Discussion on the topic of my profession. Report on the topic: "My future profession"

Authors: 10th grade student Kristina Eduardovna Makharadze and Marina Ivanovna Nikityuk, teacher of Russian language and literature of the MKOU “Education Center” IMRSC.
Target: to interest students in choosing a profession.
1. Educational: developing the skills of competent presentation of thoughts.
2. Educational: show the importance of the profession in society.
3. Diagnostic: identifying students’ interests in various professions, determining the correspondence of desires and the level of individual development of a teenager, identifying students’ professional inclinations, stimulating interest in studying a profession.
Teacher. There are countless professions in our society. Therefore, it is quite difficult for a young man to make the right choice and find his calling. And the force with which this difficulty can be overcome is awareness, human awareness. Useful information about the world of professions, about the rules for choosing a profession, about the paths of vocational education - this is what you need when thinking about your future professional path.

My future profession.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a question often asked by adults to young children. And I am no exception, although I do not consider myself a child. My parents are very worried that the choice of life path that I have to make on my own turns out to be the right one.
Many people do not understand their true purpose. They fuss not at their jobs, leaning towards greater profits than towards their favorite business. Many people even hate their job, but do it for the money. Happiness doesn't come from money. And not even in their quantity. People don’t even ask the question: how do I understand who I want to become? They just go where they pay more, and then suffer from a constant lack of satisfaction. Then they look for a job where they pay even more, but over time this money also no longer brings the same joy. And so on endlessly. I want to do my job with love and inspiration, with quality and enthusiasm, giving and transmitting my services to the world around me with special positive energy. As a result, you get pleasure from your favorite work and a lot of grateful feedback from clients and, accordingly, money.
I began to think for a long time about what profession to choose for myself. This is a fairly serious issue that should be approached thoughtfully. First, you need to consider your personal interests. Secondly, evaluate your own abilities. Thirdly, analyze the correspondence of your personal qualities with those qualities required by your chosen profession. Fourthly, study the possible life prospects that this or that specialty will provide.
I consider myself a person with such qualities as communication skills, creativity, positive thinking, stress resistance, result orientation, energy, mobility, the ability to quickly adapt to changing conditions and make independent decisions. “Three things make a person happy: love, interesting work and the opportunity to travel,” wrote the famous writer Ivan Bunin. I completely agree with this statement of the classic of Russian literature.
One of the ways that can help make my dream come true is working in the tourism and service sector. But this does not mean that I am looking for a life full of entertainment. I want to help people organize their vacation comfortably, because in everyday life, every person is under the pressure of circumstances and must work day after day. The routine of duties causes boredom. To replenish energy, relax and rejuvenate during the holidays, most people dream of getting away from home and enjoying their holiday to the fullest. Each person is individual and prefers the types of travel that would suit them. A tourism manager, in my understanding, is a specialist who provides travel for clients and coordinates the work of the people and organizations involved. And this, first of all, is a huge responsibility. You can't forget or confuse anything. Because all problems with clients in the process of processing documents, visas, hotel reservations, tours, and air tickets have to be resolved by the manager. In tourism you always need to be prepared for the unexpected. People ask you, not anyone else, and situations can be very different. Therefore, in order to avoid troubles, it is necessary to clearly stipulate everything and try to foresee everything. Before you issue a ticket to a person, you need to ask him many questions. A true specialist must be both a good psychologist and a competent economist. You need to guess where it would be better for a person to go: let’s say, couples with children need to find a hotel that both children and adults would like; young people need to recommend a place where it’s noisy and fun. If you, as a psychologist, do not understand where the client will be more comfortable, he will remain dissatisfied. It's hard when a person doesn't know what he wants. You need to be able to correctly recognize where he wants to rest. Sometimes information about the client's profession can help. For example, people who communicate a lot at work, as a rule, prefer to relax at the seaside, swim, sunbathe, so that no one will bother them. People who need an emotional shake-up often choose excursion routes. The manager must be able to calculate what price is comfortable for a person. A specialist working in the field of tourism needs to have a good memory and know literally everything about countries. You need to remember the days and times of flights of various airlines, exact prices, in short, keep a lot of information in your head, and even be able to quickly navigate it. It's like a library, you have to know which book is where. A tourism business professional must speak at least English and have an excellent understanding of the geography of resort areas.
All his life a person searches for himself and we ourselves do not understand what this means. Inner emptiness makes you think: “Finding yourself is the main task of life.” This is exactly what was written above the entrance to one ancient temple. But what does this mean? I believe that it is important for every individual to find himself in a profession. Without this, dissatisfaction will constantly plague you.
Thus, I think that a profession is not something ready-made and given initially, it represents a long and continuous process of improvement by a person of the once chosen type of activity. And at all stages of mastering his business, a person chains himself more and more firmly with “golden chains” to his work. He gradually, step by step masters the skill, becomes a competent, professionally trained specialist of a high category, a person whose duty and most important responsibility is to do everything in the highest degree conscientiously and reliably, never doing what P. Valery wrote wittily and paradoxically: “A competent person is one who errs by the rules.” A profession is valuable because in it and through it the whole person, his properties, characteristics and qualities are revealed. In general, value is what people value, and a profession is valued by a person because it is vital for him to satisfy his needs and interests, and to realize his desires.

One of the most common school assignments for high school students is the essay MY FUTURE PROFESSION. In this article, I will present you with two examples of finished essays on this topic, and before that I will tell you what plan you can follow and what information you can use to complete this task.
First of all, you need to decide what profession you will write about. Of course, by the end of school, some young people already firmly know what they would like to become in the future. For those who are still choosing and weighing, I suggest going through.
So, have you already decided what you will write about? Then take the following plan as a basis:


  1. Description of the profession. This is where search engines will come to your aid. Enter your chosen specialty in the search and find out what exactly is included in the professional activity you are writing about - what services, responsibilities, features; what kind of people does this specialist work with; what is his level of earnings in our country and abroad.
  2. Why am I attracted to this profession? Contrary to the opposite, the answer to this item is composed by you. Analyze why you chose to write about this specialty. Perhaps your parents or teachers advised you. Maybe you chose it based on the results of career guidance tests. Or your friends convince you that this particular activity is best suited for you. But most likely, there is something in this profession that appeals to your personality - what is it? And sometimes we make a choice out of spite – because we don’t like everything else :)
  3. Famous representatives of this profession. Here again the Internet will come to the rescue. Just look for “famous doctors/teachers/actors...”
  4. Which of my family members had this profession. Perhaps you want to become a successor to the family business, or one of your relatives has this specialty. Tell us about it.
  5. What character qualities and skills are needed for this profession. Usually this information is in the description of the profession; look through several descriptions and you will definitely find it. Or imagine yourself, for example, what an ideal seller should be like :)
  6. What school subjects do I need to pay attention to in order to acquire this profession? An important point that your teachers will appreciate :)
  7. What are the difficulties of this profession and how do I plan to overcome them? As in point 5, you can find this information in the descriptions of the profession, but here you need to use your imagination a little, correlating your strengths with the “cons” of your specialty.
  8. Statements by famous people about this profession. Essays that end with relevant quotes look good, so don’t be lazy to find beautiful statements about your chosen activity.

Well, now a couple of examples of how such essays can look:


When choosing a profession for myself, I make sure that it is both in demand and attractive to me. One of these occupations is the work of a manager. Today, not a single modern enterprise can do without this position. A manager is someone who organizes work in a company or production. First, he plans which employee should perform a certain part of the work. Then he distributes tasks and monitors their completion. The manager’s responsibilities also include negotiations with neighboring departments, other companies or clients.

I like the job of a manager because it involves a lot of communication with people and traveling to different places. I find this very interesting! I don’t like to do one job for a long time or stay in a certain place, so I am attracted to such varied activities.

One of the benefits of being a manager is the good opportunity for career growth. I am inspired by the success stories of famous CEOs, such as Lee Iacocca, the CEO who revived the Ford and Chrysler automobile companies. Also, an example for me is my dad, who has successfully worked as a department head for many years and is highly respected among employees.

I know that working in this position requires such qualities as organization, communication and responsibility. Therefore, I try to devote time to their development. It is also known that in order to enter a university to major in Management, you need to have a high rating, so I set myself the goal of studying school subjects well, especially languages, mathematics and social studies.

Like any professional activity, the work of a manager has its difficulties. First of all, these are misunderstandings with people, as well as emotional fatigue from responsibility and the need to plan everything again if something goes wrong. But I think I can handle it. The main thing is not to forget about rest, learn the art of communicating with people and managing time. And also remember the manager’s golden rule: “Do the important first, and then the urgent.” Important is what matters to you. Urgency is something that someone pushes toward.”

What is important for me now is preparation for entering the Management specialty, which is what I intend to mainly devote my time and attention to.


School years are coming to an end, and the time has come for young people to choose their future profession. It was not difficult for me to make a choice, because I had long been interested in being a chef. I really enjoy working with food: processing it, cutting it beautifully, preparing it and serving it.
Probably, this love was passed on to me from my grandmother, who worked as a cook in a cafe almost all her life. I visit her often, and she teaches me her tricks of the trade. Together we try to cook new recipes and then treat the whole family.
I consider the job of a cook to be very prestigious, because many famous chefs are also successful businessmen, authors of books, and hosts of television projects. I am inspired by the success stories of people like Gordon Ramsay, Alain Ducasse and other famous chefs.
To achieve success in culinary activities, you need to have a rich imagination and creativity, be open to innovation, and also need developed attention and a good memory. After all, on the one hand, a chef must be able to prepare dishes strictly according to recipes, without missing a single detail, and, on the other hand, a good cook shows his talent in creativity, creating new dishes.
But the job of a cook cannot be called easy. Often he has to spend the entire day on his feet at a hot stove. Such a person must be in good physical shape. That's why I pay a lot of attention to physical education lessons. Also, to prepare for my specialty, I need to know chemistry and mathematics well.
I think that cooking is one of the most noble occupations, because chefs give people a lot of joy through their work. As A.S. wonderfully said. Pushkin, “The stomach of an enlightened person has the best qualities of a kind heart - sensitivity and gratitude.”

Don't forget: in any activity it is important to know!

Just when you write the essay MY FUTURE PROFESSION, don’t make such mistakes :)

Theme description: An essay in the form of an argument about what professions there are and that there is nothing shameful in currently unpopular professions. And, in general, you don’t choose a profession, but it chooses you.

In general, here is an article with an easy discussion on the topic:

"My future profession".

As children, we dreamed of becoming pilots, astronauts, firefighters, doctors, teachers and...librarians.
And now the difficult choice in profession is quite simple in the ranking of popular professions of economists, lawyers, psychologists, singers and singers...
And yet, every schoolchild sooner or later thinks: “What is my future profession,” and society will help him draw a conclusion, and, even better, help him take a step into life.

The famous poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky “Who to be?”, written in 1928, has not lost its relevance to this day. Every person asks the question of choosing a future profession. Someone decides to become a sailor or surgeon even before school and then purposefully goes towards their dream. And some suffer from doubts even at 18 years old. And here the main thing is to remember in time the wisdom expressed by the classic: “All works are good, choose according to your taste!”

Your future profession should bring you joy. In order not to feel a burden when going to work, you need to love the work you happen to be doing. In the 21st century, professions related to economics, law, and social and political activities are very popular. However, you should not break yourself and strive to become a banker or judge if the desire burns in your soul to rush across the vast expanses of our country in the cabin of a train driver.

It often happens that the profession itself chooses a person. As a rule, this is associated with the discovery of talent. Artists, writers, musicians, actors make up the creative elite at the behest of the heart. After all, you cannot teach how to create masterpieces - they are born by themselves, and a person only gives them the desired shape.

“Everyone’s work is needed equally,” it says in “Who to be?”, so respect and value your choice!

At the opening of our career guidance camp. We also promised to post the three best works on the site, but we couldn’t resist and highlighted four: Alesya Karvatskaya, Nadezhda Bulavskaya, Daria Belaya, we also congratulate you!

Anna Okovitaya

State Educational Institution "Gymnasium of Beloozersk"

Throughout our lives we constantly have to choose something. Starting from ordinary daily questions and ending with global problems. The two most important choices that every person makes in his life are the choice of a partner and his future profession.

Probably each of us has asked the question: “What do I want to become?” This question is one of the most difficult. Indeed, there are so many professions, but you have to choose one! And you need to make the right choice in order to then enjoy what you do. However, sooner or later everyone begins to realize what they would like to do throughout their lives.

I am in ninth grade, but the question of choosing a profession has been bothering me for a very long time. From an early age I dreamed of being an astronaut, a doctor, an actress...

I remember how I dreamed as a child of becoming a veterinarian and treating animals. I brought home almost every kitten I liked and fed stray puppies. A little later I realized that it is not so simple!

The second profession that I have been passionate about for many years is the profession of a teacher. To be more precise, teachers of Russian language and literature. I really liked the lessons of my teacher, Tatyana Nikolaevna: she presented the material in an interesting way and assigned unusual homework. And she always praised everyone who tried. Maybe that’s why I fell in love with the Russian language and literature so much. Afterwards I realized that a teacher is not only an interesting, but also a very difficult profession! There are about thirty people in one class, and each one needs to be treated with a special approach. What if there are several classes? Then the work is even more difficult! And if you consider that you need to prepare for each lesson, fill out various papers... Yes, it’s difficult for our teachers.

My dad works as an engineer, but he is not very happy with his profession. He often tells me that as a child he had a dream - to draw. But his parents forbade him from this activity, saying that it was unlikely that he would find a place for himself with such a profession.

My mother chose her profession, also relying on the opinion of her elders. She dreamed of becoming a lawyer, but her parents advised her to become a doctor. And my mother didn’t mind, because she always dreamed of helping people!

Yes, parents play an important role in our destiny, but we must choose. After all, it’s up to us to study and work in our chosen specialty.

To be honest, I still haven’t been able to choose who I want to become. But I have several options: psychology and journalism. What attracts me to these professions? I'll tell you now.

I became interested in psychology at the age of twelve. Then, for the first time in my life, I went to a summer camp, where I met a very interesting woman. This was our psychologist, and she did all kinds of games and tests with us every Tuesday. I absolutely loved analyzing life situations, looking at people and their actions differently. But most importantly, I liked listening to others and helping them. After all, sometimes it is important to look at the situation from a different angle! This is where a psychologist can help. Believing that a psychologist will solve all your problems is wrong. The psychologist will only analyze your story and give advice, but you will solve your problems yourself. Anyone who decides to become a psychologist must be able to listen to others. Nowadays, not everyone can boast of listening skills! But how important it can be.

The profession of a psychologist still attracts me, but various doubts hinder me. A small salary, frequent emotional stress, living with other people's problems - these are not all the possible disadvantages of this profession. Of course, there are more advantages - communication with people, moral satisfaction, personal growth and so on. The profession of a psychologist is one of the most popular today.

Another profession that attracts me is journalism. For as long as I can remember, I have always loved reading and writing. I learned to read quite early and read everything: newspaper articles, children's poems, signs on doors, detective stories, fairy tales. At the age of twelve, I had already read more than half of the books in the school library! Of course, after reading so much literature, I wanted to write something myself! I didn't like short stories because they didn't seem completely finished to me. So I decided to write my own “novel”. Honestly, re-reading my work now, I understand how naive it was. However, the “novel” I wrote at twelve consisted of thirty chapters!

I was always writing something. Personal diaries, descriptions of nature, my thoughts, some events - this drew me in. I wrote dictations better than anyone in the class, and I had no equal in writing essays! I loved participating in various competitions where my stories and poems were submitted. And I was incredibly happy when I succeeded in something.

I dreamed that my future profession would be related to writing texts. And when I learned about journalism, I, of course, became interested in it. Just think - you can travel to a variety of countries, communicate with a variety of people, and interview. And the most important thing is to write. I think that's what attracted me to journalism.

But I am constantly tormented by doubts. What if it's not mine? What if I'm actually not that good at writing essays? What if…

Yes, I guess I'm afraid. I'm afraid to make a wrong choice. It's so difficult! But it's so important...

As I said above, choosing a profession is one of the most important. There are a lot of professions, so making the right choice can be difficult. But you shouldn’t close yourself off, much less choose a profession that you don’t like. You should not choose a profession at the insistence of adults, for company with friends, for the sake of a big salary or because of popularity. The most important thing is that you like what you do. As Confucius said: “Choose a job you like, and you will never have to work a single day in your life.” I completely agree with this statement.

I hope everyone can make the right choice and enjoy their chosen specialty. And in conclusion, I would like to present a couple of lines that came to my mind:

Choosing a profession is a difficult matter.

You only need to choose one!

I remember my mother really wanted

So that you choose yours correctly.

There would be wealth, a lot of communication,

You were successful and happy, but here:

You think very often and for a long time

Who should you become? What could you do?

You know, the time of doubt will soon pass.

And suddenly waking up in the morning, at dawn,

Having thrown away the swarm of thoughts and delusions,

You will understand who you need to become!


Karvatskaya Alesya Vladimirovna

Secondary school No. 27, Grodno

The profession can be a joy.

Consider yourself lucky to have her!

But if it becomes a burden,

It will be destined to search again.

E. L. Karvatskaya

Undoubtedly, the choice of profession can be influenced by the type of temperament, pedigree, and life principles. How else? Everything together gives the total sum of terms. Here is a real example of my family. My grandmother worked at school as a Belarusian language teacher all her life. Mom, her sister, and paternal aunt also teach in schools. We have a dynasty! One profession united my family.What awaits me in the near future? Yes, both I and my peers are faced with an important choice. The main thing is to be able to realize yourself in your profession. How to choose it correctly so that there are no disappointments later? Choosing a profession is a non-standard task, because everyone decides it for themselves. I know one thing: doing what you love is happiness. And how I want to be happy! Therefore, you should not rush, but think about, weigh and calculate everything. Of course, the unknown and unpredictability are a little scary. How to get around them? And become happy... After all, V. Nemirovich-Danchenko said: “Exceptional happiness for a person is to be with his constant favorite thing.” We must remember: experience accumulates over the years, and the most important thing that we really should have is interest.It's nice to realize that our experience is not only downs, but also ups. Whatever we do, whatever conclusion we come to, we must benefit from it. Knowledge is our wealth, what makes us us, and it is they who influence the choice of profession in the first place.As for my life path, it has not yet been finally determined. Many times I saw him differently, but already at the beginning of this school year I began to see him more clearly. Every day my strong desire to learn about the world, to discover interesting facts about the countries and people who live there, grows. Studying a foreign language and its nuances is a long but sure way to understand the culture of a people, their worldview and traditions. How different we are from those who live in other parts of our vast planet! For example, if you literally translate the phrase “I have butterflies in my stomach,” the English will think that you are excited about something, and when you are in a Japanese restaurant, don’t be surprised if someone starts sipping soup: this is an indicator of politeness.I have no doubt that there is much that I still don’t know about the world, and this is an important reason why I want to study it. Perhaps I have already decided on a specialty - Linguistic support of intercultural communications. Translation theory, world literature, the language of mass media... Everything that I want to study and everything that I can study in this specialty!And this is precisely why I do not regret that I started studying English on my own. And how many tests I passed thanks to this! I attended the English language olympiads. It brought an unforgettable experience! And, of course, experience. She took part in a competition held by the British Embassy in Minsk. This really excites me! Yes, sometimes it’s not easy, but life is interesting because it’s full of difficulties! From time to time I involuntarily ask myself the question: “Is this mine?” and I immediately answer: “Yours!” You just have to work harder." Being in the process of learning is an integral part of my life that strengthens my spirit, inspires and motivates me. As soon as I get distracted, I immediately succumb to the blues due to inaction. It's boring to live yawning!I love setting goals for myself, and even more I love achieving them! These can be both minor and important goals that take weeks, or even months. Do you know what's the funniest thing? They are all doable! Therefore, it is stupid to argue that because of some factors you should give up your goals. Vice versa! Due to some factors, you must find another way to achieve them. It may be more difficult, but then you will definitely realize that it was worth it.And what conclusions arise? If you have not yet decided what to become, then you should not worry about it even if all your friends have already made this important choice. This means your time has not come yet. Remember that each bud blooms on its own, in its own time. Therefore, you cannot bend the petals, you cannot make a sudden, and in most cases, the wrong choice. The solution will come with time, and if it has already come, then hold it tightly and don’t let go.

Nadezhda Bulavskaya

Secondary school No. 71 in Minsk

As a child, I was asked many times what I wanted to be when I grew up. When I was in kindergarten, I answered that I wanted to be a princess, in the first grade - a hairdresser, and in the fourth - an architectural designer. My preferences changed at breakneck speed, and only in high school was I able to consciously approach this issue. I can say that this is very difficult to do, because choosing a future profession is perhaps one of the most important steps in life, on which not only further material well-being, but also peace of mind and comfort depend. Sometimes this requires all your diligence and attentiveness.

Having opened an impressive list of various professions, you can get a little confused. Lawyer, geophysicist, marketer... how to choose from several dozen specialties the one that suits you perfectly? This is incredibly difficult!

The famous Chinese thinker Confucius once said: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” That’s how it is: a profession should captivate, capture, interest, and impress. While doing what you love, you may not notice how time flies. You can go further every day, revealing more and more new facets of your capabilities. You can achieve success and become a truly happy person. This is what became a priority for me when choosing a specialty.

Career guidance tests at school helped me determine my preferences and figure out what I want to connect my life with. Now all conditions have been created for applicants: open days, various trainings, courses are held that motivate their students to enter universities. I think the most important thing is the desire to move on, because without incentive and sincere interest, even ten most experienced tutors will not be able to help a lazy student accumulate knowledge and score high scores in exams.

Of course, you shouldn’t forget that you need to sensibly assess the demand for your future profession. After all, if specialists with such a diploma are valued in the labor market, they are guaranteed a high salary, career growth, and a lot of other remarkable advantages.

Often the biggest barrier to making the right decision is the opinions of others. When a person hears statements from the outside like: “Why do you need to be a translator? You speak terrible English!”, or: “What kind of a cook are you, you’ll poison all the people!”, the most unpleasant thoughts come to his head, and a strong resentment creeps into his soul towards himself, so stupid and mediocre. Stop! But for whom does he choose what he will connect his future life with? For the sake of your classmates, parents, for the sake of friends? No. He chooses the right path only for himself. You can sign up for English courses and improve your pronunciation, buy a thick cookbook and learn how to cook culinary masterpieces! If the desire to do something is real, then all negative circumstances simply disappear. Deaf Beethoven composed magnificent sonatas, blind Asadov wrote incredible poetry! The list can be continued for a very long time, but these people are an example of how you can do the impossible for the sake of what you love.

I chose journalism as my future profession. This is exactly the bright and multifaceted direction in which you can show all your abilities, constantly expand your horizons, meet new interesting people, learn about the loudest and most discussed events, live a life full of impressions and enjoy what is happening around you. High passing scores and a fairly large competition for me are only an indicator that I have chosen a truly prestigious and popular specialty. I hope that I will be able to plunge headlong into this incredibly interesting world of mass communications, without which our life does not seem complete.

Daria Belaya

Secondary school No. 40, Minsk

Be the one you needed when you were younger...

My name is Dasha and I am not an alcoholic, I am finishing 11th grade. During my time at school, I never learned how to write essays, but this is not a reason to refuse to participate. I don't know where to start, so I'll start from the beginning.

“From the follicle located in the ovary, a mature egg emerges into the abdominal cavity...” Stop! It’s too long ago, so my story will drag on for 17 years.

As a child, when all the boys wanted to become astronauts, and the girls wanted to become their wives, I didn’t want anything. I studied mediocrely at school, I was only interested in one subject - man and the world. There are two reasons for this: first, I could get an assessment of my knowledge, not accuracy or behavior, and second, I studied what surrounds me. What difference does it make what the product of fifteen times thirteen is equal to, or what tools the first people used? No one explained the meaning of this knowledge, and the textbook was built on the principle of “memorize and retell.” But you can feel the warmth of the sun or watch the stars from the window in real reality.

In the sixth grade, this subject no longer existed - biology appeared. This was the most difficult lesson. They tell you something like “plants photosynthesize, photosynthesis is the formation of oxygen from carbon dioxide.” You won’t know how this happens, because “you will study this in detail in high school, but now there is no time.” Of course, at that time there was the Internet, but I was not allowed to use a computer. There was another new subject - computer science. Then they finally started to explain something. Almost. We have 45 minutes, a computer and two pages of assignments. If you succeed, you get a 9; if you didn’t, you get a 4. After a year of hard work, I get the maximum mark. I write any work 30 out of 30 in 15 minutes, I know not only “how”, but also “why” the computer works. A year later I am sent to the Olympics. Everything is going great, I can become a programmer. But I do not want.

Under the influence of my parents, I still go to the physics and mathematics class. New teachers, new friends. Life doesn't suck that much. The first six months. Then it becomes sickening. I understand that I was completely wrong about the direction and am using all my strength to convince my parents to transfer me to another school. At this time, I completely abandon my studies, only occasionally reading textbooks. And at this time I come across an explanation of everything. Really, everything. If you also collect additional literature. It turns out that oxygen is just a byproduct. Cells also divide in different ways. Each phase of division is described, unfortunately not in all details. But there is another reason for this - scientists have not fully studied this. Perhaps you will be the one to make a scientific breakthrough. Everything falls into place and... I understand that I want to connect my profession with this science. I just understand and don’t do anything - the absence of a magic kick is obvious.

Here we come to the moment “now”. In November I started preparing. In December, not without effort, I received the highest score on the test. In January, I confirmed my knowledge at the new school and began to panic, because I had to take two more subjects, but the horse was not lying there. Taking a piece of paper and a pen, I made a plan. Big plan. I think that I will be able to improve the theory until the end of the third quarter, and throughout the fourth I will repeat the material and solve more tests. I think that I will score 220 points required for admission to a pedagogical university. For me this is not a small number due to the average score and the small amount of time.

As you can see from this story, I am not perfect. I am far from ideal, the complete opposite. I just WANT TO BECOME A TEACHER. “Low wages”, “you are a servant” - I do not agree with these arguments. I think it’s up to everyone to see how they perceive it. I want people like me to have a place where they will feel good, where they will be welcome. I know that there are many such people; among my friends, more than half thought about suicide because of their studies. And not because of low grades, lack of attention or any difficulties. From DESPAIR, when you don’t know who you are, why you came into this world, what you really can do. I want the flame of knowledge not to go out for a minute, so that after receiving an education the children continue to be interested in something, so that they love what they do. The desire to work as someone cannot be “bad” or “good”. There is no shame in sweeping the streets or working as a cashier. My friend gave up her childhood dream of working as a veterinarian and entered the history department simply because studying at an agricultural university is not prestigious. I want every child who comes to school to want to study not for the sake of grades or a “new computer.” So that every little person learns something important FOR THEMSELVES, and not for quick exams. Of course, it’s easier to solve tests or “just sit” rather than prepare new, special material for each lesson, but what is the point of learning then?

Conclusion? I just want to say that I am consciously going into teaching. I want to make people happy and the world a little better.

Thank you for your attention.

If it’s difficult to choose your future profession alone, go ahead.

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Report on the topic:

"My future profession".

Good afternoon My name is Panin Kirill, I study at the Transbaikal College of Transport and Technology. The topic of my report: “My future profession».

As children, we all dreamed of becoming pilots, astronauts, firefighters, doctors, teachers and many more.

The famous poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky “Who to be?” has not lost its relevance to this day. Every person asks the question of choosing a future profession. Someone decides to become a sailor or surgeon even before school and then purposefully goes towards their dream. And some suffer from doubts even at 18 years old. And here the main thing is to remember the wisdom in time: “All works are good, choose according to your taste!”

Your future profession should bring you joy. In order not to feel a burden when going to work, you need to love the work you happen to be doing. And whatever profession you choose, the main thing, in my opinion, is to respect your choice and not seek material gain.

Today I want to talk about my future profession “Fitter for maintenance and repair of rolling stock.”

The Trans-Baikal Territory is very rich in mineral resources, interesting and talented people, large territories, but, unfortunately, it is poor in industrial enterprises. And finding available vacancies for young people is very problematic, especially in villages.

The main activity of Transbaikal residents is directly related to railway and road transport. Therefore, after finishing 9th grade, my choice fell in favor of the railway, since I believe that it is in this field of activity that stability and professional growth are guaranteed to me. After all the pros and cons were weighed, I went to Chita to apply for admission to Vocational School No. 1 (now the Transbaikal College of Transport and Technology).

Since the profession of “Locomotive Driver” has a high passing score and strict selection according to the indicators of the medical commission, I decided to enter the profession of “Fitter for maintenance and repair of rolling stock.” And now I am a first-year student at the Transbaikal College of Transport and Technology.

My profession is included in the enlarged group of professions “Engineering and technology of ground transport”, because this profession is related to the maintenance and operation of rolling stock.

The profession is widespread, in demand at all stages of production and during the operation of rolling stock.

A mechanic for the maintenance and repair of rolling stock is a worker who maintains rolling stock in production.

A repairman needs to have a good understanding of the mechanisms and components he works with, know the logic of their functioning and the properties of the materials from which they are made. A specialist of this profile can perform routine repairs and all types of maintenance of rolling stock.

My future profession has prospects for career growth: for a mechanic for the maintenance and repair of rolling stockHorizontal (according to qualification categories) and vertical (according to positions) growth is possible. In the future, you can become a shift foreman, senior workshop foreman, or depot manager.

But in order to achieve the ultimate goal - to become a certified and competitive specialist, you need to work hard, starting from the first days of study. Unfortunately, not all of my classmates understand this.

It is impossible to master a profession knowing only theoretical material. It must be practiced in practical classes in training workshops and enterprise workshops.

From the first year we are accustomed to labor discipline in training workshops, in the second and third years - in the workshops of the enterprise.

The entire technical school team puts a lot of effort into making us professionals in our field. But a significant role is given to industrial training masters, who are always with us.

The formation of professional competencies begins from the first classes. We get to know our future profession during excursions to the enterprise. Further study takes place in the locksmith workshop.

The entire learning process is built on the principle “from simple to complex.” First we learn simple metal working techniques.

In classes we don’t just practice theory, it’s an opportunity to express ourselves and engage in creative activities. One of these lessons was held on March 11 of this year. Our group was divided into groups of 4 people. Training and production work was the manufacture of a barbecue and a cultivator. The work is complex, consisting of many operations, but interesting.

In this lesson, our team made a barbecue. We worked collectively, distributing all responsibilities equally, which made the task much easier to complete. Our foreman controlled the execution of operations, but did not interfere in the process, giving us the opportunity to independently choose ways to solve production problems. Here is a product that we produced in a matter of hours.

Thus, industrial training lessons help us not only master our future profession, but also have a practical orientation: you can make various items with your own hands that will be useful in everyday life.

I am sure that new interesting projects await us in mastering the profession of “Mechanic for the maintenance and repair of rolling stock,” since there is still a year and a half of training ahead. And in conclusion, I would like to add that everything depends only on the person. If you have a clear goal and you follow it and constantly improve, then you can master any profession and become a highly qualified specialist.