Book: G. D

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    Honored Doctor of the Republic of Belarus


    The brochure "Living" and "dead" water, written by the teacher of psychology and pedagogy Georgy Dmitrievich Lysenko, can be called unique. I have not come across such a publication. However, earlier there could be no question of such a publication, even if it was written by a doctor.

    Before evaluating the brochure, I would like to say a few words about its author. We collaborated for two years when he headed the Slonim city society for the struggle for sobriety. Many times I listened to his lectures, conversations, reports at plenums, seminars and was imbued with his pain for a person, his health. He had a deep knowledge of the material he was talking about, he knew how to build his speech depending on the audience. There are no enterprises, institutions, colleges, schools in the city, kindergarten wherever he performed.

    The author of the brochure, being a sickly person from childhood, has been looking for ways to improve health all his life, testing more and more new recommendations, applying folk remedies, herbal medicine, auto-training, hypnosis, psychotherapy, massage, "live" and "dead" water, special methods of physical therapy and diet. The brochure "Living" and "dead" water" is not a scientific work, but the advice and recommendations in it are scientifically based.

    The role of calcium in the human body is very high. Its normal content in blood serum is 9.5-10.5 mg%. Calcium enters the body with drinking water and a varied diet. For a growing organism, more calcium is needed, which should be replenished with appropriate nutrition and drugs (calcium gluconate, etc.). Diseases of mature and old age - osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, metabolic polyarthritis - develop against the background of an increased calcium background in the blood. The “living” water activated with alkaline properties, which Georgy Dmitrievich receives with the help of an apparatus made by him, contains a normal amount of calcium (10-16 mg%), which is confirmed by laboratory. It is well absorbed by the body, is a good solvent for all minerals and waste products of the body, helps to remove excess salts from the body. This makes it possible to change the acid-base balance of the blood to the acid side (pH 6.95), and then the blood itself acts as an antioxidant, normalizes metabolism, cleanses the body of excess calcium.

    The author himself has been using “living” and “dead” water for many years, and distributes it to those who wish to experience this method of healing. Everyone who used it noted an improvement in well-being, appetite, a surge of vigor. Of course, faith in treatment, a calm state of the nervous system, sufficient sleep, and walks in the fresh air are of great importance.

    If the reader will be guided by the recommendations of the author, he will certainly improve his health. For many diseases, this method of treatment should be used simultaneously with massage, therapeutic exercises, diet, work and rest. This method is indicated for patients with drug allergies.


    "Gazeta Slonimskaya" No. 314 hell 12 Cherven, 2003

    Unusual nearby

    "Living" and "dead" water


    Lysenko Georgy Dmitrievich.
    He held the positions of assistant chief of the political department of the division for Komsomol work, deputy battalion commander for political work. He retired from the ranks of the Armed Forces with the rank of Major.
    He worked as a teacher of history and social science, headed the department of psychology at the University of Marxism-Leninism in the city of Usuriysk.
    He graduated from the Academy of Social Sciences in Moscow, after which he headed the hydrotherapy department at the Academy of Traditional Medicine and Healing for about eight years.
    Currently, he writes and publishes books on hydrotherapy, the psychology of educating young people, and gives lectures on the same topics in Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania and Belarus.

    It turns out that talented interesting people often find themselves, as they say, in the shadows. So I spent my whole life in Slonim, and did not know that somewhere nearby lives a person who knows the recipe for “living” and “dead” water.

    It's all nonsense, you say, fairy tales for children? An, no. There is such water, it turns out. And she really is able to bring a person back to life. Not dead, of course, but spending time and energy trying to get rid of various ailments. Many illnesses do not allow them to live fully, interestingly, happily, with a taste for this very LIFE. And water, “alive” and “dead”, is able to return to a person the joy of life, physical and spiritual health.

    This is exactly what Georgy Dmitrievich Lysenko, a resident of Slonim, is trying to convey to people in his books, using for this an example of his own healing and considerable worldly experience.

    However, let's start with the fact that, as Georgy Dmitrievich said, illnesses bothered him from childhood. This is not surprising, since the post-war childhood, when I had to live from hand to mouth, and the shoes and clothes were useless, could not but affect my health. Service in the army did not add health, and Major Lysenko left with a whole range of ailments: chronic tonsillitis and diseases of the cardiovascular system, joint diseases, prostate adenoma.

    Treatment in sanatoriums and hospitals did not bring cardinal changes. But once in the sanatorium of the city of Khmelnyk, Georgy Dmitrievich heard about “living” and “dead” water, left everything and went to Cherkasy region for it.

    Well, I found that man, - continues Georgy Dmitrievich. - And he - in any! Nothing, he says, I won't tell you. I will sell it, I will advise how to be treated, but how to make water - no. I make money from this water.

    And yet, that “folk healer” gave one clue - an article about “living” and “dead” water is in the journal “Innovator and Inventor”. It was said in it that this water was made at geological stations during the exploration of subsoil, pumped into wells to strengthen the walls and improve the operation of the drill. And, interestingly, exploration workers said that when they experienced problems, for example, with skin diseases, a cold, they bathed in baths with this water, and their health improved immediately.

    Medical scientists were surprised by such a statement and, having examined the water, they really discovered healing properties.

    But, unfortunately, there was nothing in the magazine about how to make water, although observations were reported on the results of treating people with a variety of diseases with water.

    It was possible to abandon the search, give up and forget about the water from fairy tales. But Georgy Lysenko persisted and eventually realized (from the experience of geologists) that a current, alternating and constant, is passed through ordinary water, which gives water certain properties. By the way, “living” and “dead” water - taken from folk tales. In fact, it is called technical: acidic (“dead”) and alkaline (“live”).

    So, having made the first device, says Georgy Dmitrievich, I got the water I needed and started treatment. And interestingly, having no methodology at that time, six months later I felt completely different. And not only in terms of health, but also in behavior, way of thinking. And in a year and a half of treatment, I completely got rid of prostate adenoma. Together with her, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, gastritis, ulcers, and heart disease also disappeared.

    Conclusion - "live" and "dead" water does not heal individual bodies and diseases, and heals the whole body. And in its application, two options are distinguished: therapeutic and prophylactic. In the treatment option, by the way, Georgy Dmitrievich picked up such a technique that ten days is enough to see an improvement in health.

    Having recovered, Georgy Dmitrievich did not know what to do with himself from an excess of strength and ... bought a farm for 80 acres of land, started all kinds of living creatures. “I had such an urge to physical labor, - says our hero, - that I even started working on the collective farm.

    And then the press swooped in - a correspondent from the People's Newspaper. After this visit, for two years, many publications about the “living” and “dead” water of Georgy Lysenko went through the press. And there was a flood of letters. It got to the point that he left the post office with bags of letters.

    Not only can I answer all of them - I couldn't read them, - Georgy Dmitrievich laments. - This forced me to write the first book “Living and Dead Water”, in which I talked about its physical, chemical, and other properties, how to make water, gave a drawing of the device, a method for treating diseases that I could get rid of myself.

    10,000 copies sold out in 2-3 months, because along with the answer to the letter, Lysenko also sent the book. In total, five books by Georgy Dmitrievich have been published to date. The last one is “Saving Water for Youth”. It tells about the treatment of diseases of young people, about the psychology and pedagogy of sex education.

    I am very sick, worried, suffering, - Georgy Dmitrievich exclaims with noticeable excitement, - when I see the terrible thing that is happening today with young people, when I see broken destinies. And in this book I show how parents and teachers can help teenagers understand their feelings and desires. At the same time, I give real life examples. Although some inhabitants believe that it was impossible to do this. But on these examples we teach, we warn others. And if at least 100, 200, 500 young people can avoid such mistakes, then the book was not written in vain.

    The words of the review given to the book “Saving Water for Youth” by Mikhail Nenakhov, a psychologist, sexopathologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, are interesting. He writes: “A teacher from the village of Borovka remarked very accurately, addressing her students after the author’s lecture: “50% of your life, 100% of your health and the strength of your family will consist of this.” I really regretted that this book did not exist in my childhood. I am very happy that my youngest daughter will have time to read it.”

    Yes, now Georgy Lysenko travels with his lectures not only in Belarus, but also in Russia, Lithuania, and Ukraine. Not so long ago, he gave eight lectures at Slonim SPTU-129. After the lecture, he asked the school psychologist:

    What do you think of what you heard?

    - I regret that I did not know all this before, I did not read it! My life would be completely different

    An answer that makes you seriously think about what we are missing out on growing up ourselves, raising children? And in the end we lose both ourselves and them.

    Opinions on this subject can be infinite. Everyone has their own truth. The opinion and experience of Georgy Dmitrievich Lysenko are not the worst. And therefore, it is worth listening to it, at least for the sake of interest. If only we still had an interest in anything other than everyday worries about our daily bread.

    Valery KOVALENKO

    G.D. Lysenko

    Poor health since childhood forced me to use medicines. The grandmother with whom I lived did not recognize pharmacy pharmacology. Apparently, she also gave me faith in the limitless possibilities of traditional medicine, in the recipes of a natural pharmacy. I firmly decided to strengthen my health, temper myself, and became a regular military man.

    As a political worker, he became interested in psychology. Mastered the technique of hypnosis. Improving his knowledge of psychology, he became interested in psychotherapy. Don't forget phytotherapy. Despite the annual sanatorium and hospital treatment, many diseases (rheumatism of the heart and joints, gastritis, atherosclerosis, prostate adenoma) did not leave me.

    On February 25, 1993, my article “Water is “alive” and “dead” appeared. After the article was published, I began to receive many letters. Write mostly those who did not get rid of their ailments in the hospital. People come to my house. People want to live. And those who came from all over the republic do not want to leave without water and activated charcoal.

    First of all, please note that neither “living” nor “dead” water cures individual diseases. It heals the whole body. After all " “dead” water dissolves and removes from the body salts, slags, any infection. And “live” normalizes acidity, pressure and metabolism.

    Considering anatomical structure of a person, I think that the main thing in the body is the musculoskeletal system, and in it the spine. Based on this, I suggest a 2-month course of treatment:

    • 1st month. 10 days to drink "live" and "dead" water every other day, 150 g half an hour before meals;
      - at night put a compress for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region (place of compress: at the top - from the half of the neck, at the bottom - along lower level shoulder blades, in width - shoulder joints).
      - Moisten a cotton (linen) rag with the water that you drink on this day;
      - 20 days to drink only "living" water.
    • 2nd month. 10 days also treat sciatica (place of compress: at the top - from the shoulder blades, at the bottom - turn on the coccyx, in width - the hip joints); - 20 days to drink "living" water.

      In the first month, chest organs and atherosclerosis are cured. In the second - the organs of the genitourinary system, the gastrointestinal tract. You have completed your treatment.

    Now you can take care of the prevention of diseases. Experience shows that this is no less important. Every day in the morning, half an hour before breakfast, you should drink 100 g of “dead” water. Thoroughly rinse the nasopharynx. After breakfast, rinse your mouth with "dead" water, then hold the "dead" water in your mouth for 15-20 minutes.

    Half an hour before lunch and dinner, drink 150 g of "live" water. If you wake up at night, it is useful to drink 100 g of “dead” water. The use of "living" and "dead" water on oneself and other people made it possible to compile a table of procedures for the treatment of various diseases. I was convinced in practice that this miracle water can replace many medicines.


    Diseases Order of procedures, results

    • Prostate adenoma Every month for 20 days, half an hour before meals, take 150 g of "live" and "dead" water (every other day). Then another 5 days to drink "living" water. It is advisable to additionally take “dead” water at night.
    - Lying in the bath, massage the perineum of the coward of the shower.
    - Massage with your finger through the perineum, very carefully.
    - Enema from warm "living" water, 200 g.
    - At night, put a compress on the perineum from "living" water, after washing with soap and moistening the perineum with "dead" water, allowing it to dry.
    - When setting up a compress, insert a candle from peeled raw potatoes into anus, after soaking it in “living” water.
    - As a massage - cycling.
    - Sunbathing.
    - Regular sex life is useful, but do not regulate ejaculation during intercourse.
    - Eat more garlic, onions, herbs.

    After 3-4 months, mucus is released, the tumor is not felt. For the purpose of prevention, this course should be repeated periodically.

    • Cracked heels, hands Wash feet and hands with warm soapy water and allow to dry. Moisten with “dead” water and let dry. Put a compress of "living" water at night, in the morning scrape off white plaque from your feet and grease with sunflower oil, let it soak. After 3-4 days, the heel will be healthy. Thoroughly disinfect shoes, indoor slippers.
    • Obliterating atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities Do everything as with cracks in the heels and hands, plus take “dead” water 100 g half an hour before meals. This disease is accompanied by the fact that the soles of the feet dry out, and then the skin thickens due to the death of living cells then it cracks. If veins are visible, then you can put a compress on these places or at least moisten them with “dead” water, let it dry and moisten with “living” water. Self-massage is also necessary. It is cured in 6-10 days.
    • Smell of feet Wash feet with warm water, wipe dry, then moisten with "dead" water, and after 10 minutes - "live". Wipe the shoes inside with a swab moistened with “dead” water and dry. Wash socks, moisten with “dead” water and dry. For prevention, you can wet your socks after washing (or new ones) with “dead” water and dry them.
    • Purulent wounds Wash the wound first with "dead" water, after 3-5 minutes - with "live". Then during the day 5-6 times rinse only with “living” water. The wound dries up immediately and heals within two days. Inflammatory processes, closed wounds, boils, acne, barley For two days, put a warm compress on the sore spot. Before applying the compress, moisten the inflamed area with “dead” water and allow to dry. At night, take a quarter glass of “dead” water.
    • Boils (if not on the face) pierce, squeeze out. Heals in 2-3 days.
    • Facial hygiene In the morning and evening after washing, the face is wiped first with “dead”, then “living” water. Do the same after shaving. The skin becomes smooth, acne disappears.
    • Swelling of the legs (Do not treat without consulting a doctor. This may be the active phase of heart rheumatism). Half an hour before meals, drink 150 g of “dead” water, on the second day drink “living” water. Moisten the sore spots of the legs with "dead" water, and when dry - with "live" water. You can also put a compress on the night. Compress on the lower back. Dissolve salt in water 1:10. Soak a towel in this solution and put on the lower back. Once the towel is hot, dampen again. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. Angina For three days, rinse the throat and nasopharynx three times with “dead” water. After each rinse, take a quarter cup of “live” water. Be sure to rinse your mouth and throat before and after eating.
    • Colds: Apply a compress of warm “dead” water to the neck and drink 0.5 cups of “dead” water 4 times a day before meals. Wipe the soles at night vegetable oil, put on warm socks. Varicose veins Apply a compress: wash the swollen areas with “dead” water, then moisten the gauze with “living” water, apply to these areas and cover with cellophane, insulate and fix. Drink half a glass of “dead” water once, and then after 1-2 hours take half a glass of “living” water every 4 hours (only four times a day). Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days. On the third day, the veins are not noticeable.
    • Influenza: 3 times a day, drink 150 g of “dead” water half an hour before meals. During the day, rinse the nasopharynx 8 times with “dead” water, drink 0.5 cups of “live” water at night. Relief comes within a day.
    • Atherosclerosis Drink "dead" and "living" water 2-3 days a month half an hour before meals, 150 g. Compress of "living" water to impose on the cervical spine. In food, include more fresh cabbage, vegetable oil. After eating every half an hour drink 30 g of unboiled water. Eat 2-3 cloves of garlic daily. Headaches in the first month decrease, and then completely disappear.
    • Burns If there are blisters, they need to be pierced, and then moisten the affected areas 4-5 times with "dead" water, and after 20-25 minutes with "live" water and in the following days, moisten the areas 7-8 times in the same way. Affected areas heal quickly, without changes in cover. Toothache, damage to tooth enamel Rinse the mouth several times a day with “dead” water for 8-10 minutes. The pain disappears immediately.
    • Gum disease (periodontal disease) 6 times a day rinse for 10-15 minutes with “dead” and then “live” water in the mouth and throat. After the procedure, take orally 50 grams of “living” water. Improvement occurs within three days.
    • Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastritis Drink "dead" and "living" water half an hour before meals, 150 g each (every other day). And every half hour, drink 30 g of unboiled water, settled for 6 days on flint, or fresh cabbage juice, as well as linden tea with honey. The course of treatment is 10 days. Repeat monthly until recovery.
    • Heartburn Drink 0.5 glass of "living" water. Heartburn should stop. If there is no result, then you need to drink “dead” water. Constipation Drink 100 g of cold “living” water on an empty stomach. If constipation is chronic, then take daily. You can put an enema of warm "living" water.
    • Hemorrhoids, anal fissures 1-2 days in the evening, wash the cracks, knots with “dead” water, and then moisten tampons made with a candle (possible from potatoes), moisten with “live” water, insert into the anus. Heals in 2-3 days. Diarrhea Drink half a glass of "dead" water. If diarrhea does not stop within half an hour, repeat the procedure. Abdominal pain disappears after 10-15 minutes.
    • Diabetes mellitus, diseases of the pancreas Drink “live” water constantly half an hour before meals, 150 g. Drink unboiled water, you can settle for 6 days on flint, every half hour, 30 g.
    • Rheumatoid arthritis Half an hour before meals every other day, drink 150 grams of "live" and "dead" water. Put a compress with the water you drink on the lumbar region, including the coccyx. Bronchial asthma Drink "living" water, heated to 36 degrees, after eating 100 g. Do inhalation of "living" water with soda. Sanitation of the nasopharynx with "dead" and then "live" water after meals, every hour. Apply mustard plaster to the chest area and to the feet. A hot foot bath is recommended (as a distraction). Health improves already on the 2nd day. The course of treatment is 5 days. Repeat every month.
    • Osteochondrosis of the spine Drink a day of “dead” and a day of “living” water every other day half an hour before meals, 150 g each. Apply a compress to the sore spot using “dead” water. Massage required. The course of treatment is 10 days.
    • Exchange polyarthritis with pain in the joints Within 10 days, 3 times a day before meals, drink half a glass of "dead" water. At night, apply a compress with “dead” water to sore spots. Drink 150 g of “live” water after meals. Improvement comes on the first day. Cut, puncture Wash the wound with “dead” water. Apply a compress with "living" water. It will heal in 1-2 days.
    • Ringworm, eczema Within 10 minutes. Moisten the affected areas with “dead” water 4-5 times. Moisten with “living” water after 20-25 minutes. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times daily. Drink half an hour before meals 100 g of "living" water. After 5 days, if traces remain on the skin, take a 10-day break and repeat.
    • Allergy Rinse the nasopharynx, nasal cavity and mouth with "dead" water for 1-2 minutes, then with "live" water for 3-5 minutes 3-4 times a day. Lotions from “dead” water for rashes and swelling. Rash and swelling disappear.
    • Acute stomatitis Rinse with "dead" water for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with "live" water for 2-3 minutes. Periodically repeat the procedure for three days.
    • Recurrent bronchitis The same procedures are recommended as for bronchial asthma. Repeat 3-4 times within an hour. Health improves already on the 2nd day. The course of treatment is 5 days. Repeat every month.
    • Helminthiasis (worms) Cleansing enema “dead”, then an hour later “living water. Drink during the day "dead" water, 150 g every half hour. The condition may not be important. Then, during the day, drink “living” water, 150 g half an hour before meals. If after two days there is no complete recovery, then repeat the course. To improve well-being and normalize the functioning of organs In the morning and evening after eating, rinse your mouth with “dead” water and drink 100 g of “live” water.
    • Headaches: Drink once 0.5 glass of "dead" water. The headache soon stops. Cosmetics Moisten face, neck, hands, other parts of the body in the morning and evening with “dead” water.
    • Washing head:

    • Rinse your hair with “live” water with a small addition of shampoo. Rinse with "dead" water. Stimulation of plant growth Soak the seeds for 40 minutes to two hours in "living" water. Water the plants with “living” water 1-2 times a week. It can also be soaked in a mixture of "dead" and "living" water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:4. Preservation of fruits Spray the fruits with "dead" water for four minutes, put in a container. Store at a temperature of 5-16 degrees.

      I CURED MYSELF - I TREAT OTHERS The experience of treatment convinced me of the need for preliminary preparation. I want to pay attention to the state of mind, the emotions of the patient himself and the one who heals, helps him. I remembered lines from one letter: “It’s like a hostess - if she cooks food in good mood, then food will go for good, and if in bad, with negative emotions, don’t expect good, here you can’t do without illness.” When drinking water or doing another procedure, always relax, becoming sensitive and permeable.

      Mentally accompany the action of water, procedures in your body. Only then will the treatment be beneficial. If all this is done on the go, without emotions, then everything will be in vain. I explain to the patient in the first conversation before treatment: - the cause of the disease or non-recovery is the lack of psychic energy. She needs to be stocked. How to do this is discussed further;

    - we will treat not only the disease, but the body as a whole;
    - health depends on the psyche, skin, nutrition;
    - it is very important not to allow immoral thoughts, when they appear, turn to God with a prayer for forgiveness.


    1st day.

    • In the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, drink 50 grams of “live” water.
    • Every day drink 100 grams of any juice (lemon, apple, carrot, beetroot, cabbage).
    • Eat a few cloves of garlic and half an onion daily.
    • Three times a day, take 0.25 aspirin tablets after meals.
    • Daily eat 10-15 grams of nuts (peanuts, walnuts).
    • Dinner: 100 grams of cottage cheese or cheese. An hour later, drink 50 grams of “live” water.
    2nd day.
    • If you feel good, repeat everything as on the first day. If you feel weak, have breakfast in the morning like this: pour 3 tablespoons of ground cereal an hour before meals with warm water, but not higher than 57 degrees. An hour later, the porridge is ready.
    • Don't have lunch or dinner.
    • The following days are like the second.

      My treatment usually consists of 10 sessions. In addition to water, massage is applied for 1.5-2 hours from head to toes. Of course, I take into account the state of health.

    TREATMENT OF PSORIASIS Reading the letters, once again I am convinced that the majority of those wishing to be cured rely solely on water. She is truly omnipotent. But I want to show with just one example how to treat psoriasis.

    1. Drink 100 g of “live” water 30 minutes before meals.

    2. Nettle bath 10-15 minutes once a week, 4 times in total.

    3. Massage: a) if in the upper part of the body - 2-4th thoracic vertebrae; b) if in the lower part of the body - 4-11th lumbar vertebrae; c) directly at the site of the lesion.

    4. At night, massage the feet, then wipe them with vegetable oil, put on warm socks.

    5. Sunbathing, dousing with salt water if there is no sea water.

    6. A compress to the site of the lesion from a spoonful of birch tar (I myself do it along the way when I prepare activated charcoal from birch), three tablespoons of fish oil. Mix everything thoroughly and spread on a cloth.

    7. Nutrition: germinated wheat, alfalfa. More cabbage, carrots, yeast, drink sunflower oil. Limit the consumption of sweets, animal products, alcohol.


    The Gospel says: when Jesus Christ was crucified, then on the second day Mary and Magdala brought to him LIVING water for healing... So, even then there was miraculous water? Yes, there is such water in nature.

    The first time she visits is Epiphany, January 19, from 0:00 to 3:00. But this is “dead” water. It should be collected, preferably from a source, in a glass dish. This water has the ability to kill everything in the body that interferes with it. For the second time in a year, water has healing power on the Kupala night from June 6 to 7, also from 0 to 3 hours.

    Dial from the source into a glass dish. This is "living" water. When you get sick, drink “dead” water, you will feel weak, but then drink “living” water and you will feel better. On the night of Ivan Kupala and the fire has a cleansing power. Many diseases disappear, especially gynecological ones. You need to jump over the fire three times if you take part in this folk festival.

    Try to lead an active lifestyle! Believe me, this is the main medicine for achieving positive results in treatment.

    A bedridden patient must move all the time. Move the whole body - arms, legs, fingers, eyes. If you can roll over, then this is already happiness. Turn over more often in bed. And if you can sit, then it’s a sin not to move, and you have to try to get up or at least crawl. Yes, yes, crawl, because this is movement. You are already able to do many exercises. A person who gets up at least a little on his feet should feel healthy. Always try to have some kind of incentive to move.

    Even a bedridden patient can find something to do: cut something, embroider. Do not feel sorry for yourself, look for every opportunity to be active. Retirees, sick people, if you can go out, collect medicinal herbs.

    You can do this not only for yourself, but also for other people. And the more you do good deeds, the healthier you will feel. Don't try to make money from herbs. Strive to promote them more.

    It is very important to be happy more often. Rejoice in your movement, your smallest successes, the lived hour, the day. Rejoice in the success of others.

    Don't judge anyone and don't envy anyone. Find an opportunity to enjoy the diversity of people's characters. Going out into nature, do not disdain and do not be afraid to eat leaves or flowers of dandelion, plantain. Make salads out of them, especially nettles and other greens.

    Try to exclude meat products from food, rid yourself of tobacco and alcohol, try to be calm - and healing will come to you.

    I kindly ask everyone who will be treated using my brochure to report the results to me at the address: 231800 Grodno region, Slonim, st. Dovatora, 8a, apt. 46. ​​Lysenko Georgy Dmitrievich.