Interesting shifters for all levels. Changeling game

And here is a new contest for your fun and celebration. It will help you relax a little, relax and have fun. Its name is fairy tales. The competition is designed for any audience and for any age. After all, everyone watches fairy tales and everyone loves them. See the game rules, conditions and basic information for the contest.

How to play?
You can play in different ways, for example, by teams. Divide the guests into teams, on the sides of the table. Which team guesses the most wins. And you can have each guest play for himself. In such cases, buy or make tokens that you will give out to the one who gave the correct answer. At the end of the competition, you count the tokens from the guests, and whoever has more of them wins.

Rules of the game.
Here, too, there is nothing complicated. You call the name of the fairy tale in your own way, that is, upside down, and the guests must give the correct answer. To avoid noise and confusion, hand out firecrackers or whistles to guests so that they will sound the signal if they know the answer. If the answer is correct, then this is a ball, if not, then other guests can give their own answer.

What else?
You can play this contest not only with the names of fairy tales, but also take anything you like. For example, the title of songs, books or movies. Many presenters offer their guests to guess the name of the TV shows that they have turned over and encrypted.
Next, we will consider all the most popular options, and you can use any.

By the way!
It is not necessary to take the names of fairy tales. You can use popular expressions from fairy tales or iconic things. Then you will definitely see and understand everything.

Changeling tales:
1. Duck chickens (in a fairy tale: Swan geese)
2. Perch ordered so (in a fairy tale: at the whim)
3. Slender pony (in a fairy tale: The Little Humpbacked Horse)
4. Kommunalka (in a fairy tale: teremok)
5. Goose - bronze foot (in a fairy tale: cockerel - golden comb)
6. Mouse in shales (in a fairy tale: Puss in Boots)
7. Blue panama (in a fairy tale: Little Red Riding Hood)
8. Red mustache (in a fairy tale: blue Beard)
9. Prince on corn (in a fairy tale: Princess on the Pea)
10. Glass lock (in a fairy tale: Golden Key)
11. Giant-eyes (in a fairy tale: Little Longnose)
12. Grandfather's hand (in a fairy tale: baba yaga)
13. Delicious mayonnaise (in a fairy tale: chicken ryaba)
14. Simple cancer (in a fairy tale: gold fish)
15. Father of many children (in a fairy tale: the wolf and the seven Young goats)
16. Evil Nikolaevich (in the tale: Nikitich)
17. Frost-owl (in a fairy tale: Firebird)
18. Sergey is smart (in a fairy tale: Ivan the Fool)
19. Nail soup (in a fairy tale: ax porridge)
20. Potatoes and tomatoes (in a fairy tale: tops and roots)

As we said, you can make anything with shifters, for example, films. Let's look at the list:

It will also be interesting for guests to guess the lines from famous children's poems. Everyone will laugh here, we promise.

Fables-shifters are songs or rhymes in which everything is turned upside down. Pigs fly in them, a hare sits on a birch, and flies eat a rooster. Such pictures evoke joyful children's laughter and strengthen the child's understanding of the true, real connections of things and phenomena.

In the center of the fiction is a deliberately impossible situation, behind which, however, the correct state of things is easily guessed, because the changeling beats the simplest, well-known phenomena. Chukovsky introduced the term "shifter" and thoroughly explored this genre.

Researchers usually call this type of folklore amusing, including cuts, tongue twisters, shifting fables, sometimes silences and voices.

Fables - changelings for children

African crocodile
Sailed into the White Sea,
He began to live at the bottom of the sea,
Built a house there!

Two caring lamas -
lama papa, lama mama,
Leaving the children in the morning,
To the mouse hid in a hole!

Spring has come to us again
With sleds, skates!
Spruce brought from the forest
Candles with lights!

The horse rode with horns
A goat floated on the pavement,
By leaps and bounds
The worm walked with a beard!

Look, look!
Vanya is riding on a trough!
And behind him the guys
On a leaky tub!
And behind them a hedgehog with a cat
They chase everyone with a whip!

Tell you interest?
Elephant climbed a tree
Made a nest of twigs
Baby cradles!

The cook was preparing dinner
And then the lights were turned off.
Bream cook takes
And lowers it into compote.
Throws logs into the cauldron,
She puts jam in the oven.
It interferes with the soup with a stalk,
Ugli beats with a ladle.
Sugar pours into the broth
And he is very pleased.
That was the vinaigrette
When the light was fixed.

Timoshka on a spoon
Was driving down the track
I met Yegor
Drive to the fence!
Thanks Timoshka,
Good motor at the spoon!

What kind of geese ran
Ears and tails tucked in?
Who is chasing them?
Maybe horses in a car?
No! They run from fear
What will the turtle catch up with!

Fiction shifters for children grade 2

There is a sweet word - a rocket,
There is a quick word - candy.
There is a sour word - wagon,
There is a word with a window - lemon.
There is a prickly word - rain,
There is a word wet - a hedgehog.
There is a stubborn word - spruce,
There is a green word - a goal.
There is a book word - a tit,
There is a word forest - page.
There is a funny word - snow,
There is a fluffy word - laughter.
Stop! Stop! Sorry guys.
My car is at fault.
A mistake in poetry is not a trifle,
It should be printed like this:

Our grapes are ripe.
Horned horse in the meadow
Jumping in the snow in summer.
Late autumn bear
Likes to sit in the river.
And in winter among the branches
"Ha-ha-ha!" - sang the nightingale.
Quickly give me an answer -
Is it true or not?

The poodle went with him, jumping over the fence.
Ivan, like a log, fell into the swamp,
And the poodle drowned in the river like an axe.
Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting
With him, the poodle skipped along like an axe.
Ivan fell through a log into the swamp,
And the poodle jumped over the fence in the river.
Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting
With him, the poodle fell into the fence in the river.
Ivan, like a log, jumped over the swamp,
And the poodle jumped onto the axe.

The traffic light melts in the sun
The shepherd barks at the cat
The snowman in the corner is meowing
The dump truck teaches lessons
The chess player burns without smoke,
The spider caught a burbot
The fisherman climbed on a sheaf,
The red cat wrinkled his forehead.
The student brought sand
The fox terrier blows the horn...
We need to hurry
Put everything in its place!

Cucumbers play hide and seek
Babies grow up in the garden
Musketeers sleep in the ravine
Pigs are sharpening their swords
Crayfish run in a gang to the circus,
Children doze under a snag,
Wolves swim on the bottom
Pikes howl at the moon.
What kind of bullshit is this?
Sharpen your pencil!
I command you
Put everything in its place!

Fiction changelings for children of the preparatory group

Angry cat barks loudly
The master's house is guarded by:
Wait, she won't let you!
If you don't listen, you'll bite!

The hedgehog flapped its wings
And fluttered like a butterfly.
Hare sitting on the fence
Laughing out loud!

Snow goes! Such a heat!
Birds are coming from the south!
Everything around is white-white -
Red summer has come!

Lived once
Lived once
grandfather and grandmother
With little granddaughter
My red cat
They called it a bug.
And they are crested
The name of the foal
And they also had
chicken Burenka.
And they also had
Dog Murka,
And two more goats:
Sivka da Burka!

The dog sits down to play the harmonica
Red cats dive into the aquarium
Socks begin to knit canaries,
Kids' flowers are watered from a watering can.

A cat barks from a basket,
Potato grows on a pine tree
The sea flies across the sky
The wolves ate their appetite.
Ducklings croak loudly
Kittens croak softly.
The bulb crawled like a snake
Got a mess

It was in January
First of April.
It was hot in the yard
We are frozen.
Over the iron bridge
Made from boards
There was a tall man
Short stature.
Was curly without hair,
Thin as a barrel.
He didn't have children
Only son and daughter

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandpa Egor is coming.
Himself on a filly
wife on a cow
children on calves,
Grandchildren on goats.
Moved down from the mountains
lit a fire,
They eat porridge
Listen to a fairy tale

Folk tales

Listen guys
I will not hesitate to sing:
A bull flies on an eponymous
A man plows a pig
A crow sits in the city,
Blue berries are pecking,
A cow lies on a ditch
Girded with a horse.

Drove the village
Past the man
And from under the dog
Layut gate:
"Sentry, village,
The men are on fire!
Women with a sundress
They want to flood."

Drove the village
Past the man
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates are barking.
Pulled out the cart
He's from under the whip
And let's kick
Her gate.
The roofs were scared
Sit on a raven
The horse is chasing
A man with a whip.

Drove the village
Past the man
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates are barking.
Club ran out
With a boy in hand
And behind him is a sheepskin coat
With a grandmother on my shoulders.
The whip grabbed the dog
Soar the man
And a man with fear -
Bang under the gate.
The village screamed
"Men are on fire!
Sundresses with women
They rush to the fire."

We have horses in galoshes,
And cows in boots.
We plow on carts,
And they harrow on a sled.

Timoshka in a basket
Went down the track.
The dog on the bar hums,
The bear breaks on the chain.
Agathon puts on his shoes on the stove.
Agafon's wife lived on the road,
Kalachi baked.
How are these rolls
Hot all day long.

You guys listen
I will sing awkwardly:
A cow sits on a fence
Takes cranberries,
A hare sits on a birch
Leaves are measured by arshin,
He collects on a needle,
To avoid wrinkles.

Senka mowed, I mowed,
They mowed two haystacks,
Drying hay on the stove
They stirred on the floors,
They threw stacks on the floor,
Gardens were fenced,
To prevent mice from walking;
Cockroaches pierced -
All the cattle were gone.

Nonsense, nonsense,
It's just bullshit!
The hens ate the rooster,
The dogs are talking.

Nonsense, nonsense,
It's just bullshit!
Hay is cut on the stove
Crayfish hammers.

Early in the morning, in the evening
Late at dawn
Grandma was walking
In a chintz carriage.

Nonsense on the fence
fried jam,
Chickens ate the rooster
One Sunday.

The devil smeared his nose
Pomaded my hands
And brought from the cellar
Fried trousers.

Between heaven and earth
Piglet rummaged
And accidentally tail
Caught up to the sky.

Right now, I'll put a regimen on
You will be kicking!

Chase got her head.

The braid is tongued.

God, God
Give me skin
I'll make my own boots.
Without boots
I don't feel good -
Maybe the knife is frostbitten.

With the approach of the New Year, let's remember One of my favorite games, very fun, requiring almost no props, except for a good mood and imagination - this is the game Changeling.

You can play it when everyone is sitting at the table, and on the go. And the age of the players in the same team can be completely different. Both adults and children enjoy playing it.

Purpose of the game- turn the phrase from the Changeling into the original one, or vice versa, make a turn of the phrase from the well-known to everyone into the Changeling. How it's done:

  1. words that can be matched with an antonym are replaced with it.
  2. the rest of the words, for which there is no way to find an antonym, are changed to the opposite from the player's point of view. For example: what is the antonym for the word Kasha? Someone will say - Soup, someone - Cake, and the third will come up with something of their own. Or how to replace the preposition "with" with "from" or "on" or something else?

That is why the game is interesting because you can play it at every holiday, coming up with new Changelings for the same phrases. The turnarounds of proverbs are especially interesting - sometimes they have a very unusual meaning. It is convenient for phrases to take expressions familiar to everyone: these can be Proverbs, Sayings, Book titles, Lines from poems.


For this game, you need to make a printout of those phrases that need to be turned over. And prepare paper and pencils.

Game progress

All participants in the game are divided into two teams. The host distributes the Changelings to one team, and the original phrases to the other team. The task of each team is to turn the phrases around. The first team must guess the original phrase, the second team must come up with their own version of the Changeling.

You can play for a while, or until the last one who completed the task. After all players have read their options, the teams change roles. The first team is given the original phrases, and they come up with Changelings, and the second team guesses phrases from the changelings.

I will give examples of some turnarounds of Proverbs

Changeling Proverbs


With laziness you will get a worm from under the ground You can't take a fish out of the pond without effort
Rest - a sheep, it will leave through the field Work is not a wolf, it will not run into the forest
They look under the tail of a stolen horse Don't look a gift horse in the mouth
Grandfather on the carriage - the horse is harder A woman with a cart is easier for a mare
The dog is always malnourished Every day is not Sunday.
One shoe, and the one with buttons 100 clothes and all without fasteners
From courage the back of the head is small. Fear has big eyes
Soup with sour cream will ruin You can't spoil porridge with butter
Knowing the whirlpool, rush to land Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water.
Dry wind is afraid Wet rain is not afraid.
What is comfortable in the water is quiet in the air Whoever burns himself in milk, he blows into the water.
Bold lion and tree mouse A cowardly bunny and a stump - a wolf.
There was no supper, but the fork was lost There would be dinner, but the spoon is found.
You hate to stand, despise and slow down the bike If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.
If you do not know where you will stand, then you will remove the earth. If only he knew where he fell, he spread straws here.
What prevents adults, he first gains laughter Who indulges children, then sheds a tear.
Whom you gather, that you will plant What goes around comes around.
You sell the disease - it is bought more madly You can't buy health - the mind gives it.
The night is short until the morning, When there is a lot to break. The day is long until the evening, if there is nothing to do.
No night - no drink There will be a day - there will be food.
Go swinging your legs, there will be fun Do not sit idly by, and there will be no boredom.
Do not fall behind with your teeth, slow down with inaction. Don't hurry with your tongue, hurry with your deeds.
And weakness, stupidity wins And the strength of the mind is inferior.
Bring a stupid one - don’t say a lot of words, bring a smart one, keep silent, but don’t follow him They sent a smart one - say one word, say three fools, and go after him yourself.
Stupid belly has no legs A smart head has a hundred hands.
Stupidity is bad, and much worse Mind is good, but two is better.
Such is madness, what is silence As is the mind, so are the speeches.
In stupid silence to lose stupidity, and to find someone else in smart silence. In a smart conversation, gain your mind, lose your mind in a stupid one.
Less awareness but more silence Know more and say less.
If you don't want to drink fruit drink, don't run on the road If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove.
A new enemy is worse than a hundred old ones An old friend is better than two new ones.
Enemy agrees, friend objects A friend argues, and an enemy agrees.
Paternal severity has a beginning Maternal affection knows no end.

These games can be included in scenarios for holidays and festive events.

Invite the participants of the game to decipher the turnarounds of proverbs, book titles, lines from poems and songs. You can offer to guess five shifters (one of each type), points are awarded for the correct answer. Thinking time is limited (10-20 seconds).

Proverbs and sayings

1. Happiness moves in heaps. — The trouble does not go alone.

2. Get away from the new washing machine. — Stay with nothing.

3. Bald head - male disgrace. — A scythe is a girlish beauty.

4. From courage, the back of the head is small. — Fear has big eyes.

6. On a policeman, boots get wet. — The thief's hat is on fire.

7. You can't go below your heels. — You can't jump above your head.

8. Hid that algae - get out of the aquarium. — Gruzdev called himself get in the body.

9. Chicken boar girlfriend. — A goose is not a friend of a pig.

10. You can fix borscht with sauce. — You won't spoil the porridge with oil.

Lines from poems

1. The dance prevents me from destroying and dying. — The song helps us to build and live.

2. Girls are so few married - There are so many single guys.

3. They cut down a birch in the field. — The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.

4. Thought about the weeks below. — Don't think too much about seconds.

5. There is no dead end anywhere for old people. — We have a road for young people everywhere.

6. You left me without saying goodbye. — I came to you with greetings.

7. A worm crawls modestly under a young swamp hummock. — Above the gray plain of the sea, a petrel soars proudly.

8. You forgot a terrible eternity. — I remember a wonderful moment.

9. Your Masha laughs softly. — Our Tanya is crying loudly.

10. You hate my cow. — I love my horse.

Movie titles

1. Your terrible Mrs. — My fair lady.

2. Roaring from the bushes. — Singing in the thorns.

3. Hangar. — Garage.

4. African tailor. — Siberian barber.

5. Home story. — Love affair at work.

6. Bye, smart guys. — Hello fools.

I. Young stallions. — Old nags.

8. Sad girls. — Funny boys.

9. Cheered up by the rain. — Burnt out by the sun.

10. We'll die after Wednesday. — We'll live until Monday.

11. Three hours of autumn. — Seventeen Moments of Spring.

12. Darkness of a small village. — City lights.

13. Sitting jackdaws. — Cranes are Flying.

14. The hated man of the cleaner Sidorova. — Beloved woman mechanic Gavrilov.

15. Crawling under a bear's lair. — Flight over the cuckoo's nest.

16. Your enemy Jean Macaronov. — My friend Ivan Lapshin.

17. A man who dances. — The woman who sings.

18. Nailed by the wave. — Gone With the Wind.

19. Terrible six. — The Magnificent Seven.

Names of fairy tales and books

1. Fox or six chickens. — The wolf and the seven Young goats.

2. King under the beans. — Princess on the Pea.

3. Dog wreck. — Cat house.

4. Turkey ducks. — Swan geese.

5. Dressed servant. — Naked king.

6. Falling wooden general. — The Steadfast Tin Soldier.

7. Waking freak. — Sleeping Beauty.

8. Pale bush. — The Scarlet Flower.

9. Gorgeous turkey. — Ugly duck.

10. Seven thin people. — Three fat men.

11. Dog without sandals. — Puss in Boots.

12. Iron master key. — Golden Key.

13. Squirrel fur. — donkey skin.

14. Alexei Borisovich or two prosecutors. — Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.

15. A girl is like a house. — Thumb boy.

16. Sandy beggar. — The Snow Queen.

17. Homebody turkey. — Frog traveler.

18. Terrible tour of Nina without domestic cockroaches. — Wonderful journey of Nils with wild geese.

19. Without a frog request. — By magic.

20. Ruined. — Teremok.

21. Ivan the Ugly. — Vasilisa the Beautiful.

22. A poem about a hunter or a game. — The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.

23. Village from the box. — Town in a snuffbox.

24. Bylina about a cast-iron chicken. — Tale of the Golden Cockerel.

25. Ugly horse. — The Little Humpbacked Horse.

26. Blue baseball cap. — Little Red Riding Hood.

27. Square. — Kolobok.

284. Garbage Continent. — Treasure Island.

29. Happiness from stupidity. — Woe from the mind.

30. Law and encouragement. — Crime and Punishment.

31. Solar prince. — The Snow Queen.