Kirishinefteorgsintez official. Oil refinery ooo "Kinef" in Kirishi

The refinery on Volkhov was built in record time: the construction of the plant began in 1961, and on March 22, 1966, an act of the state commission was signed on the commissioning of the first stage of the refinery. The plant then represented the minimum necessary set of installations, the task of which was to provide the North-West with gasoline, diesel fuel and fuel oil. Starting from 1974, KNPZ started producing raw materials for petrochemistry. Benzene, toluene, isopentane, normal pentane and butane, nefras appeared in the plant's product range. In 1981, a catalytic reforming unit was launched, capable of processing up to a million tons of raw materials per year, and in 1988, a hydrotreatment of diesel fuels, with a capacity of two million tons.

Surgutneftegaz with the Kirishi Oil Refinery as part of it. The activities of Surgutneftegaz Holding cover the entire technological chain from geological exploration and production of hydrocarbons to processing, distribution and marketing of products.

Since 1996, the status of the plant has been PO Kirishinefteorgsintez LLC. The plant's prospects are related to the deepening of oil refining. In this regard, the plant management decided in 2001 to build a hydrocracking kerosene-diesel option, which involves the complete conversion of raw materials in the hydrocracking process.

The company produces unleaded motor gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, fuel oil, petroleum bitumen, liquefied hydrocarbon gases, petroleum aromatics and solvents, polyalkylbenzene, linear alkylbenzene, petroleum paraffins, sulfuric acid, sulfur, and roofing materials. The plant produces about 80 types of oil products and exports about 80% of its products. The plant's products are sold both in Russia and abroad: the North-West region of the Russian Federation, Western and Eastern Europe.

In March 2003, the company decided to restructure the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001:2000.

In order to enter the world market, the enterprise has started to implement a project for a complex for deep oil refining of a kerosene-diesel version.

The enterprise is regularly upgrading the technological scheme of the enterprise in order to improve the quality of products, reduce operating costs, improve production safety and preserve the environment. During the modernization, 8 large production facilities were reconstructed, including the isomerization unit. Thanks to this, the production of Euro-4 motor gasolines of the Regular Euro-92/4 and Premium Euro-95/4 grades, diesel fuel with a sulfur content of 50 ppm and the production of diesel fuel with a sulfur content of 10 ppm became possible.

Owners and management

In 1993, the vertically integrated company Surgutneftegaz was created with the Kirishi Oil Refinery as part of it. Somov Vadim Evseevich - General Director of KINEF LLC, Vice President of NK Surgutneftegaz. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences. He was awarded the Order of Friendship in 1996, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th class. - in 2001, the Order of Honor - in 2006, the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" 3 tbsp. - in 2012 .

Zalishchevsky Grigory Davydovich - technical director, doctor of technical sciences.


Chairman Flotsky Viktor Ivanovich


In terms of processing volume (17.3 million tons per year), Kirishinefteorgsintez is one of the five largest plants in the country. Kirishinefteorgsintez produces all types of fuel, products that are in great demand in the petrochemical and paint industries, at household chemical enterprises and in the construction industry. Factory products:

aromatic hydrocarbons


Diesel fuel



Oil bitumen


Sulfur technical

Sulfuric acid contact, technical

Liquefied gases

Commercial xylenes

Marine fuel


Accident March 18, 1986

March 18 early in the morning at the Kirishi oil refinery (Leningrad region). When filling a tank with a capacity of 10 thousand tons, due to the oversight of the operators, gasoline overflowed, and fuel vapors flared up in the bunding of the tank, and the tank itself caught fire. The fire damaged the automatic valve control system, so it was impossible to open them to pump gasoline into an adjacent tank. Considering the complexity of the fire and the real threat to the city of Kirishi, all the forces of the city garrison were thrown to eliminate it, 23 main and special fire trucks and 20 tons of foam concentrate were sent from Leningrad to help. To get closer to the reservoir, a dam of sand and gravel had to be built. Firefighters worked standing up to their chests in a mixture of water and gasoline. For two days, the cooling of the reservoir and the burning valves with water continued, after which a foam attack was made inside the burning reservoir. To do this, gas cutters cut a 2.5x1.5 m hole in the tank wall. A foam attack using 23 GPS-600 stations and 2 GPS-2000 stations eliminated the fire inside the tank. Extinguishing the most difficult fire in its complexity lasted 85 hours. Nine times the fire tested firefighters with strong flashes of gasoline vapors, while the burning area reached 8000 square meters. m. A significant number of fire hoses and fire-technical equipment burned down at the combat sites. In the course of extinguishing the fire, firefighters repeatedly showed examples of real heroism, ingenuity, and non-standard technical solutions. 19 most distinguished firefighters were awarded orders and medals.

May 29, 2008 accident

On May 29, at about 02:30, there was an explosion and subsequent fire at the LG-24/7-1200 unit (hydrotreatment of diesel fuel). The explosion and fire occurred due to the leakage of a hydrogen-containing mixture in the compressor room. The fire was assigned the third category of complexity, it was managed to be eliminated an hour after the start.

As a result of the incident, one person died, four received serious burns, but the doctors could not save them.

Specialists from Rostekhnadzor were involved in the investigation of the causes of the accident as experts.

Fire August 5, 2009

In the morning, a diesel fuel hydrotreater ignited in one of the workshops. No one was injured as a result of the fire. The fire was extinguished at 11:10 Moscow time.

According to the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a message about the ignition of the furnace plant in the tank farm of the enterprise was received on August 5, 2009 at 10:32 Moscow time. At 10:58 Moscow time, the fire, which was assigned the third category of complexity, was localized.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Kirishinefteorgsintez" is in other dictionaries:

    STP SK II-0-53-2003: Quality system. Industrial safety and labor protection management system at LLC "PO "Kirishinefteorgsintez"- Terminology STP SK II 0 53 2003: Quality system. Industrial safety and labor protection management system at LLC "PA" Kirishinefteorgsintez ": 13.2.2. The second stage of production control. Head of the installation (site), ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Kirishinefteorgsintez is an oil refinery in the city of Kirishi, Leningrad Region. The company receives raw materials through a pipeline from distribution centers in the Yaroslavl region. The plant receives West Siberian and Volga Ural oil. ... ... Wikipedia

    Surgutneftegaz- (Surgutneftegaz) Surgutneftegaz company, the history of the creation of the Surgutneftegaz company Surgutneftegaz company, the history of the creation of the Surgutneftegaz company, development prospects Encyclopedia of the investor

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    General Director of OAO SIBUR Neftekhim since February 2003; born in 1962; graduated from the Novopolotsk Polytechnic Institute with a degree in chemical technology of oil and gas processing in 1986; in 1986 he entered ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

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Leningrad Region Kirishi Key Figures

Somov Vadim Evseevich (CEO)


Kirishinefteorgsintez- an oil refinery in the city of Kirishi, Leningrad Region.

The company receives raw materials through a pipeline from distribution centers in the Yaroslavl region. The plant receives West Siberian and Volga-Ural oil.


The enterprise was put into operation in 1966 . The refinery on Volkhov was built in record time: the construction of the plant began in 1961, and on March 22, 1966, an act of the state commission was signed on the commissioning of the first stage of the refinery. The plant then represented the minimum necessary set of installations, the task of which was to provide the North-West with gasoline, diesel fuel and fuel oil. Starting from 1974, KNPZ started producing raw materials for petrochemistry. Benzene, toluene, isopentane, normal pentane and butane, nefras appeared in the plant's product range. In 1981, a catalytic reforming unit was launched, capable of processing up to a million tons of raw materials per year, and in 1988, a hydrotreatment of diesel fuels, with a capacity of two million tons.

Surgutneftegaz with the Kirishi Oil Refinery as part of it. The activities of Surgutneftegaz Holding cover the entire technological chain from geological exploration and production of hydrocarbons to processing, distribution and marketing of products.

Since 1996, the status of the plant has been LLC PA Kirishinefteorgsintez. The plant's prospects are related to the deepening of oil refining. In this regard, the plant management decided in 2001 to build a hydrocracking kerosene-diesel option, which involves the complete conversion of raw materials in the hydrocracking process.

The company produces unleaded motor gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, fuel oil, petroleum bitumen, liquefied hydrocarbon gases, petroleum aromatics and solvents, polyalkylbenzene, linear alkylbenzene, petroleum paraffins, sulfuric acid, sulfur, and roofing materials. The plant produces about 80 types of oil products and exports about 80% of its products. The plant's products are sold both in Russia and abroad: the North-West region of the Russian Federation, Western and Eastern Europe.

In March 2003, the company decided to restructure the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001:2000.

In order to enter the world market, the enterprise has started to implement a project for a complex for deep oil refining of a kerosene-diesel version.

The enterprise is regularly upgrading the technological scheme of the enterprise in order to improve the quality of products, reduce operating costs, improve production safety and preserve the environment. During the modernization, 8 large production facilities were reconstructed, including the Isomalk-2 isomerization unit and the xylenes isomerization unit. Thanks to this, the production of Euro-4 motor gasolines of the Regular Euro-92/4 and Premium Euro-95/4 grades, diesel fuel with a sulfur content of 50 ppm and the production of diesel fuel with a sulfur content of 10 ppm became possible.

Owners and management

In 1993, the vertically integrated company Surgutneftegaz was created with the Kirishi Oil Refinery as part of it. Somov Vadim Evseevich - General Director of KINEF LLC, Vice President of NK Surgutneftegaz. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences. He was awarded the Order of Friendship in 1996, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th class. - in 2001, the Order of Honor - in 2006, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3 tbsp. - in 2012 .

Kameshkov Alexey Viktorovich - technical director


Chairman - Flotsky Viktor Ivanovich.


In terms of processing volume (17.3 million tons per year), Kirishinefteorgsintez is one of the five largest plants in the country. Kirishinefteorgsintez produces all types of fuel, products that are in great demand in the petrochemical and paint industries, at household chemical enterprises and in the construction industry. Factory products:

  • aromatic hydrocarbons
  • Gasolines
  • Diesel fuel
  • Kerosenes
  • Oxygen
  • Fuel oils
  • Oil bitumen
  • Solvents
  • Sulfur technical
  • Sulfuric acid contact, technical
  • Liquefied gases
  • Commercial xylenes
  • Marine fuel


Accident March 18, 1986

On March 18, early in the morning at the Kirishi oil refinery, when filling a tank with a capacity of 10 thousand tons, due to the oversight of the operators, gasoline overflowed, and fuel vapors flared up in the bunding of the tank, and the tank itself caught fire. The fire damaged the automatic valve control system, so it was impossible to open them to pump gasoline into an adjacent tank. Considering the complexity of the fire and the real threat to the city of Kirishi, all the forces of the city garrison were thrown to eliminate it, 23 main and special fire trucks and 20 tons of foam concentrate were sent from Leningrad to help. To get closer to the reservoir, a dam of sand and gravel had to be built. Firefighters worked standing up to their chests in a mixture of water and gasoline. For two days, the cooling of the reservoir and the burning valves with water continued, after which a foam attack was made inside the burning reservoir. To do this, gas cutters cut a 2.5 × 1.5 m hole in the tank wall. A foam attack using 23 GPS-600 stations and 2 GPS-2000 stations eliminated combustion inside the tank. Extinguishing the most difficult fire in its complexity lasted 85 hours. Nine times the fire tested firefighters with strong flashes of gasoline vapors, while the burning area reached 8000 square meters. m. A significant number of fire hoses and fire-technical equipment burned down at the combat sites. In the course of extinguishing the fire, firefighters repeatedly showed examples of real heroism, ingenuity, and non-standard technical solutions. Taking into account the scale of the fire, the transportation of foam concentrate from other regions was organized. In particular, a foam extinguishing vehicle on the MAZ-7310 chassis from Balashikha near Moscow was involved, delivering 12 tons of foam concentrate.

19 most distinguished firefighters were awarded orders and medals.

May 29, 2008 accident

On May 29, at about 02:30, there was an explosion and subsequent fire at the LG-24/7-1200 unit (hydrotreatment of diesel fuel). The explosion and fire occurred due to the leakage of a hydrogen-containing mixture in the compressor room. The fire was assigned the third category of complexity, it was managed to be eliminated an hour after the start.

As a result of the incident, one person died, four received serious burns, but the doctors could not save them.

Specialists from Rostekhnadzor were involved in the investigation of the causes of the accident as experts.

Fire August 5, 2009

In the morning, a diesel fuel hydrotreater ignited in one of the workshops. No one was injured as a result of the fire. The fire was extinguished at 11:10 Moscow time.

According to the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a message about the ignition of the furnace plant in the tank farm of the enterprise was received on August 5, 2009 at 10:32 Moscow time. At 10:58 Moscow time, the fire, which was assigned the third category of complexity, was localized.

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An excerpt characterizing Kirishinefteorgsintez

- Beat the Germans! one shouted.
- And the devil take them, - traitors.
- Zum Henker diese Ruesen ... [To hell with these Russians ...] - the German grumbled something.
Several wounded were walking along the road. Curses, screams, groans merged into one common rumble. The shooting died down and, as Rostov later found out, Russian and Austrian soldiers were shooting at each other.
"My God! what is it? thought Rostov. “And here, where at any moment the sovereign can see them… But no, it’s true, these are just a few scoundrels. This will pass, this is not it, this cannot be, he thought. “Just hurry, hurry through them!”
The thought of defeat and flight could not enter Rostov's head. Although he had seen French guns and troops precisely on the Pracen mountain, on the very one where he was ordered to look for the commander-in-chief, he could not and did not want to believe this.

Near the village of Pratsa, Rostov was ordered to look for Kutuzov and the sovereign. But not only were they not here, but there was not a single commander, but there were heterogeneous crowds of disordered troops.
He urged on his already tired horse in order to quickly pass these crowds, but the farther he moved, the more upset the crowds became. On the high road, on which he left, carriages, carriages of all sorts, Russian and Austrian soldiers, of all branches of the military, wounded and unwounded, crowded. All this buzzed and swarmed mixedly to the gloomy sound of flying cannonballs from the French batteries placed on the Pracen Heights.
- Where is the Emperor? where is Kutuzov? - Rostov asked everyone he could stop, and could not get an answer from anyone.
Finally, grabbing the soldier by the collar, he forced him to answer himself.
- E! brother! Everyone has been there for a long time, forward fled! - the soldier said to Rostov, laughing at something and breaking free.
Leaving this soldier, who was obviously drunk, Rostov stopped the horse of the batman or the caretaker of an important person and began to question him. The batman announced to Rostov that an hour ago the sovereign had been driven at full speed in a carriage along this very road, and that the sovereign was dangerously wounded.
“It can’t be,” said Rostov, “that’s right, someone else.”
“I saw it myself,” said the batman with a self-confident grin. - It’s time for me to know the sovereign: it seems how many times in Petersburg I saw it like that. Pale, pale, sitting in a carriage. As soon as he let the four blacks, my fathers, he thundered past us: it seems time to know both the royal horses and Ilya Ivanovich; it seems that the coachman does not travel with another, like with Tsar Ilya.
Rostov let his horse go and wanted to go on. A wounded officer walking by turned to him.
- Whom do you need? the officer asked. - Commander-in-Chief? So he was killed with a cannonball, he was killed in the chest with our regiment.
“Not killed, wounded,” another officer corrected.
- Yes, who? Kutuzov? Rostov asked.
- Not Kutuzov, but how do you put it, - well, yes, everything is the same, not many are left alive. Go over there, over there, to that village, all the authorities have gathered there, - this officer said, pointing to the village of Gostieradek, and passed by.
Rostov rode at a pace, not knowing why and to whom he would now go. The sovereign is wounded, the battle is lost. It was impossible not to believe it now. Rostov was driving in the direction indicated to him and along which the tower and the church could be seen in the distance. Where was he in a hurry? What was he to say now to the sovereign or Kutuzov, even if they were alive and not wounded?
“Go along this road, your honor, and they’ll kill you right here,” the soldier shouted to him. - They'll kill you!
- O! what are you saying! said the other. – Where will he go? It's closer here.
Rostov thought about it and went exactly in the direction where he was told that they would kill him.
“Now it doesn’t matter: if the sovereign is wounded, can I really take care of myself?” he thought. He drove into the space where most of the people who fled from Pracen died. The French had not yet occupied this place, and the Russians, those who were alive or wounded, had long since left it. On the field, like shocks on a good arable land, there were ten people, fifteen killed, wounded on every tithe of the place. The wounded crawled down in twos, threes together, and unpleasant, sometimes feigned, as it seemed to Rostov, their cries and groans were heard. Rostov trotted his horse so as not to see all these suffering people, and he became afraid. He was afraid not for his life, but for the courage he needed and which, he knew, would not withstand the sight of these unfortunates.
The French, who had stopped shooting at this field, littered with the dead and wounded, because there was no longer anyone alive on it, saw the adjutant riding on it, pointed a gun at him and threw several cores. The feeling of these whistling, terrible sounds and the surrounding dead merged for Rostov into one impression of horror and self-pity. He remembered his mother's last letter. “What would she feel,” he thought, “if she could see me here now, on this field and with guns aimed at me.”
In the village of Gostieradeke there were, although confused, but in greater order, Russian troops marching away from the battlefield. French cannonballs were no longer reaching here, and the sounds of firing seemed far away. Here everyone already clearly saw and said that the battle was lost. To whom Rostov turned, no one could tell him where the sovereign was, or where Kutuzov was. Some said that the rumor about the wound of the sovereign was true, others said that it was not, and explained this false rumor that had spread by the fact that, indeed, in the sovereign’s carriage, the pale and frightened Chief Marshal Count Tolstoy galloped back from the battlefield, who left with others in the emperor’s retinue on the battlefield. One officer told Rostov that behind the village, to the left, he saw someone from the higher authorities, and Rostov went there, no longer hoping to find anyone, but only to clear his conscience before himself. Having traveled about three versts and passing the last Russian troops, near a garden dug in by a ditch, Rostov saw two horsemen standing opposite the ditch. One, with a white sultan on his hat, seemed familiar to Rostov for some reason; another, an unfamiliar rider, on a beautiful red horse (this horse seemed familiar to Rostov) rode up to the ditch, pushed the horse with his spurs and, releasing the reins, easily jumped over the ditch of the garden. Only the earth crumbled from the embankment from the hind hooves of the horse. Turning his horse sharply, he again jumped back over the ditch and respectfully addressed the rider with the white sultan, apparently suggesting that he do the same. The horseman, whose figure seemed familiar to Rostov and for some reason involuntarily attracted his attention, made a negative gesture with his head and hand, and by this gesture Rostov instantly recognized his mourned, adored sovereign.
"But it couldn't be him, alone in the middle of this empty field," thought Rostov. At this time, Alexander turned his head, and Rostov saw his favorite features so vividly engraved in his memory. The sovereign was pale, his cheeks were sunken and his eyes were sunken; but all the more charm, meekness was in his features. Rostov was happy, convinced that the rumor about the wound of the sovereign was unfair. He was happy to see him. He knew that he could, even had to directly address him and convey what he was ordered to convey from Dolgorukov.
But just as a young man in love trembles and trembles, not daring to say what he dreams of at night, and looks around frightened, looking for help or an opportunity to delay and escape when the desired minute has come, and he stands alone with her, so Rostov now, having reached that What he wanted more than anything in the world, did not know how to approach the sovereign, and he had thousands of reasons why it was inconvenient, indecent and impossible.
"How! I seem to be glad of the opportunity to take advantage of the fact that he is alone and in despondency. An unknown face may seem unpleasant and hard to him at this moment of sadness; then, what can I say to him now, when just looking at him my heart stops and my mouth dries up? Not a single one of those innumerable speeches that he, addressing the sovereign, composed in his imagination, now occurred to him. Those speeches were for the most part held under completely different conditions, those were spoken for the most part at the moment of victories and triumphs and mainly on the deathbed from the wounds received, while the sovereign thanked him for his heroic deeds, and he, dying, expressed his love confirmed in deeds. my.
“Then, what am I going to ask the sovereign about his orders to the right flank, when it is now 4 o'clock in the evening, and the battle is lost? No, I definitely shouldn't drive up to him. Should not disturb his reverie. It’s better to die a thousand times than to get a bad look, a bad opinion from him, ”decided Rostov and drove away with sadness and despair in his heart, constantly looking back at the sovereign, who was still in the same position of indecision.
While Rostov was making these considerations and sadly driving away from the sovereign, Captain von Toll accidentally ran into the same place and, seeing the sovereign, drove straight up to him, offered him his services and helped him cross the ditch on foot. The sovereign, wanting to rest and feeling unwell, sat down under an apple tree, and Toll stopped beside him. Rostov from afar, with envy and remorse, saw von Tol say something to the sovereign for a long time and with fervor, as the sovereign, apparently crying, closed his eyes with his hand and shook hands with Tolya.

The enterprise was put into operation in 1966. The refinery on Volkhov was built in record time: the construction of the plant began in 1961, and on March 22, 1966, an act of the state commission was signed on the commissioning of the first stage of the refinery. The plant then represented the minimum necessary set of installations, the task of which was to provide the North-West with gasoline, diesel fuel and fuel oil. Starting from 1974, KNPZ started producing raw materials for petrochemistry. Benzene, toluene, isopentane, normal pentane and butane, nefras appeared in the plant's product range. In 1981, a catalytic reforming unit was launched, capable of processing up to a million tons of raw materials per year, and in 1988, a hydrotreatment of diesel fuels, with a capacity of two million tons.

In 1993, a vertically integrated company was established with the Kirishi Oil Refinery as part of it. The activities of Surgutneftegaz Holding cover the entire technological chain from geological exploration and production of hydrocarbons to processing, distribution and marketing of products.

Since 1996, the status of the plant has been LLC PO Kirishinefteorgsintez. The prospects of the plant are connected with the deepening of oil refining. In this regard, the management of the plant decided in 2001 to build a hydrocracking kerosene-diesel option, which involves the complete conversion of raw materials in the hydrocracking process.

The company produces unleaded motor gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, fuel oil, petroleum bitumen, liquefied hydrocarbon gases, petroleum aromatics and solvents, polyalkylbenzene, linear alkylbenzene, petroleum paraffins, sulfuric acid, sulfur, and roofing materials. The plant produces about 80 types of oil products and exports about 80% of its products. The plant's products are sold both in Russia and abroad: the North-West region of the Russian Federation, Western and Eastern Europe.

In March 2003, the company decided to restructure the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001:2000.

In order to enter the world market, the enterprise has started to implement a project for a complex for deep oil refining of a kerosene-diesel version.

The enterprise is regularly upgrading the technological scheme of the enterprise in order to improve the quality of products, reduce operating costs, improve production safety and preserve the environment. During the modernization, 8 large production facilities were reconstructed, including the Isomalk-2 isomerization unit and the xylenes isomerization unit. Thanks to this, the production of Euro-4 motor gasolines of the Regular Euro-92/4 and Premium Euro-95/4 grades, diesel fuel with a sulfur content of 50 ppm and the production of diesel fuel with a sulfur content of 10 ppm became possible.

The city of Kirishi is located near the banks of the Volkhov River in the Leningrad Region, on the border with Novgorod Region. It is separated from St. Petersburg by road 155 km. The population of the city in 2016 amounted to 52 thousand people, while the bulk of citizens of working age work at the city-forming enterprise "KINEF". Kirishi was classified as a city in 1965, its area is 38 square kilometers.

The KINEF plant was built in record time - in five years - from 1961 to 1966. The young Kirishi refinery was faced with the task of providing the North-West region of the country with diesel fuel, gasoline and fuel oil. The first equipment was only the most necessary set of installations for the production of fuel of the main brands.

The enterprise began processing oil for petrochemical plants in 1974. Production was mastered:

  1. nefrasa,
  2. toluene
  3. benzene,
  4. isopentane,
  5. pentane and butane.

In 1993, the refinery became part of the Surgutneftegaz holding, which deals with oil at all technological stages: exploration, production, production and marketing of marketable products.

Raw materials are supplied to the plant via a pipeline from the Yaroslavl region, where the reserves of Volga-Ural and West Siberian oil are concentrated.

Factory product range

Over the years, oil refining technologies have been improved, new production facilities have been mastered, and the range of manufactured products has expanded. Today, the list of commercial products of the plant includes more than 80 items. These include:

  • all types of diesel fuel;
  • gasoline of different brands;
  • fuel oils;
  • kerosenes;
  • solvents;
  • oil bitumen;
  • aromatic hydrocarbons;
  • sulfuric acid;
  • technical sulfur;
  • oxygen;
  • liquefied gases;
  • marine fuel;
  • fuel for jet and gas turbine engines;
  • paraffins;
  • roofing materials.

The Kinef enterprise in St. Petersburg is one of the largest in the industry in Russia, one of the five most powerful. The planned volume of oil refining of the enterprise is 20.5 million tons, the actual volumes are 18-19 million tons per year. 80% of marketable products are exported to the countries of Eastern and Western Europe, located in the territorial proximity.

Since 1996, the refinery in the city of Kirishi has become known as LLC “PO “Kirishinefteorgsintez””.

Today, 290 filling stations operate as part of the software. The products of the plant are actively consumed by enterprises of petrochemistry, household chemicals, production of paint and varnish and building materials.

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The Kirishi Oil Refinery is part of OJSC Surgutneftegaz and is the largest enterprise in its segment in the North-West of the Russian Federation. General Director - V.E. Somov.

The plant got its name LLC "PO Kirishinefteorgsintez" or "KINEF" due to the production of a wide range of oil refining products. The total processing capacity is 20.5 million tons per year. In the Surgutneftegaz link, this is the only major oil refinery. Unlike similar enterprises of other companies, it is located closer to the state border. This fact favorably puts the plant in a number of potential exporters of fuel and petrochemical products among similar enterprises of other companies.

The main strategic direction of the company's management has chosen the increase in output, a systematic transition to the production of higher-quality high-grade fuel, as well as the expansion of the sales network (through filling stations and transportation in the domestic market and abroad).

The composition of KINEF's shareholders is not disclosed. The same rule applies to the entire Surgutneftegaz company. All meetings of shareholders are held behind closed doors. It is only known that part of the shares in the holding and, accordingly, in the refinery belongs to the head of the company V. L. Bogdanov, as well as a number of major managers of Surgutneftegaz.

Products and production equipment

The KINEF enterprise produces the entire range of fuel for engines and furnaces, as well as other petrochemical products. These include gasoline of various grades with a high octane number, all types of diesel fuel, bitumen, fuel oil, gases, hydrocarbons, paraffins, solvents and fuel for jet and gas turbine engines. In total, refined oil gives up to 81 different products. To obtain so many types of goods allows the processing of raw materials of different composition. The main flows come to the plant from Western Siberia and the Volga-Ural oil region.

The Kirishi Oil Refinery, like any similar large enterprise, consists of installations and auxiliary units. The main structure includes many workshops with their own installations and parks. The main ones are: a primary oil refining shop (ELOU), atmospheric tubing units, AVT, AT units (light fractions), xylenes production (LG-35-8/300), catalytic reforming and fuel isomerization and aromatization units (L-35- 11), diesel fuel (L-24), fuel hydrotreatment and desulfurization units (LG-24, 34), bitumen units, paraffin units (Parex), PST units (jet fuel), etc.

In order to fulfill the requirements for the quality of processing technology, the enterprise is constantly updated and modernized. Thus, in 2012, a new atmospheric gas oil processing unit was put into operation, producing diesel fuel with improved characteristics. In 2013, the construction of a unit for deep processing of fuel oil was completed, which will soon allow to increase the production of high-quality fractions with a record low sulfur content, as well as increase the production of high-class gasoline. According to the results of 2014, more than 75% of all technological positions were automated. Of particular note is the commissioning of new wastewater treatment lines and the modernization of the biological treatment of industrial wastewater.

Production figures and statistics

The indicators of the enterprise are as follows: in 2014, the volume of processing of raw materials amounted to 19.3 million tons against 19.8 million tons in 2013. The production of petroleum products also remained approximately at the same level in the amount of 18.5 million tons against 18, 9 million tons for the previous year. Release of light fractions - 47.3% of the total processing (for 2013, respectively - 40.5%). In total, 2.5 million tons of gasoline, 5.8 million tons of diesel fuel, 0.7 million tons of aviation kerosene, 8.5 million tons of fuel oil, 1 million tons of other oil products were produced during the year. In 2014, 1.3 million tons of products were sold, in 2013 - 0.85 million tons. Sales of fuel through filling stations in 2014 amounted to 8.3 million tons, in the previous year - 7.7 million tons

Development plans

To date, the plans of the plant's management include the installation of a complex for the production of high-octane class 5 gasolines. 19 million tons per year. It is expected to increase the output of diesel fuel, reaching the volume of 6-6.5 million tons per year, due to the reduction of dark oil products. It is also expected to increase the production of high-octane class 4 gasolines by reducing the production of gasolines of a lower class. It is planned to expand the network of gas stations by 5 new points (at the moment there are 289 of them). The phased modernization of the plant will continue until 2020.

The plant has its own long history of creation and development. The enterprise was put into operation in 1966 and in the first decade was engaged in the production of fuel and fuel oil, i.e. main components of oil separation. Since 1974, production has become more complex and has been supplemented by new installations for the production of benzene, toluene, butane, and others. In 1981, catalytic reforming technology was introduced, and 7 years later, fuel hydrotreatment units appeared.