All about finding articles for rewriting. All about rewriting How to choose an article for rewriting

So, today we will talk about rewriting. Sooner or later, this term is encountered on the path of everyone who is looking for a small but stable income on the Internet. This is what is called the creation of a unique text for search engines based on an existing article or news (from English “rewrite”). By the way, the Internet, prone to abbreviations, has long renamed “rewriting” to “rewriting”. So these two words have the same meaning. But professionals say and write exactly “rewriting”, keep in mind :).

The goal of the rewriter is to paraphrase the text to the maximum, while fully preserving its meaning. The main requirements imposed by the customer on the rewriter are: preservation of the semantic and informational content of the original source, literacy and uniqueness. (By the way, on my blog you can read about what uniqueness is from the point of view of search engines, and how to check it).

Of course, many aspiring freelancers try their hand at this genre. After all, everything seems to be primitively simple. All you have to do is retell the text in your own words. Well, why didn’t we write presentations at school, or didn’t we retell the news to our friends? And it's so nice that there are, it turns out, people who are willing to pay for it. However, the cost of work is not so great. Text rewriting costs from 0.5WMZ per thousand without spaces for a novice rewriter to 2-3 WMZ per thousand for more promoted authors (pen stars usually do not take on such simple tasks and do not voice their cost of rewriting). In general, you won’t be able to earn a million on a rewrite, but you can easily add a hundred dollars to your salary.

How to choose source text for rewriting.

First of all, you need the source text, on the basis of which you will write your article. If you are just taking the first steps, ask the customer to send you the source. That will be much easier. If you are looking for articles for rewriting on your own, then pay attention to the following points:

The article should be of high quality, interesting, have a clear structure. First of all, it is more pleasant to work with such text. In addition, in this case, there are more chances that the customer will like the finished article. But about shit, folk wisdom is absolutely right - you can’t blind bullets from it.

The size of the article should at least approximately match the size required by the customer. This will make your work much easier. As a last resort, the size of the original article should be slightly less than what you need. In the process of rewriting, the number of characters tends to grow.

Do not take articles that are in the first places for high-frequency queries (for example, for the query "plastic windows") as a source, and articles from Wikipedia. These sources are zareraycheny to holes. Dig deeper.

Do not rewrite too "author's" articles. That is, articles where the author's style is not just traceable, but sets the tone. Or articles where the author expresses original, unconventional views or reports dubious, fried facts. For example, that the best way to raise children is spanking, and the installation of plastic windows in an apartment has an extremely negative effect on the psyche. The customer will definitely not appreciate this, choose something neutral and simple.

It also happens that a good article on this issue does not catch the eye. Somewhere you like the beginning, and in another article there is an interesting ending. Remember in Gogol's "Marriage": "If Ivan Kuzmich's lips were to be put to Ivan Pavlovich's nose, yes ... perhaps add more corpulence of Nikanor Ivanovich." Well, the conclusion, in my opinion, is clear - if everything fits into a single plan, then it makes sense to compile several sources. However, this already lies on the border between rewriting and copywriting. And if such thoughts began to creep into your head, and the articles that you meet on the Internet ceased to seem ideal to you, then you are on the right track and will very soon become a sought-after author.

Read the following article: How to do rewriting? We comprehend the technique of rewriting on specific examples

If your stock of SEO terms is not enough, you can replenish it on an interesting blog. As a bait, you can read an article about what a fastbot is. It might come in handy when writing articles.
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Hello to all colleagues! Yesterday I dashed off an article about making money on copyright and rewrite, with all the details.

If you are new to this business, do not know how to find a customer, want to know the prices for articles, how to take the first steps in rewriting and copywriting, find out where I order articles, then you can read the article, maybe you will learn something interesting and useful for yourself . Article . To open it in a new window, click on the link with the mouse wheel.

How do I rewrite. Some lyrics.

And today I will show you how to rewrite an article using my own example. I have a site with game reviews and I haven't written anything there myself for a long time. So I’ll take this opportunity, I’ll kill two birds with one stone, and here the article is useful and I’ll save 150 rubles on buying an article.

I am not a professional, I do not write for sale, only for myself. I don’t know if this is an indicator or not, but it seems to me that for my site I try harder than if I wrote for sale. Therefore, I think my technology for writing a rewrite will come in handy for you.

By the way, half of my articles are in the top for low and medium frequencies within three months. 300-1000 requests per month. And 10% of articles overtake competitors for fat requests. Here, of course, not only rewriting is important, but also the optimization of the text in the article for the request and other factors related to the resource on which the article is posted.

Statistic of transitions on requests. Fat requests are indicated by arrows

But a high-quality rewrite with 100% uniqueness will definitely not damage the site! And if the article is made for sale, then even more so, because buyers of articles are usually looking for not only competent rewriting, but also require uniqueness of at least 95%.

While I did not know the technology, I suffered for several hours with the article. Then I watched a video of one good guy on the topic of rewriting, implemented it at home. Now it takes a maximum of an hour to rewrite 2000 characters. The output is usually about 3000 characters.

An example of a rewrite on a specific article

In general, let's go. We find an article on the desired topic. Of course you have to read a little. Not all articles want to rewrite later.

There she is

We check the size and uniqueness. The article got 2300 characters. I try not to publish less than 3000, so we will stretch the fun a little. As you can see in the screenshot below, the uniqueness is 0.20%. We will do 100%.

Checking uniqueness and size. see arrows

Create two text documents on the desktop with the names:



We put them next to each other

Like this for example

We open. Rice. one

Rice. one

In the original, the first two paragraphs are divided into smaller ones. One, two proposals. Rice. 2

Rice. 2

  • I always break sentences, especially if they are long, it's easier to rewrite, in pieces. In the background, as it were, we keep the meaning of a large paragraph in our heads, and we redo one maximum of two sentences in one go.
  • Perhaps this is the most important thing in rewriting technology - not to redo the entire article at once, but little by little. It turns out very quickly.

You should not reduce rewriting to replacing all (or almost all the words of the source code) with synonyms. Some are afraid to change the structure of the sentence and try to ride on synonyms. This is fundamentally the wrong move. The structure of the original sentence can and should be changed.

  • I changed the title to fit my needs. I will deal with the rest of the optimization after writing the rewrite. This article is not about that.
  • Now look at the rewrite of the first mini-paragraph. And immediately check it for uniqueness.

Rewriting the first paragraph

  • As you can see, 100% uniqueness, which is actually difficult to achieve when rewriting short texts for many beginners in this business. And short texts are in demand, the same news that is well bought on copyright / rewrite exchanges as long as these news are relevant. Therefore, it is very important to rewrite them quickly.
  • Now we have checked the uniqueness to see that it is not even difficult to achieve this. But it is better not to be distracted by this after each paragraph if we are writing a large article. We will check after writing and edit if necessary.
  • Now let's look at the rewrite paragraph and draw conclusions.
  • In fact, we just swapped the positions. We put the second sentence of the original in first place in the rewrite and split it into two. That is, they changed the structure of the paragraph without losing the meaning and style.
  • Synonyms were used, some verbs were changed to adjectives, new words were added, words from the original were scattered over various rewrite sentences.

You can think of a lot of things here that we did, but the essence is simple:

We take one or two sentences and rewrite them IN OWN WORDS.

No need to use synonymizers and other programs. You will only lose time, and the text will often not be readable and require additional editing. Write in YOUR OWN WORDS.

That's the whole technology itself, which consists of the two most important steps in my opinion:

  • rewrite two sentences one at a time
  • we do everything without the help of programs, in our own language

Of course, it is important to have a good vocabulary. But it is easily replenished during practice. You just need to consult a dictionary sometimes.

Out of 870 characters, I got 1000. See below for uniqueness.

Where to check the uniqueness of a rewrite

If the article helped, thanks in advance for the like and feedback in the comments! Roman Millionov and the blog "" were in touch. Bye!

>> How to make a 100% unique article rewrite?

Learning how to make a 100% unique article rewrite for your website or for sale on article exchanges.

Hello, dear readers of my site!

Now the life of bloggers is developing in such a way that you need to constantly support your brainchild (website, blog) so as not to fall in the eyes of search engines (first of all), and also be interesting to visitors who visit your site or blog every day.

What does it take for your site to be loved by both search engines and your visitors? That's right, constantly fill your website or blog with new unique articles. And the more often you do this, the stronger the return will be. But as I said above, you must first of all like search engines, and for this you need to constantly fill your site with high-quality and unique content, since plagiarism (copying) is now severely punished, which leads to sad consequences, up to removing the site from search results.

I already wrote an article on this topic on how to check the uniqueness of the text, and in this article I want to continue this idea in more detail, namely, how to make a high-quality 100% unique rewrite from an article already written and indexed by search engines.

Many, for many reasons, cannot write their articles themselves, and since you need to constantly fill your site with something, rewriting comes to the rescue. Rewriting is faster than copywriting, so rewriting is more popular. And since many do not know how to do article rewriting, I decided to write this article, in which I will describe everything in detail to you. Moreover, you can make good money on rewriting articles, so you can kill two birds with one stone.

If you want to know how to make high-quality rewriting of articles not only for your website, but also for sale on article exchanges, then read everything that is written below and you will find out everything.

Your main tool will be the Advego Plagiatus program, which you download from the site - Of course, your head and hands are still needed - the better they are, the more efficient the work. Now install the program and run it.

The screenshot shows where the settings button is located, let's look there to understand how the uniqueness check works.

You can not change anything there, but I personally leave Google and Yandex for search, remove the rest of the checkboxes - this will make the check work faster, and then, everything we need is in these search engines, besides, the goal of promotion is in these search engines systems.

But the main goal, for which I took you to the settings, is not this: pay attention to the underlined in red - "shingle size". What is this shingle fruit, you ask? Good question! This is exactly what the algorithm for checking the uniqueness of the text consists of. I’ll make a reservation right away: this is an algorithm for checking for uniqueness in services for buying / selling texts - so that you don’t think that these are search engine algorithms. Search engines may check in more sophisticated ways, but this is a mystery! We are also interested in the uniqueness of the article for our site and for sale on the stock exchange. Who cares what a shingle is, then we read in detail on the Advego website itself -

So, if we replace every fourth word in the text (or insert another), then this text will become unique? Exactly! In addition, you can change the words in a sentence (without changing its meaning and literacy, of course).

The simplest thing is to change words when listing something. When changing the formation of a word, this is equivalent to changing the word. For example, "collecting" and "collecting" are different words.

The funny thing is that stop words (words that do not carry a semantic load, such as "and", "but", "what", "however", etc.) also add uniqueness!

In general, the main principle for uniqueness is that 4 words in a row do not coincide with what is already on the network (more precisely, what is in the database of search engines).

You ask why exactly 4 words, and not 3 or 5? Well, what can I say, such a shingle was chosen by default by text exchanges, apparently, it is considered that this is the optimal parameter for uniqueness. Of course, such uniqueness is relative: you understand that if you put shingle 3 and check the same "unique" text again, then its uniqueness will crumble.

Now let's try to check this by stupidly inserting the stop words "however" and "like" with a simple "copy-paste" into a non-unique text, taking it from the network. For example, I will take a topic that is not in demand on the exchanges (I will explain why below), such as, for example, alcominimalistics, and check for uniqueness.

From the screenshot, I think it's clear how to do it: paste the text into the form and click "check".

As you can see, the text is not unique. In Advego Plagiatus, non-uniqueness is colored yellow.

And now I inserted into this text the stop words "however" and "like" - every third or more often.

You can do about the same for verification - "copy-paste" the same words (or others, or even one) into places in 2-3 words - this is not difficult. Now we also check the new text - voila, 100% uniqueness!

Of course, we only just checked how the check for the uniqueness of the text works when it is accepted for sale on the stock exchange. To make the text readable, literate and not receive negative feedback, and even more so returns and lower your rating, you need to work with the text. Make a quality article rewriting, and even quickly - this requires skill.

And now, let's try to dream up and calculate the possible income - to try on the "skin of an unkilled bear." We must proceed from the fact that while your rating on the exchange is low, and there are no positive reviews, you need to start (so that articles are sold) with a low price per 1000 characters. Let's assume that this topic is "construction" and the price for 1000 characters of your rewrite is $0.20. Immediately advice: post articles for sale in 1.5-2.5 thousand characters - you shouldn’t use large sizes, they will sell poorly, you will have to reduce the price. And here it is like this: either it is sold in 1-3 days, or it hangs for weeks, months. That is, it is worth slightly raising the price, and that's it - sales will no longer go. With our estimates, we will proceed from the fact that you have already gained some experience and do a rewrite in 20 minutes.

Well, we think. With an average size of 2000 characters, price $0.20/1000 characters, time per article 20 minutes, 8-hour working day, we get: 3 articles is $1.20, and $9.60 per day. That with 22 working days is equal to $ 211.2 per month. I think it's pretty good for a beginner. Do not forget that with high-quality rewriting, you will receive good reviews, and your rating will grow, and with a good rating, articles can already be sold at higher prices. In addition, if you write on several specific topics, then you will have regular customers - those who lead sites on the same topics. Perhaps they will even order articles in these topics personally for you. With hard work and quality rewriting, you can safely plan to double or triple your income figures in a couple of months.

Of course, we must make a reservation that not many people have such a capacity for work, and even work 8 hours a day, without unbending, day after day ... In general, it is not realistic that someone will last for a long time. Which exit? To strive and learn this - to write your own articles - unique, i.e. become a copywriter. Moreover, write in such a way that their price increases over time (for 1000 characters) - see the prices of copywriters from the top. I take offhand from the top one copywriter:

Liked by 90 users

Date of registration: 2010-12-08

Articles sold: 1459

Current average price: 8.0 wmz/1000 characters

Average price 8.0 wmz/1000 characters!!! There are medium and 11.0 wmz/1000 characters! Of course, this is a thorough knowledge of the topic in which you write, its innovations and other things, and a competent literary style, and creativity, and humor, perhaps ... This, one might say, is a full-fledged professional "network" writer, journalist. To do this, you still need to constantly read, study the topics in which you write, and possibly go somewhere, travel for this ... Without being interested in anything, you will not get anything out of your head - alas.

Another very important nuance about rewriting. I emphasize - rewrite, not copywrite. Where can I get articles for rewriting? It would seem that for a ridiculous question - on the network! What is simpler: selling topics - construction, cars. We go to the search engine, search for related topics, take any article and rewrite it according to the algorithm described above. Well, have you tried it? And what happened?

Remember, I took alco-minimalism as an example and said in parentheses that I would explain later why? So, I took alcoholism as an example, because it's like in that joke about the elusive Joe - nobody needs him. That is, articles on such topics are not particularly needed by anyone, respectively, they are not for sale, hence - no one will rewrite them. Non-commercial theme! Therefore, do a rewrite on it - just spit.

But with popular ones, it’s a completely different movie: you inserted stop words, but uniqueness is still low. You look in Advego Plagiatus and, focusing on the yellow highlight, rearranged the words in the sentences - still low. They changed the endings, word forms, added a lot of their own words, replaced the words with synonyms - and it is again low!

Yes, yes - this unfortunate article has already been rewritten by all and sundry! And everything has already been posted on the exchanges, sold and indexed by search engines. And now you are another N-th rewriter, trying to find an article on the desired topic, which has not yet been rewritten "twenty" times.

That is, in popular topics in demand on exchanges, it is difficult to find articles for rewriting, very difficult! I'll give you a hint: you can follow this search path - make narrower queries in the topic you need and go far deeper into the search - 50-100 pages in the search results. Next, find one, or rather a couple of sites where rewriting works better (of course, everyone needs to try).

Another way to search is to find trusted thematic portals where unique articles are published - primary sources. Yes, yes - exactly where the very articles of those same rewriters from the top are laid out! And, of course, only fresh articles will do for this: just came out - urgently rewrite and for sale (until others have time). To do this, it is useful to subscribe to updates, if there is one on the site.

That's all for me.

I hope that this topic has become closer and clearer to you, and now you can easily make 100% high-quality rewriting articles not only for your website or blog, but also for selling them on article exchanges. Thank you for your attention, I hope you liked my article.

Bye everyone and good luck!

Let's put aside for a minute our opinion that we bloggers have blogs with the uniqueness of snowflakes, with the most mega unique content. Most likely, everything up to SEO experiments has already been carried out by someone, and the rest of your (and mine) articles have been written and rewritten thousands of times.

So why hide this fact? A real reader does not care where this content comes from, if it was useful to him and served on time (in case it is news content). So let's learn how to find competent sources for the main topics of sites that are most often monetized both and.

Unfortunately, I can't provide you with lists of all "content donor sites" for the narrow direction of the site. Those. I can’t give a specific source for Forex sites, but I can give a source for business-themed sites, which actually includes Forex. I warn you, the article is intended for beginner site developers, not seasoned rewriters. You already know these sites by heart.

Sources of articles for rewriting

I strongly do not advise copy-paste now, even a competent rewrite is such a thing that it is better to design an article so that it looks better than the original article. Those. add headings in the correct order, do numbering, etc. This is the conversation for my next article. List of topics for which I found content sources:

    • tourism
    • the medicine
    • business
    • IT technologies

Let's start with tourism. Many people, for some reason, monetize such sites by selling links, but for me it is much more profitable to monetize traffic with the help of ticket sales affiliates. But this is a personal matter for everyone. List of sites for tourism topics:

    • - everything is simple here, choose any article and that's it. There are a lot of articles, high-quality photos are attached to them.
    • - choose a country and then the system shows sights with photos and descriptions. Additional information in the comments will help complement your article.
    • - this site contains information about various resorts and sanatoriums. There are really a lot of articles. And all of them are decorated from the point of view of SEO not very well. Therefore, there is an option to skip them for some keys, optimizing the article.

This will last you at least a very long time. Even if articles are rewritten by several rewriters.

Next in order are the sources for the subject the medicine. In general, I am skeptical about the creation of medical sites, especially with advice. After all, some schoolboy will write nonsense, and another one will accidentally read it and ruin himself with advice written to sell a link from the site. Therefore, if you are a doctor, and you need such sources to “refresh your memory”, then here are some authoritative resources on medical topics:

    • - the domain name is responsible for itself. The site contains a bunch of useful and most importantly for such topics, "real articles". Fortunately, there are no tips from Dr. Popov, and you, I hope, will not add during the rewrite.
    • is another site with a huge database of articles that you can rewrite for another year, one article a day. Also, the articles are not sucked from the finger.
    • is an excellent site. The articles are good and to the point, but this does not mean that you need to read and engage in amateur performances. The site was remembered because once it helped me with one problem. On the forum promptly, doctors answer your question, if necessary. Therefore, from there you can not only steal articles.

Get to the topic business. My first blog was about this topic. True, then I did not rewrite the articles, but simply copied them. Of course, out of ignorance that this is evil. The topic is very interesting and there are many sites related to it, but I read only one and I think that this is enough for you:

    • - actually. I am sure that absolutely everyone knows this magazine. And if not, then I advise you to look through at least the Internet version, you never know there will be an incentive to become a businessman. There are a lot of articles, interesting statistics too, and various tops that people love so much.
    • although you can also look at various news portals. For example, RBK News, etc. But I very rarely read them, or rather, earlier on the phone, the application from RBK stood and showed the RSS feed and all sorts of courses.

For IT-technologies, I would advise you to include in the list of sites, the official sites of manufacturers and watch their news feed (or better, subscribe to it). This is the most successful source of news. And for other articles, such as reviews and tests, here:

    • is the largest site I know. Everything that has at least some connection with IT is published. Reviews of new video cards and processors, gadgets and all sorts of other digital things. Articles in bulk.
    • - here you can find articles on IT topics with the most commercial bias. Those. suitable for a certain type of sites from the business category.
    • is one of many Mail projects. Well, I confess, they publish a lot of interesting things. In between when you share content, you can take part in contests and win various prizes.

So we got to my favorite topic, which I specially left for dessert - cars. That's really where a bunch of sites of various options. If you are a car enthusiast and site developer, then perhaps these sites are not only familiar to you, but even native:

    • - a cool automotive site that has the largest social network for motorists There are a lot of interesting articles, fresh news and stuff like that.
    • - if memory does not fail, then the first car magazine that I got my hands on was the magazine "Behind the wheel". Cool magazine. By the way, articles can be taken from there, but the Internet version is far from poor in automotive articles, photographs and videos.
    • - umm... No comments here 🙂
    • - finally, again one of Mail's projects. There is also a lot of interesting news. Various reviews, statistics, etc. are given. If I'm not mistaken, there are also video reports.

How to promote a site with text content

It's kind of like a bonus. Having content is one thing, but making it so that people come to the site with content is another. Therefore, if you are not an SEO specialist, then it will be difficult for you to promote. The most logical option is to find a good promotion studio. If you are from Ukraine, then this studio provides comprehensive website promotion in Kharkov.

Since I said above that it is more profitable to monetize traffic through affiliate programs, and in Ukraine such traffic is not yet very developed, sharpen sites for Ukrainian traffic. And I have already shown you who to order promotion from. I would also recommend a cool affiliate program, which is focused exclusively on Ukrainian traffic.

Therefore, if you invest in promotion, with the right approach to traffic and its topics, you can earn more than you spent on it. The affiliate program is called SalesDoubler. First on Google on demand. For now, people.

Rewriting is common. To rewrite a text means to rewrite it in your own words, creating unique content. At the same time, it is important to preserve the original meaning without changes, copyright corrections and conjectures.

Every day, a large number of sites appear on the Internet that need to be filled with unique content on a variety of topics. Hence the demand for the services of copywriters and rewriters who will create an original, easy to read, informative and competent text.

A good rewriter will be able to rewrite a complex article in an accessible language, making it more attractive to the reader. In addition, based on one article, make two or more. Making money on the Internet in this direction, with the right approach and skills, will turn out to be not only well-paid, but creative and interesting activity.

In principle, almost every person who is friends with the Russian language and knows how to competently express his thoughts in writing can become a rewriter. It will also require such qualities as perseverance, diligence, attention to detail, creativity. What skills do you need to have to write a quality rewrite? We list the main ones:

1. Know the Russian language at a high level: follow the rules for writing words and punctuation marks.
2. Formulate the same thought in different words, skillfully select synonyms.
3. Properly structure the text, use headings and subheadings, divide into paragraphs.
4. Be able to compose several simple ones from a complex sentence and vice versa.
5. Clearly and clearly formulate your thoughts, use a minimum of "water".

Earnings on rewriting: where to start

Take time to prepare. It is better to start a little later and protect yourself from unforeseen mistakes. Look for information on the Internet: read a few articles about the work of rewriters, find the most popular exchanges, chat on specialized forums.

In this way, you will learn some useful working principles and terms that are often used in this field of activity.

Register on one of the exchanges, for example, Etxt or to see articles that are for sale by other authors. Pay attention to prices (especially for how much newcomers sell content), the volume of articles, and which topics are popular. Carefully study the orders on the exchange and the general requirements for their implementation, which topics are the most in demand, as well as the average level of payment.

1. Register an electronic wallet. A universal option that all exchanges work with is Webmoney or.
2. Study 3-5 major exchanges and choose one of them.
3. Install an anti-plagiarism program on your computer, and also find several online versions where you will check articles for uniqueness.
4. Find an article on a topic that interests you, carefully reread it several times, and then state it in your own words, without distorting the meaning.
5. Check the article for errors, correct the shortcomings.
6. Check the text for uniqueness, if necessary, modify it.

A high-quality rewrite should have a uniqueness above 95%. If the check showed that the text has low uniqueness, do not despair. Try to refine the article, replace some phrases with synonomic ones, explain the same material in a different way.

Remember that in technical and medical texts it is quite difficult to achieve maximum uniqueness. It is already good if it was possible to increase this indicator to at least 85-90%. Train, with time and an increase in experience, the problem with uniqueness will be easily solved by making separate edits.

So, you have written the first rewrite of the article, now you can try to put it up for sale. On some exchanges, the article is being moderated. The most common reason for rejection is the abundance of spelling, stylistic, logical and other errors.

Options for working on the stock exchange

There are two options for the activity of a rewriter on the exchange:

1. Fulfillment of customers' tasks for the price set by them, following the specified requirements and deadlines.
2. Rewrite articles on topics that interest you, then put them up for sale, setting your own price.

The advantage of the first option is that you don’t have to come up with a topic yourself, what to write about. If you work regularly, sooner or later the fantasy will end or a creative crisis will come, here the customer will provide a specific task with clear conditions.

Also, you don’t have to wait an indefinite amount of time until someone pays attention to your article. The customer places an order for you and, in case of successful completion, you immediately receive payment to your account.

Cons of writing articles to order: the possible occurrence of disagreements with the customer, sometimes incomprehensible and difficult to meet requirements, limited deadlines. If you plan to choose this option, for a successful work as a rewriter, it is very important to discipline yourself in order to always meet deadlines.

If you are new to the exchange, it is desirable:

  • take long-term orders
  • write articles on topics you know well
  • do not take on urgent orders if you are not sure that you will have time to complete them on time or if some distractions are foreseen
  • work according to the second option, if you are not friends with discipline

How to quickly find a buyer for your articles

To work more efficiently, follow these guidelines:

1. Write articles about interesting and relevant issues, do not take on "hackneyed" topics.
2. Come up with an accurate and attention-grabbing headline.
3. Don't overprice, just as don't set it too low. You need to appreciate your work!

List of verified exchanges for making money on rerating and copywriting - (the best choice) this rewriting exchange gives you the opportunity to sell your own finished articles or write to order. In addition to the rating of performers, the site has introduced a system of skill levels.

The author performs a special test task for different types of work, according to the results of which he is assigned a skill level - from low to high. With a high level, the chances of getting a well-paid order increase.

The average cost of a rewrite per thousand characters on the Etxt exchange is approximately $1. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 250 rubles. to Webmoney and 1000 rubles. to Yandex wallet. Withdrawal of funds takes about a week.

The rewriting exchange is an excellent platform for beginner rewriters, as well as more experienced professionals who have found regular customers here with reasonable pay.

One of the most popular platforms for selling articles in Runet. By registering, you will be able to put up for sale your texts. But in order to have access to orders, you will need to make a small payment and gain a rating.

It is important to follow the rules of the exchange so that you do not get banned. For example, you can not take contact information and keep in touch with the customer outside the system. In addition, you should not try to sell a non-unique article and post the same text on several exchanges at the same time.

The minimum payout amount is 200 rubles. Withdrawal takes 24-48 hours. Most speak of the textsale exchange on the positive side. If you gain a high rating and earn credibility, then this is a good place for self-expression and receiving monetary rewards for this. is an exchange for experienced copywriters with a quality portfolio. Creating an account here is not easy, but if you are lucky, you can earn more than on other sites. First you need to send examples of your articles and, if the administration approves them, you will receive a test task.

The average price for rewriting is $2, for copyright - $3. You can withdraw money by accumulating at least $20 on your balance, which will be paid out within 24 hours.

If you are just starting your journey into the wonderful world of copywriting, we advise you to gain experience at or, and then you can try your hand at copylancer.

  • Online synonymizers will help to simplify the task of selecting synonyms. To automate the rewriting process, there is a special rewriting program that some beginners use. I do not recommend using this application if you need high-quality rewriting, as the result is a set of meaningless phrases. The rewriter generates unique text quickly, effortlessly and in some cases is useful for creating technical texts.
    If you plan to sell articles through the exchange, find yourself a few good sources for information. You should not choose very popular resources, since it is likely that the articles posted there have already been rewritten many times. In this case, thematic blogs, personal pages and other lesser-known sites are suitable. Their attendance is lower, and there are many fresh and good ideas.
  • You don't have to take on everything. Study one topic, delve into the details and write several articles on it.
    It is also useful to find 2-5 small sources on the same topic and glue them into one voluminous article, fully revealing the topic. Choose from all the information the most interesting and present it in a processed form with a well-thought-out structure.
  • On the contrary, it makes sense to divide a voluminous, fact-rich article into several texts of 2-3 thousand characters in order to get a high-quality rewrite.
    Be sure to reread the written text, maybe even several times. No one is immune from banal typos, not to mention spelling, punctuation and other errors.
  • Do not rush, leave the finished article to "ripen" until the morning to re-read it with a fresh look and correct the shortcomings that you will not immediately notice.
    Article rewriting is valued less than author's texts - copyright. Accordingly, the payment for it is less. Some unscrupulous authors give out cheap rewriting under the guise of copyright in order to earn more.
  • Don't stoop to that level. It is better to put a "rewrite" under your text and raise the price. Decent rewriters are always in short supply. If there were several sources and they were deeply processed and rethought by the author, he created high-quality material. There are not as many specialists who can write high-quality rewriting as pseudo-copywriters.

How much can you earn on rewrite

As in any activity, work as a rewriter will generate income if you invest your strength and efforts in it. In other words, the profit is directly proportional to the amount of effort expended and depends only on you. In the beginning, you will need to devote more time to hone your skills and develop good writing skills.

You will have to work for a low pay (10-20 rubles per thousand characters) in order to gain a rating, positive reviews, a portfolio and give a good account of yourself. In the future, you will acquire regular customers and gradually be able to raise prices for your services.

If you call specific numbers, then the range of payment for rewriting is very wide: from 5 to 200 rubles per 1000 characters and even higher. The average cost of a rewrite is $1. In one hour, you can write 3-4 thousand characters, which is equal to $ 3-4 per hour of work.

In this scenario, in 8 hours you will earn $ 24-32, which is pretty good. Of course, everything here is individual, and depends on work experience, prices of customers with whom you are working at the moment, quality of work, time devoted to writing articles and many other factors.

A beginner can earn $100 in the first month of work. In the future, income will depend on your development in this area and reach 300-400 dollars and more.

Getting a stable income is more than real. The most important thing here is that rewriting brings you pleasure. It is always difficult at first, the writing process seems very laborious and sometimes monotonous.

Practice, development of horizons and the desire to improve your skills will help you learn how to write high-quality rewriting. I hope that in this article you have found answers to most of the questions that you have about making money on rewriting. This is really a real and worthy way to make money on the Internet.