Presentation on how the Egyptian pyramids were built. " Pyramids of Egypt"

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Oceania is a geographic, often geopolitical region of the world, predominantly made up of hundreds of small islands and atolls in the central and western Pacific Ocean. Oceania is the world's largest cluster of islands located in the western and central parts of the Pacific Ocean, between the subtropical latitudes of the northern and temperate southern hemispheres. When all the land is divided into parts of the world, Oceania is usually combined with Australia into a single part of the world Australia and Oceania, although sometimes it is separated into an independent part of the world. The total area of ​​the islands of Oceania is 1.3 million square kilometers.

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The total area of ​​the islands is 1.26 million km² (together with Australia 8.52 million km²), the population is about 10.7 million people. (together with Australia 32.6 million people). Geographically, Oceania is subdivided into Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia; sometimes singled out as New Zealand

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natural features

The islands of volcanic origin have a mountainous relief. Coral islands (atolls) are in the form of a continuous or broken ring. In the center of the island there is a shallow lagoon. Copper is mined on some islands, coal, phosphorites, oil natural gas. Most of the islands lie in the equatorial and tropical zones, so here high temperatures a large amount of precipitation.

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Flora and fauna

The organic world is endemic and has a poor species composition. Coral islands are poor in wildlife, because there is little fresh water. Many birds, New Guinea inhabited by echidnas, tree kangaroos, flightless bird kiwi, tuatara primordial lizard. There are no mammal predators. The flora is not rich: palm trees, casuarina, tree ferns, creepers and coconut palms.

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Population of Oceania

In Oceania, both the indigenous population and immigrants from Europe live. Asia, America, The indigenous inhabitants of the islands of Melanesia, the Papuans, belong to the equatorial race, and the Polynesians (Maori) represent a special group of peoples. The indigenous population carefully preserves its original culture. The Anglo-Zealandic nation was formed in New Zealand.

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Dancers from the Cook Islands

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Political map of Oceania

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    Oceania countries

    The modern political map of Oceania has been forming for a long time. Many islands still remain the possessions of the USA (Hawaiian Islands), Great Britain, France, Australia. Until the early 60s of the 20th century there was one independent state - New Zealand, and now there are more than 10. The smallest is Nauru (one island), and Kiribati - 30 islands.

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    Economy of Oceania

    The main industry is tropical agriculture. Coconut palms are grown on plantations. Tea coffee. Bananas, sugarcane, pineapples. Especially prized is copra, the dried flesh of the coconut, from which coconut oil is obtained. The indigenous population raises goats and pigs. The traditional occupation is fishing and other types of marine crafts. New Zealand is the only country in Oceania with a well-developed economy.

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    international tourism

    Oceania is an area of ​​developed international tourism. Many tourists visit the Hawaiian Islands, Easter Island. Tahiti and others. Easter Island has been declared a national park and included in the World Cultural Heritage List. There are many mysterious stone statues on the island - stylized images of people created by Polynesians at the end of the 4th century.

    slide 13 - Australia. - coat of arms of Australia.,_australia-spl.jpg - Australian rivers. – Cooper Creek. - rivers. - relief of Australia. - Murray. - Murray. - Darling. - Darling. - eucalyptus. - blooming eucalyptus. - Air. - Air.

    • What climate zone is Australia in?
    • In which direction does the amount of precipitation decrease in

    tropical zone, as well as on the island of Tasmania?

    • Why is Australia the driest continent?
    • What is the name of the plate on which Australia is located?
    • How are landforms distributed across the mainland?
    • What minerals are mined in Australia?
    • What part of the continent is the oldest?
    • What animals are featured on the Australian coat of arms?
    • What animals are depicted on Australian coins?
    • What is the name of the capital of Australia?
    • What is the name of the island in southern Australia, bearing

    the name of the animal, the symbol of Australia?

    • What is the name of the peninsula, in the northern part of the mainland, on

    which is the eponymous extreme point?

    • Name the strait between Tasmania and Australia.
    • What is the name of the bay located between the peninsula

    Arnhemland and Cape York?

    • What is the westernmost point of Australia?
    • What natural structure is located near the eastern

    the shores of Australia is its symbol?

    • List the oviparous animals.
    • Which medicinal plant in australia the leaves turned

    chickpeas edge to the sun?

    • What is a scrub?
    • What are the riverbeds in Australia called?
    • Name the largest river systems in Australia.

    Oceania are the islands in

    central and southeastern

    Pacific Ocean to the northeast

    from Australia, between 28N.S. and 53S

    and 130v.d. and 105 W

    Oceania includes

    7 thousand in total S 1.3 Most of

    island grouped

    to the archipelagos: New

    Zealand, Hawaii, Tuamotu,

    Fiji etc.

    Part of the world Australia and Oceania are traditionally divided into the country-continent Australia and the island world of Oceania.

    Melanesia ("black island") - Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Fiji.

    micronesia ("small island") - small coral islands.

    Polynesia (multi-island) - New Zealand, Hawaiian Islands, Tongo, Tuvalu.

    Oceania became Europeans

    known in the 16th century. since

    first round-the-world trip

    processions of F. Magellan.

    Huge contribution to

    discovery of Oceania

    Contributed by James Cook.

    Names of Russians in Oceania.

    • visited Oceania

    more than 40 Russian expeditions

    under the direction of V.M. Golo-

    Vnina, F.P. Litke, S.O.

    Rova etc.

    Russian islands in

    nature and population of Oceania

    Contributed by N.N. Miklukho-Maclay.

    He made interesting descriptions

    sledge on the shores of the tropical

    Miklukho Maclay.

    He lived in this village.

    He studied the life of the local

    villages. residents with respect

    treated him.

    Miklukho-Maclay was the only

    venerable European, who in

    New Guinea was delivered


    Maclay Coast

    The islands of Oceania are very picturesque. mountainous islands, flat atolls,

    overgrown with slender palm trees, with a coastal strip of white coral

    white or black volcanic sand are amazing.




    1 - underwater volcano

    2 - fouling of the volcano with corals

    3 - immersion of the volcanic base under water

    Most of the islands of Oceania are surrounded by coral re-

    families who take on the blows of formidable oceanic

    waves and extinguish their gigantic strength.

    Physical and geographical position

    name, size and origin

    The islands are closely connected with the structure

    bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

    Most islands in Oceania

    refers to volcanic

    coral, some of them -

    tops of underwater ridges.

    There are also mainland islands.

    Position in a vast body of water, small size

    land and remoteness, isolation of islands from mainland land

    and from each other had a significant impact on the nature of the islands.

    In the past, the islands of Oceania were a single land, but as a result of the rise in the level of the World Ocean, a significant part of the surface was under water.

    The relief of these islands is mountainous and strongly dissected. For example, the highest mountains of Oceania, including Mount Jaya (5029 m), are located on the island of New Guinea.

    Climate of Oceania warm, even

    soft, especially favorable

    for human life.

    Due to the position of the islands on both

    side of the equator temperature

    the air is high, but the winds from the ocean

    greatly soften the heat.

    Temperature fluctuations by

    seasons and during the day


    Air pressure change over

    the vastness of the ocean leads

    to frequent


    The isolation of the islands

    had the strongest impact on their

    plant and animal world.

    He is very idiosyncratic. poorer

    in total it is on small and comparable

    very young bark

    on the islands.

    On the small islands of Oceania, primarily atolls, mammals are almost never found: many of them are inhabited only by the Polynesian rat. New Zealand and New Guinea are distinguished by the greatest diversity of fauna.

    Of the representatives of the fauna of New Zealand, the most famous are the kiwi birds, which have become the national symbol of the country. Other birds living there are kea, kakapo (or owl parrot), takahe (or wingless sultan).

    Coastal rich in life

    the waters of the islands and especially

    Islands in the ocean are oases

    in the middle of the water desert.

    Man populated Oceania

    millennia ago. What

    settlement went along the ways until it was clear

    but. According to the pre-

    settings, Oceania was populated

    on people from Southeast Asia.

    According to the hypothesis of the Norwegian traveler

    nick Thor Heyerdahl, she was inhabited by the exit-

    tsy from America.

    Oceanians were skillful

    sailors and shipbuilder

    mi. Oriented by the stars

    they sailed for

    thousands of kilometers from

    islands. There is a witness

    the fact that they even sailed on

    the island of Madagascar.

    New Zealand - Maori.

    Indigenous people of New Guinea and

    the nearby islands Papuans .

    They belong to the equatorial

    Modern inhabitants of Oceania

    farming, you

    growing coconut trees

    bananas, sugarcane and

    other cultures.

    Traditional occupation

    the fishery remains

    ocean. On the islands to

    there are non-ferrous ores

    metal, stone

    coal, develop

    phosphate deposits.

    The nature of Oceania is very vulnerable. She quickly changed

    has changed and continues to change under the influence of

    human activity. Valuable rocks cut down

    trees, coastal waters of many

    real barbarism

    was the transformation of the series

    atolls to landfills for

    testing of nuclear weapons

    zhiya, as a result of the destruction

    the same number of atolls, up to

    unrecognizability change

    the nature of other remains

    • Atoll testing

    Islands of Oceania

    years were a colony-

    mi. Three decades

    ago it was here

    only one independent

    my state - But-

    Wow Zealand.

    Now independent

    more than 15 countries. Others

    are still in the economy

    mic dependence

    from France, England,

    USA, Australia, Chile

    and other countries.

    • & 39.

    Most countries in Oceania have a very weak economy, which is due to several reasons: limited natural resources, remoteness from world markets for products, and a shortage of highly qualified specialists. Many states depend on financial assistance other countries. The basis of the economy of most countries in Oceania is Agriculture(copra and palm oil production) and fishing. Among the most important agricultural crops stand out the coconut palm, bananas, breadfruit. Possessing huge exclusive economic zones and not having a large fishing fleet, the governments of the countries of Oceania issue licenses for the right to catch fish to vessels of other states (mainly Japan, Taiwan, the USA), which significantly replenishes the state budget. The mining industry is most developed in Papua New Guinea, Nauru, New Caledonia, and New Zealand. IN Lately measures are being taken to develop the tourism sector of the economy.

    When referring to the Egyptian pyramids, as a rule, they mean the Great Pyramids located in Giza, not far from Cairo.

    The largest of them is the pyramid of Cheops, the second pharaoh of the IV dynasty. This pyramid is still the largest architectural creation of human hands. At the base, it is a square with a side of 227.5 meters. The height during construction is 146.6 meters, and now the pyramid is 9 meters lower: the upper stones fell during earthquakes.

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    The Pyramid of Cheops

    Even in ancient times, the pyramids of Giza were considered one of the seven "wonders of the world." But even today they are able to hit anyone. The largest of them is the pyramid of Cheops, the second pharaoh of the IV dynasty. This pyramid is still the largest architectural creation of human hands. At the base, it is a square with a side of 227.5 meters. The height during construction is 146.6 meters, and now the pyramid is 9 meters lower: the upper stones fell during earthquakes. The construction of the pyramid (and it was completed around 2590 BC) took 2.3 million stone blocks weighing two and a half tons each. The total volume of the pyramid is 2.34 million cubic meters. The faces of the pyramid are oriented to the cardinal points, and their angle of inclination to the base is 51o52". The entrance is located on the north side. Separate blocks, according to the Arab historian Abdel Latif (XII century), fit so precisely to each other that it is impossible to slip between them blade of knife.

    There are no inscriptions or decorations inside the Cheops pyramid. There are three burial chambers. The burial chamber of the pharaoh is a room about 11 meters long, five meters wide and almost six meters high. The walls of the tomb are finished with granite slabs. The red granite sarcophagus is empty. Neither the pharaoh's mummy nor grave goods have been found. It is believed that the pyramid was plundered in ancient times.

    On the south side of the pyramid is a structure shaped like a ship. This is the so-called Solar Boat - one of the five on which Cheops was supposed to go to the other world. In 1954, a boat 43.6 m long, disassembled into 1224 parts, was discovered during excavations. It was built of cedar without a single nail and, as evidenced by the traces of silt preserved on it, before the death of Cheops, it was still floating on the Nile.

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    "Horizon of Khufu" is the name of the Pyramid of Cheops.

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    Pyramid of Khafre

    The second largest pyramid of Giza belongs to the pharaoh Khafre. It was built 40 years later than the first one. Sometimes it seems that the pyramid of Khafre is even larger than that of Cheops. In fact, it is slightly smaller. The side of the square base of the Khafre pyramid is 215 meters. Height - 136 meters. However, in ancient times, like the pyramid of Cheops, it was 9 meters higher. The angle of inclination is sharper than that of the first pyramid: 53o8 ". Here, the entire complex of structures is more clearly visible, consisting of a temple in the valley, a road, a temple of the dead and the pyramid itself. The lower temple, in which 25 statues of pharaohs once stood, is known for that here, on the threshold of the kingdom of the dead, Khafre was mummified

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    Pyramid of Menkaure

    The pyramid of Menkaure completes the ensemble of the great pyramids of Giza. Its construction was completed in 2505 BC. This pyramid is much smaller than its predecessors. The side of the base is 108 meters, the original height is 66.5 meters (today - 62 m), the angle of inclination is 51o. The only burial chamber of the pyramid is carved into its rocky base, emphasizing the greatness of the pyramids of Cheops and Khafre. The latter are easy to distinguish from each other: at the pyramid of Khafre, near the top, a white basalt lining has been partially preserved.

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