1

Kemerovo 105, Kuz-iy Ave. Bakery No. 1

Manufacturer's trademark

Net weight

Composition of the product

Wheat flour 1 grade, yeast, salt, sugar, coriander, food supplement "Glofa-extract"

Peeled rye flour, 2nd grade wheat flour, rye malt, sourdough, salt, sugar, water, coriander.

Whole wheat flour, malted wheat flour, rye flour, barley flour, oat flour, rice flour, buckwheat flour; flakes: soy, wheat, rye, seeds: sunflower, sesame, cinnamon flax, grains: buckwheat, corn, water, salt, yeast.

The nutritional value

Nutritional supplements

Date of manufacture

Shelf life

24h in summer, 72h in winter

36h in summer, 72h in winter

36h unpacked 72h packed

Designation ND

Certification Information

It should be noted that insufficient information is indicated on the label of the Aromat and Bogatyrsky bread (there is no information on the date of manufacture) and on the label of the 8 cereals bread there is no information on the product sales period. The absence of this information makes it difficult for the consumer to choose the product. Food additives are contained only in the Aromat bread, and the most complex recipe composition is in the 8-grain bread. Thus, none of the presented marking samples meets the requirements of GOST R 51074-97.

Study of organoleptic indicators of bread quality

Organoleptic indicators include appearance (the nature of the surface, the color and condition of the crust, its thickness, the absence or presence of peeling of the crust from the crumb and the shape of the product), the condition of the crumb (freshness, bakedness, no signs of unmixed dough, the nature of the porosity and elasticity of the crumb), taste , smell, the presence of a crunch from mineral impurities, bread diseases. Organoleptic assessment of the quality of bread and bakery products is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 28808-90, GOST 26987-86, GOST 28807-90, GOST 26983-86, GOST 27842-88 for three groups of indicators:

  • Group I - indicators of appearance;
  • Group II - indicators of the state of the crumb;
  • Group III - taste and smell.

Data on the organoleptic evaluation of the studied bread samples are presented in tables 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

Table 9. Organoleptic evaluation of the quality of wheat bread from flour of the 1st grade

The name of indicators

Characteristic according to GOST

Corresponds to the bread form in which the pastry was made, with a slightly convex top crust, without lateral overflows.

1.2. Surface

Without large cracks and undermining, smooth, the presence of a seam from a divider-stacker is allowed

Light yellow

  • 2. Condition of the crumb
  • 2.1. Bakedness

2.2. Promes

Without lumps and traces of unmixed

2.3. Porosity

Developed, without voids and seals

Corresponds to samples 1 and 2. Sample 3 has uneven porosity, with the presence of voids

Peculiar to this type, without foreign taste

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign smell

Thus, for samples No. 1 and No. 2, the appearance, the state of the crumb, taste and aroma meet the requirements of regulatory documents. Bread properly baked, from a well-cooked dough, of the correct shape, with a well-colored, toasty crust is better digested. And in sample No. 3, the crumb is moist to the touch, the porosity is uneven with the presence of voids. The quality of the studied samples of wheat bread from flour of the first grade is unstable, because compliance with the requirements of GOST 27842-88 in terms of organoleptic indicators is not always observed

Table 10. Organoleptic evaluation of the quality of bread "Darnitsky"

The name of indicators

Characteristic according to GOST 26983-86

The actual characteristics of the samples

  • 1. Appearance:
  • 1.1. Form (hearth)

Rounded, oval, not vague, without impressions.

1.2. Surface

Rough, without large cracks and undermining, pricks, flouriness of the upper and lower crust are allowed.

Dark brown

  • 2. Condition of the crumb
  • 2.1. Bakedness

Baked, not wet to the touch, elastic, after light pressure

Corresponds to samples 1 and 2. In sample 3, the crumb is moist to the touch.

2.2. Promes

Without lumps and traces of unmixed

Without lumps and traces of unmixed

2.3. Porosity

Developed without voids and seals

Peculiar to this type, without foreign taste

Peculiar to this type, without foreign taste

Peculiar to this species, without foreign smell

In appearance, samples of Darnitsky bread made from rye-wheat flour have a rounded, non-spreading shape, but all samples have tacks on the sides and the presence of a bare crumb. The taste and smell are characteristic of bread made from rye-wheat flour. The crumb in sample No. 1 is not sufficiently baked, moist to the touch, there is a detachment of the upper crust from the crumb.

Thus, if the appearance, mixing, taste and smell of all samples match, the shape does not meet the requirements of GOST 26983-86, because there are prints, and sample 1 also does not meet the requirements of GOST, the state of the crumb.

Table 11. Organoleptic quality indicators of Bogatyrsky bread

The name of indicators

The actual characteristics of the samples

  • 1. Appearance:
  • 1.1. Form (hearth)

Corresponds to the bread form in which the baking was made, without side overflows

Rounded, with embossing in all specimens

1.2. Surface

Rough, without large cracks and undermining, prickly flouriness of the upper and lower crust is allowed.

Light brown to dark brown

Dark brown

  • 2. Condition of the crumb
  • 2.1. Bakedness

Baked, not wet to the touch, elastic, after light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape.

Corresponds to samples 2 and 3. In sample 1, the crumb is moist to the touch

2.2. Promes

Without lumps and traces of unmixed

Without lumps and traces of unmixed

2.3. Porosity

Developed without voids and seals. Peeling of the crust from the crumb is not allowed.

Corresponds. In sample 1, detachment of the upper crust from the crumb

Peculiar to this type, without foreign taste

Peculiar to this type, without foreign taste

Peculiar to this species, without foreign smell

Peculiar to this species, without foreign smell

According to the organoleptic quality indicators, the sample of bread No. 1 does not meet the requirements of GOST in terms of the crumb state - the crumb is moist to the touch, sagging, damp, there is a slight delamination of the upper crust from the crumb. For samples No. 2 and No. 3, all quality indicators comply with the requirements of GOST 28807-90.

Bread "Otrubnoy" from wheat flour of the 1st grade has a regular shape, a rough surface, with the presence of bran, without large cracks, the crumb is baked, the taste and smell are characteristic of wheat bread. Thus, according to all quality indicators, Otrubnoy bread meets the requirements of GOST.

Table 12. Organoleptic indicators of the quality of Bran bread

The name of indicators

Characteristic according to GOST 27842-88

The actual characteristics of the samples

1. Appearance: 1.1 .Shape (shaped)

Corresponds to the bread form in which the pastry was made, with a slightly convex top crust, without lateral overflows.

Corresponds to the bread form in which the pastry was made, with a slightly convex top crust, without lateral overflows.

1.2. Surface

Without large cracks and undermining, smooth, the presence of a seam from a divider-stacker for pan bread is allowed.

Without large cracks and undermining, smooth, the presence of a seam from a divider-stacker for pan bread is allowed.

Light yellow to dark brown

Light yellow

  • 2. Condition of the crumb
  • 2.1. Bakedness

Baked, not wet to the touch, elastic, after light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape.

Baked, not wet to the touch, elastic, after light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape.

Peculiar to this type, without foreign taste

Peculiar to this type, without foreign taste

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign smell

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign smell

The organoleptic quality indicators of Aromat bread were evaluated not according to the technical conditions under which it was made due to their inaccessibility (TU9114-101-365306820-96), but according to GOST 27842-88, because it is made from wheat flour of the 1st grade, which allows you to compare its quality indicators. Thus, according to all indicators of the quality of bread, Aromat meets the requirements of GOST 27842-88.

Table 13. Organoleptic indicators of the quality of the bread "Aroma"

The name of indicators

Characteristic according to GOST

The actual characteristics of the samples

  • 1. Appearance:
  • 1.2. Surface

Suitable for bread form

Without large cracks and undermining, smooth, the presence of a seam from a divider-stacker for pan bread is allowed.

Without large cracks and undermining, smooth, the presence of a seam from a divider-stacker for pan bread is allowed.

Light yellow to dark brown

Light yellow

  • 2. Condition of the crumb
  • 2.1. Bakedness

Baked, not wet to the touch, elastic, after light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape.

Baked, not wet to the touch, elastic, after light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take

Peculiar to this type, without foreign taste

Peculiar to this type, without foreign taste

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign smell

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign smell

Table 14. Organoleptic indicators of the quality of bread "8 cereals"

The name of indicators

Characteristic according to GOST 28807-90

The actual characteristics of the samples

1. Appearance: 1.1 .Shape (shaped)

Corresponds to the bread form in which the pastry was made, with a slightly convex top crust, without lateral overflows.

Corresponds to the bread form in which the pastry was made, with a slightly convex top crust, no side run-outs

1.2. Surface

Without large cracks and undermining, smooth, the presence of a seam from a divider-stacker for pan bread is allowed.

Without large cracks and undermining, smooth, the presence of a seam from a divider-stacker for pan bread is allowed.

Light yellow to dark brown

Light yellow

  • 2. Condition of the crumb
  • 2.1. Bakedness

Baked, not wet to the touch, elastic, after light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape.

Corresponds to sample 1. for samples 2 and 3, the crumb is moist to the touch, raw, crumpled

2.2 Promes

Without lumps and traces of unmixed

Without lumps and traces of unmixed

2.3 Porosity

Developed without voids and seals. Not allowed

Developed without voids and seals. Not allowed

Peculiar to this type, without foreign taste

Peculiar to this type, without foreign taste

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign smell

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign smell

The organoleptic quality indicators of the “8 cereals” bread sample were compared with the quality indicators specified in GOST 28807-90 “Rye bread and a mixture of rye and wheat flour. General technical conditions”, although this type of bread is made according to TU 9113-003-49959010, but its composition allows you to compare quality indicators with this GOST 28807-90 and the indicators specified in TU should not be lower than the requirements of GOST. The crumb of samples No. 2 and No. 3 is wet, when cutting with a knife, the components (sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, etc.) are not evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of bread. Thus, these samples do not meet the requirements of regulatory documents.

Thus, the organoleptic indicators of the quality of bread produced by JSC "Kemerovokhleb" do not always meet the requirements of regulatory documents.

Study of physical and chemical indicators

Bread with a high content of mass fraction of moisture has a sticky, crumbling crumb, quickly becomes moldy, since water is a favorable environment for the development of mold fungi. The results of determining the moisture in bread are shown in table 15.

Table 15. Humidity of the studied bread samples

The moisture content of hearth bread changed insignificantly, varied from 45.1 to 48.5%, for tin bread - from 43.2 to 45.9%.

Thus, all samples of bread in terms of moisture content meet the requirements of regulatory documents, except for Darnitsky bread, in which the moisture content is slightly higher than the regulated value, which is within the experimental error.

Increased and decreased acidity of bread adversely affects its taste. The results of the determination are shown in table 16.

Table 16. Acidity of the studied bread samples

Aroma bread has the lowest acidity - 2.88 °N, Darnitsky bread has the highest acidity - 7.62 °N, which can be explained by the higher acidity of rye-wheat flour, and, consequently, the dough from it. The remaining samples occupy an intermediate position. Thus, the acidity of the studied samples meets the requirements of regulatory documents.

Porosity is understood as the ratio of the pore volume of the crumb to the total volume of the bread crumb, expressed as a percentage. The results of the determination are shown in tables 17.

Table 17. Porosity of bread

Thus, from table 17 it can be seen that the porosity index of wheat bread is higher (52-72%) than that of rye bread (45-50%), and that of tin bread is higher than that of hearth bread. Increasing the grade of flour increases this figure. For all samples of bread, the porosity meets the requirements of regulatory documents.

The definition of single quality indicators made it possible to compile summary tables 18 and 19.

Thus, while the physicochemical indicators of bread quality correspond to the regulated value, according to organoleptic indicators, in particular, bakedness, porosity and shape, all samples did not meet the requirements of the ND. Despite the fact that this discrepancy is not critical, consumer properties are reduced. Therefore, JSC "Kemerovokhleb" needs to strengthen the quality control of its products.

Table 18. Physical and chemical indicators of bread quality


according to GOST, no more





wheat bread

Bread Darnitsky

Bran bread

Bread Bogatyrsky

Bread Aroma

Not produced

Bread 8 cereals

Not produced


wheat bread

Bread Darnitsky

Bran bread

Bread Bogatyrsky

Bread Aroma

Bread 8 cereals


wheat bread

Bread Darnitsky

Bran bread

Bread Bogatyrsky

Bread Aroma

Not produced

Not produced

Bread 8 cereals

Not produced

Not produced

Table 19. Bread quality indicators

Names of indicators

Characteristic According to GOST

Actual characteristic

Organoleptic indicators






  • 1. Appearance
  • 1.1 Form

Rounded, not vague, without impressions.

Resp. cotton form, with a convex top, crust, no bulges

1.2 surface

No major cracks.

Dark brown

Light yellow

Light yellow

Dark brown

Light yellow

Dark brown

Light yellow

Light yellow

  • 2. condition of the crumb
  • 2.1 baked



Resp. y1i 2 arr, 3 arr. wet

Resp. Ultrasound 2 arr, 1 arr. wet


Resp. U2iZ arr, 1 arr. wet


Resp. U1 arr., 2iZ arr. wet

2.2 Promes

No lumps

No lumps

No lumps

No lumps

No lumps

No lumps

No lumps

No lumps

2.3 Porosity

No voids or seals

No voids or seals

No voids or seals

No voids or seals

No voids or seals

No voids or seals

No voids or seals

No voids or seals

No foreign taste

No foreign taste

No foreign taste

No foreign taste

No foreign taste

No foreign taste

No foreign taste

No foreign taste

No foreign odor

No foreign odor

No foreign odor

No foreign odor

No foreign odor

No foreign odor

No foreign odor

No foreign odor

1. 3. Organizational and economic characteristics of JSC "Kemerovokhleb"

General information about the enterprise

In 1930, the Shcheglov City Council decided to build a mini-bakery with a capacity of 20 tons and a bakery with a capacity of 50 tons of bread per day. Then only 77 people worked in the bakery, and most of the bread was baked in home ovens.

In 1935, on the basis of a bakery and a bakery, the Kemerovo bakery was formed. Since that time, the chronicle of the bakery begins.

The Kemerovo bakery at that time was part of the West Siberian Trust "Promkhlebocheniya", where the share was 10.5%. Then the trust united the cities: Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Barnaul and others. In 1936, a bakery appeared in the Kirov region, and by 1939 there were 5 bakeries and a bakery in Kemerovo. Bread was baked on a hearth weighing up to three kilograms. The level of mechanization in bakeries remained low. At that time, the plant's staff had already grown to 600 people. Up to 40 thousand tons of bread and bakery products were produced per year.

JSC "Kemerovokhleb" was established in 1992 - as a result of the transformation of the state enterprise - the Kemerovo bakery into an open joint stock company. In February 1993, privatization was completed. The enterprise JSC "Kemerovokhleb" was registered in the new edition by the Department of State Registration of Licensing of the Administration of Kemerovo under No. 439 dated April 19, 1996, registration number 3090. At present, the structure of the joint-stock company consists of 6 divisions - bakeries No. 1, 2,4, 6, 7, packing shop.

The main aspect of JSC "Kemerovokhleb" in a market economy is to meet the needs of the national economy and citizens in its products, works and services with high consumer properties and quality at minimal cost, increasing the contribution to accelerating the socio-economic development of the country. For the implementation of its main task, the company provides an increase in profits.

The main activities of the enterprise are: baking bread, production of confectionery products of all kinds, pasta.

The main volume of bread baking - more than 20 thousand tons per year - is produced by bakery No. 1, which is equipped with four complex-mechanized lines for the production of pan bread. Bakery No. 4 and No. 7 are equipped with the same lines. Two complex-mechanized lines operate at bakery No. 6, the volume of baking hearth bread of rye varieties is 4 thousand tons per year, there is equipment for baking lamb-rusk products. At the bakery No. 2, ovens for the production of bakery and fancy products are installed, and for the production of confectionery cakes and pastries - baking cabinets. A line for the production of waffles and waffle cakes is in operation.

The specifics of the main activity of the OJSC, the development of market relations and, as a result, the emergence of competitors, required the joint-stock company to develop new types of entrepreneurial activity - the development of a trading network. The main advantage in organizing your own trade is the retention of sales markets.

JSC "Kemerovokhleb" annually develops a new range of bakery, confectionery, semi-finished products. In 2000 alone, the consumer was able to try more than 80 new delicious, affordable, fresh products. For each new product developed at the OJSC, a tasting commission is created, consisting of highly qualified specialists of the enterprise, city, region.

Expanding the scope of activities in the food market JSC "Kemerovokhleb" launched a new type of product - pasta. On June 15, 1995, an Italian line for the production of short-cut pasta with a capacity of 20 tons per day was put into operation at the bakery No. 1. All this was done at the expense of the financial and credit program provided by foreign investors under the leadership of the Administration of the region and its direct participation and the Italian company "FATA".

In order to preserve the marketable product and its freshness, it became necessary to purchase equipment for packaging bread, pasta, waffles, bulk components (flour, sugar, cereals: buckwheat, semolina, millet, pearl barley, rice, dry bread kvass). Packaging materials are purchased both in Russia and abroad.

The total production area of ​​JSC "Kemerovokhleb" is 11066 square meters. m. Buildings and structures are reconstructed, are in good condition and meet the current and future needs of the enterprise. About 40% of the equipment is imported equipment. However, there is no particular dependence on imported equipment, with the exception of waffle production. The company has maintenance specialists. Professional service is done in a timely manner.

All divisions of the enterprise are located within the city of Kemerovo. Asphalt roads are laid on the territory of the factories. The company has a railway siding. Station Kemerovo - Sorting at a distance of 5 km. The enterprises are provided with electricity from the networks of the Gorelektroset of the city of Kemerovo and the Severokuzbassugol energy department. Water supply is provided from networks "Kemvod", UVKN "Severokuzbassugol" and from own artesian wells. Water analysis meets sanitary requirements. The heat supply of the enterprise is carried out from the Centralized heating of Novokemerovskaya CHPP. Bakeries No. 6, 7 operate from their own boiler houses. Centralized gas supply is carried out by OAO Kemerovogorgaz. The enterprise has developed telecommunication networks (telephone, fax, e-mail, Internet) and computer networks.

Analysis of the structure of the administrative apparatus

OJSC "Kemerovokhleb" is an independent legal entity and serves as a coordinating body for the activities of divisions, as well as for the protection of common property interests. It is headed by the General Director, under whose control the Board of Directors operates. The structure of the management apparatus of JSC "Kemerovokhleb" is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Management structure of JSC "Kemerovokhleb"

Consider the functions of the administration of the enterprise and their subordinate units.

The General Director deals with the implementation of strategic and tactical goals; forecasting the situation on the labor market and in one's own team in order to take timely measures; systematic analysis of the existing human resources potential and planning its development, taking into account the prospects, etc.

The Board of Directors manages the enterprise as a whole, manages individual functional and production divisions. The functions of this subsystem are performed by: the head of the organization, his deputies, heads of functional and production units, their deputies - foremen, foremen. The board of directors also takes part in the development and implementation of the goals and strategy of personnel management.

Deputy General Directors advise senior management on all matters related to personnel; prepare the necessary documentation, prepare proposals for the development of the personnel policy of the enterprise and measures for its implementation.

The First Deputy General Director reports to:

  • · marketing department - is engaged in marketing research of the market, conducts segmentation and analysis of the bakery products market, identifies competitive products, analyzes customer preferences, develops a trademark, branded packaging, prepares and participates in fairs;
  • The department of economic forecasting and labor organization is engaged in forecasting the labor market, studying the cost of labor, supply and demand, studying the professional, business and moral qualities of an employee on the basis of certification, the widespread use of psychological and social research, developing recommendations for the rational use of personnel, motivation management labor behavior, regulation and tariffing of the labor process, development of wage systems, development of forms of personnel participation in profits and capital, development of forms of moral encouragement of personnel, etc.;
  • · The sales department is engaged in the study of sales markets and the sale of goods, the search for partners, intermediary organizations, the collection of applications for the supply of products to retail outlets, the conclusion of contracts, the search for new buyers.
  • · Deputy General Director for Commerce and Financial Affairs has in his subordination:
  • · a financial group that works with creditors, drawing up a financial plan, payment calendar;
  • · Department of MTS (Procurement Department) purchases raw materials (flour, sugar, cocoa, yeast, salt and other raw materials, consumables), concludes contracts for the supply of containers and packaging;
  • · the transport section participates in the organization of the delivery of goods supplies to trade enterprises and the organization of supplies to 7 bakeries (that is, providing subdivisions with transport for the delivery of raw materials and materials).
  • The chief accountant has in his subordination:
  • accounting department, which deals with accounting and financial calculations according to the enterprise, maintaining accounting documents, compiling a balance sheet and reporting;
  • · SME (computer accounting bureau), leading forwarding reports, analysis of invoices, i.e. keeps track of the output of finished products.

The director of corporate trade organizes the work of the trade department. He heads seven company stores through which the company's products are sold.

The trading department develops new types of goods, participates in improving the product range, and analyzes the turnover of the enterprise.

Trade enterprises of JSC "Kemerovokhleb" sell bakery and pasta products, confectionery products.

The Deputy General Director for technical and production issues performs the following functions: keeps records and statistics of personnel, information and technical support of the personnel management system, providing personnel with scientific and technical information, organizing the work of the organization's mass media, conducting patent and licensing activities.

He is subject to:

  • · OTPP (department of technical training for conducting introductory primary re-briefing among the workers of the enterprise) is engaged in carrying out measures to maintain safety in the workplace; control of the level of harmful emissions into the atmosphere; registration of documentation in the investigation of accidents at work;
  • Department of technological preparation of production, incl. laboratory, participate in the development of recipes and technological instructions and specifications for bakery and pasta, confectionery products, the establishment of state outlets for products, monitor the quality of raw materials and finished products, issue certificates for products;
  • · automated control system (programmers) perform the functions of maintaining and maintaining the computer software of the enterprise, writing new programs.

Assistant to the General Director for Human Resources carries out: improving the quality of the workforce, specialists and managers of the enterprise, creating conditions that stimulate the growth of professional competence of all those employed at the enterprise; formation and training of a reserve of personnel for promotion to managerial positions based on a career planning policy, deployment of a system of continuous training of personnel using the practice of assessments, rotation, retraining, advanced training and internships.

The objects of social and cultural marketing carry out: organizing public catering, managing housing and consumer services, developing physical culture, ensuring health and recreation, providing children's institutions, managing social conflicts and stress, organizing the sale of food and consumer goods to employees of the enterprise, organizing social insurance.

The legal department carries out: resolving legal issues of labor relations, coordinating administrative and other documents on personnel management, resolving legal issues of economic activity, conducting

The legal department carries out: resolution of legal issues of labor relations, coordination of administrative and other documents on personnel management, resolution of legal issues of economic activity, consultations on legal issues.

The Deputy General Director for Construction heads the construction department engaged in the repair of industrial premises, buildings, structures, social facilities.

Production divisions carry out the production of bakery and confectionery products in the following range:

  • · Bakery №1 - bread, pasta, gingerbread, cookies.
  • · Bakery No. 2 - cakes, pastries, waffles, cookies.
  • · Bakery №4 - bread and bakery products, caramel, cookies.
  • · Bakery No. 5 - packing shop.
  • · Bakery No. 6 - rye varieties, bagels, crackers, bagels, dryers.
  • · Bakery No. 7 - bread and bakery products.

Thus, JSC "Kemerovokhleb" has a branched management structure, which is rational and corresponds to the specifics of the enterprise.

Interaction with the external environment

The direct business environment of an organization is created by customers, suppliers, competitors, and business partners.

The supply is decentralized. Ensuring the production of flour, taking into account the guaranteed stock for 3-5 days, and other raw materials, based on the need - no more than a 30-day stock.

The commodity market is vast, chaotic, not stable. The main difficulty in choosing a supplier is the solution of a rational ratio of price and quality, stability and timeliness of deliveries. The cost of purchased materials in the cost structure remains constant and ranges from 2 to 3%. In the cost structure, the cost of raw materials ranges from 60 to 65%. The main costs are for flour.

The company builds its relationships with suppliers by concluding supply contracts, which stipulate the delivery time, price and payment procedure, product range, delivery procedure, container and packaging, quality and completeness of the goods, the rights and obligations of the parties, the responsibility of the parties. In the event of a disruption in deliveries or the delivery of low-quality goods, penalties are stipulated in the contract.

The main suppliers of wheat flour are: Melkorm OJSC, Kemerovo, peeled rye flour, Aleyskzernoprodukt OJSC (Aleysk, Altai Territory), yeast - Prokopevsky Yeast Plant OJSC, Prokopyevsk; salt - OJSC "Eletsksol" (Eletsk), sugar - LLC "Forimpeks" (Kemerovo), fats - OJSC "Antrade" (Moscow).

At present, the enterprise has the opportunity to offer customers high-quality service (delivery of cakes at the request of the client, packaging of products, in order to improve service, shops and kiosks work seven days a week). We are constantly working on expanding the dealer network in order to get as close to the consumer as possible.

The main region for the sale of products of JSC "Kemerovokhleb" is the city of Kemerovo, towns and villages of the Kemerovo region, the city of the Kemerovo region,

The main buyers of OJSC "Kemerovokhleb" are: large cities of Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East.

The main buyers of OAO Kemerovokhleb are:

  • LLC TD "Karavay";
  • · shops of municipal trade;
  • · private shops;
  • · wholesale companies in the region (Prokopievsk, Mariinsk, Belovo, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Topki, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Guryevsk, Kiselevsk, Berezovsky);
  • · Distributors in the regions: OOO "Engineer", Tomsk, (PE Trofimov) Kiselevsk, PE Sheremenyeva, Barnaul, PE. Imykshenov Buryatia Severobaikalsk, PE Lebedeva, Vladivostok.
  • · buyers in the regions: PE Ledyanovo, Sharypovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Trade House Jupiter, Nizhnevartovsk, OOO Marina, Strezhevoy.

The enterprise carries out retail trade in short-term storage products and wholesale trade in products with a long shelf life: rusk and bagel products, wafer semi-finished products, wafer cakes, bulk products (flour, sugar, dry bread kvass, rice, short-cut pasta products of 10 varieties). Wholesale lots are purchased from JSC "Kemerovokhleb" from a warehouse located at the address: 105 Kuznetsky Ave., from wholesale cells in Kemerovo and Leninsk-Kuznetsky. Organized sale of cakes and pastries by pre-orders of customers in Karavay branded stores.

For the transportation of bread, bakery products, specialized vehicles of convoys are involved: ATP-1236; ATP-1962, Berezovsky ATP, as well as our own vehicles. Interaction with suppliers of transport services after the delivery of raw materials.

Today, in conditions of saturation of the bread market, the main thing is to ensure high quality products and expand their range. The buyer got the opportunity to determine and choose which enterprises will remain on the market. To study and meet the demand of buyers, OTPP employees, together with the marketing department of OAO Kemerovokhleb, repeatedly hold buyer conferences, exhibitions and sales. Since 1993 JSC "Kemerovokhleb" has been constantly participating in exhibitions and fairs.

The products of JSC "Kemerovokhleb" have repeatedly participated in international exhibitions held abroad.

In 2001, in Tyumen, at the exhibition "Food - 2001" the following awards were received:

  • · Diploma of the 1st degree for high consumer properties of the provided products;
  • · Diploma of III degree for high consumer properties of wafer products;
  • · Diploma of the 1st degree for high quality indicators of pasta - trademark "Makar Makarych" and competitiveness in the Russian market;
  • · Diploma of III degree for the original development and production of cakes - "Countess" and wafer cake "Mocha" with excellent taste.

Thus, it can be said that JSC Kemerovokhleb is trying to satisfy the demand of consumers of its products as much as possible by introducing more and more new items into production, improving the quality and increasing the range of products, while being sensitive to all changes in the regional market of similar products.

OJSC "Kemerovokhleb" pursues a flexible marketing policy, has stable economic ties and a sales market for products, and carries out innovative activities. It determines the competitiveness of the enterprise and its potential in business cooperation, is the guarantor of the effective implementation of the economic interests of all participants in economic activity, both the enterprise itself and its partners.

Analysis of technical and economic indicators

The analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise JSC "Kemerovokhleb" is carried out according to the results for 2001-2003, presented in the profit and loss statements and the balance sheet, and is based on a number of indicators that are the most significant, and with which you can realistically assess the state enterprises at any given time.

Profit and profitability are important performance indicators. Profit is the primary incentive to create new or develop existing enterprises. The opportunity to make a profit encourages people to look for more efficient ways to combine resources, to invent new products that may be in demand, to apply organizational and technical innovations that promise to increase production efficiency. Working profitably, each enterprise contributes to the economic development of society, contributes to the creation and enhancement of social wealth and the growth of the well-being of the people.

The financial condition is manifested in the solvency of the enterprise, in the ability to meet the payment requirements of suppliers in time in accordance with business contracts, repay loans, pay wages to workers and employees, and make payments to the budget.

Solvency, liquidity of the enterprise makes it possible to analyze its stability in the market.

The profitability and profitability of the enterprise are generalizing indicators of the intensification of production and marketing activities.

Profit is the primary incentive to create new or develop existing enterprises. The opportunity to make a profit encourages people to look for more efficient ways to combine resources, to invent new products that may be in demand, to apply organizational and technical innovations that promise to increase production efficiency. Working profitably, each enterprise contributes to the economic development of society, contributes to the creation and enhancement of social wealth and the growth of the well-being of the people

The main technical and economic indicators of JSC "Kemerovokhleb" are given in table 20.

Table 20. Main technical and economic indicators of JSC "Kemerovokhleb"


Output volume

(own production) thousand rubles.


Bakery ed.

Confectionery ed.

Pasta ed.

Sales volume

(own production) thousand rubles. Including:

Bakery ed.

Confectionery ed.

Pasta ed.

Revenue from the sale of goods,

products (including purchasing)

Number of industrial and production personnel, pers.

Including: workers

Annual fund s / n thousand rubles.

Including: workers

Average annual salary thousand rubles

Including: workers

Labor productivity thous. rub./person

Including: workers

Average annual full accounting

cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles

Indicators of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets:

Return on assets RUB/RUB

Capital intensity rub./rub.

The average annual cost of working capital thousand rubles.

Turnover indicators

Turnover ratio, turnover

Coefficient of duration of turnover, days.

The cost of goods sold products (including purchasing) thousand rubles.

Profit from sales thousand rubles.

Return on total capital, %

Return on sales, %

In 2003-2005 there is a tendency to increase the volume of production in value terms of own production. Growth in output in 2005 compared to 2003 amounted to 52607 thousand rubles. or 115.8%; in 2005 compared to 2004 production growth insignificant 7149 thousand rubles. or 101.88%.

At the same time, there is an increase in the output of bakery products in 2005 compared to 2003. for 17838 thousand rubles. or 107.33%. In 2005 compared to 2004 there is a decrease in the output of bakery products by 7349.tys. rub. or the implementation of the plan was 97.26%, in 2005. in comparison with 2003, the volume of production of bakery products in general increased by 17,838 thousand rubles. or by 10.07%.

There was an increase in the volume of production of confectionery products in 2005 compared to 2003. for 15936 thousand rubles. and the implementation of the plan was 137.59%.

At the enterprise JSC "Kemerovokhleb" the growth in output occurs not only at the expense of confectionery, but also at the expense of pasta. Thus, the production of pasta products in 2005 compared to 2003 increased by 18883 thousand rubles. or by 140.07% in 2005. compared to 2004, 9567 thousand rubles. or 117%.

Consider the volume of sales of products. There was an increase in the volume of sales of products of own production. Growth in product sales in 2005 compared to 2003 amounted to 43910 thousand rubles. or 113.22% in 2005 compared to 2004 there was a decrease in sales of products by 1437 thousand rubles. or 99.62% due to a decrease in output. The decline in sales of products is due to a decrease in the sale of bakery products in 2005. compared to 2004 for 14269 thousand rubles. or 94.7%; in 2005 Compared to 2003, the volume of product sales increased by 11,693 thousand rubles. or by 104.82%.

Growth in the volume of sales of products of own production is due to confectionery and pasta, which indicates a high demand for these products.

Growth in sales of confectionery products in 2005 increased compared to 2003. for 15217 thousand rubles. and amounted to 135.87%; in 2005 compared to 2004 increased by 5052 thousand rubles. and amounted to 109.6%; Growth in product sales in 2005 compared to 2003 occurred at 26.27%.

Sales volumes of pasta products increased in 2005. compared to 2003 by 17,000 thousand rubles, or 136.17%; 2005 compared with 2004 by 7780 thousand rubles. and the implementation was 113.4%. Increase in sales of pasta in 2005 compared to 2003 occurred at 22.33%.

Consequently, pasta and confectionery products of OAO Kemerovokhleb are in high demand on the market. The fall in demand for bakery products can be explained by the fact that there is intense competition on the market with small private enterprises in terms of price, quality, and assortment.

Compare the volume of output with the volume of sales.

In 2003 the volume of sales of products is lower than the volume of production by 682 thousand rubles, while bakery products were also sold less by 703 thousand rubles, but confectionery products were sold more by 21 thousand rubles, pasta was sold in full, which speaks of the demand for them in the market.

Let us consider the dynamics of the volume of sales of products of our own production with the volume of output.

Decrease in sales volume in 2005 compared to 2004 occurred due to a decrease in the sale of residual products of own production, and amounted to 1437 thousand rubles. At the same time, the decrease in the volume of sales of bakery products amounted to 14269 thousand rubles, but at the same time there was an increase in the sale of confectionery products by 5052 thousand rubles, pasta by 7780 thousand rubles.

Revenue from the sale of products in 2003. amounted to 519640 thousand rubles, in 2004. - 622907 thousand rubles; in 2005 - 702107 thousand rubles. In 2005 there is an increase in sales revenue compared to 2004. for 79200 thousand rubles. or 32.3% in 2003 compared to 2003 increased revenue by 189467 thousand. rub. or by 135.18%. Growth in sales revenue in 2005 occurs due to an increase in the volume of production and its sale.

Number of employees at the enterprise in 2005 compared to 2003 decreased by 438 people, which is 25.16%. In 2005 compared to 2004 there is a decrease in employees by 532 people or 28.92%.

It is possible to analyze the relationship between the average number of employees of an SSC enterprise in comparison with the volume of output of own production and labor productivity, i.e., calculate how much production falls on one person using the formula (6):

Labor Productivity = Output / TAN (6)

Labor productivity in 2003 was:

  • working PT (2003) = 332909 / 1741 = 191.22 thousand rubles.
  • Including workers PT (2003) = 332909 / 920 = 361.86 thousand rubles.

Labor productivity in 2004 was:

  • working PT (2004) = 378367:1835=206.19 thousand rubles.
  • Including workers PT (2004) = 387367 / 1006 = 385.06 thousand rubles,

Labor productivity in 2005 was:

  • working PT (2005) = 385516 / 1303 = 295.87 thousand rubles.
  • Including workers PT (2005) = 385516 / 1075 = 358.62 thousand rubles.

Thus, labor productivity per worker in 2005 compared to 2004 increased by 89.68 thousand rubles. or 43.49%; in 2005 compared to 2004 increased by 104.65 thousand rubles. or 54.73%.

It can be concluded that in 2002 labor productivity increased due to the growth in the volume of output of own production and due to the growth in the number of employees and workers. In 2005 labor productivity is growing due to the growth in output and by reducing the average headcount, which is a positive moment in the company's activities.

Let's analyze the annual payroll. The wage fund of employees in 2005 compared to 2003 increases by 16578 thousand rubles. Growth of the payroll in 2005 observed due to the smaller number.

The payroll fund of workers in 2005 in relation to 2003. increased by 18854 thousand rubles. or increased by 2.2 times.

Calculate the average annual salary at the enterprise JSC "Kemerovokhleb" thousand rubles / person according to the formula: (7):

Average annual salary = Fund salary / AMS (7)

Average salary 2003:

  • · employed Average salary = 32471:1741=18.6 thousand rubles/person.
  • · workers Average salary = 16436:920=17.9 thousand rubles/person.

Average salary 2004:

  • · employed Average salary = 49279:1835=26.9 thousand rubles/person.
  • · workers Average salary = 25872:1006=25.7 thousand rubles/person.

Average salary 2005:

  • · employed Average salary = 49049:1303=37.6 thousand rubles/person.
  • · workers Average salary = 35290:1075=32.8 thousand rubles/person.

The average annual salary per employee depends on the annual payroll and the average payroll.

Thus, the average annual salary of one worker in 2005 was compared to 2004 increased by 10.7 thousand rubles. or by 39.77%. Including the average annual salary per worker compared to 2003. in general increased by 18.9 thousand rubles. or by 201.1%.

As mentioned above, 2 factors influence the growth of wages - these are the wage fund and the average headcount of the enterprise.

So in 2004 the payroll increases and the average headcount increases, i.e. the wage fund influences the average annual salary positively, and the average headcount - negatively, i.e. the lower the average headcount at the enterprise and the higher the annual wage fund, the faster the average annual wage grows, which is a positive moment in the enterprise's activities.

Next, you should analyze the average annual cost of fixed assets. You can see that there is an increase in fixed assets. So the average annual cost compared to 2004. increased by 3369 thousand rubles. or 103.5%. Change in the average annual value of fixed assets in 2005 compared to 2003 amounted to 13713 thousand rubles. or 115.9%.

With an increase in the average annual cost of fixed assets and an increase in the volume of output of own production, such indicators as capital productivity and capital intensity change.

Return on assets - an indicator characterizing the value of the volume of sales of products per unit cost of fixed assets, (ruble / ruble) is found according to the formula (8):

Fo = output / average annual cost of fixed assets (8)

The dynamics of the indicator over a number of years makes it possible to determine how expedient capital investments in funds were in terms of output growth.

  • Fo (2003) = 332909 / 86430 = 3.85 rubles / rub.
  • Fo (2004) \u003d 378367 / 96774 \u003d 3.91 rubles / rub.
  • Fo (2005) \u003d 385516 / 100143 \u003d 3.85 rubles / rub.

Capital intensity is the reciprocal of capital productivity. It shows the share of the value of fixed assets attributable to the ruble of output. If the return on assets should tend to increase, then the capital intensity to decrease is found by the formula (9):

Fe = average annual cost of fixed assets / output (9)

  • Fe (2003) \u003d 86430 / 332909 \u003d 0.259 rubles / rub.
  • Fe (2004) \u003d 96774 / 378367 \u003d 0.252 rubles / rub.
  • Fe (2005) \u003d 100143 / 385516 \u003d 0.258 rubles / rub.

You can see that the company in 2005. there is a decline in capital productivity compared to 2004. It amounted to 0.06 thousand rubles. per ruble of the value of fixed assets. Return on assets in 2005 compared to 2003 hasn't changed.

These figures indicate that JSC "Kemerovokhleb" does not effectively use fixed assets.

in the company in 2005. and 2003 capital intensity has not changed, it amounted to 259 rubles. or 100%, and in 2005. compared to 2004 capital intensity has increased, which indicates an increase in the efficiency of the use of fixed assets.

Let's analyze the average annual cost of working capital (thousand rubles) according to the formula (10):

Average annual cost of working capital \u003d working capital (line 290 points of the beginning of the year + line 290 points of the end of the year) / 2 (10)

  • SO (2003) \u003d (48295 + 79995): 2 \u003d 128290: 2 - 64145 thousand rubles.
  • SO (2004) \u003d (79995 + 99091): 2 - 179086: 2 \u003d 89543 thousand rubles.
  • SO (2005) \u003d (99091 + 107289): 2 \u003d 206380: 2 \u003d 103190 thousand rubles.

The average annual cost of working capital at the enterprise increases.

In 2005 compared to 2004 increased by 13647 thousand rubles. or 15.24%; and the average annual cost of working capital in 2005. compared to 2003 in general increased by 39045 thousand rubles. or by 60.87%. Such growth is observed with an increase in stocks of raw materials and finished products.

Let's consider the turnover rates at OAO Kemerovokhleb.

Turnover indicators show the number of turnovers made by working capital for a certain period of time, and characterize the volume of sales per ruble invested in working capital.

1) Turnover ratio (11):

Kob \u003d Vr (line 010 No. 2) / CO (line 290bal.beginning year + line 290bal.end.year) (11)

where: Cob - turnover ratio (in revolutions);

Vp - proceeds from the sale of products (thousand rubles);

SO - the average value of working capital (thousand rubles).

2) Turnaround time factor (12):

Dl \u003d CO T / Vr (line 010 No. 2) (12)

where Dl - the duration of the circulation period of working capital (in days),

T - reporting period (in days).

  • Kob (2003) = 519640 / (48295 + 79995) * 0.5 = 8.101 revolutions
  • Dl (2003) = ((48295 + 79995) * 0.5 / 519640) * 360 = 44.5 days
  • Kob (2004) = 662907 / (79995+ 99091) * 0.5 = 7.403 turns
  • Dl (2004) = ((79995+ 99091) * 0.5 / 662907) * 360 = 48.6 days
  • Kob (2005) = 421659 / (99091+ 107289) * 0.5 = 4.08 turns
  • Dl (2005) = ((99091+ 107289) * 0.5 / 421659) * 360 = 88.1 days

From the above calculations, one can observe a decrease in the turnover ratio. In 2005 compared to 2004 by 0.603 turnover or 16.06%; decrease in the turnover ratio in 2005 compared to 2003 occurred at 1,301 turnovers or 8.15%.

This can be achieved by increasing the average annual cost of working capital by 39,045 thousand rubles. and sales proceeds. This growth is observed only in 2004. and in 2005 amounted to 622907 thousand rubles, 702107 thousand rubles. respectively.

Due to the reduction in the turnover ratio, there is an increase in the turnover duration ratio. So the increase in 2005 compared to 2003 was 8.3 days or 118.7%; in 2005 compared to 2004 4 days or 108.8%.

At the enterprise JSC "Kemerovokhleb" there is a slowdown in the turnover of working capital. The duration of one revolution doubled. This indicates a deterioration in the use of working capital, which is associated with an increase in the composition of working capital receivables.

Consider the dynamics of the cost of production. Although the company is increasing the volume of output, the change in cost is not adequate. In 2005 compared to 2004 there is a decrease in the cost of 126864 thousand rubles. or 22.96%; in 2005 compared to 2003 the cost price decreased by 43,174 thousand rubles. or 9.21%. High cost in 2003 and 2004 was accompanied by the fact that OJSC "Kemerovokhleb" rented a winery, the work of which was unprofitable, as a result of which it had to be abandoned. Thus, the cost reduction in 2005. is a factor in increasing the efficiency of the commercial activity of the enterprise.

Consider sales revenue. The best financial result was formed at the enterprise OJSC "Kemerovokhleb" in 2004, when the profit amounted to 33856 thousand rubles, in 2005. in relation to 2004 profit decreased by 11298 thousand rubles. or 33.4%; decline in profits in 2005 compared to 2001 amounted to 570 thousand rubles. Profit is a positive indicator of the activity of the enterprise JSC "Kemerovokhleb".

The main indicator of the effectiveness of the enterprise is profitability - this is a relative indicator used to evaluate the activities of the enterprise. It more fully than profit, reflects the result of economic activity of the enterprise.

The average annual value of the property is found by the formula (13):

The average annual value of the property = (line 300 bal. beginning year + line 300 bal. end year) * 0.5 (13)

Average annual property value (2003):

110022 + 149719 * 0.5 \u003d 129870 thousand rubles.

Average annual property value (2004):

149719 + 172649 * 0.5 = 161184 thousand rubles.

Average annual property value (2005):

172149 + 181427 * 0.5 = 177038 thousand rubles

Increase in return on total capital in 2005 in relation to 2004 there was a decrease in profitability by 5%; decline in profitability in 2005 in relation to 2003 amounted to 3.6%.

The best financial result was formed at the enterprise JSC "Kemerovokhleb" in 2004, when the profitability of the total capital amounted to 16.1%. Let's follow the change in the profitability of sales (14).

Rpr = profit from sales (line 050F No. 2) / Sales proceeds (line 010F No. 2) (14)

  • R pr (2003) = 23128 / 519640 * 100 = 4.45%
  • R pr (2004) = 33856 / 662902 * 100 = 5.11%
  • R pr (2005) = 22558 / 421659 * 100 = 5.35%

The profitability of sales depends on two factors - this is the profit from sales and revenue from sales. From the calculations, you can see that there is an increase in the profitability of sales. Profitability 2005 in relation to 2004 increased by 0.24% in 2005. in relation to 2003 in general increased by 0.9%.

The increase in profitability of sales at JSC "Kemerovokhleb" is associated with an increase in sales of more profitable products that are in demand on the market and, in general, the growth rate of profitability of sales is higher than the growth rate of profitability of all capital. This also testifies to the expediency of developing its own trading network.

On the whole, the enterprise works steadily in the market with a tendency to increase the main technical and economic indicators of production.

Thus, in order to improve its financial condition, OAO Kemerovokhleb develops new sales markets, develops new types and varieties of products, pursues a flexible pricing policy, improves enterprise management mechanisms, in general, the enterprise occupies a stable position in the Kemerovo region bakery market.

According to statistics, the production of bakery products in Kyzyl amounted to:

2011 - 80 thousand tons;

2012 - 89.7 thousand tons;

2013 - 115.6 thousand tons

SMEs account for no more than two markets. Demand dynamics suggest an increase in more mobile mini-bakeries.

The main producers of bakery products in Kyzyl, according to information from the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, are:

JSC Khlebzavod - it accounts for (55 - 60)% of the market (produces up to 80 tons of products per day):

OAO "Karavay" - 35%;

Others - 5%;

Table 9 - Assortment of bread and bakery products presented in the Khemchik store

Name of bread

Unit price

Top grade - 0.5 kg

1 grade - 0.5 kg

2 grades - 0.5 kg

Dietary (90% 1st grade, 10% bran) - 0.5 kg

Enriched with iodized protein, grade 1 - 0.5 kg

Enriched with iodized protein, premium - 0.5 kg

"Darnitsky" 40% flour of the 1st grade and 60% peeled rye - 0.5 kg

"Borodinsky" from flour of the 2nd grade and rye wallpaper with the addition of sugar, molasses, coriander, malt - 0.45 kg

1 grade hearth - 0.5 kg

Bread "Derevensky" with flax seeds, bran, sunflower kernel - 0.3 kg

Baton "Rifled" premium quality (packed)

As can be seen from the table, the Khemchik store sells a wide range of bread and bakery products. In the Khemchik store you can buy different types of bread: wheat, rye-wheat, wheat-rye, rye, dietary and therapeutic, as well as bakery products.

The analysis of prices showed that the highest price is for "Italiansky" loose bread, the price of which is 48 rubles per 1 kg. The average price of bread in the market in Kyzyl is 20 rubles, and bakery products - 9.6 rubles. Let's analyze the structure of the assortment by manufacturers (table 10).

Table 10 - The structure of the assortment of bread and bakery products sold in the Khemchik store

Name of product



Number of titles

Molded from wheat varieties of flour

Form from a mixture of different varieties of rye and wheat flour

Sliced ​​and branded packaging

Hearth from different types of flour

Grain bread "Golden grain"

Bakery products

Butter products

Pies and rolls

The table shows that JSC Khlebzavod is the leading manufacturer of bread and bakery products in the Khemchik store, its assortment is 45.8%. This manufacturer produces a wide range of different types of bread, including therapeutic and prophylactic and dietary, bakery and fancy products. Further JSC "Karavay", its range is 22.1%.

Let's analyze the structure of the assortment of bread, grouping them according to certain types: therapeutic and prophylactic, wheat-rye, rye-wheat, rye, wheat, dietary. And also calculate the coefficients of breadth, completeness, novelty and stability of the assortment.

The Khemchik store sells the following types of bread products:

Rye bread - 10%;

Rye-wheat bread - 20%;

Wheat-rye bread -20%;

Wheat bread -50% (see Fig. 8).

Figure 8 - The structure of the assortment by types of bread

As can be seen from this diagram, the largest share in the presented assortment of bread is occupied by wheat bread - 50%, and rye bread is present in the smallest volume and is only 10%. We can say that this distribution in the assortment structure corresponds to demand. What type of product is best sold, and that is supplied in large quantities.

Today, manufacturers of bakery products are striving to interest their consumers not only with a new assortment and quality, but cutting of bread products is actively used. This service quite successfully attracts the buyer - sliced ​​​​bread is sold faster. Moreover, this product does not differ in price. This applies to the varieties of bread that are in the greatest demand: Wheat 1, 2 varieties; Ukrainian new. This type of service is very convenient in self-service stores, and directly for customers who consume bread in small quantities.

To determine the optimality of the assortment, it is necessary to calculate the indicators of the assortment. To calculate the rationality coefficient, it is necessary to establish a weighting coefficient that reflects the significance of the assortment indicators in a given product group.

The weighting coefficient is determined by an expert, it characterizes the specific share of the indicator in the formation of consumer preferences that affect the sale of goods. Let's determine the weight coefficient by expert way (table 11).

Table 11 - Calculation of the weight factor

Table 12 - Indicators of bread assortment

Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that the breadth and bakery products assortment in the Khemchik store is 73%; over a wide breadth of the range can make it difficult for the consumer to choose the right product.

As the coefficient of completeness (59%) shows, the assortment of bread is quite complete and the consumer can purchase different types of bread in accordance with his preferences.

It is desirable to increase the novelty coefficient for the assortment of bread by updating the product in the general list of the assortment in order to fully satisfy consumer demand for a new product.

The ratio of rationality for the assortment of bread and bakery products in the store "Khemchik" is 10.9% and satisfies the demand of the population to a sufficient extent.


Analytical review of literature

5 Requirements for the quality of bakery products

Practical part

1 Structure and organization of work of the enterprise LLC "Success"

3 Characteristics of the range of goods sold by Success LLC

4 Technological processes carried out at the enterprise

experimental part

Conclusions and offers



Market baking in Russia arose in the 70s of the XIX century. The demand of the urban population for baked bread of industrial baking grew, and in connection with this, an influx of capital into the baking industry. Small-scale production turned into large-scale. With the onset of the 20th century, the process of concentration of bakery production began, which was practically carried out by increasing existing bakeries and organizing new, larger manufacturing firms. And now traditional bread baking continues to develop in our country. The country's bakery industry has about 1.5 thousand enterprises of large, medium and small capacity and over 10 thousand bakeries. Their production capacity is sufficient for the daily production of 500 g of bread for each Russian, which significantly exceeds the standards provided for by the approved consumer basket (Federal Law No. 170 g). Bakeries and bakeries of the country (with rare exceptions) are ready to produce bread in the right assortment, the required quantity and stable quality.

An important place in ensuring the good quality of bakery products is occupied by production technology. It is generally recognized that Russian bakers have the best technology in the world, proven for centuries, which is able to solve many quality problems and guarantee the traditional taste and aroma of bakery products. The transition of the industry to flow and continuous dough preparation did not provide the proper level of product quality, especially with the unstable quality of raw materials. Bread made with sourdough or sourdough in the traditional way remains better than bread made using intensive technologies using increased amounts of yeast, improvers and other additives commonly used, for example, in bakeries.

The assortment of bakery products in Russia is unique - more than 700 items have been developed and mastered by the industry, and new varieties are constantly appearing. The assortment structure, despite the fundamental changes in the form of ownership and the emergence of many thousands of bakeries, practically does not change - 80% of the total output of bakery products is pan and hearth bread, the rest is loaves, other bakery and fancy products, lamb and crackers. Tinned bread made from wheat flour of the first grade and bread made from a mixture of wheat and rye flour have gained a foothold as mass varieties. At the same time, without sufficient grounds, the production of the most massive in the past cheap wheat bread from second-grade flour almost stopped. One of the reasons for this situation may be the actions of flour mills, which are more profitable to process wheat into high-grade flour, and as a result, second-grade wheat flour, which is useful in all respects, has become scarce.

Based on the above material, it follows that the topic of the thesis is relevant.

The purpose of the work was to assess the commodity quality and optimize the range of bakery products sold in the Prospekt retail chain.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved in the work:

the state and prospects for the development of bakery products in Russia and the city of Chelyabinsk are considered;

a detailed merchandising characteristic of bakery products is given;

disclosed the structure and organization of work LLC "Success";

the activity on labor protection was studied;

the characteristics of the range of goods sold in LLC "Success" are presented;

the technological processes carried out at the LLC "Success" enterprise were determined;

the characteristics of methods for determining quality indicators are given;

an assessment of the completeness of the labeling of bakery products was carried out;

the results of commodity evaluation of bakery products are given.

The results obtained are discussed in detail, and conclusions and proposals are formulated on their basis.

1. Analytical review of the literature

1 State and prospects for the development of bakery products in Russia and the city of Chelyabinsk

The volume of production in the market of bakery products amounted to approximately 1000 thousand tons, the imported component is about 7%. The market now has a modified structure and a higher workload. The main producers of bread and confectionery products are bakeries, bakeries and factories. Geographically, manufactured products are distributed within the region, rarely going beyond it, since the terms of its implementation are short (12-48 hours), and other regions have developed their own market network. The market of bakery products is highly competitive, in this regard, manufacturers must emphasize their advantages by producing high-quality, diverse and, most importantly, in demand products.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, the quality of bread and pastries is declining, while prices are rising. There are many reasons: outdated technical base, poor sanitary service, etc. Currently, over 4,000 flour and confectionery factories are under state control.

Low-quality products prevail in small bakeries, mainly due to the use of cheap low-quality raw materials and non-compliance with sanitary standards, as well as the use of improvers, accelerators and other artificial additives. Among the 390 thousand enterprises producing bread and confectionery products, 40% have an unsatisfactory sanitary condition. There are many problems. The solution is to increase investment in this industry, purchase new equipment from Western partners, and the state to control the activities of enterprises more carefully.

At the beginning of the 90s, there were seven bakeries in Chelyabinsk. In the 90s, small bakeries appeared in the city, which made an attempt to find their niche in the bread market. Mary's was the first such bakery. At some point, a real bread boom began in Chelyabinsk. Private bakeries came off one after another. By 2000, there were already more than 50 small bakery enterprises in the city. The output of such a mini-bakery averaged 15 tons of bread per day. But how quickly they were created, they also quickly disappeared from the market, since the bread business is extremely difficult. It is necessary to constantly solve problems associated with logistics, sales, look for new niches, monitor the assortment.

The subsequent exit from the market of small players was quite logical. It took place against the backdrop of strengthening the position of the largest producer in the city - the First Bakery. By 2001, the grain empire of Mikhail Yurevich controlled two-thirds of the Chelyabinsk bread market, occupying a virtual monopoly position.

In the late 90s, almost all participants in the Chelyabinsk grain market, trying to reduce tax payments, registered their enterprises in offshore zones, including in the territory of the “closed” cities of the region of Snezhinsk, Ozersk and Trekhgorny. The authorities, to the best of their ability, tried to combat the practice that deprived the budget of the region of additional income.

Today, according to experts, the Chelyabinsk bread market can be considered fully formed. Its capacity averages 200 tons per day. About 70% of the market falls on the share of the First Bakery, the remaining 30% is divided among themselves by Khlebprom OJSC, the Soyuzpischeprom association (10 tons per day), Mary LLC (20-25 tons per day) and a number of other small producers.

Over the past two years, retail chains and supermarkets (Molniya, Teorema, Vkusberry), which have their own bakeries, have become more and more active in the bakery market. But they produce small volumes of products and work in the premium segment.

According to experts, in the coming years the bread business will continue to be concentrated in the hands of the largest players. Profitability in the bread business is extremely small - an average of 3%. Achieving low production costs and reducing costs is possible only through large production volumes and increased turnover. Under these conditions, small bakeries that bake 15 tons of bread per day will be forced to leave the market or develop an alternative assortment. First of all, these are products with a long shelf life. For example, drying, cookies, biscuits.

Thus, we can conclude that the Chelyabinsk bread market is already quite saturated today and will remain relatively stable in the next 3-5 years. There are much more chances for those producers who will start producing a unique range of bread products, different from what is available on the market today. We are talking, for example, about the production of varieties of bread with any medicinal properties. Although the bread industry as a whole is quite archaic and is very reluctant to accept any innovations.

2 Classification and characteristics of the assortment of bakery products

Bakery products - grain flour products obtained by baking pre-fermented and molded dough from wheat, rye or a mixture of flour with various additives.

Rye bread is baked from seeded, peeled and wholemeal rye flour, plain or improved (custard), molded or hearth. Improved varieties are prepared on tea leaves with the addition of malt, molasses, sugar, spices - cumin, coriander. The range of rye bread is presented in table 1.

Table 1 - Assortment of rye bread

Name of bread Flour grade Additional raw materials according to the recipe Weight of product, kg Method of baking Simple rye 0.75…1.6 Molded Hearth (round, oval or oblong-oval shape) Improved: custard 80 …0.90 Hearth and shaped

Rye-wheat and wheat-rye bread is baked plain, improved and custard. In the name of bread from a mixture of flour, the predominant type of flour is placed in the first place. Improved and custard rye-wheat varieties of bread are in the greatest demand among the population. The assortment of bread is presented in table 2.

Table 2 - Assortment of bread from a mixture of rye and wheat flour

Name of bread Flour gradeAdditional raw materials according to the recipeWeight of products, kgBaking methodSimple: rye-wheat simpleWholemeal rye 60%,wheatwheat 40%-0.75…1.00 0.75…1.45 Hearth MoldedUkrainianPeeled rye (80…20%), wheat wholemeal (20…80%) -0.75…1.00 Hearth, molded Ukrainian new Peeled rye (80-40%), wheat 2nd grade (20…60%) -0.75…1.25 0.70…1 ,10 Hearth shaped Darnitsky Peeled rye (60%), 1st grade wheat (40%) -0.50 ... 1.25 Hearth with pins, shaped Improved: Stolichny Peeled rye (50%), 1st grade wheat (50%) Sugar 0 .5 ... 1.1 Molded, hearth Russian Peeled rye (70%), wheat 1st grade (30%) Molasses 0.5 ... 1.1 Foam, hearth table Peeled rye (50%), wheat 2nd grade (50%) Sugar 0.70 … 1.00 0.75 … 1.00 Hearth molded Custard: Borodinsky Wholemeal rye (80%), 2nd grade wheat (15%) Fermented rye malt, syrup, cumin 0.85 …0.95 0.50 …1, 00 Hearth-shaped Karelian Wheat 2nd grade (85%), seeded rye (10%) Fermented rye malt, sugar, molasses, dried grapes, anise, coriander 0.75 … 1.00 0.50 … 1.05 1st grade (20%), seeded rye (65%), peeled rye (10%) Unfermented rye malt, molasses, milk whey, cumin 0.65 ... 0.85 (80%), wheat 2nd grade (15%) Fermented rye malt, sugar, molasses, coriander 0.50 ... 0.90 Molded Delicious Seeded rye (85%), premium wheat (10%) Unfermented rye malt, molasses , cumin 0.5 ... 0.8 "Northern custard Premium wheat, 1st or 2nd grade (75%), peeled or seeded rye (10%) Fermented rye malt, sugar, coriander, dried grapes 0.3 and more , hearth Custard spicy Rye whole or peeled (75%), premium wheat, 1st or 2nd grade (20%) Fermented rye malt, molasses, spices (coriander, cumin, anise, fennel) 0.3 and more Formed, Hearth Mariinsky Peeled rye, wheat 1st grade Glofa malt extract, coriander, Churinskaya composition 0.7 The same

Wheat bread is baked from wholemeal, second, first and highest grades of wheat flour or from a mixture of them with a simple, improved and rich recipe. The range of wheat bread is presented in table 3.

Table 3 - Assortment of wheat flour bread

Types of bread Types and varieties of flourAdditional raw materials according to the recipeWeight of products, kgBaking methodSimple: wheat from wholemeal flour Wholemeal-0.7 ... 1.0 0.8 ... 1.3 … 1.1 Molded, hearth Improved varieties: mustard Higher or 1st Mustard oil, sugar 0.5 … 0.8 0.5 …1.0 Hearth Fomovy milky Higher or 1st Milk, sugar, molasses 0.4 0.8 Fomovy, hearth homemade 1st Milk, sugar 0.4 ... 0.8 Hearthstone Krasnoselsky 1st or 2nd Sugar 0.8 ... 0.9 Hearth round or oval-oblong city 1st Sugar, margarine, molasses, milk 0.5 0.5 ... 0.8 in the form of a flower Aroma 1st Malt extract, coriander 0.4 Hearth, oblong-oval with splits Butter: Spring Cake Higher Sugar, margarine, egg, raisins, walnuts, vanillin, icing sugar 0.6 Fom rounded Butter bread "May" 1st Sugar, butter, raisins, vanillin 0.5 … 1.0 Tin loaf “Souvenir” High Sugar, butter, egg 0.5 … 2.0 Hearth with colorful trim on the top

Bakery products are baked from wheat flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades weighing less than 500 g. These include loaves, wickerwork, rolls, baits, bakery trifles. The range of these products is very diverse. The main representatives, as well as some range of new products are presented in table 4.

Table 4 - Assortment of bakery products

NameType of flourAdditional raw materialsWeight, kg Product appearanceSimple: plain loaf 1st or 2nd - 0.2; 0.5 Oblique cuts urban Higher Sugar - 1% 0.2; 0.4 Oblique cuts, pointed ends Capital Higher Sugar - 1% 0.4 Elongated, with blunt or rounded ends; oblique cutsImproved: sliced ​​loafHigher or 1st Sugar, margarine 0.4; 0.5 Oblique cuts Higher Sugar, vegetable oil 0.4 Two longitudinal cuts High Sugar, margarine 0.3 0.4 Oblique cuts of braids Higher 2nd Sugar, margarine, poppy seeds 0.2; 0.4 A product made from three braided buns 1st Sugar, margarine, eggs 0.4 A product made from four Cherkizovsky buns 1st Sugar, milk, sesame or poppy seeds 0.2; 0.4 Oblong shape, from three non-twisted bundles city buns Higher 1st Sugar, margarine 0.1; 0.2 Longitudinal incision in the form of a scallop saika 1st Sugar, margarine 0.2 Oblong shape, with a smooth surface, without side crusts Pork ribs with raisins Higher Sugar, margarine, raisins 0.2 The same butter zherozhki 1st Sugar, margarine 0.06; 0.1 Oblong shape with gradually tapered ends, straight or slightly curved, with or without surface sprinkling 1st Margarine, sugar 0.05; 0.1 “Russian Round” buns Higher 1st Sugar, margarine 0.1; 0.2 0.05One or two parallel cuts hamburger bun Higher Sugar, vegetable oil, sesame seeds 0.08 Round, sprinkled with sesame seeds

Loaves are hearth piece products made from wheat flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades, differing from each other in the recipe (simple and improved), shape and surface finish. All types of loaves, with the exception of urban, special and metropolitan, produce an oblong shape with rounded ends. City loaves have an oblong shape with pointed ends; special - elongated with blunt or rounded ends. All types of loaves have several oblique cuts on the surface. The exception is loaves near Moscow - with two longitudinal cuts; student - with one longitudinal incision; mustard - with pricks.

By name, rich products can be combined into the following main groups: bread, rolls, pastry, sloki, amateur products, small pieces, pies, flat cakes. Each group may include several species and varieties. By weight, the products are divided into two groups: small-piece - weighing 0.05 ... 0.4 kg; large-piece - over 0.4 kg.

Butter bakery products are made from wheat flour of the first and highest grades. The assortment of rich bakery products is represented by several groups:

civilian buns - of various shapes with a mass of 0.2 kg, which include: a rounded bun with cuts on the surface that form a grid; bun with candied fruit - in the form of a cake with a pattern of candied fruit; shritsels - in the form of a long loaf with slightly pointed ends and oblique cuts on the surface with surface treatment with crushed nuts and granulated sugar; shtoli - in the form of a flat cake folded in half, the surface of which is trimmed with lipstick;

Butter buns - round and quadrangular with slips from 2 ... 4 sides weighing 0.1 kg;

bun "Freckles" - the same shape as buns with slips, but weighing 0.05 kg, and the recipe includes raisins and less sugar and fat;

brioche - in the form of a pyramid with a base of three balls and one ball on top, weighing 0.065 kg;

Moscow buns - round or in the form of a heart, roses with surface treatment with egg and sugar, weighing 0.1 and 0.2 kg;

ordinary muffins - various shapes in the form of oysters, roses, monograms, etc., weighing 0.05 and 0.1 kg;

Vyborg muffins - of various shapes with a clearly defined pattern, finished with sugar, powder, crumbs, lipstick, jam, cream; the most common muffins: in the form of cakes with filling, butterflies, curly cakes, muffins "Lakomka", etc., weighing 0.05 and 0.1 kg;

muffins of the Vyborg curly - of various shapes, usually in the form of birds, animals, fish, etc., weighing 0.05 and 0.1; 0.2 and 0.5 kg;

pastry cheesecakes with cottage cheese - rounded with an open curd filling weighing 0.1 kg;

Vyborg pretzel - in the shape of a figure-eight with superimposed ends in the middle, trimmed with lipstick 0.1 and 0.5 kg.

Puff pastries are made from wheat flour of the highest grade. They are piece products made of rich puff pastry, smeared with an egg, finished with powdered sugar or sweet crumbs, crushed nuts. Puff products are produced in rectangular, square, oblong-oval shapes of the following names: puff buns weighing 0.05 and 0.1 kg; puff envelopes with jam weighing 0.075 kg; puff Sverdlovsk square or rectangular shape with prints weighing 0.1 kg; confectionery puff weighing 0.1 kg. Products from puff pastry are obtained by introducing "puffing" butter into the recipe. The rolling and storage are repeated several times, then they are kept in the cold and the products are molded.

Dietary bakery products are intended for therapeutic and preventive nutrition. They are divided into 7 groups depending on the purpose.

Salt-free bakery products are intended for people with kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and for people who are on hormone therapy. Achloride bread (without salt) shaped and hearth; salt-free peeled tin and hearth bread; achloride crackers.

Bakery products with low acidity are intended for people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer. This group includes buns and bread with low acidity (acidity not more than 2.5 degrees), crackers with low acidity.

Bakery products with low protein content (protein-free products) - for the nutrition of patients with chronic renal failure and other diseases associated with impaired protein metabolism. Protein-free wheat starch bread in 300 g molds, as well as protein-free salt-free bread in 200 g molds.

Bakery products with a high content of dietary fiber are intended for people suffering from intestinal atony, obesity, as well as for people who do not have contraindications to the consumption of such bread. This group includes: grain bread containing coarsely crushed wheat grain in the amount of 60%, molded and hearth weighing 200 ... 300 g; doctoral breads containing 20% ​​wheat bran, molded or hearth weighing 300 ... 400 g; barvikha bread, containing 50% of coarsely crushed wheat grain, is baked in molds weighing 200-800 g.

Bakery products with the addition of lecithin or oatmeal are intended for people suffering from atherosclerosis, obesity, liver disease, nervous exhaustion, decreased bowel function. Representatives of this group are dietary bran bread with lecithin and the addition of wheat bran in the amount of 40% and phosphatide concentrate; bread "Hercules" with the addition of flakes "Hercules" in the amount of 20% and sugar, weighing 400 g.

Bakery products with a high content of iodine are recommended for diseases of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular system, as well as for people living in areas with iodine deficiency. Representatives of this group are dietary bran bread with lecithin and seaweed (wheat bran 40%, seaweed powder 2%, phosphatide concentrate 10%), baked in molds weighing 300 g; bread "Murmansk" (3.8% kelp); Severny bread (2% kelp0; Belgorodsky bread with seaweed (from 1st grade baking wheat flour and peeled rye flour with the addition of a mixture of seaweed with apple pectin in an amount of 0.2 ... 0.5% in equal proportions by weight flour).

National varieties of bread can be made from wheat flour of all varieties with the addition of finely crushed peas, lamb fat or pomace from it, spices - star anise, anise, cumin, sesame seeds. The dough can be prepared without yeast, on pressed, liquid and hop yeast, sourdough or using original technologies.

National bread products according to the recipe can be divided into simple and improved. Simple products baked from all varieties of wheat flour include Azerbaijani churek, Armenian bread "Matkanash" and "Dogik", thin Armenian lavash, Georgian lavash "Madauri"; from wheat flour of the highest and 1st grade - Georgian types of bread "Toti", "Trakhtinuli", Uzbek cakes "Gidzha", "Obi-non", "Kashgar". Improved products are Armenian “Dogik” bread, rich Uzbek cakes “Jizali-non”, “Pulaty-non”, “Buttermilk-non”, “Shirmay-non”, “Kulcha” bread.

3 Factors that shape the consumer properties of bakery products

The main factors influencing the formation of the quality of bread are the raw materials used and the production process.

To make bread, the main raw materials are used - flour, water, yeast, and salt; additional raw materials - fats, sugar, molasses, dairy products, malt, eggs and egg products, bran or whole grains, nuts, raisins, spices.

In baking, baking wheat and rye flour of all varieties is used. To ensure stable quality, it is possible to mix different types of flour of different qualities. At the preparatory stage, the flour must be sifted to separate impurities and saturate the air with oxygen. Then it is passed through magnetic apparatus to remove metal impurities.

The water must meet the requirements of the drinking water standard. The hardness of water is due to the content of calcium and magnesium salts, which not only worsen the quality of bread, but sometimes even improve it, strengthening weak gluten, and also provide the human body with salts.

The amount of water for making dough depends on the type of flour and products. The dough intended for rye bread from wholemeal flour has the highest moisture content. The drier the flour, the more water it absorbs during kneading. With a significant content of sugar and fat in products, the amount of water introduced is reduced, since sugar and fat, as it were, thin the dough. When kneading the dough, heated water up to 30 °C is used to ensure the optimum temperature of the dough.

Yeasts are unicellular microorganisms used to loosen wheat dough and provide the necessary porosity of the product, as well as to prepare rye dough starters. In the baking industry, pressed yeast, narrowed, liquid, yeast milk, nutritional yeast with bioiodine are used. Yeast is used in quantities of 0.5 ... 4.0% for loosening the dough. In the dough, yeast enzymes cause alcoholic fermentation, and the resulting carbon dioxide loosens the dough and gives it a porous structure. Therefore, an important indicator of the quality of yeast is the lifting force or the speed of the rise of the dough. Good yeast will raise the dough in 60-65 minutes.

For the production of rye bread and for some varieties of wheat bread, sourdoughs are used. At present, special starter cultures have been created in order to increase the microbiological purity of bread. Several types of starter cultures have been developed: lactic acid, as well as dry lactobacterin, propionic acid, vitamin, complex, ergosterol, dry starter “citrasol”. For these starter cultures, new strains of microorganisms have been selected - propion bacteria, acidophilic lactic acid bacteria, carotenoid, ergosterol yeast. Due to the fact that the starter cultures are in a dry form, the possibility of their use is expanding, especially in small-capacity enterprises. It is advisable to use vitamin and complex sourdough when kneading flour with weak gluten, and for flour with strong, crumbling gluten, acidophilic sourdough with increased proteolytic activity.

Malt is used for the production of bakery products, including custard breads. In the baking industry, fermented and unfermented rye malt, brewing barley and malt and barley-malt food extracts are used. Rye unfermented malt is used for saccharification of flour brews in the preparation of liquid yeast and in the production of some types of bread (Riga, Vitebsk), to improve the quality of bread when processing flour with low sugar-forming ability. Rye fermented malt is used as an additive that improves the taste, aroma and color of bread crumb from rye and a mixture of rye and wheat flour.

The rate of fermentation is influenced by table salt, which reduces the fermentation activity of yeast and bacteria and slows down the activity of enzymes. Therefore, salt is introduced into the dough, and not into the dough. Salt improves the taste of products, significantly affects the physical properties of the dough, strengthens its gluten.

Sugar is added to the dough in the manufacture of bakery and fancy products in the amount of 2.5-30% by weight of flour. Powdered sugar is used to finish the surface of confectionery products. Sugar has a significant impact not only on the properties of the dough, but also on the quality of the bread. Sugar improves the taste, aroma, color of bread, increases its calorie content.

For improved and rich products, the introduction of fats according to the recipe into the dough is provided. Fats are used in the form of margarine, animal and vegetable oils. Fats increase the calorie content of products, improve their taste, increase the volume of bread, increase the plasticity of the dough, and somewhat strengthen gluten. At the same time, they reduce the intensity of dough fermentation. The amount of fat added to the dough ranges from 20-30%. The improving effect of fat on the quality of bread can be enhanced if fat is added to the dough in the form of a pre-prepared fine emulsion using food emulsifiers.

The production of bread includes a number of operations: preparation and dosing of raw materials, preparation of dough (kneading, ripening), cutting, proofing of dough pieces, baking bread, quality control of finished products.

Methods for preparing wheat dough can be single-phase and multi-phase.

Multiphase methods for preparing wheat dough. These include the sponge method, on liquid wheat sourdoughs and on the dispersed phase. Sponge method - consists of two stages: preparation of sponge and dough. To prepare the dough, take part of the flour, 2/3 of the water and all the yeast. Opara wanders for 3.5-4.5 hours. On the finished dough, the dough is kneaded, adding the rest of the flour, water and the rest of the raw materials according to the recipe. The dough ferments an additional 1-1.5 hours. During the fermentation process, the dough is subjected to 1-2 kneadings (short-term re-kneading) to evenly distribute air bubbles. Doughs are prepared: with the usual moisture content of 48-50% and 45-55% flour of the total amount intended for dough preparation, large thick moisture content of 41-45% and 60-70% flour, liquid moisture content of 68-72% and 25-35% flour from its total number. It is advisable to use the preparation of dough on thick sponges in the production of bread and bakery products from high-quality wheat flour, as well as rich products. On large thick doughs with a reduced duration of dough fermentation, mainly hearth breads made from wheat flour of the highest and first grades, as well as bakery products.

Preparation of dough on liquid wheat sourdough: sourdough is a semi-finished product of bakery production, obtained by fermenting a nutrient mixture (saccharified brew, water-flour mixture) with various types of bacteria and yeast.

Preparation of the dough on the dispersed phase is prepared for bakery and fancy products, the formulation of which includes dairy products. The dispersed phase is a special liquid semi-finished product obtained by dispersing part of the flour, whey, water and additional raw materials.

Single-phase methods for preparing wheat dough. They include safe and fast methods. The safe method is a single kneading of all raw materials according to the recipe. Duration - hours. The method is easy to use, it takes less time to make bread, but at the same time, more yeast is consumed (1.5-2.5% of the total mass of flour) and the products are of the quality of the sponge method.

Accelerated dough preparation methods allow this operation to be carried out in 20-30 minutes. The elements of this technology are intensive kneading or enhanced mechanical processing of the dough, an increased amount of yeast (3-4%) or yeast with increased enzymatic activity, the use of improvers or special starter cultures. The advantage of accelerated dough preparation methods is to minimize the need for dough fermentation tanks, which is important with a limited choice of equipment and small production capacities. That is why accelerated methods of dough preparation are more widely used in bakeries than double and non-steam methods. The use of the accelerated production method is most effective in the production of small-piece and rich products.

Ripening (fermentation) of the dough. The purpose of ripening is loosening the dough, giving it certain physical properties, accumulation of substances that determine the taste, aroma and color of the finished product. The complex of processes occurring simultaneously at the stage of fermentation and influencing each other is united by the general concept of maturation. Maturing processes include microbiological (alcohol and lactic acid fermentation), colloidal, physical and biochemical. Alcoholic fermentation predominates in wheat dough.

Alcoholic fermentation is caused by yeast, and as a result, sugars are converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Yeast ferments first glucose and fructose, and then sucrose and maltose, which are first converted into monosaccharides by the enzymes sucrase and maltase. The source of sugar in the dough is the grain's own sugars, which have passed into flour, but the main mass is maltose, which was formed in the dough during the breakdown of starch. In addition to ethanol, during the maturation process, higher alcohols are also formed in the dough, which are involved in the formation of the taste and aroma of bread.

Lactic acid fermentation is caused by lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria get into wheat dough by accident, significantly affecting the taste and aroma of bread. In wheat dough, the proportion of lactic acid is about 70%, and volatile acids are about 30% of the total mass of acids. Among the volatile acids, acetic acid predominates. In a small amount, other acids are also formed: butyric, valeric, malic, tartaric. Volatile acids, along with other compounds, create the aroma of bread and significantly affect its taste. For example, malic and citric acid give bread a pleasant sour taste, while acetic acid gives it a sharp, rough taste. With a low content of volatile acids, the bread seems somewhat insipid, with an increased content - sharply sour.

With an increase in acidity, the swelling of proteins accelerates, and the decomposition of starch to dextrins and maltose slows down. Therefore, the acidity of the dough is a sign of its maturation, and the acidity of bread is one of the indicators of its quality. In addition, the acidity of finished products should not exceed the standard rate, so the acidity of the semi-finished product at the end of fermentation should be limited. The acidity of the dough should be equal to the acidity of the crumb of finished products required by the standards +0.5 deg.

Colloidal processes continue after kneading. There is a limited swelling of the proteins, they only increase in size. In flour with weak gluten, unlimited swelling is observed and the dough liquefies.

As a result of physical processes, the dough is saturated with carbon dioxide, its volume and temperature increase.

Biochemical processes proceed under the action of enzymes found in flour and enzymes of yeast and other microorganisms. Proteins are broken down into amino acids, and starches are broken down into sugars. Protein breakdown products at the baking stage are involved in the formation of color, taste and aroma. In weak flour, with intensive breakdown of proteins, the dough will spread. When starch is broken down by enzymes, maltose is formed, which is used to ferment the dough and is involved in the formation of the taste and color of the crust.

How to make rye dough. Features of the baking properties of rye flour cause significant differences in the technology and methods of preparing rye dough. Rye flour differs significantly from wheat flour in chemical composition. Rye proteins do not form a gluten framework, as they swell indefinitely and, as a result, pass into a colloidal state. This is facilitated by high-molecular carbohydrate compounds - mucus. In rye dough, there are relatively many water-soluble substances and free mucus. Rye starch is relatively easy to gelatinize and hydrolyze. β-amylase is active. To prevent a rapid increase in acidity, otherwise dextrins are formed, and the bread will turn out with a sticky crumb and temper. For the preparation of products from rye flour and its mixture with wheat, methods are used that involve the preparation of starter cultures as biological leavening agents for dough, brews (when making custard varieties of bread), as well as the use of acidifying baking additives (in powder, paste and liquid form) in combination with baker's yeast.

Rye dough is prepared on sourdoughs with high acidity. Sourdough is a semi-finished bakery product obtained by fermenting a nutrient mixture with lactic acid bacteria or propionic acid.

Acid bacteria and baking doges. Otherwise, sourdough is a portion of ripe dough containing lactic acid bacteria and yeast. Yeast loosens the rye dough, and lactic acid bacteria provide an increase in acidity, the accumulation of aromatic substances. The indicators of the quality of the sourdough are the lifting power (20-25 minutes) and acidity (10-16 єN).

Rye sourdoughs are prepared thick (moisture content 49-50%). Liquid moisture 68-82%), prepared without the use of tea leaves or with the use of tea leaves, and concentrated yeast-free lactic acid. Acids improve the structure of rye dough and inhibit the dextrinization of starch, therefore, using thick starter cultures, it is easier to get bread with a dry, elastic crumb.

During maturation of the dough, lactic acid fermentation predominates. The ratio of lactic and acetic acids formed as a result of fermentation determines the taste of bread. Alcoholic fermentation is due to yeast, but at a low rate. Biochemical processes proceed less intensively. Than in wheat dough. There is a slight hydrolysis of the protein and the accumulation of free amino acids, protein peptization due to swelling in an acidic environment. The rise in acidity of rye dough should be rapid, since prolonged exposure to acids on proteins makes them more accessible to the action of proteolytic enzymes. Due to the high activity of sugar-forming enzymes, soluble sugars and dextrins are heated up. Therefore, in good quality rye bread, the crumb is always moist to the touch.

Simple varieties of rye bread are prepared in a non-dough way in two phases (sourdough, dough); improved varieties - by brewing in three stages (brewing, sourdough, dough) or in four (sourdough, brewing, dough, dough). When cooking in four stages, instead of sourdough, they can cook on fermented or fermented tea leaves.

Welding is a semi-finished product, obtained by mixing 5-15% rye flour, the entire prescription amount of malt and crushed spices (caraway, coriander or anise) with water heated to 95-97 ºC for starch gelatinization by heating it with steam or an electrocontact method.

Cutting the dough is carried out in order to obtain dough pieces of a given mass, which have optimal organoleptic and rheological properties for baking. Depending on the type of flour and the type of product, cutting includes various technological operations. Cutting dough for bakery products and shaped bread from wheat flour includes: dividing it into pieces of a certain mass on special cutting machines, rounding dough pieces, preliminary proofing, product molding and final proofing. Rye dough does not have a gluten framework and has enhanced sticking properties. It needs minimal mechanical processing. Therefore, the rounding operation is excluded. In the production of hearth bread from rye and wheat flour, there are no preliminary proofing and molding operations.

When dividing, rounding and shaping, the dough is mixed, subjected to compression, friction and other mechanical influences. Wheat dough processing during cutting favorably affects the gluten structure, volume, porosity and condition of the bread crumb.

A portion of the dough at the outlet of the divider should provide the standard (given) mass of the product. On average, the mass of a piece of dough should be 10-12% more than the mass of the cooled product, i.e. it is necessary to take into account the upek of bread in the oven (6-9%) and shrinkage during storage (3-4%). Items weighing less than standard are rejected as defective. Permissible downward deviation 2.5%.

In the process of rounding, the dough structure becomes more homogeneous due to the uniform distribution of gas, pores are closed on the surface of the dough and a smooth gas-tight shell is created, which further leads to an increase in the volume and porosity of the products. The spherical shape of the pieces of dough facilitates the formation of blanks.

Rye dough is an inelastic mass and cannot be rounded in machines. Therefore, dough pieces from rye and rye-wheat dough of a round shape after division are placed in round cassettes.

The quality of rounding depends on the consistency of the dough. Weak, sticky dough covers the working bodies of the rounder, and in combination with the wrong mode of feeding pieces of dough into the rounder, doubling of the pieces can occur.

Rounded pieces of wheat dough are left for 5-10 minutes. This operation is called preliminary proofing. Most often, this operation is used in the production of bakery and fancy products. At the same time, the gluten structure, disturbed during the division and rounding of the dough, is restored, porosity improves and the volume of finished products increases.

Forming dough pieces is necessary to give products a certain shape. This ensures an attractive appearance of the finished product, a good condition of the crumb, relief cuts on the surface. Products of irregular shape are rejected. Dough blanks of shaped bread are placed in metal molds of a certain configuration and size. Loaf-like products are formed on dough-forming machines, where a piece of dough is successively rolled into a pancake, rolled up, rolled and lengthened. This gives the piece of dough not only the desired shape, but also improves the porosity and surface condition of the product.

Proofing dough is carried out before planting the dough in the oven. During this period, the fermentation of the dough continues, its loosening with carbon dioxide, and as a result, the physical properties of the dough piece improve, the original volume and porosity are restored. The surface becomes smooth and elastic, which ensures a good appearance. The final proofing is carried out in an air atmosphere with a temperature of 35-40 ° C and a relative humidity of 75-85%. Air temperature above 40 ºC adversely affects the yeast and increases the duration of proofing, and increased relative humidity leads to sticking of products to baking sheets. Insufficient proofing can lead to the formation of cracks and undermining in spherical products, and in pan bread to an overly convex, undermined upper crust, with an insufficiently elastic crumb. Such defects are explained by rapid fermentation inside the workpiece in the first minutes of baking. Gases form in the dough, and it breaks the crust from the side. With excessive proofing, hearth products are flat and vague due to the weakening of the gluten and reduced gas formation. The upper crust of tin bread is concave, trough-shaped.

Bread baking is the process of turning dough pieces into finished products, as a result of which their quality is finally formed.

Before planting in the oven, cuts or punctures are made on the surface of the dough pieces to remove water vapor and gas. This prevents the products from cracking on the surface. Baking is carried out in baking ovens at a temperature of 200-280 ºC from 12 to 80 minutes, depending on the type of product. The established baking mode should ensure good baking of products and obtaining the color of crusts corresponding to this type. All processes are based on physical phenomena - heating the dough and, caused by it, external moisture exchange between the dough-bread and the steam-air environment of the baking chamber and internal heat and mass transfer in the dough-bread. When baking bread, physical, biochemical and microbiological processes take place. Dough pieces are heated gradually, starting from the surface, so all processes do not occur simultaneously throughout the mass, but starting from the outer layers. At the beginning of baking, the dough absorbs moisture from the environment of the baking chamber and the mass of a piece of dough-bread increases somewhat, which is associated with the intensive activity of yeast cells and with increased formation of carbon dioxide. Then moisture begins to evaporate into the environment and a crust forms. Part of the moisture evaporates into the environment, and the other part (about 50%) goes into the crumb. When a crust appears, the increase in the volume of the product stops, so the crust should not form immediately, but 6-8 minutes after baking, when the volume of the workpiece will be maximum. For this purpose, steam is supplied to the baking plant, the condensation of which on the surface of the workpieces delays the dehydration of the outer layer and the formation of a crust. However, after a few minutes, the surface layer, warming up to 100 °C, begins to quickly lose moisture and at 110-120 °C turns into a thin crust, which then gradually thickens.

In the first minutes of baking, as a result of steam condensation, starch gelatinizes on the surface of the workpiece, partially turning into a soluble form and dextrins. The liquid mass of soluble starch and dextrins fills the pores on the surface of the workpiece, smooths out small irregularities and, after dehydration, gives the crust a shine and gloss. After heating the dough piece to 50 ºC, yeast cells die, and at 60 ºC, acid-forming bacteria die. Protein denaturation occurs, while water is released, and the proteins themselves become denser, losing elasticity, forming a bread frame. Moisture released by proteins is absorbed by starch, which binds it firmly, and at the same time gelatinizes, forming a crumb dry to the touch. In addition, cracks form in the starch grains, into which moisture penetrates, and the grains significantly increase in volume.

The color of the crust depends on the sugar and amino acid content of the dough, the duration of baking and the temperature in the baking chamber. For normal coloring of the crust, the amount of sugar in the dough should be at least 2-3% of the mass of flour. Aromatic substances from the crust penetrate into the crumb, improving the taste of the product. If the processes of gelatinization, the formation of aromatic and dark-colored substances and the removal of moisture occur properly, then the baked bread crust is smooth, shiny, uniform light brown in color.

Bread is considered ready when the temperature in the center of the crumb reaches 95-97 ºC. The dehydrated crust warms up to 160-180 ºC. The color of the crust causes dark-colored products of melanoidin formation and caramelization. In rye bread, gelatinization occurs more intensively until the very end of baking and in hot bread. By evaporating some of the moisture. At the same time, moisture is redistributed in the bread. Humidity of the crust at the exit

Bread cooling. Hot bread from the oven enters special chambers - bread storages, where it cools down. The temperature of its crust on the surface is 130-150 °C, the crumb is about 100 °C. The cooling of the bread begins from the surface, gradually spreading throughout the crumb. To do this, hot bread is placed on a cooler.

The cooling rate of individual layers is different. The crust cools quickly, the crumb - slowly. During the same time, the temperature of the crumb drops to 50-60 ºC.

Immediately after taking it out of the oven, the bread begins to dry out due to the evaporation of part of the moisture. At the same time, moisture is redistributed in the bread. The humidity of the crust at the moment the bread leaves the oven is practically zero, and therefore, due to the difference in moisture concentrations in the crumb and the crust, moisture rushes into the crust, increasing its moisture content to 12%. This is also facilitated by the temperature difference between the crumb and crust. Drying is more intense in the first period of cooling.

Shrinkage is the difference in the mass of hot and cooled bread, expressed as a percentage of the mass of hot bread. The amount of shrinkage depends on the temperature of the room, the speed of air movement, and the weight of the products. Shrinkage of bread is 2-3% depending on the variety and storage conditions.

Bread is packaged after it has cooled to room temperature for a set period of time for each type of product. Bakery products are packed in special types of paper, polymer films (polypropylene, polyvinyl, polyethylene, polyolefin), including perforated, shrink and stretch films.

4 Factors that preserve the quality of bakery products

Bakery products are products of short-term storage. The shelf life of bakery products is calculated from the time they leave the oven. To prevent the supply of trade in stale products, the shelf life of bread at the bakery and in the distribution network has been established. The maximum allowable aging time for bakery products at a bakery varies from 6 hours for products weighing less than 200 g to 10 hours for products weighing more than 200 g from high-quality wheat or rye seed flour; for other bakery products - 14 hours. When sent to the distribution network, each batch of bakery products is accompanied by a document that indicates the date and time of exit from the oven.

Bakery products are laid in one row, sometimes in two rows on the side or bottom crust. For laying products of a large mass, three-sided trays with a slatted bottom are used, and for small-piece bakery and fancy products, four-sided trays with a solid bottom are used. Currently, plastic trays are widely used, which are lightweight and easy to sanitize.

The term of realization in the trade network of bread from rye and rye-wheat flour is 36 hours, from wheat - 4 hours, small-piece products weighing less than 200 g - 16 hours. Bread that has been stored in the distribution network beyond the established time limits is considered defective and must be returned to the bakery for processing in the form of a loin of bread or crumbs. For packaged products in the distribution network, a shelf life is set, and not sales, which is 3-7 days, depending on the adopted manufacturing technology and additives used to preserve the quality of bakery products in the package. Most often, this period is 72 hours.

The temperature for storage in retail trade should not be lower than 6ºC at a relative humidity of 75%, the optimum is 20-25ºC. The premises for storing bread should be dry, clean, ventilated, with a uniform temperature and relative humidity. Storage of bakery products in bulk, close to the walls of the room, as well as on racks located at a distance of less than 35 cm from the floor, is not carried out. Bread and bakery products placed on shelves should not come into contact with the walls of the room. In trade enterprises, in order to maintain freshness, bakery products without packaging must be covered with fabrics and polymer films that are approved for use. In the premises intended for the storage of bakery products, the commodity neighborhood must be observed.

On the trading floor for new types of products there should be information about consumer properties, their constituent components and food additives. Packed and packaged bakery products must be labeled with: product name; name and location of the manufacturer, and his trademark; product weight; the composition of the product, indicating the ingredients of an unconventional composition; nutritional value; date of manufacture and date of packaging4 shelf life; designation of the document in accordance with which the product is manufactured and can be identified; conformity information. For unpackaged products, this information must be provided on the information sheet on the sales floor. Instead of the expiration date, the expiration date is indicated, as well as the hour and date of manufacture.

During storage, processes occur in bread that affect its mass and quality. At the same time, two processes take place in parallel and independently of each other: drying out - loss of moisture and staleness.

Drying out - a decrease in the mass of bread as a result of the evaporation of water vapor and volatile substances into the environment. It starts immediately after the product leaves the oven. The drying process, depending on the flow rate, is divided into two periods.

The first period lasts until the bread cools to room temperature. During this period, drying processes are more intensive, and the mass of products decreases by 2-4% compared to the mass of hot bread. The main factor in the intensive drying of cooling bread is the temperature difference between the crust and the crumb. Cooling starts from the surface layers of the bread, gradually moving to the center of the bread crumb. During storage, the bread cools down to room temperature in 2-6 hours, depending on the mass, shape and storage conditions. The crust of bread cools relatively quickly, the crumb slowly. In uncooled bread, the difference between the temperature of the crust and the bread crumb is significant. As a result, there is a movement of moisture from the crumb to the crust. The humidity of the crust after baking is almost zero, after 3-4 hours the crust is moistened to 14-16%. The humidity of the central layers of the crumb changes to a lesser extent. The movement of moisture from the crumb to the crust during this period is accelerated due to the high temperature of the bread. As the bread cools, the rate of drying of the bread decreases and, starting from a certain period, becomes almost constant. Therefore, the faster the products are cooled, the less shrinkage will be. Active ventilation during this period reduces weight loss.

In the second period, after the bread has cooled down, drying proceeds at a constant rate. But ventilation of the premises during this period increases losses. The larger the volume of bread and the initial mass of moisture in the bread, the more intense its loss, since during this period moisture moves from the crumb to the crust. Pan bread dries out faster than hearth bread due to the higher moisture content. The greater the mass of bread, the less its shrinkage. Small-piece products lose moisture more intensively.

The staleness of bread during storage is a complex physical and colloidal process associated primarily with the aging of starch. The first signs of staleness appear 10-12 hours after baking bread. Stale bread has a soft, matte crust, while fresh bread has a brittle, smooth, glossy crust. In stale bread, the crumb is hard, crumbling, inelastic. During storage, the taste and aroma of bread changes simultaneously with the physical properties of the crumb, loss and destruction of some of the aromatic substances occurs, and a specific taste and aroma of stale, stale bread appears. This is due to the evaporation of part of the volatile substances, as well as the continued diffusion of some flavor components from the crust into the crumb and their adsorption on starch and protein, those. The transition of some aromatic substances to a bound state, as well as the oxidation of some aldehydes.

The main processes of staling occur in the crumb. In fresh bread, swollen starch grains are in an amorphous state. During storage, a partial reverse transition of starch from an amorphous state to a crystalline state occurs due to the fact that individual sections of the branches of the amylopectin and amylose molecules are linked by hydrogen bonds at the hydroxyl groups of glucose residues. At the same time, the structure of starch is compacted, the volume of starch grains decreases, cracks appear between protein and starch. The formation of air gaps is usually considered as the reason for the crumbling of stale bread.

The process of hardening is influenced by storage conditions: temperature, packaging.

The most effective staling occurs at temperatures from -2 to +20 ºС at a temperature of 60-90 ºС, staling proceeds very slowly, almost imperceptibly, and at 190 ºС it completely stops. At temperatures below minus 2 °C, staling slows down, and below minus 10 °C, it practically stops.

Packaging, a more acceptable way to slow down the processes of curing and drying. Bread is packed in various types of packaging materials in a factory way using the operations of brewing, rolling, pinching with a clip.

Bakery packaging has several functions. First of all, it eliminates the influence of the external environment on the product, improves sanitary and hygienic conditions during transportation, storage and sale. Packaging is one of the best ways to keep products fresh.

5Requirements for the quality of bakery products

Bread and bakery products are accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be bread and bakery products of the same name in the distribution network, received according to one consignment note, and at a baking enterprise - produced by a team in one shift.

Indicators: shape, surface, color and weight are controlled on 2-3 trays from each trolley, container or rack; 10% of products from each shelf. The results of the control apply to the trolley, container, rack, shelf, from which the products were taken. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results, a continuous control (sorting) is carried out.

To control organoleptic indicators (except for shape, surface and color) and physico-chemical indicators, a sample is made by the "loose" method.

The pre-sampling volume is 0.2% of the entire lot, but not less than 5 pcs. with a mass of an individual product from 1-3 kg; with a mass of 0.3% of the entire batch, but not less than 10 pcs. with a mass of an individual product less than 1 kg. The results of the pre-sample analysis are extended to the entire lot.

To control organoleptic indicators (except for shape, surface and color), as well as the presence of foreign inclusions, crunch from mineral impurities, signs of disease and mold, five product units are selected from a representative sample.

To control physical and chemical parameters, a laboratory sample is taken from a representative sample in the amount of:

1 PC. - for weight and piece products weighing more than 400 g;

at least 2 pcs. - for piece products weighing from 400 to 200 g inclusive;

at least 3 pcs. - for piece products weighing at least 200 to 100 g inclusive;

at least 6 pcs. - for piece products weighing less than 100 g.

When checking the quality of bakery products in the distribution network, three laboratory samples are taken by controlling organizations. Two of them are sent to the laboratory of the controlling organization, the third - to the laboratory of the manufacturer. In the laboratory of the controlling organization, one sample is analyzed, the second is stored in case of disagreements in the quality examination and analyzed together with a representative of the manufacturer. Laboratory samples must be accompanied by a selection act, indicating the name of the product and the manufacturer; dates and places of sampling; volume and batch number; the time of removal of products from the oven or the time of the beginning and end of batch baking; indicators by which samples are analyzed; names and positions of the persons who took the samples.

Physical and chemical indicators are determined within the established terms for the sale of products, but not earlier than one hour for small-piece products weighing 200 g or less, and not earlier than three hours for other products after the products leave the oven.

Organoleptic indicators: shape, surface and color are controlled by inspection of all bread and bakery products, and the remaining organoleptic indicators in the selected five units of production through the senses (smell, touch, vision).

Appearance is determined by the shape and condition of the surface of the product. The foma must correspond to the type of product (round, oval, oblong-oval), not blurred, without pressures, without side bulges. Wrinkled and deformed products are not allowed for sale. The surface of the products must be smooth, for some types - rough, without large cracks and undermining. Large cracks are considered to be cracks that pass through the entire upper crust in one or more directions and have a width of more than 1 cm. Large cracks are considered cracks that cover the entire length of one of the sides of the pan bread with a width of more than 1 cm or more than half the circumference of a hearth bread with a width of more than 2 cm. For some products, especially loaves and rolls, pins and cuts are allowed. The color of the crusts should be uniform, without burntness and not pale.

The state of the crumb characterizes bakedness, mess and porosity. The bread should have a baked crumb, not wet to the touch, elastic, in custard varieties with a slight stickiness, without lumps and traces of unmixed bread. The porosity is developed, without voids and seals. After light pressure with a finger, the crumb takes its original shape. Stale bread becomes crumbly and hard.

Taste and smell characteristic of the type of product, without outsiders.

Bakery products by weight must comply with the requirements of the standard. Permissible deviations for bread down from the established weight at the end of the maximum holding period at the enterprise should not exceed 3% for the mass of an individual product and 2.5% of the average weight of 10 products; for bakery products it depends on the type and standard weight of the product and varies for one product - from 3 to 6%, for an average mass of 10 products - from 2.5 to 4%.

Determination of the mass of an individual product is carried out by weighing at least 10 pieces. products without packaging.

Physical and chemical indicators: humidity (%), acidity (єН), porosity (%); in improved and rich products, it is possible to normalize the mass fraction of sugar and fat (%).

The moisture content of products varies depending on the type, variety and recipe (%): for rye bread - 46-54; rye-wheat - 41-53; for wheat - 39-50; for bakery products - 34-45.5.

The acidity of bread depends on the method of preparation and the type of flour, it affects the taste of bread. Rye products made with sourdough have a higher acidity (7-11 єН for bread made from rye seed flour and from rye wholemeal flour 8-13 єН) than wheat products (2.5-3.5 єN from premium flour and 4 ,5-8 єN - wheat wholemeal flour).

The porosity of wheat bread is higher (54-68%) than that of rye bread (44-50%), that of molded bread is higher than that of hearth bread by 2-3% when baking from the same raw materials. Increasing the grade of flour used increases porosity. Porosity is understood as the ratio of the pore volume of the crumb to the total volume of the bread crumb, expressed as a percentage. The porosity of bread, taking into account its structure (pore size, uniformity, wall thickness), characterizes an important property of bread - its greater or lesser digestibility.

Porosity is not standardized for small-piece bakery products and some dietary breads.

In improved and rich products, the content of sugar and fat is normalized, deviations are allowed - 0.5-1%.

Safety indicators include the content of toxic elements, mycotoxins, pesticides, radionuclides, which should not exceed the allowable levels established by biomedical requirements and sanitary quality standards. The list of specific indicators for bakery products includes: foreign inclusions, crunch from mineral impurities, signs of disease and mold, the content of metal-magnetic impurities, pest infestation of grain stocks.

Bakery products are short-term storage products. Most often, when certifying bakery products, schemes are used that are used for mass-produced products.

For mass-produced products of short-term storage, certification of the quality system or production facilities is provided (possibly for a period of 3 years). Inspection control at the discretion of the certification body is carried out periodically, but at least once a year. If the results of the inspection control of certified production are positive, it may only be necessary to confirm the previously issued certificate, and not issue a new one. Simultaneously with the certificate of conformity for products, the certification body issues a license to the manufacturer for the right to label products with the mark of conformity.

2. Practical part

1 Structure and organization of the enterprise

The object of the study is the retail network "Prospect". Chelyabinsk residents have long known the stores of the Prospekt retail chain and actively use their services. More recently, these stores had different names and looked different. So, for example, "Mayak" on Pobedy Avenue and "Pervoozerny" on Mamin. The management decided to create a single network that would satisfy customers not only with a variety of goods and services, but also be recognizable in every point of the city. Thus, a new brand was born. This is how Prospect was born.

Shops have been refurbished and equipment replaced. Now they fully comply with European standards of supermarkets. Now the retail network of stores "PROSPECT" is distinguished by a large assortment of goods and its clear location in sections, quality service. Here you can find everything: from a freshly baked bun to a favorite toy for your baby.

Speaking of kids, so that the child would not be bored walking around the store in Prospect, you can take a cart in the form of a children's car. While the child is driving down the aisles of the supermarket, parents can focus on what they need. To date, the Prospekt retail chain includes twelve stores:

· Victory Avenue, 137

· Victory Avenue, 163

· st. Mamina, 15 (TC Pervoozerny)

· st. Salyutnaya, 27 (TK Tower)

st. Khokhryakova, 21

st. Kuznetsova, 12

· Komsomolsky prospect, 74 (TK Goods from A to Z)

st. Salyutnaya, 10

· st. Engels, 65 (TC Goods for the home)

· st. Vorovskogo, 6 (TRK Ural)

· st. Zwillinga, 25 (TRK Cuba)

· Krasnopolsky prospect, 17 B

RS "Prospekt" company cares about meeting any needs of customers. In the retail network, each person can find for himself what he needs, from essential products to the most exotic goods.

The pricing policy is focused on the average and wealthy audience - attractive prices at the store level - multiformer. This organization has a charter of the enterprise, a certificate of registration of the enterprise, a certificate of registration with the tax authorities. The activity of the enterprise complies with the requirements of SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them", which confirms the issued sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

The direct object of study of my thesis is LLC "Success" minimarket "North-Vostochny", which was opened on April 10, 2006 in the city of Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk region at the address st. Khokhryakova, 21. The building is located in the Traktorozavodsky district, next to residential buildings, which ensures a large flow of customers. There is also parking for cars. Opening hours: from 8.00 to 23.00 without breaks and days off.

According to the charter, the minimarket "North-Vostochny" is designated as a branch of the RS "Prospekt", and, therefore, it performs part of the functions of the company and is endowed with the property that created its legal entity. Therefore, the minimarket operates on the basis of the Charter.

The main objectives of the minimarket are:

comprehensive satisfaction of customer demand;

Receiving a profit;

The specialization of the store is caused by the complexity of the range of individual product groups, as well as the need for special premises and equipment for some goods, so this trading enterprise should be classified as a mixed store designed for both food and non-food products.

The typification of the store includes: the availability of uniforms of the same color for the attendants. The uniform of the sales assistants consists of a T-shirt, a red biret, which corresponds to their own corporate identity, the cashiers have a red vest, biret, tie and a yellow shirt. In terms of product specialization, a trading enterprise can be classified as a combined one that combines several product groups that are related in terms of common demand and satisfy a certain range of needs (trade in food products). The store has a buyer's corner, where the "Book of reviews and suggestions" is located, all entries left in it are considered within 3 days.

The company carries out trade in the form of self-service, one of the most convenient methods for selling goods for buyers. Self-service allows you to speed up the operation of selling goods, increase the throughput of the store, increase the volume of sales of goods with minimal labor costs.

The store employs 50 people. Sales personnel work in shifts, work schedule 2/2, except for managers.

The management of the activity of this enterprise is carried out by its owners - founders, among whom the direct management is carried out by the commercial director of the enterprise.

The commercial director manages the enterprise in accordance with the current legislation of the economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise, bearing full responsibility for the consequences of the decisions made, the safety and efficient use of the enterprise's property, as well as the financial and economic results of its activities.

The director makes decisions on all functional structures of the enterprise through the management apparatus.

The structure of the staff of the minimarket "North-Vostochny" has a hierarchical structure. The staff list includes: The managers of the following areas report directly to the manager:

) Administrative direction of activity - Administrators of the trading floor, Senior cashiers, Senior shifts of sellers, Sellers, Cashiers and Workers;

) Trade direction of activity - Senior merchandisers-operators, Experts in acceptance of goods.

Manager - coordinates the work of sellers, draws up applications for products, works with suppliers, monitors the conduct of monthly accounting and draws up a report on the results of activities.

) The accountant performs work on various areas of accounting (accounting for fixed assets, inventories, sales costs, results of financial and economic activities, settlements with suppliers). It calculates and transfers taxes to the budget and off-budget funds, funds for financing capital investments, staff salaries and other payments and payments. Prepares data for the relevant areas of accounting and draws up reports, monitors the safety of accounting documents, draws them up in accordance with the established procedure for transfer to the archive.

Sellers prepare goods for sale. The merchandiser of acceptance carries out the acceptance and storage of goods.

) Information and technical direction of activity - Senior Administrator and Assistant Administrator, Merchandise Operator, Accountant and Employee of the Computer Department.

) Economic activity - Engineer, Worker.

All persons working in the store are financially responsible and, when signing an employment contract, they sign an agreement on individual and collective liability.

For the implementation of economic activities, the minimarket "North-Vostochny" has an appropriate material and technical base. The composition of material assets includes:

building - an object that provides conditions for the trading process, preparation and sale of goods;

warehouses necessary for storage, maintenance of commodity stocks, pre-sale preparation of goods;

structures - engineering and construction devices designed to receive and ship goods.

The store under study includes warehouses and a trading floor, the layout of which has a significant impact on the efficiency of product distribution:

unloading platforms are adjacent to the premises for receiving goods;

the premises for acceptance are located in close proximity to the warehouses of the store;

premises for storage of goods are not walkable. This layout allows for the rational organization of the trade and technological process.

The store has 2 warehouses, each of which is designed to store a certain type of goods: for storing beer and soft drinks, groceries, non-food products, cold stores.

The retail spaces are the main ones in the store. These include, first of all, the trading floor. The trading floor has an aspect ratio of 1:3, which provides optimal conditions for organizing the sale of goods. The minimarket uses a linear layout of the trading floor, when the arrangement of equipment and aisles for customers are planned in the form of parallel lines. At the same time, part of the equipment is installed along the walls of the trading floor, which makes it possible to use its area more efficiently. This not only contributes to compliance with the requirements of a rational organization of trading operations, but also provides buyers with the opportunity to be well versed in the placement of product groups and make purchases in the shortest possible time.

The trading floor is divided into departments: culture, household chemicals, the drinks department, where alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are sold, the vegetables department, the gastronomic department, which includes the sale of salads, fish and meat products, are located separately from the main placement of other goods.

In any minimarket, as in this one, there are cash desks, which also belong to the material and technical base. The checkout area consists of ten cash desks, which, using a barcode scanner, read information and independently enter it into the check, calculate the amount of purchase and change, and then print the check using printers. This is the main material base of the Sevoro-Vostochny minimarket, as well as trolleys and baskets for buying goods, knives for cutting weight products, stepladders, platforms for transporting goods, pallets for storing them.

Thus, the assessment of the material and technical base of the minimarket showed that the layout of the store is rational. The store has everything necessary for normal trading activities and the process of product distribution equipment: weight-measuring, settlement and cash, refrigeration, trade inventory, which meets the basic requirements (aesthetic, operational, sanitary and hygienic, metrological, safety, reliability) and contributes to high-quality and fast customer service, reducing injuries, facilitating the work of employees.

2 Activities of the enterprise for labor protection

Occupational safety is a system for ensuring the safety of life and health of workers in the course of work, which includes legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, medical and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

The legislation of the Russian Federation on labor protection is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which enshrines and guarantees the human right to safe work.

In the field of labor protection at enterprises and institutions, the main legislative acts are the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the Civil Code (Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The main legislative acts that ensure safe and harmless working conditions are presented in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes the liability of employers as a result of causing harm to an employee at work (Articles 1064-1083), and also determines the forms and amount of compensation for harm caused to the life and health of a citizen (Articles 1084-1101).

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the legal basis for regulating relations in the field of labor protection between employers and employees. It deals with a wide range of issues related to the specific solution of the problems of labor protection of individuals who have entered into labor relations with the employer.

In addition, legislative acts and regulatory documents on life safety issues include:

Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 181 - FZ "On the Basics of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation", adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on June 23, 1999;

Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses;

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 68 - FZ "On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Technical Emergencies";

Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123 - "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements";

Federal Law of July 21, 1997, No. 116 - FZ "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities";

Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52 - FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population";

Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125 - FZ "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases".

One of the main federal laws in the field of labor protection is the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 181 - FZ "On the Fundamentals of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation". In accordance with this law, the Government of the Russian Federation approved Decree No. 399 dated May 23, 2000 “On regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection”. This Decree establishes that on the territory of the Russian Federation there is a system of regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection, consisting of intersectoral and sectoral rules and standard instructions for labor protection, construction and sanitary norms and rules, rules and instructions for safety, device rules and safe operation, a set of rules for design and construction, hygiene standards and state labor safety standards.

The same Decree approved the List of types of regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection. The specified List includes the following types of normative legal acts:

1)intersectoral rules on labor protection (POT RM), intersectoral standard instructions on labor protection (TI RM);

2)industry rules for labor protection (POT RO), standard instructions for labor protection (TI RO). Approved by the relevant federal executive authorities;

)safety rules (PB). Rules for the design and safety of operation (PUBE), safety instructions (IB);

)state standards of the system of labor safety standards (GOST R SSBT). Approved by Gosstandart of the Russian Federation and Gosstroy of the Russian Federation;

)building codes and regulations (SNiP), codes of practice for design and construction (SP);

)state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations, sanitary rules and norms - SanPiN, sanitary standards - SN.

The main obligations to ensure safe labor protection conditions in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the Law are assigned to the employer. The employer, in particular, is obliged to ensure:

the safety of workers during the operation of buildings, structures, equipment, the implementation of technological processes, as well as the raw materials and materials used in the production;

correct and timely use of means of individual and collective protection of workers;

the working conditions of employees at each workplace that meet the requirements of labor protection;

the regime of work and rest of employees in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

purchase at own expense and issue to personnel of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, washing and disinfecting agents in accordance with established standards for employees employed in work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution;

training in safe methods and techniques for performing assigned work, briefing on labor protection, internships at the workplace of employees and testing their knowledge of labor protection requirements, preventing people from work who have not passed the specified stages of training in the prescribed manner, instruction, training and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements ;

organization of control over the state of working conditions at workplaces, as well as the correct use of personal and collective protective equipment by employees;

certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions, followed by certification of work on labor protection in the organization;

conducting at their own expense mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations (examinations) of employees, extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) of employees at their request in accordance with medical recommendations while retaining their place of work ( positions) and average earnings at the time of passing the specified medical examinations;

preventing employees from performing their labor duties without undergoing mandatory medical examinations, as well as in case of medical contraindications;

informing employees about the conditions and labor protection at the workplace, about the existing risk of damage to health and the compensations and personal protective equipment due to them (risk is a quantitative characteristic of the action of hazards generated by specific human activities, that is, the number of deaths, the number of cases of illness, cases of temporary and permanent disability (disability) caused by the action of a specific danger on a person, including electric current, harmful substances, moving objects, etc., attributed to a certain number of employees for a specific period of time);

provision of state labor protection authorities, state supervision and control over compliance with labor protection requirements with the necessary information and documents required for the exercise of their powers;

taking all necessary measures to prevent emergency situations, preserve the life and health of workers in the event of such situations, including the provision of first aid to injured workers;

investigation in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation of accidents at work and occupational diseases;

sanitary and household and medical and preventive maintenance of employees in accordance with the established requirements of labor protection;

unhindered admission of officials of state labor protection authorities, state supervision and control over compliance with labor protection requirements, bodies of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as representatives of public control bodies for the purpose of conducting inspections of the conditions and labor protection in the organization and investigating accidents at work and occupational diseases;

clear and complete implementation of the instructions of officials of state supervision and control over compliance with labor protection requirements and consideration of submissions from public control bodies within the time limits established by law;

timely familiarization of employees with the requirements of labor protection.

The manager is responsible for carrying out these activities in the store, and he is also responsible for the timely briefing of employees. Occupational safety training under the technical minimum program is mandatory for employees whose activities are directly related to the operation of trade, technological and other equipment used by the store. With newcomers to work, a safety briefing is carried out, after which they issue a magazine where it is described, and at the bottom you need to sign, read it, read it, understood it. During the operation of any equipment, the employee is given a briefing, which clearly describes the device and safe working methods. Registration is carried out in a special journal with a mandatory signature. Once a month, repeated briefings are held, and unscheduled briefings are also held. Once every six months, a fire safety instructor comes, which is also recorded in a special journal. Responsibility for compliance with fire safety measures rests with the store manager and section managers, but basically managers monitor this so that fire safety measures are carried out, fire fighting equipment is purchased: fire extinguishers, shields, shovels, shovels, buckets. All fire-fighting equipment is located in specially designated places, in red glass boxes, so that in case of a fire you can simply break the glass and get the necessary equipment. For better organization of fire safety measures, there is a fire alarm system: in the event of a fire, a sensor is triggered and a fire signal is immediately sent to the store and to the fire brigade. In addition, a fire hydrant is important, as it provides good protection. Stairwells for a safe exit are always free, which is controlled by the store manager. The temperature in the store does not exceed 20-22 ºC in winter, as the heating is good, in summer the temperature is regulated by fans and air conditioners. The store is well lit, which ensures the correct perception of goods by customers and does not spoil their eyesight. Fluorescent lamps are used, this is a big plus for the store. The store has a cleaning lady who cleans the floors every day during the day and before closing the store, and the sellers themselves dust the windows every morning of every working day.

In general, the organization of labor protection and safety measures at the store is in a satisfactory condition.

The store has 15 occupational safety instructions for all employees - from introductory briefing, safety briefing, first aid, to occupational safety briefing for a cleaning lady working in a trade organization. All types of briefings are held once every six months and do not need additions, because all the rules are observed.

The most important place in the store is given to fire safety. There is an evacuation plan and a list of what to do in case of fire.

One of the components of labor protection of employees in the performance of their labor duties is to ensure fire safety in the course of their work. Fire safety provides for the creation of safe conditions for people and the preservation of material assets of a legal entity at all stages of its implementation.

The main legislative acts in the field of fire safety are the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ "On Fire Safety" and the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123 - FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements".

These laws define the general legal, economic and social foundations for ensuring fire safety on the territory of the Russian Federation, regulate the relationship between state authorities, local governments, legal entities and other business entities, regardless of their organizational and legal forms of ownership, as well as between public associations , officials and individuals.

In accordance with these laws, the fire safety system is a set of forces and means, as well as measures of a legal, organizational, economic, social, scientific and technical nature, aimed at fighting fires. The subjects that ensure the implementation of the established fire safety requirements are individuals and legal entities, state authorities and local governments.

3 Characteristics of the range of goods sold at the enterprise LLC "Success"

Minimarket "North-Vostochny" can be attributed to a department store, as it sells a universal range of food and non-food products. The store has a mixed assortment, which is a set of goods of different groups, types, names, characterized by a wide variety of functional purposes. A large share in the assortment structure is occupied by food products (more than 70%). On sale are mainly goods of daily demand (the most often and even daily purchased by the population) and periodic demand (goods, the purchase of which is carried out periodically).

The formation of the assortment of goods in the store has its own specifics and depends on a number of factors. The following factors influence the construction of the assortment: the size of the store, its technical equipment; terms of supply; availability of permanent suppliers; population served.

Since the store has a fairly large sales area (70+145m 2), then it has the ability to include a significant number of various products in the assortment - there is enough free space for laying out several thousand items of products (Figure 1)

Figure 1 - The structure of the assortment of the Voskhod store

The formation of the assortment of goods in a given trading enterprise is strongly influenced by the social composition of the population served, the nature of its labor activity, social security and income level.

The Severo-Vostochny minimarket receives goods from many local and non-resident suppliers.

All products supplied by these suppliers are of high quality, comply with all norms and standards, are in great demand among customers and have a positive effect on the store's profit.

The main suppliers of bread and bakery products in the minimarket "North-Vostochny" are: OJSC "First Bakery" - 25%; JSC Khlebprom - 24%; OJSC Chelyabinsk Bakery No. 5 - 23%; Soyuzpischeprom - 16%; OJSC "Kopeysky Khlebokombinat" - 12% (Picture 2).

Figure 2 - The structure of the assortment of bakery products by suppliers

The largest share among bakery products in the Severo-Vostochny minimarket is occupied by the products of OAO Perviy Khlebokombinat and OAO OAO Khlebprom; the products of OAO Kopeysky Khlebokombinat are the least represented in the assortment. Consider the assortment of each of the suppliers of bread and bakery products (table 5)

Table 5 - The structure of the assortment of bread and bakery products supplied in the minimarket "North-Vostochny"

Name of the supplierBread WheatRye breadRye-wheat and wheat-ryeBakery productsNational bakery productsOJSC "First bakery"Bread Wheat 1s. 0.6 kg Ukrainian bread 0.7 kg; 0.35kg, Riga Bread 0.4kg; Bread Borodinsky 0.35 kg Long loaf Sliced ​​0.4 kg Long loaf Student 0.3 kg OAO Khlebprom Wheat bread 1 s 0.5 kg; Bread with bran 1s. 0.3kg Bread Darnitsky 1c 0.5kg; Bread KishenevskyBaton French; Challah Wicker 0.3kg Matnakash; Lavash. OAO Chelyabinsk Bakery No. 5 Table bread 0.3 kg; Bread Polyushko 0.27kg; Toast bread for dinner 0.5 kg Rustic bread 0.7 kg; Bread Russian 0.7kg, 0.35kg; Bread Timiryazevsky 0.5 kg; Long loaf Milky 0.25kg; Cheese loaf 0.2 kg "Union food industry" Road bread 0.6 kg; Bread Golden 0.5kg; Bread Picnic 0.5 kg; Moscow Bread 0.5 kg Slavic Bread 0.5 kg; Bread Riga 0.5 kg; Bread Ukrainian 0.65kg; Fragrant bread 0.5 kg. Stolichny loaf 0.4 kgOJSC "Kopeysky bakery" Wheat bread 1s. 0.6 kg. Bran 0.5kg Homemade hearth; Ural Bread 0.6 kg Rye-Wheat Bread 0.3 kg; Merchant bread 0.4kg; Bread Riga 0.4kg Long loaf Turkish 0.4 kg. Sliced ​​loaf 0.4 kg. Long loaf Braided 0.4 kg. Baton Special 0.4 kg.

According to the table, the store offers a wide range of Wheat Bread - 12 items; Rye-wheat and wheat-rye bread - 17 items; Bakery products - 11 items.

We can say that there is no assortment of Rye bread - 1 item and an assortment of national bakery products - 2 items (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - The structure of the assortment of bakery products sold in the inimarket "North-Vostochny"

According to table 5, the largest number of bakery products goes on sale weighing 0.5 kg (32%) and 0.4 kg (24%) - this is due to consumer demand. Bakery products weighing 0.7 kg (10%) and 0.6 kg (7%) are sold in smaller quantities, since the demand for them is lower. Bakery products are produced with a mass of 0.35 kg (10%); 0.3kg (12%); 0.25kg (5%) (Figure 4).

Let's compare the number of sold bakery products by groups for 1 day (table 6).

Figure 4 - The structure of the assortment of bakery products sold in the Voskhod store, by weight

Table 6 - The number of bakery products sold in the store for 1 day

Name of the supplier Wheat bread, pcs. Rye bread, pcs. Rye-wheat and wheat-rye, pcs. Bakery products, pcs. National bakery products, pcs. Soyuz pishcheprom»133183OJSC «Kopeysky bakery»76863520

As can be seen from Table 6, the leading position in terms of sales is occupied by Wheat bread - 197 pieces and Rye-wheat bread - 193 pieces per day, and rye bread is almost absent - 3 pieces per day (Figure 5).

We can say that this distribution in the assortment structure corresponds to demand. What type of product is best sold, and that is supplied in large quantities.

Figure 5 - The volume of bakery products sold in 1 day

Bread and bakery products are delivered to the store in packaging and without it. Of the entire range of bread and bakery products sold in the store, the largest share falls on bread in PP packaging (43%); PVC (19%); stretch film (15%); in polyethylene film (9%); in paper packaging (5%) and 9% of bakery products continue to arrive at the store without packaging (Figure 6).

Figure 6 - The structure of the assortment of bakery products sold in the Voskhod store, by packaging

Today, manufacturers of bakery products are striving to interest their consumers not only with a new assortment and quality, but cutting of bread products is actively used. This service quite successfully attracts the buyer - sliced ​​​​bread is sold faster. Moreover, this product does not differ in price.

Also, manufacturers began to sell bread for ½ of the mass of the product (cut in half). This applies to the varieties of bread that are in the greatest demand: Wheat 1, 2 varieties; Ukrainian new. This type of service is very convenient for customers who consume bread in small quantities.

Constantly updating the assortment, the store pursues the following goals:

· growth of the competitiveness of the store (product novelties can attract new customers to the store, demonstrating an innovative type of behavior);

· meeting the ever-changing needs of customers;

· reflection in the range of fashion trends;

· compliance with the latest achievements of science and technology, etc.

The desire of the store to constantly update the assortment is based on the belief that consumers perceive new products as products of higher quality and technically more advanced than previously produced. However, there is a certain danger in this: if a novelty product does not meet consumer expectations, this can lead to consumer dissatisfaction and an increase in distrust, both in the manufacturer of the new product and in the store offering a not entirely successful novelty for sale.

2.4 Technological processes carried out at the enterprise

Economic relations are the relations that develop between suppliers and buyers in the supply process.

The main purpose of establishing such links is the formation of a trade assortment and bringing them to consumers.

The system of economic relations includes:

participation of trade organizations in the development by industrial enterprises of plans for the production of goods through applications and orders;

business contracts;

monitoring compliance with contractual obligations;

application of economic sanctions;

checking the quality of the delivered goods;

application of administrative and legal norms.

The supply contract is the main document that defines the obligations and rights of the supplier and buyer for the supply of consumer goods. It is only in writing.

The main objectives of the conclusion of the contract:

legally consolidate the relationship between partners;

give the relationship between partners, the nature of obligations, the implementation of which protects the law;

provide for the consequences of non-fulfillment by partners of their obligations.

The process of concluding an agreement consists of several stages: stage - sending by one party to the other party of a proposal addressed to a specific person, expressing the intention of the person who made the offer to consider himself as having entered into an agreement with the addressee, by whom the proposal will be accepted (Civil Code of the Russian Federation). stage - consideration by the other party suggestions and her response. The answer must be complete and unconditional. After the party that sent the proposal receives a response, the contract is considered concluded only after the settlement of all disagreements between the parties. Stage - the party that sent the proposal receives a response.

At this stage, the response time is of great importance. The contract is considered concluded if the answer is received within the period specified in the proposal.

In the course of business activities, circumstances may arise that make it necessary to amend the contract in a timely manner. The contract can be changed by agreement of the parties. There is a certain procedure for changing the contract. When one of the parties considers it necessary to change the contract, it is obliged to send a proposal to the other party. The other party is obliged to consider the proposals and give an answer within the time period stipulated by the proposals of the initiator. Amendment or addition to the agreement is made in writing by a separate agreement of the parties or a protocol signed by both parties.

Reasons for termination of contractual obligations:

non-performance of the contract;

coincidence of the debtor and the creditor in one person;

release by the creditor of the debtor from his obligations;

agreement of the parties to replace the original obligation;

liquidation of a legal entity;

recognition of the contract as invalid;

impossibility of performance of the contract;

early termination of the contract.

Direct contractual relations are direct contractual relationships between manufacturers and buyers of goods without the participation of other commercial intermediaries.

Retail trade, when establishing direct links with manufacturers, receives higher incomes than when supplying goods through a wholesale link. Purchases of goods are carried out at lower prices due to the reduction in the number of intermediaries.

Direct economic contractual relations have a number of advantages:

the ways and terms of delivery of goods to the retail network are reduced;

the assortment of goods is updated promptly;

the mode of delivery of goods is being improved;

product quality improves.

Application - a document of trade organizations, reflecting their need for goods necessary to fulfill the sales plan.

Order - requirements for the supplier to supply certain, specific goods necessary to meet the demand of the population.

Applications and orders regulate the economic relationship between suppliers and buyers.

The order is provided for when concluding a state contract for the supply of goods for state needs (Article 527 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

On the basis of such an order of the state customer, state control is concluded.

Suppliers are mainly determined by the company itself according to the following criteria:

the lowest prices;

the reputation of an enterprise;

whether the supplier takes the return of goods (poor-quality goods, the expiration date has passed, etc.).

Commodity supply is the final stage in the chain of promotion of goods from the producer to the consumer.

The size and structure of commodity stocks, sales volumes, and the quality of trade services depend on the correct organization of commodity supply.

Merchandising in the minimarket "North-Vostochny" performs the following tasks:

to ensure the receipt of goods at the right place and time and in the required volume and assortment;

meet the demand of consumers as much as possible;

ensure the delivery of goods at the lowest cost;

The following requirements are imposed on the organization of goods supply:

the delivery of goods should be carried out taking into account the demand of the population in the mandatory assortment list established for the store;

the quantity of imported goods should be determined by the type of trading enterprise, the size of its trading area and the volume of trade, etc.

Important for the rational organization of commodity supply is the choice and method of delivery.

The first method is decentralized, it assumes that the importation of goods is carried out by forces and means of retail trade enterprises.

The second method is centralized. It is this method of supply that is used in the minimarket "North-East". The centralized method involves the importation of goods by the forces and means of the supplier. It is more economical. With this method, the selection of goods is carried out both personally and on request.

The range of goods sold in the Severo-Vostochny minimarket is reflected in price lists, which is also very convenient for quickly finding the right group of goods or a supplier.

If we consider the railway, then the goods are only delivered to the company's warehouse, and from there it is transported to stores by road. Goods are delivered to the company's warehouses by rail in large quantities from wholesale depots - fruits, vegetables, etc.

The minimarket "North-East" has a lot of suppliers. Goods are imported by both manufacturers (perishable goods) and intermediaries.

The main suppliers of the Severo-Vostochny minimarket are:

IP Shataeva

IP Kozlova

OOO "Mary"

JSC "Ravis"

JSC "Chebarkul bird"

OJSC "Vostochny"

OJSC "First Bakery"

JSC "Chebarkul Dairy Plant"

OJSC "Chelyabinsk City Dairy Plant"

IP Savushkin and others.

The structure of the trade and technological process is the sequence of performing various operations depending on the degree of economic independence of the trade enterprise, the method used to sell goods, the type, size of the store and other factors.

After choosing suppliers and a range of goods, they are brought to the store.

Acceptance of goods by quality in the store is carried out in accordance with the instructions on the procedure for accepting products of industrial and technical significance and consumer goods in terms of quality (P-7) and the Instruction on the procedure for accepting products for industrial purposes and consumer goods in terms of quantity (P-6 ).

Acceptance of goods by quality in the minimarket "North-Vostochny" is carried out in order to identify the compliance of the goods received with the requirements of standards, specifications, technical descriptions, terms of the contract. Simultaneously with the quality acceptance, the completeness, packaging, packaging, labeling of goods is checked according to the established requirements.

Marking - text, symbols or drawing applied to the packaging or product, as well as other auxiliary means designed to identify the product, bringing this information to the consumer.

The marking contains fundamental, commercial, consumer information. Requirements for information on production labeling are mandatory, which is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Standardization", as well as standards for packaging and labeling products of homogeneous groups. The text of the production label must be legible.

Upon receipt of a new product, the goods manager-acceptor, after its acceptance, enters new barcodes into the database. After acceptance, price tags are made for goods in the control room, then the required amount of goods is taken out to the trading floor, the rest is stored in warehouses.

Goods such as sausages, vegetables, fruits, confectionery, cheeses and some others, before being taken out to the trading floor, are taken away for packaging, then laid out.

In the store, together with the support staff, I sorted, unpacked, packed in the back room and at the seller’s workplace. Many of the goods received in the store cannot be transferred to the trading floor in the same form in which they were delivered, that is, they need to be prepared for sale. It includes such operations as unpacking (exemption from outer packaging) and sorting (grouping products by size, shape, grade, price). Unpacking of goods refers to the operations performed with most goods. When unpacking, the goods are released from the outer shipping container, sorted, i.e. grouped according to assortment characteristics, cleaned of dust, dirt, anti-corrosion lubricants, eliminate their minor defects. All these preparatory operations should be carried out in special rooms with appropriately equipped workplaces. A significant part of food products comes in bulk, and they are packaged directly in stores. Bulk groceries, confectionery, vegetables, fruits are mainly packaged. In stores, goods are packed, as a rule, using the simplest devices or on desktop electronic scales in special rooms with an area of ​​at least 6 m 2. The packaging area is located in the immediate vicinity of the goods storage area and near the trading floor. The workplace of the packer is equipped with appropriate inventory and packaging materials. Before delivery to the trading floor, goods are labeled and placed in trays, baskets, boxes, trolleys or container-equipment.

bread quality organoleptic labeling

3. Experimental part

1 Rationale for the choice and characteristics of the objects of study

Borodino bread can rightfully be considered one of the most popular food products, which is in stable demand not only among the majority of residents of the Russian Federation, but also in countries that were previously part of the USSR. I think there is no such Russian person who has not tried Borodino rye bread at least once in his life. A distinctive feature of Borodino bread can be considered a coriander or cumin topping, which gives the finished bakery product a characteristic taste and aroma.

In accordance with the classic recipe, Borodino bread contains wheat and rye flour, as well as rye malt, yeast, molasses, sugar, coriander, or, in some cases, cumin is used as a topping. There are several versions of the origin of the Borodino bread recipe. One of the versions is connected with the war of 1812 and the site of a major battle on the Borodino field. Perhaps Borodino bread got its name in honor of the place where the recipe for a bakery product was invented.

It happened in the Spaso-Borodino Monastery, which was built with her own money by Margarita Naryshkina, the wife of the famous general Alexander Tuchkov, who died in the Battle of Borodino. The legend says that Abbess Maria, together with the nuns, baked memorial black Borodino bread in memory of her heroically deceased husband and other soldiers. The nuns baked the first Borodino bread from rye flour with the addition of malt and cumin, as well as with the obligatory reading of a prayer. However, in our time, the composition of Borodino bread, like the product itself, has undergone significant changes.

I think not many people know that the composition of rye black bread, so beloved by everyone, contains only 15% rye flour. Many believe that the calorie content of Borodino bread is much lower than that of other varieties of the product. It is worth noting that the average calorie content of Borodino bread corresponds to 207 Kcal, which fall on 100 grams of a bakery product. For comparison, we give the calorie content of white bread made only from wheat flour - 259 Kcal.

The thing is that for the last 40 years, Borodino bread has been made from second-grade wheat flour with the addition of rye flour. True, in fairness it should be noted that in reality there is a clear benefit of Borodino bread for the human body. In order for the benefits of Borodino bread to become obvious, just look at the composition of the bakery product, which contains not only vitamins of the PP and B groups, but also such useful compounds as iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

Nutritionists, as well as doctors, advise regularly eating Borodino bread for people who suffer from constipation, as well as gout and hypertension. Borodino bread contains bran, which helps to increase intestinal motility, and in addition, coriander or caraway seeds help to remove uric acid from the human body. Unfortunately, as is often the case, in addition to the benefits, there is also the harm of Borodino bread.

Doctors do not recommend abusing Borodino bread for patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as enterocolitis and celiac disease. In addition, the harm of Borodino bread can significantly affect people suffering from high acidity of gastric juice. In any case, Borodino bread is harmful only in the case of uncontrolled consumption of the product in food in large quantities.

As an object of study, samples of rye bread were selected, entering the Severo-Vostochny minimarket of LLC Uspekh from various manufacturers and suppliers of the Chelyabinsk region.

Sample - 1 Bread "Borodinsky". JSC "First bakery", Russia, Chelyabinsk.

Sample - 2 Bread "Borodinsky". JSC Khlebprom, Russia, Chelyabinsk.

Sample - 3 Bread “Borodinsky. "Soyuzpishcheprom", Russia, Chelyabinsk.

Sample - 4 Bread "Borodinsky". OJSC Chelyabinsk Khlebozavod No. 5, Russia, Chelyabinsk.

Sample - 5 Bread "Borodinsky". JSC "Kopeysky Khlebokombinat", Russia, Chelyabinsk region.

2 Characteristics of methods for determining quality indicators

When determining the methods for determining quality indicators, I was guided by a standard complex for studying the quality of bread: organoleptic and physico-chemical.

As part of the organoleptic quality assessment, studies were carried out in accordance with GOST 2077-84 "Rye, rye-wheat and wheat-rye bread Specifications". The studied objects were evaluated according to the following indicators: - the appearance of the product (shape, surface, color) is determined by examining it in diffused daylight or with sufficient artificial light. The inspection results are compared with the description in the standards.

to determine the state of the crumb, the product is cut in width and determined transversely, touching the crumb surface in the center of the product with the fingertips. For baked products, the crumb is dry, for insufficiently baked products - wet, raw. Promess and porosity are determined by comparison with the description in the standards.

when determining the taste, a sample of 1–2 g is chewed for 3–5 s and the taste sensations are compared with the description in the standard.

the smell is determined by 2 - 3 single deep inhalation of air through the nose as much as possible from the surface at the beginning of the whole product, and then after cutting it. Attention is drawn to the presence of a taste not characteristic of a bakery product. The taste can be normal, sweet, sour, insipid, bitter, etc. Sometimes the product has foreign odors that affect its taste. The smell of bread is compared with the description in the standard.

According to organoleptic indicators, bakery products must comply with the requirements of the standards.

Table 7 - Organoleptic quality indicators of rye flour bread in accordance with GOST 2077-84.

Indicator nameCharacteristics Appearance: Shape: shaped hearth Surface: shaped hearth Corresponding to the bread form in which baking was made, with a slightly convex upper crust, without side bulges. It is allowed when working on tunnel kilns with a mechanized transfer of 1 - 2 small slips. Without major cracks and undermining, with or without punctures or notches, in accordance with the technical description. It is allowed to have a seam from the divider With gloss at Borodino bread, with the presence of cumin, anise and coriander; the presence of a seam from the divider-stacker is allowed Color dark brown for Borodino bread Condition of the crumb: baked mixture porosity Baked not wet to the touch. Elastic, after light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape. Without lumps and traces of non-message. Developed without voids and seals. Taste Peculiar to the product of this type, without foreign taste. When using food flavoring additives - a taste characteristic of the added flavoring additives.

Physicochemical methods were used to study the following indicators:

crumb moisture. The essence of the method is to dry a sample of the product at a certain temperature and calculate the moisture content.

The crumb is separated from the crusts and carefully crushed with a knife, mixed, and immediately weighed in pre-dried and tared metal weighing bottles with lids, two portions of 5 g each, with an error of not more than 0.01 g.

Samples in open bottles with lids are placed in a preheated SESh - 3M. The temperature in the cabinet drops quickly. Within 10 minutes, it is brought to 130 °C and at this temperature it is continued to dry for 45 minutes. Drying is carried out when the cabinet is fully loaded.

After drying, the bottles are closed with lids and transferred to a desiccator for cooling (20 min). The cooled bottles are weighed again and the amount of evaporated H is determined from the difference between the mass before and after drying. 20 out of 5 g of bread.

Humidity is calculated by the formula:

100 (m 1-m 2)/m,

where m 1- weight of weighed bottle before drying, g 2- weight of weighing bottle with sample after drying, g - weight of sample, g

Humidity is calculated with an accuracy of 0.5%, and fractions up to 0.25 inclusive are discarded, fractions over 0.25 and up to 0.75 inclusive are equated to 0.5; more than 0.75 is equated to one.

acidity. Determination of acidity by the accelerated method. Acidity is expressed in degrees. Samples consisting of one whole product are cut in half in width and a piece weighing about 70 g is cut from one half, in which the crust and subcrustal layer are cut off with a total thickness of about 1 cm.

Weigh 25.0 g crumbs to the nearest 0.01 g. The sample is placed in a dry bottle with a capacity of 500 cm 3 , with a well fitting stopper.

Volumetric flask, 250 ml capacity 3filled to the mark with distilled water, heated to a temperature of 60 ºC. About the taken distilled water is poured into a bottle with crumbs, quickly rubbed with a wooden spatula until a homogeneous mass is obtained, without noticeable pieces and not crushed crumbs.

All the remaining distilled water is added to the resulting mixture from a volumetric flask. The bottle is stoppered and shaken vigorously for 3 minutes. After shaking, the mixture is allowed to settle for 1 minute and the settled liquid layer is carefully poured from a dry flask through cheesecloth.

Then unlock with a 50 cm pipette 3 solution in two conical flasks with a capacity of 100 - 150 ml 3 each and titrated with a solution of sodium hydroxide with a molar concentration of 0.1 mol / dm 3 with 2 - 3 drops of phenolphthalein until a faint pink color is obtained, which does not disappear when the flask is at rest for 1 minute.

Acidity is calculated by the formula:

where X - acidity, deg - volume of sodium hydroxide solution with a molar concentration of 0.1

mol/dm 3 , used for titration of the test solution, cm3

K - correction factor for reducing the solution used

sodium hydroxide to a solution with a concentration of 0.1 mol / dm3 ;

porosity. A piece with a width of at least 7–8 cm is cut out from the middle of the product. Notches are made from a piece of crumb at a distance of at least 1 cm from the crusts with the cylinder of the Zhuravlev device. The sharp edge of the cylinder is pre-lubricated with vegetable oil. Cylinder, introducing rotational movements into the crumb of bread.

The cylinder filled with the crumb is placed on the tray so that the rim fits snugly into the slot in the tray. Then the bread crumb is pushed out of the cylinder with a wooden sleeve about 1 cm and cut off at the edge of the cylinder with a sharp knife. The cut piece of crumb is removed. The crumb remaining in the cylinder is pushed out with a sleeve to the wall of the tray and is also cut off at the edge of the cylinder.

To determine the porosity of the crumb, three cylindrical recesses are made, for rye bread from a mixture of flour - four recesses with a volume of 27 ± (0.5) cm 3 each and weighed simultaneously.

Results processing

P \u003d 100 (V - m / p) / V,

where P - porosity,% - total volume of bread cuts, cm 3- mass of recesses, g - density of the non-porous mass of the crumb

3 The results of the assessment of the completeness of the labeling of the studied samples of bakery products

Consumer and transport labeling served as a means of identifying the studied samples of rye bread.

We will analyze the completeness of the information provided to the consumer in accordance with GOST R 51074-2003 “Food products. Information for the consumer. General requirements".

Table 8 - Research of consumer labeling for compliance with the requirements of GOST R 51074-2003

Normative indicators in accordance with GOST R 51074-2003 Sample - 1 Sample - 2 Sample - 3 Sample - 4 Sample - 5 Net weight or quantity 400 g 400 g 400 g 600 g. 600 g. food, coriander , pressed yeast Peeled rye, wheat flour 1s, sourdough Rural, salt, dry yeast, Monastyrskaya brewing Rye wholemeal flour, wheat flour 2/s, molasses, granulated sugar, fermented rye malt, coriander, pressed yeast, table salt, waterNutritional valueProteins - 6.9 Fats - 1.6 Carbohydrates - 41.5 210 kcal Proteins - 6.9 Fats - 1.6 Carbohydrates - 41.5 210 kcal Proteins - 6.9 Fats - 1.6 Carbohydrates - 41.5 210 kcal Proteins - 6.9 Fats - 1.6 Carbohydrates - 41.5 210 kcal Proteins - 7.2 Fats - 1.3 Carbohydrates - 58.9 242 kcalNutritional value (content vitamin)-----Date of manufacture and packagingManufactured and packaged 02/05/15Manufactured and packaged 02/05/15Manufactured and packaged 02/05/15Manufactured and packaged 02/05/15Manufactured and packaged 02/05/15Shelf life no more than 3 days no more than 3 days no more than 3 days no more than 3 days no more 3 days Information on confirmation of conformityPST markPST markPST markPST markPST markCompliance with GOSTspondsName and location of the manufacturer (legal address) JSC "First Bakery": 454091, Chelyabinsk, st. 3rd International, d. 107JSC Khlebprom: 454085 Chelyabinsk, st. Molodogvardeytsev, 2a "Soyuzpishcheprom": 454080, Chelyabinsk, Melkombinat-2, site 1, house 37 OAO Chelyabinsk Bakery No. 5: 454038 Chelyabinsk, st. Khlebozavodskaya, 20 JSC "Kopeysky Khlebokombinat": 456602 Chelyabinsk region, Kopeysk, st. Obukhova, 2Product nameBread "Borodinsky"Bread "Borodinsky"Bread "Borodinsky"Bread "Borodinsky"Bread "Borodinsky"Producer's trademark

When studying the consumer labeling of rye bread, it was found that the labeling of the studied samples from the manufacturers of JSC "First Bakery", JSC "Hlebprom", "Soyuzpishcheprom", JSC Chelyabinsk Khlebozavod No. 5, JSC "Kopeysky Hlebokombinat", fully complies with the requirements of GOST R 51074 - 2003 , which indicates the responsible attitude of manufacturers to one of the most important product parameters - to the labeling, which gives an initial idea of ​​the product.

4 Results of commodity evaluation of the studied samples of bakery products

Having carried out an organoleptic assessment of the quality of the studied samples of rye "Borodinsky" bread, it was revealed:

Table 9 - Characteristics of organoleptic indicators of rye bread JSC "First bakery"

The studied sample of bread, as can be seen from Table 9, is of high quality in terms of organoleptic indicators, as it corresponds to the characteristics specified in the standards.

Table 10 - Characteristics of organoleptic indicators of rye bread JSC "Hlebprom"

Name of indicatorCharacteristic according to GOST 2077-84Characteristic actual Appearance: shape surface color Rounded, oval or oblong - oval, not vague without prints. Without major cracks and undermining, with or without punctures or notches, in accordance with the technical description. Dark brown for Borodino bread; from light brown to dark brown for other types of bread. oblong - oval, not indistinct without imprints. Without major cracks and undermining. Dark brown. Condition of the crumb: baked-in mix porosity Baked, not moist to the touch. Elastic, after light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape. Without lumps and traces of non-message. Developed without voids and seals Baked, not moist to the touch; elastic, after light pressure with a finger, it returns to its original shape without traces of non-message without voids and seals impurities, with a slight aroma of cumin, anise

The studied sample of bread, as can be seen from Table 10, is of high quality in terms of organoleptic indicators, as it corresponds to the characteristics specified in the standards.

The studied sample of bread, as can be seen from Table 11, is of high quality in terms of organoleptic indicators, as it corresponds to the characteristics specified in the standards.

Table 11 - Characteristics of the organoleptic indicators of rye bread "Soyuzpischeprom"

Name of indicatorCharacteristic according to GOST 2077-84Characteristic actual Appearance: shape surface color Rounded, oval or oblong - oval, not vague without prints. Without major cracks and undermining, with or without punctures or notches, in accordance with the technical description. Dark brown for Borodino bread; from light brown to dark brown for other types of bread. oblong - oval, not indistinct without imprints. Without major cracks and undermining. Dark brown. Condition of the crumb: baked-in mix porosity Baked, not moist to the touch. Elastic, after light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape. Without lumps and traces of non-message. Developed without voids and seals Baked, not moist to the touch; elastic, after light pressure with a finger, it returns to its original shape without traces of non-message without voids and seals impurities, with a slight aroma of cumin, anise

Table 12 - Characteristics of the organoleptic indicators of rye bread JSC Chelyabinsk "Khlebozavod No. 5"

Name of indicatorCharacteristic according to GOST 2077-84Characteristic actual Appearance: shape surface color Rounded, oval or oblong - oval, not vague without prints. Without major cracks and undermining, with or without punctures or notches, in accordance with the technical description. Dark brown for Borodino bread; from light brown to dark brown for other types of bread. oblong - oval, not indistinct without imprints. Without large cracks and explosions Dark brown Indicator name Characteristic according to GOST 2077-84 Actual characteristic Condition of the crumb: bakedness mixed porosity Baked, not wet to the touch. Elastic, after light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape. Without lumps and traces of non-message. Developed without voids and seals Baked, not moist to the touch; elastic, after light pressure with a finger, it returns to its original shape without traces of non-message without voids and seals impurities, with a slight aroma of cumin, anise

The studied sample of bread, as can be seen from Table 12, is of high quality in terms of organoleptic indicators, as it corresponds to the characteristics specified in the standards.

The studied sample of bread, as can be seen from Table 13, is of high quality in terms of organoleptic indicators, as it corresponds to the characteristics specified in the standards.

According to the results of the research, we can conclude that the rules and regulations are strictly observed in the production of bread from rye flour; on the correct selection of raw materials, compliance with the recipe, fermentation, proofing and baking of bakery products; on careful compliance with the requirements of standards for all organoleptic indicators when releasing products for sale.

Organoleptic quality indicators are available, simple, but not reliable enough to assess product quality, therefore, they are usually supplemented by physical and chemical indicators.

In accordance with the requirements of the standards, the main physical and chemical indicators of the quality of bakery products are: humidity, acidity, porosity.

Table 13 - Characteristics of organoleptic indicators of rye bread JSC "Kopeysky bakery"

Name of indicatorCharacteristic according to GOST 2077-84Characteristic actual Appearance: shape surface color Rounded, oval or oblong - oval, not vague without prints. Without major cracks and undermining, with or without punctures or notches, in accordance with the technical description. Dark brown for Borodino bread; from light brown to dark brown for other types of bread. oblong - oval, not indistinct without imprints. Without major cracks and undermining. Dark brown. Condition of the crumb: baked-in mix porosity Baked, not moist to the touch. Elastic, after light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape. Without lumps and traces of non-message. Developed without voids and seals Baked, not moist to the touch; elastic, after light pressure with a finger, it takes its original shape without traces of non-message, without voids and seals Name of indicator Characteristic according to GOST 2077-84 anise or coriander The smell is pleasant, without impurities, with a slight aroma of cumin, anise

Determination of bread moisture is carried out according to GOST 21094 - 75 “Bread and bakery products. Moisture Determination Method.

Table 14 - Results of determining the moisture content of the studied samples

Name of producers of "Borodino" breadHumidity according to the standard, not more than % Moisture content of the studied samples, %OJSC "First bakery"4646JSC "Hlebprom"4643"Soyuzpishcheprom"4642JSC "Chelyabinsk bakery No. 5"4645JSC "Kopeysky bakery"4644

Let's more clearly display the data of Table 14 in Figure 7, which shows that the objects under study in terms of moisture content meet the requirements of the standard. This indicates that during the production of these products, the dosages of water, the conditions of fermentation and baking, as well as compliance with the conditions and terms of storage, were observed.

Figure 7 - Bread moisture index, %

The studied moisture content of these samples are within the norm and do not go beyond the limits of permissible values, meets the requirements of the standard. This suggests that during the production of these products, water dosages, fermentation and baking conditions, as well as compliance with storage conditions and terms were observed.

The results of assessing the quality of the studied bread samples in terms of acidity are presented in table 15.

The objects of study in terms of acidity correspond to the norms stipulated by the standard, which indicates the use of benign yeast for the manufacture of these products, as well as the correct conduct of the fermentation process of dough pieces.

The results of assessing the quality of the studied bread samples in terms of porosity are presented in table 16.

Table 15 - Results of the study of bread samples in terms of acidity

Name of producers of "Borodinsky" bread Acidity according to the standard, deg. no more Acidity of the test samples, deg.

More clearly display the data of table 15 in Figure 8

Table 16 - The results of the study of bread samples in terms of porosity

Name of producers of "Borodinsky" bread Porosity according to the standard, % not less than Porosity of the studied samples, % JSC "First bakery"4650 JSC "Hlebprom" 4647 "Soyuzpishcheprom" 4649 JSC "Chelyabinsk bakery No. 5" 4646.5 JSC "Kopeysky bakery" 4648

Figure 8

From table 16 it can be seen that the porosity indicators of all the studied bread samples correspond to the standards of the standard.

Conclusions and offers

In the course of the thesis, the goal was achieved: commodity assessment of quality and optimization of the range of bakery products sold in the Prospekt retail chain.

To achieve it, tasks were solved that made it possible to obtain the following conclusions:

As a result of studying the theoretical material, it was found out that bread and bakery products remain the most consumed product and occupy an important place in the human diet; the nutritional value of bread and bakery products is determined by the chemical composition of the feedstock, as well as the additives included in the recipe and is characterized by digestibility, energy, physiological and biological value; the main raw material for the production of bread is wheat flour, water, salt, yeast, and additional - sugar, fat, as well as various vitamin and mineral mixtures, improvers and non-traditional additives for baking, affecting the nutritional value of bread; when storing bread and bakery products, their quality and properties change, caused by such processes as staling, shrinkage and disease, therefore, it is important to observe the conditions and terms of storage.

As a result of getting acquainted with the main aspects of the activity of the LLC "Success" enterprise, the minimarket "North-Vostochny" found out: the history of the development of LLC "Success" began in 2006. The top management is the general director, who exercises full management of the enterprise, including its commercial work. The main activity of the minimarket "North-Vostochny" is the sale of food products to the population. The assortment of the store meets the needs of customers, is constantly updated and replenished with new products. The assortment of bakery products is quite diverse, which is important for the population of our city. After analyzing the assortment of bread and bakery products sold by the Severo-Vostochny minimarket, we came to the conclusion that wheat-rye and rye-wheat bread are quite diverse - 17 items, wheat bread is in second place - 12 items. Pshenichny 1s bread occupies the leading position in terms of sales, about 200 loaves are sold per day. We paid special attention to packaged bread, finding out that PP packaging is the most common. About 43% of bakery products are delivered in this package, which helps to maintain the quality and presentation of the products sold. The main suppliers of bread and bakery products in the minimarket "North-Vostochny" are OJSC "First Bakery"; JSC Khlebprom; OJSC "Chelyabinsk Bakery No. 5"; Soyuzpischeprom; JSC "Kopeysky bakery" To conduct research, we selected samples of bread sold in LLC "Success" minimarket "Severo-Vostochny" of the following names: bread "Borodinsky" OJSC "First Hlebokombinat", bread "Borodinsky" OJSC "Hlebprom", bread "Borodinsky "Soyuzpishcheprom", bread "Borodinsky" OJSC Chelyabinsk Khlebozavod No. 5, bread "Borodinsky" OJSC "Kopeysky bakery".

Analysis of the data obtained after the experiments showed:

According to organoleptic indicators, all the studied bread samples fully comply with the requirements of regulatory documents, which indicates that they are made from high-quality raw materials, in compliance with all norms and rules.

In terms of physico-chemical parameters, during the study of the presented samples, it turned out that when determining moisture content, porosity and acidity, everything was within the normal range of the standard. This also confirms the high quality of the products sold.

Based on the research carried out, the following suggestions can be made:

· maintain the formed assortment of bread and bakery products, monitor the quality of the products sold, so that the buyer can always purchase any product with pleasure in the Severo-Vostochny minimarket;

· to replenish the assortment of bakery products with new samples, for example, bread for medical and preventive purposes. The components introduced into its formulation, which impart therapeutic and prophylactic properties, can effectively solve the problem of preventing and treating various diseases associated with a deficiency of certain substances.

· hold mass tasting and consumer conferences for the presentation of these products.


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Tags: Commodity assessment of the quality and optimization of the range of bakery products sold in the distribution network Diploma Marketing

State Autonomous Vocational Educational Institution of the Saratov Region Volga Region College of Technology and Management

State Autonomous Vocational Educational Institution
Saratov region
Volga Region College of Technology and Management
Department of Information Technology and Programming
Coursework on the topic:
“Analysis of the assortment and quality of bread and
bakery products sold in
enterprise "Magnit"
Completed by a student of group 421
Zakharov Sergey
Balakovo 2017

Analysis of assortment and quality
bakery products is
relevant to the present
time and assumes the main
importance in all physiology

Purpose and objectives of the course work:

Consideration of consumer properties and nutritional value of bakery products
Consideration of the role of bakery products in nutrition, classification and
characteristics of the assortment of bakery products
Consideration of consumer
bakery products
Trading company "Magnit", which is located in the city of Balakovo st. Brothers
Zakharov, 154.

Bread classification:

By weight

Raw material ratio
Mass fraction of sugar
Crumb acidity
Crumb moisture
Mass fraction of fat

Defects in bread and bakery products

foreign smell and taste
creaking of the teeth due to the presence of sand in the flour
pale coloration of the surface of the crust due to
insufficient sugar and gas-forming ability of flour
stickiness and creasing of the bread crumb
spreading of hearth bread, reduced volume and
crumb porosity

Brief description of the trade enterprise "Magnit"

Balakovo st. Brothers Zakharov, 154.
Shop area is 80m², warehouse area is 25m²,
commercial 55m².

Analysis of the structure of the assortment of bakery products at the enterprise "Magnit"

Name of commodity groups
Number of species
Share in assortment, %
Rusks in a package
wheat bread
Rye bread

Analysis of assortment indicators at the enterprise "Magnit"

Name of indicator
Indicator value, %
Latitude coefficient (Ksh)
27/ 31 *100%
Depth Ratio (Kg)
27/30 * 100%
Novelty coefficient (Kn)
5/27 * 100%
Stability factor (Ku)
10/27 * 100%
Completeness factor (Kp)
27/30 * 100%

Organoleptic analysis of 1 sample: Bagel "Sdobnaya"

Requirements according to GOST No. 7128-3
Compliance in fact
oval or round
oval or round
corresponds to GOST

also small cracks.
matches, but
no gloss
from light yellow to dark brown. from light yellow to dark brown.

and allowed
product contamination
product contamination
corresponds to GOST
internal state
smashed, baked, no signs smashed, baked, no signs
corresponds to GOST

musty or other foreign taste.
corresponds to GOST

musty or other foreign smell.
corresponds to GOST

should be brittle and brittle
corresponds to GOST

Organoleptic analysis 2 samples: Bagel "Moscow"

Requirements according to GOST No. 7128-91
Compliance in fact
oval or round
oval or round
corresponds to GOST
glossy, smooth, without swelling and cracks; on glossy, smooth, without blisters and cracks; on
one side is allowed mesh prints, and one side is allowed mesh prints, and
also small cracks.
light yellow
corresponds to GOST
also small cracks.
dark brown. from
light yellow
dark brown.
Dark color and no gloss allowed on Dark color and no gloss allowed on
the side lying on the sheet, mesh or hearth. Not the side lying on the sheet, mesh or hearth. Not
product contamination
internal state
and allowed
product contamination
rotten, baked, without signs of rotten,
corresponding to this type of product, without corresponding to this type of product, without
musty or other foreign taste.
corresponds to GOST
musty or other foreign taste
corresponding to this type of product, without corresponding to this type of product, without
musty or other foreign smell.
musty or other foreign smell.
should be brittle and brittle
should be brittle and brittle
corresponds to GOST
corresponds to GOST
corresponds to GOST
corresponds to GOST


Continuously develop existing
list of bakery products
Carry out a survey from
the number of consumers in the shopping center,
identify more purchased commodity
category of bakery products and
increase the circle of the existing list
bakery products

The company offers traditional and new types of bakery products for sale. The assortment of bakery products is reflected in table 11.

Table 11 Range of bakery products sold by the Agryz RaiPo


1. White bread 1s

2. Black bread

3. Sliced ​​loaf

4. Bread "Harvest"

5. Hearth bread "Capital"

6. Bread "Rustic"

7. Bread "Amateur"

8. White bread

9. Kalach wicker top

10. Pie "Izmalkovsky"

11. Bread "Test"

12. Bun "Pokrovskaya"

13. Bread "Mustard"

14. Bread "Fragrant"

15. Russian pie

16. Loaf "Podmoskovny"

17. Bun "Terbunskaya"

18. Braid with poppy

19. Baton metropolitan

20. Baton with onions

21. Loaf with raisins

22. Bar "Gourmet"

23. Bread "Milk-bran"

24. Bun "Sea buckthorn"

25. Rowan bun

26. Bun "Original"

27. Horn "Borinskiy"

28. Jam bar

29. Bun "Moscow"

30. Muffin "Dobrovskaya"

31. Bun with poppy seeds

32. Bar "Gentle"

33. Bun "Sweet"

34. Bun "Fantasy"

35. Bun "Shell"

36. Roll with poppy seeds

37. Pony cod

38. Vanilla bun

39. Muffin "Izmalkovskaya"

The structure of the assortment of bakery products by the Agryz RaiPo is presented in fig. 3.

Rice. 3 The structure of the assortment of bakery products of the Agryz RaiPo

In the product range of the Agryz RaiPo, the largest share in terms of the number of items presented is occupied by bakery products, including rich ones - 70.7%, bread occupies only 29.3%.

If we analyze the assortment of Agryzsky Raipo in terms of sales, then the structure is completely different: the largest share in sales is 74.7% bread and only 24.3% bakery products. This is due to the fact that bread is consumed more often and in greater volume than rich and other types of bakery products. The structure of the assortment of bakery products in terms of the volume of laying is presented in Figure 4

Rice. 4 The structure of the assortment of bakery products by sales volume of the Agryz RaiPo

Let us analyze the dynamics of changes in the structure of the assortment of the Agryz RaiPo for 2014-2015. The results of the analysis will be displayed in Table 12 and Figure 5.

Table 12 The structure of the assortment of bakery products of the Agryz RaiPo



2014 to 2015

Sale of products

in % of the total

Sale of products

in % of the total

Sale of products

in % of the total

by absolute


from it hearth

shaped round

shaped rectangular

milk bran bread

Bakery products including:

long loaf

Butter products

Total bread and bread-

bakery products

From the calculations in Table 12, it can be seen that the sale of products in 2014 amounted to 2378.2 tons, and in 2015 - 2328.1 tons, and it is obvious that the sale of products increased by 49.9 tons, in percentage terms this is equal to 2.1%. Consequently, the products are in demand among the population, because These are essential products.

Sales of products in 2015 amounted to 2100.4 tons, which is 277.7 tons or 13.2% less than in 2014. Sale of hearth bread in 2005. - 604.60 tons, and in 2006. – 593.9 tons decreased by 10.7 tons. This is due to the fact that the cost of its production is higher than the molded one, and therefore the price for it is appropriate. Sales of "shaped round" bread in 2014 - 595.5 tons, and in 2015 - 560.7 tons, decreased by 34.7 tons.

After analyzing the assortment of bakery products, and in particular bread, we see that sales of all bread for 2015 decreased by 210.7 tons or 13.2%.

Now let's see how the volume of sales of bakery products presented in the Agryz Raipo changes. From table 12 it can be seen that the volume of sales for the loaf of the first grade in 2014. in physical terms amounted to 210.4 tons, and in 2015. - 207.3 tons, i.e. it decreased by 3.1 tons or 1.4%. The volume of sales of high quality long loaf in 2014. amounted to 269.2 tons, in 2015 - 233.5 tons, it decreased by 12.3%. The volume of sales of rich products in 2014. amounted to 107.6 tons, and in 2015. - 80.5 tons, it decreased by 27.1 tons or 25.2%.

After analyzing the range of bakery products, we also see that their total sales decreased by 67 tons or 11.4%.

Figure 5. Dynamics of changes in the range of goods for 2013 - 2015

In terms of production in 2015, there is a downward trend in sales of bakery products. The decline in sales may be due to competition from private entrepreneurs who sell products from other bakeries in their stores and pavilions.